cplusplus.com > reference > cstdio
Standard C library for Input/Output with streams

  stdio.h summary


clearerrReset error indicators.
fcloseClose a stream.
feofCheck if End Of File has been reached.
ferrorCheck for errors.
fflushFlush a stream.
fgetcGet next character from a stream.
fgetposGet position in a stream.
fgetsGet string from a stream.
fopenOpen a file.
fprintfPrint formatted data to a stream.
fputcWrite character to a stream.
fputcharWrite character to stdout.
fputsWrite string to a stream.
freadRead block of data from a stream.
freopenReopen a file using a different file mode.
fscanfRead formatted data from a stream.
fseekReposition stream's position indicator.
fsetposReposition file pointer to a saved location.
ftellReturn the current position of the file pointer.
fwriteWrite block of data to a stream.
getcGet the next character.
getcharGet the next character from stdin.
getsGet a string from stdin.
getwGet the next int value from a stream.
perrorPrint error message.
printfPrint formatted data to stdout.
putcWrite character to a stream.
putcharWrite character to stdout.
putsWrite a string to stdout.
putwWrite an integer to a stream.
removeDelete a file.
renameRename a file or directory.
rewindReposition file pointer to the beginning of a stream.
scanfRead formatted data from stdin.
setbufChange stream buffering.
setvbufChange stream buffering.
sprintfFormat data to a string.
sscanfRead formatted data from a string.
tmpfileOpen a temporary file.
tmpnamGenerate a unique temporary filename.
ungetcPush a character back into stream.


stdio.h summary:

  Streams are an abstraction used in C and C++ for input and output operations through I/O devices based on characters, like files, keyboard, printer, screen and I/O ports.
  A stdio.h stream is represented by a pointer to a FILE structure that contains internal info about properties and indicators of a file. Normally data contained in these structures are not referred directly. When using stdio.h functions, pointer to FILE structures are only used to be passed as parameters to I/O functions.

  A stream has some properties that defines which functions can be used with it or how the functions will treat the stream. Most of them are defined in the mode parameter when fopen function is called.
Specifies if the operations performed with the stream will have read and/or write access to the file.
Text / Binary
Text files are those where lines are delimited by the special character EOL (End Of Line), and some translations occur when this special character is read or written for that these file can be directly outputed to a console. The End of a text file is defined by the first occurrence of the EOF character.
A binary file is a file where each byte is read or written as a character, no translations occur, and the End of a binary file matches with the physical End of the File.
A buffer is a block of memory where data is accumulated before being physically read or written to the file. Buffered stream causes I/O operations with the stream to be faster because normally buffers are faster than physical devices like disks or ports. A stream can be unbuffered so the data is directly read or written to the device. The use of stream buffers can be specified using functions setbuf and setvbuf.

  A stream has some indicators that specify the current state of it. These are internally modified and affect the behavior of Input/Output functions:
Error Indicator
This indicator is set when an error has occurred in an operation related with the stream. This indicator can be checked using ferror, and can be reset by a call to clearerr or by any repositioning functions (rewind, fseek and fsetpos).
End-Of-File Indicator
When this indicator is set, the last reading or writing operation permormed has reached the End of the file associated with the stream. This can be checked with the feof function, and can be reset by calling to clearerr or by any repositioning functions (rewind, fseek and fsetpos).
Position Indicator (File pointer)
This indicator is an internal pointer that points to the next character within the stream that has to be read or written by the next I/O operation. This value can be obtained by the ftell and fgetpos functions, and can be changed calling to rewind, fseek and fsetpos functions

Standard Streams
  When a program that includes stdio.h begin its execution, three predefined streams are opened:
This is the standard input stream. By default stdin corresponds to the keyboard, but this can be redirected by the operating system.
This is the standard output stream. By default stdout is directed to the screen, but the operating system can redirect it to a file or any other output device.
The standard error stream. This is an output stream specifically intendend to receive error messages. By default is directed to the standard output (like stdout), but it can be redirected to a log file or any other output device.

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