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V-1. Why are articles I've read still displayed?

Currently there is nothing in WinVN that would limit the display to only unread articles (I suppose you could change the color of Unread to match your background or something but that would be a kludge). With a threaded newsreader like WinVN it's difficult to do both threads and hide read messages. However, if you just want to read "Unread" articles in a group, pressing the SPACE bar while reading a message will scroll you thru the message. Once at the end of a message, it will jump you to the next unread message. Thus, once you start reading a group, pressing SPACE bar will move you thru all unread messages.

[from Jim Dumoulin]

Also see the "Reading only Unread Articles section in the User's Guide for how to limit the number of read articles displayed. There is also a new option under Config/Misc, Auto Latest Unread. This will automatically only retrieve all the (read and unread) articles from the last "catch up" article number.

[from Greg Monroe]

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