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Hey, I finally managed to put Day Of Defeat:Source into my comic! Hooray! And I didn't even have to work a time machine into the story.

There's a G-Mod mod for dressing up the citizens in different colored suits, found here. I thought brown looked nicest on Frohman. And, there's a complete DoD mod as well, that gives you all the models and weapons and stuff from DoD:S. People make cool stuff.

I'll probably have a review of Episode 1 up in a few days, if you're still on the fence about buying it. Short answer is, it's worth it. But I'll have more to say in a couple days.

Where in Frohmania do YOU live?

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Please visit my other site, Not My Desk.
Created with Half-Life 2 by Valve Software, using Garry's Mod.
Assembled with Photoshop 6.0. Most fonts by Blambot
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