Step 3. Linux will only detect 16MB of memory on this system. You need to specify the amount of memory installed in this system using the following command at the boot prompt (I have 128MB installed on this system): mem="112M@16M" text. memory.html
Step 4. Partitions: I allowed Red Hat to create it's own partitions, but did not use the MBR. I chose LILO as my boot loader.
Step 5. The rest is gravy, just select your packages and away you go.
This howto of RH72 on PS300 comes from: Leigh
After finding out about the memory string it was an easy install. I am currently running Apache server, MySql and PHP on it. Note: I used text mode installation rather than GUI mode installation.
Step 6. Remember to set up your memory! Check with "free -m"
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