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Panel 3: That glowing orb is the secondary fire of the pulse rifle. When you use it in the game, it bounces around for three seconds, vaporizing anyone in it's path. I figured I'd have to put the orb in using Photoshop, but the map I used had a ton of "orb-generators" scattered around, and I found I could pull individual orbs out with the G-Mod physics tool, carry them around, and lock them in place. So, I was able to pose the orb practically. Isn't that just fascinating? (Well, I did get a few e-mails asking me if it was posed or added later.)

Posing Notes: I can't pose Combine soldiers worth a damn, but I was really trying to make Mr. Henderson look like he had a bit of a paunch. There's also a rollermine under his desk which I never got a chance to show.

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Created with Half-Life 2 by Valve Software, using Garry's Mod.
Assembled with Photoshop 6.0. Most fonts by Blambot
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