Archive-Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 02:18:32 -0700 Subject: Re: Interesed in MX. From: (Peter LANGSTOEGER) Message-ID: <3b1b525e$> Date: 4 Jun 2001 11:18:22 +0200 Reply-To: To: In article <>, Michael Austin writes: >Question: > >can MX provide a "mailbox"/email address for mulitple companies on a >single server. I am looking at creating a "web hosting" (using Apache's >virtual host") service and would like to provide a pop-mail for them. >Is this possible with MX? Of course. Better start with downloading the kit and reading all the available docs. MX is a very powerful mailer (though it is not perfect - but is there one ?) eg. MCP>DEFINE PATH "" LOCAL MCP>DEFINE PATH "" LOCAL MCP>DEFINE PATH "" LOCAL or some other ways (like MCP DEFINE ALIAS) -- Peter "EPLAN" LANGSTOEGER Tel. +43 1 81111-2651 Network and OpenVMS system manager Fax. +43 1 81111-888 <<< KAPSCH AG Wagenseilgasse 1 E-mail A-1121 VIENNA AUSTRIA "I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist" ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 05:55:44 -0700 Subject: [MX V5.2] MODIFY PATH doesn't delete /ROUTE From: (Peter LANGSTOEGER) Message-ID: <3b24bfc7$> Date: 11 Jun 2001 14:55:35 +0200 Reply-To: To: Today I switched a domain/path from remote to local: DEFINE PATH "" SMTP /ROUTE="x.y.z" to DEFINE PATH "" Local with the MODIFY PATH command. But a MCP SHOW ALL/COM afterwards got this DEFINE PATH "" Local /ROUTE="x.y.z" That means, MODIFT PATH mumble LOCAL doesn't delete /ROUTE. I don't think, that this is expected/consistent. Any comments -- Peter "EPLAN" LANGSTOEGER Tel. +43 1 81111-2651 Network and OpenVMS system manager Fax. +43 1 81111-888 <<< KAPSCH AG Wagenseilgasse 1 E-mail A-1121 VIENNA AUSTRIA "I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist"