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So, I've been getting a fair amount of e-mail about a line of dialogue from Half-Life 2: Episode 1. [MILD SPOILERS TO FOLLOW]

There's a part of the game where you can eavesdrop on two citizens sitting on a couch, and they say some pretty amusing things.

The line in question is: "I don't miss Dr. Breen, but I do miss his show. Remember when he had jugglers on?"

A lot of people writing in about this are of the opinion that this is a reference, by Valve, to my comic. Well... I don't really think so myself. It's a bit of a stretch, and while I know certain people at Valve are aware of my comic, I just can't imagine them going out of their way to reference it in the game. (Plus, I've never had jugglers in the comic.) It's a nice thought, though! And thanks for writing to me about it, I didn't hear it the first time I played.

I pulled my favorite line out, and it's linked here in a .wav file, so you'll need your speakers on.

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Created with Half-Life 2 by Valve Software, using Garry's Mod.
Assembled with Photoshop 6.0. Most fonts by Blambot
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