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I-1. About the FAQ. (I.e. Administrivia)

This FAQ has been co-written by Sam Rushing (rushing@titan.ksc.nasa.gov) and Greg Monroe(monroe@mail.duke.edu). It is edited and maintained by Greg Monroe (see below about submissions). Additional information has come from a wide range of other sources. These sources are quoted whenever known. Apologies to anyone misquoted or not cited.

This document is available from WinVN's home ftp site, ftp.ksc.nasa.gov (See the section on getting WinVN). The full FAQ is posted monthly to several newsgroups which discuss WinVN. A "pointer" to the FAQ is posted on a biweekly (US definition of every two weeks) basis.

Since WinVN is such a dynamic product, this document will probably always be "behind the times". The maintainer will try to keep up but just remember he's got a family that wants to see him occasionally 8^). See the section on keeping up with WinVN.

Please send any submissions to <monroe@mail.duke.edu>. Include the words, WinVN FAQ in the subject. The preferred (but not required) format is as a MIME attachment in a word processor format which MS Word can easily import.

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