3.2.2 New Articles
To compose a "brand new" article, select the New Article option from the Articles menu or toolbar of a group window, or by selecting New Article from the Utillities menu or toolbar of the the main window. WinVN creates a composition window for your new article. The "Newsgroup:" header field should contain the name of the newsgroup to which you wish to post. If you wish to cross-post to multiple newsgroups, separate the names of the newsgroups by commas.. Other information in the header fields is based on your Personal Info configuration. You must fill in a subject for the new article.
When you have completed composing your article, you can send it to the network or cancel it. See Composition Menu Commands. If the article is posted successfully, composition window is closed.
WinVN Documentation created by Jim Dumoulin / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.
HyperTexted by Michael Downs / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.