2.1.5 Config Menu Commands

For new users, the Config menu is the most important menu in WinVN . It allows WinVN to be customized with personal information, visual preferences and all the information necessary to connect a client workstation to the server computers at a local site. A careful study and understanding of all the operations available via the Config menu will make WinVN more enjoyable to use. The two Configuration Menu options that are absolutely required for successful news reading/posting operation are the Configure Communications menu and the Configure Personal Info menu.

Config Communications

Config Personal Info Config Logging Config Smart Filer Config Confirmations Config Group List Config Article List Config Article Config Compositions Config Attachments Config Decoding Config Fonts Config Color Save Configuration

WinVN Documentation created by Jim Dumoulin / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.
HyperTexted by Michael Downs / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.