Configure Fonts

WinVN allows you to change the fonts used in each of its main areas. Fonts can be customized for the Newsgroup and Article header windows, the Article Text window, the status window and WinVN hardcopy output. The selection of a font can make a big difference in the readability of Usenet articles and WinVN display's. The Newsgroup window looks best with fixed fonts such as FIXEDSYS or Courier while most article text windows look better in proportional fonts such as Helvetica or Arial. In a fixed font, the width of each character in the alphabet is constant (i.e.. the letter "i" takes up as much horizontal space as the letter "m"). Keep in mind that most Usenet posting is done using character cell displays with fixed fonts. If someone attempts to get fancy with ASCII graphics or tables, only fixed fonts will line up from line to line.

One configurable font deserves special mention. The WinVN System Font is the font used for the initializing status (“Connecting to news server...”), all status bar text, and the header-entry fields of the composition window. If you find that with all the desired headers shown in the composition window, the headers take up too much screen space, try reducing the WinVN System Font size. See Configure Composition.

WinVN Documentation created by Jim Dumoulin / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.
HyperTexted by Michael Downs / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.