Here are the answers which were released with the game. At the time
the game was released, numerous answers were found to be wrong. Since
then, others may have become wrong. As was mentioned to me by an RT
enthusiast, figuring out which answers were wrong when published is
a second-level trivia game. I would say that figuring out which ones
are wrong NOW would have to qualify as a third-level trivia game.
- 0-0-1 Version of the VT11 which contained the PDP-11/05
- 0-0-2 Tape Editor and Corrector program
- 0-0-3 Systems and option catalog
- 0-0-4 Large Scale Integration
- 0-0-5 Tom Provost
- 0-1-1 25
- 0-1-2 PEEK(-136%)
- 0-1-3 Resource Sharing Timesharing System
- 0-1-4 REV11, MXV11, BDV11
- 0-1-5 IAS (Interactive Application System)
- 0-2-1 Maintenance module, allows to monitor and play with
the UNIBUS signals.
- 0-2-2 COMTEX-11
- 0-2-3 Digital's Software Source Books
- 0-2-4 VT100 with 4x4 backplane and TU58 (optional)
- 0-2-5 June, 1978
- 0-3-1 Aguadia, Puerto Rico
- 0-3-2 1975
- 0-3-3 February 20, 1926
- 0-3-4 Disable all interrupts
- 0-3-5 Digital Standard Massachusetts General Hospital
Utility MultiProgramming System
- 0-4-1 PDP-11/15, 11/20
- 0-4-2 1975
- 0-4-3 PDP-11/05
- 0-4-4 36
- 0-4-5 Real-Time foreground/background system
- 1-0-1 Primary hardware that differentiates an 11/34 from an 11/34A
- 1-0-2 Whole tape
- 1-0-3 PDP-11/84
- 1-0-4 8-bits
- 1-0-5 RSX Multitasker
- 1-1-1 Extended instruction set
- 1-1-2 It varies from device to device (RF11-128, DECTape-512)
- 1-1-3 Tom Barnett
- 1-1-4 PDP-11/03
- 1-1-5 Special Interest Group
- 1-2-1 PDP-11/20
- 1-2-2 A stand-alone volume copy program
- 1-2-3 realtime/resource sharing executive
- 1-2-4 KDF11-B and KDJ11-B
- 1-2-5 "Atlantic II"
- 1-3-1 Extended Arithmetic Element
- 1-3-2 Tape Editor and Corrector Program
- 1-3-3 PDP-11/50
- 1-3-4 TSV05
- 1-3-5 Systems and Options Catalog
- 1-4-1 578 blocks
- 1-4-2 Privilege (privelege, privilegde, privlege, etc.)
- 1-4-3 Max Tittlebaum and Steve Ticher
- 1-4-4 LSI-11 and LSI-11/2
- 1-4-5 PDP-11 Hardware Hints and Kinks SIG (HHK)
- 2-0-1 PDP-11/35, 11/40
- 2-0-2 PTS and DOS
- 2-0-3 Susan Williams
- 2-0-4 TU58
- 2-0-5 The DECUS Program Library
- 2-1-1 When executing code from the registers on a PDP-11/05, 11/10
- 2-1-2 1976
- 2-1-3 Less than $20,000
- 2-1-4 SABRE
- 2-1-5 Real-time resource sharing executive
- 2-2-1 Instruction decode
- 2-2-2 ULTRIX-11 (FRS 9/83)
- 2-2-3 A black tuesday in October, 1983
- 2-2-4 36
- 2-2-5 1960
- 2-3-1 PDP-11/15
- 2-3-2 MARK instruction
- 2-3-3 Real-time foreground/background system
- 2-3-4 A second serial line
- 2-3-5 GAMMA-11
- 2-4-1 PDP-11/34
- 2-4-2 A stand-alone volume copy program
- 2-4-3 150
- 2-4-4 KXT11-A
- 2-4-5 To address needs of RSX & RT users on Q-bus 11s
- 3-0-1 a unibus to IBM 360 channel interface (CSS product)
- 3-0-2 RT-11, RSX-11S, RSX-11M, RSX-11M+, Micro/RSX, RSTS/E,
Micro/RSTS, DSM-11, UTRIX-11, IAS, CTS-300, MicroPower/Pascal
- 3-0-3 Andy Knowles and Julius Marcus
- 3-0-4 MicroPDP-11
- 3-0-5 Tom Provost
- 3-1-1 PDP-11/44
- 3-1-2 Returns a processor ID code in R0
- 3-1-3 August, 1957
- 3-1-4 Western Digital
- 3-1-5 August, 1957
- 3-2-1 Whether the PDP-11/70 could or could not use FP11-C
- 3-2-2 One
- 3-2-3 LSI-11
- 3-2-4 DAL 0-15
- 3-2-5 Interactive Application System
- 3-3-1 PDP-11/04, 11/05, 11/10, 11/15, 11/20
- 3-3-3 DECcomm-11 for communications, LAB-11 for the laboratory,
and IDACS-11 for industrial
- 3-3-4 12
- 3-3-5 Resource Sharing Timesharing System Extended
- 3-4-1 PDP-11/40
- 3-4-2 1974
- 3-4-3 12
- 3-4-4 MicroPDP-11/73, MicroPDP-11/83 and PDP-11/84
- 3-4-5 G, I, O, Q
- 4-0-1 Core, MOS, Bipolar
- 4-0-2 CLR dst -- reads 'dst' then writes it w/zeroes. MOV #0,dst -- only
writes 'dst' with zeroes
- 4-0-3 Dom LaCava
- 4-0-4 PDP-11/23PLUS
- 4-0-5 IPG -- Industrial Products Group
- 4-1-1 PDP-11/15, 11/20
- 4-1-2 On some PDP-11s one can schedule a software interrupt by setting
a bit in a PIR (priority interrupt register)
- 4-1-3 PDP-11/05
- 4-1-4 LSI-11/2, 11/03
- 4-1-5 Spring DECUS 1975
- 4-2-1 64 LEDs
- 4-2-2 1972
- 4-2-3 Bedford, MA
- 4-2-4 LK is dual, PK is quad and provides block mode transfer
- 4-2-5 Mini-Tasker
- 4-3-1 PDP-11/04, 11/05, 11/10
- 4-3-2 Type to flexowriter
- 4-3-3 DECtape
- 4-3-4 MicroPDP-11/73 (J-11, DCJ11)
- 4-3-5 Tom Provost
- 4-4-1 PDP-11/05, 11/10
- 4-4-2 RSTS/E File Processor
- 4-4-3 Digital Standard MUMPS
- 4-4-4 MicroPDP-11/73 and MicroPDP-11/83
- 4-4-5 150
- 5-0-1 The PDP-11/34
- 5-0-2 On 11/60, the MED code is executed during the logging of
a CPU error
- 5-0-3 Interactive Application System
- 5-0-4 The capacity for a write protect switch
- 5-0-5 Less than $20000
- 5-1-1 PDP-11/55, 11/34, 11/35
- 5-1-2 Editing paper tapes on a PDP-1
- 5-1-3 Rose and Magenta
- 5-1-4 1975
- 5-1-5 S.C.U.R.T. -- Southern California Users of RT-11
- 5-2-1 UniBus Exerciser
- 5-2-3 Digital Equipment Corporation
- 5-2-4 Tiny
- 5-2-5 G.P. O'Leary, Oregon Graduate Center
- 5-3-1 DECtape
- 5-3-2 As a time waster since it is one of the longest NOP instructions
- 5-3-3 Jim O'Laughlin
- 5-3-4 KDF11-A Rev A
- 5-3-5 Hardware Management Sig
- 5-4-1 128K bytes
- 5-4-2 Edit MACroS
- 5-4-3 Two customers were shipped to on the same day: Radiation, Inc.
and COmputer Machine Corp.
- 5-4-4 ROM, PROM, RAM, CORE
- 5-4-5 San Diego
- 6-0-1 Version of the VT11 which contained the PDP-11/05
(Actually, a version of the PDP-11/05 with a specialized backplane
for the VT11 -- had different colors, too)
- 6-0-2 1976
- 6-0-3 18,000 and 25,000
- 6-0-4 The KD11-F had 4K RAM on the processor board the the KD11-J
had 4K core memory board (no RAM on processor board).
- 6-0-5 HHK Mininewsletter
- 6-1-1 Place pattern in R0, execute a RESET
- 6-1-2 Terminal Concentrator for RSX-11D, a COMTEX based software package
- 6-1-3 July, 1975
- 6-1-4 RLV11, VSV11
- 6-1-5 Programmable Data Processor (Programmed Data Processor)
- 6-2-1 PDP-11/60
- 6-2-2 'Yank' a paper tape
- 6-2-3 IPG -- Industrial Products Group
- 6-2-4 PDP-11/03
- 6-2-5 Mini-Tasker
- 6-3-1 PDP-11/40
- 6-3-2 1974
- 6-3-3 12
- 6-3-4 MicroPDP-11/73, MicroPDP-11/83 and PDP-11/84
- 6-3-5 G, I, O, Q
- 6-4-1 PDP-11/35, 11/40, 11/45, 11/50, 11/55, 11/60
- 6-4-2 16
- 6-4-3 RT-11, July 1974
- 6-4-4 PDP-11/23S
- 6-4-5 Resource Sharing Timesharing System
- 7-0-1 PDP-11/15,20
- 7-0-2 1975
- 7-0-3 PDP-11/05
- 7-0-4 36
- 7-0-5 Realtime Foreground/background system
- 7-1-1 PDP-11/35,40
- 7-1-2 MARK, RTT, SOB, SXT, XOR
- 7-1-3 Resource Sharing Timesharing Systems Extended
- 7-1-4 Jaws
- 7-1-5 Westminster, MA
- 7-2-1 PDP-11/60
- 7-2-2 Basic Language for Implementing System Software
- 7-2-3 1974
- 7-2-4 LSI-11/23
- 7-2-5 DECUS Symposia Chairman
- 7-3-1 A ruggedized (military grade) PDP-11(/20)
- 7-3-2 Instruction Set Processor
- 7-3-3 Industrial Data Acquisition & Control System PDP-11 w/peripherals,
industrial process interfaces, RSX-11.
- 7-3-4 When it receives and interrupt vector
- 7-3-5 November 7, 1974 meeting at 9a.m.
- 7-4-1 PDP-11/04
- 7-4-2 File Request Queue Block used to make request to FIP
- 7-4-3 Clear No Condition Codes (240), Set No Condition Codes (260),
All forms for branch to next instruction (400), JMP to next
- 7-4-4 Low Cost PDP-11, 5 Inches
- 7-4-5 DECcomm-11 for communications, LAB-11 for the laboratory, and
IDACS-11 for industrial
- 8-0-1 Peripheral that does multiply (MUL), divide (DIV) & multibit
shifts (SHIFT) for the PDP-11/20 and other early 11s
- 8-0-2 ISP notation was used in earlier days to describe a computer
and its instruction set
- 8-0-3 1972
- 8-0-4 Nothing - it was just a designator
- 8-0-5 George Thissell - DEC; J Frederick Bartlett, Mark Bartlett,
H. Wayne Hammond - Cal. Tech.; Harry Menna - Algonquin College;
Anton Chernoff - Lawrence Univ.; Tom Provost
- 8-1-1 KT11-C for 11/45 family, KT11-D for 11/35 or 11/40, KT11
for other CPUs that have it
- 8-1-2 PDP-11/44, F-11 based systems, T-11 based systems, J-11 based
- 8-1-3 April, 1970
- 8-1-4 4
- 8-1-5 February 20, 1926
- 8-2-1 PDP-11/60
- 8-2-2 Video display of current line
- 8-2-3 Mill Building 5, Floor 2
- 8-2-4 11V03
- 8-2-5 March 1975
- 8-3-1 PDP-11/44
- 8-3-2 File Request Queue Block used to make request to FIP
- 8-3-3 GAMMA-11
- 8-3-4 KDF11-A (Rev A 18-bits and Rev C 22-bits)
- 8-3-5 Included as part of the RT & RSX SIG newsletters
- 8-4-1 Extended Arithmetic Element
- 8-4-2 Maintenance Examine and Depost
- 8-4-3 PDP and Andy Knowles
- 8-4-4 To carry the SPUN signal from dual-height processor modules
- 8-4-5 Merging of LSI SIG and HMS SIG to create Hardware and Micro SIG
- 9-0-1 PDP-11/35, 11/40
- 9-0-2 RSX-11C
- 9-0-3 G-series have green handles, M-series have magenta handles
- 9-0-4 RQDX
- 9-0-5 March, 1961
- 9-1-1 KA11
- 9-1-2 1973
- 9-1-3 DECUS - Digital Equipment Computer Users Society
- 9-1-4 Fonz
- 9-1-5 Harlan P. Shepardson, DEC
- 9-2-1 64 bytes
- 9-2-2 LIS Processing language
- 9-2-3 LDP (Laboratory Data Products) & IPG (Industrial Products Group)
- 9-2-4 Digital drives do not sense whether or not the notch is present
- 9-2-5 Bill Lennon
- 9-3-1 Floating point Instruction Set
- 9-3-2 PAL-11, ED11, ODT-11, IOX, Math Package Loaders, Core Dump Routines
- 9-3-3 1974
- 9-3-4 PDT family and Professional Series
- 9-3-5 An asynchronous link between a PDP-11 and a DECsystem-10
- 9-4-1 2 bytes (word addressable)
- 9-4-2 Mince is Not Complete Emacs
- 9-4-3 Bruce Delagi
- 9-4-4 PDP-11/03
- 9-4-5 Miami
Additional questions:
- Q: What is the difference between the designations PDP and LSI
- A: PDP is a system-level product, LSI is a board-level product
Corrections and/or explanations for selected original answers:
- 0-0-1 The GT40 was actually a PDP-11/05 with a specialized backplane
designed to accept the three boards of the VT11 graphics display
processor. It was typically configured with a second serial line
and the motif was mustard/brown.
- 7-0-5: Should simply be "RT = Real-time"
- 7-2-1: Should also list PDP-11/03, since the WCS option provided
a writeable control store
- 8-0-1: EAE = Extended Arithmetic Element
- 9-2-2: List Processing language
[Last Updated 24-Feb-2002]