2.3 Article Window

An article window displays the text of an article. An article window displays the text of an article. The article can optionally be positioned in the scrollable window to the beginning of the article text, with the article header scrolled out of sight. (See Configure Article).

From the Article Window, certain keys can be used to quickly access some of WinVN's windows and menus. WinVN attempts to follow Microsoft Windows keynaming conventions whenever possible. Every menu option in WinVN has one underlined letter in its descriptive text. Pressing the ALT key and this underlined letter will perform the same action as clicking on that item with the mouse. The following table contains an additional list of keys available from WinVN's Article window:

  SPACE		Scroll Down till end of article - At end go to Next Unread Article
  F2		Find Next Unread Article
  F3		Find Next Article with same Subject
  F6		Switch between Windows
  Pg Dn		Scroll Article Down a Page
  Pg Up		Scroll Article Up a Page
  Down Arrow	Scroll Article Down one Line
  Drag Mouse	Highlight text for Copy to Clipboard
  Up Arrow	Scroll Article Up one Line
  Right Arrow	Horizontal Scroll to the right
  Left Arrow	Horizontal Scroll to the left
  Alt F4	Exit
  Ctrl A	Select All Text for Copy
  Ctrl B	Followup Article
  Ctrl C	Copy Article to Clipboard
  Ctrl D 	Deselect All Text
  Ctrl F 	Find text in an Article
  Ctrl L	New Article
  Ctrl N 	Goto Next Article
  Ctrl O	Compose Mail
  Ctrl P	Goto Previous Article
  Ctrl R	Decode Article using ROT13
  Ctrl U	Update the list of Articles
Located directly below the Menu bar on the Article window is the Article Window Tool Bar. From this area of the screen it is possible to access the most frequently used menu items of the Menu bar via a single mouse click. This includes the ability to Copy Selected Text to the Clipboard, Search for Text, Create new articles or Mail, Save articles, Decode Articles, Print Articles, View Articles or Close the Article Window.

WinVN Documentation created by Jim Dumoulin / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.
HyperTexted by Michael Downs / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.