Update NCSA HTTPd from 1.4.x to 1.5

In the NCSA HTTPd 1.5 release, our primary focus was on user requested features and security.

If you are running NCSA HTTPd 1.4.x, you may update the HTTPd binary only without downloading the whole package. However, to get the newest versions of the CGI scripts, you need to download the cgi-src directory from the distribution.

  1. Download the binary.
    Save the binary file in place of the old one. You don't need the old binary any more. Note: If you download the binary via a web browser, the browser has already uncompressed the file for you. If you download the binary via anonynous ftp, you should uncompress it using the command

    uncompress filename.Z

  2. Terminate the old server.
    Note: Don't use kill -9 `cat pidfile` to kill the server because kill -9 will kill the parents but will not kill all the children. Use kill `cat pidfile` instead.

  3. Start the new server.

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NCSA HTTPd Development Team / httpd@ncsa.uiuc.edu / 9-11-95