System Erase (SmartStart 4.40)
Boot to SmartStart
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Manual Configuration (Choose the desired SmartStart path)
Unix/SCO UnixWare 7.1
SCU runs, continue with SmartStart
I'll finish this tomorrow with SmartStart 5.0 and will probably remove the modem.
These notes should probably start with the good old system erase then configuring with the smartstart cdrom; however, my box is currently configured, so I'm giving it a quick run through the installer. See smartstart.html or manual-smartstart.html for more details on setting up the F10 partition.
Make a boot disk from bootdsks.144 (n_53c8xx.s)
make the colors.gz root disk make a ext2 formatted floppy that contains insmod and ncr53c8xx (and throw in lsmod/rmmod if you wish), you will find all of these in the /modules directory.
Then boot to the boot disk, you don't need any boot parameters for the PL1500 embedded SCSI
Then switch out the boot disk for the colors.gz root disk
Then you will be presented with the standard slackware installation login prompt.
Login as root, swap out the root disk and insert your insmod floppy
mount /dev/fd0 /floppy
cd /floppy
insmod ncr53c8xx.o
cd /
umount /floppy
fdisk /dev/sda
then continue on your way through the install (setup)
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