Bitset Constructors (C++ Bitsets) | create new bitsets |
Bitset Operators (C++ Bitsets) | compare and assign bitsets |
Container constructors (C++ Vectors) | create containers and initialize them with some data |
Container constructors (C++ Double-ended Queues) | create containers and initialize them with some data |
Container constructors (C++ Lists) | create containers and initialize them with some data |
Container constructors & destructors (C++ Sets) | default methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate containers |
Container constructors & destructors (C++ Multisets) | default methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate containers |
Container constructors & destructors (C++ Maps) | default methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate containers |
Container constructors & destructors (C++ Multimaps) | default methods to allocate, copy, and deallocate containers |
Container operators (C++ Lists) | assign and compare containers |
Container operators (C++ Sets) | assign and compare containers |
Container operators (C++ Multisets) | assign and compare containers |
Container operators (C++ Multimaps) | assign and compare containers |
Container operators (C++ Vectors) | compare, assign, and access elements of a container |
Container operators (C++ Double-ended Queues) | compare, assign, and access elements of a container |
I/O Constructors (C++ I/O) | constructors |
Map operators (C++ Maps) | assign, compare, and access elements of a map |
Priority queue constructors (C++ Priority Queues) | construct a new priority queue |
Queue constructor (C++ Queues) | construct a new queue |
Stack constructors (C++ Stacks) | construct a new stack |
String constructors (C++ Strings) | create strings from arrays of characters and other strings |
String operators (C++ Strings) | concatenate strings, assign strings, use strings for I/O, compare strings |
accumulate (C++ Algorithms) | sum up a range of elements |
adjacent_difference (C++ Algorithms) | compute the differences between adjacent elements in a range |
adjacent_find (C++ Algorithms) | finds two items that are adjacent to eachother |
any (C++ Bitsets) | true if any bits are set |
append (C++ Strings) | append characters and strings onto a string |
assign (C++ Vectors) | assign elements to a container |
assign (C++ Double-ended Queues) | assign elements to a container |
assign (C++ Lists) | assign elements to a container |
assign (C++ Strings) | give a string values from strings of characters and other C++ strings |
at (C++ Vectors) | returns an element at a specific location |
at (C++ Double-ended Queues) | returns an element at a specific location |
at (C++ Strings) | returns an element at a specific location |
auto_ptr (Miscellaneous C++) | create pointers that automatically destroy objects |
back (C++ Vectors) | returns a reference to last element of a container |
back (C++ Double-ended Queues) | returns a reference to last element of a container |
back (C++ Lists) | returns a reference to last element of a container |
back (C++ Queues) | returns a reference to last element of a container |
bad (C++ I/O) | true if an error occurred |
begin (C++ Strings) | returns an iterator to the beginning of the container |
begin (C++ Vectors) | returns an iterator to the beginning of the container |
begin (C++ Double-ended Queues) | returns an iterator to the beginning of the container |
begin (C++ Lists) | returns an iterator to the beginning of the container |
begin (C++ Sets) | returns an iterator to the beginning of the container |
begin (C++ Multisets) | returns an iterator to the beginning of the container |
begin (C++ Maps) | returns an iterator to the beginning of the container |
begin (C++ Multimaps) | returns an iterator to the beginning of the container |
binary_search (C++ Algorithms) | determine if an element exists in a certain range |
c_str (C++ Strings) | returns a standard C character array version of the string |
capacity (C++ Vectors) | returns the number of elements that the container can hold |
capacity (C++ Strings) | returns the number of elements that the container can hold |
clear (C++ I/O) | clear and set status flags |
clear (C++ Strings) | removes all elements from the container |
clear (C++ Vectors) | removes all elements from the container |
clear (C++ Double-ended Queues) | removes all elements from the container |
clear (C++ Lists) | removes all elements from the container |
clear (C++ Sets) | removes all elements from the container |
clear (C++ Multisets) | removes all elements from the container |
clear (C++ Maps) | removes all elements from the container |
clear (C++ Multimaps) | removes all elements from the container |
close (C++ I/O) | close a stream |
compare (C++ Strings) | compares two strings |
copy (C++ Strings) | copies characters from a string into an array |
copy (C++ Algorithms) | copy some range of elements to a new location |
copy_backward (C++ Algorithms) | copy a range of elements in backwards order |
copy_n (C++ Algorithms) | copy N elements |
count (C++ Sets) | returns the number of elements matching a certain key |
count (C++ Multisets) | returns the number of elements matching a certain key |
count (C++ Maps) | returns the number of elements matching a certain key |
count (C++ Multimaps) | returns the number of elements matching a certain key |
count (C++ Bitsets) | returns the number of set bits |
count (C++ Algorithms) | return the number of elements matching a given value |
count_if (C++ Algorithms) | return the number of elements for which a predicate is true |
data (C++ Strings) | returns a pointer to the first character of a string |
empty (C++ Strings) | true if the container has no elements |
empty (C++ Vectors) | true if the container has no elements |
empty (C++ Double-ended Queues) | true if the container has no elements |
empty (C++ Lists) | true if the container has no elements |
empty (C++ Sets) | true if the container has no elements |
empty (C++ Multisets) | true if the container has no elements |
empty (C++ Maps) | true if the container has no elements |
empty (C++ Multimaps) | true if the container has no elements |
empty (C++ Stacks) | true if the container has no elements |
empty (C++ Queues) | true if the container has no elements |
empty (C++ Priority Queues) | true if the container has no elements |
end (C++ Strings) | returns an iterator just past the last element of a container |
end (C++ Vectors) | returns an iterator just past the last element of a container |
end (C++ Double-ended Queues) | returns an iterator just past the last element of a container |
end (C++ Lists) | returns an iterator just past the last element of a container |
end (C++ Sets) | returns an iterator just past the last element of a container |
end (C++ Multisets) | returns an iterator just past the last element of a container |
end (C++ Maps) | returns an iterator just past the last element of a container |
end (C++ Multimaps) | returns an iterator just past the last element of a container |
eof (C++ I/O) | true if at the end-of-file |
equal (C++ Algorithms) | determine if two sets of elements are the same |
equal_range (C++ Sets) | returns iterators to the first and just past the last elements matching a specific key |
equal_range (C++ Multisets) | returns iterators to the first and just past the last elements matching a specific key |
equal_range (C++ Maps) | returns iterators to the first and just past the last elements matching a specific key |
equal_range (C++ Multimaps) | returns iterators to the first and just past the last elements matching a specific key |
equal_range (C++ Algorithms) | search for a range of elements that are all equal to a certain element |
erase (C++ Strings) | removes elements from a string |
erase (C++ Vectors) | removes elements from a container |
erase (C++ Double-ended Queues) | removes elements from a container |
erase (C++ Lists) | removes elements from a container |
erase (C++ Sets) | removes elements from a container |
erase (C++ Multisets) | removes elements from a container |
erase (C++ Maps) | removes elements from a container |
erase (C++ Multimaps) | removes elements from a container |
fail (C++ I/O) | true if an error occurred |
fill (C++ I/O) | manipulate the default fill character |
fill (C++ Algorithms) | assign a range of elements a certain value |
fill_n (C++ Algorithms) | assign a value to some number of elements |
find (C++ Algorithms) | find a value in a given range |
find (C++ Sets) | returns an iterator to specific elements |
find (C++ Multisets) | returns an iterator to specific elements |
find (C++ Maps) | returns an iterator to specific elements |
find (C++ Multimaps) | returns an iterator to specific elements |
find (C++ Strings) | find characters in the string |
find_end (C++ Algorithms) | find the last sequence of elements in a certain range |
find_first_not_of (C++ Strings) | find first absence of characters |
find_first_of (C++ Strings) | find first occurrence of characters |
find_first_of (C++ Algorithms) | search for any one of a set of elements |
find_if (C++ Algorithms) | find the first element for which a certain predicate is true |
find_last_not_of (C++ Strings) | find last absence of characters |
find_last_of (C++ Strings) | find last occurrence of characters |
flags (C++ I/O) | access or manipulate io stream format flags |
flip (C++ Bitsets) | reverses the bitset |
flush (C++ I/O) | empty the buffer |
for_each (C++ Algorithms) | apply a function to a range of elements |
front (C++ Vectors) | returns a reference to the first element of a container |
front (C++ Double-ended Queues) | returns a reference to the first element of a container |
front (C++ Lists) | returns a reference to the first element of a container |
front (C++ Queues) | returns a reference to the first element of a container |
gcount (C++ I/O) | number of characters read during last input |
generate (C++ Algorithms) | saves the result of a function in a range |
generate_n (C++ Algorithms) | saves the result of N applications of a function |
get (C++ I/O) | read characters |
getline (C++ I/O) | read a line of characters |
getline (C++ Strings) | read data from an I/O stream into a string |
good (C++ I/O) | true if no errors have occurred |
ignore (C++ I/O) | read and discard characters |
includes (C++ Algorithms) | returns true if one set is a subset of another |
inner_product (C++ Algorithms) | compute the inner product of two ranges of elements |
inplace_merge (C++ Algorithms) | merge two ordered ranges in-place |
insert (C++ Strings) | insert characters into a string |
insert (C++ Vectors) | inserts elements into the container |
insert (C++ Double-ended Queues) | inserts elements into the container |
insert (C++ Lists) | inserts elements into the container |
insert (C++ Sets) | insert items into a container |
insert (C++ Multisets) | inserts items into a container |
insert (C++ Multimaps) | inserts items into a container |
insert (C++ Maps) | insert items into a container |
iota (C++ Algorithms) | assign increasing values to a range of elements |
is_heap (C++ Algorithms) | returns true if a given range is a heap |
is_sorted (C++ Algorithms) | returns true if a range is sorted in ascending order |
iter_swap (C++ Algorithms) | swaps the elements pointed to by two iterators |
key_comp (C++ Sets) | returns the function that compares keys |
key_comp (C++ Multisets) | returns the function that compares keys |
key_comp (C++ Maps) | returns the function that compares keys |
key_comp (C++ Multimaps) | returns the function that compares keys |
length (C++ Strings) | returns the length of the string |
lexicographical_compare (C++ Algorithms) | returns true if one range is lexicographically less than another |
lexicographical_compare_3way (C++ Algorithms) | determines if one range is lexicographically less than or greater than another |
lower_bound (C++ Sets) | returns an iterator to the first element greater than or equal to a certain value |
lower_bound (C++ Multisets) | returns an iterator to the first element greater than or equal to a certain value |
lower_bound (C++ Maps) | returns an iterator to the first element greater than or equal to a certain value |
lower_bound (C++ Multimaps) | returns an iterator to the first element greater than or equal to a certain value |
lower_bound (C++ Algorithms) | search for the first place that a value can be inserted while preserving order |
make_heap (C++ Algorithms) | creates a heap out of a range of elements |
max (C++ Algorithms) | returns the larger of two elements |
max_element (C++ Algorithms) | returns the largest element in a range |
max_size (C++ Strings) | returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold |
max_size (C++ Vectors) | returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold |
max_size (C++ Double-ended Queues) | returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold |
max_size (C++ Lists) | returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold |
max_size (C++ Sets) | returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold |
max_size (C++ Multisets) | returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold |
max_size (C++ Maps) | returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold |
max_size (C++ Multimaps) | returns the maximum number of elements that the container can hold |
merge (C++ Lists) | merge two lists |
merge (C++ Algorithms) | merge two sorted ranges |
min (C++ Algorithms) | returns the smaller of two elements |
min_element (C++ Algorithms) | returns the smallest element in a range |
mismatch (C++ Algorithms) | finds the first position where two ranges differ |
next_permutation (C++ Algorithms) | generates the next greater lexicographic permutation of a range of elements |
none (C++ Bitsets) | true if no bits are set |
nth_element (C++ Algorithms) | put one element in its sorted location and make sure that no elements to its left are greater than any elements to its right |
open (C++ I/O) | create an input stream |
partial_sort (C++ Algorithms) | sort the first N elements of a range |
partial_sort_copy (C++ Algorithms) | copy and partially sort a range of elements |
partial_sum (C++ Algorithms) | compute the partial sum of a range of elements |
partition (C++ Algorithms) | divide a range of elements into two groups |
peek (C++ I/O) | check the next input character |
pop (C++ Stacks) | removes the top element of a container |
pop (C++ Queues) | removes the top element of a container |
pop (C++ Priority Queues) | removes the top element of a container |
pop_back (C++ Vectors) | removes the last element of a container |
pop_back (C++ Double-ended Queues) | removes the last element of a container |
pop_back (C++ Lists) | removes the last element of a container |
pop_front (C++ Double-ended Queues) | removes the first element of the container |
pop_front (C++ Lists) | removes the first element of the container |
pop_heap (C++ Algorithms) | remove the largest element from a heap |
power (C++ Algorithms) | compute the value of some number raised to the Nth power |
precision (C++ I/O) | manipulate the precision of a stream |
prev_permutation (C++ Algorithms) | generates the next smaller lexicographic permutation of a range of elements |
push (C++ Stacks) | adds an element to the top of the container |
push (C++ Queues) | adds an element to the end of the container |
push (C++ Priority Queues) | adds an element to the end of the container |
push_back (C++ Vectors) | add an element to the end of the container |
push_back (C++ Double-ended Queues) | add an element to the end of the container |
push_back (C++ Lists) | add an element to the end of the container |
push_back (C++ Strings) | add an element to the end of the container |
push_front (C++ Double-ended Queues) | add an element to the front of the container |
push_front (C++ Lists) | add an element to the front of the container |
push_heap (C++ Algorithms) | add an element to a heap |
put (C++ I/O) | write characters |
putback (C++ I/O) | return characters to a stream |
random_sample (C++ Algorithms) | randomly copy elements from one range to another |
random_sample_n (C++ Algorithms) | sample N random elements from a range |
random_shuffle (C++ Algorithms) | randomly re-order elements in some range |
rbegin (C++ Vectors) | returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container |
rbegin (C++ Strings) | returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container |
rbegin (C++ Double-ended Queues) | returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container |
rbegin (C++ Lists) | returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container |
rbegin (C++ Sets) | returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container |
rbegin (C++ Multisets) | returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container |
rbegin (C++ Maps) | returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container |
rbegin (C++ Multimaps) | returns a reverse_iterator to the end of the container |
rdstate (C++ I/O) | returns the state flags of the stream |
read (C++ I/O) | read data into a buffer |
remove (C++ Lists) | removes elements from a list |
remove (C++ Algorithms) | remove elements equal to certain value |
remove_copy (C++ Algorithms) | copy a range of elements omitting those that match a certian value |
remove_copy_if (C++ Algorithms) | create a copy of a range of elements, omitting any for which a predicate is true |
remove_if (C++ Lists) | removes elements conditionally |
remove_if (C++ Algorithms) | remove all elements for which a predicate is true |
rend (C++ Vectors) | returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container |
rend (C++ Strings) | returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container |
rend (C++ Double-ended Queues) | returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container |
rend (C++ Lists) | returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container |
rend (C++ Sets) | returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container |
rend (C++ Multisets) | returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container |
rend (C++ Maps) | returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container |
rend (C++ Multimaps) | returns a reverse_iterator to the beginning of the container |
replace (C++ Strings) | replace characters in the string |
replace (C++ Algorithms) | replace every occurrence of some value in a range with another value |
replace_copy (C++ Algorithms) | copy a range, replacing certain elements with new ones |
replace_copy_if (C++ Algorithms) | copy a range of elements, replacing those for which a predicate is true |
replace_if (C++ Algorithms) | change the values of elements for which a predicate is true |
reserve (C++ Vectors) | sets the minimum capacity of the container |
reserve (C++ Strings) | sets the minimum capacity of the container |
reset (C++ Bitsets) | sets bits to zero |
resize (C++ Vectors) | change the size of the container |
resize (C++ Double-ended Queues) | change the size of the container |
resize (C++ Lists) | change the size of the container |
resize (C++ Strings) | change the size of the container |
reverse (C++ Lists) | reverse the list |
reverse (C++ Algorithms) | reverse elements in some range |
reverse_copy (C++ Algorithms) | create a copy of a range that is reversed |
rfind (C++ Strings) | find the last occurrence of a substring |
rotate (C++ Algorithms) | move the elements in some range to the left by some amount |
rotate_copy (C++ Algorithms) | copy and rotate a range of elements |
search (C++ Algorithms) | search for a range of elements |
search_n (C++ Algorithms) | search for N consecutive copies of an element in some range |
seekg (C++ I/O) | perform random access on an input stream |
seekp (C++ I/O) | perform random access on output streams |
set (C++ Bitsets) | sets bits |
set_difference (C++ Algorithms) | computes the difference between two sets |
set_intersection (C++ Algorithms) | computes the intersection of two sets |
set_symmetric_difference (C++ Algorithms) | computes the symmetric difference between two sets |
set_union (C++ Algorithms) | computes the union of two sets |
setf (C++ I/O) | set format flags |
size (C++ Strings) | returns the number of items in the container |
size (C++ Vectors) | returns the number of items in the container |
size (C++ Double-ended Queues) | returns the number of items in the container |
size (C++ Lists) | returns the number of items in the container |
size (C++ Sets) | returns the number of items in the container |
size (C++ Multisets) | returns the number of items in the container |
size (C++ Maps) | returns the number of items in the container |
size (C++ Multimaps) | returns the number of items in the container |
size (C++ Stacks) | returns the number of items in the container |
size (C++ Queues) | returns the number of items in the container |
size (C++ Priority Queues) | returns the number of items in the container |
size (C++ Bitsets) | number of bits that the bitset can hold |
sort (C++ Lists) | sorts a list into ascending order |
sort (C++ Algorithms) | sort a range into ascending order |
sort_heap (C++ Algorithms) | turns a heap into a sorted range of elements |
splice (C++ Lists) | merge two lists in constant time |
stable_partition (C++ Algorithms) | divide elements into two groups while preserving their relative order |
stable_sort (C++ Algorithms) | sort a range of elements while preserving order between equal elements |
substr (C++ Strings) | returns a certain substring |
swap (C++ Strings) | swap the contents of this container with another |
swap (C++ Vectors) | swap the contents of this container with another |
swap (C++ Double-ended Queues) | swap the contents of this container with another |
swap (C++ Lists) | swap the contents of this container with another |
swap (C++ Sets) | swap the contents of this container with another |
swap (C++ Multisets) | swap the contents of this container with another |
swap (C++ Maps) | swap the contents of this container with another |
swap (C++ Multimaps) | swap the contents of this container with another |
swap (C++ Algorithms) | swap the values of two objects |
swap_ranges (C++ Algorithms) | swaps two ranges of elements |
sync_with_stdio (C++ I/O) | synchronize with standard I/O |
tellg (C++ I/O) | read input stream pointers |
tellp (C++ I/O) | read output stream pointers |
test (C++ Bitsets) | returns the value of a given bit |
to_string (C++ Bitsets) | string representation of the bitset |
to_ulong (C++ Bitsets) | returns an integer representation of the bitset |
top (C++ Stacks) | returns the top element of the container |
top (C++ Priority Queues) | returns the top element of the container |
transform (C++ Algorithms) | applies a function to a range of elements |
unique (C++ Lists) | removes consecutive duplicate elements |
unique (C++ Algorithms) | remove consecutive duplicate elements in a range |
unique_copy (C++ Algorithms) | create a copy of some range of elements that contains no consecutive duplicates |
unsetf (C++ I/O) | clear io stream format flags |
upper_bound (C++ Sets) | returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value |
upper_bound (C++ Multisets) | returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value |
upper_bound (C++ Maps) | returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value |
upper_bound (C++ Multimaps) | returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value |
upper_bound (C++ Algorithms) | searches for the last possible location to insert an element into an ordered range |
value_comp (C++ Sets) | returns the function that compares values |
value_comp (C++ Multisets) | returns the function that compares values |
value_comp (C++ Maps) | returns the function that compares values |
value_comp (C++ Multimaps) | returns the function that compares values |
width (C++ I/O) | access and manipulate the minimum field width |
write (C++ I/O) | write characters |