In the HTTPd distribution, you will find a directory called
. It contains the default server scripts.
You do not need to keep any of the scripts. They are mostly intended as examples and models from which to build your own scripts.
Here is a brief list of the scripts and what they do to help you decide whether or not you wish to enable them.
A very simple gateway to archie, using HTML <ISINDEX> tags.
Another HTML <ISINDEX> example, this one an interface to the UNIX cal command.
Prints the current date.
Send back a HTTP status code of "204", which tells the browser to "stay put" on the current document.
A simple gateway to finger, using HTML <ISINDEX> tags.
Tell your fortune, mister?.
Handles ISMAP queries. Read the setup document for how to use it.
An simple example of online ordering.
A mail script, written in PERL, to forward results from a FORM to pre-configured email addresses. Meant to be implemented once for an entire site, email addresses can be authorized based on domain.
An nph- script to help give your users a more informative message when encountering an error message on your system. Must be used with the ErrorDocument directive in srm.conf.
An nph- script to echo back environment varibles.
An HTML form interface to the PH system.
A general purpose FORM response script, accepting METHOD="POST", and echoing back the name/value pairs submitted. Very useful for testing your FORMs.
A general purpose form response script, accepting METHOD="GET", and echoing back the name/value pairs submitted. Very useful for testing your FORMs.
Script to bounce the browser to a new URL from a FORM selection.
A script to echo back environment varibles.
A script written in TCL to echo back environment varibles.
A simple shell script to echo back all environment varibles.
Prints the server's load average.
A very simple gateway to wais.