Making it easier to read documentation in Debian Linux:
James C. has offered the following advice:
Consider installing the Debina packages dwww, doc-linux-html, apache,
and htdig, then setting htdig to search http://localhost/doc/ ... and
you'll end up with a fully searchable archive of Linux documentation.
Costs a bit of disk space, but worth it.
VMWare is an application that offers a real PC BIOS (Phoenix) and allows you to run Linux/NT, then run other OS's simultaneous on top of the base os. So I can boot up in Linux, start VMWare, and run Win95, Win98, NT, other versions of Linux, etc - all simultaneously - depending on the amount of RAM and CPU speed you have available. Their web site is
Starting multiple X-Windows Sessions on the same server:
You can start multiple X-Windows sessions on the same server by passing parameters to startx:
startx & (1st copy)
startx -- :1 & (2nd copy)
startx -- :2 & (3rd copy)
The first one started will show on Alt+F7, the 2nd on Alt+F8, and the 3rd on Alt+F9, this can go all the way to Alt+F12 if needed.
Switching consoles in Linux:
Consoles F1-F12 are available for use. F1-F6 is usually reserved for text based logins, and F7-F12 is usually reserved for running X-Windows.
To switch from a text based console to any other console, use the Alt+Fn key sequence.
To switch from a graphical based console to any other console, use the Ctrl+Alt+Fn key sequence.
Installing RedHat 6.2 over the network:
browse to
go to pub, then RedHat62, then i386, then images
find the bootnet.img and save to your hard drive in the temp folder.
then download rawrite.exe from the dosutils directory and save it next to the bootnet.img on your hard drive.
Use rawrite to write bootnet.img to a (dos formatted) floppy disk.
You can now use this bootable diskette to install Linux from over the network.
When asked what type of network install to perform, choose ftp.
When asked for server and path, type
Follow normal Linux install instructions to complete the install.
At the boot prompt, we usually type "linux text expert", and we usually perform a "custom install" so that it doesn't wipe out any other partitions. prevnextindex
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