The kicker for me and the fight I'd been having for about a month now was the mem=512M addition to the linux install. The ONLY line that worked was the line:
linux mem=exactmap mem=640K@0 mem=511M@1M
Otherwise all I got was:
EXT2-FS unable to read superblock
cramfs wrong magic
FAT: unable to read boot sector
isofs_read_super bread failed dev=09:00 iso_blknum=16, block=32
Kernelpanic VFS unable to mount root fs on 09:00
BTW, this was a Red-Hat 7.3 installation.
My system:
Compaq Proliant 2500R
Compaq ID CPQ0551
Compaq overlay CPQSSY05 ver 2.21
512M RAM
IDE CD-ROM on Integrated Fixed Disk controller (ID 0e11ae10) second controller
Primary controller:
Compaq Wide-Ultra SCSI Controller - SYM 53C875
ID 1000000f overlay CPQ440p
Controller Order first
Other Storage Controller
Compaq SMART-2DH Array Controller with five 4.3G drives
The overlay is CPQ4030 ver 2.20
Controller order third
Cache 16M
Firmware ver 2.14
Other controllers:
PCI - PCI Bridge
ID 10140022
Netelligent 10/100TX PCI UTP
The overlay is CPQ6100 ver 1.00
ProLiant 2500 Dual Pentium Pro Processor Board
Overlay CPQSYS05 ver 2.21
Both processors installed running @ 200Mhz
Compaq Integrated Remote Console (IRC)
ID CPQA015 (also the overlay number ver 2.20) board is disabled @ this time
Compaq Automatic Server Recovery (ASR)
ID and overlay CPQA040 ver 2.20 lots of options
Compaq Integrated Management Display Information
ID CPQA045 overlay CPQA040 ver 2.20
Cirrus Logic VGA Video Controller
ID 101300a0
Compaq Integrated 10/100 TX UTP Controller
ID 0e11ae43 overlay CPQ6100 ver 1.00
PCI ethernet controller
6 total slots:
Slot 1 EISA or PCI empty
Slot 2 EISA or PCI empty
Slot 3 EISA or PCI Netelligent card
Slot 4 EISA or PCI empty
Slot 5 PCI empty
Slot 6 PCI Compaq SMART-2DH Array Controller
Embedded IDE = Yes
Embedded SCSI = Yes
Compaq Array Controller = Yes
Smart 2-DH with added cache daughterboard
Again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this great site!!!!!