cplusplus.com > reference > cstdlib
General purpose standard C library, including memory allocation, process control, conversions and others.

  stdlib.h summary


 abortAbort current process returning error code
 absReturn absolute value of integer parameter
 atexitSpecifies a function to be executed at exit
 atofConvert string to double
 atoiConvert string to integer
 atolConvert string to long
 bsearchBinary search
 callocAllocate array in memory
 divDivide two integer values
ecvtConvert floating point value to string
 exitTerminate calling process
fcvtConvert floating point value to string
 freeDeallocate dynamically allocated memory
gcvtConvert floating point value to string
 getenvGet string from environment
itoaConvert integer to string
 labsReturn absolute calue of long integer parameter
 ldivDivide two long integer values
lfindLinear search
lsearchLinear search
ltoaConvert long integer value to string
 mallocAllocate memory block
maxReturn the greater of two parameters
minReturn the smaller of two parameters
putenvCreate or modify environment variable
 qsortSort using quicksort algorithm
 randGenerate random number
 reallocReallocate memory block
 srandInitialize random number generator
 strtodConvert string to double-precision floating-point value
 strtolConvert string to long integer
 strtoulConvert string to unsigned long integer
swabSwap bytes
 systemExecute command
ultoaConvert unsigned long integer to string
* = not ANSI-C, but supported by most compilers.


stdlib.h summary:

  C stdlib.h library functions can be divided in these groups depending on their utility:
atof, atoi, atol, ecvt, fcvt, itoa, ltoa, strtod, strtol, strtoul, ultoa
dynamic memory allocation/deallocation:
calloc, free, malloc, realloc
process control and environment variables:
abort, atexit, exit, getenv, putenv, system
sorting and searching:
bsearch, lfind, lsearch, qsort, swab
mathematical operations:
abs, div, labs, ldiv



NULL is a defined constant used to express null pointers, that is, an unassigned pointer or a pointer that points nowhere. It is defined as:
#define NULL 0
Defined type used as arguments for some functions that require sizes or counts specifications. This represents an unsigned value generally defined in header files as unsigned int:
typedef unsigned int size_t;

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