Tournament Demo Version 348 - Known Issues and Bugs |
Reporting Bugs
Please ensure you are running the very latest version of the demo before
reporting any bugs. The version number is displayed in the top right corner of your
menus. The latest version number is version 348.
Before submitting bug reports to utbugs348@epicgames.com,
check if your issue is noted or addressed below. If the bug is about a crash or
"Critical Error" message, please attach your
c:\tournamentdemo\system\unrealtournament.log file generated immediately after the crash
occured. Do not re-launch the game until you've sent the crash log, or it will be
Issues with the Final Version of the UT Demo - Version 348
You need DirectX7 to use Direct3D. Get it on Microsoft's Download
Page. Make sure you have the latest Direct3D
drivers for your card.
- TNT 1, TNT 2 and GeForce 256 users with less than 128MB of RAM may experience heavy
virtual memory swapping. This is a known issue with the current Nvidia Direct3D
drivers. We are working with Nvidia to improve this situation. Update:
I've just tried the newly released 3.53 Detenator drivers on my TNT2 machine, and played
with all the D3D advanced options, and the drivers still appear to be page-locking around
16-20MB of physical RAM. If you find settings which improve the situation, please
drop us an email at utbugs348@epicgames.com.
- In 16-bit color, weapons may interpenetrate walls when you get real close.
- I've had a report of very ugly up fonts in the game on a TNT, looking like this. The solution is to go to your D3D options inside
the TNT display control panel, and change the value of the "Texel Alignment".
A value of 3 fixes this problem, although you should try other values if
you're having similar texture weirdness.
- Running the DirectX 7 debug or development drivers apparently causes rendering problems.
Please use the release version of DX7
- 3dfx users should not use Direct3D - you'll get better performance with Glide.
- Users of S3 Savage 4 chipset cards should try using the S3 MeTaL driver specific to
their card.
- Some Rage FURY users are having problems with game in D3D. We are looking into
- A permedia 2 user reported that their card won't do 512x384 (the default resolution).
If you press the ~ key to bring up the console and type the console command
"setres 640x480" you should be able to get the game into a video mode where you
can then configure the game through the menus.
- One TNT2 user running the 2.08 detenator drivers sent a whole lot of screenshots with
extreme mipmap corruption - textures were totally messed up in the distance but were
perfect when you got up close to them. This went away when he upgraded to the newly
released 3.53 drivers on Nvidia's site.
- Direct3D should always be faster for TNT1 and TNT2 users. But we have had reports
from users that it runs better than D3D, so if you are unhappy with your D3D performance,
it's definitely worth giving a go.
- In 3dfx Glide, if you alt-tab away from Unreal while connected to a server, you will
time out and be disconnected. If running a listen server, all other clients will time out.
- We have many reports that internet gameplay performance sucks with all games for users
with WebTV installed (particularly the version bundled with the Voodoo3 3500). See this Knowlege Base
article for information on a workaround.
- On some machines - usually with a Voodoo Banshee, non-dedicated servers will return to
the desktop at the end of the game, when the server attempts to process and upload the
ngWorldStats for the game. The only solution at the moment is to turn off ngStats
for the server, from the Stats menu.
- People are reporting netplay is laggier or they are experiencing more packet loss with
this version. The netplay code has not been changed. This is because there are
not that many servers running at the moment (200 vs over 400 before). Server
operators *please* upgrade!
- Update to the netplay issues: The netcode did change between 322 and 338,
introducing a problem which resulted in higher server CPU utilization, resulting in worse
games with a lot of players. It did not change between 338 and 348. We have fixed
this problem, and will release a server only dll update when we've tested it and some
other server improvements.
- A3D adds a LOT of overhead to the sound occusion calculations. We recommend you
turn off 3D sound because of this, as many users have experienced extreme framerate
stuttering. We are looking into this. You can disable it in Advanced Options.
- A3D weapon sounds are reported to be a lot more muffled sounding in A3D than in the
previous release. We are looking into this.
- The loud buzzing sound in the DM-MorpheusDemo map with 3D sound enabled is still there -
sorry, we forgot to update this map for the demo release. The offending sound
has been removed for the full version of the game.
- Footsteps were accidentally left out of the demo version.
Linux Server
- It is recommended that you do not run your Linux server as the root user.
- If you run it as a non-root user you'll need to change the remote-admin webserver's
ListenPort to a value greater than 1024 in your UnrealTournament.ini file. For
example, set ListenPort=8000 in the [UWeb.Webserver] section of the ini file. You
can then access remote admin with the URL http://locahost:8000/ServerAdmin
- You must be using glibc 2.x. If you're using libc5, you'll need to upgrade - see this link.
- There is currently no ngWorldStat for Linux. Please don't try to enable it.
- Make sure your LinuxThreads is up to date.
- The Linux port does not run on Cyrix procecessors, or anything less than a Pentium I.
You will most likely get Illegal Instruction errors if you try.
- Please send bug reports about the linux port to utlinuxbugs@epicgames.com.
- The "predator" style crosshair has a red box around it if you set your
crosshair color to have any red in it. This corrupted texture has been fixed.
- Although Steve added new unique configurations for individual bots, the user.ini file
didn't ship with the new configurations in place (which explains why you probably won't
notice any difference).
- Some versions of the Intellimouse Explorer drivers don't allow you to bind the middle
mouse button if DirectInput is enabled. We believe this is a driver issue - other
games exhibit the same behavior. You can work around it by using the Intellimouse
Explorer software to map a key (eg shift) to the middle mouse button and bind that key in
Demo Recording/Playback
- Version 348 crashes when you attempt to play back a demo. Please download this fix (488KB).
The known bugs and issues page from previous demo versions is available here.
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