Compaq Professional Workstation 6000 and Slackware 7 Install on Smart-2/SL
Slackware 7 lacks direct support for booting directly from a Smart-2 Controller. It seems to want to use it as secondary storage. Here we'll show how to boot from a Smart-2 on Slackware 7.
Boot to the Slack7 boot CD
No disks detected so you can't fdisk just yet
mount the Slack7 CD-Rom
cd to the modules directory on the CD-Rom
insmod 2.2.13/block/cpqarray.o
No device nodes exist yet in /dev, so:
mkdir /dev/ida
mknod /dev/ida/c0d0 b 72 0
for X in `seq 1 15`; do mknod /dev/ida/c0d0p$X b 72 $X; done
Repeat that for each controller you need to add (1st controller us 72, 2nd is 73, and 3rd is 74).
Now that you have your device nodes:
fdisk /dev/ida/c0d0
At the very end you will need to create your own initrd.img. At first I was intimidated because I couldn't find any mkinitrd-tools lying around for slackware, so I just went ahead and had sucess on the first try:
chroot /target
cd /boot
dd if=/dev/zero of=initrd.img bs=1024k count=4
mke2fs -b 1024 -i 1024
mkdir initrd.img.d
mount initrd.img initrd.img.d -o loop
(cd / && tar -cf - dev/)|(cd initrd.img.d && tar -xvf -)
mkdir initrd.img.d/bin
mkdir initrd.img.d/sbin
mkdir initrd.img.d/lib