Configure Article List
Customize how WinVN retrieves and displays the list of articles in a group, shown in each group article-list window.
Article list retrieval
WinVN fetches header infomation on articles when you view a newsgroup. Ask if more than... determines how many article headers you are willing to have WinVN automatically fetch from the server. If the number of articles in a group exceeds this number, WinVN will prompt you with a dialog box before proceeding. Automatically retrieve latest unread will retrieve all articles in the newsgroup starting with the first unread article. Fetch at least... determines the minimum number of articles WinVN will retrieve in the case when retrieving latest unread, and there are very few unread articles.
New window for each group
If checked, WinVN will attempt to create a new group window for each newsgroup selected from the main window. If this option is not checked, WinVN will reuse an existing group window to display newly-requested newsgroups.
Use shift/control-selections
If checked, you can select articles from the article-list using the standard windows paradigm. Clicking on one article will select that article and deselect all others. Control-clicking on a article will select that article, without deselecting any already selected. Shift-clicking will select all articles between the last article selected (the “anchor”) and the article clicked on.
If not checked, you select articles simply by clicking on them. To deselect a article, click on it again. You can drag select/deselect by clicking on a article and dragging over other articles.
Full ‘from’ name in article list
If checked, WinVN will display the name of each article’s author instead of the author’s E-mail address. If WinVN can't find the author’s"Full Name", it will use their E-mail address out of the news article's "From" field. Note that this will only affect newly retrieved newsgroups, as the name is obtained during article-list retrieval.
Compute threads in article list
If the checked, WinVN will request additional "references" data for each article in the displayed group. You can then sort articles by threads. Note that this will only affect newly retrieved newsgroups, as the references are obtained during article-list retrieval. Note that this option is ignored if WinVN detects that your news server supports XOVER, in which case threading is enabled automatically.
Show full subject in threads
If checked, WinVN will show the full subect of each article in a thread when sorting the article-list by threads. If not checked, the subject of each article in the thread after the first article will be replaced by the thread depth indicator.
Thread depth indicator
This is the character which will be used to replace subjects in threads. Common thread depth characters are ‘»’ and ‘>’. A common technique for obtaining a thread depth indicator is to run the Windows Character Map accessory, select the font you use for the article-list (See Config Fonts), and copy the desired character into the clipboard; then you can simply paste this character into to the Thread depth indicator field.
WinVN Documentation created by Jim Dumoulin / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.
HyperTexted by Michael Downs / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.