Concerned is complete! To read this comic from the beginning, click here.
To find out what else is going on with me, visit the Extras page!
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That G-Man! Where will he show up next?

Speaking of which, G-Man has now made an appearance in every chapter of the comic so far. Can you find them all?

Speaking of comics, in the January issue of Computer Gaming World, you'll find two exclusive three-panel Concerned comics and an article about me and the strip. It's on newsstands now, so rush out and buy a copy before some jerk beats you to it.

Thanks to Shawn Elliot of CGW for getting me into the magazine and on the coverdisc.

Where in Frohmania do YOU live?

Contact me here or visit the Forums
Please visit my other site, Not My Desk.
Created with Half-Life 2 by Valve Software, using Garry's Mod.
Assembled with Photoshop 6.0. Most fonts by Blambot
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