adding to a file? Here goes:
while :; do read; echo "$REPLY" >> newfile.txt; done
Just run the above then copy/paste to it. Press enter after pasting. Finally CTRL-c to quit.
Also you can try:
while read; do echo "$REPLY" >> newfile.txt; done
The above should accept a CTRL-d to end the capture.
Simple Time Tracker
while :; do time read; done
Time Tracker with notes
( while :; do time read; echo "$REPLY"; done ) 2>&1 | tee -a timernotes.txt
( while :; do date; time read; echo "$REPLY"; done ) 2>&1 | tee timer.txt
Date and Time Scripts
touch -t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.ss]
touch -t 200212061545 filename
find filename -printf "%TY%Tm%Td%TH%TM.%TS"
FILEDATE=`find filename -printf "%TY%Tm%Td%TH%TM.%TS"`
touch -t $FILEDATE filename
touch -t `find filename -printf "%TY%Tm%Td%TH%TM.%TS"` filename
Here's a short way I can keep the existing date and time stamps on my
web pages while making format modifications rather than content modifications:
for X in *.html; do find $X -type f -mindepth 0 -maxdepth 0 -printf "%TY%Tm%Td%TH%TM.%TS %p\n"; done > ../myfiles.txt
cat ../myfiles.txt | while read DATE FILENAME; do touch -t $DATE $FILENAME; echo -ne '.'; done; echo