Compaq Health on Debian Woody
Last Update Aug. 16th 2003

This description workes fine for me, but it might not work for you.
So be warned, and use at your own risc!

You have an HP-Proliant-Server and have installed Debian (woody, bf24) on that Server? No Support from HP/Compaq for Debian - although they claim that "many HP employees are members of the Debian development community"?

Well - this page will help you install the Compaq Health driver on Debian. So you can read the HW-Logs, your FAN's noise will be reduced and most important you can turn on/off the impressing blue-light-button on the server.

This Instructions would have not been possible without the Support from AKH-Linz (General Hospital Linz/Austria) and it's IT Department (especially Mr. Andreas Stiglbauer). It's their equipment I tried the scripts and the drivers on.

So - let's rock:

  1. Be root.

  2. Create a working directory and change to that directory
    # mkdir /tmp/workdir
    # cd /tmp/workdir

  3. Download HP Server Managemenet Drivers and Agents for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 (to your working directory) from the HP Support Site at

  4. Use alien to convert the rpm package to a tgz-file
    # alien -t hpasm-6.40.0-16.RedHat-AS-2.1.i386.rpm
    (assuming the Version is 6.40.0-16)

  5. extract the sources
    # tar zxvf hpasm-6.40.0.tgz ./opt/compaq/cpqhealth

  6. recompile the drivers
    # cd opt/compaq/cpqhealth
    # make -f

  7. To install drivers to the kernel use following script ...
    #! /bin/sh
    mkdir -p /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc/cpq
    cp cpqevt/cpqevt.o -p /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc/cpq
    cp cpqasm/cpqasm.o -p /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc/cpq
    depmod -av
    modprobe cpqevt
    modprobe cpqasm
    cp -rp cpqevt/cevtd /usr/sbin
    cp -rp cpqasm/casmd /usr/sbin
    cp -rp hplog /usr/sbin
    cp -rp hpuid /usr/sbin

  8. To activate the drivers at bootup,

  9. So now you can use hplog to read/manipulate the HW Log, and hpuid to controll the UID-Led.

  10. Check Compaq Storage Agents on Debian Woody.

  11. If you care - please contact HP/Compaq to request support for Debian. They ignored my eMail's till now - but who knows...

Have Fun!

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Kianusch Sayah Karadji