3.1.2 The NEWSRC File

In order to keep track of your viewing history, WinVN records information about newsgroups in a file named newsrc. This file contains a list of all newsgroups. For each newsgroup, WinVN records whether it is subscribed and which articles have been seen. Normally the newsrc file is located in the directory pointed to by the WINVN environment variable. Since this file contains information unique to each user, each user should have his/her own NEWSRC file. WinVN also provides other mechanisms to find the newsrc file. It will use the following search mechanism is when looking for the newsrc:
	Command Line Override Option
	WinVN Environment Variable
	Application Startup Directory
	Windows Directory
	Windows System Directory
	DOS Search Path 
The syntax for the Command Line Override Option is:

Many UNIX-based news readers record this information in a file named .newsrc. WinVN uses the same file format to provide compatibility with these programs. If your PC is networked to a file server that services both DOS based files and UNIX or VMS based files, you can read news from many different systems and share a common NEWSRC file.

WinVN Documentation created by Jim Dumoulin / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.
HyperTexted by Michael Downs / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.