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I'm not very good at writing Vortigaunt dialogue, but my friend Greg is. And, not only can he write like a Vort, he can sound like one.

If you open up the folder I'm about to link, you'll find nine mp3's that Greg recorded for me, as Concerned's first and only audio fan art. I was planning on using these in a Frohman Mod (still hope to), but since I haven't had much time to mess around with the SDK and FacePoser lately, I figure I should just go ahead and post them, because they're great. If Frohman ever took the time to talk to a Vortigaunt, this is definitely what it would say.

Where in Frohmania do YOU live?

Contact me here or visit the Forums
Please visit my other site, Not My Desk.
Created with Half-Life 2 by Valve Software, using Garry's Mod.
Assembled with Photoshop 6.0. Most fonts by Blambot
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