Updated November 20, 2004
Created November 20, 2004
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Having fun with spaces in the filename or directory name? Here's your answer:
find . -type f -name '*jpg' | grep " " | while read REPLY; do
tar -cf - "$REPLY" | (cd /tmp/jpg && tar -xvf -)
Want to copy all jpgs to 1 directory without overwriting:
find . -type f | while read REPLY; do
cp -a "$REPLY" /tmp/jpg/`echo $REPLY \
| sed -e 's/ /_/g' -e 's/\//_/g' -e 's/^\._//'`
Want a changing background:
# Sequence through all pics in 1 dir, not random, you can
# pick the starting point by setting COUNT outside the
# while loop. Choose from centered, stretched, scaled and
# wallpaper. Issues are that not all pics work great
# with just 1 setting. See the hacks link below for a
# working perl script that works randomly.
while :; do
COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1`
gconftool-1 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename \
/tmp/jpg/`ls | head -$COUNT | tail -1` /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options centered
sleep 1
Note, you will have trouble changing your background with the background changer (right click on desktop) after running gconftool. Setting default background does work, but you can't choose your own. Probably a logout, login would fix that. Just a word of caution before you get too carried away.
Got a windows screensaver that has some nice pictures you like? Want to make them your background?
Rotate a jpg - I create a rotate90, rotate180 and rotate270 for the following:
for X in $*; do
DIRNAME=`dirname $X`
BASENAME=`basename $X`
mkdir -p $DIRNAME/convert
&& jpegtran -trim -rotate 90 $DIRNAME/convert/$BASENAME > $DIRNAME/$BASENAME \
mkdir regulardir
rsync -avx --progress -e "ssh user@domain.com ssh root@" --include "*/" --include "*jpg" --include "*JPG" --exclude "*" ":/sourcedir" regulardir/
mkdir viewdir
find regulardir/ -type f | while read; do ln -s "../$REPLY" "viewdir/`echo $REPLY | sed -e 's/\//_/g'`"; done
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