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Digital PC 3100 - Configurations

All configurations include:
Iintegrated S3TM Trio 64V2/GX 2-D graphics, 3.5" 1.44MB diskette drive, keyboard and mouse

DigitalTM PC 3100 low-profile
166MHz Pentium® processor with MMXTM technology, 16MB SDRAM, 256KB cache, 2GB UltraDMA hard disk drive, Windows® 95 preinstalled FR-DAA01-AF
166MHz Pentium processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 2GB UltraDMA hard disk drive, Windows NT® 4.0 preinstalled FR-DAB01-AA
200MHz Pentium processor with MMX technology, 16MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 2GB UltraDMA hard disk drive, Windows 95 preinstalled FR-DAA01-AV
200MHz Pentium processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 3.2GB UltraDMA hard disk drive, Windows NT 4.0 preinstalled FR-DAB01-AB
200MHz AMD-K6TM processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 2GB UltraDMA hard disk drive, Windows 95 preinstalled FR-DAA05-CA
233MHz Pentium processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 3.2GB UltraDMA hard disk drive, Windows 95 preinstalled FR-DAA01-CB
233MHz AMD-K6 processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 3.2GB UltraDMA hard disk drive, Windows 95 preinstalled FR-DAA05-CB
233MHz AMD-K6 processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 3.2GB UltraDMA hard disk drive, Windows NT 4.0 preinstalled FR-DAB05-CA
266MHz AMD-K6 processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 4.3GB UltraDMA hard disk drive, Windows NT 4.0 preinstalled FR-DAB05-CB
Digital PC 3100 short-tower  
166MHz Pentium processor with MMX technology, 16MB SDRAM, 256KB cache, 2GB Ultra DMA hard disk drive, 24x CD-ROM drive, Windows 95 preinstalled FR-DAA01-AK
200MHz Pentium processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 2GB Ultra DMA hard disk drive, Windows 95 preinstalled FR-DAA01-AW
200MHz Pentium processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 3.2GB Ultra DMA hard disk drive, Windows NT 4.0 preinstalled FR-DAB01-AC
233MHz Pentium processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 3.2GB Ultra DMA hard disk drive, Windows NT 4.0 preinstalled FR-DAB01-CD
233MHz AMD-K6 processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 3.2GB Ultra DMA hard disk drive, Windows NT 4.0 preinstalled FR-DAB05-AB
233MHz AMD-K6 processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 3.2GB UltraDMA hard disk drive, 24x CD-ROM drive,Windows 95 preinstalled FR-DAA05-CC
266MHz AMD-K6 processor with MMX technology, 32MB SDRAM, 512KB cache, 4.3GB Ultra DMA hard disk drive, 24x CD-ROM drive, Windows NT 4.0 preinstalled FR-DAB05-CC

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