2.3.4 View Menu Commands
The Next/Prev options are only available if this article's original parent group article-list window is still open. If you have closed the parent window, or have done an "Update From Server" operation in the parent window since you opened this article, the Next/Prev options will be disabled for this article.
Next Article
Fetch and display the next article in this newsgroup. If there is no next article, WinVN will say so.
Next Unseen Article
Fetch and display the next unseen article in this newsgroup. If there is no next article, WinVN will say so.
Next with same Subject
Search the subsequent articles in this newsgroup for an article with the same subject as the current article. (Leading "Re:" notations are ignored.) If a matching article is found, it is retrieved and displayed in the current Article Window.
Previous Article
Causes WinVN to redisplay the previous article to the one you are viewing. If there is no previous article, WinVN will say so.
ROT13 Article
Decodes an article that has been encoded using the ROT13 algorithm. This algorithm is simply all the letters of the alphabet shifted in sequence by 13 letters. Some authors of objectionable or ‘spoiler’ material in newsgroups will encode their material in this manner so that the casual reader will not unwillingly read it.
WinVN Documentation created by Jim Dumoulin / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.
HyperTexted by Michael Downs / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.