iostream hierarchy ios_base:: setf | |
Set some format flags.
The first syntax activates the stream's format flags whose bits are set in
mask leaving unchanged the rest, as if a call to
flags(mask | flags()).
The second syntax activates the stream's format flags whose bits are set in both
mask and fmtfl and deactivates the format flags whose
bits are set in mask but not in fmtfl.
As if a call to flags( (fmtfl & mask) | (flags() & ~mask) ).
Both members returns the previous value of the stream's format flags.
The stored format flags affects the way data is interpreted in certain input functions
and how it is written by certain output functions.
The values of the different format flags are explained in the
fmtflags type reference.
The first syntax of setf is generally used to activate unary format flags:
boolalpha, showbase, showpoint,
showpos, skipws, unitbuf
and uppercase.
The second syntax of setf can be used to set the selective flags:
left, right, internal (adjustfield)
dec,oct,hex (basefield)
scientific, fixed (floatfield)
If you want to clear some specific flags you can use
unsetf as the opposite of the first syntax
of setf.
If you want to set values for all the format
flags or just to retrieve the actual value you can use
flags member function.
Return Value.
The format flags of the stream before the call.
// modify flags
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
cout.setf ( ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield ); // set hex as the basefield
cout.setf ( ios_base::showbase ); // activate showbase
cout << 100 << endl;
cout.setf ( 0, ios_base::showbase ); // deactivate showbase
cout << 100 << endl;
return 0;
The execution of this example shall display:
See also.
fmtflags type,
ios_base class