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I haven't played "Plan of Attack" yet (it's a new Counter-Strike-esque HL2 mod that's still in beta) but I've heard a lot of good things about it.

I have to take a short break, as I'm having some difficulties with the game crashing to desktop nearly every time I go in to make the comics, and it won't let me load prior saved games, which is a bit of a problem. I tried reinstalling Steam and HL2 this weekend, but it didn't solve the problem, so I think it's some sort of conflict with other software I've got loaded.

New comics will resume on Monday, August 29, earlier if I fix the problem before then.

Speaking of saved games, I usually will do the posing for one or more comics in the same sitting, which results in a saved game that looks sort of like a wax museum, with multiple poses, spawned characters, and discarded ragdolls littered about the level.

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Please visit my other site, Not My Desk.
Created with Half-Life 2 by Valve Software, using Garry's Mod.
Assembled with Photoshop 6.0. Most fonts by Blambot
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