3.2 Posting an Article

You can post an article either as a followup to a previous article, or as a "brand new" article. Note that often it is preferable to respond to an article via an electronic mail message rather than by another article; see Usenet Etiquette and Mailing a Message. An article contains headers followed by the text of the article. Each article is directed to one or more newsgroups by a "Newsgroups:" line in the header. If you want to send an article to more than one newsgroup, type the names of the newsgroups in the "Newsgroups:" header field, separated by commas.

If you are running Windows 3.x, WinVN needs to know your time zone so it can generate valid dates. See Setting the TZ Environment Variable.

WinVN Documentation created by Jim Dumoulin / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.
HyperTexted by Michael Downs / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.