Updated October 10, 2004
Created October 10, 2004
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Getting a remote X11 application to display on your X11 desktop
There's a manual way of setting this up which I'll document later.
The easy way of doing it is to configure both your ssh client and the remote ssh server.
Remote SSH Server Setting:
X11Forwarding yes
Local SSH Client Setting:
Either of the following 2 locations:
1 - systemwide) /etc/ssh/ssh_config
ForwardX11 yes
2 - just your account) ~/.ssh/config
ForwardX11 yes
Now from your local X11 desktop, use one of the following methods to run and display a remote X11 application.
ssh user@domain1.com /usr/X11R6/bin/xcalc
ssh user@domain1.com xcalc
Or you can also do it in 2 steps as follows:
local prompt> ssh user@domain1.com
remote prompt> xcalc
I have tested this in Cygwin and Linux - they both use OpenSSH.
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