Updated February 02, 2004
Created January 14, 2004

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Red Hat Linux 7.3 and later will allow for installation via NFS directly from ISO images.

For example:

Set up your network file storage (which I usually share for nfs and ftp, and sometimes http):

mkdir /var/ftp/pub/rhl73

Store (minimally) the 3 install ISO CD's in /var/ftp/pub/rhl73 (the installer will find them if their names contain one of disc1, disc2, disc3).

For the NFS install, point to the NFS server and specify the directory that contains the ISO images:


The installer will find the images and use them for the install.

Note that RHL72 and below will not use ISO images on an NFS server. To install RHL72 and below (includes Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1), you will have to dump the 3 CD's to a common directory:

cd /var/ftp/pub/rhlas21
mkdir i386

for X in 1 2 3; do ISO=rhlas21-i386-disc${X}.iso; ISODIR=${ISO}.d; mkdir $ISODIR; mount $ISO $ISODIR -o loop,ro; (cd $ISODIR && tar -cf - .)|(cd i386 && tar -xvf -); umount $ISODIR; rmdir $ISODIR; done

Or if the above for loop is confusing, you are basically doing the following:

mkdir rhlas21-i386-disc1.iso.d
mount rhlas21-i386-disc1.iso rhlas21-i386-disc1.iso.d -o loop,ro
(cd rhlas21-i386-disc1.iso.d && tar -cf - .)|(cd i386 && tar -xvf -)
umount rhlas21-i386-disc1.iso.d
rmdir rhlas21-i386-disc1.iso.d

mkdir rhlas21-i386-disc2.iso.d
mount rhlas21-i386-disc2.iso rhlas21-i386-disc2.iso.d -o loop,ro
(cd rhlas21-i386-disc2.iso.d && tar -cf - .)|(cd i386 && tar -xvf -)
umount rhlas21-i386-disc2.iso.d
rmdir rhlas21-i386-disc2.iso.d

mkdir rhlas21-i386-disc3.iso.d
mount rhlas21-i386-disc3.iso rhlas21-i386-disc3.iso.d -o loop,ro
(cd rhlas21-i386-disc3.iso.d && tar -cf - .)|(cd i386 && tar -xvf -)
umount rhlas21-i386-disc3.iso.d
rmdir rhlas21-i386-disc3.iso.d

Notes from RHL72 install from Steve:
Let me pass along some good news.  I now have both RH7.2 and RHAS2.1 doing complete NFS installations!  Here's the detail---

        nfs --server server.domain.com --dir /var/i386/RH7.2

server.domain.com (happens to be an AIX system) has /var/i386 shared as Read Only:
        # exportfs
        /var/i386 -ro

The /var/i386 directory contains:

I insert the first 7.2 CD and enter at the boot:
        linux ks=nfs:server.domain.com:/var/i386/RH7.2/ks.cfg

After anaconda starts I remove the CD from the drive and wait for the reboot.  Works great!  

(Thanks goes to Steve Stamper for his contribution to this page:  sstamper at foremost.com
(email address modified to protect against email harvesters, just change the at to the @ symbol).

(/var/i386/RH7.2 contains the installation CD's dumped via the tar command)

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