BindAddress Directive

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This is the second method for providing virtual host support. This allows for greater flexibility in configuration specific to each host, but is also more wasteful of resources. This method works by telling the server to only listen to a single address. This means that you need a separate copy of the server running for each virtual host address.


BindAddress servername

Where servername is a DNS name that maps to a single IP address, or an IP address.

Virtual Host

This directive is incompatible with VirtualHost configuration. You cannot run both a BindAddress server and a VirtualHost server on the same machine.


The Default is INADDR_ANY, which is listen to all addresses.



This would cause the server to only respond to connects to localhost.

BindAddress *

This would cause the server to respond to connects to any address. This is the default.

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NCSA HTTPd Development Team / / 10-02-95