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Sorry for the downtime. Real life intrudes occasionally.

This comic pretty much mirrors my limited experience in MMORPGS. A lot of standing around trying to find a decent group to adventure with, a lot of repeated missions you've done a bunch of times before, a lot of running to distant zones, a lot of groups you just don't fit with, and a lot of people who are in-game but are also off eating dinner or something. A lot of downtime, is what it amounts to, basically. I base this all on City of Heroes, which I still enjoyed for a while, but pretty quickly gave up on. I'm going to try World of Warcraft this week -- maybe it'll change my mind.

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Please visit my other site, Not My Desk.
Created with Half-Life 2 by Valve Software, using Garry's Mod.
Assembled with Photoshop 6.0. Most fonts by Blambot
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