Archive-Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 00:05:03 EDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 00:04:23 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097F46A.3E6A6DE8.257@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU> Subject: MX-LIST Administrivia: Monthly Post Posting statistics for list MX-LIST during May 1994 Total number of posts: 189 Total number of posters: 98 Total number of subscribers: 229 Total number of digest subscribers: 36 Last modified: 31-MAY-1993 23:55 (Added digest info.) Welcome to MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, an electronic mailing list established for the discussion of the Message Exchange mail software. This is a routine posting you will see from time to time on MX-List. MX-List postings are also available in a daily digest format. To subscribe to the digest, send the following command in the body of a mail message to MXserver@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU: SUBSCRIBE MX-List-Digest "Your real name here" The MX-List archives are maintained at ARCHIVES@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. To get a copy of any month's postings, send an e-mail message with the body SEND MX-List.yyyy-mm to ARCHIVES@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, where "yyyy" is the year and "mm" is the numeric representation of the month. For example, the message SENDME MX-List.1992-04 will send the archives for April 1992. MX itself is available via anonymous ftp from in [.MX.MX033]. You can also get it via e-mail by sending the commands SEND MX033 and SEND FILESERV_TOOLS on separate lines in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. To remove yourself from the mailing list, send the following command to MXserver@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU: SIGNOFF MX-List MXserver supports a few other commands for your convenience. The following commands can be handled automatically by the list processor: SIGNOFF MX-List - to remove yourself from the list REVIEW MX-List - to get a list of subscribers QUERY MX-List - to get the status of your entry on the list SET MX-List NOMAIL - to remain on the list but not receive mail SET MX-List MAIL - to resume receiving mail from the list SET MX-List CONCEAL - to not report your address in a REVIEW SET MX-List NOCONCEAL - to report your address in a REVIEW SET MX-List REPRO - to receive posts you make to MX-List SET MX-List NOREPRO - to not receive posts you make to MX-List LIST - to get a list of mailing lists served by WKUVX1 HELP - to receive a help file By default, subscriptions are set to MAIL, REPRO, NOCONCEAL. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about MX-List, please contact the list owner at the address below. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hunter Goatley, VAX Systems Programmer goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Western Kentucky University Academic Computing, STH 226 (502) 745-5251 Bowling Green, KY 42101 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 02:49:19 EDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 11:17:05 -0305 From: SAEED KHADEMI Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <0097F4C8.38238EC0.11620@IREARN.BITNET> Subject: RE: "MX ROUTER" Process Consumes 90+ of CPU ... > >I have a problem with the MX 4.0-1 VAX. On occasions, two in the >last week, the "MX Router" process "runs away" and consumes over 90% >of the CPU (a VAXstation 4000-60). I am running OpenVMS VAX 5.5-2. > >Looking in the queue I see: >.. >... >... >To clear the problem, I have done a QUEUE CANCEL on the entries, >shutdown the router process and then stopped the MX Router process >using "$stop/id=" as it won't go away after being shutdown. >I then restart MX and all is well. I had this problem. Besides Router gots 90+ of I/O. I have checked all of configuration parameters and I found nothing. After all I looked at mailer account, I saw that it have FULL PRIVELEDGE authority and all of parameters of this account is according to the example og MX installation guide. I chenged them and now router works very well. Currently my MAILER definition is as follows : ============================================================= Username: MAILER Owner: Account: MXMAILER UIC: [1,3] ([1,3]) CLI: DCL Tables: DCLTABLES Default: DISK$USERS:[MAILER] LGICMD: LOGIN Flags: Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Sat Sun Secondary days: Fri Primary 000000000011111111112222 Secondary 000000000011111111112222 Day Hours 012345678901234567890123 Day Hours 012345678901234567890123 Network: ##### Full access ###### ##### Full access ###### Batch: ##### Full access ###### ##### Full access ###### Local: ##### Full access ###### ##### Full access ###### Dialup: ########----------###### ##### Full access ###### Remote: ##### Full access ###### ##### Full access ###### Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 6 Login Fails: 0 Pwdlifetime: 90 00:00 Pwdchange: (pre-expired) Last Login: (none) (interactive), 25-MAY-1994 14:00 (non-interactive) Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 100 Bytlm: 8192 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 18 JTquota: 1024 Prclm: 0 DIOlm: 18 WSdef: 150 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 24 WSquo: 256 Queprio: 100 TQElm: 10 WSextent: 512 CPU: (none) Enqlm: 100 Pgflquo: 10240 Authorized Privileges: CMKRNL SYSNAM DETACH TMPMBX WORLD EXQUOTA NETMBX PHY_IO SYSPRV SYSLCK Default Privileges: CMKRNL SYSNAM DETACH TMPMBX WORLD EXQUOTA NETMBX PHY_IO SYSPRV SYSLCK ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 06:29:47 EDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 31 May 1994 19:15:19 EDT From: "Brian Tillman" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: WKUVX1.WKU.EDU! CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Automatic reply-header! Bjorn Skeppner ( writes: >I have noticed that many of you have some automatic reply-header >when you reply to a message. >What kind of tool do you use for that? >I have only seen a MAIL-program that did something simular: VMAIL For me, it's called DECwindows Cut and Paste! -- Brian ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 09:31:13 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 10:10:48 GMT-03:00 From: Joseph Max Cohenca Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: "MX Router" Process Consumes 90%+ of the CPU - mx.log [1/1] => =>I have a problem with the MX 4.0-1 VAX. On occasions, two in the =>last week, the "MX Router" process "runs away" and consumes over 90% =>of the CPU (a VAXstation 4000-60). I am running OpenVMS VAX 5.5-2. => =>Looking in the queue I see: => => =>MCP> queue show => =>Entry# Status Size Source Agent .... =>------ ------ ---- ------ ----- => 5 INPROG 2465 LOCAL => 1 READY 184 SMTP => ... => ... => others => => =>To clear the problem, I have done a QUEUE CANCEL on the entries, =>shutdown the router process and then stopped the MX Router process =>using "$stop/id=" as it won't go away after being shutdown. =>I then restart MX and all is well. => => We had a similar problem when we installed MX V 4.0. The router was entering a loop. We discovered that we had added in MCP a DEFINE ALIAS POSTMASTER while we had a username POSTMASTER, and that caused the loop. This might be your case. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! Joseph Max Cohenca ! Hepnet: uspif::mcohenca ! ! Centro de Computacao ! Hepnet: 47602::mcohenca ! ! Instituto de Fisica da USP ! Renpac: psi%11187031::mcohenca ! ! Caixa Postal 20516 ! Internet: ! ! 01498- Sao Paulo ! Fone: (011) 818-6810 ! ! BRASIL ! FAX : (011) 814-0503 ! +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 11:12:21 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 11:07:44 EDT From: Chris Olive Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX 4.0-1 SMTP Agent Hangs on Outbound Binary Files? In article <>, Tim Burress writes: >We're seeing an odd problem here. Someone tried to mail a straight binary >file (an Macintosh SEA archive) to Compuserve, and it caused the SMTP agent >to hang in an LEF state. The partial transcript looks like this: > > [snipped log] > >after which SMTP stops processing outgoing mail. Is this a general problem with >binary files, or something specific to this particular one? I've never seen >this before, and people here try to send all kinds of stuff. This particular >file is quite large, about 3700 blocks. > >We didn't have debugging turned on, but do now, and I'll see if that turns up >anything. Otherwise, we have the queue entries for the message (it sure isn't >going anywhere) if that would help. > >Any ideas? Nothing *directly* related to the problem, but somewhat indirectly. I would define at least one more outgoing SMTP agent so that if this or something like this happens in the future (and invaribly these things *do* occur), your outgoing mail won't be completely hung since you'll be running multiple SMTP agents. As it relates to the problem, it seems to me that it's not going to matter if you blow away this entry and restart your SMTP outgoing since the intended receipient isn't ever going to get the SEA file anyway, even if your SMTP process *didn't* hang. I would just blow the entry away, and restart your outgoing SMTP process. Chris _______________________________________________________________________________ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ /___ | |__ |\ /| |__ |\ | /___ Chris Olive, VMS Systems Consultant ___/ _|_ |___ | Y | |___ | \| ___/ Internet: Medical Systems, Inc. Voice: 708.304.7793 2501 N. Barrington Road. FAX: 708.304.7704 Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 CompuServe: 73740,1636 _______________________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 11:58:43 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 11:54:55 EDT From: Chris Olive Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MODIFY LIST listname/HELP_MESSAGE??? In article <>, (Alan Greig) writes: >Incidentally if you want to have a look at an alternative ftp client/server >from the same source I'd suggest you get hold of MadGoat ftp as well. >Supports anonymous ftp too. Dare I ask this, but, is this free like MX? Chris _______________________________________________________________________________ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ /___ | |__ |\ /| |__ |\ | /___ Chris Olive, VMS Systems Consultant ___/ _|_ |___ | Y | |___ | \| ___/ Internet: Medical Systems, Inc. Voice: 708.304.7793 2501 N. Barrington Road. FAX: 708.304.7704 Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 CompuServe: 73740,1636 _______________________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 13:44:36 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 13:44:25 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097F4DC.CD4464CF.15@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MODIFY LIST listname/HELP_MESSAGE??? Chris Olive writes: > >In article <>, >(Alan Greig) writes: > >>Incidentally if you want to have a look at an alternative ftp client/server >>from the same source I'd suggest you get hold of MadGoat ftp as well. >>Supports anonymous ftp too. > > Dare I ask this, but, is this free like MX? > Yes, it is. You can find it on under [.MACRO32.SAVESETS] and on in [.VMS.FILESERV]. Look for MGFTP.ZIP. There is a MadGoat Software WWW home page now, too. The URL is: Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 15:07:46 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 15:03:45 EDT From: Chris Olive Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Automatic reply-header! In article <>, "Bj|rn Skeppner MTA/F, Huddinge Hosp" writes: >Hi folks! > >I have noticed that many of you have some automatic reply-header >when you reply to a message. > >Eg: In article ... xx writes... >> question text >> question text >> > >Answer: ....... > >What kind of tool do you use for that? >I have only seen a MAIL-program that did something simular: VMAIL > >Glad for any tips! I don't use it, but some of my underclassmen at my old alma mater wrote a mail prefixer in TPU after I left. It is available on their anonymous FTP server: You'll need the VMS UNZIP utility to access the contents. UNZIP is also available on the same server in addition to zillions of other places. Chris _______________________________________________________________________________ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ /___ | |__ |\ /| |__ |\ | /___ Chris Olive, VMS Systems Consultant ___/ _|_ |___ | Y | |___ | \| ___/ Internet: Medical Systems, Inc. Voice: 708.304.7793 2501 N. Barrington Road. FAX: 708.304.7704 Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 CompuServe: 73740,1636 _______________________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 02 Jun 1994 16:18:06 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Problem resolving address Message-ID: Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 21:46:04 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I've just run into a problem with one of my users trying to send (actually reply) mail to a system that has only MX records (as in Internet Mail eXchange), rather than A (Address) records. MX (the mailer) couldn't resolve the address. Is this something to do with MX, or is something misconfigured with my TCP software (Multinet 3.3)? Thanks Mike =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Michael Bowers Internet: University of California, Davis ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 02 Jun 1994 16:31:44 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 02 Jun 1994 16:30:21 EDT From: Rick Westerman Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Problem resolving address > I've just run into a problem with one of my users trying to > send (actually reply) mail to a system that has only MX > records (as in Internet Mail eXchange), rather than A (Address) > records. MX (the mailer) couldn't resolve the address. > This problems seems to stem from the way Netlib is finding it's nameserver(s). I solved the problem by defining NETLIB_NAMESERVERS to one explicit address; e.g., $ define/system netlib_nameservers "" I had no luck in trying to define two nameservers but didn't worry too much about it since my one nameserver is reliable. -- Rick Rick Westerman System Manager of the Ag Campus Laboratory for Computational Biology (ACLCB), BCHM bldg., Phone: (317) 494-0505 Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN 47907 FAX: (317) 494-7897 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 02 Jun 1994 16:39:32 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: eychaner@SUNCUB.BBSO.CALTECH.EDU ("Channel Energy") Subject: MX / NEWSRDR suggestions... Date: 2 Jun 1994 21:26:48 GMT Message-ID: <2sliqo$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I know this isn't the NEWSRDR group, but I also know that this will hopefully make it to the right place (OK, so I'm STILL not on the MadGoat mailing lists, OK?). :-) Anyway- On my "wish list" for MX is a way to SET LOCAL/HEADERS on a user-by-user basis (or for users themselves to do it). This couldn't be done with a logical name; it'd have to use some kind of MX-PROFILE file, either in the same directory as VMSMAIL-PROFILE or in each user's MAIL directory. (Some of my users prefer NOT to see the RFC headers, while I do.) Other things could possibly be put in here (what, I have no clue). On my wish list for NEWSRDR is a whole new concept(?); a reverse killfile where I store threads I'm VERY interested in, so that these can get read FIRST (with a READ/THREAD/STORED command?). I would use this MUCH more than a normal killfile. Anyway, -G. Glenn Eychaner, C Programmer & VMS Manager, Big Bear Solar Obs., Caltech (909)866-5791 40386 North Shore Lane SUNCUB::EYCHANER, 5554::EYCHANER (818)395-4014 Big Bear City, CA 92314 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 02 Jun 1994 17:51:58 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: RE: Problem resolving address Date: 2 Jun 1994 22:43:19 GMT Message-ID: <2slna7$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Rick Westerman writes: => I've just run into a problem with one of my users trying to => send (actually reply) mail to a system that has only MX => records (as in Internet Mail eXchange), rather than A (Address) => records. MX (the mailer) couldn't resolve the address. => = =This problems seems to stem from the way Netlib is finding it's nameserver(s). =I solved the problem by defining NETLIB_NAMESERVERS to one explicit =address; e.g., = =$ define/system netlib_nameservers "" = =I had no luck in trying to define two nameservers but didn't worry too =much about it since my one nameserver is reliable. You shouldn't have to define netlib_nameservers at all. The definition of MULTINET_NAMESERVERS should be sufficient. For those, remember that you define them as a searchlist. I.e., you define them as, e.g., $ DEF/SYS/EXEC MULTINET_NAMESERVERS "","",- "" and *NOT* as $ DEF/SYS/EXEC MULTINET_NAMESERVERS - ",," -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 03 Jun 1994 05:06:54 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: Problem resolving address Message-ID: Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 10:55:50 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In Article writes: > > I've just run into a problem with one of my users trying to > send (actually reply) mail to a system that has only MX > records (as in Internet Mail eXchange), rather than A (Address) > records. MX (the mailer) couldn't resolve the address. > I asked about this before, and I thought it was to do with the fact that name expansion is done by doing a name->number then a number->name expansion. Because an mx-only dns entry has no number, this procedure fails... I dont know if the tcp nameservers can be asked to return the full name they used for the lookup, but I'm sure that would help if they could... dd -- David Denholm 'official' : Physics dept. preferred : Southampton University Tel : (0703) 592104 (work) (0489) 576733 (home) Southampton SO9 5NH Fax : (0703) 585813 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 03 Jun 1994 08:57:49 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Rocky Giannini Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: FLQ Manager not removing finished and cancelled entries? To: mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 09:55:54 -0400 (EDT) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit We've just upgraded from MX 3.1 to MX 4.0-1 and are experiencing some weirdness with the message queue. We're running MX on a VAX 6000/510 (VMS 5.4-3) machine and using Multinet 3.2D as our TCP/IP software. We're running the separate FLQ Manager process to clean out the queue but it doesn't seem to be removing finished and cancelled entries. Manually issuing an MCP QUEUE PURGE command deletes all of the entries from the queue. If we define MX_FLQ_DEBUG we get the following messages: 2-JUN-1994 11:35:56.87 %FLQ_CLEANUP, time to check for cleanups 2-JUN-1994 11:36:00.30 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_UMUC_RQC 2-JUN-1994 11:36:00.31 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. We're not sure (but would like to know) who this "Someone" is. MCP STATUS shows the following: PID Process name Agent type -------- --------------- ------------ 00000A68 Router agent 00000A69 Local delivery agent 00000A6D Mailing list/file server 00000A6B SMTP delivery agent 00000A71 Jnet interface agent 00000A6A Site-specific delivery agent 00000A6C SMTP server (over TCP/IP) 00000A67 MX FLQ manager We have the following FLQ logicals defined: "FLQ_CHECK_WAIT" = "0 00:01:00.00" "FLQ_FULL_PURGE_WAIT" = "14 00:00:00.00" "FLQ_PURGE_WAIT" = "0 00:01:00.00" "FLQ_RECLAIM_WAIT" = "0 04:00:00.00" "MX_FLQ_CHECK_WAIT" = "0 00:01:00" "MX_FLQ_DEBUG" = "TRUE" "MX_FLQ_DIR" = "USER$DISK:[MX.QUEUE] "MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME" = "UMUC" "MX_FLQ_PURGE_WAIT" = "0 00:01:00" "MX_FLQ_SHR" = "MX_EXE:MX_FLQ_SHR" We've tried experimenting with different values for MX_FLQ_CHECK_WAIT and MX_FLQ_PURGE_WAIT to test the problem, but it doesn't seem to do anything other than increase or decrease the frequency of the cleanup messages we get in the log file. As an aside, is there a difference between MX_FLQ_CHECK_WAIT and FLQ_CHECK_WAIT (and similarly FLQ_PURGE_WAIT and MX_FLQ_PURGE_WAIT)? All of these logicals are defined on our system, but I couldn't find anything in the docs about those without the MX prefix. We've also noticed that even after we manually purge the queue and MCP QUEUE SHOW/ALL shows that the queue is empty there are still a few MSG_TXT, HDR_INFO and other files left in the numbered queue directories. Is this because we're having problems with the FLQ_MGR or will these files disappear when the FLQ_FULL_PURGE_WAIT time expires? And lastly, at the moment an "MCP QUEUE STAT" shows: %MCP-I-QSTATUS, total entries: 47906/2001 (2394%) Highest entry used: 257 According to the docs this implies that we have 47906 entries currently in the queue (out of a max of 2001). Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions. -- Rocky Giannini UMUC Unix and VMS Systems ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 03 Jun 1994 09:11:22 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 03 Jun 1994 09:11:02 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097F648.F10D7744.7@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: FLQ Manager not removing finished and cancelled entries? Rocky Giannini writes: > [...] >We're running the separate >FLQ Manager process to clean out the queue but it doesn't seem to be >removing finished and cancelled entries. Manually issuing an MCP QUEUE >PURGE command deletes all of the entries from the queue. > >If we define MX_FLQ_DEBUG we get the following messages: > > 2-JUN-1994 11:35:56.87 %FLQ_CLEANUP, time to check for cleanups > 2-JUN-1994 11:36:00.30 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_UMUC_RQC > 2-JUN-1994 11:36:00.31 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. > >We're not sure (but would like to know) who this "Someone" is. > It could be one of the MX Router that's either doing the cleanups or is reporting that someone else is. This is normal, though you should have some real messages from one of the MX_FLQ_DEBUG.LOG;* files. > "FLQ_CHECK_WAIT" = "0 00:01:00.00" > "FLQ_FULL_PURGE_WAIT" = "14 00:00:00.00" > "FLQ_PURGE_WAIT" = "0 00:01:00.00" > "FLQ_RECLAIM_WAIT" = "0 04:00:00.00" These aren't doing anything anymore---they were replaced by MX_FLQ_* logicals. > "MX_FLQ_CHECK_WAIT" = "0 00:01:00" > "MX_FLQ_DEBUG" = "TRUE" > "MX_FLQ_DIR" = "USER$DISK:[MX.QUEUE] > "MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME" = "UMUC" > "MX_FLQ_PURGE_WAIT" = "0 00:01:00" > "MX_FLQ_SHR" = "MX_EXE:MX_FLQ_SHR" > >We've tried experimenting with different values for MX_FLQ_CHECK_WAIT >and MX_FLQ_PURGE_WAIT to test the problem, but it doesn't seem to do >anything other than increase or decrease the frequency of the cleanup >messages we get in the log file. > Another one is MX_FLQ_WAKEUP_INTERVAL, which isn't documented. >As an aside, is there a difference between MX_FLQ_CHECK_WAIT and >FLQ_CHECK_WAIT (and similarly FLQ_PURGE_WAIT and MX_FLQ_PURGE_WAIT)? >All of these logicals are defined on our system, but I couldn't find >anything in the docs about those without the MX prefix. > Because they're obsolete. >We've also noticed that even after we manually purge the queue and >MCP QUEUE SHOW/ALL shows that the queue is empty there are still a >few MSG_TXT, HDR_INFO and other files left in the numbered queue >directories. Is this because we're having problems with the FLQ_MGR >or will these files disappear when the FLQ_FULL_PURGE_WAIT time expires? > Apparently the former---others have reported the same thing, though I've not been able to duplicate it reliably. >And lastly, at the moment an "MCP QUEUE STAT" shows: > > %MCP-I-QSTATUS, total entries: 47906/2001 (2394%) Highest entry used: 257 > >According to the docs this implies that we have 47906 entries currently >in the queue (out of a max of 2001). > You need to do an MCP QUEUE SYNCH. This could be why entries aren't getting cleared out properly. MX V4.1 will feature the ability to automatically PURGE FINished entries, so that this problem won't occur anymore. I hope to release V4.1 before the end of the month. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 03 Jun 1994 19:05:13 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Subject: fixed..I think...Dying MX_LOCAL process Date: 3 Jun 1994 23:48:16 GMT Message-ID: <2sofg0$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I posted a message several months ago about MX_LOCAL continuing to dye with an access-violation in the accounting file...but no clue of the cause in the debug or log files. In any case, I first want to thank all of you who reponded with suggestions...even though none of them fixed the problem. The MX_LOCAL would die after processing 10 to 20 messages on an AXP 7610 running VMS 1.5. It worked fine on a I always suspected it had to be something to do with the AXP operating system. I was never able to find the cause...and finally gave up to running a batch job ever so often that re-started the mx_local process and requeued itself. I just received the VMS6.1 update....and after installing it, created another problem in that UCX3.0 on the ALPHA would not run due to "Shared image mismatched problems" Luckly, I also received the MAY distributions of UCX3.1 and installed it...and now the MX_LOCAL seems to be running fine and hasn't crashed for about 12 hours (it was crashing about every 15 minutes before) Apparently what ever was wrong has been fixed with the new release of VMS and/or UCX on the ALPHA. I just wanted to relay this information to any of you who may have been experiencing a simular problem. Best of Luck Charlie ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 04 Jun 1994 22:03:59 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sun, 05 Jun 1994 11:00:21 +0800 From: Cindy Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Problematic sender identification Hello, I have MXv4.0 running on our system (VMSv5.4 and UCXv2.0). My MX mailer presents the sender of messages from the local host as user@bepc2, not as, and this causes problems for some receiving mailers, especially those that speak ESMTP (see attached mx_stmp_log.log below). Is there any way I can make my MX identify the sender using our fully qualified domain name, i.e., Thanks a lot. Cindy Hao ---------an example mx_smtp_log.log ----------------- 2-JUN-1994 14:20:04.71 Processing queue entry number 28 on node BEPC2 2-JUN-1994 14:20:06.88 Recipient: , 2-JUN-1994 14:20:06.88 SMTP_SEND: looking up host name 2-JUN-1994 14:20:08.95 SMTP_SEND: Attempting to start session with [] 2-JUN-1994 14:20:09.70 SMTP_SEND: Connected 2-JUN-1994 14:20:12.23 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: Sendmail ready at Wed, 1 Jun 1994 23:20:04 -0700 2-JUN-1994 14:20:12.69 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 220 ESMTP spoken here 2-JUN-1994 14:20:12.70 SMTP_SEND: Sent: HELO 2-JUN-1994 14:20:13.40 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 250 Hello [], pleased to meet you 2-JUN-1994 14:20:13.41 SMTP_SEND: Sent: MAIL FROM:<"vs3100::shencq"@bepc2> 2-JUN-1994 14:20:14.24 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 553 <"vs3100::shencq"@bepc2>... Never heard of domain 2-JUN-1994 14:20:14.36 SMTP send failed, sts=0C27804A, sts2=0C2680AC 2-JUN-1994 14:20:14.37 Recipient status=0C2680AC for 2-JUN-1994 14:20:17.89 Entry now completely processed, no retries needed. 2-JUN-1994 14:20:18.07 *** End of processing pass *** ---- IHEP Computing Center P.O. Box 918-7 E-mail: Beijing 100039 Tel: +86(1)821-8315 China Fax: +86(1)821-3374 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 04 Jun 1994 23:08:56 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sat, 04 Jun 1994 22:05:43 MDT From: Ask me about Star Stare '94 Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Problematic sender identification |>I have MXv4.0 running on our system (VMSv5.4 and UCXv2.0). My MX mailer |>presents the sender of messages from the local host as user@bepc2, not as |>, and this causes problems for some receiving mailers, What do the following logicals look like on your system? UCX$BIND_DOMAIN UCX$INET_DOMAIN They should be defined as "" (for the above scenario). _____________________________________________________________________________ / Mike Frazier (NAR #55180) | If you can't see the sucker when you sit down at\ | Digital Equipment Corp. | the table, then odds are that the sucker is you!| | OLTP Expertise Center | | | Colorado Springs, Colorado| - An old poker joke - | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| \ Email Address: / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sun, 05 Jun 1994 05:36:30 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sun, 05 Jun 1994 18:30:08 +0800 From: Cindy Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: CC: Message-ID: <0097F829.610E8C40.4@bepc2> Subject: Re: Problematic sender identification--solved =|>I have MXv4.0 running on our system (VMSv5.4 and UCXv2.0). My MX mailer =|>presents the sender of messages from the local host as user@bepc2, not as =|>, and this causes problems for some receiving mailers, = = What do the following logicals look like on your system? = = UCX$BIND_DOMAIN = UCX$INET_DOMAIN = = They should be defined as "" (for the above scenario). The logicals are indeed defined as "". I solved the problem by changing the definition of the logical MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST from "@bepc2" to "". ---- IHEP Computing Center P.O. Box 918-7 E-mail: Beijing 100039 Tel: +86(1)821-8315 China Fax: +86(1)821-3374 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sun, 05 Jun 1994 18:56:34 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: Problematic sender identification Date: 5 Jun 1994 23:49:45 GMT Message-ID: <2stoap$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Cindy writes: =Hello, = =I have MXv4.0 running on our system (VMSv5.4 and UCXv2.0). My MX mailer =presents the sender of messages from the local host as user@bepc2, not as, and this causes problems for some receiving mailers, =especially those that speak ESMTP (see attached mx_stmp_log.log below). =Is there any way I can make my MX identify the sender using our fully =qualified domain name, i.e., From the release notes for MX v4.0: o For systems running UCX, the system's FQDN is now created by combining UCX$INET_HOST and UCX$INET_ DOMAIN. Previously, NETLIB expected UCX$INET_ HOST to contain the FQDN, which was contrary to Digital's intended use for the logical. Make sure that UCX$INET_DOMAIN is properly defined. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 13:24:42 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 14:17:19 EST From: "Wheeler, Daniel A" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Mailer address handling? I'm having some trouble understanding an addressing problem experienced by some of my users (a problem for which I would gladly appreciate a steer to some good reference material as well as an answer). Some mailing lists are rejecting requests from users indicating that is not subscribed while is. It appears that some systems recognize that our mail is from while others treat it as and I'm guessing that it has something to do with the DNS equivalence of and Is this a difference in how some mailers interpret incoming mail, despite the mail headers? I have included two recent sample messages below, including one for each interpretation of our headers. Am I correct in guessing I have also seen a similar interpretation problem with MLFAKE, whereby some mailers receive from a faked address while others don't buy it and figure out who really sent the message? Also unclear to me is how and when a change occurred between the time list subscription (maple...) and now (lemoyne...). The DNS has not ever been changed and the only other pertinent configuration change I can identify was the common correction in the UCX host name which changed our mail headers from @maple to What other local changes would affect this situation? Example messages and my configurations are below my sig. Thanks. --dan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dan Wheeler Senior Support Analyst & VMS System Manager Office of Information Systems, Le Moyne College, Syracuse NY 13214-1399 Phone 315.445.4565 (Home 315.655.8193) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Local configuration MX4.0-1 VAX/OpenVMS 5.5-2 UCX 2.0E / Jnet 3.6 / TCP-NJE 1.x DNS = = = --- Logicals "MX_NODE_NAME" = "" "MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST" = "" "UCX$BIND_DOMAIN" = "" "UCX$INET_DOMAIN" = "" "UCX$INET_HOST" = "" "UCX$INET_HOSTADDR" = "" --- MX_Logicals.DAT MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME\/SYSTEM/EXEC\NEWKID MX_NODE_NAME\/SYSTEM/EXEC\ MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST\/SYSTEM/EXEC\ MX_FLQ_DIR\/SYSTEM/EXEC\DISK$APPS:[MX.QUEUE] MX_ROUTER_DIR\/SYSTEM/EXEC\MX_ROOT:[ROUTER] MX_LOCAL_DIR\/SYSTEM/EXEC\MX_ROOT:[LOCAL] MX_MCP_HELPLIB\/SYSTEM\MX_DIR:MX_MCP_HELPLIB MX_ALIAS_HELPLIB\/SYSTEM\MX_DIR:MX_ALIAS_HELPLIB MX_SMTP_SERVER_THREADS\/SYSTEM/EXEC\8 --- GOOD MESSAGE ;This message seems ok - PMDF mailer/Multinet Host From: IN%"" "Wheeler, Daniel A" 6-JUN-1994 13:09:55.37 To: IN%"" CC: Subj: test message Return-path: Received: from ( by VAX.CS.HSCSYR.EDU (PMDF V4.2-12 #3529) id <01HD81F9MWLS91XI54@VAX.CS.HSCSYR.EDU>; Mon, 6 Jun 1994 13:09:41 EST Received: by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) id 15; Mon, 06 Jun 1994 13:06:39 EST Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 13:06:38 -0500 (EST) From: "Wheeler, Daniel A" Subject: test message To: Message-id: <> Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT test --- BAD MESSAGE ; And this is an example problem From: MX%"listproc@CC.UMontreal.CA" 6-JUN-1994 11:29:06.39 To: MX%"" CC: Subj: Error Condition Re: Invalid request Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 11:30:03 -0400 Reply-To: listproc@CC.UMontreal.CA From: listproc@CC.UMontreal.CA >SET BALZAC-L MAIL POSTPONE MARSH@LEMOYNE.EDU: You are not subscribed to In addition, the system found the following address(es) that resemble yours. If one of these is you, please resend your message from that one: MARSH@MAPLE.LEMOYNE.EDU Report any problems to ''. For a list of the available requests send a message to with a body consisting of nothing but the word HELP PS: Any subsequent requests that you might have submitted have been ignored. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Received: from effraie.CC.UMontreal.CA by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) with SMTP; Mon, 06 Jun 1994 11:29:04 EST Received: from (localhost) by effraie.CC.UMontreal.CA with SMTP id AA01485 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for; Mon, 6 Jun 1994 11:30:03 -0400 Message-ID: <199406061530.AA01485@effraie.CC.UMontreal.CA> Errors-To: balzac-l-request@CC.UMontreal.CA Sender: listproc@CC.UMontreal.CA To: X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0a -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas X-Comment: ** Serveur de listes de l'Universite de Montreal ** ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 16:02:32 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: "Daniel R Giles" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 16:49:42 EST Subject: MX on Alpha? I'm currently running MX on an old (old old) microVax II, VMS 5.4-2. I'm trying to convence my superiors that we should move over to an alpha platform. My question is simple: Is it possible to run MX on an Alpha running OpenVMS? Thanx in advance. ---------------------------------------------------------- Dan Giles, Sys Admin PRIOR Data Sciences (905) 670-1225 (fax -1344) ---------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 16:16:22 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 16:16:04 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097F8DF.D0CA24E8.8@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX on Alpha? "Daniel R Giles" writes: > >I'm currently running MX on an old (old old) microVax II, VMS 5.4-2. >I'm trying to convence my superiors that we should move over to an >alpha platform. My question is simple: > > Is it possible to run MX on an Alpha running OpenVMS? > MX V3.2, V3.3, and MX V4.0 all support OpenVMS AXP. You should, of course, install MX V4.0 (actually V4.0-1), which you can find on in [.MX] or on in [.MX.MX040]. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 16:45:23 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 16:41:17 EDT From: Chris Olive Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX on Alpha? In article , "Daniel R Giles" writes: >I'm currently running MX on an old (old old) microVax II, VMS 5.4-2. >I'm trying to convence my superiors that we should move over to an >alpha platform. My question is simple: > > Is it possible to run MX on an Alpha running OpenVMS? > >Thanx in advance. Hey, MadGoat Software offers the whole enchilada, baby... :-) The answer is a definite YES. Chris _______________________________________________________________________________ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ /___ | |__ |\ /| |__ |\ | /___ Chris Olive, VMS Systems Consultant ___/ _|_ |___ | Y | |___ | \| ___/ Internet: Medical Systems, Inc. Voice: 708.304.7793 2501 N. Barrington Road. FAX: 708.304.7704 Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 CompuServe: 73740,1636 _______________________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 17:34:44 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: "Daniel R Giles" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 6 Jun 1994 18:33:10 EST Subject: Outgoing Mail First of all, thanks for the fast response on my other querry. Now for something different. I want all mail going out to have it "Reply-To" field changed from "{user}@{stuff}" to "{user}". I thought I saw something about it somewhere, but can not locate it in the manual. (No, the MXSHARE_FROM_FORMAT - or whatever it is - won't work. I want the rewrite to occur no matter which platform it originates from.) Again, thanx in advance. ---------------------------------------------------------- Dan Giles, Sys Admin PRIOR Data Sciences (905) 670-1225 (fax -1344) ---------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 22:36:28 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Javier Henderson) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Problems with MX 4.01 and UUCP 2.0 Message-ID: <1994Jun6.202434.227@mln> Date: 6 Jun 94 20:24:34 PDT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hello, I can't send mail to addresses in the form of mx%"user@host.uucp". My config: VMS 5.5-2HW Pathway MX 4.01 NETLIB 1.6 UUCP 2.0 Here's some relevant info: Failed message to mx%"tp@mccall.uucp" From: MX%"" 6-JUN-1994 20:16:35.19 To: MX%"" CC: Subj: UUCP delivery error Return-Path: <> Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 20:16:31 PDT From: Local delivery agent To: Subject: UUCP delivery error X-Report-Type: Nondelivery; boundary="> Error description:" Note: this message was generated automatically. An error was detected while processing the enclosed message. A list of the affected recipients follows. This list is in a special format that allows software like LISTSERV to automatically take action on incorrect addresses; you can safely ignore the numeric codes. --> Error description: Error-For: "" Error-Code: 2 Error-Text: Error in delivery to user Message number 007E81D4 Error-End: 1 error detected ------------------------------ Rejected message ------------------------------ Received: by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) id 5; Mon, 06 Jun 1994 20:16:21 PDT Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 20:16:20 PDT From: Javier Henderson To: tp@mccall.uucp Message-ID: <> Subject: No it won't work. mx_uucp_log.log: 6-JUN-1994 20:16:23.62 Processing queue entry number 6. 6-JUN-1994 20:16:24.39 DELIVER: Delivering to "tp@mccall.uucp" 6-JUN-1994 20:16:24.80 DELIVER_FILE: Status=00000001 spawning subprocess. 6-JUN-1994 20:16:24.81 DELIVER_FILE: Command: MAIL/PROTOCOL=UUCP_MAILSHR MX_UUCP_20200D2B.TMP;1 "tp@mccall.uucp" 6-JUN-1994 20:16:24.99 DELIVER_FILE: Subprocess says: SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=(NOALL,DETACH,BYPASS,SYSPRV,TMPMBX,NETMBX,EXQUOTA) 6-JUN-1994 20:16:25.71 DELIVER_FILE: Subprocess says: MAIL/PROTOCOL=UUCP_MAILSHR MX_UUCP_20200D2B.TMP;1 "tp@mccall.uucp" 6-JUN-1994 20:16:30.80 DELIVER_FILE: Subprocess says: %MAIL-F-ERRACTRNS, error activating transport !AS 6-JUN-1994 20:16:31.25 DELIVER_FILE: Subprocess says: WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$FAO("EXIT:!XL",F$INTEGER($STATUS)) 6-JUN-1994 20:16:31.27 DELIVER_FILE: Subprocess says: EXIT:107E81D4 if I try to do a mail/protocol=uucp_mailshr: HENDERSON$ mail/protocol=uucp_mailshr henderson %UUCP-F-NOTSPOOL, Inbound message file not located in spooling area If I try to send mail to myself using uucp (i.e., uucp%"henderson"), it gets delivered normally. Any ideas? -- Javier Henderson (JH21) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 23:53:23 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 07 Jun 1994 07:41:50 +0300 From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Outgoing Mail Nader Nasry Nodes Administrator and VAX Systems Manager, Tel: (973) 449204 Computer Centre, University of Bahrain, P.O.Box 32038, Bahrain ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 06 Jun 1994 23:53:27 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 07 Jun 1994 07:47:13 +0300 From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Outgoing Mail "Daniel R Giles" wrote : >I want all mail going out to have it "Reply-To" field changed from >"{user}@{stuff}" to "{user}". I thought I saw something >about it somewhere, but can not locate it in the manual. (No, the >MXSHARE_FROM_FORMAT - or whatever it is - won't work. I want the >rewrite to occur no matter which platform it originates from.) You can define/sys/exec MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST "" or you can define locally def MX_REPLY_TO "" If you explain more I can help you more. Good Luck. Nader Nasry Nodes Administrator and VAX Systems Manager, Tel: (973) 449204 Computer Centre, University of Bahrain, P.O.Box 32038, Bahrain ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 07 Jun 1994 00:38:51 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 07 Jun 1994 15:35:38 +1000 From: Powell HEUER Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <0097F9A3.54F46F80.5008@syd.dwt.CSIRO.AU> Subject: Setting up a moderated mailing list I'm still running MX V3.3 VAX (I'm planning to do the upgrade although having seen the message about the imminence of V4.1 I thought I might leave it till then). I'm now starting to operate a few mailing lists. Is it possible to use MX to provide a moderated list? ie anyone can subscribe, and unsubscribe themselves but messages to the list are redirected to the list owner for approval before they go out to the list. I've not been able to find anything in the V3.3 documentation. Please point me to it if I've missed it. Otherwise, is a moderated list possible? How do I set it up? Thanks Powell Heuer --------------------------------------------------------------------- Powell Heuer E-Mail: CSIRO Division of Wool Technology Phone : +61 2 809 9444 PO Box 7 Fax : +61 2 809 9476 Ryde NSW 2112 AUSTRALIA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 07 Jun 1994 05:33:36 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 07 Jun 1994 05:33:15 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097F94F.2DF68E7B.21@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Setting up a moderated mailing list Powell HEUER writes: > >I'm still running MX V3.3 VAX (I'm planning to do the upgrade although having >seen the message about the imminence of V4.1 I thought I might leave it till >then). I'm now starting to operate a few mailing lists. > >Is it possible to use MX to provide a moderated list? ie anyone can subscribe, >and unsubscribe themselves but messages to the list are redirected to the list >owner for approval before they go out to the list. I've not been able to find >anything in the V3.3 documentation. Please point me to it if I've missed it. >Otherwise, is a moderated list possible? How do I set it up? > Moderated list support isn't in MX yet. The main reason is that implementation is a little tricky when VMS Mail is the interface. However, that is something I'm looking at for some version after V4.1. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 07 Jun 1994 07:54:25 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 07 Jun 1994 06:50:33 MDT From: Ask me about Star Stare '94 Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Mlist to Notes utility? I'm about to start writing a mailinglist to notes utility (or at least attempt to do this) and was curious, has anyone else already done this? I'd rather not recreate the wheel if there is one. If not, would anyone else out there be interested in it when I finish it? later... Mike _____________________________________________________________________________ / Mike Frazier (NAR #55180) | If you can't see the sucker when you sit down at\ | Digital Equipment Corp. | the table, then odds are that the sucker is you!| | OLTP Expertise Center | | | Colorado Springs, Colorado| - An old poker joke - | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| \ Email Address: / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 08 Jun 1994 13:49:32 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Listservers and rejected messages Date: 8 Jun 94 14:42:00 -0500 Message-ID: <> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I am having a problem with email when a message coming in from a list server is returned to the wrong address, usually because the user's disk quota is exhausted. I'll let the message I got from another sys manager speak for itself (below). He explains the problem very clearly. I have already talked to DEC about this and they say it's not their problem. Any possibility that it is an MX problem? Thanks, Dick Desroches ============================================================================= Message-ID: Your mailer is STILL BROKEN. Here's a description of the problem. There exists a mailing list. The mailing list sends out a message to one of the users at your site. The mailer at your site generates an error message. The mailer sends the message to the WRONG ADDRESS. That address is the incoming address for the mailing list. The error message is now sent to all subscribers. Thus the user at your site gets a copy of the error message as well. And therefore, the mailer at your site will probably generate another error message (including the first error message). That error message will be sent back to the list. An infinite error message loop results. ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR MAILER. Please FIX the problem. The enclosed message has numerous headers to indicate where error messages SHOULD be sent. Your mailer IGNORES all those headers, to the detriment of the literally HUNDREDS of subscribers to the list, and all the machines that transport mail in between the list host and the subscribers' hosts. It's an egregious error which needs to be addressed immediately. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 08 Jun 1994 14:32:53 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 08 Jun 1994 14:32:36 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FA63.B10238FA.15@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Listservers and rejected messages writes: > >I am having a problem with email when a message coming in from a list >server is returned to the wrong address, usually because the user's disk >quota is exhausted. I'll let the message I got from another sys manager >speak for itself (below). He explains the problem very clearly. I have >already talked to DEC about this and they say it's not their problem. > Unless you're using UCX SMTP, it's not their problem. I have a question, and I don't mean to sound however this might sound, but why did you even bother talking to DEC? It's mailer-related, not VMS Mail-related. I see that a lot---people use third-party software but call DEC when there's a problem that is clearly the result of the third-party software. >Any possibility that it is an MX problem? > Shouldn't be. MX follows the RFCs on all of this stuff. >>Message-ID: >> >>Your mailer is STILL BROKEN. Here's a description of the problem. >>There exists a mailing list. The mailing list sends out a message to >>one of the users at your site. The mailer at your site generates an >>error message. The mailer sends the message to the WRONG ADDRESS. Since you didn't include the headers, we don't know if this is true or not. >>That address is the incoming address for the mailing list. The error >>message is now sent to all subscribers. Thus the user at your site >>gets a copy of the error message as well. And therefore, the mailer >>at your site will probably generate another error message (including >>the first error message). That error message will be sent back to the >>list. An infinite error message loop results. ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR >>MAILER. Please FIX the problem. >> Enabling MX SMTP Server debug will show what RFC821 address is being received. $ define/sys/exec mx_smtp_server_debug true >>The enclosed message has numerous headers to indicate where error >>messages SHOULD be sent. Your mailer IGNORES all those headers, to >>the detriment of the literally HUNDREDS of subscribers to the list, >>and all the machines that transport mail in between the list host and >>the subscribers' hosts. It's an egregious error which needs to be >>addressed immediately. >> I agree, but I sincerely doubt that it's MX's fault. As per RFC821, MX selects the return address for bounces from the SMTP MAIL FROM: address. I would guess that *they* are sending the wrong address. At least, that's *my* understanding of how all that works. And MX handles that all perfectly for me.... Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 08 Jun 1994 14:36:04 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 08 Jun 1994 14:31:09 CDT From: "George D. Greenwade" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Listservers and rejected messages On 8 Jun 94 14:42:00 -0500, Dick Desroches posted: > I am having a problem with email when a message coming in from a list > server is returned to the wrong address, usually because the user's disk > quota is exhausted. I'll let the message I got from another sys manager > speak for itself (below). He explains the problem very clearly. I have > already talked to DEC about this and they say it's not their problem. > > Any possibility that it is an MX problem? I'd be surprised if it were an MX problem -- not that it isn't necessarily -- but MX under both Matt Madison originally and Hunter Goatley now, has developed a reputation as one of the most RFC-conformant mailers on any platform on the networks. You really need to forward the headers from one of the bounces so that this can be tracked down. As an aside -- what's the chance that the problem child user/subscriber is forwarding their mail to another system from your MX-based machine and the bounces are coming from there somehow? Seems unlikely if it's a quota problem, but certainly worth considering. Regards, George %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% George D. Greenwade, Ph.D. Internet: Department of Economics and Business Analysis THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG College of Business Administration Voice: (409) 294-1266 Sam Houston State University FAX: (409) 294-3612 Huntsville, TX 77341-2118 USA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 08 Jun 1994 19:22:20 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: eychaner@SUNCUB.BBSO.CALTECH.EDU ("Channel Energy") Subject: MX and DECNET address question... Date: 9 Jun 1994 00:08:30 GMT Message-ID: <2t5mhu$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU When I get a message over DECnet from :: and try to REPLY to it from VMSMail, or try to send a message to :: (no quotes) with SET TRANSPORT MX%, the mail gets sent to with the following message if I turn on showing of rewrites: MX rewrote as with no mention of the original . How do I get MX%:: with no quotes rewritten as something useful? I am running VMS 5.5-2A (VAXSMUP01_U2055); do I need to install the patch to VMSmail for network addressing? -G. Glenn Eychaner, C Programmer & VMS Manager, Big Bear Solar Obs., Caltech (909)866-5791 40386 North Shore Lane SUNCUB::EYCHANER, 5554::EYCHANER (818)395-4014 Big Bear City, CA 92314 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 08:04:18 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 06:57:57 MDT From: Ask me about Star Stare '94 Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX and DECNET address question... |> When I get a message over DECnet from :: and try to |>REPLY to it from VMSMail, or try to send a message to :: (no |>quotes) with SET TRANSPORT MX%, the mail gets sent to |>with the following message if I turn on showing of rewrites: |> |>MX rewrote as Sounds to me like your system has some rewrite rules specified on it. Do the following: MCP SHOW REWRITE By default, MX should detect that this is a DECnet address, and then send it to <"node::user"@localhost> (at least that is the way it works on my system). |>with no mention of the original . How do I get MX%:: |>with no quotes rewritten as something useful? If you do have rewrite rules, you may need to add one that looks something like this: <{node}::{user}> <"{node}::{user}"@localhost> Not sure if this is the best method, but it should work. Mike _____________________________________________________________________________ / Mike Frazier (NAR #55180) | If you can't see the sucker when you sit down at\ | Digital Equipment Corp. | the table, then odds are that the sucker is you!| | OLTP Expertise Center | | | Colorado Springs, Colorado| - An old poker joke - | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| \ Email Address: / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 09:16:33 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Date: 9 Jun 1994 10:05:49 -0400 From: "Don Badrak" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: comment character in MLF? To: "Message Exchange List" Subject: Time:9:58 AM OFFICE MEMO comment character in MLF? Date:6/9/94 Greetings, Are there any characters that are recognized as comment characters when sent to a mailing list request address (or mxserver)? Is there a way I can strip things before MLF gets a hold of it? We use QuickMail, and there are textual descriptions of the QM forms. I cannot seem to force the form to omit the text at the beginning of the form. What happens is that MLF sees the output text (as you see in this message, "OFFICE MEMO", "Subject", etc.) as commands and doesn't like them. It still adds the user, but it sends an error message back to the user stating there were unrecognized commands. This is kinda icky. I created a form that doesn't put that stuff in the message, but I'd rather control it at the MX side if possible. Don -- Don.Badrak@Census.GOV Geography Division U.S. Bureau of the Census Suitland, MD ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 09:32:04 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 16:31:18 +0200 From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Invalid To: using Alias with Name-conversion I have a problem sending messages using an alias (as I send this one). Although the address is correct, the header, as you will probably see in this message, contains an uncorrect To: It seems that the original right part of the address is systematically replaced by the content of the logical MX_SITE_NOT_AUTHORIZED_DOMAIN (for me I use the version of NAME_CONVERSION V1.4.1 last modified by H. Gilibert on 21-oct-1993 I asked him and he encounters the same problem. It seems to be a bad interaction between the name conversion and the management of the aliases (there is no problem without alias) Below is an example of the trace for a message sent to an alias "" Can anyone give me a solution ? Thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ type [.router]mx_router_log.log 8-JUN-1994 14:04:08.71 %PROCESS, Processing entry number 1 8-JUN-1994 14:04:08.78 %PROCESS, Status from READ_INFO was 00000001 8-JUN-1994 14:04:08.78 %PROCESS, Message originated in VMS Mail. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:08.79 %PROCESS, will run domain expander on envelope addresses. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:08.79 %PROCESS, Processing address: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:08.80 %PROCESS, ... address now reads: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:08.80 %PROCESS, Processing address: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:08.80 %PROCESS, ... address now reads: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:08.80 %PROCESS, will run domain expander on message headers. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.45 %PROCESS, Updating the QENT source address. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.47 %PROCESS, Finished VMSmail-origin preprocessing. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.47 %PROCESS, Recipient #0: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.47 %PROCESS, Recipient #1: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.48 %REWRITE, No rewrite rules matched 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.49 %FINDPATH, Site-spec expand on err=00000000 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.49 %FINDPATH, domain name UNILIM.FR matched path pattern * 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.49 %PROCESS, Rewrote as - next hop, path 2 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.49 %REWRITE, No rewrite rules matched 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.50 %FINDPATH, Site-spec expand on err=00000000 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.50 %FINDPATH, domain name CRIUC.UNICAEN.FR matched path pattern CRIUC.UNICAEN.FR 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.50 %PROCESS, Rewrote as - next hop, path 1 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.50 %FINDALIAS, no alias found for leyrat 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.50 %PROCESS, no alias found for leyrat 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.50 %PROCESS, this is just a local delivery 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.60 %PROCESS, Adding to LOCAL path: leyrat. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.82 %PROCESS, Path LOCAL gets 1 rcpts, entry number 2 8-JUN-1994 14:04:09.92 %PROCESS, Adding to SMTP path: . 8-JUN-1994 14:04:10.12 %PROCESS, Path SMTP gets 1 rcpts, entry number 3 $ type [.local]mx_local_log.log 8-JUN-1994 14:04:10.54 Processing queue entry number 2 8-JUN-1994 14:04:10.73 Checking local name: LEYRAT 8-JUN-1994 14:04:10.89 LOCAL_USER: User LEYRAT definitely local. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:10.89 This is a regular delivery. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.00 DELIVER: mime_headers = 0 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.00 DELIVER: fdlstr = "" 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.02 DELIVER: Using MX%"" as VMS MAIL From address. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.03 DELIVER: Using MX%"" as VMS MAIL To address. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.04 DELIVER: Using MX%"" as VMS MAIL CC address. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.04 DELIVER: Using "MX rewrote alias LIMOGES as " as subject. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.26 DELIVER: Delivering to LEYRAT 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.88 DELIVER: Status=00000001 from MAIL$ routines 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.03 All done with this entry. $ type [.smtp]mx_smtp_log.log 8-JUN-1994 14:04:10.45 Processing queue entry number 3 on node CAEN1 8-JUN-1994 14:04:10.67 Recipient: , 8-JUN-1994 14:04:10.67 SMTP_SEND: looking up host name 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.10 SMTP_SEND: Attempting to start session with [] 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.16 SMTP_SEND: Connected 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.34 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 220 MX V3.3 VAX SMTP server ready at Wed, 08 Jun 1994 14:02:22 +0200 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.37 SMTP_SEND: Sent: HELO 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.70 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 250 Hello, 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.70 SMTP_SEND: Sent: MAIL FROM: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.90 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 250 MAIL command accepted. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.90 SMTP_SEND: Sent: RCPT TO: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:11.99 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 250 Recipient okay (at least in form) 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.01 SMTP_SEND: Sent: DATA 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.31 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 354 Start mail input; end with . 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.32 SMTP_SEND: Sent: Received: by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) id 1; Wed, 08 Jun 1994 14:04:08 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.32 SMTP_SEND: Sent: +0200 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.32 SMTP_SEND: Sent: Date: Wed, 08 Jun 1994 14:04:07 +0200 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.32 SMTP_SEND: Sent: From: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.33 SMTP_SEND: Sent: To: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.33 SMTP_SEND: Sent: CC: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.34 SMTP_SEND: Sent: Message-ID: <> 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.34 SMTP_SEND: Sent: Subject: MX rewrote alias LIMOGES as 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.34 SMTP_SEND: Sent: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.34 SMTP_SEND: Sent: essai 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.34 SMTP_SEND: Sent: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.34 SMTP_SEND: Sent: *********************************************************************** 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.35 SMTP_SEND: Sent: Jacques LEYRAT ! Tel: (33-)31-45-55-08 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.35 SMTP_SEND: Sent: Centre de Ressources Informatiques (C.R.I.U.C) ! 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.35 SMTP_SEND: Sent: Universite de Caen ! Fax: (33-)31-44-58-54 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.35 SMTP_SEND: Sent: 14032 Caen Cedex ! 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.35 SMTP_SEND: Sent: e-mail: ! 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.35 SMTP_SEND: Sent: *********************************************************************** 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.37 SMTP_SEND: Sent: 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.37 SMTP_SEND: Sent: . 8-JUN-1994 14:04:12.37 SMTP_SEND: will wait 00:10:30.00 for reply. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:13.18 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 250 Message received and queued. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:13.18 SMTP_SEND: Sent: QUIT 8-JUN-1994 14:04:13.22 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 221 Service closing transmission channel 8-JUN-1994 14:04:13.31 Recipient status=00000001 for 8-JUN-1994 14:04:13.39 Entry now completely processed, no retries needed. 8-JUN-1994 14:04:13.43 *** End of processing pass *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** Jacques LEYRAT ! Tel: (33-)31-45-55-08 Centre de Ressources Informatiques (C.R.I.U.C) ! Universite de Caen ! Fax: (33-)31-44-58-54 14032 Caen Cedex ! FRANCE !e-mail: *********************************************************************** ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 10:17:06 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 08:14:02 PDT From: Virtual Bill Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: header question I just installed mx V4.0-1 last night and everything seemed to go as planned. However, there is one querky thing. Prior to my upgrade I would get internet mail with a header that looked like this: >From: MX%"" 8-JUN-1994 11:36:08.76 >To: POWERS After the upgrade my headers look like this: >From MX%"" 9-JUN-1994 07:49:00.37 >To: MX%"" What made the difference? ============================================================================= | Disclaimer: The contents of this message reflects my personal opinion and| | not those of my employer or the organization through which Internet was | | accessed. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bill Powers GTE Government Systems | | (415) 966-2757 internet: | | fax: (415) 966-3401 | ============================================================================= ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 11:14:43 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Chris Higgins - System Administrator) Subject: Re: MX and DECNET address question... Message-ID: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 9 Jun 1994 09:57:13 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <2t5mhu$>, eychaner@SUNCUB.BBSO.CALTECH.EDU ("Channel Energy") writes: > When I get a message over DECnet from :: and try to >REPLY to it from VMSMail, or try to send a message to :: (no >quotes) with SET TRANSPORT MX%, the mail gets sent to >with the following message if I turn on showing of rewrites: > >MX rewrote as > >with no mention of the original . How do I get MX%:: >with no quotes rewritten as something useful? > >I am running VMS 5.5-2A (VAXSMUP01_U2055); do I need to install the patch >to VMSmail for network addressing? I'm seeing this too.... but I haven't had the time to try solve it. I've got the mail patch installed. (VMS 5.5-2, MX4.0-1) > >-G. > >Glenn Eychaner, C Programmer & VMS Manager, Big Bear Solar Obs., Caltech > (909)866-5791 40386 North Shore Lane >SUNCUB::EYCHANER, 5554::EYCHANER (818)395-4014 Big Bear City, CA 92314 Chris. + J.C. Higgins, + + If you love something, set it + + VMS Sys. Admin, + + free. If it doesn't come back + + Comp.Sc.Dept. + + to you, hunt it down and + + UCC, Ireland + + KILL it. + ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 11:26:08 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: Listservers and rejected messages Date: 9 Jun 1994 03:13:48 GMT Message-ID: <2t61dc$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, writes: =I am having a problem with email when a message coming in from a list =server is returned to the wrong address, usually because the user's disk =quota is exhausted. I'll let the message I got from another sys manager =speak for itself (below). He explains the problem very clearly. I have =already talked to DEC about this and they say it's not their problem. = =Any possibility that it is an MX problem? = =Thanks, =Dick Desroches ============================================================================== =Message-ID: = =Your mailer is STILL BROKEN. Here's a description of the problem. =There exists a mailing list. The mailing list sends out a message to =one of the users at your site. The mailer at your site generates an =error message. The mailer sends the message to the WRONG ADDRESS. =That address is the incoming address for the mailing list. The error =message is now sent to all subscribers. Thus the user at your site =gets a copy of the error message as well. And therefore, the mailer =at your site will probably generate another error message (including =the first error message). That error message will be sent back to the =list. An infinite error message loop results. ALL BECAUSE OF YOUR =MAILER. Please FIX the problem. = =The enclosed message has numerous headers to indicate where error =messages SHOULD be sent. Your mailer IGNORES all those headers, to =the detriment of the literally HUNDREDS of subscribers to the list, =and all the machines that transport mail in between the list host and =the subscribers' hosts. It's an egregious error which needs to be =addressed immediately. And, of course, the headers that he sent back to you couldn't possibly be of any use whatever in diagnosing the problem, could they? Of course we're going to be able to help you with your problem when you can't even take the trouble to provide details, right? IDIOT! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 11:43:14 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Eberhard Heuser-Hofmann) Subject: Multinet-mm-mailer disturbs mx Date: 9 Jun 1994 14:13:59 GMT Message-ID: <2t7837$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hi, I'm not sure, if this is a known problem, but it took me a several hour to locate a delivery problem with mx + Multinet: One user told me, that he is unable to get e-mails. First I checked the mail.mai-file,and the VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA-file, but nothing was wrong. The only hint was the message, that the Multinet-mm-program was involved, because the MAIL$SYSTEM_FLAGS was set to "7". A "set watch/class=major file" + "mm" brought the solution: there was a "mail.txt"-file and "mm" uses this. As soon as I renamed this file, "mx" worked fine!! Eberhard ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 11:54:10 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 11:53:47 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FB16.ABD03FD1.9@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Multinet-mm-mailer disturbs mx (Eberhard Heuser-Hofmann) writes: > >there was a "mail.txt"-file and "mm" uses this. As soon as I renamed this file, "mx" worked fine!! > With MX V4.x, you can disable delivery via MM (system-wide). Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 12:08:27 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 12:55:43 EDT From: "Brian Tillman" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: uunet!WKUVX1.WKU.EDU! Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: Listservers and rejected messages Carl Lydick writes: >And, of course, the headers that he sent back to you couldn't possibly be of >any use whatever in diagnosing the problem, could they? Of course we're going >to be able to help you with your problem when you can't even take the trouble >to provide details, right? IDIOT! And of course it never occurred to you that Desroches *was never sent any headers*, right? You _did_ check to see that he _was_ sent headers before flaming, right? You didn't? IDIOT! -----------------------------+-------------------------------- Brian Tillman | Internet: Smiths Industries, Inc. | 4141 Eastern Ave., MS129 | Hey, I said this stuff myself. Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 13:20:04 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 14:13:33 EST From: "Wheeler, Daniel A" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Problem with multiple addressees? I just ran into a possible bug in MX (or its documentation, or if you wish, with VMS MAIL) when sending to multiple addresses. VMS mail *permits* you to send to multiple local users by separating addresses with spaces as well as commas (I didn't know this until I saw someone trying it and was about to tell them that it wouldn't work). The MAIL manual tries to tell you to use commas, but not very clearly. Anyway, a user this morning was following this bad habit but this time using MX% addresses (unfortunately to a long list, including some remote mailing lists). The result of the *spaces* parsing is below: --- BAD FORMAT --- mx%"..." mx%"..." mx%"..." mx%"..." --- From: MX%"" 8-JUN-1994 15:42:28.88 To: MX%"" CC: Subj: Returned mail: Unable to deliver mail Date: Wed, 8 Jun 1994 15:35:55 -0400 From: (Mail Delivery Subsystem) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- 554 strerise,rbova,jcaughey,cbieseme,amitchel,jpilger,wdelucin,wilcox... Unbalanced '"' 554 strerise,rbova,jcaughey,cbieseme,amitchel,jpilger,wdelucin,wilcox... Unbalanced '"' 554, Unbalanced '"' 554, Unbalanced '"' 554 savemail: HELP!!!!, Fatal Error cannot deliver message mail: HELP!!!!, Fatal Error cannot deliver message ----- Unsent message follows ----- Received: from by (5.4R2.01/1.34) id AA14763; Wed, 8 Jun 1994 09:43:26 -0400 Received: by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) id 158; Wed, 08 Jun 1994 09:49:27 EST Date: Wed, 08 Jun 1994 09:49:26 EST >From: Floyd Barnburner X-Mx-Warning: Warning -- Invalid "To" header. To: X%""MX%""MX%""MX%""MX%" Cc: Message-Id: <> Subject: CNP Steering Com. Minutes of 6/2/94 ... message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) with SMTP; Wed, 08 Jun 1994 15:42:25 EST Received: from by (4.1/1.0-6/5/90) id AA25870; Wed, 8 Jun 94 15:43:47 EDT Received: by (5.4R2.01/1.34) id AA17447; Wed, 8 Jun 1994 15:35:55 -0400 Message-ID: <> To: This *To:* line caused several Unix mailers to really go crazy, with several mailing list (not local list) recipients reporting receiving dozens of copies. A quick local experiment verified the correctness with commas and a mess with spaces. Next I'll try separating addresses with slashes and see how that works (:-). Just thought you'd like to know... --dan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dan Wheeler Senior Support Analyst & VMS System Manager Office of Information Systems, Le Moyne College, Syracuse NY 13214-1399 Phone 315.445.4565 (Home 315.655.8193) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 15:21:37 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: eychaner@SUNCUB.BBSO.CALTECH.EDU ("Channel Energy") Subject: RE: MX and DECNET address question... Date: 9 Jun 1994 18:58:21 GMT Message-ID: <2t7ood$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Ask me about Star Stare '94 writes: >> When I get a message over DECnet from :: and try to >>REPLY to it from VMSMail, or try to send a message to :: (no >>quotes) with SET TRANSPORT MX%, the mail gets sent to >>with the following message if I turn on showing of rewrites: >> >>MX rewrote as > >Sounds to me like your system has some rewrite rules specified on it. >Do the following: MCP SHOW REWRITE No rewrite rules defined on my system whatsoever. >By default, MX should detect that this is a DECnet address, and then >send it to <"node::user"@localhost> (at least that is the way it works >on my system). Nope. It gives the rewrite above (which is incorrect). >>with no mention of the original . How do I get MX%:: >>with no quotes rewritten as something useful? > >If you do have rewrite rules, you may need to add one that looks >something like this: > ><{node}::{user}> <"{node}::{user}"@localhost> I added the above rewrite rule; it works if you send to mx%"node::user", but not if you SET TRANSPORT MX% and send to node::user. For some reason, the node:: gets stripped, apparently before MX even gets to the message. Next contestant? Hunter? -G. Glenn Eychaner, C Programmer & VMS Manager, Big Bear Solar Obs., Caltech (909)866-5791 40386 North Shore Lane SUNCUB::EYCHANER, 5554::EYCHANER (818)395-4014 Big Bear City, CA 92314 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 15:26:53 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 15:26:31 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FB34.641A0690.9@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX and DECNET address question... eychaner@SUNCUB.BBSO.CALTECH.EDU ("Channel Energy") writes: > >Ask me about Star Stare '94 writes: >>> When I get a message over DECnet from :: and try to >>>REPLY to it from VMSMail, or try to send a message to :: (no >>>quotes) with SET TRANSPORT MX%, the mail gets sent to >>>with the following message if I turn on showing of rewrites: >>> >>>MX rewrote as >> [...] >I added the above rewrite rule; it works if you send to mx%"node::user", >but not if you SET TRANSPORT MX% and send to node::user. For some reason, >the node:: gets stripped, apparently before MX even gets to the message. > >Next contestant? Hunter? > Yes, that's exactly right. VMS Mail is stripping off the node name before handing it off to MX. Why, I don't know. I had intended to look into this more for V4.1, but haven't had time yet. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 15:36:43 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 15:36:25 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FB35.C5ED0B0A.5@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Problem with multiple addressees? "Wheeler, Daniel A" writes: > >I just ran into a possible bug in MX (or its documentation, or if you >wish, with VMS MAIL) when sending to multiple addresses. VMS mail >*permits* you to send to multiple local users by separating addresses >with spaces as well as commas (I didn't know this until I saw someone >trying it and was about to tell them that it wouldn't work). The MAIL >manual tries to tell you to use commas, but not very clearly. > >Anyway, a user this morning was following this bad habit but this time >using MX% addresses (unfortunately to a long list, including some remote >mailing lists). The result of the *spaces* parsing is below: > I just verified it. The mail does get delivered OK, but the To: header is hosed. I'll try to figure out what's causing that for V4.1. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 16:09:11 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 16:08:53 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FB3A.4F3B0D04.12@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: header question Virtual Bill writes: > > I just installed mx V4.0-1 last night and everything seemed to go > as planned. However, there is one querky thing. Prior to my upgrade > I would get internet mail with a header that looked like this: > > >From: MX%"" 8-JUN-1994 11:36:08.76 > >To: POWERS > > After the upgrade my headers look like this: > > >From MX%"" 9-JUN-1994 07:49:00.37 > >To: MX%"" > > What made the difference? Check your MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST logicals. Also, be sure the NICKNAME stuff is still in place, if you're using it. For more info on what's happening, you might try enabling MX Router debugging. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 16:11:59 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 16:11:42 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FB3A.B395B9FC.23@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: comment character in MLF? "Don Badrak" writes: > >Are there any characters that are recognized as comment characters when sent >to a mailing list request address (or mxserver)? Is there a way I can strip >things before MLF gets a hold of it? > Not yet, but I'll add it to the wishlist. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 16:24:27 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 9 Jun 94 16:20:48 EST From: Tim Biddle Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Subject: MX with DEC's Message Router Hi all. Here's the scenario: We have an antiquated Data General system with approx 2500 users that will be transitioning to MS-Mail, but it will take about 2 years to do it. This DG system has an X.400 to SMTP gateway on it that we can use to enable our DG users to send mail to and receive mail from the MS-Mail system, which also has both X.400 and SMTP gateways. The MS-Mail system is also connected to DEC's Message Router via DEC's Postmaster product. This allows our MS-Mail users to send and receive mail from other Navy sites that are also connected to the NAVWAN MAILbus. However, the DG users cannot send to the MAILbus, because we don't have any SMTP gateway into Message Router. That is what I want to use MX for. Now, some bright soul on this list is going to tell me to use DEC's X.400 gateway. I would love to, but there are too many hurdles to jump to let us do that right now. Besides, it costs money, which is in quite short demand these days, what with all the DoD cutbacks. Some other bright soul is going to say "Why not use PMDF?" Same reasons as mentioned above. So, I want to use MX to act as my SMTP gateway into Message Router. By the way, I do have DEC's VMSmail to Message Router gateway already installed. Here's what I want to do: A user from the DG system wants to send to a user on the MAILbus. The address would look something like this: username@MRG:X400 Here is what I want to happen: That message then passes thru the DG x.400 to SMTP gateway and becomes an SMTP message. It then gets forwarded to a machine running MX. MX then takes that message, and thru some re-write rule, or path definition, sends it to a machine running the VMSmail to MR gateway. The MR gateway then sends it to the username in the above address via MAILbus. Similarly, a user on the MAILbus wants to send to a user on the DG system, and the address would look something like this: username@dg@mbin01 (mbin01 is Indy's mailbus host: VAX 4100A) Here is what should happen: mbin01 accepts the message from MAILbus, and passes it to VMS/MR gateway, which then passes it to MX via SMTP (again using some rewrite rule, or path), MX then sends it to DG SMTP/X.400 gateway, which in turn, delivers it to the DG user. Does anyone know of any way to do this, and if so, could you please help me? Has anyone out there written a SITE agent to handle this kind of thing? I looked in the CONTRIB directory, and there was an ALL-IN-1 to MX .com routine, but that does not help. MR and Ain1 are not the same kind of animals. Please, help! Thanks in advance. Tim Biddle ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 17:48:52 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 17:45:04 CDT From: "George D. Greenwade" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX and DECNET address question... On 9 Jun 1994 18:58:21 GMT, eychaner@SUNCUB.BBSO.CALTECH.EDU ("Channel Energy") posted: >..... > ><{node}::{user}> <"{node}::{user}"@localhost> > > I added the above rewrite rule; it works if you send to mx%"node::user", > but not if you SET TRANSPORT MX% and send to node::user. For some reason, > the node:: gets stripped, apparently before MX even gets to the message. Hmmmmm, I use SET TRANS MX% and have the following (admittedly local) rewrite defined: Rewrite "SHSU::{user}" => "{user}" which seems to work fine. Don't know if it is generalizable or not. Doing a simple REPLY (which automatically uses MX%, obviously) yields: Return-Path: Received: by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) id 2820; Thu, 09 Jun 1994 17:39:38 CDT Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 17:39:30 CDT From: "George D. Greenwade" To: "shsu::bed_gdg" Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: test which is usable, at least for local purposes. All of the VAXen on our cluster report SHSU:: as their node for whatever that might be worth. Hope this is of some use (probably not, but at least it's a possible candidate). --George %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% George D. Greenwade, Ph.D. Internet: Department of Economics and Business Analysis THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG College of Business Administration Voice: (409) 294-1266 Sam Houston State University FAX: (409) 294-3612 Huntsville, TX 77341-2118 USA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 18:12:04 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 18:08:16 EDT From: Chris Olive Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: header question In article <0097FB3A.4F3B0D04.12@ALPHA.WKU.EDU>, "Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: >Virtual Bill writes: >> >> I just installed mx V4.0-1 last night and everything seemed to go >> as planned. However, there is one querky thing. Prior to my upgrade >> I would get internet mail with a header that looked like this: >> >> >From: MX%"" >> >To: POWERS >> >> After the upgrade my headers look like this: >> >> >From MX%"" 9-JUN-1994 07:49:00.37 >> >To: MX%"" >> >> What made the difference? > >Check your MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST logicals. Also, be sure the NICKNAME >stuff is still in place, if you're using it. > >For more info on what's happening, you might try enabling MX Router >debugging. After looking over Bill's example the first time this went out, I thought he was talking about the difference between this line: >From: MX%"" and this line: >From MX%"" But then I decided what really he meant was the difference between this line: >To: POWERS and this line: >To: MX%"" Didn't you signal this as a difference in the release notes, Hunter? In other words, it's a fact that MX 4.0-x is going to put the RFC complaint TO address on the To: line in VMS Mail. That is stated somewhere in the documentation. I guess this being the case, I don't understand what the reply about the logicals and router debug logs has to do with the initial question. I could only imagine that maybe the initial question was misunderstood. (But that could be *my* problem...) :-) I like this change in MX 4.0-x... (If I wasn't in such a hurry to get outta here, I'd look this up in the release notes). Chris _______________________________________________________________________________ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ /___ | |__ |\ /| |__ |\ | /___ Chris Olive, VMS Systems Consultant ___/ _|_ |___ | Y | |___ | \| ___/ Internet: Medical Systems, Inc. Voice: 708.304.7793 2501 N. Barrington Road. FAX: 708.304.7704 Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 CompuServe: 73740,1636 _______________________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 20:05:44 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: MX and DECNET address question... Date: 10 Jun 1994 00:51:36 GMT Message-ID: <2t8deo$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article , (Chris Higgins - System Administrator) writes: =In article <2t5mhu$>, eychaner@SUNCUB.BBSO.CALTECH.EDU ("Channel Energy") writes: => When I get a message over DECnet from :: and try to =>REPLY to it from VMSMail, or try to send a message to :: (no =>quotes) with SET TRANSPORT MX%, the mail gets sent to =>with the following message if I turn on showing of rewrites: => =>MX rewrote as => =>with no mention of the original . How do I get MX%:: =>with no quotes rewritten as something useful? => =>I am running VMS 5.5-2A (VAXSMUP01_U2055); do I need to install the patch =>to VMSmail for network addressing? = =I'm seeing this too.... but I haven't had the time to try solve it. It's an artifact of the way VMS MAIL parses addresses. The only way to et around the "problem" would be to come up with your own patch for MAIL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 20:13:24 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: Multinet-mm-mailer disturbs mx Date: 10 Jun 1994 01:06:11 GMT Message-ID: <2t8ea3$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <2t7837$>, (Eberhard Heuser-Hofmann) writes: =I'm not sure, if this is a known problem, but it took me a several hour to =locate a delivery problem with mx + Multinet: It's not only a known problem, it's a problem that's fixed in MX v4.0. =One user told me, that he is unable to get e-mails. = =First I checked the mail.mai-file,and the VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA-file, but =nothing was wrong. The only hint was the message, that the =Multinet-mm-program was involved, because the MAIL$SYSTEM_FLAGS was set to ="7". = =A "set watch/class=major file" + "mm" brought the solution: = =there was a "mail.txt"-file and "mm" uses this. As soon as I renamed this =file, "mx" worked fine!! You can use the MCP command "SET LOCAL/NOMM_DELIVER" to prevent MX from delivering mail via MM, regardless of whether MAIL.TXT exists. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 20:23:39 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: Listservers and rejected messages Date: 10 Jun 1994 01:18:23 GMT Message-ID: <2t8f0v$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, "Brian Tillman" writes: =Carl Lydick writes: = =>And, of course, the headers that he sent back to you couldn't possibly be of =>any use whatever in diagnosing the problem, could they? Of course we're going =>to be able to help you with your problem when you can't even take the trouble =>to provide details, right? IDIOT! = =And of course it never occurred to you that Desroches *was never sent any =headers*, right? You _did_ check to see that he _was_ sent headers before =flaming, right? You didn't? IDIOT! The message he sent indicated that he was sent headers. He didn't tell us that he wasn't sent headers. In point of fact, he *WAS* sent headers, but removed them when he posted his message. POMPOUS ASSHOLE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 22:39:26 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Mike Jensen) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: MX Delivering to Wordperfect Office (VAX) Problem Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 15:24:42 Message-ID: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU My site has, for better or worse, elected to install Wordperfect Office (WPO) on the network. WPO provides department-wide mail and document transfer on the PC LAN (Pathworks) and also enable the VT-300 terminal users to mail and transfer with the PC LAN people using a VMS-driven interface (the VMS people have similar functionality to the PC LAN people in terms of WPO). We are running: WP Office VAX 3.1 WP Office for MS-Windows 4.0A Digital Pathworks and OpenVMS VAX 5.5-2 Therefore, VMS mail is no longer the mainstay of our communications, in fact it is really being phased out in favour of WP Office (my comments on this are not able to be published!). We also use MX VAX 4.0-1 for SMTP and talking to the outside world on the Internet. MX is very reliable and does a great job of Internet mail etc. However, with VMS mail being phased out, we are having to deal with somehow getting Internet mail deliveries to the PC LAN users (via WP Office 4.0A Windows) and the remaining VT300 users on the VAX (using WP Office 3.1). So far, we have tried setting a forwarding address from VMS mail, to try and force the delivery to WP Office, eg. MAIL> set forward WPCORP_WPGATE%"comms:: .... ::commsdiv::commsdiv.po1::dmdj" When MX tries to deliver this though, I get: ******************** ERROR FOLLOWS ---> Error description: Error-For: "wpcorp_wpgate31%comms::com2com::commsdiv:: - commsdiv.po1::dmdj" Error-Code: 2 Error-Text: Error in delivery to user wpcorp_wpgate31%comms::com2com::commsdiv:: - commsdiv.po1::dmdj %MAIL-E-SENDERR, error sending to user commsdiv::commsdiv.po1::dmdj at COMMS -OFF31-E-WPGATE_FILE, Error creating attachment for WP Mail -RMS-F-FNM, error in file name -NONAME-W-NORMAL, normal successful completion Error-End: 1 error detected ******************** I can see all sorts of problems in the delivery path, VMS node name conflicts, errors in file names, etc. I'm sure there is a better way - please tell me there is! To make matters possibly worse, the cluster alias is also COMMS! The concept seems OK, trying to get VMS mail to forward to the WP Office system. Perhaps this is achievable in a far better within MX itself. Help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Mike Jensen ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 01:27:34 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: MX Delivering to Wordperfect Office (VAX) Problem Date: 10 Jun 1994 06:15:25 GMT Message-ID: <2t90dt$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article , (Mike Jensen) writes: =However, with VMS mail being phased out, we are having to deal with somehow =getting Internet mail deliveries to the PC LAN users (via WP Office 4.0A =Windows) and the remaining VT300 users on the VAX (using WP Office 3.1). So =far, we have tried setting a forwarding address from VMS mail, to try and =force the delivery to WP Office, eg. = =MAIL> set forward WPCORP_WPGATE%"comms:: .... ::commsdiv::commsdiv.po1::dmdj" And you didn't do a MAIL> SHOW FORWARD afterward, eh? Had you done so, you'd've found that the forwarding address was: WPCORP_WPGATE%comms:: .... ::commsdiv::commsdiv.po1::dmdj If the quotes are important, then you needed to issue the command: MAIL> SET FORW WPCORP_WPGATE%"""comms:: .... ::commsdiv::commsdiv.po1::dmdj""" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 06:51:38 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: moravec@ph1.Uni-Koeln.DE (Andreas Moravec) Subject: Re: Multinet-mm-mailer disturbs mx Date: 10 Jun 1994 11:20:00 GMT Message-ID: <2t9i90INN2l48@rs1.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <2t7837$>, (Eberhard Heuser-Hofmann) writes: > >I'm not sure, if this is a known problem, but it took me a several hour to locate a delivery problem >with mx + Multinet: > >One user told me, that he is unable to get e-mails. >... >there was a "mail.txt"-file and "mm" uses this. As soon as I renamed this file, "mx" worked fine!! Get MX >= V4.0, delivery to Multinet MM is disabled per default, to enable it again, type in MCP: SET LOCAL /MM_DELIVER (Some MX version V3.x introduced the feature of automatic delivery to Multinet MM Mailer if there is SYS$LOGIN:MAIL.TXT). Andreas. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ KOSMA = Koelner Observatorium fuer SubMillimeter-Astronomie Andreas Moravec TEL +49 (221) 470 4529 I. Physikalisches Institut FAX +49 (221) 470 5162 Universitaet zu Koeln TELEX 888 2291 UNIK D Zuelpicher Str. 77 INTERNET Moravec@Ph1.Uni-Koeln.De 50937 Koeln, Germany X.400 S=Moravec;OU=Ph1;P=Uni-Koeln;A=D400;C=DE ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 06:56:28 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 06:56:11 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FBB6.43943747.7@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: Re: Multinet-mm-mailer disturbs mx moravec@ph1.Uni-Koeln.DE (Andreas Moravec) writes: > >Get MX >= V4.0, delivery to Multinet MM is disabled per default, to enable >it again, type in MCP: SET LOCAL /MM_DELIVER > >(Some MX version V3.x introduced the feature of automatic delivery to > Multinet MM Mailer if there is SYS$LOGIN:MAIL.TXT). > And, by way of explanation, that was done because that's the only file that older versions of MM used. Now it uses a couple of files.... Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 07:55:56 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 08:52:41 EST From: Eric Groleau Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FBC6.89DA71C0.1@HQSE.CDST.HYDRO.QC.CA> Subject: Using MX with UUCP I'm using MX with UCX 2.0 on VMS 5.5-1. Now I want my VAX to act as mail gateway between dialin PCs and Internet. From what I've gathered, the best way to go about this is to use UUCP between the VAX and PCs. I've set up UUCP and the VAX and PCs can now exchange mail using the UUCP style addressing (host!user). I've also installed the UUCP protocol part of MX. The PCs can send mail onto Internet, but their "From:" address becomes "user@PChost.VAX.domain". Replies to this address don't reach me since the VAX doesn't recognize PChost.VAX.domain as himself. What I'd like is to either: Make the VAX accept any address in the form user@PChost.VAX.domain. Make outgoing mail be identified as coming form host!user@VAX.domain. And the second question: How do I get MX to redirect UUCP style mailpath to the UUCP agent? (PChost!user@VAX.domain -> UUCP%"PChost!user") And while I'm at it, is there anyone else out there using UUCP on PCs? What software are you using as a mail door? as a mail reader? Thanks in advance. Eric Groleau Hydro-Quebec Montreal, Quebec ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 09:39:46 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 07:36:11 -0700 From: "Ray Harwood -- Data Basix: (602)721-1988" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: rharwood@Data.Basix.COM Message-ID: <0097FBBB.DA13B580.23507@Data.Basix.COM> Subject: RE: Using MX with UUCP > Now I want my VAX to act as mail gateway between dialin PCs and Internet. > From what I've gathered, the best way to go about this is to use UUCP > between the VAX and PCs. I've set up UUCP and the VAX and PCs can now > exchange mail using the UUCP style addressing (host!user). > I've also installed the UUCP protocol part of MX. I've had lots of Internet-savvy people tell me "nobody wants UUCP... it's OLD technology!" But people are starting to request it more and more, since it's a heck of a lot cheaper than "full Internet access" (and a smaller drain on system resources, too!) > The PCs can send mail onto Internet, but their "From:" address > becomes "user@PChost.VAX.domain". Replies to this address don't reach me > since the VAX doesn't recognize PChost.VAX.domain as himself. Hopefully you don't LITERALLY mean PChost.VAX.domain, but rather a "real" address. Here, I have something of the form xxxxx.UU.Basix.COM where xxxxx is the UUCP system name. > What I'd like is to either: (1) > Make the VAX accept any address in the form user@PChost.VAX.domain. I have the following path (taken from MCP SHOW PATH): Domain="*.UU.BASIX.COM", Path=UUCP If you don't go to a PCHost.UU.VAX.Domain style of address, then you'll have to have a Path entry for EVERY UUCP domain name... that's not my recommended approach. > What I'd like is to either: (2) > Make outgoing mail be identified as coming form host!user@VAX.domain. You're much better off getting away from "bang-style addressing". The average user has enough trouble understanding the Internet as it is... if they don't have to deal with the double-whammy of a UUCP bang path on the left side of an Internet "at sign path", they (and you!) are better off. > And the second question: How do I get MX to redirect UUCP style mailpath > to the UUCP agent? (PChost!user@VAX.domain -> UUCP%"PChost!user") It's all in the MCP PATHs. Do an MCP SHOW PATH and look at ALL (yes, each and every one, in order) of the paths. If there isn't one which matches the address and sends the message to "Path=UUCP", well, it just won't get there! Also, you must be sure that you installed UUCP support when you loaded MX. If you haven't upgraded to MX V4, now's a good time to do that to include the UUCP files. (MX takes care of the "redirection" for you, if you have the Path set up correctly!) > And while I'm at it, is there anyone else out there using UUCP on PCs? > What software are you using as a mail door? as a mail reader? MKS systems has come out with a book called something like "DOS User's Guide to the Internet" (that's close, but not it exactly, I fear). Unfortunately the book is mis-named... it is ONLY about EMail and mostly about UUCP! In it is PC UUCP software which appears to be fairly easily configurable even for the "new user", though I just yesterday had my first client call wanting to use this software. Another choice is UUPC (not "UUCP"... not the last two letters are reversed). It's public domain-ware, and unless you are willing to install and configure all your user's systems, I'd probably recommend the MKS software, just because it actually comes with a book to explain how to use it for the user. I'd be interested in hearing anyone else's experience along these lines, though THIS part of the question should probably go to the VMSNET list. ;)} Ray ----- Ray Harwood | Data Basix | DEC Pro Networking Editor Voice: (602)721-1988 | PO Box 18324 | "Internet Resource Guide" FAX: (602)721-7240 | Tucson, AZ 85731 | Internet training & consulting RHarwood@Data.Basix.COM | Info@Data.Basix.COM | DEC small-system management ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 10:49:04 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 17:47:58 +0200 From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Invalid To: using Alias with Name-conversion I submitted this problem yesterday > > I have a problem sending messages using an alias (as I send this one). > Although the address is correct, the header, as you will probably see in this > message, contains an uncorrect To: > It seems that the original right part of the address is systematically replaced > by the content of the logical MX_SITE_NOT_AUTHORIZED_DOMAIN (for me > > > I use the version of NAME_CONVERSION V1.4.1 last modified by H. Gilibert on > 21-oct-1993 It seems that the origin is in the last modification (substitution of USERNAME by NICKNAME in From: headers) since the version named NAME_CONVERSION_MAKIN.C in the CONTRIB directory handles correctly the use of aliases. I apologize for not verify this before my request to the List. *********************************************************************** Jacques LEYRAT ! Tel: (33-)31-45-55-08 Centre de Ressources Informatiques (C.R.I.U.C) ! Universite de Caen ! Fax: (33-)31-44-58-54 14032 Caen Cedex ! FRANCE !e-mail: *********************************************************************** ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 13:11:01 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 11:07:18 -0700 (PDT) From: Phil Rand Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: To: mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII subscribe mx-list Phil Rand review mx-list quit ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 13:21:23 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 13:21:05 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FBEC.089E21D0.9@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX and DECNET address question... "George D. Greenwade" writes: > >On 9 Jun 1994 18:58:21 GMT, eychaner@SUNCUB.BBSO.CALTECH.EDU ("Channel >Energy") posted: >>..... >> ><{node}::{user}> <"{node}::{user}"@localhost> >> >> I added the above rewrite rule; it works if you send to mx%"node::user", >> but not if you SET TRANSPORT MX% and send to node::user. For some reason, >> the node:: gets stripped, apparently before MX even gets to the message. > >Hmmmmm, I use SET TRANS MX% and have the following (admittedly local) >rewrite defined: > Rewrite "SHSU::{user}" => "{user}" >which seems to work fine. Don't know if it is generalizable or not. Doing >a simple REPLY (which automatically uses MX%, obviously) yields: [...] >which is usable, at least for local purposes. All of the VAXen on our >cluster report SHSU:: as their node for whatever that might be worth. > >Hope this is of some use (probably not, but at least it's a possible >candidate). > It's not. Well, sort of. 8-) I've looked into this. There is no problem with MX%node::user is given---that works just fine. In fact, MX%user@node (with no quotes) would also work if VMS Mail didn't treat the "@" as a signal for a distribution list. As Carl said, when SET TRANSPORT MX% is used and you specify NODE::USER, VMS Mail just plain old does *not* give the NODE:: to MX. All it passes is USER. That works for George because all of his nodes are in a homogeneous cluster (I think they are). But you can specify non-cluster nodes and the same things happens. Now, it *is* true that MX also later receives from VMS Mail the original To: line. It may be possible to parse that out and figure out where it was intended, but by that time, all the recipients have already been determined. So: this problem is not really fixable in MX---VMS Mail needs to be fixed (but won't be, I'm sure). Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 13:41:44 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 11:38:42 PDT From: Virtual Bill Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: header question > > I just installed mx V4.0-1 last night and everything seemed to go > as planned. However, there is one querky thing. Prior to my upgrade > I would get internet mail with a header that looked like this: > > >From: MX%"" 8-JUN-1994 11:36:08.76 > >To: POWERS > > After the upgrade my headers look like this: > > >From MX%"" 9-JUN-1994 07:49:00.37 > >To: MX%"" > > What made the difference? >Check your MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST logicals. Also, be sure the NICKNAME >stuff is still in place, if you're using it. > >For more info on what's happening, you might try enabling MX Router >debugging. > >Hunter My apologies to the List for the confusion, especially to you Hunter. As Chris stated I was referring to the "To:" portion of the header. And as Chris speculated, the Release Notes of V4.0-1 due address this, para 3.6, first bullet. When I first read the notes, other areas caught my attention. So I guess my question should read, for the user's benifit, is it possible to revert back to displaying just the user's name in the "To:" line and if so how? Again my apologies for the confusion. ============================================================================= | Disclaimer: The contents of this message reflects my personal opinion and| | not those of my employer or the organization through which Internet was | | accessed. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bill Powers GTE Government Systems | | (415) 966-2757 internet: | | fax: (415) 966-3401 | ============================================================================= ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 11 Jun 1994 04:58:57 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sat, 11 Jun 1994 11:56:37 +0200 From: Herve Gilibert -CRITeR- Universite de St Etienne Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Invalid To: header with name_conversion and MXalias. Dear MXers, I got a problem related to name_conversion and MXalias : When I send mail to a recipient designated by an alias (To:MX%alias) the To: header contains sender's address (Nickname@domain) instead of recipient's address (As you can see,however the message is correctly sent to the recipient). All is well when I send messages without using aliases. I use name_conversion writen by Mederly and Makin that I modified to have USERNAME replaced by NICKNAME in the From: header (Case USERNAME_TO_NICK in procedure convert, according to the exemple given in DOC). All is well without my modification (but NICKNAME is not substituted to USERNAME). I can't figure what I am doing wrong. I apologize for my poor english :-( If somebody can help me here is name_conversion.c : /* !++ ! ! MODULE: NAME_CONVERSION ! ! FACILITY: MX examples ! ! ABSTRACT: Example of site-installable nickname conversion. ! ! MODULE DESCRIPTION: ! ! This module contains routines for use by MX modules (specifically, ! the MX_MAILSHR interface to VMS Mail and the MX_ROUTER agent process) ! for translating between actual VMS usernames and site-specific aliases. ! ! This module contains a fairly primitive lookup table to implement ! the translation. ! ! To use this module: MODIFY IT AS NEEDED FOR YOUR SITE, then compile it ! and link it with the commands: ! ! 1 pour système VAX (Ajouter full_convert) ! $ cc name_conversion ! $ link/share/notrace name_conversion,sys$input:/opt ! sys$share:vaxcrtl/share ! universal=init,convert,cleanup,full_convert ! ! ! 2 Pour ALPHA-AXP : ! $ cc name_conversion ! $ link/share/notrace name_conversion,sys$input:/opt ! symbol_vector=(init=procedure, - ! convert=procedure, - ! cleanup=procedure, - ! full_convert=procedure) ! ! ! Then copy it to MX_EXE and make it available with the commands: ! ! $ copy name_conversion.exe mx_exe:*.*;0/protection=w:re ! $ install create mx_exe:name_conversion/share/open/header ! $ define/system/exec mx_site_name_conversion mx_exe:name_conversion ! ! Define logicals mentioned below and restart MX - originally here was ! just the instruction to reset router ($ mcp reset router), but I saw ! it not sufficient. That is why I use shutdown/restart (vers. MX 3.2) ! ! $ mcp shutdown ! $ @sys$startup:mx_startup ! ! (You need a suitably privileged account to do this.) ! ! (Also remember to install the image on all nodes of the cluster if ! applicable and do an MCP SHUTDOWN/CLUSTER.) ! ! This module contains name conversion routines that convert ! recipient addresses in the messages going from MX to VMSmail ! to their corresponding VMS usernames. ! ! It also converts sender address in the messages going from VMSmail ! to MX into addresses: ! ! 1) extracts USERNAME and NODEn (if present) from sender address ! which is in one of the forms: ! ! NODE1::NODE2::...::NODEn::USERNAME ! ...MRGATE::"...::USERNAME" ! ! 2) tries to find nickname for the USERNAME and ! creates address: nickname@MX_SITE_AUTHORIZED_DOMAIN or ! nickname@other_domain ! ! for authorized users and ! ! USERNAME@MX_SITE_NOT_AUTHORIZED_DOMAIN or ! USERNAME@NODEn.MX_SITE_NOT_AUTHORIZED_DOMAIN ! ! for not authorized users. ! ! User is authorized iff he/she is included in the table users[]. ! Table users[] is taken from the file MX_SITE_ALIASES, which has lines ! in the form: ! ! username nickname domainname ! ! Where username is user's username without any information about node name. ! nickname is user's nickname, in most cases it is Firstname.Lastname ! domainname is not required - if specified, it is the domain ! part of the adress. It should not contain '@'. ! ! An example - the following line will cause that mail from user PAKO ! on any node will have the "From:" address ! ! pako John.Pako ! ! Logical names (define them /system): ! ! MX_SITE_AUTHORIZED_DOMAIN - default domain name for users listed in the ! file MX_SITE_ALIASES (e.g. "") ! ! MX_SITE_NOT_AUTHORIZED_DOMAIN - suffix of the domain name for users not ! listed in the file MX_SITE_ALIASES ! (e.g. "") ! ! MX_SITE_ALIASES - file with aliases (e.g. MX_DIR:ALIASES.TXT) ! This file should be world-readable. ! ! ! AUTHOR: M. Madison ! COPYRIGHT ) 1990, RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDE "AS IS". NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR RENSSELAER ! MAKE ANY GUARANTEES REGARDING THE SUITABILITY, RELIABILITY, SECURITY, ! USEFULNESS, OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. >>USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. ! ! CREATION DATE: 03-DEC-1990 ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 03-DEC-1990 V1.0 Madison Initial coding. ! ! 07-MAR-1991 V1.1 Ake Added support for non-MX nodes mailing ! into MX generating a decent return address ! ! 25-Sep-1991 V1.2 Ake Had a problem with addresses coming in that ! looked like node1::node2::mrgate::"A1::user" ! so I decided to ignore those addresses with ! a double-quote in already. ! ! 12-Mar-1992 V1.3 Ake Since Matt now supports translating MRGATE ! addresses, I have now changed the C code ! to also support this. mrgate::"node::user" ! now is translated to user%node.mrgate. ! ! 2-Jun-1993 V1.4 Mederly Changed form user%node.dnet@domain to ! user@node.domain; moved table users[] to ! disk file; distinguishes between authorized ! and not authorized users; avoids return ! SS$_NORMAL when it could cause MX to ! loop when calling CONVERT ! Don't recognize node and UA name when ! sending from MRGATE (as the previous ! version did) - sorry. ! ! ! 15-Aug-1993 V1.4.1 Makin Added a small bit to assume ALL ! mail coming via MRGATE is from Mailworks ! and to create addresses in the form ! @am. ! It's ugly as it's hardcoded in. ! If you have All-In-1 usernames WITHOUT ! spaces then you can possibly modify this to work ! however the spaces really stuff things up. ! ! ! 21-OCT-1993 H. Gilibert Added the code to convert USERNAME to ! NICKNAME, it causes the NICKNAME to ! be substituted to the USERNAME in From: ! headers. !-- */ #include descrip #include string #include stdio #include ssdef #include str$routines #include lib$routines #define NICK_TO_ADDRESS 1 #define USERNAME_TO_NICK 2 #define MAX_USERS 1000 static struct users { char vms_name[15], full_name[51], domain[51]; } users[MAX_USERS]; static int number_of_users = 0; /* read_in_progress - set by the initialization routine while it reads the file MX_SITE_ALIASES. Perhaps it is not necessary, because I suppose that every process has its own copy of the NAME_CONVERSION module data. */ static int read_in_progress = 0; static $DESCRIPTOR(dcolon, "::"); static $DESCRIPTOR(dquote, "\""); static $DESCRIPTOR(mrgate_dcolon, "MRGATE::\""); static $DESCRIPTOR(lbrack, "<"); static $DESCRIPTOR(rbrack, ">"); static $DESCRIPTOR(atsign, "@"); static $DESCRIPTOR(percent, "%"); static $DESCRIPTOR(period, "."); /* static $DESCRIPTOR(dnet, "dnet"); */ /* static $DESCRIPTOR(mrgate, "mrgate"); */ static $DESCRIPTOR(am, "am"); struct context { struct dsc$descriptor localnode, authorized, not_authorized; }; /* init_dynamic_descriptor - initializes dynamic descriptor */ static void init_dynamic_descriptor(struct dsc$descriptor *d) { d->dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T; d->dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_D; d->dsc$w_length = 0; d->dsc$a_pointer = NULL; } /* init_static_descriptor - initializes static descriptor */ static void init_static_descriptor(struct dsc$descriptor *d, char *string) { d->dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T; d->dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S; d->dsc$w_length = strlen(string); d->dsc$a_pointer = string; } /* !++ ! ! ROUTINE NAME: INIT ! ! FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: ! ! Allocates and initializes context block for subsequent name conversions. ! ! RETURNS: cond_value, longword (unsigned), write only, by value ! ! PROTOTYPE: ! ! INIT ctxptr ! ! ctxptr: pointer, longword (unsigned), modify, by reference ! ! IMPLICIT INPUTS: None. ! ! IMPLICIT OUTPUTS: None. ! ! COMPLETION CODES: ! ! SS$_NORMAL: normal successful completion. ! ! SIDE EFFECTS: ! ! None. !-- */ unsigned int init (struct context **ctx) { int ctxsize, status; $DESCRIPTOR(mx_node_name, "MX_NODE_NAME"); $DESCRIPTOR(mx_site_authorized, "MX_SITE_AUTHORIZED_DOMAIN"); $DESCRIPTOR(mx_site_not_authorized, "MX_SITE_NOT_AUTHORIZED_DOMAIN"); ctxsize = sizeof(struct context); status = lib$get_vm (&ctxsize, ctx); if (status != SS$_NORMAL) return status; init_dynamic_descriptor(&(*ctx)->localnode); init_dynamic_descriptor(&(*ctx)->authorized); init_dynamic_descriptor(&(*ctx)->not_authorized); status = lib$sys_trnlog (&mx_node_name, 0, &(*ctx)->localnode); if (status != SS$_NORMAL) return status; status = lib$sys_trnlog (&mx_site_authorized, 0, &(*ctx)->authorized); if (status != SS$_NORMAL) return status; status = lib$sys_trnlog (&mx_site_not_authorized, 0, &(*ctx)->not_authorized); if (status != SS$_NORMAL) return status; while (read_in_progress) sleep(1); if (number_of_users == 0) { char buffer[1001], *p, *q; FILE *fp; read_in_progress = 1; fp = fopen("MX_SITE_ALIASES", "r"); if(fp != NULL) { while(number_of_users < MAX_USERS) { if(fgets(buffer, 1000, fp) == NULL) break; for(p=buffer; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t'; p++); if(*p == '!' || *p == '#') continue; for(q=users[number_of_users].vms_name; *p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n'; *(q++) = *(p++)); *q = 0; while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; for(q=users[number_of_users].full_name; *p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n'; *(q++) = *(p++)); *q = 0; while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; for(q=users[number_of_users].domain; *p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\n'; *(q++) = *(p++)); *q = 0; if(*users[number_of_users].vms_name && *users[number_of_users].full_name) number_of_users++; } fclose(fp); } read_in_progress = 0; } return SS$_NORMAL; } /* init */ /* !++ ! ! ROUTINE NAME: FULL_CONVERT ! ! FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: ! ! Converts username -> alias address (full address substitution) ! ! Unlike the CONVERT routine, FULL_CONVERT converts a username ! to a complete RFC822-type address. You must be running MX V3.1C ! or later to use this feature. ! ! NB: You MUST use STR$ routines to copy result to OUTSTR parameter ! to ensure proper operation!!!! ! ! You _may_ safely assume that INSTR is compatible with a DTYPE_T, ! CLASS_S (standard fixed-length) string descriptor. ! ! RETURNS: cond_value, longword (unsigned), write only, by value ! ! PROTOTYPE: ! ! FULL_CONVERT ctxptr, code, instr, outstr ! ! ctxptr: pointer, longword (unsigned), modify, by reference ! code: longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference ! instr: char_string, character string, read only, by descriptor (fixed) ! outstr: char_string, character string, write only, by descriptor ! ! IMPLICIT INPUTS: None. ! ! IMPLICIT OUTPUTS: None. ! ! COMPLETION CODES: ! ! SS$_NORMAL: normal successful completion. ! ! SIDE EFFECTS: ! ! None. !-- */ static int is_reasonable(char c) { return((c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='0' && c<='9') || c=='.' || c=='_' || c=='$'); } static void to_lower(char *p) { if(*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') (*p) += 32; } unsigned int full_convert (struct context **ctx, int *code, struct dsc$descriptor *instr, struct dsc$descriptor *outstr) { struct dsc$descriptor tmp, tmp2; struct dsc$descriptor username, nodename; int i, j, dcolon_loc, dquote_loc, mrgate_loc, retstat; if (*code != USERNAME_TO_NICK) return 0; mrgate_loc = str$position(instr, &mrgate_dcolon); dquote_loc = str$position(instr, &dquote); dcolon_loc = str$position(instr, &dcolon); init_static_descriptor(&username, ""); init_static_descriptor(&nodename, ""); if(dquote_loc == 0 && mrgate_loc == 0) { /* !++ ! ! Instr has one of the forms: ! ! VMS_USERNAME ! LASTNODE::VMS_USERNAME ! NODE1::NODE2::...::LASTNODE::VMS_USERNAME ! ! We're going to fill in "username" and "nodename". ! !-- */ username.dsc$a_pointer = instr->dsc$a_pointer; username.dsc$w_length = instr->dsc$w_length; nodename.dsc$w_length = 0; while((i=str$position(&username, &dcolon)) != 0) { nodename.dsc$a_pointer = username.dsc$a_pointer; nodename.dsc$w_length = username.dsc$w_length; username.dsc$a_pointer += i+1; username.dsc$w_length -= i+1; } /* At this moment "username" contains VMS_USERNAME and "nodename" contains LASTNODE::VMS_USERNAME or nothing (""). We are to truncate "nodename" to contain only LASTNODE (or nothing). */ if(nodename.dsc$w_length) nodename.dsc$w_length -= (username.dsc$w_length + 2); } else { /* !++ ! ! Instr contains either " or MRGATE::" ! ! We will only try to acquire user name from Instr. Information about the ! node name is lost. ! ! We suppose that the user name is the last element of the address, which ! can be like NODE::MRGATE::"NODE::USER_AGENT::USERNAME". So we are going ! from the end of the Instr and note when we find first "reasonable" character ! (A-Z, 0-9, _, $, .). Then we continue and try to find first character ! which is not "reasonable" and thus we determine the begin and end ! of the the user name. ! ! If the result does not make sense (we find no "reasonable" characters) ! the string returned is "unknown-user". ! !-- */ char *pointer, *beginning, *end; pointer = instr->dsc$a_pointer; end = instr->dsc$a_pointer + instr->dsc$w_length - 1; while(end >= pointer && !is_reasonable(*end)) end--; beginning = end; while(beginning >= pointer && is_reasonable(*beginning)) beginning--; if(end <= beginning) init_static_descriptor(&username, "unknown-user"); else { username.dsc$a_pointer = beginning+1; username.dsc$w_length = end - beginning; } nodename.dsc$w_length = 0; } /* !++ ! ! Well, we have the user name in the string "username" and the node name ! (if any) in the string "nodename". Now we're going to find the user's ! name in the aliases table. ! ! If we find it there, the resulting address will be (depending on ! whether the user's "domain" record is empty) ! ! ! or ! ! and if not, it will be (depending on whether nodename is empty) ! ! ! or ! !-- */ retstat = 0; init_dynamic_descriptor(&tmp); init_static_descriptor(&tmp2, ""); for (i = 0; i < number_of_users; i++) { tmp2.dsc$w_length = strlen(users[i].vms_name); tmp2.dsc$a_pointer = users[i].vms_name; if (str$case_blind_compare(&username, &tmp2) == 0) { j = strlen(users[i].full_name); str$copy_r(&tmp, &j, users[i].full_name); if(*users[i].domain) { struct dsc$descriptor domdsc; init_static_descriptor(&domdsc, users[i].domain); str$concat(outstr, &tmp, &atsign, &domdsc); } else str$concat(outstr, &tmp, &atsign, &(*ctx)->authorized); str$free1_dx(&tmp); retstat = SS$_NORMAL; break; } } if(retstat == 0) { for(i=0; inot_authorized); else str$concat(outstr, &username, &atsign, &am, &period, &(*ctx)->not_authorized); else { for(i=0; inot_authorized); } retstat = SS$_NORMAL; } return retstat; } /* full_convert */ /* !++ ! ! ROUTINE NAME: CONVERT ! ! FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: ! ! Converts username -> nickname or nickname -> RFC821-address. ! ! NB: You MUST use STR$ routines to copy result to OUTSTR parameter ! to ensure proper operation!!!! ! ! You _may_ safely assume that INSTR is compatible with a DTYPE_T, ! CLASS_S (standard fixed-length) string descriptor. ! ! RETURNS: cond_value, longword (unsigned), write only, by value ! ! PROTOTYPE: ! ! CONVERT ctxptr, code, instr, outstr ! ! ctxptr: pointer, longword (unsigned), modify, by reference ! code: longword_unsigned, longword (unsigned), read only, by reference ! instr: char_string, character string, read only, by descriptor (fixed) ! outstr: char_string, character string, write only, by descriptor ! ! IMPLICIT INPUTS: None. ! ! IMPLICIT OUTPUTS: None. ! ! COMPLETION CODES: ! ! SS$_NORMAL: normal successful completion. ! 0: no translation occurred ! ! SIDE EFFECTS: ! ! None. !-- */ unsigned int convert (struct context **ctx, int *code, struct dsc$descriptor *instr, struct dsc$descriptor *outstr) { struct dsc$descriptor tmp, tmp2, tmp3; int i, j, retstat; init_dynamic_descriptor(&tmp); init_static_descriptor(&tmp2, ""); init_static_descriptor(&tmp3, ""); /* !++ ! Local alias -> address ! ! This code should return a status of SS$_NORMAL if an alias is found, ! 0 otherwise. ! ! If an alias is found, the resulting string MUST BE IN RFC821 format: ! ! ! ! >>>>>> EVEN IF THE ADDRESS IS FOR THE LOCAL HOST (so you have to ! look up MX_NODE_NAME and tack it on after the translated name, ! if you're just doing a local-host user directory). !-- */ retstat = 0; switch(*code) { case NICK_TO_ADDRESS: for (i = 0; i < number_of_users; i++) { tmp2.dsc$w_length = strlen(users[i].full_name); tmp2.dsc$a_pointer = users[i].full_name; tmp3.dsc$w_length = strlen(users[i].vms_name); tmp3.dsc$a_pointer = users[i].vms_name; if (str$case_blind_compare(instr, &tmp2) != 0) continue; /* We find a line where full name specified in it equals to Instr. If by accident vms_name == full_name, no conversion need to be done and we MUST return 0, because if we do not, MX would go into infinite loop translating the same name again and again. */ if(str$case_blind_compare(&tmp2, &tmp3) == 0) break; /* The usual case - vms_name != full_name: we return the address */ str$concat(outstr, &lbrack, &tmp3, &atsign, &(*ctx)->localnode, &rbrack); retstat = SS$_NORMAL; break; } break; case USERNAME_TO_NICK: str$copy_dx(outstr, instr); /* Pre-V3.1 compatibility */ for (i = 0; i < number_of_users; i++) { tmp2.dsc$w_length = strlen(users[i].vms_name); tmp2.dsc$a_pointer = users[i].vms_name; if (str$case_blind_compare(instr, &tmp2) == 0) { j = strlen(users[i].full_name); str$copy_r(outstr, &j, users[i].full_name); retstat = SS$_NORMAL; break; } } break; } return retstat; } /* convert */ /* !++ ! ! ROUTINE NAME: CLEANUP ! ! FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: ! ! Deallocates context block allocated by init routine. ! ! RETURNS: cond_value, longword (unsigned), write only, by value ! ! PROTOTYPE: ! ! CLEANUP ctxptr ! ! ctxptr: pointer, longword (unsigned), modify, by reference ! ! IMPLICIT INPUTS: None. ! ! IMPLICIT OUTPUTS: None. ! ! COMPLETION CODES: ! ! SS$_NORMAL: normal successful completion. ! ! SIDE EFFECTS: ! ! None. !-- */ unsigned int cleanup (struct context **ctx) { int ctxsize, status; status = str$free1_dx(&(*ctx)->localnode); if (status != SS$_NORMAL) return status; status = str$free1_dx(&(*ctx)->authorized); if (status != SS$_NORMAL) return status; status = str$free1_dx(&(*ctx)->not_authorized); if (status != SS$_NORMAL) return status; ctxsize = sizeof(struct context); status = lib$free_vm (&ctxsize, ctx); if (status != SS$_NORMAL) return status; *ctx = NULL; return SS$_NORMAL; } /* cleanup */ -- Herve GILIBERT UUUU UUUU CRITeR UUUU UUUU Universite Jean Monnet St-Etienne UUUU UUUU 23, Rue du Dr. P. Michelon UUUU UUUU 42023 ST ETIENNE Cedex 2 UUUU UUUU Tel : 33 77 42 15 79 UUUU UUUU Fax : 33 77 42 15 75 UUUUUUUUUUU RFC822: UUUUUUUUU ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 11 Jun 1994 11:43:44 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sat, 11 Jun 1994 10:40:39 MST From: "Louis B. Moore" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Invalid To: header with name_conversion and MXalias. Did you try the nickname converter found in NICKNAME.ZIP in MX_ROOT:[CONTRIB]? We use it successfully here. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 11:32:57 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 11:30:56 CST From: Howard Meadows Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Insufficient Storage? I have a couple of messages that are failing with the following error: %MX_SMTP-W-INSUFF_STORAGE, action not taken: insufficient system storage. Is this a problem on my end?, or is this referring to storage on the remote machine? -Howard *************************************************************************** * Howard Meadows Sr. Systems Programmer Weeg Computing Center * * University Of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa 52242 Phone: 319-335-5519 * * email: FAX : 319-335-5505 * *************************************************************************** ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 11:56:52 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Matt Madison) Subject: Re: Insufficient Storage? Date: 13 Jun 1994 16:41:13 GMT Message-ID: <2ti27b$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Howard Meadows writes: & I have a couple of messages that are failing with the following error: & & %MX_SMTP-W-INSUFF_STORAGE, action not taken: insufficient system storage. & & Is this a problem on my end?, or is this referring to storage on the & remote machine? It means that MX got back an "insufficient system storage" response from the remote SMTP server. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | | +1 408 457 5390 TGV, Inc. | 101 Cooper Street | Santa Cruz, CA 95060 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 12:16:13 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 13:11:27 GMT-03:00 From: Joseph Max Cohenca Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: HELP : COMPRESS removed all entries from queue !!! We did a MCP COMPRESS today, and all entries (1200) were removed from the queue. No error was detected. Messages are still in the [.n] directories . Is there a fast and simple way to enter them again in the queue? ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 13:40:33 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 14:37:20 EDT From: "Michael H. Spence, Eastman Chemical" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Multinet/UCX/MX I am trying to help our local university (east tennessee state university) out with their VAX cluster. They have expressed interest in creating some list groups with Message Exchange. The problem is that the boot node is running Multinet :) and the cluster nodes are all running UCX :( -- No money for multinet, UCX is covered in CSLG. My question is on setting up and installing Message Exchange. Will I have to install Message Exchange twice? One install for Multinet, and another for UCX placing these in different directories? Any help would be appreciated! ================================================================================ Michael H. Spence ( | "I'm still the apple of my ECCR Computing & Telecommunication Services | mama's eye. I'm my daddy's Eastman Chemical Company | worst fears realized..." Kingsport, TN | Steve Earle ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 13:43:20 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 13:43:02 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FE4A.98EDB38A.21@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Multinet/UCX/MX "Michael H. Spence, Eastman Chemical" writes: > >I am trying to help our local university (east tennessee state university) out >with their VAX cluster. They have expressed interest in creating some list >groups with Message Exchange. > >The problem is that the boot node is running Multinet :) and the cluster nodes >are all running UCX :( -- No money for multinet, UCX is covered in CSLG. My >question is on setting up and installing Message Exchange. > That's the exact same configuration I have. >Will I have to install Message Exchange twice? One install for Multinet, and >another for UCX placing these in different directories? > When installing NETLIB, just install both UCX and MultiNet support. Then, on the UCX systems, you'll need node-specific NETLIB_STARTUP.COM files in SYS$STARTUP that install NETLIB_UCX_SHR instead of NETLIB_MULTINET_SHR (or vice versa, depending on what you selected as the default). Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 17:47:03 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 14:19:24 -0700 (PDT) From: TASHIMA@SKYNET.SSD.LMSC.LOCKHEED.COM Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-LIST@RPIECSVX.BITNET Message-ID: <940613141924.20c04abf@SKYNET.SSD.LMSC.LOCKHEED.COM> Subject: Subscribe SUBSCRIBE ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 17:56:49 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 17:52:58 CDT From: "George D. Greenwade" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Multinet/UCX/MX On Mon, 13 Jun 1994 13:43:02 CDT, "Hunter Goatley, WKU" replied: > When installing NETLIB, just install both UCX and MultiNet support. Then, > on the UCX systems, you'll need node-specific NETLIB_STARTUP.COM files in > SYS$STARTUP that install NETLIB_UCX_SHR instead of NETLIB_MULTINET_SHR (or > vice versa, depending on what you selected as the default). Or, use the same SYS$STARTUP:NETLIB_STARTUP.COM playing with a few lexical calls. The way we do it is: $ IF F$GETSYI("NODENAME") .EQS. "FREYA" $ then $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC/NOLOG NETLIB_SHR NETLIB_DIR:NETLIB_MULTINET_SHR $ CALL DO_INSTALL NETLIB_DIR:NETLIB_MULTINET_SHR.EXE $ else $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC/NOLOG NETLIB_SHR NETLIB_DIR:NETLIB_UCX_SHR $ CALL DO_INSTALL NETLIB_DIR:NETLIB_UCX_SHR.EXE $ endif The cluster node FREYA:: is the MultiNet machine (obviously) and all others run UCX. We've been using this configuration for a long time (since 1991 anyway) and have never had a problem. The only thing to possibly watch for (as I learned the hard way) is to have a copy of this code, maybe named SYS$STARTUP:NETLIB_STARTUP.COM-FULL or something so that you can safely purge files on installation without losing this trick. --George ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 10:31:14 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Subject: %SYSTEM-F-TIMEOUT, device timeout Message-ID: <> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 14:57:38 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU MCP SHOW QUE/FULL has been displaying the following timeout message Entry: 1, Origin: [Local] Status: IN-PROGRESS, size: 14 bytes Created: 13-JUN-1994 14:49:19.94, expires 13-JUL-1994 14:49:19.94 Last modified 14-JUN-1994 10:24:50.01 SMTP entry #2, status: READY, size: 14 bytes, waiting for retry until 14-JUN-5 Created: 13-JUN-1994 14:49:23.71, expires 13-JUL-1994 14:49:19.94 Last modified 14-JUN-1994 10:26:35.68 Recipient #1: , Route=domain2 Error count=38 Last error: %SYSTEM-F-TIMEOUT, device timeout (names & domains hidden to protect the innocent) Does anyone know what the device timeout refers to and how to fix it? The error doesn't occur for all out-going mail messages, and the machine to which this message was addressed is up and running and receiving mail with no indication of a problem. Alan Zonderman Laboratory of Personality & Cognition, National Institute on Aging, NIH ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 10:36:35 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 10:36:18 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FEF9.ACE69848.13@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: %SYSTEM-F-TIMEOUT, device timeout writes: > >MCP SHOW QUE/FULL has been displaying the following timeout message > [...] > Last error: %SYSTEM-F-TIMEOUT, device timeout > >(names & domains hidden to protect the innocent) > >Does anyone know what the device timeout refers to and how to fix it? The >error doesn't occur for all out-going mail messages, and the machine to which >this message was addressed is up and running and receiving mail with no >indication of a problem. > It most likely means that there's no response from the DNS server. It can also mean that the TCP/IP software timed out waiting for a response while talking to the remote system. Enabling MX SMTP debugging should show you which: $ define/system/exec mx_smtp_debug true Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:02:14 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:57:55 EDT From: Stuart Cohnen Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <0097FF05.13803E00.9@RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU> Subject: Problems installed 4.0-1 in cluster. DESPERATE I've got the users buzzing around me like angry bees..... Situation: Cluster of VAX with the boot node ROCK02 (cluste alias is physics) running MultiNet 3.3 and the rest running UCX. Installed MX 4.0-1 yesterday. Outgoing mail works just fine. Incoming mail bounces. The following is what the bounced mail to ROCK02 looks like. What did I do wrong? Many thanks in advance Stuart ================================================================== From: MX%"Postmaster@PHYSICS.ROCKEFELLER.EDU" 14-JUN-1994 11:48:45.01 To: MX%"cohnen@RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU" CC: Subj: SMTP delivery error Return-Path: Received: from by RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU (MX V4.0-1 VAX) with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:48:41 EDT Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:29 EST From: SMTP delivery agent To: Subject: SMTP delivery error X-Report-Type: Nondelivery; boundary="> Error description:" Note: this message was generated automatically. An error was detected while processing the enclosed message. A list of the affected recipients follows. This list is in a special format that allows software like LISTSERV to automatically take action on incorrect addresses; you can safely ignore the numeric codes. --> Error description: Error-For: COHNEN@PHYSICS.ROCKEFELLER.EDU Error-Code: 2 Error-Text: %MX_SMTP-F-TRANSACTION_FAI, transaction failed -(Via PHYSICS.ROCKEFELLER.EDU) -Transcript: -Rcvd: 220 MX V4.0-1 VAX SMTP server ready at Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:24 EST -Sent: HELO -Rcvd: 250 Hello, -Sent: MAIL FROM: -Rcvd: 250 MAIL command accepted. -Sent: RCPT TO: -Rcvd: 250 Recipient okay (at least in form) -Sent: DATA -Rcvd: 354 Start mail input; end with . -Rcvd: 554 Received too many times by this host. -Sent: QUIT -Rcvd: 221 Service closing transmission channel Error-End: 1 error detected ------------------------------ Rejected message ------------------------------ Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:20 EST Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:13 EST Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:06 EST Received: from RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:48:57 EST Received: by RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU (MX V4.0-1 VAX) id 1; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:47:23 EDT Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:47:22 EDT From: Stuart Cohnen Reply-To: To: COHNEN@PHYSICS.ROCKEFELLER.EDU Message-ID: <0097FF03.9A84FAA0.1@RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU> Subject: TEST OF MAIL TO PHYSICS THIS IS A TEST ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:04:17 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:03:58 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: cohnen@RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU Message-ID: <0097FEFD.8AAA8830.10@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Problems installed 4.0-1 in cluster. DESPERATE Stuart Cohnen writes: > >I've got the users buzzing around me like angry bees..... > >Situation: >Cluster of VAX with the boot node ROCK02 (cluste alias is physics) running >MultiNet 3.3 and the rest running UCX. Installed MX 4.0-1 yesterday. Outgoing >mail works just fine. Incoming mail bounces. The following is what the bounced >mail to ROCK02 looks like. What did I do wrong? Many thanks in advance >Stuart [...] >Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) >with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:20 EST >Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) >with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:13 EST >Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) >with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:06 EST >Received: from RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) >with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:48:57 EST >Received: by RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU (MX V4.0-1 VAX) id 1; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 It looks like your missing the following PATHs: MCP> DEFINE PATH ROCK02.ROCKEFELLER.EDU LOCAL MCP> DEFINE PATH ROCK02 LOCAL Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:16:55 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Richard Shuford) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: MX is good Date: 14 Jun 1994 11:59:30 -0400 Message-ID: <> Keywords: MX, mail, security, majordomo To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Matt and Hunter: In view of the recent security problems with the Unix-based "majordomo" mailing-list agent, it seems appropriate to say "thanks" for making MX under VMS into such a reliable tool. -- ...Richard S. Shuford | "A man's riches may ransom his life, | but a poor man hears no threat." ...Info-Stratus contact| Proverbs 13:8 NIV ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 12:25:48 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:19:58 MDT From: Ask me about Star Stare '94 Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: %SYSTEM-F-TIMEOUT, device timeout |> Last error: %SYSTEM-F-TIMEOUT, device timeout I had this exact error yesterday. By my shutting down UCX (or pick your favorite TCP/IP flavor) and restarting it, the error went away. Mike ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 12:29:18 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Chris Higgins - System Administrator) Subject: Re: MX is good Message-ID: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 16:55:13 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, (Richard Shuford) writes: >Matt and Hunter: > >In view of the recent security problems with the Unix-based "majordomo" >mailing-list agent, it seems appropriate to say "thanks" for making >MX under VMS into such a reliable tool. > Ditto.... A big THANKS ..... Seeing as how they are in the mail business (be it electronic), they definately get my STAMP of approval.. I think MX manages to ENVELOPE all the requirements for a OpenVMS mail handling tool, and it's all packaged in one nice PARCEL. > >-- > ...Richard S. Shuford | "A man's riches may ransom his life, > | but a poor man hears no threat." > ...Info-Stratus contact| Proverbs 13:8 NIV (Don't mind me... I'm on medication :-) :-) :-) Chris. + J.C. Higgins, + + If you love something, set it + + Sys. Admin, + + free. If it doesn't come back + + Comp.Sc.Dept. + + to you, hunt it down and + + UCC,Cork,Ireland + + KILL it. + ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 12:42:23 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:32:10 MDT From: Ask me about Star Stare '94 Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX is good |>In view of the recent security problems with the Unix-based "majordomo" |>mailing-list agent, it seems appropriate to say "thanks" for making |>MX under VMS into such a reliable tool. Dittos to the kudos... Now I'm curious though...What's the problems with MajorDomo? Is it from a users side problem, or on the listserver side? Mike _____________________________________________________________________________ / Mike Frazier (NAR #55180) | If you can't see the sucker when you sit down at\ | Digital Equipment Corp. | the table, then odds are that the sucker is you!| | OLTP Expertise Center | | | Colorado Springs, Colorado| - An old poker joke - | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| \ Email Address: / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 13:47:57 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Chris Higgins - System Administrator) Subject: RE: %SYSTEM-F-TIMEOUT, device timeout Message-ID: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 18:10:17 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Ask me about Star Stare '94 writes: >|> Last error: %SYSTEM-F-TIMEOUT, device timeout > > I had this exact error yesterday. By my shutting down UCX (or pick > your favorite TCP/IP flavor) and restarting it, the error went away. > > Mike I get these occasionally, but it has *always* been because the remote host is unreachable... If the remote host is consistently getting mail, then try to telnet to it from your VMS machine... telnet to the smtp port (25), and if you can make a successful connection, then use MCP to ready the problematic queue entry and see if it goes through ok... If it doesn't then you have problems. If it doesn't go through then check the following. 1/ DNS MX entries for the destination host.. make sure each host on the list is working (the first at least). 2/ SMTP Queue entry processing (turn on debugging using the appropriate logical, try ROUTER and SMTP Delivery agent...) 3/ Drink a coffee and go home, and hope it will be gone in the morning.. 4/ Delete the mail and tell the user that it was due to excess gravity on the disks... 5/ Give up :-) Oh, yea, before you do give up, make sure that you don't have any special path rules on your machine which require mail to this host (or it's entire domain) to be routed through some central mailer which is now dead.... Hope this helps... ps: Humour impaired please insert smilies where appropriate. Chris. + J.C. Higgins, + + If you love something, set it + + Sys. Admin, + + free. If it doesn't come back + + Comp.Sc.Dept. + + to you, hunt it down and + + UCC,Cork,Ireland + + KILL it. + ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 17:08:18 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 15:02:36 -0700 (PDT) From: TASHIMA@SKYNET.SSD.LMSC.LOCKHEED.COM Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-LIST@RPIECSVX.BITNET Message-ID: <940614150236.20e010cb@SKYNET.SSD.LMSC.LOCKHEED.COM> Subject: SIGNOFF SIGNOFF ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 17:36:27 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: Problems installed 4.0-1 in cluster. DESPERATE Date: 14 Jun 1994 22:26:09 GMT Message-ID: <2tlaq1$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <0097FF05.13803E00.9@RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU>, Stuart Cohnen writes: =I've got the users buzzing around me like angry bees..... = =Situation: =Cluster of VAX with the boot node ROCK02 (cluste alias is physics) running =MultiNet 3.3 and the rest running UCX. Installed MX 4.0-1 yesterday. Outgoing =mail works just fine. Incoming mail bounces. The following is what the bounced =mail to ROCK02 looks like. What did I do wrong? Many thanks in advance = -Rcvd: 354 Start mail input; end with . = -Rcvd: 554 Received too many times by this host. = -Sent: QUIT = -Rcvd: 221 Service closing transmission channel = =Error-End: 1 error detected = =------------------------------ Rejected message ------------------------------ =Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) =with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:20 EST =Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) =with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:13 EST =Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) =with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:06 EST =Received: from RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) =with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:48:57 EST =Received: by RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU (MX V4.0-1 VAX) id 1; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 =11:47:23 EDT =Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:47:22 EDT =From: Stuart Cohnen =Reply-To: =To: COHNEN@PHYSICS.ROCKEFELLER.EDU =Message-ID: <0097FF03.9A84FAA0.1@RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU> =Subject: TEST OF MAIL TO PHYSICS = =THIS IS A TEST It means you've got MX misconfigured. We'd need to see the MX_SMTP_LOG.LOG file you get when you enable SMTP debugging to know for sure, but it looks as if PHYSICS.ROCKEFELLER.EDU is an alias for ROCK02.ROCKEFELLER.EDU, and you haven't told MX that the path to PHYSICS.ROCKEFELLER.EDU is local. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 17:36:32 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: RE: Problems installed 4.0-1 in cluster. DESPERATE Date: 14 Jun 1994 22:29:02 GMT Message-ID: <2tlave$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <0097FEFD.8AAA8830.10@ALPHA.WKU.EDU>, "Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: =Stuart Cohnen writes: => =>I've got the users buzzing around me like angry bees..... => =>Situation: =>Cluster of VAX with the boot node ROCK02 (cluste alias is physics) running =>MultiNet 3.3 and the rest running UCX. Installed MX 4.0-1 yesterday. Outgoing =>mail works just fine. Incoming mail bounces. The following is what the bounced =>mail to ROCK02 looks like. What did I do wrong? Many thanks in advance =>Stuart =[...] =>Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) =>with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:20 EST =>Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) =>with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:13 EST =>Received: from by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) =>with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:49:06 EST =>Received: from RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) =>with SMTP; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 11:48:57 EST =>Received: by RUVMS2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU (MX V4.0-1 VAX) id 1; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 = =It looks like your missing the following PATHs: = = MCP> DEFINE PATH ROCK02.ROCKEFELLER.EDU LOCAL = MCP> DEFINE PATH ROCK02 LOCAL Not really. Not the address to which the mail was sent, and the name of the delivery agent: From: SMTP delivery agent -Sent: RCPT TO: To: COHNEN@PHYSICS.ROCKEFELLER.EDU It appears likely that what's missing is a: MCP> DEFINE PATH PHYSICS.ROCKEFELLER.EDU LOCAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 20:52:37 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Subject: Intermittent problem sending mail Date: 15 Jun 1994 01:24:33 GMT Message-ID: <2tll8h$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I have an intermittent problem sending mail with MX (version 4.0). We use CMUIP version 6.6-5A. Here is a typical log file from a failed transmission: ===== 14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.11 Processing queue entry number 2 on node BMKN1 14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.37 Recipient: , route=MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU 14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.37 SMTP_SEND: looking up host name MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU 14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.52 SMTP_SEND: Attempting to start session with [] 14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.54 -- failed, status=00000294 14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.54 SMTP_SEND: Failed, sts=00000294 14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.54 SMTP send failed, sts=0C27804A, sts2=00000294 14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.54 Recipient status=0C27804A for 14-JUN-1994 17:54:17.03 1 rcpts need retry, next try 14-JUN-1994 18:24:17.03 14-JUN-1994 17:54:17.06 *** End of processing pass *** ===== The other TCP/IP functions (telnet, ftp) work fine to this node, so it seems to me at least that MX is the culprit. What am I doing wrong? John Price * * * * Where there is no solution, there is no problem. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 21:36:36 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Ben Armstrong) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: MX SMTP out dies on bad address Message-ID: <> Date: 14 Jun 94 10:39:28 AST To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU We found the following entry in our queue (with names changed to protect the innocent) when our MX SMTP agent gave up the ghost: Entry: 39, Origin: [SMTP] Status: IN-PROGRESS, size: 641 bytes Created: 10-JUN-1994 16:42:43.63, expires 10-JUL-1994 16:42:43.63 Last modified 14-JUN-1994 10:18:19.74 SMTP entry #40, status: IN-PROGRESS, size: 641 bytes Created: 10-JUN-1994 16:42:46.83, expires 10-JUL-1994 16:42:43.63 Last modified 14-JUN-1994 10:18:19.22 Recipient #1: <"somenode::person"::"psi"> Does anyone know why this causes the SMTP agent to spontaneously exit with the following status: 14-JUN-1994 10:18:20.76: MX SMTP (pid 20202D78) exiting, status = 1000000C Here is some more information about how MX is configured at our site: Configuration file: MX_DEVICE:[MX]MX_CONFIG.MXCFG;35 MX version id is: MX V4.0-1 VAX Address-rewriting rules: Rewrite "<{user}>" => "<{user}>" Rewrite "<{user}%{host}>" => "<""{host}::{user}"">" Rewrite "" => "<{user}>" Rewrite "<{user}@hxo>" => "<{user}>" Rewrite "<{user}@oto>" => "<{user}>" Rewrite "<{user}@tro>" => "<{user}>" Rewrite "<{user}@p171m>" => "<{user}>" Rewrite "<{user}@p094m>" => "<{user}>" Rewrite "<{user}@p088m>" => "<{user}>" Rewrite "<{user}@kao>" => "<{user}>" Domain-to-path mappings: Domain="", Path=Local Domain="dymaxion", Path=Local Domain="*.BITNET", Path=SMTP, Route="" Domain="*.UUCP", Path=SMTP, Route="" Domain="*.SITE", Path=Site Domain="*", Path=SMTP SMTP agent settings: Retry interval: 0 00:30:00.00 Maximum number of retries: 96 Number of DNS failure retries: 12 Accounting: disabled Default router: (none) Thanks, Ben. -- Ben Armstrong, Medianet Development Group, bus: (902)422-1973 Dymaxion Research Ltd., 5515 Cogswell St., fax: (902)421-1267 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 1R2 Internet: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 21:36:41 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Ben Armstrong) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Lynx/WWW mailto causes undeliverable mail Message-ID: <> Date: 14 Jun 94 12:53:12 AST To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Filling in a mailto form on my experimental Cern WWW server on VMS using Lou Montulli's Lynx for VMS yields the following in my MX mail queue: Entry: 26, Origin: [Local] Status: IN-PROGRESS SMTP entry #27, status: READY Waiting for retry until: 14-JUN-1994 11:28:59.49 Recipient #1: , Error count=15 Last error: %SYSTEM-F-BADPARAM, bad parameter value The HTML document generating this form is as follows: ---------------- contact_ba.html ------------------- Contact Ben Armstrong by E-Mail

Contact Ben Armstrong by E-Mail

Please enter any comments about Dymaxion's WWW Server below:

Many thanks.

------------------------------------------------- Am I missing something here? Do I need quotes around the address or something? Ben. -- Ben Armstrong, Medianet Development Group, bus: (902)422-1973 Dymaxion Research Ltd., 5515 Cogswell St., fax: (902)421-1267 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 1R2 Internet: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 21:38:25 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: Intermittent problem sending mail Date: 15 Jun 1994 02:25:20 GMT Message-ID: <2tloqg$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <2tll8h$>, writes: =I have an intermittent problem sending mail with MX (version 4.0). We =use CMUIP version 6.6-5A. Here is a typical log file from a failed =transmission: = ====== =14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.11 Processing queue entry number 2 on node BMKN1 =14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.37 Recipient: , route=MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU =14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.37 SMTP_SEND: looking up host name MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU =14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.52 SMTP_SEND: Attempting to start session with [] =14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.54 -- failed, status=00000294 =14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.54 SMTP_SEND: Failed, sts=00000294 =14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.54 SMTP send failed, sts=0C27804A, sts2=00000294 =14-JUN-1994 17:54:16.54 Recipient status=0C27804A for =14-JUN-1994 17:54:17.03 1 rcpts need retry, next try 14-JUN-1994 18:24:17.03 =14-JUN-1994 17:54:17.06 *** End of processing pass *** ====== $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$MESSAGE(%X00000294) %SYSTEM-F-REJECT, connect to network object rejected $ HELP/LIBR=SYSMSGHELP ERR REJECT Errors REJECT connect to network object rejected Facility: SYSTEM, VMS System Services Explanation: A request to connect to an object at a remote node failed for one of the following reasons: o The object requested does not exist. o The access control information specified is invalid. o The partner NSP has no resources. o The partner task exited during the connect sequence. o The partner task rejected the connect. User Action: Determine which reason caused the failure and try to correct the condition. Now, CMUIP is apparently using the VMS system service error status to refer to a similar problem that it's encountering. I.e., the remote system's not accepting the SMTP connection request. $ SET MESSAGE MX_MSG $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$MESSAGE(%X0C27804A) %MX-E-NOCOMPLETE, message transmission could not be completed =The other TCP/IP functions (telnet, ftp) work fine to this node, so it =seems to me at least that MX is the culprit. What am I doing wrong? It seems more likely that the problem is at the other end. Perhaps there's a limit to how many SMTP sessions it can handle at a time, and instead of queueing requests when the limit's exceeded, it rejects them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 22:29:26 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: ("Dan Wing") Subject: RE: MX is good Date: 15 Jun 1994 03:11:16 GMT Message-ID: <2tlrgk$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Ask me about Star Stare '94 writes: #|>In view of the recent security problems with the Unix-based "majordomo" #|>mailing-list agent, it seems appropriate to say "thanks" for making #|>MX under VMS into such a reliable tool. # # Dittos to the kudos... # # Now I'm curious though...What's the problems with MajorDomo? Is it # from a users side problem, or on the listserver side? The bug is on the node which runs Majordomo (the server). I guess you could say the bug is on the user's side if the user is on the same node that is running Majordomo and someone breaks into the node and destoys it utilizing the bug! -dan ----- From: cert-advisory@CERT.ORG (CERT Advisory) Newsgroups: Subject: CERT Advisory CA-94:11.majordomo.vulnerabilities Message-ID: <> Date: 9 Jun 94 21:08:37 GMT Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU Reply-To: Distribution: inet Organization: CERT Coordination Center Lines: 124 Approved: ============================================================================= CA-94:11 CERT Advisory June 9, 1994 Majordomo Vulnerabilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CERT Coordination Center has received reports of vulnerabilities in all versions of Majordomo up to and including version 1.91. These vulnerabilities enable intruders to gain access to the account that runs the Majordomo software, even if the site has firewalls and TCP wrappers. CERT recommends that all sites running Majordomo replace their current version with version 1.92 (see Section III for instructions). It is possible to apply a quick fix to versions prior to 1.92, but we strongly recommend obtaining 1.92 instead. As we receive additional information relating to this advisory, we will place it, along with any clarifications, in a CA-94:11 README file. CERT advisories and their associated README files are available by anonymous FTP from We encourage you to check the README files regularly for updates on advisories that relate to your site. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Description Two vulnerabilities have recently been found in Majordomo. These vulnerabilities enable intruders to gain access to the account that runs the Majordomo software, thus gaining the ability to execute arbitrary commands. The vulnerabilities can be exploited without a valid user name and password on the local machine, and firewalls and TCP wrapper protection can be bypassed. CERT has received reports that the vulnerabilities are currently being exploited. II. Impact Intruders can install and execute programs as the user running the Majordomo software. III. Solution A. Recommended solution for all versions through 1.91 Obtain and install Majordomo version 1.92, following the instructions in the README file included with 1.92. This new version is available by anonymous FTP from FTP.GreatCircle.COM and is located in the directory /pub/majordomo as a compressed tar file, majordomo-1.92.tar.Z. This file is also available from in the directory /pub/rouilj and from in the directory /pub/majordomo. BSD SVR4 File Checksum Checksum MD5 Digital Signature ----------------- -------- --------- -------------------------------- majordomo-1.92.tar.Z 55701 223 23408 446 17d9bb9fd4872ab09d01bfeb643b5ebb B. Quick fix for versions 1.91 and earlier Until you are able to install the new version of Majordomo, you should install the following quick fix, which has two steps. If you are running Majordomo 1.90 and earlier, you must take both steps. If you are running version 1.91, you need only take the first step. Step 1 - Disable new-list by either renaming the new-list program or removing it from the aliases file. If you have version 1.90 and earlier, go on to Step 2. Step 2 - In every place in the Majordomo code where there is a string of any of these forms, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -f $to" "|/usr/lib/sendmail -f $reply_to" #request-answer "|/usr/lib/sendmail -f \$to" Change that string to "|/usr/lib/sendmail -f -t" Generally, you will find the strings in the request-answer file, the file, and your local file. Note: If you are running a mailer other than sendmail, this step may not fix the vulnerability. You should obtain and install version 1.92 as described in Section A above. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CERT Coordination Center thanks Brent Chapman of Great Circle Associates and John Rouillard of the University of Massachusetts at Boston for their support in responding to the problem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you believe that your system has been compromised, contact the CERT Coordination Center or your representative in Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST). If you wish to send sensitive incident or vulnerability information to CERT via electronic mail, CERT strongly advises that the e-mail be encrypted. CERT can support a shared DES key, PGP (public key available via anonymous FTP on, or PEM (contact CERT for details). Internet E-mail: Telephone: 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline) CERT personnel answer 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST(GMT-5)/EDT(GMT-4), and are on call for emergencies during other hours. CERT Coordination Center Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 USA Past advisories, information about FIRST representatives, and other information related to computer security are available for anonymous FTP from ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 05:13:47 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 05:13:30 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FF95.BF7A59AD.3@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX SMTP out dies on bad address (Ben Armstrong) writes: > >We found the following entry in our queue (with names changed to >protect the innocent) when our MX SMTP agent gave up the ghost: [...] > Recipient #1: <"somenode::person"::"psi"> > >Does anyone know why this causes the SMTP agent to spontaneously exit >with the following status: > It's a bug in MX SMTP that causes it to generate an access violation if the address it's using isn't valid. I've wanted to look into that, but I can't reproduce the problem. Everytime I supply an invalid address, MX Router does its job and bounces it, so MX SMTP never sees it. Do you know what address the user actually specified on the To: line? Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 05:15:19 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 05:15:02 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FF95.F5FBD10A.38@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Lynx/WWW mailto causes undeliverable mail (Ben Armstrong) writes: > >Filling in a mailto form on my experimental Cern WWW server on VMS >using Lou Montulli's Lynx for VMS yields the following in my MX mail >queue: [...] > Recipient #1: , > [...] >

>Please enter any comments about Dymaxion's WWW Server below:


[...] >Am I missing something here? Do I need quotes around the address >or something? > It sounds like it could be a bug in the Lynx processing of the "" Regular mailto: URL's work fine for me. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 06:41:02 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 06:35:43 C*T From: Rick Stacks Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Needed: Complete set of VMS .obj files for Lynx To: Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT MXers, First of all, my apologies for the Lynx question on the MX list but I did not know where else to ask... I do not have a C compiler on my machine but would like to get Lynx up and running. Does anyone have a set of the .OBJ files for Lynx that I may be able to FTP? If not, does anyone know these may be obtain? Are they available? I have NETLIB installed and am using CMUTEK 6.6-5a. Many thanks in advance. Please email responses to address below. I will post a summary if anyone is interested... -- Rick +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rick Stacks, Sr. Programmer Analyst | voice: 501-570-2174 | | Ark Dept Pollution Control & Ecology | fax: 501-562-4632 | | 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | email: | | Little Rock, AR 72219 USA | | |--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| |- They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety --| |- deserve neither liberty nor safety -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 --| ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 06:54:18 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 06:53:58 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FFA3.C87444E8.5@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Needed: Complete set of VMS .obj files for Lynx Rick Stacks writes: > >First of all, my apologies for the Lynx question on the MX list but I did >not know where else to ask... > >I do not have a C compiler on my machine but would like to get Lynx up and >running. Does anyone have a set of the .OBJ files for Lynx that I may be >able to FTP? If not, does anyone know these may be obtain? Are they >available? > Lynx doesn't work with NETLIB, and what I have doesn't support CMUTEK, though the V2.3.1 does (it's still an alpha release, I believe). Anyone else interested in Lynx can find VAX binaries for UCX and MultiNet and AXP binaries for MultiNet (as well as sources) on in [.VMS.UNSUPPORTED.LYNX]. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 08:16:46 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 14:10:29 EDT From: "Andy Harper, KCL Systems Manager" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Needed: Complete set of VMS .obj files for Lynx >I do not have a C compiler on my machine but would like to get Lynx up and >running. Does anyone have a set of the .OBJ files for Lynx that I may be >able to FTP? If not, does anyone know these may be obtain? Are they >available? > >I have NETLIB installed and am using CMUTEK 6.6-5a. Many thanks in >advance. Please email responses to address below. I will post a summary >if anyone is interested... I can supply pre-built .EXE's for LYNX 2.3.1 (alpha) for CMU. UCX or Multinet built on VMS 5.5-2H4. I have placed them in our anonymous ftp directory. See: Note: I did the port of Lynx to CMU and should point out that, due to a problem with the LIBCMU socket library, the FTP part of the CMU version does not work properly. The multinet and UCX versions work fine. Note also that this release is not official so don't send enhancment requests either to me or the lynx-developers. Regards, Andy Harper Kings College London ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 09:08:13 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 10:03:05 EDT From: "Brian Tillman" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: uunet!WKUVX1.WKU.EDU! Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Needed: Complete set of VMS .obj files for Lynx >Lynx doesn't work with NETLIB, and what I have doesn't support CMUTEK, >though the V2.3.1 does (it's still an alpha release, I believe). ---More off-topic discussionm of Lynx ahead--- Hmm.. In the V2.3.1 release, I thought I saw a @make netlib option, as well as options for Multinet, UCX, TWG (WIN_TCP), and CMUIP. I didn't try the NETLIB option, but I did successfully build the TWG, UCX, and CMU images (and they work). I wish Mosaic had a TWG option. Some of the code has #ifdef WIN_TCP in it, but I don't think it's extensive enough. I also note that Lynx and Mosaic have what appear to be quite a few common modules. Perhaps I could use the TWG tailoring from Lynx in Mosaic. -- Brian ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 09:29:37 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 09:29:20 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FFB9.7C6FB3E1.1@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Needed: Complete set of VMS .obj files for Lynx "Brian Tillman" writes: > >>Lynx doesn't work with NETLIB, and what I have doesn't support CMUTEK, >>though the V2.3.1 does (it's still an alpha release, I believe). > >---More off-topic discussionm of Lynx ahead--- > >Hmm.. In the V2.3.1 release, I thought I saw a @make netlib option, as well as >options for Multinet, UCX, TWG (WIN_TCP), and CMUIP. I didn't try the NETLIB >option, but I did successfully build the TWG, UCX, and CMU images (and they >work). The .COM file has it, but there's no support for it. I asked Darrell (MadGoat FTP man) to look at adding NETLIB support, and it wasn't practical without major reworking of the code. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 11:36:59 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: MX SMTP out dies on bad address Message-ID: <> From: (Hunter Goatley) Date: 15 Jun 94 09:34:24 CDT Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <0097FF95.BF7A59AD.3@ALPHA.WKU.EDU>, "Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: > (Ben Armstrong) writes: >> >>Does anyone know why this causes the SMTP agent to spontaneously exit >>with the following status: >> >It's a bug in MX SMTP that causes it to generate an access violation >if the address it's using isn't valid. I've wanted to look into that, >but I can't reproduce the problem. Everytime I supply an invalid >address, MX Router does its job and bounces it, so MX SMTP never sees >it. > OK, I added some checks to catch these problems, so it shouldn't be an issue with V4.1, which is currently in beta-test. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 14:38:00 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 14:30:28 C*T From: Rick Stacks Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: more questions on Lynx To: Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Thanks to all who responded to my earlier questions on Lynx. I have a couple more questions, if I may... The request for Lynx came from a user -- what is Lynx? I know Mosaic is a WWW browsing type of program; are the two related? how are they different? Is there a copy of the Mosaic binaries available for VMS 5.5-2 / NETLIB / CMUTEK ? again, TIA -- Rick +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rick Stacks, Sr. Programmer Analyst | voice: 501-570-2174 | | Ark Dept Pollution Control & Ecology | fax: 501-562-4632 | | 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | email: | | Little Rock, AR 72219 USA | | |--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| |- They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety --| |- deserve neither liberty nor safety -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 --| ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 14:40:00 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 14:39:41 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0097FFE4.D75D389D.2@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: more questions on Lynx Rick Stacks writes: > >Thanks to all who responded to my earlier questions on Lynx. I have a >couple more questions, if I may... > >The request for Lynx came from a user -- what is Lynx? I know Mosaic is a >WWW browsing type of program; are the two related? how are they different? Mosaic is for Motif, Lynx is for character-cell terminals. Mosaic shows images, Lynx just tells you they're there. Both are WWW browsers. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 15:45:29 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 16:17:34 EDT From: "Brian Tillman" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: uunet!WKUVX1.WKU.EDU! Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: more questions on Lynx Earlier, I had said I wondered if I could use the changes made in Lynx for WIN_TCP in the corresponding routines in Mosaic, since many of the modules have the same names. It sure wouldn't be trivial. Many of the HT* modules in Lynx are quite different than their Mosaic counterparts. Alas. -- Brian ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 16:14:07 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 15:41:48 C*T From: Rick Stacks Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: more questions on Lynx To: Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT "Hunter Goatley, WKU" replies: >> [...] >>The request for Lynx came from a user -- what is Lynx? I know Mosaic is a >>WWW browsing type of program; are the two related? how are they different? > >Mosaic is for Motif, Lynx is for character-cell terminals. Mosaic >shows images, Lynx just tells you they're there. Both are WWW >browsers. Many thanks Hunter! Sometimes one has to ask a dumb question. But I guess like I tell the users who ask me "If you have to ask, its not a dumb question.". -- Rick +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rick Stacks, Sr. Programmer Analyst | voice: 501-570-2174 | | Ark Dept Pollution Control & Ecology | fax: 501-562-4632 | | 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | email: | | Little Rock, AR 72219 USA | | |--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| |- They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety --| |- deserve neither liberty nor safety -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 --| ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 21:19:00 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 19:15:56 PDT From: Virtual Bill Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: What am I missing? Can someone explain what is happening. A user gets e-mail from the internet, the following: ==>>From: MX%"" 15-JUN-1994 09:53:28.01 To: MX%"",MX%"" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Received: from ([]) by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) with SMTP; Wed, 15 Jun 1994 09:53:17 PDT Received: from wabash.UUCP by with UUCP (8.6.4/SMI-4.1) id JAA28819; Wed, 15 Jun 1994 09:40:49 -0700 Received: from by (4.1/Acuson/SMI-4.0) id AA16202; Wed, 15 Jun 94 09:41:28 PDT Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA29283; Wed, 15 Jun 94 09:41:27 PDT Received: by (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA05594; Wed, 15 Jun 94 09:36:05 PDT Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 09:36:05 PDT From: (Cindy Wolverton) Message-ID: <> To:, Subject: Re: Lunch on Thursday He then trys to send an e-mail to the sender and gets the following Postmaster message: From: MX%"" 15-JUN-1994 12:23:24.49 To: MX%"" CC: Subj: SMTP delivery error Note: this message was generated automatically. An error was detected while processing the enclosed message. A list of the affected recipients follows. This list is in a special format that allows software like LISTSERV to automatically take action on incorrect addresses; you can safely ignore the numeric codes. --> Error description: ==>>Error-For: CINDY@ACUSUN.COM Error-Code: 2 Error-Text: %MX-F-NOHOST, no such host -Retry count exceeded -(Via ACUSUN.COM) Error-End: 1 error detected ------------------------------ Rejected message ------------------------------ Received: by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) id 3; Wed, 15 Jun 1994 09:06:18 PDT Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 09:06:17 PDT From: They call me Steve To: CINDY@ACUSUN.COM Message-ID: <> Subject: Lunch for Thursday -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: <> Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 12:23:20 PDT From: SMTP delivery agent To: Subject: SMTP delivery error X-Report-Type: Nondelivery; boundary="> Error description:" Further, the individual sent an e-mail to the same individual yesterday without incident, reference the MX_SMTP_LOG.LOG 14-JUN-1994 16:58:14.66 Processing queue entry number 24 on node MTV1 14-JUN-1994 16:58:14.86 Recipient: , 14-JUN-1994 16:58:14.86 SMTP_SEND: looking up host name 14-JUN-1994 16:58:16.01 SMTP_SEND: Attempting to start session with [] 14-JUN-1994 16:58:16.05 SMTP_SEND: Connected 14-JUN-1994 16:58:46.63 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: Sendmail 8.6.4/SMI-4.1 ready at Tue, 14 Jun 1994 16:59:02 -0700 14-JUN-1994 16:58:46.99 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 220 ESMTP spoken here 14-JUN-1994 16:58:46.99 SMTP_SEND: Sent: HELO 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.07 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 250 Hello [], pleased to meet you 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.07 SMTP_SEND: Sent: MAIL FROM: 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.73 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 250 ... Sender ok 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.73 SMTP_SEND: Sent: RCPT TO: 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.80 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 250 ... Recipient ok 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.88 SMTP_SEND: Sent: DATA 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.97 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.98 SMTP_SEND: Sent: Received: by (MX V4.0-1 VAX) id 21; Tue, 14 Jun 1994 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.98 SMTP_SEND: Sent: 16:58:13 PDT 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.98 SMTP_SEND: Sent: Date: Tue, 14 Jun 1994 16:58:12 PDT 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.98 SMTP_SEND: Sent: From: They call me Steve 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.98 SMTP_SEND: Sent: To: 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.98 SMTP_SEND: Sent: Message-ID: <> 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.99 SMTP_SEND: Sent: Subject: Re: Just trying out mail aliasing 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.99 SMTP_SEND: Sent: . 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.99 SMTP_SEND: Sent: . 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.99 SMTP_SEND: Sent: . 14-JUN-1994 16:58:47.99 SMTP_SEND: will wait 00:10:30.00 for reply. 14-JUN-1994 16:58:48.40 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 250 QAA19971 Message accepted for delivery 14-JUN-1994 16:58:48.41 SMTP_SEND: Sent: QUIT 14-JUN-1994 16:58:48.46 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 221 closing connection 14-JUN-1994 16:58:48.74 Recipient status=00000001 for 14-JUN-1994 16:58:48.98 Entry now completely processed, no retries needed. 14-JUN-1994 16:58:49.17 *** End of processing pass *** Why isn't being used for today as it was yesterday? I have not made any changes to MX since installation last week. What am I missing? ============================================================================= | Disclaimer: The contents of this message reflects my personal opinion and| | not those of my employer or the organization through which Internet was | | accessed. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bill Powers GTE Government Systems | | (415) 966-2757 internet: | | fax: (415) 966-3401 | ============================================================================= ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 23:28:03 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: What am I missing? Date: 16 Jun 1994 04:15:40 GMT Message-ID: <2tojlc$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Virtual Bill writes: = Why isn't being used for today as it was = yesterday? I have not made any changes to MX since installation last = week. What am I missing? Perhaps the DNS records for ACUSON.COM were deleted since yesterday? They're not there now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 02:16:33 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Glenn W. Olsen) Message-ID: <> Subject: To: Date: Thu, 16 Jun 94 8:52:22 MET Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU subscribe ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 05:45:24 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 06:17:27 -0400 Message-ID: <> From: (Derek Dongray) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU X-MX-Warning: Warning -- Invalid "To" header. To: "" CC: Subject: Re: What am I missing? [stuffed deleted] > From: (Cindy Wolverton) [more stuff deleted] > --> Error description: > > ==>>Error-For: CINDY@ACUSUN.COM > Error-Code: 2 > Error-Text: %MX-F-NOHOST, no such host > -Retry count exceeded > -(Via ACUSUN.COM) [more stuff deleted] > Why isn't being used for today as it was > yesterday? I have not made any changes to MX since installation last > week. What am I missing? That your user can't type? is not the same as! ^ ^ > | Bill Powers GTE Government Systems | > | (415) 966-2757 internet: | ---------------------------------------------------------- Derek Dongray, Systems Manager, GenRad Ltd., Cheshire, UK. E-mail : or PSS : 234261600119::Dongray CompuServe : 70374,2745 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 10:59:17 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: "Daniel R Giles" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 11:59:34 EST Subject: RE: Outgoing Mail > "Daniel R Giles" wrote : > > >I want all mail going out to have it "Reply-To" field changed from > >"{user}@{stuff}" to "{user}". I thought I saw > > something > >about it somewhere, but can not locate it in the manual. (No, the > >MXSHARE_FROM_FORMAT - or whatever it is - won't work. I want > >the rewrite to occur no matter which platform it originates from.) > > You can define/sys/exec MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST "" > or you can define locally def MX_REPLY_TO "" > Sorry, I guess I didn't explain exactly what I wanted. Our vax, running MX, is our central mailer. Therefore, all mail destined to the Internet, or even accross platforms, has to go through the Vax. (Very few people actually use the Vax.) Now, what I want is that no matter which platform e-mail originates from, the Reply-To field should get changed from user@whatever to Or, even better, Thanx for your help. ---------------------------------------------------------- Dan Giles, Sys Admin PRIOR Data Sciences (905) 670-1225 (fax -1344) ---------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 11:51:11 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 09:47:56 PDT From: Virtual Bill Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: What am I missing? >>> From: (Cindy Wolverton) >>> --> Error description: >>> >>> ==>>Error-For: CINDY@ACUSUN.COM >>> Error-Code: 2 >>> Error-Text: %MX-F-NOHOST, no such host >>> Why isn't being used for today as it was >>> yesterday? I have not made any changes to MX since installation last >>> week. What am I missing? >That your user can't type? is not the same as! Thank you Derek! Not only can the user not type, but I can't read. I looked at that thing a couple of times and missed it each time. Sorry for wasting the bandwith. ============================================================================= | Disclaimer: The contents of this message reflects my personal opinion and| | not those of my employer or the organization through which Internet was | | accessed. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bill Powers GTE Government Systems | | (415) 966-2757 internet: | | fax: (415) 966-3401 | ============================================================================= ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 17:50:07 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 00:45:50 WET From: Ralph Kloess Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-LIST%WKUVX1.WKU.EDU@VISION.RS.CH Message-ID: <00980102.AF64C940.1601@EUROPA.RS.CH> Subject: What comes first? User or Mailing-List Hi Y'all, a friend of mine and I just ran over a little question. What happens if you have a Username and a Mailing-List with the same name. Who receives in this case the mail messages?? Thanks in advance Ralph Kloess +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ I Ralph Kloess I I I I I +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 19:15:28 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: What comes first? User or Mailing-List Date: 17 Jun 1994 00:03:38 GMT Message-ID: <2tqp8q$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <00980102.AF64C940.1601@EUROPA.RS.CH>, Ralph Kloess writes: =Hi Y'all, = = a friend of mine and I just ran over a little question. What happens =if you have a Username and a Mailing-List with the same name. = =Who receives in this case the mail messages?? The mailing list. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 21:10:21 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: MX & DELIVER. Message-ID: <2t4rvn$> From: mckeever@CSTP.UMKC.EDU (Brian McKeever) Date: 8 Jun 1994 16:35:03 GMT Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU The only thing that keeps me from converting to MX across the board is the DELIVER capability of PMDF. Has anyone ported DELIVER to AXP? Thanks! -=Brian ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 21:38:33 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 21:37:39 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009800E8.65CD52BC.15@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX & DELIVER. mckeever@CSTP.UMKC.EDU (Brian McKeever) writes: > >The only thing that keeps me from converting to MX across the board is >the DELIVER capability of PMDF. Has anyone ported DELIVER to AXP? > >Thanks! > The DELIVER available via anonymous ftp from has been ported to AXP. This isn't the same DELIVER I have in my archives, but it should do what you want. Note that MadGoat Software is currently developing a DELIVER-like utility for release sometime in the next few months.... Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 22:01:53 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 16 Jun 1994 19:58:24 -0700 From: "Ray Harwood -- Data Basix: (602)721-1988" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: rharwood@Data.Basix.COM Message-ID: <009800DA.881D60B8.28555@Data.Basix.COM> Subject: RE: MX & DELIVER. > The only thing that keeps me from converting to MX across the board is > the DELIVER capability of PMDF. Has anyone ported DELIVER to AXP? What part of DELIVER do you need? There is a PD version that does many of the basics... if you Deliver it TOO much, it slows your machine down if you have any decent amount of Internet traffic at all. (Imagine starting a batch job for EVERY Email that came into the system...) With MX, the price is right, and while PMDF does do some very advanced stuff, MX has an EXCELLENT reputation for doing more than "just the basics." Tell us more... Ray ----- Ray Harwood | Data Basix | DEC Pro Networking Editor Voice: (602)721-1988 | PO Box 18324 | "Internet Resource Guide" FAX: (602)721-7240 | Tucson, AZ 85731 | Internet training & consulting RHarwood@Data.Basix.COM | Info@Data.Basix.COM | DEC small-system management ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 00:06:29 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 00:59:47 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Outgoing Mail > Sorry, I guess I didn't explain exactly what I wanted. Our vax, running > MX, is our central mailer. Therefore, all mail destined to the Internet, or > even accross platforms, has to go through the Vax. (Very few people > actually use the Vax.) Now, what I want is that no matter which platform > e-mail originates from, the Reply-To field should get changed from > user@whatever to Or, even better, Generally, it is the responsibility of the originating mailers to set the correct return address. I know it's more trouble to reconfigure dozens or hundreds of desktop machines than to have the VAX edit the return address, but that's the way the system is supposed to work. - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 01:53:57 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 16:50:36 +1000 From: Powell HEUER Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <00980189.76882180.6505@syd.dwt.CSIRO.AU> Subject: Why is MXserver rejecting this? I have a user who can't seem to access a mailing list I'm running. She receives messages sent to the list but can't post herself. I'm using MX V3.3. No one else has reported problems sending messages to the list. Previously she got an error message indicating an invalid From: header. I removed and added her to the list to ensure that her subscription matches her incoming address. The bounce message below now indicates "no From: header in message" The rejected message included below does seem to have a From: header. The copy she sent direct to me came in OK with the VMSMail From line as expected (although presumably this came from ther Reply-to header). Can anyone suggest what I'm missing or what other information I need to provide. Thanks Powell Heuer --------------------------------------------------------------------- Powell Heuer E-Mail: CSIRO Division of Wool Technology Phone : +61 2 809 9444 PO Box 7 Fax : +61 2 809 9476 Ryde NSW 2112 AUSTRALIA Error message attached below: From: Mailing list & file server Fri, 17 Jun 1994 14:59:58 +1000 To: Subject: Mailing list or file server error Note: this message was generated automatically. The following error(s) occurred during local delivery of your message. Error in delivery to mailing list IAPP-restructure: no From: header in message ------------------------------ Rejected message ------------------------------ Received: from by JUMBUK.SYD.DWT.CSIRO.AU (MX V3.3 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 17 Jun 1994 14:59:55 +1000 Received: from [] by with smtp (Linux Smail3.1.28.1 #1) id m0qEW1n-00003cC; Fri, 17 Jun 94 14:59 EST From: "Jenny Gill" Date: Fri, 17 Jun 94 14:41:54 +1000 Message-Id: <2978.gill@syd.dah.csiro.au_POPMail/PC_3.2.3_Beta_2> Reply-To: X-POPmail-Charset: English To:, Just testing the connection. ...Jenny G. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 02:37:52 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: Why is MXserver rejecting this? Date: 17 Jun 1994 07:27:39 GMT Message-ID: <2trj9b$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <00980189.76882180.6505@syd.dwt.CSIRO.AU>, Powell HEUER writes: =Previously she got an error message indicating an invalid From: header. =I removed and added her to the list to ensure that her subscription matches her =incoming address. The bounce message below now indicates = "no From: header in message" = =The rejected message included below does seem to have a From: header. Er, no, it doesn't. It has something that looks like a From: header IN THE BODY OF THE MESSAGE. =Received: from by JUMBUK.SYD.DWT.CSIRO.AU (MX V3.3 VAX) =with SMTP; Fri, 17 Jun 1994 14:59:55 +1000 =Received: from [] by with smtp = = (Linux Smail3.1.28.1 #1) = id m0qEW1n-00003cC; Fri, 17 Jun 94 14:59 EST =From: "Jenny Gill" =Date: Fri, 17 Jun 94 14:41:54 +1000 =Message-Id: <2978.gill@syd.dah.csiro.au_POPMail/PC_3.2.3_Beta_2> =Reply-To: =X-POPmail-Charset: English =To:, Please note the blank line between the last "Received:" line and the rest of the message. According to the RFCs, such a blank line signals the end of the headers. So the message does NOT have a From: line in the header; it's got one in the body of the message. You need to have a talk to whomever manages the mailer on CROOM.SYD.DAH.CSIRO.AU about the fact that his mailer's mangling messages. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 05:19:54 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 12:17:40 +0200 From: Herve Gilibert -CRITeR- Universite de St Etienne Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: NAME_CONVERSION Dear MXers, Sending mail to MX%name (name is either an alias or a local username) seems to cause MX to call FULL_CONVERT routine to construct the To: header, however the mail is sent to the correct address but the To; header is wrong ( If full_convert rewrites it). Can somebody confirm this behavior ? Thanks in advance. -- Herve GILIBERT UUUU UUUU CRITeR UUUU UUUU Universite Jean Monnet St-Etienne UUUU UUUU 23, Rue du Dr. P. Michelon UUUU UUUU 42023 ST ETIENNE Cedex 2 UUUU UUUU Tel : 33 77 42 15 79 UUUU UUUU Fax : 33 77 42 15 75 UUUUUUUUUUU RFC822: UUUUUUUUU ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 09:39:12 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Kevin Houle) Subject: Starting MX to receive mail under Multinet 3.3 Date: 17 Jun 1994 14:12:58 GMT Message-ID: <2tsb1a$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I'm trying to get MX to receive SMTP over TCP mail on port 25, this is on a Multinet 3.3 system. I've followed the install docs for MX as best I could.. before running MX_STARTUP.COM, I disable Multinet's SMTP, and then MX_STARTUP.COM. Is there something else which needs to be done to get MX to listen to port 25 ? -- Kevin Houle ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 13:19:38 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 13:19:30 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098016B.F873B123.11@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Starting MX to receive mail under Multinet 3.3 (Kevin Houle) writes: > >I'm trying to get MX to receive SMTP over TCP mail on port 25, >this is on a Multinet 3.3 system. I've followed the install >docs for MX as best I could.. before running MX_STARTUP.COM, >I disable Multinet's SMTP, and then MX_STARTUP.COM. Is there >something else which needs to be done to get MX to listen to >port 25 ? > You must also restart MultiNet's server and stop the MultiNet SMTP batch queue.... Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 14:08:18 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Kevin Houle) Subject: RE: Starting MX to receive mail under Multinet 3.3 Date: 17 Jun 1994 18:48:32 GMT Message-ID: <2tsr60$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU "Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: >You must also restart MultiNet's server and stop the MultiNet SMTP >batch queue.... Done it, had it, been there. It is working now, not sure what the glitch was. The 'must' above bugs me, though. I want to keep Multinet's SMTP queue running so either the SMTP% or MX% hacks can be used for a period of time. Tho I suppose using a logical to reassign SMTP% to call MX% would be the thing to do.. -- Kevin Houle ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 17 Jun 1994 14:40:11 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: ("Dan Wing") Subject: RE: Starting MX to receive mail under Multinet 3.3 Date: 17 Jun 1994 19:28:25 GMT Message-ID: <2tstgp$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <2tsr60$>, (Kevin Houle) writes: #"Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: # #>You must also restart MultiNet's server and stop the MultiNet SMTP #>batch queue.... # #Done it, had it, been there. It is working now, not sure #what the glitch was. The 'must' above bugs me, though. I #want to keep Multinet's SMTP queue running so either the #SMTP% or MX% hacks can be used for a period of time. Tho #I suppose using a logical to reassign SMTP% to call MX% #would be the thing to do.. See section 5.1.1 of the MX Management Guide (MX_DOC:MGMT_GUIDE.TXT): 5.1.1 VMS MAIL Protocol Prefix MX by default uses the foreign protocol prefix MX% when interfacing with VMS Mail. You can define alternate foreign protocol prefixes for use with MX, to provide a migration path for users from other mail systems to MX. MX will correctly handle the following prefixes: SMTP%, WINS%, IN%, JNET%, IHMF%, VN%, ST%, INET%, and UUCP%.[1] To set up one of these alternate prefixes in VMS Mail, define the logical name MAIL$PROTOCOL_prefix: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MAIL$PROTOCOL_prefix MX_MAILSHR where prefix is one of the above-mentioned prefixes, without the trailing percent sign. Note that incoming mail from MX will always bear the MX% prefix. If you wish to use another prefix for incoming mail, you can define the logical name MX_ PROTOCOL_PREFIX: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MX_PROTOCOL_PREFIX prefix% where prefix is one of the above-mentioned prefixes, with the trailing percent sign. The default prefix MX% is the recommended prefix. ________________ [1] You should not re-direct the UUCP% prefix to MX if you are using MX with UUCP. Doing so will prevent messages from being delivered to UUCP from MX, since MX uses the UUCP_MAILSHR interface (the same as UUCP% does). -Dan Wing, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sun, 19 Jun 1994 19:12:37 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Kevin Houle) Subject: MX 4.0-1 AXP / Protocol Errors and Exiting Processes Date: 19 Jun 1994 23:52:05 GMT Message-ID: <2u2ln5$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Well, we got MX up and running but it doesn't appear to be very stable. The SMTP_Server process occationally goes out to lunch and refuses connections. The MX_Local processes, we had two running, just flat out disappeared without a trace occationally. We also had 2 routers and MX_SMTP processes going, if that makes any difference. The only clue of why things stop working is, sometimes, I will find a message in the MX queue (via MAILQUEUE) which has an error message of "protocol error ?". The question mark is in the error msg., I didn't add that.. very reassuring. I used the MAIL$TRANSPORT_SMTP logical to alias SMTP% to mean MX%, but then NEWSRDR would ACCVIO trying to use SMTP%. It's not been a good day. So, where do I start looking? I've narrowed the MX_SMTP, router and local processes down to one instance and left them running. The SMTP_Server is not running, Multinet's SMTP is back to that job.. -- Kevin Houle ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 06:49:26 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 06:49:13 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980390.F2769188.2@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX 4.0-1 AXP / Protocol Errors and Exiting Processes (Kevin Houle) writes: > >Well, we got MX up and running but it doesn't appear to >be very stable. It has been for virtually all sites that have installed it.... >The SMTP_Server process occationally goes >out to lunch and refuses connections. I've not heard of this happening to anyone (that I can recall, at least). >The MX_Local processes, >we had two running, just flat out disappeared without a >trace occationally. On VAX or AXP? In either case, this is probably due to the callable mail memory leak, which is worse in some versions of VMS than it is in others. >We also had 2 routers and MX_SMTP >processes going, if that makes any difference. It shouldn't, no. >The only >clue of why things stop working is, sometimes, I will >find a message in the MX queue (via MAILQUEUE) which has >an error message of "protocol error ?". The question mark >is in the error msg., I didn't add that.. very reassuring. These have nothing to do with the SMTP Server. These are from the MX SMTP agents (outgoing). It means that for some reason MX didn't receive a response from the remote system in the middle of the SMTP send. The error message it "protocol error?" because MX doesn't know why it didn't get a response---it just knows that it didn't get the right response, if it got one at all. >I used the MAIL$TRANSPORT_SMTP logical to alias SMTP% to >mean MX%, but then NEWSRDR would ACCVIO trying to use SMTP%. > I'm not sure what would cause this---it *ought* to work.... >It's not been a good day. So, where do I start looking? I've >narrowed the MX_SMTP, router and local processes down to >one instance and left them running. The SMTP_Server is not >running, Multinet's SMTP is back to that job.. > Is it possible that you had exceeded the maximum simultaneous connections to the MX SMTP Server? If you're seeing protocol errors, perhaps some system is connecting to the SMTP Server and then hanging the connections? You can use MULTINET SHOW to determine how many SMTP connections there are. You should also check VMS accounting to find out the exit status for the MX Local processes and maybe enable LOCAL and SMTP_SERVER debugging. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 06:53:07 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 06:52:56 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980391.77562832.11@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX 4.0-1 AXP / Protocol Errors and Exiting Processes "Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: > > (Kevin Houle) writes: >> >>The MX_Local processes, >>we had two running, just flat out disappeared without a >>trace occationally. > >On VAX or AXP? In either case, this is probably due to the callable >mail memory leak, which is worse in some versions of VMS than it is in >others. > I just noticed that the subject line stated AXP. This is definitely a bug in the callable mail routines. I would guess you're running either V1.5-1H1 or V1.5 with the AXPSMUP02 (AXP Security MUP #2) patch installed. Both had serious problems with callable mail. You need to either upgrade to V6.1 or retreive MAILSHR.EXE from the plain V1.5 kit and put that in your SYS$SYSTEM:. >>I used the MAIL$TRANSPORT_SMTP logical to alias SMTP% to >>mean MX%, but then NEWSRDR would ACCVIO trying to use SMTP%. >> >I'm not sure what would cause this---it *ought* to work.... > This too is due to bug in the image activator in those versions of VMS. I had forgotten that someone else reported similar problems a couple of months ago. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 09:19:28 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Martin Egger) Subject: RE: MX 4.0-1 AXP / Protocol Errors and Exiting Processes Date: 20 Jun 1994 13:29:42 GMT Message-ID: <2u45k6$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <00980391.77562832.11@ALPHA.WKU.EDU>, "Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: >"Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: [...] >I just noticed that the subject line stated AXP. This is definitely a >bug in the callable mail routines. I would guess you're running >either V1.5-1H1 or V1.5 with the AXPSMUP02 (AXP Security MUP #2) >patch installed. Both had serious problems with callable mail. You >need to either upgrade to V6.1 or retreive MAILSHR.EXE from the plain >V1.5 kit and put that in your SYS$SYSTEM:. ... better you put it in SYS$SHARE:!! >>>I used the MAIL$TRANSPORT_SMTP logical to alias SMTP% to >>>mean MX%, but then NEWSRDR would ACCVIO trying to use SMTP%. >>> >>I'm not sure what would cause this---it *ought* to work.... >> >This too is due to bug in the image activator in those versions of >VMS. I had forgotten that someone else reported similar problems a >couple of months ago. To fix that one, you need to replace also the new sys$share:secureshrp.exe with the standard 1.5 one dated 6-may-1993. Martin ******************************************************************************* Martin Egger, Ph.D., Computing Services - Head of System/User Support Group University of Bern, Gesellschaftsstrasse 6, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland Phone: ++41 (0)31 631 38 45, Fax: ++41 (0)31 631 38 65, Telex: 912643 pibe ch RFC:, X.400: S=egger;OU=id;O=unibe;P=switch;A=arcom;C=ch; ******************************************************************************* ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 12:00:37 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 12:00:26 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: CC: MadGoat-Announce@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009803BC.6C8E0A20.17@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: MX V4.1 is now available! MX V4.1 is now available. The source kit is not yet ready, but will be announced in the next few days. This version includes performance enhancements that are just as dramatic as those introduced by MX V4.0. Much of the work on this version was done by Juan Altmayer Pizzorno of GMD. MadGoat Software extends sincere thanks to Juan for all of his work on MX. This version does not include *everything* I had intended to put in this version, but I've got other, more pressing things I need to do right now and I wanted you all to be able to take advantage of Juan's changes. Full new features and bug fixes are included below, but the highlights are: o Agents keep in-memory queues of entries to process, greatly reducing the I/O load on the MX_FLQ_DIR: disk. o MCP STATUS now shows information about which entries are being processed by each of the agents, which agents are idle, etc. o Support for L-Soft's LISTSERV has been added. o FLQ autopurge is now included. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find MX via the World-Wide Web using: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can get it via anonymous ftp from: in [.MX.MX041] in [.MX.MX041] in /pub/mx The other MX FTP sites will be updated soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can get MX via e-mail by sending the following commands in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU: SEND MX !Comes as 69 180-block files SEND FILESERV_TOOLS !Needed if you don't have UnZip and MFTU Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 New Features and Changes in MX V4.1 This chapter notes the new features added to MX V4.1. Because many sites upgraded from MX V3.3 to MX V4.1, skipping MX V4.0, the release notes for V4.0 are included in the next chapter. __________________________________________________________________ 3.1 Major I/O Reductions This version of MX features queue file I/O reductions that enhance performance as dramatically as the new queue file in MX V4.0 did. The various agents used to scan the file every few minutes looking for entries to be processed. With a lot of agents running, this translated into possibly hundreds of I/O requests for each agent every time they scanned. Each of the agents now maintains an in-memory queue of the entries that are to be processed by that agent. This is, of course, in addition to the queue on disk. As entries are added, updated, and deleted from the queue, the agents are notified so that they can make the appropriate changes to their in-memory queues. When scanning for work to do, the in-memory queue is used instead of the on-disk queue, resulting in tremendous reductions of disk I/O. The only agents that still scan the queue file on a regular basis are MX MLF and MX Router (or MX FLQ Manager). MX MLF will be updated in a future version, and MX Router and MX FLQ Manager still scan the queue file to purge finished entries. These enhancements, along with the enhanced MCP STATUS command described below, were contributed by Juan Altmayer Pizzorno, of Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (The German National Research Center for Computer Science). For more info on GMD, use Mosaic or Lynx to access the URL __________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Current Working State of Agents Now Reported The MCP command STATUS now includes the current state of each delivery agent. For example, each agent will be reported as being ``Idle,'' ``Processing entry #X,'' ``Waiting for entry #X,'' etc. Thanks to Juan Altmayer Pizzorno. __________________________________________________________________ 3.3 NETLIB V1.6B MadGoat Software's NETLIB V1.6B is included with MX V4.1. NETLIB V1.6B corrects a bug in the order of the numbers in an IP address under CMU-IP. Thanks to Matt Madison. __________________________________________________________________ 3.4 New LISTSERV Support A new optional MX agent, MX ListServ, is provided to let MX interface with LISTSERV software from L- Soft International. Documentation is provided in the Message Exchange Management Guide. Thanks to Juan Altmayer Pizzorno. __________________________________________________________________ 3.5 Auto-purging of FINished Entries When an MX queue entry has been fully processed, it is marked as being ``finished'' and is left in the queue for a period of time. The MX Router or MX FLQ Manager scans the file every 15 minutes, by default, and purges ``FIN'' entries. Many sites, especially high-volume sites, don't need to keep finished entries in the queue for any length of time, so MX V4.1 now includes optional automatic purging of entries in the queue. To enable the queue autopurge, define the following logical: $ define/system/exec mx_flq_autopurge_fin true When this logical is defined, queue entries and the associated files are automatically deleted when they are marked ``finished.'' __________________________________________________________________ 3.6 MCP Enhancements The MCP command DEFINE REWRITE_RULE now checks that the right-hand side of the rule is RFC821-compliant. Previously, no check was made, resulting in accidental definitions of rules that did not produce valid addresses. __________________________________________________________________ 3.7 MX Router Enhancements o The MX Router now verifies RFC821-compliance with addresses rewritten by MX rewrite rules. Previously, a bad rewrite rule could result in a bad RFC821 address, which exploited a bug in MX SMTP that caused it to generate an access violation. MX Router now returns such messages back to the original sender (and MX SMTP has been modified so that it no longer access violates if it does receive a bad address). o The MX Router now includes support for site- specific rewriting of RFC822 header addresses on outgoing mail and envelope address rewriting on incoming mail. This support allows sites to better control the From: addresses, etc., for their users. Full details can be found in the Message Exchange Programmer's Guide. __________________________________________________________________ 3.8 MX SMTP Server Enhancements The MX SMTP Server has been modified to accept MAIL FROM: and RCPT TO: lines that do not conform to RFC821. Specifically, the address is considered valid when the required angle brackets are omitted. __________________________________________________________________ 3.9 Miscellaneous Enhancements The various images used by the MX delivery agents are now INSTALLed /OPEN/HEADER/SHARE. __________________________________________________________________ 3.10 New and updated [CONTRIB] packages The following [CONTRIB] packages have been updated or added: o BASE64-DECODER.ZIP-A basic decoder for BASE64- encoded messages. o DIS-TO-MXALIAS.ZIP-Convert .DIS files to MXALIAS aliases. Updated. o MAIL_EDIT.ZIP-Various MAIL$EDIT procedures for enhanced sending of mail through VMS Mail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Bug Fixes MX V4.1 provides the following fixes to bugs in V4.0: o MX_MAILSHR (the VMS Mail interface) now correctly handles blank-separated VMS Mail To: lines. Previously, the following line: To: MX%"x@x" MX%"y@y" would have resulted in an invalid RFC822 To: line. o Bad RFC821 addresses passed to MX SMTP by MX Router (for example, those created by bad rewrite rules) would cause the MX SMTP agent to exit with an access violation. This problem has been corrected. o A memory leak in MDMLIB that could affect all MX agents has been corrected. o A small memory leak in MX Local has been corrected. o A bug in the VAX C RTL caused the MXBITNET.MAILERS file created by MX Jnet to be created with a protection that allowed all access by all users. MX Jnet has been modified to work around that bug. o MX SMTP Server now records its final exit status in its log file. The other agents were modified to do that in MX V3.2, but MX SMTP Server was overlooked. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 12:21:10 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Kevin Houle) Subject: RE: MX 4.0-1 AXP / Protocol Errors and Exiting Processes Date: 20 Jun 1994 16:47:33 GMT Message-ID: <2u4h75$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU "Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: >"Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: >> >>On VAX or AXP? In either case, this is probably due to the callable >>mail memory leak, which is worse in some versions of VMS than it is in >>others. >> >I just noticed that the subject line stated AXP. This is definitely a >bug in the callable mail routines. I would guess you're running >either V1.5-1H1 or V1.5 with the AXPSMUP02 (AXP Security MUP #2) >patch installed. Both had serious problems with callable mail. You >need to either upgrade to V6.1 or retreive MAILSHR.EXE from the plain >V1.5 kit and put that in your SYS$SYSTEM:. I put MAILSHR.EXE from V1.5 back in SYS$SHARE, but the page file quota in Multinet's SMTP_SYMBIONT still drops like a rock. My guess is MX's local delivery agent will do the same. We're still waiting for the V6.1 distribution to upgrade. >>>I used the MAIL$TRANSPORT_SMTP logical to alias SMTP% to >>>mean MX%, but then NEWSRDR would ACCVIO trying to use SMTP%. >>> >>I'm not sure what would cause this---it *ought* to work.... >> >This too is due to bug in the image activator in those versions of >VMS. I had forgotten that someone else reported similar problems a >couple of months ago. Hmm.. I was thinking it had more to do with the fact NEWSRDR was setup to use SMTP% and just couldn't handle the logical alias. If there were a problem in the image activator on VMS, wouldn't the call to SMTP% fail as well? I did not try a direct call to MX% from NEWSRDR.. to many unhappy people to experiment with that right now. -- Kevin Houle ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 12:23:22 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 20 Jun 1994 12:23:13 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009803BF.9B26483B.18@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX 4.0-1 AXP / Protocol Errors and Exiting Processes (Kevin Houle) writes: > >I put MAILSHR.EXE from V1.5 back in SYS$SHARE, but the >page file quota in Multinet's SMTP_SYMBIONT still drops >like a rock. My guess is MX's local delivery agent will >do the same. We're still waiting for the V6.1 distribution >to upgrade. > Well, that *should* solve the problem for sure. I've had no problems with V6.1. >Hmm.. I was thinking it had more to do with the fact NEWSRDR >was setup to use SMTP% and just couldn't handle the logical >alias. If there were a problem in the image activator on VMS, >wouldn't the call to SMTP% fail as well? I did not try a direct >call to MX% from NEWSRDR.. to many unhappy people to experiment >with that right now. > It was a weird bug in SECURESHRP.EXE. Somethings would work OK, some wouldn't. But, as Martin posted, replacing it took care of all the problems he experienced. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 05:13:29 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 05:13:21 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <0098044C.B7F932BA.1@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: MX041_SRC now available The MX V4.1 source kit is now available as MX041_SRC.ZIP on and in [.MX.MX041]. You can get it via e-mail by sending the command SEND MX_SRC in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. Note that MX V4.1 includes a new example file in MX_ROOT:[EXAMPLES]. The file is ADDRESS_REWRITER.C, which was written by Andrew Greer and modified by me. This example shows how to exploit the RFC822 header address and RFC821 envelope rewriting, a new feature in MX V4.1. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 20:55:42 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 21 Jun 1994 18:58:52 PST From: Alan Winston - SSRL Central Computing Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009804C0.0B4DCDE0.21598@SSRL01.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU> Subject: upgrade path - can I go from 3.3 directly to 4.1? Sorry for a possibly-stupid question, but I didn't see this discussed in the 4.1 announcement. Can I go from 3.3 to 4.1 (on a VAX 8800 running VMS 5.5-2)? Will the installation automatically take care of the queue conversions? Thanks, -- Alan =============================================================================== Alan Winston --- WINSTON@SSRL750.BITNET or WINSTON@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU Disclaimer: I speak only for myself, not SLAC or SSRL Phone: 415/926-3056 Physical mail to: SSRL -- SLAC BIN 69, PO BOX 4349, STANFORD, CA 94309-0210 =============================================================================== ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 01:00:51 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: upgrade path - can I go from 3.3 directly to 4.1? Date: 22 Jun 1994 05:55:29 GMT Message-ID: <2u8joh$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <009804C0.0B4DCDE0.21598@SSRL01.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU>, Alan Winston - SSRL Central Computing writes: = =Sorry for a possibly-stupid question, but I didn't see this discussed in =the 4.1 announcement. Can I go from 3.3 to 4.1 (on a VAX 8800 running =VMS 5.5-2)? Yes. =Will the installation automatically take care of the queue conversions? No. The new queue structure is incompatible with the old one, and there's no tool to convert the queue. You'll have to make sure that the old queues are empty before making the upgrade. One way to do that (if you've got another system handy) is to: 1) Shut down the incoming MX agents; 2) Change your PATH definitions so that EVERYTHING is routed through the second system. 3) READY all queue entries. This will cause your system to offload the stuff in its queues to the other system. You can then proceed with the uprade. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 06:34:52 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 13:31:36 +0100 From: Juan Altmayer Pizzorno Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: upgrade path - can I go from 3.3 directly to 4.1? carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) writes: >No. The new queue structure is incompatible with the old one, and there's no >tool to convert the queue. You'll have to make sure that the old queues are >empty before making the upgrade. One way to do that (if you've got another >system handy) is to: >1) Shut down the incoming MX agents; >2) Change your PATH definitions so that EVERYTHING is routed through >the second system. >3) READY all queue entries. >This will cause your system to offload the stuff in its queues to the other >system. You can then proceed with the uprade. One word of caution, however: If, when you READY a main entry (you have to, otherwise the MX router won't re-route them) of a message that has multiple recipients, the message has already been sent to some of the recipients, but not to the others (MX may be awaiting the retry), the first ones will receive the message for a 2nd time. .. Juan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 17:24:07 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 18:00:45 EST From: Michael McIntyre Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Q: Creating local redistribution list Dear MX-List, I would like to automatically create a local archive of some of the mailing lists that I am on, as well as provide a facility for multiple local subscribes to share one subscription (before anyone asks... its not a clari. group... ). What I have tested locally is to create a VMS user (TEST_ML) to subscribe to the list (TEST@MCINC.COM), I then create a list with the same name as the VMS user (TEST_ML@MCINC.COM) to which local users may subscribe, and which can be automatically archived. 1) Is there an easier way to to this? I.e. can I send a message from a username without creating an account? 2) Does anyone forsee any problems with this setup? I know the local users will not be able to reply automatically, but I don't want some error message bouncing between my list and the internet list. Thanks... -mike Mailing lists: Name: TEST Owner: "MSM@MCINC.COM" Reply-to: NOList, Sender Errors-to: MSM@MCINC.COM Strip header: NOReceived Private list: Yes Protection: (SYSTEM:RWED,OWNER:RWED,GROUP:RWED,WORLD:WE) Name: TEST_ML Owner: "MSM@MCINC.COM" Reply-to: NOList, Sender Errors-to: MSM@MCINC.COM Strip header: NOReceived Private list: Yes Protection: (SYSTEM:RWED,OWNER:RWED,GROUP:RWED,WORLD:WE) -- Michael McIntyre | McIntyre Consulting, Inc. | Tel: 508-371-1935 | 336 Baker Ave.; Concord,MA 01742 | Fax: 508-369-6693 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 20:42:48 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Bjorn Lindstrom) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: HELP! VMS Mail "Delivery" (public domain utility) problem Date: 23 Jun 1994 01:25:38 GMT Message-ID: To: Info-VAX@CRVAX.SRI.COM Hi, I have been developing some applications that take advantage of the functionality of the DELIVER (v5) utility, and am very pleased with the results. However, recently I was notified that it wasn't processing messages that were being sent to it, after having been working fine for several weeks. After logging in, I found that there were suddenly quite a few messages waiting in the "mailbox." I started mail, and every one of them were messages that should have been processed through the DELIVER system, but weren't. It was as if the forwarding had been turned off. So I checked that, and it was still in place, and active. Next, I checked the MAIL.DELIVERY file (located in the users home directory), and found nothing wrong. So I tried sending mail, and was immediately notified that there was NEWMAIL waiting. This message should have been processed by DELIVER, but wasn't. I got some help from the System Manager, and after more testing, came up with the same results. Now, this is where it gets wierd. The System Manager then checked the installed images to see which had registered messages sent to other nodes on the cluster, and one of them showed zero "hits." We didn't think anything of this at the time, so I turned on the flag to save the .LOG file, since we couldn't see any jobs launching in batch in response to our messages, and tested again. After that, it started working fine again. I then remembered that one of the nodes said it registered zero messages, so we tried sending a message to that specific node ... and nothing happened. No mail message, no batch job launched, nothing. It just went away into the ether. So we tried sending a message to another user we had set up to originally test the "DELIVER" system (again, to the same node), and the response came right back that was expected. The job launched and processed for THAT user. But it refuses to work for our primary DELIVER user ON THAT NODE. All nodes use the same alias file, and same versions. Does anyone out there have any ideas as to what is happening, and what happened? Better yet, does anyone have a SOLUTION? (8= Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time, Bjorn "If life were easy, it would be boring." ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 22:07:35 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Incoming '!' addresses getting whacked Message-ID: <> From: (David G. North, CCP) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: 22 Jun 94 18:02:24 CDT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To all mx gurus... If I send mail to uu%"ondec!d_north", the headers look like: From Ondec.Lonestar.Org!d_north Wed, 22 Jun 94 17:52:15 CDT remote from ondec |Received: by Ondec.Lonestar.Org (DECUS UUCP /2.0/2.0/2.0/); | Wed, 22 Jun 94 17:52:15 CDT |Date: Wed, 22 Jun 94 17:52:15 CDT |Message-Id: <0098057FE7057620.202000CA@Ondec.Lonestar.Org> |From: d_north@Ondec.Lonestar.Org |Subject: TEST-MESSAGE |To: ONDEC!D_NORTH |X-VMS-Mail-To: ONDEC!D_NORTH And when it comes back, the headers look like: |From: MX%"d_north@Ondec.Lonestar.Org" 22-JUN-1994 17:52:57.14 |To: MX%"" |CC: |Subj: TEST-MESSAGE | |Return-Path: |Received: from ENIGMA (ENIGMA::SYSTEM) by VISAR (MX V4.0 VAX) with SMTP | (DECnet); Wed, 22 Jun 1994 17:52:54 CDT |Resent-Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 17:52:48 CDT |Resent-From: |Resent-To: |Received: from ondec by (MX V4.0 VAX) with UUCP; Wed, 22 Jun | 1994 17:52:44 CDT |Received: by Ondec.Lonestar.Org (DECUS UUCP /2.0/2.0/2.0/); Wed, 22 Jun 94 | 17:52:15 CDT |Date: Wed, 22 Jun 94 17:52:15 CDT |Message-ID: <0098057FE7057620.202000CA@Ondec.Lonestar.Org> |From: d_north@Ondec.Lonestar.Org |Subject: TEST-MESSAGE |To: |X-VMS-Mail-To: ONDEC!D_NORTH My concern is that the To: field has been whacked. How do I stop it? Also, is there some reason I would really want the address smacked up like that? (BTW: I've modified the famous mail patch to also allow UU% substitution instead of MX% if the target address has a '!' in it [takes a mod to mail.exe also...]. ans same results for either uu%"..." or thru-the-patch. Mail me if you're interested in the uu% hack instructions) -- David G. North, CCP, D_North@Ondec.Lonestar.Org {...!letni!tachyon!ondec...} If you're in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights? ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 00:34:58 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Ben Armstrong) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Personal name info not appearing in notification Message-ID: <> Date: 22 Jun 94 10:37:33 AST To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU OK. Someone please tell me why MX doesn't preserve personal name info in the VMS MAIL header? Multinet apparently does. This would be a very desirable feature as we like to convey useful information in the personal name field for things that need immediate attention. In this way, the user can see some information about the contents of the message displayed in the mail notification message on the screen before even entering MAIL to read the message. Thanks, Ben. -- Ben Armstrong, Medianet Development Group, bus: (902)422-1973 Dymaxion Research Ltd., 5515 Cogswell St., fax: (902)421-1267 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 1R2 Internet: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 03:01:40 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: 23 Jun 94 07:58:11+0000 From: Fabien Marathee Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> To: MX-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: NAME I have been using NAME_CONVERSION (MX 3.x, MX 4.0) for a while now to full_convert outgoing message from "NODE::USER"@mxnode.domain format to USER@NODE.mxdomain.domain. This works fine but there is a problem with incoming messages which systematicaly cause MX router to dies (exiting 100000C): could this be cause by NAME_CONVERSION module ? (incoming messages are routed to another MX VAX for the moment) Or does it have something to do with rewriting rules ? Would MX 4.1 ADDRESS_REWRITER be more appropriate to do this conversion ? Thanks, Fabien. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 05:50:15 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 05:49:44 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009805E4.2235C5B0.15@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Personal name info not appearing in notification (Ben Armstrong) writes: > >OK. Someone please tell me why MX doesn't preserve personal name info >in the VMS MAIL header? Because I haven't gotten around to modifying it to include that information.... Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 06:47:55 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 06:47:31 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <009805EC.3475C1FF.23@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: MX041_SRC.ZIP A bug in UnZip causes the unzipping of the MX041_SRC.ZIP file to fail. I've created a new MX041_SRC.ZIP that doesn't have the problem. It's on,,, and now. My FILESERV will be updated shortly---if you order it again tomorrow, you'll get the new file. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 07:09:52 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 06:06:03 MDT From: To: mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Any electronic MX docs? Hi. I'm soon to become a list owner, under MX 4.1. Are there any documents available through a server, or FTP (e.g. help, tips, ...)? Thanks, Mark Tarka ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 07:32:28 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 07:32:04 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009805F2.6DF65A83.27@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Any electronic MX docs? writes: > >Hi. > >I'm soon to become a list owner, under MX 4.1. > >Are there any documents available through a server, >or FTP (e.g. help, tips, ...)? > The _MX MLF Guide_ provides all the docs on managing lists. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 09:31:15 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 16:27:57 +0100 From: Juan Altmayer Pizzorno Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Any electronic MX docs? "Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: >>Are there any documents available through a server, >>or FTP (e.g. help, tips, ...)? >> >The _MX MLF Guide_ provides all the docs on managing lists. .. and you can find them under MX_DOC on most systems running MX. .. Juan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 09:37:19 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Ben Armstrong) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: Personal name info not appearing in notification Date: 23 Jun 1994 11:12:40 -0300 Message-ID: <> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <009805E4.2235C5B0.15@ALPHA.WKU.EDU>, "Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: > (Ben Armstrong) writes: >> >>OK. Someone please tell me why MX doesn't preserve personal name info >>in the VMS MAIL header? > > Because I haven't gotten around to modifying it to include that > information.... Ah, OK. I take this to mean that it is on your list of things to do. This is good news! Thanks, Ben. -- Ben Armstrong, Medianet Development Group, bus: (902)422-1973 Dymaxion Research Ltd., 5515 Cogswell St., fax: (902)421-1267 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 1R2 Internet: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 11:58:09 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 11:57:34 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980617.85135D63.13@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: NAME Fabien Marathee writes: > >I have been using NAME_CONVERSION (MX 3.x, MX 4.0) for a while now to >full_convert outgoing message from "NODE::USER"@mxnode.domain format to >USER@NODE.mxdomain.domain. > >This works fine but there is a problem with incoming messages which systematicaly >cause MX router to dies (exiting 100000C): could this be cause by NAME_CONVERSION >module ? (incoming messages are routed to another MX VAX for the moment) >Or does it have something to do with rewriting rules ? > Yes, a bug in your NAME_CONVERSION could cause the Router to die with an access violation, which is what the status indicates. >Would MX 4.1 ADDRESS_REWRITER be more appropriate to do this conversion ? > Yes, it would. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 12:02:09 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 12:01:47 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980618.1B7FDAC9.19@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Q: Creating local redistribution list Michael McIntyre writes: > >Dear MX-List, > I would like to automatically create a local archive of some of the >mailing lists that I am on, as well as provide a facility for multiple >local subscribes to share one subscription (before anyone asks... its not >a clari. group... ). > >What I have tested locally is to create a VMS user (TEST_ML) to subscribe to >the list (TEST@MCINC.COM), I then create a list with the same name as the >VMS user (TEST_ML@MCINC.COM) to which local users may subscribe, and which >can be automatically archived. > >1) Is there an easier way to to this? I.e. can I send a message from a > username without creating an account? > Yes, you can use MLFAKE to do that. >2) Does anyone forsee any problems with this setup? I know the local users > will not be able to reply automatically, but I don't want some error message > bouncing between my list and the internet list. > If you use /RETURN_ADDRESS, they ought to be able to reply directly back to the list, if desired. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 13:08:52 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: MX and VMS AXP 6.1 Message-ID: <> From: (Guy Corbaz) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: 23 Jun 94 19:42:16 +0100 To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hello I have intalled MX 4.0-1 on our OPEN VMS 1.5 AXP system with TCPWare, and it is working very well. Now, we plan to migrate to Open VMS 6.1 AXP and TCPWare 4.1. Will MX still work on this configuration ? Guy Corbaz Swiss Federal Office of Informatics office: ++ 41 31 325.84.90 E-Mail: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 13:11:14 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 13:10:50 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980621.C172E7BA.11@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX and VMS AXP 6.1 (Guy Corbaz) writes: > >Hello > >I have intalled MX 4.0-1 on our OPEN VMS 1.5 AXP system with TCPWare, >and it is working very well. > >Now, we plan to migrate to Open VMS 6.1 AXP and TCPWare 4.1. Will MX >still work on this configuration ? > Yes, it will. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 16:14:55 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: From: "Daniel R Giles" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 17:14:59 EST MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Subject: Mail Aliases and DNS I am trying to set up our machine (microVaxII, MX V3.4 - soon to be MX V4.1) as a central mailer. Mail coming in will be addressed to people as My question is, is there some way of setting up these aliases through DNS records (MB, MR)? If I could, then it would be a piece of cake to have one of our Unix boxes act as a backup mailer. If not, then I guess I'm going to have to keep 2 sets of alias files hanging around. Let me know if you have an answer or if I'm not making myself clear. Thanx in advance. ---------------------------------------------------------- Dan Giles, Sys Admin PRIOR Data Sciences (905) 670-1225 (fax -1344) ---------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 18:26:56 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 18:22:49 -0500 (CDT) From: "Prof. David Miller" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: COMPRESSED mail queue Folks: MX was working fine. MX 4.1, OVMS 6.1 I noticed the default queue size was way too big, so I shrank it (it was empty at the time): MCP QUEUE COMPRESS /MAX=500 MCP RESET Now, when sending MAIL, like this To: SMTP%"GOATHUNTER@WKU.EDU" I immediately get the message End of File detected and the SEND is apparently aborted. HELP!!! Please respond to the address below... I'm not sure I can receive MX-List mail. Dave Miller. /-------------------\ Professor, Computer Science. || /\ * || || / \ /\ || DMILLER@VAX1.Bemidji.MSUS.EDU || / \ / \ || or || / \ \ || DMILLER%BSU.DECNET@MSUS1.BITNET || /________\____\ || || || || || 1500 Birchmont Dr. NE \------|| -------/ Bemidji (Minn.) State University ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 18:28:22 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: How to quote an apostrophe in a mail Date: Fri, 24 Jun 94 11:16:42 +1200 Message-ID: <2ud56e$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Having fun with an apostrophe in someones name when sending stuff to an X400 address via mx3.3 I have two forms of the address. /G=John/S=O'Donnell/PRMD=nswgovpower/ADMD=Telememo/ is his address as he knows it. If I recieve mail from his address, it has a reply-to of John.J.O.D.O'Donnell@PPENG.PACPOWER.NSWGOVPOWER.TELEMEMO.AU Note the ' in both cases. Now if I send mail via MX with To: Mx%"address" then all appears well (no errors reported) but if the queue is examined I just have a header FINISH, 0 bytes, no destination address. Fair enough. Now I have tried doubling the apostrophe in time-honoured vax tradition and now the mail goes out of here BUT if the MCP queue is examined the address is changed to O""Donnell thanks to the MX workaround for getting " into addresses! Double-quote instead of apostrophe. What is correct way to quote the apostrophe in the address?? Phil ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 19:41:17 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Ben Armstrong) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Preventing PSI<->Internet backdoor via MX Message-ID: <> Date: 23 Jun 94 15:43:57 AST To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU We have discovered that MX has opened up a backdoor gateway thru one of our hosts because it is connected both to the PSI packet network and the Internet. Here is an example (names are changed to protect the innocent): At the PSI site OPPORTUNIST, a mail message is sent to: PSI%ACCGATE::MX%"" ACCGATE is the PSI node name for the Internet host with MX installed on it. The resulting queue entry that passes through is as follows: Entry: 4, Origin: [Local] <"psi%opportunist::accgate"> Status: IN-PROGRESS, size: 38 bytes Created: 23-JUN-1994 15:09:58.42, expires 23-JUL-1994 15:09:58.42 Last modified 23-JUN-1994 15:10:25.63 SMTP entry #5, status: IN-PROGRESS, size: 38 bytes Created: 23-JUN-1994 15:10:23.61, expires 23-JUL-1994 15:09:58.42 Last modified 23-JUN-1994 15:10:25.15 Recipient #1: , How do I stop all such traffic from passing through our PSI/Internet connected host? We are currently attempting to use a rewrite rule to mangle addresses which look like they are using the backdoor, but tests of this have not yet been completed and even if it works it is still just a grungy hack. Here is the rule: Rewrite "<""psi%{node}::{user}"">" => "" My suspicion is that this won't work because it will only mangle the "From" address, not the "To" address. Also, we are aware that we can turn on "restricted access" mode and grant everyone on our system the appropriate rights identifier. In theory, that should block access to all but legitimate users. But even if *that* works, it adds a maintenance cost to adding new users (i.e. someone has to remember to set up users that way). A solution more tailored to this specific problem that only has to be set up once would be preferable. Thanks, Ben. -- Ben Armstrong, Medianet Development Group, bus: (902)422-1973 Dymaxion Research Ltd., 5515 Cogswell St., fax: (902)421-1267 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 1R2 Internet: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 22:04:19 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 22:02:03 CDT From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: COMPRESSED mail queue Folks: > and the SEND is apparently aborted. HELP!!! Please respond to the address > below... I'm not sure I can receive MX-List mail. Well, I MCP SHUTDOWN and @SYS$STARTUP:MX_STARTUP a couple of cycles and MX finally came back to life. -- So did I! :) -- I got all kinds of nasty messages, (not of which I recorded) but I'm up and running again. Whew! dave. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 01:25:22 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: torobin@svh.unsw.EDU.AU (Robin Garner) Subject: PC Eudora <-> MX SMTP problems Message-ID: <1994Jun24.050453.8733@usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 05:04:53 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I'm trying to get Eudora on a PC to send mail via the MX SMTP server, and it is failing as shown by the following log ---------------------------- STM[2]: Send "220 svs6.svh.unsw.EDU.AU MX V4.0-1 VAX SMTP server ready at Fri, 2 4 Jun 1994 11:55:41 EDT" STM[2]: Receive "HELO " STM[2]: Send "501 Syntax is HELO " STM[2]: Error: status=20EC ---------------------------- Another SMTP server accepts mail from this client, however. My questions are: a) is there a way to persuade MX to accept the connection with the invalid HELO, and b) how do I make Eudora give a valid domain name. -- Robin Garner Email: R.Garner@svh.unsw.EDU.AU St. Vincent's Hospital Darlinghurst, Sydney, N.S.W. [Contractor] ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 01:35:30 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 08:32:07 +0100 From: "Rok Vidmar, RCU Lj." Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Preventing PSI<->Internet backdoor via MX > We are currently attempting to use a rewrite rule to mangle addresses > which look like they are using the backdoor, but tests of this have > not yet been completed and even if it works it is still just a grungy > hack. Here is the rule: > > Rewrite "<""psi%{node}::{user}"">" > => "" Rewrite "<""{gateway}psi%{node}::{user}"">" = "" would be even better. > My suspicion is that this won't work because it will only mangle the > "From" address, not the "To" address. Oh, it works just fine. Instead of "bad.address" you can specify "postmaster" and deal with the offenders personaly, if you like. Regards, Rok ------------ Rok Vidmar RCU, University of Ljubljana x.400: S=vidmar;G=rok;O=uni-lj;P=ac;A=mail;C=si Kardeljeva pl. 17 inet: 61000 Ljubljana tel: (061) 1686-439 Slovenija fax: (061) 1683-534 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 02:11:08 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: RE: Preventing PSI<->Internet backdoor via MX Date: 24 Jun 1994 06:53:30 GMT Message-ID: <2udvta$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, "Rok Vidmar, RCU Lj." writes: => We are currently attempting to use a rewrite rule to mangle addresses => which look like they are using the backdoor, but tests of this have => not yet been completed and even if it works it is still just a grungy => hack. Here is the rule: => => Rewrite "<""psi%{node}::{user}"">" => => "" = =Rewrite "<""{gateway}psi%{node}::{user}"">" == "" = =would be even better. = => My suspicion is that this won't work because it will only mangle the => "From" address, not the "To" address. = = Oh, it works just fine. Instead of "bad.address" you can specify ="postmaster" and deal with the offenders personaly, if you like. You missed the point. He wants to stop these people from sending the mail out in the first place. He doesn't want to deal with mail back to him from the people to whom he sends it. The technique he proposes will simply make any mail sent through his system from these unauthorized sources unrepliable, and that can be circumvented quite easily by placing a return address in the body of the message. It won't prevent the mail from being sent in the first place, which is what he wants. Unless, of course, the machine to which he hands off the mail does syntax checking on the From: field. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 07:02:27 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 07:02:10 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: FSUPDATE@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009806B7.6ACD7E7F.3@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: FILESERV@WKU: New PATCH_MAILSHR_ON_VMS_N_AXP_61 The following package has been added to FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU,, and o PATCH_MAILSHR_ON_VMS_N_AXP_61 (New) This is Claude Barbe's patch to MAILSHR on OpenVMS AXP V6.1 that allows you to omit the protocol (MX%, SMTP%, etc.) when sending Internet mail from VMS Mail. Many thanks to Claude for, again, doing the impossible! 8-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can get it via the World-Wide Web using Lynx or Mosaic using either of the following URLs: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can get it via anonymous ftp from; you'll need: [.MACRO32]UNZIP.EXE or UNZIP.ALPHA_EXE [.MACRO32.SAVESETS]PATCH_MAILSHR_ON_VMS_N_AXP_61.ZIP The file [.MACRO32]BRIEF.DESCRIPTION contains a brief listing of all the packages available under [.MACRO32.SAVESETS]. The files are also available from under [.VMS] and [.VMS.FILESERV]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To get it via e-mail, send the following commands in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU: SEND PATCH_MAILSHR_ON_VMS_N_AXP_61 !Comes as 2 180-block files SEND FILESERV_TOOLS !Needed if you don't have MFTU and UNZIP Including the command DIR ALL on a separate line will return a brief listing of all the packages available from FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 08:45:56 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 09:20:23 EDT From: Brian Tillman Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: A question on MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT Are comments allowed in MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT? The Management Guide implies that they're not, but I'd like verification. I installed MX will more features than I wish to use right now, so I made a copy of the MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT file the installation created for me and then removed the agents I didn't want. I would rather simply comment them out. If comments aren't allowed now, I'd appreciate having them added to the wish list. This should also include the MX_LOGICALS.DAT file, too. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- Brian Tillman | Internet: Smiths Industries, Inc. | 4141 Eastern Ave., MS129 | Hey, I said this stuff myself. Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 09:00:11 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 08:59:59 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009806C7.E0639385.7@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: A question on MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT Brian Tillman writes: > >Are comments allowed in MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT? The Management Guide implies that >they're not, but I'd like verification. I installed MX will more features than >I wish to use right now, so I made a copy of the MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT file the >installation created for me and then removed the agents I didn't want. I would >rather simply comment them out. > >If comments aren't allowed now, I'd appreciate having them added to the wish >list. This should also include the MX_LOGICALS.DAT file, too. They're not allowed, but I'll add it to the wish list. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 09:28:44 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Tom Dolan) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: PC Eudora <-> MX SMTP problems Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 14:24:54 GMT Message-ID: In article torobin@svh.unsw.EDU.AU (Robin Garner) writes: >I'm trying to get Eudora on a PC to send mail via the MX SMTP server, and >it is failing as shown by the following log >STM[2]: Receive "HELO " >STM[2]: Send "501 Syntax is HELO " >STM[2]: Error: status=20EC I'm seeing the same problem - except Eudora Version 2.01 does send mail to the MX SMTP server via the TCP/IP drivers without errors. But it does NOT work and gives the above errors if I select and use the DIAL-UP conneciton method option in Eudora. So it works via my ethernet but it does not work via dial-up. (Dial-up is NOT SLIP- Eudora provides a modem script file which dials into a terminal server, then telnets to port 25 then Eudora takes over and sends the mail like as if it were via TCP/IP! pretty cool if I can get it to work with MX SMTP!) Tom Dolan Systems Manager College of Biblical and Family Studies Abilene Christian University ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 09:30:31 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 09:27:35 EST From: koenig@CVAX.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009806CB.BB8E2E40.91@CVAX.IPFW.INDIANA.EDU> Subject: RE: PC Eudora <-> MX SMTP problems >From: >Subj: PC Eudora <-> MX SMTP problems >I'm trying to get Eudora on a PC to send mail via the MX SMTP server, and >it is failing as shown by the following log > >---------------------------- >STM[2]: Send "220 svs6.svh.unsw.EDU.AU MX V4.0-1 VAX SMTP server ready at Fri, >2 >4 Jun 1994 11:55:41 EDT" >STM[2]: Receive "HELO " >STM[2]: Send "501 Syntax is HELO " >STM[2]: Error: status=20EC >---------------------------- > >Another SMTP server accepts mail from this client, however. > >My questions are: a) is there a way to persuade MX to accept the >connection with the invalid HELO, and b) how do I make Eudora give a valid >domain name. I've seen this exact problem happening on this campus. The problem results from the Eudora system trying to make an SMTP connection to its mail relay (the system running MX). The first thing it does is sends a HELO transaction. However, if Eudora is not set up right, it sends just a HELO and no hostname afterwards. From your log, it looks like this is what is happening. MX requires a hostname after the HELO, but other SMTP mailers (such as Multinet's, UCX's, and most Unix's) are kind of lax in adhering to standards and allow the RFC 821 session without a hostname (or without the HELO at all). In our case, we were using a Windows version of Eudora with the WINSOCK protocol stack. I eventually discovered that Eudora tries to look up the name for the Eudora machine's IP number either in the nameserver or in a local hostname table. You have the option of either putting a name in your nameserver for your Eudora machine's IP address, or althernatively figuring out how to make a local hostname table for WINSOCK on the Eudora machine. After that, WINSOCK will return a valid name for the machine running Eudora, and Eudora will use it in the HELO transaction and MX will be happy. If this is unclear, please feel free to send me a private message. Good luck. >-- >Robin Garner Email: R.Garner@svh.unsw.EDU.AU >St. Vincent's Hospital >Darlinghurst, Sydney, N.S.W. >[Contractor] ---Greg --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greg Koenig Systems Programmer koenig@ipfwcvax.bitnet Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne, Indiana (219) 481-6031 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 09:45:42 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 10:16:33 EDT From: Brian Tillman Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: What is the "ENCRYPTED" header? I notice in MX V4.1 that one of the headers shown with MCP SHOW LOCAL is "ENCRYPTED", yet the MX Management Guide does not list that header in table MCP-4. What is "ENCRYPTED" and should it be included in table MCP-4? -----------------------------+-------------------------------- Brian Tillman | Internet: Smiths Industries, Inc. | 4141 Eastern Ave., MS129 | Hey, I said this stuff myself. Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 10:25:37 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Matt Madison) Subject: Re: Preventing PSI<->Internet backdoor via MX Date: 24 Jun 1994 15:18:15 GMT Message-ID: <2uetfq$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, (Ben Armstrong) writes: & We have discovered that MX has opened up a backdoor gateway thru one & of our hosts because it is connected both to the PSI packet network & and the Internet. [...] & How do I stop all such traffic from passing through our PSI/Internet & connected host? I'm not overly familiar with how PSI mail works, but presumably there's some kind of DECnet object (or counterpart) that gets fired up on your system when a remote PSI user sends mail to your system. If the object gets invoked under a particular username, you could try and use the identifier support in MX_MAILSHR (grant the identifier to all the users on your system but the one used for the PSI mail object) to prevent it getting access to MX. Or, you could try and define the MAIL$PROTOCOL_MX logical name in either the command procedure that the PSI mail object invokes or in the group logical name table for the PSI mail object's username. The logical name may have to be defined in executive mode; just define it as some garbage file specification and that should also prevent access (although in a less clean fashion, but who cares? :-) -Matt -- Matthew Madison | | +1 408 457 5390 TGV, Inc. | 101 Cooper Street | Santa Cruz, CA 95060 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 10:38:21 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 17:35:21 +0100 From: Juan Altmayer Pizzorno Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: A question on MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT Brian Tillman writes: >Are comments allowed in MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT? The Management Guide implies that >they're not, but I'd like verification. I installed MX will more features than >I wish to use right now, so I made a copy of the MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT file the >installation created for me and then removed the agents I didn't want. I would >rather simply comment them out. I've done that (installed the whole MX, but activated only a bit) here too. After backing up and restoring the .DAT files for each MX installation (I've been doing beta-testing) quite some times, I've come to the trick of simply answering NONE (or NOTYET, if you wish) to the "enter the nodes that will run so-and-so...". You get a warning that the node isn't in the cluster, but it swallows it allright, and you don't have to worry about them until you want to activate them. .. Juan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 10:46:01 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 11:37:23 EDT From: Brian Tillman Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Agent log file viewing I'd like to have something else added to the wish list: it would be great if the various agents did not take out exclusive locks on their respective log files so that we could use TYPE (or TYPE/CONTINUOUS in VMS V6.x) to view the current log files. It would seem to me that if batch logs can be viewable, then so could MX agent logs. Thanks. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- Brian Tillman | Internet: Smiths Industries, Inc. | 4141 Eastern Ave., MS129 | Hey, I said this stuff myself. Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 11:08:22 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 11:45:47 EDT From: Brian Tillman Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Separate names for SMTP Server and FLQ Manager logs I'd list to add another item to the wish list: Many of the MX agents open log files that contains the name of the node on which the agent is running. For example, the MX Router opens MX_ROUTER_nodename.LOG. However, the SMTP Server and the MX FLQ Manager processes do not. I have two SMTP_SERVER.LOG files (;1 and ;2) in the [.SMTP] directory and I would like to be able to identify which log is open by which server without having to use SYSMAN and executing a SHOW DEVICE/FILE command on the agent nodes. Thanks. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- Brian Tillman | Internet: Smiths Industries, Inc. | 4141 Eastern Ave., MS129 | Hey, I said this stuff myself. Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 11:20:00 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: () Subject: Re: FILESERV@WKU: New PATCH_MAILSHR_ON_VMS_N_AXP_61 Date: 24 Jun 1994 15:51:38 GMT Message-ID: <2uevea$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I've got the version for VMS VAX called and I have the following problem : The outgoing mail doesn't need anymore the prefix, but the incoming mail has the prefix. I'm using UCX. Where is the mistake ? Daniel -- o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o | Daniel Clar e-mail : | | Computer Operations Manager : | | Service Informatique Supelec or | | Plateau de Moulon DECUSF::CLAR_D | | 91192 Gif sur Yvette Cedex - France | | Tel : (33 1) 69 41 80 40 Fax : (33 1) 60 19 10 59 | o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 12:42:24 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 12:42:16 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009806E6.EE237B88.22@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: Re: FILESERV@WKU: New PATCH_MAILSHR_ON_VMS_N_AXP_61 () writes: > >I've got the version for VMS VAX called and I have >the following problem : > >The outgoing mail doesn't need anymore the prefix, but the incoming mail has >the prefix. I'm using UCX. Where is the mistake ? > There isn't one. That's the way it works. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 18:00:36 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 17:57:49 EDT From: "Bryan, 296-9371" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: MX 4.1 Address Rewrite Question We have Microsoft Mail installed on our network and a MS-SMTP gateway running. This MS-SMTP gateway requires a SMTP "smart-host" to *REALLY* mail messages on the internet. I have set this "smart-host" to point to our VAX running MX, and the VAX receives and resends the messages just fine. The only problem is the MS-SMTP "from" addresses have the format: which I would like to rewrite as: . Will the address modification interface allow me to rewrite "from" addresses for mail not originating from VMSmail (i.e. the MS-MAIL SMTP output received for resending)? TIA. ********************************************************************** * Bryan Fredrick Minnesota Pollution Control Agency * * Computer Services Office 520 Lafayette Road N. * * +1 612 296 9371 Voice St. Paul, MN 55155 * * +1 612 282 5446 Fax * ********************************************************************** ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 18:20:56 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Tim Buckner) Subject: sending from Joe User... doesn't Message-ID: <> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 23:22:00 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hello All, MX 3.3 VAX/VMS V5.4-2 Multinet 3.3revA This is surely an easy question but I have spent most of the day on it and I don't have the answer yet, so... I can not send MX mail from normal user accounts but I can from the system account. Receiving is fine, local mail without MX is fine, but... smtp, bitnet, and local with MX refuses to work for Joe User. As background, all this worked fine until the disk died a few days ago. Changes made since include moving MX to another disk, hand edit of MX_LOGICALS.DAT, (changed disk for MX_FLQ_DIR) and, Multinet upgraded from 3.2C. If it works for system, why not Joe User unless it is a privilege problem. All MX_ROOT:[EXE] files are (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MX_ROOT: and MX_ROOT:[000000]EXE.DIR are (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) Multinet SMTP is disabled. Nothing shows in MX_SMTP_LOG.LOG when a normal user sends. From the system account, MX_SMTP_LOG.LOG shows the connection made and the message sent no problem, and in fact, the message was received. 24-JUN-1994 16:24:24.54 Processing queue entry number 5579 on node XTAL 24-JUN-1994 16:24:24.93 Recipient: , 24-JUN-1994 16:24:24.93 SMTP_SEND: looking up host name 24-JUN-1994 16:24:25.20 SMTP_SEND: Attempting to start session with orion.cmc 24-JUN-1994 16:24:25.24 SMTP_SEND: Connected 24-JUN-1994 16:24:27.21 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 220 ORION.CMC.UAB.EDU TGV MultiNet V 24-JUN-1994 16:24:27.28 SMTP_SEND: Sent: HELO 24-JUN-1994 16:24:27.30 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 250 ORION.CMC.UAB.EDU ; Hello xtal.c 24-JUN-1994 16:24:27.30 SMTP_SEND: Sent: MAIL FROM: 24-JUN-1994 16:24:27.32 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 250 OK 24-JUN-1994 16:24:27.33 SMTP_SEND: Sent: RCPT TO: 24-JUN-1994 16:24:27.45 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 250 ... ok 24-JUN-1994 16:24:27.50 SMTP_SEND: Sent: DATA 24-JUN-1994 16:24:27.67 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 354 Start mail input; end with que sho/all/full Entry: 5582, Origin: [Local] Status: IN-PROGRESS, size: 29 bytes Created: 24-JUN-1994 16:31:14.10, expires 24-JUL-1994 16:31:14.10 Last modified 24-JUN-1994 16:31:29.83 MCP> que sho/all/full Entry: 5582, Origin: [Local] Status: FINISHED, size: 29 bytes Created: 24-JUN-1994 16:31:14.10, expires 24-JUL-1994 16:31:14.10 Last modified 24-JUN-1994 16:31:31.35 MCP> sho path Domain-to-path mappings: Domain="*.UUCP", Path=SMTP, Route="" Domain="*.BITNET", Path=SMTP, Route="" Domain="STX-GATE.SITE", Path=Site, Route="STX-GATE" Domain="STX-MODERATOR.SITE", Path=Site, Route="STX-MODERATOR" Domain="XTAL", Path=Local Domain="XTAL.CMC.UAB.EDU", Path=Local Domain="*", Path=SMTP Any ideas? What can I do to fix this? -- Tim Buckner - - -- Univ. Alabama at Birmingham Center for Macromolecular Crystallography 261 BHSB, Birmingham, AL 35294-0005 USA phone/fax:(205)934-1973/-0480 Disclaimer:IMHO, this isn't the HO of my employer and maybe not my HO. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 25 Jun 1994 09:51:34 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (SYSTEM MANAGER) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: sending from Joe User... doesn't Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 25 Jun 1994 15:26:00 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Continuing to have trouble, this is a followup to an earlier post of mine. >>If it works for system, why not Joe User unless it is a privilege problem. I tried giving the Joe User account SYSPRIV and it still doesn't send mail or show up in the logs, and it still does appear in MX que sho/all. -- Tim Buckner -- - -- Univ. Alabama at Birmingham Center for Macromolecular Crystallography 261 BHSB, Birmingham, AL 35294-0005 USA phone/fax:(205)934-1973/-0480 Disclaimer:IMHO, this isn't the HO of my employer and maybe not my HO. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 25 Jun 1994 10:56:18 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sat, 25 Jun 1994 10:54:36 CDT From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: L-soft International? Netters: I see that MX 4.1 supports L-Soft International LISTSERV. References throughout the doc-set tell me. My problem is that I don't know what that means and I could find any further references in the MX docs. Can someone point me to the docs, please. Dave ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 25 Jun 1994 11:28:02 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Dr. H. Justin Coven) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: help: trying to look at mail files from another account Date: 25 Jun 1994 16:22:53 GMT Message-ID: <2uhlkt$njq$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 25 Jun 1994 11:49:45 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Dr. H. Justin Coven) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: help: trying to look at mail files from another account Date: 25 Jun 1994 16:36:26 GMT Message-ID: <2uhmea$o90$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I am trying to read some of my old VMS mail files. I have numerous files of the form MAIL$... I have access to VMS, UNIX, Macintosh, and PC systems. Are there any tools that I can use to read these old files? If I just transfer them to my VMS account my mail read recognizes I have new mail but will not let me access this new mail. Please help these files are of value to me. Justin Coven ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 25 Jun 1994 21:19:48 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Eric Thomas) Subject: Re: L-soft International? Date: 26 Jun 94 04:07:32 WET Message-ID: <> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, writes: > I see that MX 4.1 supports L-Soft International LISTSERV. References > throughout the doc-set tell me. My problem is that I don't know what that > means and I could find any further references in the MX docs. Can someone > point me to the docs, please. L-Soft is the company that now supports and sells the original BITNET LISTSERV (which no longer requires BITNET connectivity, by the way). L-Soft's first major project was to port the code to VMS, unix, and, at a later date, NT. The product is now available for VMS (and unix), and the LISTSERV interface built into MX allows you to interface with LISTSERV more conveniently than through MX's generic site interface, which would require you to issue a number of SET FORWARD commands for each list you create. This interface was kindly contributed by Juan Altmayer Pizzorno, who was also one of the first people to beta-test the VMS version of LISTSERV and whose help and bug lists proved invaluable in turning the first prototype into a working product. Thanks Juan! :-) For more information about LISTSERV, write to SALES@LSOFT.COM. You may also want to subscribe to bit.listserv.lsoft-announce (or to the LSOFT-ANNOUNCE mailing list). Eric ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sun, 26 Jun 1994 01:11:31 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sun, 26 Jun 1994 09:08:49 EDT From: "Najman Kahana. Ext:7313" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: najman%hadassah@VMS.HUJI.AC.IL Message-ID: <0098085B.712DE8E0.9@HADASSAH.HUJI.AC.IL> Subject: Problem interfacing VMS-MAIL / MX Hi. I have trying to implement a mailer (PINE) which uses the MAIL$ interface calls. Any time the mailer submits an address, 'it doin't woik !' When I submit the same address directly from MAIL, it works fine. I am using MX 4.1, but had the same problem with 3.1. Having read in the Mx manual that VMS-mail has a problem with quotes, I tried single quotes. I am enclosing a debug trace. ANY ideas will be gratefully treated. Najman Kahana ============================================================ 'normal' behaviour ============================================================ status = mail$send_add_address(&SendContext, ToItem, NullItemList); !break at VMS_MAIL\vms_mail_send\vms_mail_send_106\%LINE 5354 exa ToItem !VMS_MAIL\vms_mail_send\ToItem ! [0] ! length: 31 ! code: 19 ! buffer: 280468 ! Olength: 0 ! [1] ! length: 0 ! code: 0 ! buffer: 0 ! Olength: 0 exa/asci:31 280468 !VMS_MAIL\vms_mail_send\line[0]: 'MX%""' g !%MAIL-E-SENDERR, error sending to user at !-SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=00000000, PC=B2C00404, PSL=00000000 !break on unhandled exception preceding SHARE$MAILSHR+44105 ============================================================ changing the TO: address ============================================================ !break at VMS_MAIL\vms_mail_send\vms_mail_send_106\%LINE 5354 exa/asci:31 280468 !VMS_MAIL\vms_mail_send\line[0]: 'MX%""' dep/asci:31 280468 = "MX%''" exa/asci:31 280468 !VMS_MAIL\vms_mail_send\line[0]: 'MX%''' g !%MAIL-E-USERSPEC, invalid user specification ''NAJMAN@HADASSAH.HUJI.AC.IL'' !break on unhandled exception preceding SHARE$MAILSHR+18293 Go exa/asci:31 280468 !VMS_MAIL\vms_mail_send\line[0]: 'MX%""' dep/asci:33 280468 = 'MX%""""' exa/asci:33 280468 !VMS_MAIL\vms_mail_send\line[0]: 'MX%""""' g !%MAIL-E-USERSPEC, invalid user specification 'NAJMAN@HADASSAH.HUJI.AC.IL' !break on unhandled exception preceding SHARE$MAILSHR+18293 exit +----------+------------------+------------------------------+---------------+ ! !\ ! / ! NAJMAN KAHANA ! Hadassah University Hospital ! thanks, ! ! ! \ !/\ ! najman@HADASSAH. ! Jerusalem, Israel ! we have our ! ! ! \! \ ! BITNET ! (visit our capital soon) ! own viruses ! +----------+------------------+------------------------------+---------------+ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sun, 26 Jun 1994 02:00:23 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sun, 26 Jun 1994 09:57:44 +0300 From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: help: trying to look at mail files from another account wrote : > I am trying to read some of my old VMS mail files. I have >numerous files of the form MAIL$... I have access to VMS, UNIX, Macintosh, >and PC systems. Are there any tools that I can use to read these old >files? If I just transfer them to my VMS account my mail read >recognizes I have new mail but will not let me access this new mail. It depends on which error message you received, any way, You can take a copy from those files into a subdirectory with MAIL.MAI also because it should have these files references and then do the following: 1. set def [.subdir] 2. $ mail 3. mail > set file [] 4. dir and so on ... but you should be sure that you own those files otherwise you should tell the your system managerto assign your ownership. I hope this help. Nader Nasry Nodes Administrator and VAX Systems Manager, Tel: (973) 449204 Computer Centre, University of Bahrain, P.O.Box 32038, Bahrain ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sun, 26 Jun 1994 05:27:12 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sun, 26 Jun 1994 12:24:20 +0100 From: Juan Altmayer Pizzorno Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: Preventing PSI<->Internet backdoor via MX >& How do I stop all such traffic from passing through our PSI/Internet >& connected host? > >I'm not overly familiar with how PSI mail works, but presumably there's >some kind of DECnet object (or counterpart) that gets fired up on your >system when a remote PSI user sends mail to your system. Under Phase IV DECnet there should be a MODULE X25-SERVER DESTINATION named PSI_MAIL which points to an object normally named PSI_MAIL. Have a look at that object to find out the username. I believe under DECnet/OSI the username is normally PSIMAIL$SERV (you find out with MC NCL SHOW X25 ACCESS APPLICATION PSI_MAIL USER) .. Juan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 05:45:09 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 05:45:00 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980908.225FBE75.19@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX 4.1 Address Rewrite Question "Bryan, 296-9371" writes: > >Will the address modification interface allow me to rewrite "from" >addresses for mail not originating from VMSmail (i.e. the MS-MAIL >SMTP output received for resending)? > No. I considered making that work too, but didn't. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 05:55:00 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 05:54:50 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980909.82667E7A.41@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: sending from Joe User... doesn't (Tim Buckner) writes: > >Hello All, > >MX 3.3 VAX/VMS V5.4-2 Multinet 3.3revA > >This is surely an easy question but I have spent most of the day >on it and I don't have the answer yet, so... > >I can not send MX mail from normal user accounts but I can from >the system account. Receiving is fine, local mail without MX is fine, >but... smtp, bitnet, and local with MX refuses to work for Joe User. > Off-hand, nothing comes to mind. However, you *should* upgrade to MX V4.1 and see if that fixes your problem. Just a general note to the rest of you running MX V3.x (or earlier): I can't support those. I don't have them running on any system here, so my stock answer will be to upgrade to the current version. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 07:00:11 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 06:50:51 -0500 (CDT) From: Rick Stacks Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: MX 4.1 Address Rewrite Question To: Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT "Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: > >"Bryan, 296-9371" writes: >> >>Will the address modification interface allow me to rewrite "from" >>addresses for mail not originating from VMSmail (i.e. the MS-MAIL >>SMTP output received for resending)? >> >No. I considered making that work too, but didn't. > >Hunter >------ >Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University >goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) Would this same answer also apply to WordPerfect Office Mail coming from the PCs to the VAX via Pathworks and being handled by MX/UUCP ? +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rick Stacks, Sr. Programmer Analyst | voice: 501-570-2174 | | Ark Dept Pollution Control & Ecology | fax: 501-562-4632 | | 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | email: | | Little Rock, AR 72219 USA | | |--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| |- They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety --| |- deserve neither liberty nor safety -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 --| ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 07:29:13 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 07:28:58 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980916.A8CF84EB.5@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX 4.1 Address Rewrite Question Rick Stacks writes: > >>>Will the address modification interface allow me to rewrite "from" >>>addresses for mail not originating from VMSmail (i.e. the MS-MAIL >>>SMTP output received for resending)? >>> >>No. I considered making that work too, but didn't. >> >Would this same answer also apply to WordPerfect Office Mail coming from >the PCs to the VAX via Pathworks and being handled by MX/UUCP ? > Yes. The ADDRESS_REWRITER header rewrites apply *only* to mail originating from VMS Mail. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 08:10:07 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 15:05:32 EDT From: "Mario Meyer, Phys.-Techn. Bundesanstalt" <"zachex::mmeyer"> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <00980956.70A1A960.11906@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De> Subject: RE: sending from Joe User... doesn't > >Hello All, > >MX 3.3 VAX/VMS V5.4-2 Multinet 3.3revA > >This is surely an easy question but I have spent most of the day >on it and I don't have the answer yet, so... > >I can not send MX mail from normal user accounts but I can from >the system account. Receiving is fine, local mail without MX is fine, >but... smtp, bitnet, and local with MX refuses to work for Joe User. > >As background, all this worked fine until the disk died a few >days ago. Changes made since include moving MX to another disk, >hand edit of MX_LOGICALS.DAT, (changed disk for MX_FLQ_DIR) and, >Multinet upgraded from 3.2C. > Did You check if its simply a disk quota problem ? I moved all MX-directories (not crashed) to another disk last year without any trouble. --,------------------------------------------------------.------------------ | Mario Meyer Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt | . , | ............. Institut Berlin Labor 10.42 | _QQ__ | : wide area : Abbestr. 2-12, D - 10587 Berlin | __( U, )__ | : networker : tel. (+49 30) 3481 442, fax. ... 490 | /// `---' \\\ | SMTP MMeyer@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De, BITNET MMeyer@PTBIB | /||\ /||\ --| X.400 S=Meyer;OU=AM;OU=10-42;O=PTB;P=PTB;A=d400;C=De |------------------ `------------------------------------------------------' ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 09:04:28 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Tim Buckner) Subject: RE: sending from Joe User... doesn't Message-ID: <> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 14:44:00 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU >>>This is surely an easy question but I have spent most of the day >>>on it and I don't have the answer yet, so... >>> >>>I can not send MX mail from normal user accounts but I can from >>>the system account. Receiving is fine, local mail without MX is fine, >>>but... smtp, bitnet, and local with MX refuses to work for Joe User. >>> >>>As background, all this worked fine until the disk died a few >>>days ago. Changes made since include moving MX to another disk, >>>hand edit of MX_LOGICALS.DAT, (changed disk for MX_FLQ_DIR) and, >>>Multinet upgraded from 3.2C. >>> >>Did You check if its simply a disk quota problem ? >>I moved all MX-directories (not crashed) to another disk last year >>without any trouble. When SYSPRV did not do it, in despiration, I granted all privs to Joe User, and it worked. Narrowed it down to EXQUOTA and ultimately disk quota. Thanks to Mario and Matt who correctly identified the problem and to Hunter for his gentle reminder that I am running an out-of-date version. -- Tim Buckner - - -- Univ. Alabama at Birmingham Center for Macromolecular Crystallography 261 BHSB, Birmingham, AL 35294-0005 USA phone/fax:(205)934-1973/-0480 Disclaimer:IMHO, this isn't the HO of my employer and maybe not my HO. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 12:12:12 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 19:10:20 EDT From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: How to hide the host name in "from:" field ? Hello When I send a message with MX, my "from:" address appears as "" in place of "" as it works with the UCX$SMTP command : ucx set conf smtp /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN=(name="",hidden) I guess it's because when I installed MX, I answered : * Enter the MX Cluster Name [L3VX01]: * Enter the MX network node name: MX Cluster Name: L3VX01 Network Host Name: Is it too late and should I re-install MX or is there a command to do that. I did not find it. Here is my configuration Thanks in advance =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dominique HOUVIEZ | Email: Centre de Ressources Informatiques | Edunet: 53299::HOUVIEZ Univ. Charles de Gaulle-Lille III | B.P. 149 | Phone: (33)20-33-61-21 F59653 VILLENEUVE d'ASCQ Cedex | Fax: (33)20-33-63-79 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MCP> sh all Configuration file: MX_DEVICE:[MX]MX_CONFIG.MXCFG;6 MX version id is: MX V4.1 VAX Domain-to-path mappings: Domain="", Path=Local Domain="", Path=Local Domain="", Path=Local Domain="", Path=Local Domain="", Path=Local Domain="[]", Path=Local Domain="[]", Path=Local Domain="[]", Path=Local Domain="[]", Path=Local Domain="[]", Path=Local Domain="", Path=Local Domain="l3vx01", Path=Local Domain="l3vs02", Path=Local Domain="l3vs03", Path=Local Domain="l3vs04", Path=Local Domain="l3vs05", Path=Local Domain="*.BITNET", Path=SMTP, Route="" Domain="*.UUCP", Path=SMTP, Route="" Domain="*", Path=SMTP, Route="" Aliases: LocalName="Postmaster", Address="" LocalName="POSTMAST", Address="" SMTP agent settings: Retry interval: 0 00:30:00.00 Maximum number of retries: 96 Number of DNS failure retries: 12 Accounting: disabled Default router: (none) LOCAL agent settings: DECnet delivery retry interval: 0 00:30:00.00 Maximum number of retries: 96 Accounting disabled. Multiple VMS Mail From: addresses allowed. Local delivery errors are not CC'ed to local Postmaster. Delivery to MultiNet MM disallowed. Top headers: FROM,SENDER,TO,RESENT_TO,CC,RESENT_CC,BCC,RESENT_BCC,MESSAGE_ID, RESENT_MESSAGE_ID,IN_REPLY_TO,REFERENCES,KEYWORDS,SUBJECT, ENCRYPTED,DATE,REPLY_TO,RECEIVED,RESENT_REPLY_TO,RESENT_FROM, RESENT_SENDER,RESENT_DATE,RETURN_PATH,OTHER Bottom headers: (none) ROUTER agent settings: Automatic percent-hack handling: enabled Sender header for outgoing VMS Mail messages: included if necessary JNET agent settings: Automatic percent-hack handling: enabled BSMTP replies: disabled Accounting: disabled Lenient about gatewaying mail: no No mailer username set. DECnet_SMTP agent settings: Retry interval: 0 00:30:00.00 Maximum number of retries: 96 Accounting disabled. SITE agent settings: Retry interval: 0 00:30:00.00 Maximum number of retries: 96 X25_SMTP agent settings: Retry interval: 0 00:30:00.00 Maximum number of retries: 96 Accounting disabled. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 12:13:23 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 12:09:49 EDT From: Chris Olive Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: help: trying to look at mail files from another account In article <2uhmea$o90$>, (Dr. H. Justin Coven) writes: > I am trying to read some of my old VMS mail files. I have >numerous files of the form MAIL$... I have access to VMS, UNIX, Macintosh, >and PC systems. Are there any tools that I can use to read these old >files? If I just transfer them to my VMS account my mail read >recognizes I have new mail but will not let me access this new mail. > > Please help these files are of value to me. Since this is not really directly related to MX, I hesitate to respond using MX-List, but I'll venture one response and hope it doesn't key off more traffic, perhaps irritating those who would prefer traffic kept to MX topics only... I guess I don't completely understand your problem (why you even have a problem in the first place). I assume you are restoring mail files from a backup or copying them from another system somehow and wish to read them from another account on another system??? If you restored or copied the entire directory in which MAIL was before, you shouldn't have any problems reading your "old" mail from a current VMS account. Assuming you had your mail stored in [JUSTIN.MAIL] on the old system, and on the new system you had your mail in [COVEN.MAIL], you *could* copy or restore your old mail to say [COVEN.MAIL.OLD]. Restore or copy the *whole* directory. Then simply SET FILE [.OLD] in your new (COVEN) account, and operate as before. If worst comes to worst, all MAIL$*.MAI files in any mail directory are only text files anyway. You can type them, edit them, do whatever with them just like text. You won't be able to see the MAIL headers (TO:, FROM:, CC:, SUBJECT:, etc), but you can see the body of the message, which is often enough to know what the headers probably were anyway if it's your "old" mail. Hope this helps... Chris _______________________________________________________________________________ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ /___ | |__ |\ /| |__ |\ | /___ Chris Olive, VMS Systems Consultant ___/ _|_ |___ | Y | |___ | \| ___/ Internet: Medical Systems, Inc. Voice: 708.304.7793 2501 N. Barrington Road. FAX: 708.304.7704 Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 CompuServe: 73740,1636 _______________________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 12:14:18 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 12:13:46 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098093E.71D0E6C9.15@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: How to hide the host name in "from:" field ? writes: > >When I send a message with MX, my "from:" address appears as >"" in place of "" as it >works with the UCX$SMTP command : > >ucx set conf smtp /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN=(name="",hidden) > >I guess it's because when I installed MX, I answered : > >* Enter the MX Cluster Name [L3VX01]: >* Enter the MX network node name: > MX Cluster Name: L3VX01 > Network Host Name: > >Is it too late and should I re-install MX or is there a command to do that. I >did not find it. > Just change the definitions of MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST and MX_NODE_NAME in MX_DIR:MX_LOGICALS.DAT, then shutdown and restart MX. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 12:18:27 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 12:15:49 EDT From: "Bryan, 296-9371" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX 4.1 Address Rewrite Question Hunter Goatley writes: >"Bryan, 296-9371" writes: >> >>Will the address modification interface allow me to rewrite "from" >>addresses for mail not originating from VMSmail (i.e. the MS-MAIL >>SMTP output received for resending)? >> >No. I considered making that work too, but didn't. > >Hunter This would be highly desirable for our agency, could you leave it on the MX "wish list"? ********************************************************************** * Bryan Fredrick Minnesota Pollution Control Agency * * Computer Services Office 520 Lafayette Road N. * * +1 612 296 9371 Voice St. Paul, MN 55155 * * +1 612 282 5446 Fax * ********************************************************************** ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 12:22:22 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 11:09:20 EDT From: labmov@LAB01.SARAH.BR Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980935.71CE93A0.3@LAB01.SARAH.BR> Subject: SUBSCRIBE MX-LIST SUBSCRIBE MX-LIST ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 16:10:27 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 17:05:19 EST From: howard_w@WVLINK.MPL.COM Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <00980967.2C664100.4@WVLINK.MPL.COM> Subject: Problem with rewrite rules I hope that someone can help me with this. We are trying to get our administrative users away from having 2 accounts (1 on the academic machine and their regular account on the administrative machine). Currently our mail goes through a UUCP dial-up connection from our academic machine. UUCP sees the following: <----> acpwvw (academic machine) Node: ACADEM MX thinks the following (we are not connected to the internet) UUCP <---> ACADEM <--- DECNET_SMTP ---> ADMIN The addressing works fine between the acpwvw and the outside world and works fine between machines, but I cannot rewrite the address properly to have the outgoing and incoming mail to the ADMIN machine. On the way out it is received as: "acpwvw!!" What I want and prefer is that it be: "acpwvw!admin!" Also, addressing incoming mail in this manner ^, bounces the mail back. Normal mail is address as: acpwvw! I was hoping that through rewrites that I could achieve this, but have been unsuccessful thus far. I have tried UUCP's and MX's, but nothing seemed to rewrite it properly. Can anyone offer any suggestions? I realize that it is a bit of a kludge, but until we get an internet connection, it is the only way to be consistent and we really need to get rid of the accounts on the ACADEM machine. Thanks.... William G. Howard West Virginia Wesleyan College acpwvw! (hopefully...acpwvw!admin! (304) 473-8318 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 03:25:59 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 10:26:31 EDT From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE : RE: How to hide the host name in "from:" field ? Thanks for your quick answer ! >Just change the definitions of MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST and MX_NODE_NAME >in MX_DIR:MX_LOGICALS.DAT, then shutdown and restart MX. I did it : L3VX01>type MX_LOGICALS.DAT MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME\/SYSTEM/EXEC\L3VX01 MX_NODE_NAME\/SYSTEM/EXEC\ MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST\/SYSTEM/EXEC\ MX_FLQ_DIR\/SYSTEM/EXEC\SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MX.QUEUE] MX_ROUTER_DIR\/SYSTEM/EXEC\MX_ROOT:[ROUTER] MX_LOCAL_DIR\/SYSTEM/EXEC\MX_ROOT:[LOCAL] MX_MCP_HELPLIB\/SYSTEM\MX_DIR:MX_MCP_HELPLIB MX_ALIAS_HELPLIB\/SYSTEM\MX_DIR:MX_ALIAS_HELPLIB MX_SMTP_SERVER_THREADS\/SYSTEM/EXEC\4 It works, but not perfectly. The 'From' field is good but not the 'From:' one. In fact it should be contrary : it is the 'From:' field that is used for visualisation of the received mails and for the replies. This is the result of my tries : > From Tue Jun 28 09:32:04 1994 > Sender: > Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 09:36:05 EDT > From: > To: > Subject: > Content-Length: 746 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dominique HOUVIEZ | Email: Centre de Ressources Informatiques | Edunet: 53299::HOUVIEZ Univ. Charles de Gaulle-Lille III | B.P. 149 | Phone: (33)20-33-61-21 F59653 VILLENEUVE d'ASCQ Cedex | Fax: (33)20-33-63-79 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 07:09:27 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 07:03:49 -0500 (CDT) From: Rick Stacks Subject: RE: How to hide the host name in "from:" field ? To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT writes: > [stuff deleted] > >It works, but not perfectly. > >The 'From' field is good but not the 'From:' one. In fact it should be >contrary : it is the 'From:' field that is used for visualisation of the >received mails and for the replies. > >This is the result of my tries : > >> From Tue Jun 28 09:32:04 1994 >> Sender: >> Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 09:36:05 EDT >> From: >> To: >> Subject: >> Content-Length: 746 > If you're wanting to make this: >> From: look like this: >> From then try the following: ** Put the following code in SYLOGIN.COM: $ user = F$EDIT (F$GETJPI ("", "USERNAME"), "COLLAPSE") $ if f$extract (0, 6, user) .nes. "WPCORP" then - assign "''user'" MX_REPLY_TO This will create a user defined logical (MX_REPLY_TO) for each user (except workperfect jobs) that will be used to formulate the "From:" field at the destination site, assuming the destination site can handle Reply_to fields. Let me know if this is what you need... good luck :-) -- Rick +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rick Stacks, Sr. Programmer Analyst | voice: 501-570-2174 | | Ark Dept Pollution Control & Ecology | fax: 501-562-4632 | | 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | email: | | Little Rock, AR 72219 USA | | |--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| |- They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety --| |- deserve neither liberty nor safety -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 --| ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 08:01:21 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 08:00:56 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: FSUPDATE@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009809E4.4A5A97A6.12@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: MAILSHR "@" patch for VMS V6.1 now available The following package has been added to FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU,, and o MAILSHR_PATCH_FOR_AT_VAX_61 (New) This patch to VMS Mail lets you omit the MX% (or IN%) when sending mail to an Internet site. Patches for VAX/VMS V5.0 through OpenVMS VAX V6.1 are included. The comments have been updated by the original patch's author, Claude Barbe. The now-obsolete MX_MAILSHR_PATCH has been removed from the WKU archives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can get it via the World-Wide Web using Lynx or Mosaic using either of the following URLs: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can get it via anonymous ftp from; you'll need: [.MACRO32]UNZIP.EXE or UNZIP.ALPHA_EXE [.MACRO32.SAVESETS]MAILSHR_PATCH_FOR_AT_VAX_61.ZIP The file [.MACRO32]BRIEF.DESCRIPTION contains a brief listing of all the packages available under [.MACRO32.SAVESETS]. The files are also available from under [.VMS] and [.VMS.FILESERV]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To get it via e-mail, send the following commands in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU: SEND MAILSHR_PATCH_FOR_AT_VAX_61 !Comes as 1 30-block file SEND FILESERV_TOOLS !Needed if you don't have MFTU and UNZIP Including the command DIR ALL on a separate line will return a brief listing of all the packages available from FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 08:56:46 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 09:49:23 CST From: Ian Vaz Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MAILSHR "@" patch for VMS V6.1 now available Hi, I'm running vms 6.0 and have tried to apply the new mailshr patch. I had an error. This is the editted output: =================================================================== PATCH Version 5-05 20-June-1991 %PATCH-I-NOLCL, image does not contain local symbols symbol "MAIL$$ADD_ADDR" defined as 00004B9D symbol "ADD_ADDR" defined as 00004ACA old patch area size: 00000000 old patch area address: 00000000 new patch area size: 00000200 new patch area address: 00011000 symbol "PATAREA" defined as 00011000 old: ALTER_TO: HALT old: 00011001: HALT old: 00011002: HALT old: 00011003: HALT old: 00011004: HALT old: 00011005: HALT old: 00011006: HALT . . . symbol "CDBPS2" defined as 000110BE symbol "N102$" defined as 000110B5 symbol "CDBCS2" defined as 00011071 symbol "CDBLP2" defined as 0001102F symbol "CDBL1X" defined as 00011025 symbol "CDBCS1" defined as 0001101B symbol "CDBLP1" defined as 0001100B symbol "ALTER_TO" defined as 00011000 %PATCH-E-NODECODE, cannot decode instruction %DCL-W-SKPDAT, image data (records not beginning with "$") ignored ====================================================================== Looks like a simple "mis-aligned comment". Please advise on what to do. Thanks and regards, ian ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 09:03:39 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 09:03:25 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009809ED.0534564A.6@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MAILSHR "@" patch for VMS V6.1 now available Ian Vaz writes: > > >Hi, > >I'm running vms 6.0 and have tried to apply the new mailshr patch. >I had an error. This is the editted output: Did you uncomment the correct addresses for VMS V6.0 and comment out the V6.1 addresses? The patch is set up for V6.1, by default. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 10:20:05 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 11:12:44 CST From: Ian Vaz Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MAILSHR "@" patch for VMS V6.1 now available Hello, >> >>I'm running vms 6.0 and have tried to apply the new mailshr patch. >>I had an error. >> >Did you uncomment the correct addresses for VMS V6.0 and comment out >the V6.1 addresses? The patch is set up for V6.1, by default. I did, but I seemed to have put some control characters into the file as well. I deleted the "com" file and unzipped the origianl file again and started from scratch. This time IT WORKED WELL! Thanks Hunter. regards, ian ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 11:52:15 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: How to hide the host name in "from:" field ? Message-ID: Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 17:40:53 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In Article <0098093E.71D0E6C9.15@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> "Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: > writes: >> >>When I send a message with MX, my "from:" address appears as >>"" in place of "" as it >>works with the UCX$SMTP command : >> >>ucx set conf smtp /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN=(name="",hidden) >> >> >>Is it too late and should I re-install MX or is there a command to do that. I >>did not find it. >> >Just change the definitions of MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST and MX_NODE_NAME >in MX_DIR:MX_LOGICALS.DAT, then shutdown and restart MX. > isn't there also MX_VMSMAIL_FROM_FORMAT ? I played with this a while ago... what I wanted was email name [if you really want to know, this long name is valid in uk, but real ip name is not :-( ] but I wanted the record of the hops in the message to contain the actual ip name so I now have "MX_NODE_NAME" = "" "MX_VMSMAIL_FROM_FORMAT" = "" "MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST" = "" node name seems to be the one used in the smtp handshaking stuff, and the others seem to be used in constructing the message [cant remember which is which now...] perhaps I am misusing these ? dd -- David Denholm 'official' : Physics dept. preferred : Southampton University Tel : (0703) 592104 (work) (0489) 576733 (home) Southampton SO9 5NH Fax : (0703) 585813 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 13:21:18 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 14:18:26 -0400 Message-ID: <> From: (Derek Dongray) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU X-MX-Warning: Warning -- Invalid "To" header. To: "" CC: Subject: Addresses containing dollar signs get munged. MX 4.1 (like all before) still mangles addresses containing dollar signs; so, for example, mail from a DSN report (e.g. from DSN%SQR$079150046K1UVO) cannot be replied to if it has gone through MX (becomes mx%"dsn%sqr.079150046k1uvo@..."). Is there any way to turn this annoying 'feature' off? It makes replying to DSN messages very tedious. Personally, I can think of no useful purpose for mangling addresses in this way, but there must be some reason or Hunter would not go to the trouble of doing it! I remember getting a message that some broken Un*x mailers wouldn't like it, but I cannot find any reference to it in the MX manuals that might explain/warn about this. Derek. ---------------------------------------------------------- Derek Dongray, Systems Manager, GenRad Ltd., Cheshire, UK. E-mail : or PSS : 234261600119::Dongray CompuServe : 70374,2745 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 13:38:01 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 13:37:54 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980A13.5D8A2FF6.1@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Addresses containing dollar signs get munged. (Derek Dongray) writes: > >MX 4.1 (like all before) still mangles addresses containing dollar >signs; so, for example, mail from a DSN report (e.g. from >DSN%SQR$079150046K1UVO) cannot be replied to if it has gone through MX >(becomes mx%"dsn%sqr.079150046k1uvo@..."). > Yep. >Is there any way to turn this annoying 'feature' off? It makes >replying to DSN messages very tedious. > Nope. >Personally, I can think of no useful purpose for mangling addresses in >this way, but there must be some reason or Hunter would not go to the >trouble of doing it! I remember getting a message that some broken >Un*x mailers wouldn't like it, but I cannot find any reference to it >in the MX manuals that might explain/warn about this. > You're right, it doesn't say that. And you're right---that was done because there are too many brain-dead UNIX systems out there that treat the "$" as a shell escape character. Making it configurable is on the (ever-growing) wish list. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 13:53:53 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 20:49:11 EDT From: Hanak Peter Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: NAGY@DCSC.BME.HU, Message-ID: <> Subject: DECUS UUCP UUCP_MAILSHR Bug From: INFORM::HPETER "Hanak Peter" 28-JUN-1994 20:44:09.23 To: MX%"" CC: MX%NAGY,HPETER Subj: DECUS UUCP UUCP_MAILSHR Bug Hi, here is an excerpt from the mx040.release_notes: 5.3 DECUS UUCP UUCP_MAILSHR Bug Binary files sent through MX to DECUS UUCP can cause the MX->uucp process to go into a compute-bound infinite loop. This is a bug in the DECUS UUCP UUCP_ MAILSHR's handling of the temporary file created by MX. Attempts to SHUTDOWN the MX uucp intfc will fail; you must use STOP/ID to kill the process, CANCEL the message, then restart the UUCP agent. According to the DECUS UUCP developers, this will be fixed in the next release of DECUS UUCP. Another text says that: The current version of DECUS UUCP is V2.0; it can be obtained via anonymous ftp from in [.DECUS_UUCP] or from FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU as package UUCP020. Note that the FILESERV distribution contains only the minimum required UUCP savesets. Now, we are exactly fighting with that problem. Could anybody advise us what to do and where to find a corrected version of the DECUS UUCP package? Thank you in advance, Peter Hanak TU Budapest, Hungary ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 14:49:43 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Matt Madison) Subject: Re: Addresses containing dollar signs get munged. Date: 28 Jun 1994 19:36:48 GMT Message-ID: <2upu4g$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, (Derek Dongray) writes: & MX 4.1 (like all before) still mangles addresses containing dollar & signs; so, for example, mail from a DSN report (e.g. from & DSN%SQR$079150046K1UVO) cannot be replied to if it has gone through MX & (becomes mx%"dsn%sqr.079150046k1uvo@..."). & & Is there any way to turn this annoying 'feature' off? It makes & replying to DSN messages very tedious. There is a way to turn it off, after a fashion. Install a NAME_CONVERSION module that simply rewrites the username verbatim. The $-to-. conversion won't be made to addresses that have been converted with a NAME_CONVERSION rewrite. & Personally, I can think of no useful purpose for mangling addresses in & this way, but there must be some reason or Hunter would not go to the & trouble of doing it! I remember getting a message that some broken & Un*x mailers wouldn't like it, but I cannot find any reference to it & in the MX manuals that might explain/warn about this. You can pin this one on me; MX has done this since V1.x. If it's not in the docs, then it's my fault. I added the automatic $-to-. conversion for precisely the reason Hunter mentioned -- there are too many UNIX systems out there that just can't deal with dollar signs in e-mail addresses. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | | +1 408 457 5390 TGV, Inc. | 101 Cooper Street | Santa Cruz, CA 95060 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 15:46:02 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 15:39:09 -0500 (CDT) From: Rick Stacks Subject: Re: DECUS UUCP UUCP_MAILSHR Bug To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Hanak Peter writes: > [stuff deleted...] > >Now, we are exactly fighting with that problem. Could anybody advise >us what to do and where to find a corrected version of the DECUS >UUCP package? > >Thank you in advance, > > Peter Hanak > TU Budapest, Hungary > Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on this but I do not believe there is a "fixed" version of UUCP available -- the last word I heard was that "the developers were working on it". Considering this is contributed software and the developers are volunteers, it could be some time before a new version is offered. Hang in there and watch the email -- I'm sure that the new version will be announced as soon as it is available. -- Rick +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rick Stacks, Sr. Programmer Analyst | voice: 501-570-2174 | | Ark Dept Pollution Control & Ecology | fax: 501-562-4632 | | 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | email: | | Little Rock, AR 72219 USA | | |--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| |- They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety --| |- deserve neither liberty nor safety -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 --| Archive-Date: Tue, 28 Jun 1994 16:56:03 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: dir *.* Message-ID: <1994Jun28.135246.18146@cpva> Date: 28 Jun 94 13:52:46 PST To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Well, I'm working of a VAX and am currently stuck ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 02:41:19 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: ("Dan Wing") Subject: Re: What is the "ENCRYPTED" header? Date: 29 Jun 1994 07:28:26 GMT Message-ID: <2ur7qq$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Brian Tillman writes: #I notice in MX V4.1 that one of the headers shown with MCP SHOW LOCAL is #"ENCRYPTED", yet the MX Management Guide does not list that header in table #MCP-4. What is "ENCRYPTED" and should it be included in table MCP-4? I believe All-In-One generates an Encrypted header to indicate if the body is encrypted (although I don't can't recall if this is something that A1 does or something else might do)... Anyways, MX doesn't generate one. -Dan Wing, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 02:41:29 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: ("Dan Wing") Subject: Re: Mail Aliases and DNS Date: 29 Jun 1994 07:32:44 GMT Message-ID: <2ur82s$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article , "Daniel R Giles" writes: #I am trying to set up our machine (microVaxII, MX V3.4 - soon to be #MX V4.1) as a central mailer. Mail coming in will be addressed to #people as # # # #My question is, is there some way of setting up these aliases through #DNS records (MB, MR)? If I could, then it would be a piece of cake to #have one of our Unix boxes act as a backup mailer. If not, then I #guess I'm going to have to keep 2 sets of alias files hanging around. #Let me know if you have an answer or if I'm not making myself clear. Louis Moore, of The Children's Hospital in Denver, wrote some stuff that is in MX_ROOT:[CONTRIB]NICKNAME.ZIP which does exactly what you want. This isn't handled by DNS records. However, you can still have another system act as your backup (lower preference) mailer. -Dan Wing, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 02:51:55 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: ("Dan Wing") Subject: Re: dir *.* Date: 29 Jun 1994 07:36:28 GMT Message-ID: <2ur89s$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <1994Jun28.135246.18146@cpva>, writes: #Well, I'm working of a VAX and am currently stuck Ah, okay. Try: $ DELETE *.* :-) (Don't anyone get excited -- the above command returns the error: %DELETE-E-DELVER, explicit version number or wild card required) -Dan Wing, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 03:16:01 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: 29 Jun 94 08:12:53+0000 From: Fabien Marathee Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: NAME_CONVERSION uninstall MX 4.1 - VMS 5.5-2 - mVAX 3600 Hello, I want to get rid of NAME_CONVERSION.EXE image that I don't need anymore, how can I do that "cleanly" knowing that I installed it the usual way : $ copy name_conversion.exe mx_exe:/protection=w:re $ install create mx_exe:name_conversion/share/open/header $ define/system/exec mx_site_name_conversion mx_exe:name_conversion Thank you, Fabien Marathee. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 03:58:28 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 10:58:48 EDT From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: How to hide the host name in "from:" field ? Many answers help me to find a very simple solution : "MX_ALIAS_HELPLIB" = "MX_DIR:MX_ALIAS_HELPLIB" "MX_DEVICE" = "L3VX01$DUA0:" "MX_DIR" = "MX_DEVICE:[MX]" "MX_DOC" = "MX_ROOT:[DOC]" "MX_EXAMPLES_DIR" = "MX_ROOT:[EXAMPLES]" "MX_EXE" = "MX_ROOT:[EXE]" "MX_FLQ_DIR" = "SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MX.QUEUE]" "MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME" = "L3VX01" "MX_FLQ_SHR" = "MX_EXE:MX_FLQ_SHR" "MX_LOCAL_DIR" = "MX_ROOT:[LOCAL]" "MX_MAILSHR" = "MX_EXE:MX_MAILSHR" "MX_MAILSHRP" = "MX_EXE:MX_MAILSHRP" "MX_MCP_HELPLIB" = "MX_DIR:MX_MCP_HELPLIB" "MX_MSG" = "MX_EXE:MX_MSG" >>> "MX_NODE_NAME" = "" "MX_ROOT" = "MX_DEVICE:[MX.]" "MX_ROUTER_DIR" = "MX_ROOT:[ROUTER]" "MX_SHR" = "MX_EXE:MX_SHR" "MX_SITE_DOM_EXPANSION" = "MX_EXE:DOMAIN_EXPANSION" "MX_SMTP_DIR" = "MX_ROOT:[SMTP]" "MX_SMTP_SERVER_THREADS" = "4" >>> "MX_VMSMAIL_FROM_FORMAT" = "" "MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST" = "" May I suggest that the use of the logical MX_VMSMAIL_FROM_FORMAT should be illustrated in the doc by an example for people like me, that are not familiar with system calls. Many thanks to all. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dominique HOUVIEZ | Email: Centre de Ressources Informatiques | Edunet: 53299::HOUVIEZ Univ. Charles de Gaulle-Lille III | B.P. 149 | Phone: (33)20-33-61-21 F59653 VILLENEUVE d'ASCQ Cedex | Fax: (33)20-33-63-79 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 05:02:18 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 05:02:10 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980A94.7BDA0D2E.10@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: NAME_CONVERSION uninstall Fabien Marathee writes: > >MX 4.1 - VMS 5.5-2 - mVAX 3600 > >Hello, > >I want to get rid of NAME_CONVERSION.EXE image that I don't need anymore, how >can I do that "cleanly" knowing that I installed it the usual way : > > $ copy name_conversion.exe mx_exe:/protection=w:re > $ install create mx_exe:name_conversion/share/open/header > $ define/system/exec mx_site_name_conversion mx_exe:name_conversion > Just: $ mcp shutdown router/cluster $ !Wait for it (them) to shutdown $ INSTALL DELETE MX_EXE:NAME_CONVERSION $ deassign/system/exec mx_site_name_conversion $ @sys$startup:mx_startup router You do need to shutdown and restart the Router (on all applicable nodes) for it to see that you're not using the name conversion image anymore. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 05:58:50 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 11:55:29 +0100 From: "Paul Lambert (MIS Dept)." Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Detecting Bounces! Hi, Does anyone know of an automated way that I can find out what email addresses MX has bounced. In an ideal world I would like to do something like: MCP> SHOW BOUNCE I would then get a list of email addresses that MX had bounced and the callers address. Most bouncing I assume would be due to the target user not existing on our machine. In a really wonderful ideal world I would like to be able to have the option of making MX return a fuzzy match to these failed mail attempts (not a fuzzy delivery!!) Paul. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (RFC-822: Tel: +44 642 342130 (X.400: I=P;S=LAMBERT;O=TEESSIDE;OU1=MIS;P=UK.AC;C=GB) Fax: +44 642 342067 University of Teesside, MIS Department, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS1 3BA (UK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 06:02:03 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 06:01:55 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980A9C.D4783BAB.9@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Detecting Bounces! "Paul Lambert (MIS Dept)." writes: > >Does anyone know of an automated way that I can find out what email addresses >MX has bounced. In an ideal world I would like to do something like: > There's nothing like what you suggested, but you can use MCP SET LOCAL/CC_POSTMASTER to have the POSTMASTER CC'ed on all LOCAL bounces. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 15:20:56 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 15:42:31 -0400 (EDT) From: "Marc Lippmann (sabu)" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Using MX on SLIP To: Message-ID: <> Hi, I'm trying to set up MX on VAX VMS over CMU-IP using a SLIP dial connection to an internet access service, and I'm missing at least part of the puzzle pieces. Has anyone else done this? I'm still struggling with the SLIP part, so this may be the wrong list to send to, but if so, when I'm being corrected, could you suggest a more appropriate person or group to try? Or, if you're willing to take a shot at it, please reply to that effect and I'll barrage you with the details. Thanks! --sabu ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 15:21:04 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 10:53:43 -0700 (PDT) From: MADISON@TGV.COM (Matt Madison) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: CC: Message-ID: <940629105343.805203@TGV.COM> Subject: Re: Addresses containing dollar signs get munged. >> There is a way to turn it off, after a fashion. Install a NAME_CONVERSION >> module that simply rewrites the username verbatim. The $-to-. conversion >> won't be made to addresses that have been converted with a NAME_CONVERSION >> rewrite. > >> -Matt > >I couldn't get this to work. > >In one case, installing a CONVERT routine that just added the local host name >created a 300,000 block MX_ROUTER_LOG.LOG file, as it recursively kept calling >convert and trying again after a successfull translation! Sorry -- I should have double-checked the code. To bypass the $-to-. conversion, you have to install a FULL_CONVERT routine, not a CONVERT routine. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | | +1 408 457 5390 TGV, Inc. | 101 Cooper Street | Santa Cruz, CA 95060 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 15:27:23 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Dumb Newbie Question - What's MX?? Message-ID: <1994Jun29.094716.18148@cpva> Date: 29 Jun 94 09:47:16 PST To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I'm posting off a system running 5.4-3 with a econo version 5.0 mail utility. No need to express my dissatisfaction with this mailer here. I've been curious about what might be availble that could improve my situation and it appears that you people are talking about it in this newsgroup!!! Could one of you kindly clue me in to whether our not there's some kind of mail utility I could download to my account to make my e-mail environment a bit more user- friendly?? Or, can you forward some info that might help me discuss this issue more intelligently with my local sys adm. Thanks a bunch Clark ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 15:28:07 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: () Subject: MX 4.1 routing question Date: 29 Jun 1994 19:28:45 GMT Message-ID: <2usi1d$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I currently have all outgoing SMTP mail from a QuickMail server routed through a VAX 6510. This configuration works fine. However, I have just installed MX 4.1 on an Alpha box and it behaves differently when mail from the QuickMail server is routed to it. Mail from the QM server is returned with a message stating that the mail is not addressed to a local user and relay is disabled. Am I overlooking something obvious? Both MX on the VAX and on the Alpha are similarly configured. Thanks in advance, Robert ------ Robert Stine, Systems & Network Manager, Division of Diagnostic Imaging The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Internet: Telephone: 713.794.1867 THEnet: mdaris::stine FAX: 713.745.0581 AppleLink: stine ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 15:47:29 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 13:38:36 -0400 Message-ID: <> From: (Derek Dongray) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU X-MX-Warning: Warning -- Invalid "To" header. To: "", "" CC: Subject: Re: Addresses containing dollar signs get munged. > There is a way to turn it off, after a fashion. Install a NAME_CONVERSION > module that simply rewrites the username verbatim. The $-to-. conversion > won't be made to addresses that have been converted with a NAME_CONVERSION > rewrite. > -Matt I couldn't get this to work. In one case, installing a CONVERT routine that just added the local host name created a 300,000 block MX_ROUTER_LOG.LOG file, as it recursively kept calling convert and trying again after a successfull translation! In any event, the log show that the address has already been munged before PROCESS gets to it in ROUTER... 29-JUN-1994 17:16:33.41 %PROCESS, Processing entry number 1 29-JUN-1994 17:16:33.51 %PROCESS, Status from READ_INFO was 00000001 29-JUN-1994 17:16:33.51 %PROCESS, Message originated in VMS Mail. 29-JUN-1994 17:16:33.91 %PROCESS, will run domain expander on envelope addresses. 29-JUN-1994 17:16:33.91 %PROCESS, Processing address: 29-JUN-1994 17:16:33.91 %PROCESS, ... address now reads: 29-JUN-1994 17:16:33.91 %PROCESS, will run domain expander on message headers. 29-JUN-1994 17:16:35.09 %PROCESS, Updating the QENT source address. 29-JUN-1994 17:16:35.13 %PROCESS, Finished VMSmail-origin preprocessing. 29-JUN-1994 17:16:35.13 %PROCESS, Recipient #0: 29-JUN-1994 17:16:35.14 %REWRITE, No rewrite rules matched 29-JUN-1994 17:16:35.14 %FINDPATH, Site-spec expand on err=00000000 29-JUN-1994 17:16:35.14 %FINDPATH, domain name CDVS50.GENRAD.CO.UK matched path pattern CDVS50.GENRAD.CO.UK 29-JUN-1994 17:16:35.14 %PROCESS, Rewrote as - next hop, path 1 29-JUN-1994 17:16:35.14 %FINDALIAS, no alias found for try.1 29-JUN-1994 17:16:35.14 %PROCESS, no alias found for try.1 29-JUN-1994 17:16:35.14 %PROCESS, this is just a local delivery 29-JUN-1994 17:16:35.24 %PROCESS, Adding to LOCAL path: try.1. 29-JUN-1994 17:16:35.84 %PROCESS, Path LOCAL gets 1 rcpts, entry number 2 The actual target address was MX%TRY$1. It successfully delivered it! Since I am specifically interested in addresses of the form DSN%SQR$xxx, seems I can do this with a suitable bit of definition and a rewrite rule. On CD4000: $ define/sys dsn "dsn%" Rewrite "" => "<""dsn::sqr${number}""@cd4000>" cd4000 is our DCN (DSN comms node). Derek. ---------------------------------------------------------- Derek Dongray, Systems Manager, GenRad Ltd., Cheshire, UK. E-mail : or PSS : 234261600119::Dongray CompuServe : 70374,2745 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 17:05:22 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 17:58:38 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: MARC@PTC.COM, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Using MX on SLIP > I'm trying to set up MX on VAX VMS over CMU-IP using a SLIP dial > connection to an internet access service, and I'm missing at least part of > the puzzle pieces. Has anyone else done this? I'm still struggling with > the SLIP part, so this may be the wrong list to send to, but if so, when > I'm being corrected, could you suggest a more appropriate person or group > to try? Or, if you're willing to take a shot at it, please reply to that > effect and I'll barrage you with the details. I have studiously avoided getting involved with CMU-IP SLIP issues, so please don't take this as an indication that I want to be "barraged with details." However, there is one key issue that you didn't address. If you are subscribing to a permanent, "24-hour" SLIP service, then there is no special issue here involving MX. If the other IP services like telnet and FTP work for you, than MX should also. If you are having trouble with MX, it will *not* be a SLIP issue. If you are having trouble with other IP protocols, then provide the details on the CMU-IP mailing list. If you are subscribing to a dial-up SLIP service, then MX isn't for you. Internet SMPT mail presumes that the receiving host is online continually. Even if you were clever enough to call up your SLIP provider just before you wanted to send mail, you would have no mechanism to receive mail in an orderly way. - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 17:49:48 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 18:47:47 -0400 (EDT) From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Using MX on SLIP RE dialup SLIP providers...I beg to differ. The one I use (PSI) works fine with SLIP even though I'm not really dialed in all the time. They spool mail for me and ARE up essentially all the time, invisibly to everyone else. Other providers may do the same. Those that do allow one to use SLIP... The CMU SLIP package is a little tricky to need to dial in to the provider, then start TCP/IP. If you have a dynamic IP address you need to edit a file in there too...however, in that case, SMTP mail will have problems since it generally assumes fixed IP addresses. As long as your service is for a fixed IP address, though, it's not that hard. If using the TT ports on e.g. a vaxstation though, you need to set things up as NOT being modem controlled, else SLIP will hang... Glenn ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 18:41:23 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Kassapidis Panayotis, CERN) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Disabling MX LSV Intfc (and MX FLQ Manager). How? Message-ID: <> Keywords: L-Soft, MX, FLQ Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 00:31:00 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hello all! While upgrading to MX 4.1 on our MicroVAX, I chose to install the L-Soft Listserver interface. Now, after realizing that it has nothing to do with MX's own List/File server, I would like to disable it and get this one process slot back. Instead of reinstalling MX, is it ok if I just delete the 005LSV:* line in my MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT? Assuming this is the case, can I also delete the 002FLQ_MGR:* line and get rid of the FLQ Manager as well? Will MX Router take over it's job after restarting MX? Here's my MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT: 001NETLIB:* 002FLQ_MGR:* 002ROUTER:*=1 003LOCAL:*=1 004SMTP:*=1 004SMTP_SERVER:* 005LSV:* 005MLF:* Thank you for any help, Panayotis e-mail: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 18:41:40 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Lorne Epp) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: MX / callable MAIL interaction Message-ID: <> Date: 29 Jun 94 16:08:41 -0700 To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I have encountered a problem using the callable MAIL routines with MX. When mail$send_message is called, the following error message appears: %MAIL-E-SENDERR, error sending to EPP at -SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=00000000, PC=00048089, PSL=03C00000 The message appears repeatedly; apparently an infinite loop inside mail$send_message. The error only occurs if the sender has set his default transport to MX% or the recipient has set forwarding to an MX-style address (e.g. MX%""). Does this sound familiar to anyone? I'm hoping that this is a known problem with a known solution or workaround. I can supply example code on request, but the program that triggered the error has been working reliably for years, so I doubt that there is anything wrong with the calls. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lorne Epp ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 22:21:41 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Ben Armstrong) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: Thanks: Preventing PSI<->Internet backdoor via MX Message-ID: <> Date: 29 Jun 94 09:24:39 AST To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Thanks to all who provided answers. Gratefully, Ben. -- Ben Armstrong, Medianet Development Group, bus: (902)422-1973 Dymaxion Research Ltd., 5515 Cogswell St., fax: (902)421-1267 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 1R2 Internet: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 23:16:26 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 23:13:46 EDT From: Chris Olive Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Dumb Newbie Question - What's MX?? In article <1994Jun29.094716.18148@cpva>, writes: >I'm posting off a system running 5.4-3 with a econo version 5.0 mail utility. >No need to express my dissatisfaction with this mailer here. I've been >curious about what might be availble that could improve my situation and it >appears that you people are talking about it in this newsgroup!!! Could one of >you kindly clue me in to whether our not there's some kind of mail utility I >could download to my account to make my e-mail environment a bit more user- >friendly?? Or, can you forward some info that might help me discuss this issue >more intelligently with my local sys adm. Thanks a bunch Clark Hey! Don't call the VMS mail utility "econo"!!! :-) (It's a lot better than that piece of junk they call "mail" on Unix systems...) Your question isn't dumb; it would only be dumb to not run MX! If you can FTP, I would suggest FTPing to and getting the file MX041.INFORMATION (or is it MX041.DESCRIPTION) in the MX041 directory. It has all the facts and is as close to standard marketing "hype" as you are going to find, I believe. It will certainly suffice, I would think. If you can't FTP, let me know and I'll e-mail you the document personally without bothering the rest of the list-eners. Chris _______________________________________________________________________________ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ /___ | |__ |\ /| |__ |\ | /___ Chris Olive, VMS Systems Consultant ___/ _|_ |___ | Y | |___ | \| ___/ Internet: Medical Systems, Inc. Voice: 708.304.7793 2501 N. Barrington Road. FAX: 708.304.7704 Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 CompuServe: 73740,1636 _______________________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 02:06:06 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 00:01:07 PST From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: On Vacation I'm on vacation. Your message has been received by an automated reply program. If your message needs urgent attention, please call the Development Office at 415-476-6922. I'll get your message when I return. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 03:45:49 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 10:43:38 +0100 From: "Rok Vidmar, RCU Lj." Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: Thanks: Preventing PSI<->Internet backdoor via MX > Thanks to all who provided answers. Ben, what did you decide to do about it, after all? Regards, Rok ------------ Rok Vidmar RCU, University of Ljubljana x.400: S=vidmar;G=rok;O=uni-lj;P=ac;A=mail;C=si Kardeljeva pl. 17 inet: 61000 Ljubljana tel: (061) 1686-439 Slovenija fax: (061) 1683-534 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 04:35:11 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 11:32:54 +0100 From: Juan Altmayer Pizzorno Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Detecting Bounces! "Paul Lambert (MIS Dept)." writes: >In a really wonderful ideal world I would like to be able to have the option of >making MX return a fuzzy match to these failed mail attempts (not a fuzzy >delivery!!) I guess in that world there would be no mail bouncing at all... :) .. Juan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 04:42:32 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 11:40:44 +0100 From: Juan Altmayer Pizzorno Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Disabling MX LSV Intfc (and MX FLQ Manager). How? (Kassapidis Panayotis, CERN) writes: >While upgrading to MX 4.1 on our MicroVAX, I chose to install >the L-Soft Listserver interface. Now, after realizing that >it has nothing to do with MX's own List/File server, I would >like to disable it and get this one process slot back. >Instead of reinstalling MX, is it ok if I just delete the >005LSV:* line in my MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT? Yes. >Assuming this is the case, can I also delete the 002FLQ_MGR:* >line and get rid of the FLQ Manager as well? Will MX Router >take over it's job after restarting MX? Yes, yes. .. Juan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 05:08:39 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 05:08:30 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980B5E.88B76A71.7@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX / callable MAIL interaction (Lorne Epp) writes: > >I have encountered a problem using the callable MAIL routines with MX. >When mail$send_message is called, the following error message appears: > >%MAIL-E-SENDERR, error sending to EPP at >-SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, > virtual address=00000000, PC=00048089, PSL=03C00000 > What version of VMS? VAX or AXP? What version of MX? There *is* a problem with some versions of VMS Mail that can cause this. I see it when DSNlink sends mail to my account, which is forwarded via MX. It's not MX's fault---all other mail comes through fine. In that case, it has something to do with VMS Mail not handling multiple transport activations. Digital is aware of that problem and is working on a fix. I would *guess* that that's what you're seeing. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 05:44:22 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 11:17:41 EDT From: Paul Havinden Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Router process keeps aborting I am finding that the router process is aborting on both nodes in the cluster. It seems to startup, and will keep running with no problems for serveral hours. The first obvious sign of a problem is when users start complaining about mail not being processed. From the Router log files I am getting the following exit status:- SNOOPY$ type MX_ROUTER_SNOOPY.LOG 29-JUN-1994 19:16:16.22: MX Router (pid 21600B08) starting 30-JUN-1994 07:53:39.62: MX Router (pid 21600B08) exiting, status = 1000000C SNOOPY$ type MX_ROUTER_OWL.LOG 29-JUN-1994 19:20:15.20: MX Router (pid 20201369) starting 30-JUN-1994 07:53:42.63: MX Router (pid 20201369) exiting, status = 1000000C I assume from the following that the exit status is: SNOOPY$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$MESSAGE(%X1000000C) %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=!XB, virtual address=!XL, PC=!XL , PSL=!XL I turn on debug mode for the router, but it only show the privious mail as being ok, and does not seem to produce a log file for the aborted session. I guess its aborting before it gets a chance to write the debug file. When I restart the router process it run ok and processes all the mail in the queue with no obvious problems. Can anyone suggest what might be causing this and how to track down the problem. I recently installed version 4.1, and this problem has started since then. We have been using MX now for about a year, and have been very impressed by it. Thanks Paul Havinden Graphic Data Systems cambridge, UK ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 05:48:28 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 05:48:19 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980B64.18B70050.4@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting Paul Havinden writes: > >I am finding that the router process is aborting on both nodes in the cluster. >It seems to startup, and will keep running with no problems for serveral hours. >The first obvious sign of a problem is when users start complaining about mail >not being processed. [...] >When I restart the router process it run ok and processes all the mail in the >queue with no obvious problems. > There are probably one or more jobs left INProgress that aren't really in-progress. Do a SHOW QUEUE/FULL on those to see if there's anything funky about the target address. MX V4.1 added code specifically to handle these cases, but maybe I missed something. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 06:02:55 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Kassapidis Panayotis, CERN) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: Thanks: Preventing PSI<->Internet backdoor via MX Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 11:52:00 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, "Rok Vidmar, RCU Lj." writes... >> Thanks to all who provided answers. > > Ben, what did you decide to do about it, after all? > I have a similar problem, (actually never occured to me before that I did), so I would like to know too... Thank you, Panayotis e-mail: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 07:37:16 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 07:31:55 -0500 (CDT) From: Rick Stacks Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: Thanks: Preventing PSI<->Internet backdoor via MX To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT writes: > >In article <>, "Rok Vidmar, RCU Lj." writes... >>> Thanks to all who provided answers. >> >> Ben, what did you decide to do about it, after all? >> > > I have a similar problem, (actually never occured to me > before that I did), so I would like to know too... > > Thank you, > Panayotis > >e-mail: I agree with the previous 2 folks... it might be a good idea if you could post a summary of the steps you [are/will be] taking to solve the problem... thanks, -- Rick email: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 07:44:10 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:32:57 EDT From: Brian Tillman Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: uunet!WKUVX1.WKU.EDU! CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX / callable MAIL interaction Lorne Epp ( writes: >I have encountered a problem using the callable MAIL routines with MX. >When mail$send_message is called, the following error message appears: > >%MAIL-E-SENDERR, error sending to EPP at >-SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, > virtual address=00000000, PC=00048089, PSL=03C00000 You've neglected to tell us any version information whatsoever. However, an article appearred in the OpenVMS database of DSNlink yesterday, an excerpt of which appears below, that may be the problem. You'll have to decide. ------------------------------------------------------------- OP/SYS: OpenVMS VAX Versions 5.5-2, 6.0, 6.1 COMPONENT: Callable MAIL$ Routines SOURCE: Digital Equipment Corporation SYMPTOM: When the item code MAIL$_NOSIGNAL is used in a call to MAIL$SEND_MESSAGE that also uses the MAIL$_SEND_ERROR_ENTRY item code, the error routine is not called when a send error occurs. Instead, one of the following occurs: o On OpenVMS VAX V6.0, the program hangs in a loop in the MAIL$SEND_MESSAGE routine. o On OpenVMS VAX V6.1, the MAIL$SEND_MESSAGE routine aborts and the error routine is not called. o On OpenVMS AXP V1.5, the program fails with an ACCVIO error. --------------------------------------- The article goes on to say that one should avoid using the MAIL$_NOSIGNAL item code and instead establish a condition handler and ensure that it exits with SS$_CONTINUE under all conditions. Optionally, you should pass the status value back to the calling routine or simply notify the user of the error within the condition handler. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 07:45:46 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:42:45 EDT From: Ken Robinson Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting > Paul Havinden writes: > > > >I am finding that the router process is aborting on both nodes in the cluster. > >It seems to startup, and will keep running with no problems for serveral hours. > >The first obvious sign of a problem is when users start complaining about mail > >not being processed. > [...] > >When I restart the router process it run ok and processes all the mail in the > >queue with no obvious problems. > > > There are probably one or more jobs left INProgress that aren't really > in-progress. Do a SHOW QUEUE/FULL on those to see if there's anything > funky about the target address. MX V4.1 added code specifically to > handle these cases, but maybe I missed something. > > Hunter I have also been seeing this happen since I installed MX4.1 on a single node AXP system. When I do a SHOW QUEUE/FULL/ALL the jobs just show as READY. Occasionally, I've noticed that the Router is still HIBernating and if I do a QUEUE READY it works. Other times if the Router has gone away I have to restart it. The problem doesn't seem to be based on volume, since I am the only user getting mail on this system and the addresses are nice and "normal." Ken Robinson Lehman Brothers ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 07:48:34 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 07:48:26 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980B74.E01C5CB6.23@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting Ken Robinson writes: > >I have also been seeing this happen since I installed MX4.1 on a single node >AXP system. When I do a SHOW QUEUE/FULL/ALL the jobs just show as READY. >Occasionally, I've noticed that the Router is still HIBernating and if I do >a QUEUE READY it works. Other times if the Router has gone away >I have to restart it. The problem doesn't seem to be based on volume, since >I am the only user getting mail on this system and the addresses are nice >and "normal." > Naturally, I've had no such problems, and I'm running it on an AXP in the same kind of environment. 8-( I assume the log file tells you only the same thing? Is there any traceback info in the log file? Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:06:52 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:48:22 EDT From: Brian Tillman Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX / callable MAIL interaction I tried to respond to Lorne Epp by mail and received the following: An error was detected while processing the enclosed message. A list of the affected recipients follows. This list is in a special format that allows software like LISTSERV to automatically take action on incorrect addresses; you can safely ignore the numeric codes. --> Error description: Error-For: Error-Code: 2 Error-Text: Error in auto-forward from username EPP to: forwarding loop detected Error-End: 1 error detected Lorne, perhaps if you correct this problem, you'll discover the cause to your other problem. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- Brian Tillman | Internet: Smiths Industries, Inc. | 4141 Eastern Ave., MS129 | Hey, I said this stuff myself. Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:45:52 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 14:44:06 EDT From: Paul Havinden Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting Ken Robinson wrote:- >> I have also been seeing this happen since I installed MX4.1 on a single node >> AXP system. When I do a SHOW QUEUE/FULL/ALL the jobs just show as READY. >> Occasionally, I've noticed that the Router is still HIBernating and if I do >> a QUEUE READY it works. Other times if the Router has gone away >> I have to restart it. The problem doesn't seem to be based on volume, since >> I am the only user getting mail on this system and the addresses are nice >> and "normal." Having been watching MX very closely today I have also noticed that some mail just sits in the READY state and is not processed. For example the following entry has been sitting doing nothing for nearly 20 minutes:- SNOOPY$ mcp que show/full Entry: 10, Origin: [VMSmail] COLIN Status: READY, size: 4193 bytes Created: 30-JUN-1994 14:19:43.58, expires 30-JUL-1994 14:19:43.58 Last modified 30-JUN-1994 14:19:52.05 Recipient #1: %MCP-I-QENTRIES, total matching entries: 1 SNOOPY$ show time 30-JUN-1994 14:38:02 SNOOPY$ SNOOPY$ MCP STAT PID Node Process name Status Agent type -------- ------ --------------- ------------------ ------------ 2020143A OWL MX Router Idle Router agent 21600BB2 SNOOPY MX Router Idle Router agent 2020143B OWL MX Local Idle Local delivery agent 21600AB3 SNOOPY MX Local Idle Local delivery agent 21600C0D SNOOPY MX MLF Idle Mailing list/file server 21600C03 SNOOPY MX SMTP Idle SMTP delivery agent 21600C04 SNOOPY MX SMTP#2 Idle SMTP delivery agent 21600C02 SNOOPY MX Site Agent Idle Site-specific delivery agent 20200C41 OWL MX SMTP Server Idle SMTP server (over TCP/IP) 21600C08 SNOOPY MX SMTP Server Idle SMTP server (over TCP/IP) 20201440 OWL MX DNSMTP Idle SMTP-over-DECnet deliv. agent 21600BB1 SNOOPY MX FLQ Manager Idle MX FLQ manager Other mail has ben processed since this time OK. If I then READY this entry it get processed correctly. This problem is in addition to the router aborting, perhalps caused by the same 'feature'. I have only seen this happen since upgradeing to 4.1. The debug logs for the router process don't seem to have any useful info in them. \ If someone has some ideas as to what is going wrong I would be very grateful. I am having to check the mail queue very carefully and often to make sure mail is being processed! Paul Havinden Graphic Data Systems Cambridge, UK ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:49:06 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 09:46:14 EDT From: Ken Robinson Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting Hunter Goatley, WKU writes: > Naturally, I've had no such problems, and I'm running it on an AXP in > the same kind of environment. 8-( > > I assume the log file tells you only the same thing? Is there any > traceback info in the log file? > > Hunter So far the problem hasn't occured since I turned on the Debugging code, but before that my log files contained the same info as the previous poster. Ken Robinson ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:49:51 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:49:36 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980B7D.6BD6E183.13@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting Paul Havinden writes: > >Having been watching MX very closely today I have also noticed that some mail >just sits in the READY state and is not processed. For example the following >entry has been sitting doing nothing for nearly 20 minutes:- > Be sure that MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME is the *same* on both OWL and SNOOPY. If they're not, then the locks won't get created properly and mail added from, say, OWL, won't be able to notify the SMTP agents on SNOOPY that mail is ready to be processed. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:55:40 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:54:44 CDT From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Disabling MX LSV Intfc (and MX FLQ Manager). How? From: (Kassapidis Panayotis, CERN) While upgrading to MX 4.1 on our MicroVAX, I chose to install the L-Soft Listserver interface. Now, after realizing that it has nothing to do with MX's own List/File server, I would like to disable it and get this one process slot back. Hmmm. What is LSV good for? I can't find any documentation in the MX 4.1 release -- other than a paragraph or two saying its included. Dave Miller. //----------\|/------\\ Professor, Computer Science. || /\ -X- || || / \ /|/\ || DMILLER@BEAVER.HS.Bemidji.MSUS.EDU || / \ / \ || || / \ \ || 1500 Birchmont Dr. NE || /________\____\ || Bemidji State University || || || || Bemidji MN, 56601 \\------|| -------// ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:57:42 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:52:44 -0500 (CDT) From: Rick Stacks Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Ken Robinson writes: > >> Paul Havinden writes: >> > >> >I am finding that the router process is aborting on both nodes in the cluster. >> >It seems to startup, and will keep running with no problems for serveral hours. >> >The first obvious sign of a problem is when users start complaining about mail >> >not being processed. >> [...] >> >When I restart the router process it run ok and processes all the mail in the >> >queue with no obvious problems. >> > >> There are probably one or more jobs left INProgress that aren't really >> in-progress. Do a SHOW QUEUE/FULL on those to see if there's anything >> funky about the target address. MX V4.1 added code specifically to >> handle these cases, but maybe I missed something. >> >> Hunter > >I have also been seeing this happen since I installed MX4.1 on a single node >AXP system. When I do a SHOW QUEUE/FULL/ALL the jobs just show as READY. >Occasionally, I've noticed that the Router is still HIBernating and if I do >a QUEUE READY it works. Other times if the Router has gone away >I have to restart it. The problem doesn't seem to be based on volume, since >I am the only user getting mail on this system and the addresses are nice >and "normal." > >Ken Robinson >Lehman Brothers > I've been bitten by a similar situation, but I came across a message from back around Jan of this year that fixed my situation... I had an alias set up for 'Postmaster' in the configuration file and at the same time I had a Postmaster account (username). I commented out the alias and restarted the router and everything worked fine... Hope this helps... -- Rick +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Rick Stacks, Sr. Programmer Analyst | voice: 501-570-2174 | | Ark Dept Pollution Control & Ecology | fax: 501-562-4632 | | 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | email: | | Little Rock, AR 72219 USA | | |--------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| |- They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety --| |- deserve neither liberty nor safety -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 --| ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:58:12 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 08:57:39 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980B7E.8BAA0133.21@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Disabling MX LSV Intfc (and MX FLQ Manager). How? writes: > >From: (Kassapidis Panayotis, CERN) > > While upgrading to MX 4.1 on our MicroVAX, I chose to install > the L-Soft Listserver interface. Now, after realizing that > it has nothing to do with MX's own List/File server, I would > like to disable it and get this one process slot back. > >Hmmm. What is LSV good for? I can't find any documentation in the MX 4.1 >release -- other than a paragraph or two saying its included. > MX LSV works with L-Soft's LISTSERV by channeling messages received by MX directly to LISTSERV. Without it, you'd have to set up a bunch of SET FORWARDS to have mail properly directed to LISTSERV. If you don't have LISTSERV and don't plan to use it, you don't need MX LSV. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 09:07:58 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 15:07:03 EDT From: Paul Havinden Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting One futher point on the aborting router/unporcessed mail problem:- Doing a quick experiment here it seem that mail send from the normal MAIL line interface gets processed as soon as its sent, where as mail from the DECW$MAIL interface gets left in the READY state. Any clues? Here are the two mail messages in the queue:- NOte how the one with the orgin [VMSmail] is left in the READY state, while [Local] has been processed. They are both to the same address. Entry: 12, Origin: [VMSmail] PAULH "Paul Havinden" Status: READY, size: 7 bytes Created: 30-JUN-1994 14:59:07.98, expires 30-JUL-1994 14:59:07.98 Last modified 30-JUN-1994 14:59:08.66 Recipient #1: Entry: 13, Origin: [Local] Status: FINISHED, size: 7 bytes Created: 30-JUN-1994 15:00:06.94, expires 30-JUL-1994 15:00:06.94 Last modified 30-JUN-1994 15:00:17.18 Recipient #1: SNOOPY$ show time 30-JUN-1994 15:06:18 Paul Havinden Graphic Data Systems Cambridge, UK ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 09:35:44 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 10:33:52 EST From: "Steve Thompson, Cheme System Mangler" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting Hunter sez: >Paul Havinden writes: >> >>Having been watching MX very closely today I have also noticed that some mail >>just sits in the READY state and is not processed. For example the following >>entry has been sitting doing nothing for nearly 20 minutes:- >> >Be sure that MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME is the *same* on both OWL and SNOOPY. >If they're not, then the locks won't get created properly and mail >added from, say, OWL, won't be able to notify the SMTP agents on >SNOOPY that mail is ready to be processed. > >Hunter >------ >Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University >goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) I've also seen this problem. I have MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME the same on all my cluster members, and I have seen certain messages sit in the READY state for hours at a time, while other messages are processed correctly. They do eventually get delivered, however. This is MX V4.0 on AXP/VMS V1.5-1H1 and VAX/VMS V6.0. Total mail volume is not very high; around 1000 messages/day. steve --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Thompson, System Mangler Internet: School of Chemical Engineering Phone: (607) 255 5573 Olin Hall, Cornell University FAX: (607) 255 9166 Ithaca NY 14853 "Time is just one damn thing after another" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 10:27:01 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 11:20:35 EDT From: Ken Robinson Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting Rick Stacks writes; > I've been bitten by a similar situation, but I came across a message from > back around Jan of this year that fixed my > situation... > > I had an alias set up for 'Postmaster' in the configuration file and at the > same time I had a Postmaster account (username). I commented out the alias > and restarted the router and everything worked fine... Hope this helps... > > -- Rick This is not my case. No "Postmaster" account only the alias. Also this never happened before upgrading to version 4.1 Ken Robinson ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 10:57:06 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 16:54:25 EDT From: Paul Havinden Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting >Be sure that MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME is the *same* on both OWL and SNOOPY. >If they're not, then the locks won't get created properly and mail >added from, say, OWL, won't be able to notify the SMTP agents on >SNOOPY that mail is ready to be processed. > >Hunter They seem to be the same:- SYSMAN> do show log MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node SNOOPY "MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME" = "ARC" (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node OWL "MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME" = "ARC" (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) SYSMAN> Paul Havinden Graphic Data Systems Cambridge, UK ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 11:13:08 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 12:10:25 EDT From: Ken Robinson Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting I just had the problem occur. I sent a mail message from within DECW$MAIL from a non-privilaged account to an address I always use. Here is the output of some commands and contents of the ROUTER log files: $ mcp sho que/all Entry# Status Size Source Agent Entry# Status Size ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- 1 FINISH 1442 SMTP 3 FINISH 417 SMTP 5 READY 542 MAIL ROBINSON "Ken Robinson" $ mcp sho que/all/full Entry: 1, Origin: [SMTP] Status: FINISHED, size: 1442 bytes Created: 30-JUN-1994 11:45:06.88, expires 30-JUL-1994 11:45:06.88 Last modified 30-JUN-1994 11:45:16.52 Recipient #1: Entry: 3, Origin: [SMTP] Status: FINISHED, size: 417 bytes Created: 30-JUN-1994 11:51:32.27, expires 30-JUL-1994 11:51:32.27 Last modified 30-JUN-1994 11:51:39.39 Recipient #1: Entry: 5, Origin: [VMSmail] ROBINSON "Ken Robinson" Status: READY, size: 542 bytes Created: 30-JUN-1994 11:55:13.75, expires 30-JUL-1994 11:55:13.75 Last modified 30-JUN-1994 11:55:14.46 Recipient #1: $ mcp sho stat PID Process name Status Agent type -------- --------------- ------------------ ----------- 000002B1 MX Local Idle Local delivery agent 000002B2 MX Local#2 Idle Local delivery agent 000002B3 MX Local#3 Idle Local delivery agent 000002AE MX SMTP Idle SMTP delivery agent 000002AF MX SMTP#2 Idle SMTP delivery agent 000002B0 MX SMTP#3 Idle SMTP delivery agent 000002A6 MX Site Agent Idle Site-specific delivery agent 000002AA MX SMTP Server Idle SMTP server (over TCP/IP) 0000029F MX FLQ Manager Idle MX FLQ manager $ type mx_router_dir:mx_router_log;0 30-JUN-1994 11:51:33.83 %PROCESS, Processing entry number 3 30-JUN-1994 11:51:33.92 %PROCESS, Status from READ_INFO was 00000001 30-JUN-1994 11:51:33.92 %PROCESS, Recipient #0: 30-JUN-1994 11:51:33.94 %REWRITE, No rewrite rules matched 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.19 %FINDPATH, Site-spec expand on sqrvx1 returned SQRVX1 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.19 %FINDPATH, domain name SQRVX1 matched path pattern SQRVX1 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.19 %PROCESS, Rewrote as - next hop sqrvx1, path 1 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.19 %FINDALIAS, Found alias for krbnsn: 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.19 %REWRITE, No rewrite rules matched 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.19 %FINDPATH, Site-spec expand on SQRVX1.LEHMAN.COM err=00000000 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.19 %FINDPATH, domain name SQRVX1.LEHMAN.COM matched path pattern SQRVX1.LEHMAN.COM 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.19 %PROCESS, Rewrote as - next hop SQRVX1.LEHMAN.COM, path 1 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.19 %FINDALIAS, no alias found for ROBINSON 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.19 %PROCESS, no alias found for ROBINSON 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.19 %PROCESS, this is just a local delivery 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.40 %PROCESS, Adding to LOCAL path: ROBINSON. 30-JUN-1994 11:51:34.58 %PROCESS, Path LOCAL gets 1 rcpts, entry number 4 $ type mx_router_dir:mx_router_sqrvx1.log 29-JUN-1994 09:54:34.38: MX Router (pid 000002B7) starting 30-JUN-1994 11:55:16.66: MX Router (pid 000002B7) exiting, status = 1000000C $ type mx_router_dir:mx_router_sqrvx1_2.log 29-JUN-1994 09:54:36.43: MX Router#2 (pid 000002B8) starting 30-JUN-1994 11:55:16.58: MX Router#2 (pid 000002B8) exiting, status = 1000000C $ type mx_router_dir:mx_router_sqrvx1_3.log 29-JUN-1994 09:54:38.66: MX Router#3 (pid 000002B9) starting 30-JUN-1994 11:55:17.03: MX Router#3 (pid 000002B9) exiting, status = 1000000C After restarting the Router the entry processed correctly. System: DEC 3000 Model 400 Version: AXP V1.5 Ken Robinson ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 11:37:40 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 11:37:32 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980B94.E15F2F4D.13@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting Ken Robinson writes: > >I just had the problem occur. I sent a mail message from within DECW$MAIL >from a non-privilaged account to an address I always use. > Well, I don't get it. I'm running V6.1, but I did the exact same thing and had no problem whatsoever. DECW$MAIL from my account or a non-prived account both went out just fine. OK, try this, if you will: shutdown router, run it interactively (RUN MX_EXE:MX_ROUTER), and then try one of those messages to see if you get any TRACEBACK info. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 13:00:06 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 13:55:39 EDT From: Ken Robinson Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting Hunter Goatley, WKU" writes: > OK, try this, if you will: shutdown router, run it interactively (RUN > MX_EXE:MX_ROUTER), and then try one of those messages to see if you > get any TRACEBACK info. > > Hunter I tried what you suggested and got: $ r mx_exe:mx_router 30-JUN-1994 13:47:37.45: SYSTEM_1 (pid 000003AB) starting %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=04, virtual address=0000060C, PC =0003046C, PS=0000001B %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows Image Name Module Name Routine Name Line Number rel PC abs PC MX_ROUTER MX_ROUTER UPDATE 44 0000046C 0003046C MX_ROUTER MX_ROUTER GET_WORK 44 00000B20 00030B20 MX_ROUTER MX_ROUTER MX_ROUTER 44 00001824 00031824 0 82B2E8F0 82B2E8F0 30-JUN-1994 13:49:37.53: SYSTEM_1 (pid 000003AB) exiting, status = 1000000C Here's what mcp sho que/all/fu shows: Entry: 1, Origin: [SMTP] Status: FINISHED, size: 659 bytes Created: 30-JUN-1994 13:39:29.81, expires 30-JUL-1994 13:39:29.81 Last modified 30-JUN-1994 13:39:33.75 Recipient #1: Entry: 3, Origin: [SMTP] Status: FINISHED, size: 436 bytes Created: 30-JUN-1994 13:39:34.96, expires 30-JUL-1994 13:39:34.96 Last modified 30-JUN-1994 13:39:38.26 Recipient #1: Entry: 5, Origin: [SMTP] Status: FINISHED, size: 956 bytes Created: 30-JUN-1994 13:48:38.18, expires 30-JUL-1994 13:48:38.18 Last modified 30-JUN-1994 13:48:52.24 Recipient #1: Entry: 7, Origin: [VMSmail] ROBINSON "Ken Robinson" Status: READY, size: 23 bytes Created: 30-JUN-1994 13:49:35.05, expires 30-JUL-1994 13:49:35.05 Last modified 30-JUN-1994 13:49:35.95 Recipient #1: Entry: 8, Origin: [SMTP] <> Status: READY, size: 1124 bytes Created: 30-JUN-1994 13:53:19.45, expires 30-JUL-1994 13:53:19.45 Last modified 30-JUN-1994 13:53:20.05 Recipient #1: Ken Robinson ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 13:08:53 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 14:06:11 EDT From: Ken Robinson Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting I just tried to repeat the process: 1) start the router by doing a run. 2) sending decw$mail This time the router didn't abort, but the job stayed in the READY state as seen below: $ mcp sho que/all Entry# Status Size Source Agent Entry# Status Size ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- 1 FINISH 659 SMTP 3 FINISH 436 SMTP 5 FINISH 956 SMTP 7 FINISH 23 MAIL 8 FINISH 1124 SMTP <> 9 FINISH 2183 MAIL 13 FINISH 32 MAIL 15 READY 34 MAIL ROBINSON "Ken Robinson" %MCP-I-QENTRIES, total matching entries: 8 $ mcp sho que/all/fu 15 Entry: 15, Origin: [VMSmail] ROBINSON "Ken Robinson" Status: READY, size: 34 bytes Created: 30-JUN-1994 14:00:21.77, expires 30-JUL-1994 14:00:21.77 Last modified 30-JUN-1994 14:00:22.56 Recipient #1: I then did a "mcp que ready 15" and it went on its way... Ken Robinson ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 13:23:22 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Larry Stone) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: Router process keeps aborting Message-ID: <1994Jun30.125839.3733@eisner> Date: 30 Jun 94 12:58:39 -0400 To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Ken Robinson writes: > > So far the problem hasn't occured since I turned on the Debugging code, but > before that my log files contained the same info as the previous poster. > I've had this problem with 4.0 (haven't had a chance to install 4.1 yet) except with the SMTP process (not the router) and like the above, since turning on debugging, the problem has gone away. -- Larry Stone | United Airlines VAX Systems Administator | Maintenance Operations Center | San Francisco, CA 415-634-4725 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 13:41:01 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Tom@Tass.Com (Tom Allebrandi) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: Using MX on SLIP Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 13:31:51 Message-ID: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU >I'm trying to set up MX on VAX VMS over CMU-IP using a SLIP dial connection to>an internet access service, and I'm missing at least part of the puzzle pieces. >Has anyone else done this? I'm still struggling with the SLIP part, so this>may be the wrong list to send to, but if so, when I'm being corrected, could>you suggest a more appropriate person or group to try? Or, if you're willing>to take a shot at it, please reply to that effect and I'll barrage you with the>details. You need to be concerned in two directions: mail you send and mail you receive. Mail you send is no big deal, MX will use SMTP to send, which can go out over your SLIP link whenever you are dialed up. You may have to play with making sure your SLIP link is up whenever MX wants to send, but that probably is not a major issue. MX will normally try the send within seconds after you complete the message so if you just leave your link up a few minutes after you have sent some mail, you should be ok. If the mail cannot be delivered and has to be retried, then you need to make sure that MX and SLIP and trying to work at the same time. For inbound, assuming you are not connected all the time, you are in trouble. SMTP wants to make a connection directly to you to transfer the mail. If it cannot connect, it will retry later. The problem is that when the sending SMTP retries, how often it retries, and how many times it retries are at the whim of the local postmaster. You need your SLIP window "open" at the same time anyone would be trying to send to you. This is probably not as big a crisis as it seems. Your service provider probably provides POPMAIL service and would be willing to serve as the mail exchanger for your domain. Your service provider is up all the time and as your mail exchanger they would recieve mail addressed to your domain on your behalf. It would sit waiting on their machine until you called for it. Now, you could let them forward on to you via SMTP but again you get into the retry issues. The best approach is to run POPMAIL which would copy over the mail headed to your domain on a polled basis. From there, you have to get the mail into VMS Mail or MX. My guess is that it would be fairly straightforward stuff the mail into MX via the SITE agent. You may have to crack the data you get from POPMAIL into multiple messages and stuff them one at a time but that's just a little DCL work. I may actually get around to trying this. I'd like to to see if it works, however, my current SLIP/POPMAIL connection is setup on my Notebook PC -- which travels with me wherever I go. I don't have a compelling reason to move my mail environment to the VAX since I would have to be at home to read my mail. (I could dial in to the VAX remotely I guess.....) --- Tom Tom Allebrandi Tom@Tass.Com Frontline Test Equipment Tom@Mcs.Com Oak Brook, IL 708-575-8570 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 17:29:01 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: John Caruso Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: JNET interface keeps aborting To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 18:25:24 -0400 (EDT) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit We're having a problem with the MX JNET interface process aborting regularly. We're running Multinet 3.3 and MX V4.0-1, and the JNET interface will chug along for an hour or two and then go belly up. This is what the daemon's logfile looks like after the crash: ========================================================================= 30-JUN-1994 13:01:37.73: MX Jnet Intfc (pid 000011B2) starting 30-JUN-1994 13:01:39.68: MX Jnet Intfc Info: MX_JNET_DIR:MXBITNET.MAILERS still up to date - won't rebuild. %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=04, virtual address=00000072, PC=000171F0, PSL=03C00021 %TRACE-F-NOMSG, Message number 0009819C module name routine name line rel PC abs PC 000171F0 000171F0 000B4239 000B4239 BSMTP BSMTP_IN 982 00001A71 0000AC74 JNET_IN PROCESS_INPUT 165 0000027F 00006CF3 PROCESS PROCESS 274 000000CF 0000536F MX_JNET MX_JNET 239 000002FA 0000494A 30-JUN-1994 13:50:30.05: MX Jnet Intfc (pid 000011B2) exiting, status = 1000000C MAILER job terminated at 30-JUN-1994 13:50:30.53 Accounting information: Buffered I/O count: 1266 Peak working set size: 1894 Direct I/O count: 4743 Peak page file size: 6115 Page faults: 2899 Mounted volumes: 0 Charged CPU time: 0 00:00:10.92 Elapsed time: 0 00:49:00.59 ========================================================================= The routine name (BSMTP_IN) and line number (982) are always the same in the tracebacks. I enabled MX_JNET_DEBUG but it didn't provide much additional info. The processing for the last message (a BSMTP message) appears to be going along fine. It gets to the "rewrote ... as ..." section of the message, then it prints one additional "rcvd: " line, then it just stops. This is the header and the last part of the message: ========================================================================= 30-JUN-1994 17:09:59.82 Processing incoming message, entry number 519 30-JUN-1994 17:09:59.98 Dest user=MAILER, File type code=2, first line is: HELO UMDD.UMD.EDU 30-JUN-1994 17:09:59.99 This is a BSMTP file. 30-JUN-1994 17:09:59.99 BSMTP_IN: Processing incoming BSMTP file from $MAILER at UMDD... 30-JUN-1994 17:10:08.39 BSMTP_IN: send: 220 UMUC.BITNET MX MX V4.0-1 VAX SMTP server ready at Thu, 30 Jun 1994 17:10:08 EST 30-JUN-1994 17:10:08.42 BSMTP_IN: rcvd: HELO UMDD.UMD.EDU 30-JUN-1994 17:10:08.42 BSMTP_IN: send: 250 Hello, UMDD.UMD.EDU . . . 30-JUN-1994 17:10:13.19 BSMTP_IN: rewrote Public-Access Computer Systems Forum as Public-Access Computer Systems Forum 30-JUN-1994 17:10:17.18 BSMTP_IN: rewrote Asako Yoshida as Asako Yoshida 30-JUN-1994 17:10:19.19 BSMTP_IN: rewrote Multiple recipients of list PACS-L as Multiple recipients of list PACS-L 30-JUN-1994 17:10:38.18 BSMTP_IN: rcvd: ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- ========================================================================= Anyone know what's happening here? --------------------------------------------------------------------- John Caruso Unix/VMS System Administrator caruso@UMUC (Bitnet) University of Maryland University College (301) 985-7447 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 18:10:41 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 18:10:32 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, FSUPDATE@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, MACRO32@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, KISSARMY@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, SICKTHINGS@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, HARP-L@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, ALPHA-IDS@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, INFO-ZIP-ANNOUNCE@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, WERMIT-L@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <00980BCB.C86477D7.29@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: WKUVX1 is no longer on BITNET! FYI, WKUVX1 is no longer on BITNET. If you've been posting to one of our lists or file servers using WKUVX1.BITNET, you *must* switch to WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. We're no longer running Jnet and the BITNET routing tables will be propagated real soon---mail sent to WKUVX1.BITNET may bounce back to you or it may just quietly disappear. So, if you're reading this from one of the WKUVX1 mailing lists, remember to use WKUVX1.WKU.EDU from now on. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 18:55:22 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Lorne Epp) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: MX / callable MAIL interaction Message-ID: <> Date: 30 Jun 94 16:15:02 -0700 To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Brian Tillman writes: > Lorne Epp ( writes: > >>I have encountered a problem using the callable MAIL routines with MX. >>When mail$send_message is called, the following error message appears: >> >>%MAIL-E-SENDERR, error sending to EPP at >>-SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, >> virtual address=00000000, PC=00048089, PSL=03C00000 > > You've neglected to tell us any version information whatsoever. Sorry about that. The versions are VAX/VMS V5.5-2 and MX V4.1 > When the item code MAIL$_NOSIGNAL is used in a call to MAIL$SEND_MESSAGE > that also uses the MAIL$_SEND_ERROR_ENTRY item code, the error routine is > not called when a send error occurs. Instead, one of the following occurs: > > o On OpenVMS VAX V6.0, the program hangs in a loop in the > MAIL$SEND_MESSAGE routine. This is a pretty good description of what I'm getting; however I was not using the NOSIGNAL item. Using a condition handler (actually a VAX BASIC "WHEN ERROR" block) stopped the program from looping, but of course it doesn't make the original error go away. > The article goes on to say that one should avoid using the MAIL$_NOSIGNAL item > code and instead establish a condition handler and ensure that it exits with > SS$_CONTINUE under all conditions. Optionally, you should pass the status value > back to the calling routine or simply notify the user of the error within the > condition handler. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lorne Epp ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 20:23:11 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Norman Stephen Siegel Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: On Vacation To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 20:21:24 -0500 (CDT) Content-Type: text I wish to remove myself from the MX help list. How do I accomplish this? ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 21:42:04 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: ("Dan Wing") Subject: Re: On Vacation Date: 1 Jul 1994 02:36:15 GMT Message-ID: <2uvvev$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Norman Stephen Siegel writes: #I wish to remove myself from the MX help list. How do I accomplish this? Send a mail message to with the single line: UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of your message. You'll get a confirmation back in a few minutes that you've been unsubscribed. -Dan Wing, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 23:47:34 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Neill Clift) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: Using MX on SLIP Message-ID: <> Date: 30 Jun 94 20:15:53 BST To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, "Jonathan E. Hardis" writes: >> I'm trying to set up MX on VAX VMS over CMU-IP using a SLIP dial >> connection to an internet access service, and I'm missing at least part of >> the puzzle pieces. Has anyone else done this? I'm still struggling with >> the SLIP part, so this may be the wrong list to send to, but if so, when >> I'm being corrected, could you suggest a more appropriate person or group >> to try? Or, if you're willing to take a shot at it, please reply to that >> effect and I'll barrage you with the details. This is what I already do. I use a service provider called Demon Internet Services in the UK. I have a fixed IP address that Demon allocated to me. I dial Demon via a 14.4k modem using a dial script and ckermit. After ckermit logs in for me the batch job turns on CMU-IP and spawns subprocesses to fetch and send news (ANU news stuff) and ready all the mail in the MX queues. I tell MX to route my mail to Demons mail machine so I don't have to connect to the real machines. My mail just comes in real quick at the start of the session. I even got Hunters file server to send me the vmsinstal kits for MX4.1 via mail!!! Its all very hacky stuff but it works very reliably. The only code I wrote was an NNTP news fetch program to keep multiple outstanding NNTP requests in the modem pipeline to the remote computer so as to get the maximum performance out of the modem. All the s/w was PD. Its all automated (I can get news and mail at 4am when demon are not busy if I want to). > > If you are subscribing to a dial-up SLIP service, then MX isn't for you. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > Internet SMPT mail presumes that the receiving host is online continually. > Even if you were clever enough to call up your SLIP provider just before > you wanted to send mail, you would have no mechanism to receive mail in an > orderly way. > > - Jonathan Will I disappear in a puff of smoke in a bit? I think MX is just about the best piece of PD s/w I have ever used. Neill -- Neill Clift