Archive-Date: Sat, 01 Apr 1995 17:52:30 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sat, 01 Apr 1995 17:21:40 CST From: The Wizard Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Lists and DELIVER .. revisited MX folk.. Still fighting with DELIVER to filter our trash sent to my lists. Some of you have pointed out that the DELIVER docs include examples. I've looked at them but what I'm doing is enough different that I don't know what to do next. Yes, I can be more specific ... 1. Since lists don't have accounts, I did this: MAIL> SET FORWARD/USER=listname-L DELIVER%SYSTEM 2. And then put MAIL.DELIVER in SYSTEM's SYS$LOGIN and Set protection to World Read. No luck! Suggestions? ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 01 Apr 1995 18:02:53 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 20:21:47 CST From: The Wizard Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Help making digest MXers: With regard to my earlier message ... perhaps I've found my problem. It seems I'm supposed to have a SITE agent. I can't find it so I suppose I screwed up my original istallation. Is MX_SITE.EXE all I'm missing? Where do I get it from? Again, many thanks. //----------\|/------\\ Dave Miller. || /\ -X- || Professor, Computer Science. || / \ /|/\ || || / \ / \ || SYSTEM@BEAVER.Bemidji.MSUS.EDU || / \ \ || || /________\____\ || 1500 Birchmont Dr. NE || || || || Bemidji State University \\------|| -------// Bemidji MN, 56601 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 01 Apr 1995 18:12:46 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Bruce Klein) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Messages not from SYSTEM disappear Date: Sat, 1 Apr 1995 04:06:35 GMT Message-ID: Keywords: VMS 6.1, MX 4.1, UCX 2.0 To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Yesterday, I upgraded my VAX to VMS 6.1. After I reinstalled UCX everything seemed to work OK from the SYSTEM account. I added the @ patch for mailshr (the VMS 6.1 version). Still, everything seemed to work fine (for SYSTEM). This morning I found out that mail from any non-privileged user disappears. If I shut down the router processes I can see the messages waiting in the queue. As soon as I restart them *POOF* the messages are gone, never to be seen again. I've reinstalled MX and replaced the patched version of mailshr.exe with the original one. No change. Any help on how to fix this would *greatly* appreciated. Thanks, Bruce Klein Rowan College of New Jersey ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 01 Apr 1995 18:21:43 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sat, 01 Apr 1995 15:46:57 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098E3D0.48B84B43.27@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Supressing confirmations The Wizard writes: > >I've heard that DELIVER is another solution. It seems the SUBJECT field is >regular enough to filter based on that. > The best way is to use the MCP command DEFINE (or MODIFY) LIST/STRIP_HEADERS=OTHER, which was added specifically to strip out the RFC822 headers that some mailers add for return-receipt stuff. In fact, the help for DEFINE LIST/STRIP shows: When /STRIP_HEADERS=OTHER is set, all "other" headers are stripped from the incoming message before it is mailed out. "Other" headers are any headers not listed under HELP SET LOCAL/TOP_HEADERS. This includes return-receipt headers, X-400 headers, etc. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 01 Apr 1995 18:50:58 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sat, 01 Apr 1995 09:44:23 MST From: Mike Frazier - Oracle Rdb Worldwide Support Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Help creating a list-DIGEST |>In my first attempt to create a Digest, I have failed. My digest entries are |>stuck in the queue ... and the .INPUT file can't be found. For instance: [...snip...] |>6. I created a SITE_DIR subdirectory and a MX_SITE_DIR logical to point to it: |> |> $ SHO LOG MX_SITE_DIR |> "MX_SITE_DIR" = "SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MX.SITE_DIR]" (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) The site_dir directory is created automatically when you install the SITE part of the MX distribution. It appears you never installed SITE. If you do a MCP STATUS do you see a "Site-specific delivery agent"? I think if you reinstall the MX kit and choose the SITE as the option to install (leave the other stuff off) you will be closer to getting your digest running. Mike ____________________________________________________________________________ / Mike Frazier | Join us at the Rocky Mountain Star Stare '95 \ | Oracle World Wide Support | July 28 - 30 where over 150 attendees will | | Rdb Support Team | enjoy clear, DARK skies at an elevation of | | Colorado Springs, Colorado| 8700 feet above sea level! Write for Details. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Email Address: | \ WWW: / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 01 Apr 1995 19:14:37 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Alberto Meregalli (SIC)) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: Return-Path header in subscription messages Message-ID: <1995Mar31.141735.793@cesi> Date: 31 Mar 95 14:17:35 +0200 To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Rick Stacks writes: >>I've noticed that the messages sent to a mailing list user when >>subscribing or unsubscribing have an incorrect Return-Path header: >>this is an example: >> >>>Return-Path: MX%bottasini@CESI.IT >>> ^^^ > > > Please post a listing of all of the currently defined MX logicals on your > system. I suspect that one (or more) or them is not defined quite > correctly. > Here you are: (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) [kernel] [shareable,system] [Protection=(RWC,RWC,R,R)] [Owner=[SYSTEM]] "MX_ALIAS_HELPLIB" [super] = "MX_DIR:MX_ALIAS_HELPLIB" "MX_DEVICE" [exec] = "$1$DUA0:" [concealed,terminal] "MX_DIR" [exec] = "MX_DEVICE:[MX]" "MX_DOC" [exec] = "MX_ROOT:[DOC]" "MX_EXAMPLES_DIR" [exec] = "MX_ROOT:[EXAMPLES]" "MX_EXE" [exec] = "MX_ROOT:[EXE]" "MX_FLQ_DIR" [exec] = "SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MX.QUEUE]" "MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME" [exec] = "DECVAX" "MX_FLQ_SHR" [exec] = "MX_EXE:MX_FLQ_SHR" "MX_LOCAL_DIR" [exec] = "MX_ROOT:[LOCAL]" "MX_MAILSHR" [exec] = "MX_EXE:MX_MAILSHR" "MX_MAILSHRP" [exec] = "MX_EXE:MX_MAILSHRP" "MX_MCP_HELPLIB" [super] = "MX_DIR:MX_MCP_HELPLIB" "MX_MLF_DIR" [exec] = "MX_ROOT:[MLF]" "MX_MLIST_DIR" [exec] = "MX_ROOT:[MLF.MAILING_LISTS]" "MX_MSG" [exec] = "MX_EXE:MX_MSG" "MX_NODE_NAME" [exec] = "" "MX_ROOT" [exec] = "MX_DEVICE:[MX.]" [concealed] "MX_ROUTER_DIR" [exec] = "MX_ROOT:[ROUTER]" "MX_SHR" [exec] = "MX_EXE:MX_SHR" "MX_SITE_DIR" [exec] = "MX_ROOT:[SITE]" "MX_SITE_DOM_EXPANSION" [exec] = "MX_EXE:DOMAIN_EXPANSION" "MX_SMTP_DIR" [exec] = "MX_ROOT:[SMTP]" "MX_SMTP_SERVER_THREADS" [exec] = "4" "MX_TIMEZONE" [exec] = "+0200" "MX_UUCP_DIR" [exec] = "MX_ROOT:[UUCP]" "MX_UUCP_REWRITE" [super] = "TRUE" "MX_UUCP_REWRITE" [exec] = "TRUE" "MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST" [exec] = "" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alberto Meregalli, SIC tel. +39 2 2125 249 CESI, Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano fax +39 2 2125 520 Via Rubattino, 54 - I 21034 Milano E-mail: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 01 Apr 1995 19:43:27 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Rain) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RAIN membership drive Date: 1 Apr 1995 18:02:44 GMT Message-ID: <3lk4g4$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU -------------------------------------------------------------------- RAIN is trying to work through a critical period right now. We are faced with a heavy outlay of money - and for now we realy need go ahead with a sustained membership drive. If we can push through and get 1000 new members this month, it will create a real dynamic in the area and show a strong economic revitalization throughout the community. I'm very happy to announce our new online signup form. Simply telnet to "" and login as "guest". We've put a lot of effort into making it easier to become part of our virtual community. ------------------------------------------------------------------- RAIN Membership Application 1. INDIVIDUAL $20/month with $35 start-up -SHELL $30/month with $35 start-up -SLIP/PPP+SHELL 2 megs disk space and one hour per day time limit Select one of the following: Shell/Menus access SLIP/PPP/Shell/Menus access [] 3 mo. (enclose $95) [] 3 mo. (enclose $125) [] 6 mo. (enclose $155) [] 6 mo. (enclose $215) [] 12 mo. (enclose $275) [] 12 mo. (enclose $395) Name:_____________________________________ Address:__________________________________ __________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________ Occupation:_______________________________ Include name/occupation in online members directory? [] Y [] N User ID (3-8 characters) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Password (8 characters) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Second family member (if applicable) Name:_____________________________________ User ID (3-8 characters) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Password (8 characters) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Signature___________________________ Date_____________ Total enclosed $_______________ Send with start-up payment to: Rain Network 1129 State Street Suite A6 Santa Barbara, CA 93120 ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to: _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ The Regional Alliance for Information Networking RAIN MISSION REGIONAL ACTIVITIES The RAIN Network operates a regional information system from a central T1 Internet hub in Santa Barbara, California. Founded in 1991, and tested under special arrangements with the University of California, RAIN is an independent non-profit agency that has steadily expanded across its regional host area. RAIN works with an affiliate, Pacific RAIN, to provide services to commercial organizations. Pacific RAIN was established to ensure a stable economic base for the non-profit Community services RAIN provides and to help subsidize the cost of individual and non-profit accounts. RAIN is a leader in the development of self-sustaining Regional Networks and operates primarily on membership income from agencies, families and individuals. RAIN seeks to pioneer the role of Regional Networks on the electronic frontier - developing sources of local information that establish each host community as a recognized destination on the National Information Highway, while providing low cost access out to national and global resources in a manner sensitive to the needs of its regional users. ================================================================= Rain provides 14.4k V.32bis dial-up and slip/ppp access for Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. We are a full service Internet provider. We provide access to Usenet News, Electronic Mail, Unix shells, IRC, Gopher, FTP, Telnet and WWW. Data lines are: ------------------------------------------------------ Santa Barbara County (805) 899-8600 Ventura County (805) 650-5354 Santa Paula, Somis (805) 659-1209 Simi/TO/Moorpark (805) 579-6900 ------------------------------------------------------ (8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit -- VT-100 terminal emulation) ------------------------------------------------------------------- We have a critical situation going on with SCTA and their efforts to become what we are. Their continued work to become the Community Network and in the process they are also working to take away accounts from Rain that belong on our network. SCTA is now trying to rather rudly move in on without any willingness to work with us or actually demonstrate any networking capability except what they do through the commercial network Silicon. Keeping in mind that RAIN already is the Internet source for Ventura County government and is involved in building a Ventura County and City Public Information system we need to express the importance of having our County Supervisors work with RAIN. Step in and help support RAIN in the face of some really underhanded activity. **************************************************************** R.A.I.N. means Business, the Network is dedicated to working with economic revitalization, government services, library and school services as well as Individual users. With a frame relay clound covering the entire tri-county area RAIN is the Network that can provide reliable, inter-agency Network possible within our Community. **************************************************************** Send your tax deductable donation today! **************************************************************** Timothy -- Timothy Tyndall Director Regional Alliance for Information Networking voice: 805-967-8200 fax : 805-967-5153 Internet: {if you do not receive a reply in 2 days please resend} ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sun, 02 Apr 1995 05:09:44 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Subject: RE: Supressing confirmations Date: Sun, 02 Apr 1995 09:29:33 GMT Message-ID: <> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <3lhhv6$>, writes: >> >>What technique do you use to suppress "receipt confirmmation" messages sent to >>your lists? > > Beat on the subscribers until they quit using return receipt >requested (RRR)!! > > No really, most of the receipts go to the list-owner address, but >a few make it back to the regular list. Usually a polite request or two >(and I think a few subscribers mention it less politely) solves the problem -- >most of these people don't realize what they are doing. > >Then, there was the person who posted a message with the subject "Don't Read >My Mail!" -- he had sent out 3-4 messages to several different lists with >RRR, and was being swamped with receipts -- over 600 I believe. That >cured him! > >Mike >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Michael Bowers Internet: >University of California, Davis > I think it's on by default in the SMTP => WP Office gateway product. -HWM ---------- Henry W. Miller Assistant Systems and Network Manager U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mid Pacific Region 2800 Cottage Way MP1130 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 979-2373 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sun, 02 Apr 1995 10:15:53 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sun, 02 Apr 1995 10:13:48 CDT From: The Wizard Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Creating a moderated list MXers How do I create a moderated list ... That is, I want all incoming messages to be forwarded to a moderator. Only the moderator is permited to post messages to the list for distribution. I tried fooling with the /PROTECTION, hoping that would cause MLF to forward the message to the owner ... no luck. //----------\|/------\\ Dave Miller. || /\ -X- || Professor, Computer Science. || / \ /|/\ || || / \ / \ || SYSTEM@BEAVER.Bemidji.MSUS.EDU || / \ \ || || /________\____\ || 1500 Birchmont Dr. NE || || || || Bemidji State University \\------|| -------// Bemidji MN, 56601 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sun, 02 Apr 1995 15:32:11 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sun, 02 Apr 1995 15:30:03 CDT From: Tom Chamberlain Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Messages not from SYSTEM disappear On April 1, Bruce Klein ( wrote: ->Yesterday, I upgraded my VAX to VMS 6.1. After I reinstalled UCX everything ->seemed to work OK from the SYSTEM account. I added the @ patch for mailshr ->(the VMS 6.1 version). Still, everything seemed to work fine (for SYSTEM). ->This morning I found out that mail from any non-privileged user disappears. ->If I shut down the router processes I can see the messages waiting in the ->queue. As soon as I restart them *POOF* the messages are gone, never to be ->seen again. I've reinstalled MX and replaced the patched version of ->mailshr.exe with the original one. No change. I believe this problem is a result of the SYSTEM account having a permanent disk quota less than its current space usage on SYS$SYSDEVICE: (or wherever MX puts messages awaiting transmission). Try using MCR DISKQUOTA and modify SYSTEM's permanent quota to its current usage plus a few thousand blocks and see if your problem goes away. Tom ================================================================================ Tom Chamberlain Phone: (918) 661-9744 Phillips Petroleum Company FAX: (918) 661-1910 269 Geoscience Building email: Bartlesville, OK 74004 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sun, 02 Apr 1995 16:22:13 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sun, 02 Apr 1995 16:19:36 CDT From: The Wizard Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Help creating a list-DIGEST > From: Mike Frazier - Oracle Rdb Worldwide Support > > I think if you reinstall the MX kit and choose the SITE as the option > to install (leave the other stuff off) you will be closer to getting > your digest running. That probably works ... but ya gotta be careful not to PURGE files, like I did, and lost it. So I installed all of MX again. Related question. Is the NETLIB in the MX distribution the latest version? And if not, how to I update MX to latest NETLIB release? //----------\|/------\\ Dave Miller. || /\ -X- || Professor, Computer Science. || / \ /|/\ || || / \ / \ || SYSTEM@BEAVER.Bemidji.MSUS.EDU || / \ \ || || /________\____\ || 1500 Birchmont Dr. NE || || || || Bemidji State University \\------|| -------// Bemidji MN, 56601 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 09:23:01 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 09:22:38 CDT From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098E52C.ED330F57.19@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Help creating a list-DIGEST The Wizard writes: > >That probably works ... but ya gotta be careful not to PURGE files, like I >did, and lost it. So I installed all of MX again. > That *shouldn't* have happened. I'll check into that sometime. >Related question. Is the NETLIB in the MX distribution the latest version? And >if not, how to I update MX to latest NETLIB release? > No, NETLIB that's shipped with MX041 is not the latest version. To upgrade to NETLIB V2.0C, just grab the kits ( in [.MADGOAT]NETLIB020.ZIP) and install it using VMSINSTAL. Nothing has to be done to MX. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 11:12:30 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 11:10:15 CDT From: Dave Miller Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Help creating a list-DIGEST Hunter: > >That probably works ... but ya gotta be careful not to PURGE files, like I > >did, and lost it. So I installed all of MX again. > > > That *shouldn't* have happened. I'll check into that sometime. Sorry, not very clear. What I lost was MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT; the queues and rest of the system remained intact ok. I guess I could have recreated the STARTUP_INFO but it was easier (and faster!) to re-install the works! dave. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 13:42:34 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 13:41:37 CDT From: "Hunter Goatley, WKU" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098E551.1BA48C20.325@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU> Subject: MX-LIST Administrivia: Monthly Post Posting statistics for list MX-LIST Total number of posts: 0 Total number of posters: 0 Total number of subscribers: 253 Total number of digest subscribers: 54 Last modified: 7-JUL-1994 10:04 (Updated version info) Welcome to MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, an electronic mailing list established for the discussion of the Message Exchange mail software. This is a routine posting you will see from time to time on MX-List. MX-List postings are also available in a daily digest format. To subscribe to the digest, send the following command in the body of a mail message to MXserver@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU: SUBSCRIBE MX-List-Digest "Your real name here" The MX-List archives are maintained at ARCHIVES@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. To get a copy of any month's postings, send an e-mail message with the body SEND MX-List.yyyy-mm to ARCHIVES@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, where "yyyy" is the year and "mm" is the numeric representation of the month. For example, the message SENDME MX-List.1992-04 will send the archives for April 1992. MX itself is available via anonymous ftp from in [.MX.MX041]. You can also get it via e-mail by sending the commands SEND MX and SEND FILESERV_TOOLS on separate lines in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. To remove yourself from the mailing list, send the following command to MXserver@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU: SIGNOFF MX-List MXserver supports a few other commands for your convenience. The following commands can be handled automatically by the list processor: SIGNOFF MX-List - to remove yourself from the list REVIEW MX-List - to get a list of subscribers QUERY MX-List - to get the status of your entry on the list SET MX-List NOMAIL - to remain on the list but not receive mail SET MX-List MAIL - to resume receiving mail from the list SET MX-List CONCEAL - to not report your address in a REVIEW SET MX-List NOCONCEAL - to report your address in a REVIEW SET MX-List REPRO - to receive posts you make to MX-List SET MX-List NOREPRO - to not receive posts you make to MX-List LIST - to get a list of mailing lists served by WKUVX1 HELP - to receive a help file By default, subscriptions are set to MAIL, REPRO, NOCONCEAL. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about MX-List, please contact the list owner at the address below. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hunter Goatley, VAX Systems Programmer goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Western Kentucky University Academic Computing, STH 226 (502) 745-5251 Bowling Green, KY 42101 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 20:53:24 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: Date: Mon, 3 Apr 95 20:23 EDT From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: RAIN membership drive To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Please do not send this!!!! Thanks <---- Begin Included Message ----> Date: 1 Apr 1995 18:02:44 GMT From: (Rain) Organization: RAIN Public Access Internet (805) 967-RAIN Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Return-Path: Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RAIN membership drive To: <> -------------------------------------------------------------------- RAIN is trying to work through a critical period right now. We are faced with a heavy outlay of money - and for now we realy need go ahead with a sustained membership drive. If we can push through and get 1000 new members this month, it will create a real dynamic in the area and show a strong economic revitalization throughout the community. I'm very happy to announce our new online signup form. Simply telnet to "" and login as "guest". We've put a lot of effort into making it easier to become part of our virtual community. ------------------------------------------------------------------- RAIN Membership Application 1. INDIVIDUAL $20/month with $35 start-up -SHELL $30/month with $35 start-up -SLIP/PPP+SHELL 2 megs disk space and one hour per day time limit Select one of the following: Shell/Menus access SLIP/PPP/Shell/Menus access [] 3 mo. (enclose $95) [] 3 mo. (enclose $125) [] 6 mo. (enclose $155) [] 6 mo. (enclose $215) [] 12 mo. (enclose $275) [] 12 mo. (enclose $395) Name:_____________________________________ Address:__________________________________ __________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________ Occupation:_______________________________ Include name/occupation in online members directory? [] Y [] N User ID (3-8 characters) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Password (8 characters) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Second family member (if applicable) Name:_____________________________________ User ID (3-8 characters) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Password (8 characters) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Signature___________________________ Date_____________ Total enclosed $_______________ Send with start-up payment to: Rain Network 1129 State Street Suite A6 Santa Barbara, CA 93120 ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to: _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ The Regional Alliance for Information Networking RAIN MISSION REGIONAL ACTIVITIES The RAIN Network operates a regional information system from a central T1 Internet hub in Santa Barbara, California. Founded in 1991, and tested under special arrangements with the University of California, RAIN is an independent non-profit agency that has steadily expanded across its regional host area. RAIN works with an affiliate, Pacific RAIN, to provide services to commercial organizations. Pacific RAIN was established to ensure a stable economic base for the non-profit Community services RAIN provides and to help subsidize the cost of individual and non-profit accounts. RAIN is a leader in the development of self-sustaining Regional Networks and operates primarily on membership income from agencies, families and individuals. RAIN seeks to pioneer the role of Regional Networks on the electronic frontier - developing sources of local information that establish each host community as a recognized destination on the National Information Highway, while providing low cost access out to national and global resources in a manner sensitive to the needs of its regional users. ================================================================= Rain provides 14.4k V.32bis dial-up and slip/ppp access for Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. We are a full service Internet provider. We provide access to Usenet News, Electronic Mail, Unix shells, IRC, Gopher, FTP, Telnet and WWW. Data lines are: ------------------------------------------------------ Santa Barbara County (805) 899-8600 Ventura County (805) 650-5354 Santa Paula, Somis (805) 659-1209 Simi/TO/Moorpark (805) 579-6900 ------------------------------------------------------ (8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit -- VT-100 terminal emulation) ------------------------------------------------------------------- We have a critical situation going on with SCTA and their efforts to become what we are. Their continued work to become the Community Network and in the process they are also working to take away accounts from Rain that belong on our network. SCTA is now trying to rather rudly move in on without any willingness to work with us or actually demonstrate any networking capability except what they do through the commercial network Silicon. Keeping in mind that RAIN already is the Internet source for Ventura County government and is involved in building a Ventura County and City Public Information system we need to express the importance of having our County Supervisors work with RAIN. Step in and help support RAIN in the face of some really underhanded activity. **************************************************************** R.A.I.N. means Business, the Network is dedicated to working with economic revitalization, government services, library and school services as well as Individual users. With a frame relay clound covering the entire tri-county area RAIN is the Network that can provide reliable, inter-agency Network possible within our Community. **************************************************************** Send your tax deductable donation today! **************************************************************** Timothy -- Timothy Tyndall Director Regional Alliance for Information Networking voice: 805-967-8200 fax : 805-967-5153 Internet: {if you do not receive a reply in 2 days please resend} <---- End Included Message ----> ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 08:51:11 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 08:45:04 -0600 (CST) From: Rick Stacks Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: MX-LIST Administrivia: Monthly Post To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT > >Posting statistics for list MX-LIST > >Total number of posts: 0 < >Total number of posters: 0 < ^ Are the above figures really true? It seems hard to believe that there were no posts to the list last month... -- Rick ---------- Rick Stacks, Computer Section | They that give up essential liberty Ark Dept Pollution Control | to obtain a little temporary safety 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | deserve neither liberty nor safety Little Rock, AR 72219 USA | -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 09:06:46 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 09:06:25 CDT From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098E5F3.D4205179.3@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: Re: MX-LIST Administrivia: Monthly Post Rick Stacks writes: > >> >>Posting statistics for list MX-LIST >> >>Total number of posts: 0 < >>Total number of posters: 0 < > ^ > >Are the above figures really true? It seems hard to believe that there >were no posts to the list last month... > Since you made a number of posts yourself, the numbers are obviously wrong.... I moved the list archives and forgot to update my stats procedure. Next month will be correct. The real figures for this month are: Posting statistics for list MX-LIST during March 1995 Total number of posts: 159 Total number of posters: 75 Total number of subscribers: 253 Total number of digest subscribers: 54 Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 09:18:39 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 09:10:34 -0600 (CST) From: Rick Stacks Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: MX vs DSNLink ? help anyone ? To: Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT MXers, I've had a question from one of the staff here that I hope someone may be able to answer. It deals not with a problem with MX but a comparison of how MX deals with email vs. DSNLink. Any thoughts anyone may have on the subject will be greatly appreciated. TIA, -- Rick ---------- Rick Stacks, Computer Section | They that give up essential liberty Ark Dept Pollution Control | to obtain a little temporary safety 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | deserve neither liberty nor safety Little Rock, AR 72219 USA | -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 ##### Forwarded message/question follows: ##### From: Patrick Stair (STAIR) To: stacks Subject: MX vs DSNLink connections to WordPerfect Office mail Rick, MX does a better job of interacting and communicating with the WordPerfect Office Gateway(s) than does Digital's DSNLink. Specifically, I can use a Pathworks-networked PC running WordPerfect Office Mail (now called Novell GroupWise), and send mail through MX to the Internet. However, I can NOT use the same PC and software to send mail to DSNLink. (Although I can access DSNLink from WordPerfect Mail on the VAX.) Before I talk to the DSNLink people about this, I was wondering whether Hunter could suggest what DSNLink might be missing that MX has that allows MX to accomplish this communication. I should add that I don't recall any modifications made to the WordPerfect Office Gateway to allow MX to communicate with it. As far as I know, we installed MX and it made itself known to the WordPerfect Gateway in such a way that the networked PC users have as much access to it as the VMS users do. - Patrick ---------- Rick Stacks, Computer Section | They that give up essential liberty Ark Dept Pollution Control | to obtain a little temporary safety 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | deserve neither liberty nor safety Little Rock, AR 72219 USA 501-570-2174 | -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 email: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 10:38:37 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 08:34:49 PDT From: Mike Johnson (415) 594-3530 Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX vs DSNLink ? help anyone ? Rick Stacks writes: >I've had a question from one of the staff here that I hope someone may be >able to answer. It deals not with a problem with MX but a comparison of >how MX deals with email vs. DSNLink. Any thoughts anyone may have on the >subject will be greatly appreciated. DSNlink as I know it (and use it) is a tool of Digital Equipment Corp. to provide communication between Digital Software Support and support contract customers. Unless there is something I am missing (very possible), DSNlink does not have capability to communicate with anything else but Digital's Software and Hardware Support organization using dial-up (modem) lines. Is your user sure it is DSNLink they are trying to compare to MX. Mike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Johnson Manager - Engineering Computer Services Harris Corp./Farinon Div. 1691 Bayport Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070-5307 Voice - (415) 594-3530 FAX - (415) 594-3777 Internet - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 11:44:01 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 10:34:30 MDT From: Mike Frazier - Oracle Rdb Worldwide Support Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: MX-LIST Administrivia: Monthly Post |>I moved the list archives and forgot to update my stats procedure. |>Next month will be correct. The real figures for this month are: Any chance you will be making these procedures available for the general population of MX users? I'd like to use this on my lists. Mike ____________________________________________________________________________ / Mike Frazier | Join us at the Rocky Mountain Star Stare '95 \ | Oracle World Wide Support | July 28 - 30 where over 150 attendees will | | Rdb Support Team | enjoy clear, DARK skies at an elevation of | | Colorado Springs, Colorado| 8700 feet above sea level! Write for Details. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Email Address: | \ WWW: / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 11:45:17 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 10:32:40 MDT From: Mike Frazier - Oracle Rdb Worldwide Support Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX vs DSNLink ? help anyone ? First off, I'm having to guess what the issue is, since there really wasn't an explanation other than DSNlink and WordPerfect Office don't integrate well on the PC. How is mail being sent to use DSNlink from WordPerfect Office on the PC? Also understand that some problems may not be DSNlink, but our Call Handling System as it only expects addresses to come in in the form of node::username and when you start getting TCP/IP addresses, things tend to get truncated. I'd advise you to contact the DSNlink team as my understanding is there is a PC interface for DSNlink in the works. I also believe they are trying to address the IP addressing issues with our call handling system. If you have more questions or whatever, feel free to contact me off line. I work just a few aisles away from the DSNlink team (for now ;^). Mike ____________________________________________________________________________ / Mike Frazier | Join us at the Rocky Mountain Star Stare '95 \ | Oracle World Wide Support | July 28 - 30 where over 150 attendees will | | Rdb Support Team | enjoy clear, DARK skies at an elevation of | | Colorado Springs, Colorado| 8700 feet above sea level! Write for Details. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Email Address: | \ WWW: / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 13:08:13 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 12:59:08 -0600 (CST) From: Rick Stacks Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: MX-LIST Administrivia: Monthly Post To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Hunter Goatley writes: > [snip] > >Total number of posts: 159 >Total number of posters: 75 >Total number of subscribers: 253 > >Total number of digest subscribers: 54 > Thanks Hunter! :-) People really do read stat files :-) -- Rick ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 13:22:22 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 13:19:56 CDT From: Dave Miller Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: How can this happen? MXers... I don't understand the following ... it looks to me like JHERMAN sent my host a message with a very strange destination .. what additional data should I be looking at to debug this? I suspect it has something to do with my listserver, but I'm too novice to trace it. It seems to happen about once a week. dave. SYSMGR? mailq Entry: 1, Origin: [SMTP] Status: IN-PROGRESS SMTP entry #2, status: READY Waiting for retry until: 4-APR-1995 13:11:48.80 Recipient #1: , Route=listserv DNS errors=4 Last error: %MX-F-NOHOST, no such host SYSMGR? mcp que sho/full 1 Entry: 1, Origin: [SMTP] Status: IN-PROGRESS, size: 439 bytes Created: 4-APR-1995 11:11:19.69, expires 4-MAY-1995 11:11:19.69 Last modified 4-APR-1995 12:41:45.77 SMTP entry #2, status: READY, size: 439 bytes, waiting for retry until 4-APR- 1995 13:11:48.80 Created: 4-APR-1995 11:11:23.86, expires 4-MAY-1995 11:11:19.69 Last modified 4-APR-1995 12:41:48.84 Recipient #1: , Route=listserv DNS errors=4 Last error: %MX-F-NOHOST, no such host Total matching entries: 1 //----------\|/------\\ Dave Miller. || /\ -X- || Professor, Computer Science. || / \ /|/\ || || / \ / \ || SYSTEM@BEAVER.Bemidji.MSUS.EDU || / \ \ || || /________\____\ || 1500 Birchmont Dr. NE || || || || Bemidji State University \\------|| -------// Bemidji MN, 56601 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 13:37:19 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 13:36:04 CDT From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098E619.7F56375F.26@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: How can this happen? Dave Miller writes: > >MXers... > >I don't understand the following ... it looks to me like JHERMAN sent my host >a message with a very strange destination .. what additional data should I be >looking at to debug this? I suspect it has something to do with my listserver, >but I'm too novice to trace it. It seems to happen about once a week. > Turn on MX Router debugging: $ define/sys/exec mx_router_debug true That'll show you how the message came in and what the Router did with it (put it in the SMTP queue). Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 16:18:39 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 12:54:36 -0600 (CST) From: Rick Stacks Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: MX vs DSNLink ? help anyone ? To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT writes: > >Rick Stacks writes: > >>I've had a question from one of the staff here that I hope someone may be >>able to answer. It deals not with a problem with MX but a comparison of >>how MX deals with email vs. DSNLink. Any thoughts anyone may have on the >>subject will be greatly appreciated. > > >DSNlink as I know it (and use it) is a tool of Digital Equipment Corp. to >provide communication between Digital Software Support and support contract >customers. Unless there is something I am missing (very possible), DSNlink does >not have capability to communicate with anything else but Digital's Software and >Hardware Support organization using dial-up (modem) lines. > >Is your user sure it is DSNLink they are trying to compare to MX. > The user is not really comparing MX to DSNlink or vice-versa but is comparing the way each interacts with MAIL (I think). Take for example the following paragraph from the original message: # #MX does a better job of interacting and communicating with the #WordPerfect Office Gateway(s) than does Digital's DSNLink. #Specifically, I can use a Pathworks-networked PC running #WordPerfect Office Mail (now called Novell GroupWise), and send #mail through MX to the Internet. However, I can NOT use the #same PC and software to send mail to DSNLink. (Although I can #access DSNLink from WordPerfect Mail on the VAX.) # The user, IMO, is asking what does MX do that DSNLink does NOT do to communicate with Pathworks and Word Perfect Office effectively. The user has been able to interface to MX thru Pathworks using WP Office on a PC connected on our ethernet. He wants to know what does he tell DEC (I'm guessing here) to do with DSNLink to allow him to access DSNLink from the same PC... It doesn't work, at least not here. I know this is not primarily a MX question, but I was hoping someone here might have a clue as to where I might start (or tell the user to start) looking for an answer. -- Rick ---------- Rick Stacks, Computer Section | They that give up essential liberty Ark Dept Pollution Control | to obtain a little temporary safety 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | deserve neither liberty nor safety Little Rock, AR 72219 USA 501-570-2174 | -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 email: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 16:37:06 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 16:34:40 CDT From: Dave Miller Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: How can this happen? Hunter: So there is something goofy going one, huh?? > Turn on MX Router debugging: > > $ define/sys/exec mx_router_debug true > > That'll show you how the message came in and what the Router did with > it (put it in the SMTP queue). Well, like I said, it only happens occasionally. Will this generate a flock of data? dave. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 16:57:25 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 04 Apr 1995 16:54:03 CDT From: Dave Miller Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: How can this happen? > > > Jherman doesn't seem to know what he/she is doing. It looks like someone's > > > confused - the address is normally listserv@host, but the address used is > > > smtp@listserv. Listserv is almost certainly not a host on your domain, so > > > that host can't be found - hence the error "no such host". > > > > I probably wasn't very clear. JHERMAN isn't a local user. > > Hmm - my first guess would that someone on your system may have their > forward set incorrectly to smtp@listserv. Very possible! I'll check that out. > Another possibility is that > JHERMAN may have sent mail to something like smtp%listserv@your.system. That won't parse. VMS MAIL craps out at the @-sign. Oh, but maybe SMTP is the default mailer!! > Come to think of it, this might be the problem. DEC TCP/IP Services for > VMS uses SMTP% for the foreign mail protocol, so addresses on that VMS > system would be SMTP%"listserv@yourhost". Giving that address to somone on a > Unix system would result in the '"' characters be stripped by the shell and > yield the address smtp%listserv@yourhost. Oh, I see. You think JHERMAN is using VMS syntax on a UNIX system. Right? What about that netters? Is there a way to trap that (short of DEBUG, of course.) Can I put in a PATH directive to get the message to the postmaster? dave. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 05 Apr 1995 04:36:27 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: RE: How can this happen? Date: 5 Apr 1995 09:23:17 GMT Message-ID: <3ltni5$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Dave Miller writes: =Hunter: = =So there is something goofy going one, huh?? = => Turn on MX Router debugging: => => $ define/sys/exec mx_router_debug true => => That'll show you how the message came in and what the Router did with => it (put it in the SMTP queue). = =Well, like I said, it only happens occasionally. Will this generate a flock of =data? Yes, it will. Of course, if you ALSO submit a batch job that periodically searches all the log files for the characteristic string and deletes those that don't have it, that won't be a problem. If you need help writing such a batch program, let me know. I've got a friend who's looking for a job as a VMS system manager. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 05 Apr 1995 08:09:32 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Eberhard Heuser-Hofmann) Subject: Any known gothas if one upgrade from mx3.3 => mx4.1?? Date: 5 Apr 1995 07:55:30 GMT Message-ID: <3ltidi$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hi, Before I'm going to install mx4.1, I want to know if there are known problems, if you upgrade from mx3.3. Thanks for any hints Eberhard ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 05 Apr 1995 10:59:58 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 05 Apr 1995 10:59:29 CDT From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098E6CC.C9CD6075.10@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Any known gothas if one upgrade from mx3.3 => mx4.1?? (Eberhard Heuser-Hofmann) writes: > > >Hi, > >Before I'm going to install mx4.1, I want to know if there are known >problems, if you upgrade >from mx3.3. > None, other than the fact that you must create a new MX queue file, so be sure your existing queue is empty or has messages you don't mind losing.... Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 05 Apr 1995 18:28:24 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: Any known gothas if one upgrade from mx3.3 => mx4.1?? Date: 5 Apr 1995 23:16:45 GMT Message-ID: <3lv8ct$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <3ltidi$>, (Eberhard Heuser-Hofmann) writes: = =Hi, = =Before I'm going to install mx4.1, I want to know if there are known =problems, if you upgrade =from mx3.3. The old queue file isn't converted. That means that any mail still in the queue will be lost. The workaround I used for this was: 1) Shut down all incoming agents; 2) Force the machine to deliver everything in the queues via another machine that was reachable at the time. 3) Shut down the rest of MX 4) Upgrade 5) Since the upgrade procedure's attempt to create a new queue file failed, created the new file manually as the procedure told me to. 6) Restat MX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 05 Apr 1995 23:17:10 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Martin D. Hunt) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: LOCAL processes are dying... Date: Thu, 6 Apr 95 15:43:55 +1200 Message-ID: <3lvo1q$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In Article <0098E235.71B8CBE0.1@SD68.NANAIMO.BC.CA> "Brian R. Kuhn" writes: >Hello, > >The LOCAL processes (I'm running three) run for a while and then they die. >The death is caused by: > > file not found > I have had similar problems here - in fact I checked on such a problem just 5 minutes ago. When I did SHOW QUEUE/FULL for the first entry in the queue, it displayed the message [no LOCAL_INFO file for this entry]. Somehow, only half the required files had been created, so it didn't know who to send the message to. I deleted the job from the queue to fix this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin D. Hunt This space contains nothing important Systems Administrator because I can't think of what to put. Wellington City Council ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 06 Apr 1995 12:43:28 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: Date: 6 Apr 1995 13:34:42 -0400 From: "Don Badrak" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: not use MX% on incoming mai To: "MX List" CC: "I_HISLER@MSVX01" , "RaymondA@ADNET1_#l#Raymond_A_Illian#r#_{Raymond_A_Illian@ADNET1}" Subject: Time: 1:19 PM OFFICE MEMO not use MX% on incoming mail? Date: 4/6/95 Fellow MX users, I'm trying to find a way to get MX to *NOT* put MX% in front of the From: and/or To: fields on incoming mail. I'd like to use something of the DECnet form, like maybe MXGATE::"user@host", where MXGATE translates to MX% or somehow gets to MX (or even MXGATE::MX%"user@host" would be fine). The reason for this is to communicate with a WordPerfect Office mail system and I *don't* want to use UUCP (someone, forgive me for forgetting their name, sent me instructions on how to do this, but it was really not what I had in mind). Here's the scenario and what I'd like to do. If anyone has and ideas, please share them with me. I'm even up to adding a site interface (I could figure it out or use some examples). There is a VAXcluster running MX 4.1. One machine is also running WP mail. We access WP mail through a logical WPGATE which translates to WPCORP31_GATE% (or something like that). Forwarding addresses in VMS mail are set up like: MAIL> SET FORWARD/USER=M_USERNAME WPGATE::M_USERNAME Mail sent to the host (call it ADMIN::) is set up as admin.domain. Anything that deals with incoming mail from SMTP to m_username@admin.domain is delivered through MX, and works fine for VMS mail forwarding addresses or MX forwarded addresses (either OTHER::M_USERNAME or MX%"m_username@othermachine.domain"). I want to be able to have incoming mail that goes off to WP mail use a DECnet-style name in the From/To lines. WPO is choking on the percent sign, I believe (although WP support has not yet verified this, they are looking into it), since it is an illegal character in a VMS filename. It works fine if there is a DECnet name in front of MX%, though. In addition, I'd like outgoing mail from WPGATE to SMTP to have a return address that won't fail. What is being sent out now is (once it is handled by MX) "WPGATE::ADMIN::M_USERNAME"@admin.domain. Any suggestions/comments/directions are appreciated. Thanks. Don --- Don.Badrak@Census.GOV 301.457.1125 work MWThF Geography Division 301.457.4336 work Tu U.S. Bureau of the Census 301.457.4710 fax Suitland MD, USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 07 Apr 1995 08:31:49 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 07 Apr 1995 08:26:16 EDT From: andersonh@APOLLO.ROBINS.AF.MIL Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098E849.B73E74C0.4@APOLLO.ROBINS.AF.MIL> Subject: TCP Urgent Flag set ? I am running CMU 6.6-5 and MX 4.1. The major system I send mail to is a Banyan Vines system. The Vines system upgraded their SMTP software and we started having problems with mail. As it turns out talking with the Banyan folks, that their Mail software is not handling our TCp/Ip packedts correctly because CMU is setting the URGENT FLAG in the TCP/IP packet. To make a long story short: Is there a way to change CMU ( or MX ? ) so that the urgent flag is not set in the TCP/IP packet. - Harry Anderson - ANDERSONH@APOLLO.EROBINS.AF.MIL - ANDERSONH@WR_HITS.AF.MIL ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 07 Apr 1995 16:45:25 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 07 Apr 1995 17:24:30 EDT From: "Brian Tillman" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Peculiar! entry In my MX queue I have the following: $ mcp que sho/all Entry# Status Size Source Agent Entry# Status Size ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- 6 FINISH 0 LOCAL ...other entries... But when I put a number on it, I get this: $ mcp que sho/all 6 Entry# Status Size Source Agent Entry# Status Size ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- 6 FINISH 0 MAIL %MCP-I-QENTRIES, total matching entries: 1 and when I use /FULL, I get: $ mcp que sho/all/ful 6 Entry: 6, Origin: [Local] Status: FINISHED, size: 0 bytes Created: 7-APR-1995 17:00:08.78, expires 7-MAY-1995 17:00:08.78 Last modified 7-APR-1995 17:11:51.23 Recipient #1: %MCP-I-QENTRIES, total matching entries: 1 Apparently the .HDR_INFO and the .LOCAL_INFO files are at odds. I did loose most of my agents when I switched to NETLIB V2.0C from Hunter's server. Could this have caused it? -----------------------------+-------------------------------- Brian Tillman | Internet: Smiths Industries, Inc. | 4141 Eastern Ave., MS129 | Hey, I said this stuff myself. Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 07 Apr 1995 16:51:50 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 07 Apr 1995 16:51:29 CDT From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098E890.4B0AF0B1.9@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Peculiar! entry "Brian Tillman" writes: > >Apparently the .HDR_INFO and the .LOCAL_INFO files are at odds. I did loose >most of my agents when I switched to NETLIB V2.0C from Hunter's server. Could >this have caused it? It's possible, although I don't know why you lost your agents. I've been using NETLIB V2.0C for quite some time now with MX. It sounds to me like you this (and other) queue problem(s) may have existed before your NETLIB update and that the problems were was coincidental to the update. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 08 Apr 1995 19:06:38 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Reynolds Russell) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Any mailing list software for DOS or Windows Date: 8 Apr 1995 17:34:33 -0400 Message-ID: <3m6vh9$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU We are trying to create a mailing list. In particular we want the addresses of incoming mail with a given subject header to automatically go into the same alias -- so that the same reply can be sent to each address in that alias. We are working with Windows in a DOS environment. MajorDomo and Listserv appear to be UNIX- based only. We would appreciate any help in downloading freeware or shareware for this application that is DOS or Windows based. In the alternative what commercial software would be recommended for this application. Reynolds Russell Editor OnLine Investors Digest ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 06:18:09 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: WWW% instead of MX%, REPLY question Message-ID: <> From: (David G. North, CCP) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: 10 Apr 95 00:54:20 CDT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hello. I am using MX SMTP as my primary mail transport... I also am receiving forms data from the DECThreads http server as VMS mail... I can control the foreign transport identifier that gets placed in the 'from' field in the vms mail message itself from my forms handler, but it seems that if I set the from field to be similar to: www%"" and subsequently REPLY to it, MX wants to rewrite the 'to' address as: MX%"www%''" (NOTE: I have defined/exec/sys WWW_MAILSHR to point to MX!) What I want to find out is how to get MX to let me use a weird foreign transport name without rewriting my address like this. Any pointers to manuals, or ideas how to do this, or any hints as to why I can't do this? Thanks. -- David G. North, CCP, "If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys!" ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 09:07:47 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 09:50:04 EDT From: "Brian Tillman" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Peculiar! entry Hunter Goatley (goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU) writes: >It's possible, although I don't know why you lost your agents. I've >been using NETLIB V2.0C for quite some time now with MX. It sounds to >me like you this (and other) queue problem(s) may have existed before >your NETLIB update and that the problems were was coincidental to the >update. I now think it was coincidental. After I restarted all the agents, the local agents kept on crashing, with a "file not found" error. The debug log indicated that the entry they were trying to process was entry 8, which is exactly the the entry containing the mismatched .SRC_INFO and .LOCAL_INFO. Now, I had stopped MX, purged the queue, deleted the 8.* files, synched the queue, and restarted MX and still the local agents crashed trying to access entry 8 (even though QUEUE SHOW indicated there was no entry 8). So, I shut down MX again, and I've created a new queue file. I image MX will be healthy again after this step. -- Brian ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 10:07:12 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 11:05:06 EDT From: Martin Larsen Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Question on processing unknown users I have found that when MX is not able to send mail to a local user because the accunt does not exist, it sends an error message both to the postmaster and the person who sent the message. Is there any way to modify the processing of unknown users. Martin Larsen Kearfott Guidamce & Navigation 150 Totowa Road (M/C HQB16) Wayne, New Jersey 07470 Voice: 201-785-6839 Email: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 10:33:30 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 10:32:38 CDT From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098EAB6.DDEF2631.33@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Question on processing unknown users Martin Larsen writes: > >I have found that when MX is not able to send mail to a local user because >the accunt does not exist, it sends an error message both to the postmaster >and the person who sent the message. Is there any way to modify the processing >of unknown users. > Use MCP SET LOCAL/NOCC_POSTMASTER. That's the default setting. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 10:46:25 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 10:11:33 CDT From: Dave Miller Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: DIGEST access violation MXers: Has anyone seen this error when building a digest? More importantly, do you have a suggestion to fix it? //----------\|/------\\ Dave Miller. || /\ -X- || Professor, Computer Science. || / \ /|/\ || || / \ / \ || SYSTEM@BEAVER.Bemidji.MSUS.EDU || / \ \ || || /________\____\ || 1500 Birchmont Dr. NE || || || || Bemidji State University \\------|| -------// Bemidji MN, 56601 $ SET NOVERIFY This is the OTTER node $ save_verify = 0 ! 1=set verif, 0=set noverif $ set noon $!++ $! $! DELIVER_DIGESTS.COM $! $! Author: Hunter Goatley, goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET $! $! Date: October 8, 1992 $! $! This command file is used to deliver the MX mailing list digests. $! It looks for all digest input files and mails them out. $! $!-- $! $ say = "write sys$output" $ debug = 1 $ if debug $ then rename := rename/log $ delete := delete/log $ else rename := rename $ endif $ mail := mail $ digest_dir = "MX_SITE_DIR:" $ mx_make_digest = "$mx_exe:mx_make_digest.exe" $! $ minimum_digest_size = 15 !# of blocks before digest is sent $ maximum_digest_age = f$cvtime("-3-") $! $ ctx1 = 0 $! $! First, rename *-DIGEST.INPUT files to *.PROCESS to avoid conflicts $! with MX_DIGEST writing to the .INPUT file. $! $ if debug then say "Renaming .INPUT files to *.PROCESS...." Renaming .INPUT files to *.PROCESS.... $ digest_loop: $ digest_input = f$search("MX_SITE_DIR:*-DIGEST.INPUT", ctx1) $ if digest_input .eqs. "" then goto process_them $ filename = f$parse(digest_input,"","","NAME") $ digest_size = f$file_attributes(digest_input,"EOF") $ digest_date = f$cvtime(f$file_attributes(digest_input,"CDT")) $ if (digest_size .ge. minimum_digest_size).or.- (digest_date .les. maximum_digest_age) $ then rename 'digest_input' *.PROCESS MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.INPUT;1 renamed to MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.PROCESS;1 $ else say "Skipping MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.INPUT;1 --- too small" $ endif $ goto digest_loop $ digest_loop: $ digest_input = f$search("MX_SITE_DIR:*-DIGEST.INPUT", ctx1) $ if digest_input .eqs. "" then goto process_them $ process_them: $ ctx2 = 1 $ say "Processing the .PROCESS files now...." Processing the .PROCESS files now.... $ process_loop: $ digest_process = f$search("MX_SITE_DIR:*-DIGEST.PROCESS", ctx2) $ if digest_process .eqs. "" then goto common_exit $ call check_if_open MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.PROCESS;1 $ check_if_open : SUBROUTINE $ cnt = 0 $ cio_loop: $ if cnt .eq. 5 then exit 0 $ open/read/error=wait_for_it tmp MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.PROCESS;1 $ close tmp $ exit 1 $ if $status $ then digest_name = f$parse(digest_process,"","","NAME") - "-DIGEST" $ if debug then say "Digest name to process is CHEMLAB-L...." Digest name to process is CHEMLAB-L.... $ mx_make_digest CHEMLAB-L Assembling CHEMLAB-L Digest Volume 1 : Issue 3 (Mon, 10 Apr 1995) Scanning and sorting messages for topic lines. Writing CHEMLAB-L Digest to "MX_SITE_DIR:chemlab-l-digest.output" Access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=00000000, PC=00054FCC, PSL=0BC00000 Improperly handled condition, image exit forced. Signal arguments Stack contents Number = 00000005 00054E50 Name = 0000000C 000006AD 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00054FCC 00000000 0BC00000 FFFFFE45 00000002 FFFFFE43 00000002 00054D23 Register dump R0 = 07007FFF R1 = 00000000 R2 = 00000000 R3 = 00054BB8 R4 = 00000000 R5 = 00000000 R6 = 00000200 R7 = 00000002 R8 = 00000622 R9 = 7FED8550 R10= 7FED8566 R11= 0000FFF8 AP = 7FED7E3C FP = 7FED7DFC SP = 7FED7E78 PC = 00054FCC PSL= 0BC00000 $ digest_file = f$search("MX_SITE_DIR:CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.OUTPUT") $ if digest_file.nes."" $ then call get_subject 'digest_name' digest_subject $ get_subject : SUBROUTINE $ open/read/error=goout info_file MX_SITE_DIR:CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.INFO $ read info_file tmp $ read info_file tmp $ read info_file tmp $ read info_file tmp $ read info_file tmp !This is the info line $ close info_file $ volume = f$element(1," ",tmp) !Get volume number $ x = f$locate(": Issue", tmp) + 7 $ issue = f$edit(f$extract(x,8,tmp), "TRIM") $ DIGEST_SUBJECT == "CHEMLAB-L Digest V1 #2" $ exit 1 $ if debug then say "Mailing MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.OUTPUT;1...." Mailing MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.OUTPUT;1.... $ mail/subj="CHEMLAB-L Digest V1 #2" MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.OUTPUT;1 MX%CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST $ if debug then say "Deleting MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.OUTPUT;1....' Deleting MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.OUTPUT;1....' $ delete MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.OUTPUT;1 MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.OUTPUT;1 deleted (6 blocks) $ delete MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.PROCESS;1 MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.PROCESS;1 deleted (15 blocks) $ else say "No OUTPUT file found!!!" $ endif $ else say "Error trying to open MX_ROOT:[SITE]CHEMLAB-L-DIGEST.PROCESS;1!!!" $ endif $ goto process_loop $ process_loop: $ digest_process = f$search("MX_SITE_DIR:*-DIGEST.PROCESS", ctx2) $ if digest_process .eqs. "" then goto common_exit $ common_exit: $ exit 1.or.f$verify(save_verify) SYSTEM job terminated at 10-APR-1995 00:00:14.29 Accounting information: Buffered I/O count: 170 Peak working set size: 907 Direct I/O count: 129 Peak page file size: 6850 Page faults: 2024 Mounted volumes: 0 Charged CPU time: 0 00:00:04.74 Elapsed time: 0 00:00:10.03 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 11:00:46 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 11:00:31 CDT From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098EABA.C2E40C77.17@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: DIGEST access violation Dave Miller writes: > >MXers: > >Has anyone seen this error when building a digest? More importantly, do you >have a suggestion to fix it? > Grab the MX-DIGEST.ZIP in [.MX.CONTRIB] on It fixes this problem (I think). Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 12:20:30 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 11:18:36 MDT From: "Michael L. Hitch" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: TCP Urgent Flag set ? andersonh@APOLLO.ROBINS.AF.MIL writes: > I am running CMU 6.6-5 and MX 4.1. The major system I send mail to is a > Banyan Vines system. The Vines system upgraded their SMTP software and we > started having problems with mail. As it turns out talking with the Banyan > folks, that their Mail software is not handling our TCp/Ip packedts correctly > because CMU is setting the URGENT FLAG in the TCP/IP packet. > > To make a long story short: > Is there a way to change CMU ( or MX ? ) so that the urgent flag is not set > in the TCP/IP packet. According to the old documentation I have, and the source I currently have (which I think is for 6.6-2), the urgent flag doesn't seem to be used at all. What version of NETLIB are you using? I have run into a problem with NETLIB 2.0C and MX. The behaviour of the TCP_SEND routine in NETLIB changed with 2.0. Prior versions would make a copy of the data and append a CR/LF to the data if the NET_M_NOTRM flag was not set, and then writes the resultant data with one output operation. The 2.0 version of NETLIB now writes the data with one output operation, and then if the NET_M_NOTRM flag is not set, it write the CR/LF as a second output operation. Some TCP/IP software will choke on this, as they seem to assume that a TCP/IP packet constitutes the entire "record". So they will see the first packet as the data that is expected, but will see the CR/LF packet as an empty line and fail. The sites I've seen with this problem appear to be ccmail sites [two of them problem sites had "ccmail" in their domain names]. I contacted the PostMaster at the first site that exhibited this problem, and he said they would look into it, but I have not heard anything back. After getting complaints from several other users trying to send mail to other sites, I finally backed off the the 1.6 version of NETLIB. Michael --- Michael L. Hitch Computer Consultant, Office of Systems and Computing Services Montana State University, Bozeman, MT USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 13:14:46 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 13:12:19 CDT From: Dave Miller Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: DIGEST access violation Hunter sez: > Grab the MX-DIGEST.ZIP in [.MX.CONTRIB] on It fixes this > problem (I think). Reading between the lines ... that MX_DIGEST is more up-to-date than the one that comes packaged with MX041 ... is that right? //----------\|/------\\ Dave Miller. || /\ -X- || Professor, Computer Science. || / \ /|/\ || || / \ / \ || SYSTEM@BEAVER.Bemidji.MSUS.EDU || / \ \ || || /________\____\ || 1500 Birchmont Dr. NE || || || || Bemidji State University \\------|| -------// Bemidji MN, 56601 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 15:07:13 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 15:06:49 CDT From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098EADD.2B6A4280.19@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: DIGEST access violation Dave Miller writes: > >Hunter sez: > >> Grab the MX-DIGEST.ZIP in [.MX.CONTRIB] on It fixes this >> problem (I think). > >Reading between the lines ... that MX_DIGEST is more up-to-date than the one >that comes packaged with MX041 ... is that right? > Yes.... Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 20:37:38 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: WWW% instead of MX%, REPLY question Message-ID: <> From: (David G. North, CCP) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: 10 Apr 95 08:12:50 CDT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, (David G. North, CCP) writes: > I am using MX SMTP as my primary mail transport... I also am receiving forms > data from the DECThreads http server as VMS mail... I can control the foreign > transport identifier that gets placed in the 'from' field in the vms mail > message itself from my forms handler, but it seems that if I set the from field > to be similar to: > www%"" > and subsequently REPLY to it, MX wants to rewrite the 'to' address as: > MX%"www%''" > > (NOTE: I have defined/exec/sys WWW_MAILSHR to point to MX!) Oops! Wrong logical.... thanks to Brian Tillman for pointing me to the right place in TFM... >$ define/system mail$protocol_www mx_mailshr >See page 5-1 in the MX Management Guide. -- David G. North, CCP, 153 540 translate .12 setlinewidth/d{def}def/i 50 d/x .1 d/y .1 d/m{mul}d/a{add} d/e{exch}d/s{sub}d 1 1 60000{pop .4 6 1 x x m y y m a a div s 57.2958 m dup/u e sin d/v e cos d 1 .9 x v m y u m s m a/y .9 x u m y v m a m d/x e d i 0 eq{x 175 m y 175 m moveto 0 1 rlineto stroke}{i/i e 1 s d}ifelse}for showpage %%End ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 22:57:58 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: WWW% instead of MX%, REPLY question Message-ID: <> From: (David G. North, CCP) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: 10 Apr 95 20:49:28 CDT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Yup - me again.... >In article <>, > (David G. North, CCP) writes: >> I am using MX SMTP as my primary mail transport... I also am receiving forms >> data from the DECThreads http server as VMS mail... I can control the foreign >> transport identifier that gets placed in the 'from' field in the vms mail >> message itself from my forms handler, but it seems that if I set the from field >> to be similar to: >> www%"" >> and subsequently REPLY to it, MX wants to rewrite the 'to' address as: >> MX%"www%''" >> >> (NOTE: I have defined/exec/sys WWW_MAILSHR to point to MX!) >Oops! Wrong logical.... thanks to Brian Tillman for pointing me to the right >place in TFM... > >$ define/system mail$protocol_www mx_mailshr > >See page 5-1 in the MX Management Guide. It still does the same thing... :( After finally doing some source-digging, it looks like I need to whack [.common]mx_mailshr_parsing.b32 tparse tables to add a new transport properly. Someone point me to an easier way if there is one... Thanks. -- David G. North, CCP, Pilot's motto: "Lose not thine airspeed lest the ground rise up and smite thee" ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 05:20:03 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: DIGEST access violation Date: Mon, 10 Apr 95 23:24:38 GMT Message-ID: <3mcb75$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU >Hunter sez: > >> Grab the MX-DIGEST.ZIP in [.MX.CONTRIB] on It fixes this >> problem (I think). > >Reading between the lines ... that MX_DIGEST is more up-to-date than the one >that comes packaged with MX041 ... is that right? > Right -- it fixes the problem that I found and identified and Hunter fixed that causes the digestifier to fail when a message fails to contain a Date (or From, To, Subject, etc) line. Mike =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Michael Bowers Internet: University of California, Davis ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 08:15:28 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Harry B Laufman) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: MX 4.1, reset Mail Stat highest entry? Date: 11 Apr 1995 13:13:34 GMT Message-ID: <3mdv9u$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hello, I was "testing" my system by hitting it with high intensity mail arrivals and now have my QUEUE STAT highest entry way higher than anything I see day to day. I'd like to start over. We just re-booted, for another reason, and the highest entry persisted. I had hoped it would reset. The docs say the highest number is for "the life of the file". I just installed MX 4.1 upgrade about a week ago, and probably can reduce the size of my queue, but I'd like to know a valid highest entry first. How can I reset the QUEUE STAT highest entry? Thanks, Harry ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 08:18:13 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 08:17:49 CDT From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098EB6D.32D1155E.4@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX 4.1, reset Mail Stat highest entry? (Harry B Laufman) writes: > > How can I reset the QUEUE STAT highest entry? > MCP QUEUE SYNCH/RESET Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 21:52:51 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (David Quarterman) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: TCP Urgent Flag set ? Date: 12 Apr 1995 02:45:22 GMT Message-ID: <3mfes2$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I too have been dealing with problems with ccmail gateways. It appears that they expect a whole line in one packet (bad expectation). In testing by telneting to the ccmail gateway port 25 the ucx code seems to only run in character at a time mode. If you force it into line at a time mode it works correctly. Thus I think you are exactly right in your diagnosis. For the moment I've forwarded the problem locations via an unix machine. Is there some way to get the former netlib behavior of the whole line including the line end character in one packet? David Quarterman ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 04:17:48 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Peter Burnett) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: TCP Urgent Flag set ? Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 22:20:56 +0000 Message-ID: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Monday April 10 1995, writes to All: o> I contacted the PostMaster at the first site that exhibited this o> problem, and he said they would look into it, but I have not heard o> anything back. After getting complaints from several other users trying o> to send mail to other sites, I finally backed off the the 1.6 version of o> NETLIB. I have to say that my sucess with NETLIB 2.xx has not been good at all, with both the -5 and -5A of CMU-TEK / MX / MGFTP. All in all, the best combination I have found that operates here for me is NETLIB 1.7 ( from the MGFTP archives ) with MX and the -5A CMU Transport. -- Peter Burnett Internet: 10 Parsons Close Fidonet: Peter Burnett 2:441/80 St. Leonards On Sea East Sussex, UK, TN38 9QT Fax: 44-1424-853364 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 07:27:18 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 09:24:08 ADT From: Ben Armstrong Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: WEBster rejecting mail from MX April 11, 1995, wrote: >Thanks for your interest in WEBster. I apologize that I could not return >to you with an answer yesterday. Yours is a special problem. Your from >line states your address as when one tries >to reply to your messages. The MX% before your real email is bouncing back >any articles we attempt to send you to. Carrie, I am forwarding this problem to MX-LIST, the support group for MX, a mailer widely used among VMS users. Sending a test message to myself, the header reads: From: Ben Armstrong Reply-To: Dennis's From/Reply-To should be similar. For those of you on MX-LIST, we use MX_REPLY_TO to set the Reply-to header to an address of the form, (e.g. ""). We then use VMS MAIL forwarding to forward replies for each of these mail aliases to the two-character account name of the user, (e.g. ""). >Have you had this problem with others reply to your messages? No, we have never had this problem and we have been running with our mailer configured this way for about a year. Several of our users are subscribed to a number of different mailing lists and e-mail in general is in heavy use at our site. Dennis, himself, is subscribed to several mailing lists and has e-mailed quite a number of individuals and never had this problem before. >You will need to contact a system admin at your organization in order to >remove this MX%. When this occurs, please let me know and I will fix it at >our end. I don't know where your mailer is retrieving the MX%, perhaps from an "X-VMS-From:" header? May I suggest that your software is reading the wrong field. For one thing, "DMisener" is the Reply-To address, not the From address as you have stated. >If this is not possible, you should consider adding a reply to field to >your email program - such as the one provided by Ms. Stephans. By adding a >reply to field line of , the problem will be >solved. The Reply-to header *is* set to as I have just pointed out. >If there is anything I can do to expidiate the resolution of this problem, >let me know. Yes, please have your sys admins contact us. We would be happy to supply them with test messages so that they can find out which field their software is retrieving the offending "MX%" from. > _________________________________________________________ > Caroline M. Shaughnessy Tabor Griffin Communications > Circulation Manager 8445 Camino Santa Fe, Ste 204 > *HPCwire San Diego, CA 92121 > *WEBster Ph:619-625-0070 Fx:619-625-0088 > ____________________ _________________ Thanks, Ben. -- Ben Armstrong, Medianet Development Group, bus: (902)422-1973 Dymaxion Research Ltd., 5515 Cogswell St., fax: (902)421-1267 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 1R2 Internet: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 15 Apr 1995 22:30:35 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sat, 15 Apr 1995 21:28:48 MDT From: Mark Tarka Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Howbigizzit? MX041...what's its size (blocks/bytes)? Mark ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 16:50:50 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (David P. Murphy) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: Howbigizzit? Date: 17 Apr 1995 17:44:31 -0400 Message-ID: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Mark Tarka writes: >MX041...what's its size (blocks/bytes)? i'm not sure what you're asking, but: $ DIR /SIZE=ALL /GRAND SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MX...] Grand total of 19 directories, 171 files, 11135/12318 blocks. ok dpm -- David P. Murphy When every one is dead (systems programmer at large) the Great Game is finished not before. a personal account COGITO, ERGO DISCLAIMUM --- Hurree Babu, "Kim" ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 21:19:43 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: How to send to Z.COM instead of X.Y.Z.COM Date: 20 Apr 1995 02:01:37 GMT Message-ID: <3n4fa1$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU How can I allow MX users to use addresses like Z.COM when the real address is X.Y.Z.COM? I added the following line to the DNS in the Z.COM zone: IN MX 10 X.Y.Z.COM How can I specify to the MX software in X.Y.Z.COM that the Z.COM address is the local address? I try the DEFINE REWRITE_RULE command, but only works with the mail users send and not with the mail users receive. And the MXALIAS works the same way. Any ideas? ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 23:04:21 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: How to send to Z.COM instead of X.Y.Z.COM Date: 20 Apr 1995 03:53:51 GMT Message-ID: <3n4lsf$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <3n4fa1$>, writes: = =How can I allow MX users to use addresses like Z.COM when =the real address is X.Y.Z.COM? =I added the following line to the DNS in the Z.COM zone: = = IN MX 10 X.Y.Z.COM = =How can I specify to the MX software in X.Y.Z.COM that the Z.COM =address is the local address? I try the DEFINE REWRITE_RULE =command, but only works with the mail users send and not with the =mail users receive. And the MXALIAS works the same way. You add a path definition: $ MCR MX_EXE:MCP MCP> DEFINE PATH Z.COM LOCAL MCP> SAVE MCP> SHOW ALL/COMMAND/OUTPUT=MX_DIR:CONFIG.MCP MCP> EXIT If there's another domain specification in your path list that would match Z.COM, you'll have to REMOVE that path, then define the Z.COM path and then the other paths whose domain specifications would match Z.COM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 11:28:47 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 11:01:15 CST From: Patrick Beeson Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Problem with the Received: line A gentleman in France has sent me the following message, and I wondered if there was any way to fix the problem: >From: MX%"" 20-APR-1995 01:53:05.57 >To: MX%"" >CC: >Subj: Problem with your Received: lines > >Hello, >When our system receives messages coming from yours, we have problem to >decode the Received; lines they contain, because there is no column >character ";" before the date. >I can see that you are using a CC:Mail SMTP gateway and we already had >the same problem with another identical gateway. It is perhaps a known >problem. >The syntax of your Received: lines is not conformant to RFC822. I agree >with you that we are a little bit strict with such a thing, but could you >please correct this, by adding this missing column ? >I hope that in a future release of our software, we will be able to >manage such erroneous Received: lines. >Thanks in advance. >---------------------------------------------- >Vincent ROUSSILLAT France Telecom Transpac >Phone +33 Fax +33 >X.400 : s=roussillat;o=transpac;a=atlas;c=fr >Internet: >See also: I replied to him telling him that we use VAX Mail with MX as our SMTP transport. We are running MX 4.1 with OpenVMS VAX 6.1 Thanks in advance, Patrick Beeson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Patrick I. Beeson Internet: BEESON@UAMONT.EDU Assistant Director of Computer Services Fax: (501) 460-1922 University of Arkansas at Monticello Voice: (501) 460-1236 P.O. Box 3626 - UAM #1 Tower Drive, Sorrels Hall Monticello, AR 71656-3626 URL: "UNIX on an AXP? Why run a two-bit operating system on a 64-bit machine?" ______________________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 11:32:43 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 11:32:28 CDT From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098F29A.E1D996D7.7@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Problem with the Received: line Patrick Beeson writes: > >A gentleman in France has sent me the following message, and I wondered if >there was any way to fix the problem: > What problem? >>When our system receives messages coming from yours, we have problem to >>decode the Received; lines they contain, because there is no column >>character ";" before the date. >>I can see that you are using a CC:Mail SMTP gateway and we already had >>the same problem with another identical gateway. It is perhaps a known >>problem. If there's a problem, it appears to be in the cc:Mail gateway and not MX. MX does it, as you can see from this line: Received: from WKUVX1.WKU.EDU ( by (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Thu, 20 Apr 1995 11:29:48 CDT Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. Systems Analyst, The LOKI Group, Inc. goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 18:02:34 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Yasufumi Haga) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Pooling Mails. Possible ? Date: 20 Apr 1995 22:53:45 GMT Message-ID: <3n6olp$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hello all Does anyone know if the following things are possible or not ? I use MX V4.1 and OpenVMS AXP V6.1 in my office. * If a mail is sent for the local domain, the mail is delivered immediately * If a mail is sent for out of the local domain, the mail is pooled, and pooled mails are delivered after minutes or hours. In case that two or more MXs are connected through dialup circuit(ISDN), if the above things were possible, I think the cost could be decreased. Any advices are appreciated. Thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------- Yasufumi Haga Otsuka 1709-10 Hachioji Tokyo 192-03 Japan ---------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 00:12:31 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 01:09:38 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Pooling Mails. Possible ? > Does anyone know if the following things are possible or not ? > [Keeping outgoing mail in the queue until a predetermined time when > it is all sent out at once.] If non-local mail is delivered via SMTP, then it would certainly be possible to make a batch job that: 1) Launches the SMTP agent 2) Waits for a period of time 3) Shuts down the SMTP agent 4) Submits the batch job again, to be run at some future delta time. 5) Exits However, heaven help you if your mail is undeliverable (for example, if the remote host is down). - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 05:44:35 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 11:40:07 GMT From: "Andy Harper, KCL Systems Manager" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: MX and mail gateways Dear MX'ers, Here's hoping some bright spark can help with a slightly unusual problem to do with MX (4.1). First some background.. My institution has recently installed a Mail gateway as a front-end to all mail coming into it. Mail addressed to `' goes into this mail gateway and is then delivered, by the gateway, to an internal system on which the user's mailbox resides. In my case, mail addressed to `' is delivered to the internal address `'. However, the `To:' field remains as `' when it reaches that system. In order for MX, which runs on the BAY system, to accept the mail it has to be configured to recognize the sitename `' as an alias for itself. This works fine. The problem arises when a person residing on the BAY system sends mail to `', where `user' exists on a system other than BAY (remember the gateway is responsible for mapping the user onto his/her home system). What I want to happen is that MX routes mail addressed to `' directly to the mail gateway where it can be distributed to the right machine. But of course the name `' is configured as a local system alias name so all MX does is try to deliver it locally to the BAY system. Is there any clever way around this problem? In part the problem lies with the gateway not translating the `To:' field to reflect the destination system, though one could argue that, from the user's viewpoint, this is correct behaviour. I'ld be grateful for any/all suggestions. For reference, the mail gateway is a SUN unix system running SunOS and the PP mailer. BAY is a VAX 4100 running OpenVMS 5.5-2, Multinet 3.3D, Netlib 2.0C and MX 4.1. Regards, Andy Harper Kings College London ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 07:07:44 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 06:52:37 -0500 To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Rick Stacks) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: MX and mail gateways > >Dear MX'ers, > [snip the explanation] >gateway is responsible for mapping the user onto his/her home system). What I >want to happen is that MX routes mail addressed to `' directly to >the mail gateway where it can be distributed to the right machine. But of >course the name `' is configured as a local system alias name so all >MX does is try to deliver it locally to the BAY system. > Maybe I'm missing something here, but have you tried using "/route=??????" on the path statements in MX? [snip some more] >Regards, > >Andy Harper >Kings College London > > -- Rick ---------- Rick Stacks, Computer Section | They that give up essential liberty Ark Dept Pollution Control | to obtain a little temporary safety 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | deserve neither liberty nor safety Little Rock, AR 72219 USA 501-570-2174 | -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 email: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 08:03:38 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 13:59:21 GMT From: "Andy Harper, KCL Systems Manager" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: MX and mail gateways >>gateway is responsible for mapping the user onto his/her home system). What I >>want to happen is that MX routes mail addressed to `' directly to >>the mail gateway where it can be distributed to the right machine. But of >>course the name `' is configured as a local system alias name so all >>MX does is try to deliver it locally to the BAY system. >> > >Maybe I'm missing something here, but have you tried using "/route=??????" >on the path statements in MX? Maybe I misunderstand you. The way I have it defined at present is: DEFINE PATH "KCL.AC.UK" LOCAL Which allows it to accept incoming mail addressed to "". If I define it as: DEFINE PATH "KCL.AC.UK" SMTP /ROUTE= Then incoming mail will just be shunted back out to the gateway setting up a mail loop. Essentially, I want it to do the first for incoming mail, and the second for outgoing mail. Andy Harper Kings College London ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 08:04:18 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 07:17:48 -0500 To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Rick Stacks) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: Pooling Mails. Possible ? > >Hello all > >Does anyone know if the following things are possible or not ? >I use MX V4.1 and OpenVMS AXP V6.1 in my office. > > * If a mail is sent for the local domain, > the mail is delivered immediately > OK > * If a mail is sent for out of the local domain, > the mail is pooled, and pooled mails are > delivered after minutes or hours. > >In case that two or more MXs are connected through >dialup circuit(ISDN), if the above things were possible, >I think the cost could be decreased. > If I understand your message correctly you are using a dialup connection to deliver all outgoing mail... What controls the dialup line? Whatever it is, it should be able to be configured to not send immediately but instead to schedule itself every XX minutes/hours. We use MX v4.1 and DECUS UUCP v2.0 as well as MX SMTP for mail delivery and UUCP is completely configurable when it comes to scheduling. Like I said, if I understand you question, then MX is not your problem - your dialer software is. >Any advices are appreciated. > >Thanks. > >---------------------------------------------------------- >Yasufumi Haga > > Otsuka 1709-10 > Hachioji Tokyo > 192-03 Japan >---------------------------------------------------------- > -- Rick ---------- Rick Stacks, Computer Section | They that give up essential liberty Ark Dept Pollution Control | to obtain a little temporary safety 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | deserve neither liberty nor safety Little Rock, AR 72219 USA 501-570-2174 | -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 email: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 08:53:24 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 15:51:04 +0100 From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX and mail gateways > ... > > In order for MX, which runs on the BAY system, to accept the mail it has to be > configured to recognize the sitename `' as an alias for itself. This > works fine. > > The problem arises when a person residing on the BAY system sends mail to > `', where `user' exists on a system other than BAY (remember the > gateway is responsible for mapping the user onto his/her home system). What I > want to happen is that MX routes mail addressed to `' directly to > the mail gateway where it can be distributed to the right machine. But of > course the name `' is configured as a local system alias name so all > MX does is try to deliver it locally to the BAY system. Disable LOCAL and route `' to the SITE, where you can decide whether to deliver message to the local user or forward it to the SUN. MX_LOCAL_IN.EXE and MX_SMTP_IN.EXE similar to MX_SITE_IN.EXE would be very handy, wouldn't it? Regards, Rok Vidmar Internet: National and University Library Phone: +386 61 125 4218 Turjaska 1, 61000 Ljubljana Fax: +386 61 125 5007 Slovenia ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 09:56:28 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 16:54:04 EDT From: "Mario Meyer, Phys.-Techn. Bundesanstalt" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: mmeyer@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De Message-ID: <0098F390.F98C9580.3@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De> Subject: Re: MX and mail gateways >>>gateway is responsible for mapping the user onto his/her home system). What I >>>want to happen is that MX routes mail addressed to `' directly to >>>the mail gateway where it can be distributed to the right machine. But of >>>course the name `' is configured as a local system alias name so all >>>MX does is try to deliver it locally to the BAY system. >>> > >> >>Maybe I'm missing something here, but have you tried using "/route=??????" >>on the path statements in MX? > > Maybe I misunderstand you. The way I have it defined at present is: > > DEFINE PATH "KCL.AC.UK" LOCAL > > Which allows it to accept incoming mail addressed to "". If I > define it as: > > DEFINE PATH "KCL.AC.UK" SMTP /ROUTE= > > Then incoming mail will just be shunted back out to the gateway setting up > a mail loop. > > Essentially, I want it to do the first for incoming mail, and the second for > outgoing mail. > MX doesn't route dependig on the receive path. Destination host part is used only. A possible solution for Your problem may be to define a rewrite rule for every lokal user. Read the manual: Rewriting rules can be used when the DEFINE PATH/ROUTE command is inadequate, such as when a message must pass through two or more gateways to get to its destination, or when the rewrite affects both the local-part and the domain- part of an address. They should be used sparingly, however, since every address must be matched against the rewrite rules list. Your rewrite rules should look like MCP> DEFINE REWRITE_RULE "" "" ... MCP> DEFINE REWRITE_RULE "" "" MCP> DEFINE PATH localmail local I did not verify if that will work, somebody may correct me (Carl ?). If You have many local users this will slow down MX, since MX was not optimized for those puposes. Simply try it out ! I use my MX-mailer as relay for hosts in our LAN and apply some rules Rewrite "" => "" to avoid mail delivery to anonymous accounts. With success. ;-) --,------------------------------------------------------.------------------ | Mario Meyer Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt | . , | ............. Institut Berlin Referat IB.TI | _QQ__ | : wide area : Abbestr. 2-12, D - 10587 Berlin | __( U, )__ | : networker : tel. (+49 30) 3481 442, fax. ... 490 | /// `---' \\\ | SMTP MMeyer@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De, BITNET MMeyer@PTBIB | /||\ /||\ --| X.400 S=Meyer; OU=IB-TI; O=PTB; P=PTB; A=d400; C=DE |------------------ `------------------------------------------------------' ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 10:02:52 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 10:59:52 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: MX and mail gateways > Maybe I misunderstand you. The way I have it defined at present is: > > DEFINE PATH "KCL.AC.UK" LOCAL > > Which allows it to accept incoming mail addressed to "". If I > define it as: > > DEFINE PATH "KCL.AC.UK" SMTP /ROUTE= > > Then incoming mail will just be shunted back out to the gateway setting up > a mail loop. > > Essentially, I want it to do the first for incoming mail, and the second for > outgoing mail. Off the top of my head (meaning I haven't the foggiest idea of whether it would work or not), I'd try the following. On the theory that rewrite rules have precedence over routing rules, and that rewrite rules are only applied to outgoing mail, rewrite KCL.AC.UK to its IP address (that is, the IP address of the mail gateway). Then, in the routing phase, that IP address will not match as local. - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 11:43:35 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 11:40:51 -0500 To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Rick Stacks) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: MX and mail gateways >>Maybe I'm missing something here, but have you tried using "/route=??????" >>on the path statements in MX? > > Maybe I misunderstand you. The way I have it defined at present is: > > DEFINE PATH "KCL.AC.UK" LOCAL > > Which allows it to accept incoming mail addressed to "". If I > define it as: > > DEFINE PATH "KCL.AC.UK" SMTP /ROUTE= > > Then incoming mail will just be shunted back out to the gateway setting up > a mail loop. > > Essentially, I want it to do the first for incoming mail, and the second for > outgoing mail. > OK, I see your problem now... No, what I first suggested will not work; but I see where Rok V. has a suggestion that probably will work... good luck! >Andy Harper >Kings College London > > -- Rick ---------- Rick Stacks, Computer Section | They that give up essential liberty Ark Dept Pollution Control | to obtain a little temporary safety 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | deserve neither liberty nor safety Little Rock, AR 72219 USA 501-570-2174 | -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 email: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 14:29:21 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: MX and mail gateways Date: 21 Apr 1995 19:02:20 GMT Message-ID: <3n8vfs$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, "Andy Harper, KCL Systems Manager" writes: =Here's hoping some bright spark can help with a slightly unusual problem to do =with MX (4.1). First some background.. Well, I think I've got a solution, but you probably won't like it. =My institution has recently installed a Mail gateway as a front-end to all mail =coming into it. Mail addressed to `' goes into this mail gateway =and is then delivered, by the gateway, to an internal system on which the =user's mailbox resides. In my case, mail addressed to `' is =delivered to the internal address `'. However, the =`To:' field remains as `' when it reaches that system. = =In order for MX, which runs on the BAY system, to accept the mail it has to be =configured to recognize the sitename `' as an alias for itself. This =works fine. = =The problem arises when a person residing on the BAY system sends mail to =`', where `user' exists on a system other than BAY (remember the =gateway is responsible for mapping the user onto his/her home system). What I =want to happen is that MX routes mail addressed to `' directly to =the mail gateway where it can be distributed to the right machine. But of =course the name `' is configured as a local system alias name so all =MX does is try to deliver it locally to the BAY system. =Is there any clever way around this problem? In part the problem lies with the =gateway not translating the `To:' field to reflect the destination system, =though one could argue that, from the user's viewpoint, this is correct =behaviour. = =I'ld be grateful for any/all suggestions. Well, you COULD set up a list of rewrite rules, one for each of your usersee,e of the form: MCP> DEFINE REWRITE "" "" That way you could drop from your list of local paths: by the time a path is selected, anything for a local user would've been rewritten to be delivered to For example, for your own account: MCP> DEFINE REWRITE "" "" Of course, to be on the safe side, you'd have to have 2^n such rewrite rules per user, where n is the number of alphabetical characters in the username, to make sure you could deal with all variations of uppercasing of the username. See? I told you you probably wouldn't like my solution. :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 21 Apr 1995 14:29:46 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: MX and mail gateways Date: 21 Apr 1995 19:11:22 GMT Message-ID: <3n900q$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <3n8vfs$>, carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) writes: =Of course, to be on the safe side, you'd have to have 2^n such rewrite rules =per user, where n is the number of alphabetical characters in the username, to =make sure you could deal with all variations of uppercasing of the username. Sorry, my mistake: MX deals with the rewrite rules, even the local part, on a case-insensitive basis, so one rewrite rule per user would suffice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 06:46:57 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Yasufumi Haga) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: Re:Pooling Mails. Possible ? Date: 22 Apr 1995 03:58:48 GMT Message-ID: <3n9utp$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <45986973@MVB.SAIC.COM>, (Rick Stacks) says: >Like I said, if I understand you question, then MX is not your problem - >your dialer software is. Hi Rick Thank you for your advice. Yes, you correctly understand what I want to say. The following figure is the current status of the network I said. [SITE-A] [SITE-B] PC ------+ +------ PC | | | | PC ------+ <-----ethernet +------ PC | | | . . | | | . . | V (ISDN line) | . . +----------- Cisco 2503 <-----------> Cisco 2503 ------+ . . | | . . | | . | | PC ------+ +------ PC | | | | DEC3000 --+ +-- DEC3000 (VMS 6.1 & MX 4.1) (VMS 6.1 & MX 4.1) According to your advice, the configuration of Cisco 2503 would have the clue to the solution. OK, now I know what I should do. It would be a way to figure out how to configure Cisco 2503 in the documentation set. Thanks, Rick ================================================== Yasufumi Haga Otsuka 1709-10 Hachioji Tokyo 192-03 Japan ================================================== ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 07:57:53 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 17:24:43 +0330 From: SAEED KHADEMI Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <0098F45E.6C0FD5E0.25@IREARN.BITNET> Subject: JNET and mailer account Hello, I have problem with mailer account. According to MX 4.01 manual, we have to have a MAILER account and run JNET agent as a proccess under this account ( or set the username of jnet to MAILER in mcp ). Now, when I look at MAILER mail box, I see that there are more than 2000 mails in MAILER mail box, but mx doesn't proccess them. I appreciate if someone tells me what can I do for transfering these mailes to their tergets. Besides, I don't know how JNET works with this account, I mean when a new mail comes for JNET agent, why some of them transfer to LOCAL agent and some other to MAILER mailbox. If some one knows about this, please let me know too. Many Thanks in advance, Best Regards, Saeed. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 10:03:55 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Yasufumi Haga) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: Pooling Mails. Possible ? Date: 22 Apr 1995 14:57:00 GMT Message-ID: <3nb5fs$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, "Jonathan E. Hardis" says: > 1) Launches the SMTP agent > 2) Waits for a period of time > 3) Shuts down the SMTP agent > 4) Submits the batch job again, to be run at some future delta time. > 5) Exits > I've never thought that the SMTP agent can be invoked as a batch job. Even if local mails are sent to the MX, they will be delivered because "SMTP server" agent still is alive, won't they. Do I correctly understand what you say ? For example: $ --- code for invoking SMTP agent --- $ wait 00:10:00 $ --- code for shuttting down SMTP agent --- $ submit/after=xxx...x (filename of this procedure) $ exit Additionally I should modify sys$ or MX configuration file as SMTP agent is automatically started when the procedure is executed. Thanks, Jonathan. ================================================== Yasufumi Haga Otsuka 1709-10 Hachioji Tokyo 192-03 Japan ================================================== ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 17:34:01 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: RE: Pooling Mails. Possible ? Date: 22 Apr 1995 22:29:44 GMT Message-ID: <3nc00o$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <3nb5fs$>, (Yasufumi Haga) writes: =In article <>, "Jonathan E. Hardis" says: => 1) Launches the SMTP agent => 2) Waits for a period of time => 3) Shuts down the SMTP agent => 4) Submits the batch job again, to be run at some future delta time. => 5) Exits => = =I've never thought that the SMTP agent can be invoked =as a batch job. Even if local mails are sent to the MX, =they will be delivered because "SMTP server" agent still =is alive, won't they. Do I correctly understand what you =say ? I'm afraid you misunderstood the suggestion. The original request was for a way to prevent outgoing SMTP sessions from occurring as soon as the mail is handed to MX; instead, what was wanted was for mail that was to be delivered via SMTP to be held for a while, then all accumulated messages were to be delivered at once. The goal was to have just one SLIP session initiated for all of the accumulated mail. The suggestion was to create a batch job that did something along the following lines: $ @SYS$STARTUP:MX_STARTUP SMTP $ WAIT 0:15:0.0 $ MCR MX_EXE:MCP SHUTDOWN SMTP $ SUBMIT/AFTER="+2" 'F$ENVIRONMENT("PROCEDURE")' What the above procedure would do would be to: 1) Start the MX SMTP detached job; 2) After 15 minutes, ask the MX SMTP detached job to exit; 3) Repeat this after two hours. While the MX SMTP process is not running, no attempt will be made to deliver outgoing mail via SMTP. Thus MX will not cause his TCP/IP package to initiate a SLIP connection while the MX SMTP process is not running. Whether that would accomplish the goal or not is another matter. Each main entry in the MX queue is processed separately. Thus, assuming everything's routed via a single route, you're going to get one SMTP session per main entry in the queue. If you've only got one SMTP process running, then between entries, there may be no active connections on the SLIP line, so the TCP/IP package may drop the connection, defeating the purpose of this workaround. If you've got multiple SMTP processes, though, their SMTP connections might overlap in such a way as to accomplish the desired goal. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 07:44:48 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Georg Reisacher Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: MX address_rewrite module Date: 24 Apr 1995 12:14:09 GMT Message-ID: <3ng4mh$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I have the MX-Mailer v4.1 and want to send mail from DEC's ALLIN1 via Mesage Router via VMS-Mail into the INTERNET. The problem is, that MRGATE (from MessageRouter) write the mail-from-address in an unfriendly style: Origin [Local] <"gi014r::gi014r::gi014r::mrgate::\"A1MBX_GI011L::Z1212\""@GOETHE.DE> this confuses our internet mailer, which is OSF/1 system (<<< 501 Syntax error in address), because he looses the backshlashes while forwarding the mail into the internet. Anyone said me, to rewrite the from addresses. So I tried it, but there is no code number in the MX_HDR.H file for rewriting the /* MAIL FROM: */. Does anybody know the codenumber. Where can I get the example file PROCESS.B32? Does there any other solution exist to send A1-Mail into the INTERNET via MessageRouter? From VMS-Mail the software works well. Georg Reisacher ( ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 09:54:28 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1995 10:50:31 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Pooling Mails. Possible ? > I've never thought that the SMTP agent can be invoked as a batch job. > Even if local mails are sent to the MX, they will be delivered because > "SMTP server" agent still is alive, won't they. Do I correctly understand > what you say ? Yes. - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 08:48:54 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 09:45:51 EST From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: BINHEX hexifier/dehexifier I know this is not strictly an MX question, but could anyone tell me where I could get software to encode/decode BINHEX files? Thanks, Dave Munson David Munson NSRL University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627 (716)275-2383 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 09:28:31 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 10:26:08 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: BINHEX hexifier/dehexifier > I know this is not strictly an MX question, but could anyone tell me where I > could get software to encode/decode BINHEX files? "BinHex" encoding is commonly used in the Macintosh world. There is a standalone program named BinHex, and the conversion capability is also built into many utilities, such as the various flavors of StuffIt. There are also programs that can encode and decode BinHex files that run on PCs and Unix workstations. I don't know of any that run under VMS. Most of this software can be found at the usual Mac archive sites, such as info-mac (anonymous FTP to Or ask your friendly local user group. - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 10:49:50 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Rytis Balciunas) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: MX and 2 gateways - how? Date: 25 Apr 1995 11:41:17 -0400 Message-ID: <3nj56t$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I would like to have our little neck of the woods be able to handle mail as follows. But first, a diagram: --- VAXA CLUSTER MX is running fine on VAXA and withing the CLUSTER and its associate nodes throughout the organization. The "obvious" tells me to specify /ROUTE=VAXA within the CLUSTER MX setup. Fine for getting to the outside world. However, things coming in via VAXA don't have the specific node names as part of the address, i.e., it's rather than I'd like to be able to route all the stuff that's in the former format to CLUSTER from VAXA. However, if I do that, AND do the /ROUTE=VAXA on CLUSTER, then interesting loops happen! The primary reason for doing this is that VAXA simply hangs out and does nothing but process e-mail to/from the Internet and is typically not down (hasn't been for over 100 days now). Whereas CLUSTER is taken down quite often for maintenance or whatever. I'd like for mail not to be lost on the incoming side, queued up for delivery for whenever CLUSTER happens to be up. Ideas, suggestions, comments? Rytis Balciunas ( -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rytis T. Balciunas ( -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 16:41:33 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: MX and 2 gateways - how? Date: 25 Apr 1995 21:33:51 GMT Message-ID: <3njprv$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <3nj56t$>, (Rytis Balciunas) writes: =I would like to have our little neck of the woods be able to handle mail =as follows. But first, a diagram: = =--- = VAXA CLUSTER =MX is running fine on VAXA and withing the CLUSTER and its associate =nodes throughout the organization. The "obvious" tells me to specify =/ROUTE=VAXA within the CLUSTER MX setup. Fine for getting to the outside =world. = =However, things coming in via VAXA don't have the specific node names as =part of the address, i.e., it's rather than I'd like to be able to route all the stuff that's =in the former format to CLUSTER from VAXA. However, if I do that, AND do =the /ROUTE=VAXA on CLUSTER, then interesting loops happen! = =The primary reason for doing this is that VAXA simply hangs out and does =nothing but process e-mail to/from the Internet and is typically not down =(hasn't been for over 100 days now). Whereas CLUSTER is taken down quite =often for maintenance or whatever. I'd like for mail not to be lost on =the incoming side, queued up for delivery for whenever CLUSTER happens to =be up. = =Ideas, suggestions, comments? What's wrong with, on VAXA: MCP> DEFINE PATH VAXA LOCAL MCP> DEFINE PATH "" SMTP/ROUTE=CLUSTER MCP> DEFINE PATH * SMTP and on cluster: MCP> DEFINE PATH CLUSTER LOCAL MCP> DEFINE PATH "*" SMTP MCP> DEFINE PATH * SMTP/ROUTE=VAXA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 17:32:42 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 00:29:32 GMT From: Kurt Schumacher - HIS Software AG Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Nicknames Problem $ instead of . Hello We have just moved MX to another disk drive, loosing the queue file, but regained by reinstalling. Now, MX_Nicknames are translating Kurt.Schumacher to Kurt$Schumacher - without any chang in code .... - probaly we left something else ;-( . Any ideas - thanks Kurt +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kurt Schumacher E-Mail: | | PSI-Mail: PSI%(228)47931402::KS | | HIS Software AG Voice: ++41 (0) 1 461 21 11 | | Binzstrasse 7 FAX: ++41 (0) 1 461 21 50 | | CH-8045 Zürich | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 18:28:32 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 01:25:50 GMT From: Kurt Schumacher - HIS Software AG Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Nicknames Problem $ instead of . - SOLVED. Please ignore the "$ instead of ." problem report. Simply, the nickname converter was not resetting the router properly. Thanks Kurt +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kurt Schumacher E-Mail: | | PSI-Mail: PSI%(228)47931402::KS | | HIS Software AG Voice: ++41 (0) 1 461 21 11 | | Binzstrasse 7 FAX: ++41 (0) 1 461 21 50 | | CH-8045 Zürich | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 00:38:34 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 07:35:16 EDT From: "Mario Meyer, Phys.-Techn. Bundesanstalt" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: mmeyer@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De Message-ID: <0098F730.BD6ABE80.1@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De> Subject: RE: MX and 2 gateways - how? > I would like to have our little neck of the woods be able to handle mail > as follows. But first, a diagram: > > --- > VAXA CLUSTER > MX is running fine on VAXA and withing the CLUSTER and its associate > nodes throughout the organization. The "obvious" tells me to specify > /ROUTE=VAXA within the CLUSTER MX setup. Fine for getting to the outside > world. > > However, things coming in via VAXA don't have the specific node names as > part of the address, i.e., it's rather than > I'd like to be able to route all the stuff that's > in the former format to CLUSTER from VAXA. However, if I do that, AND do > the /ROUTE=VAXA on CLUSTER, then interesting loops happen! I route all incoming smtp mail through my MX system with DNS MX records pointing to that system (ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De). To forward mails to other machines I introduced a DNS subdomain MX.Berlin.PTB.De with MX records pointing to the original names. Example: $ORIGIN MX.Berlin.PTB.De. host1 IN MX 2 host1.Berlin.PTB.De. The MCP path entry for that host routes to host1.MX.Berlin.PTB.De. : Domain="host1", Path=SMTP, Route="host1.MX.Berlin.PTB.De" Domain="host1.Berlin.PTB.De" Path=SMTP, Route="host1.MX.Berlin.PTB.De" That should solve Your problem too. Regards M. Meyer --,------------------------------------------------------.------------------ | Mario Meyer Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt | . , | ............. Institut Berlin Referat IB.TI | _QQ__ | : wide area : Abbestr. 2-12, D - 10587 Berlin | __( U, )__ | : networker : tel. (+49 30) 3481 442, fax. ... 490 | /// `---' \\\ | SMTP MMeyer@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De, BITNET MMeyer@PTBIB | /||\ /||\ --| X.400 S=Meyer; OU=IB-TI; O=PTB; P=PTB; A=d400; C=DE |------------------ `------------------------------------------------------' ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 05:00:14 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 11:57:56 +0100 From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Nicknames Problem $ instead of . - SOLVED. > Please ignore the "$ instead of ." problem report. > > Simply, the nickname converter was not resetting the router properly. Which means "vanilla" MX is doing it which in turn means there *is* a problem, as no character which is legal in user part of address should be converted to "$". Hunter? Regards, Rok Vidmar Internet: National and University Library Phone: +386 61 125 4218 Turjaska 1, 61000 Ljubljana Fax: +386 61 125 5007 Slovenia ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 05:32:09 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 12:29:59 +0100 From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX and 2 gateways - how? > I route all incoming smtp mail through my MX system with DNS MX records pointing > to that system (ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De). To forward mails to other machines I > introduced a DNS subdomain MX.Berlin.PTB.De with MX records pointing to the > original names. Example: > > $ORIGIN MX.Berlin.PTB.De. > host1 IN MX 2 host1.Berlin.PTB.De. > > The MCP path entry for that host routes to host1.MX.Berlin.PTB.De. : > > Domain="host1", Path=SMTP, Route="host1.MX.Berlin.PTB.De" > Domain="host1.Berlin.PTB.De" Path=SMTP, Route="host1.MX.Berlin.PTB.De" Unnecessary complication in my view: Domain="host1", Path=SMTP, Route="host1.Berlin.PTB.De" Domain="host1.Berlin.PTB.De" Path=SMTP, Route="host1.Berlin.PTB.De" does the same without the DNS diddling. Regards, Rok Vidmar Internet: National and University Library Phone: +386 61 125 4218 Turjaska 1, 61000 Ljubljana Fax: +386 61 125 5007 Slovenia ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 06:29:54 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 13:26:31 EDT From: "Mario Meyer, Phys.-Techn. Bundesanstalt" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: mmeyer@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De Message-ID: <0098F761.CEE7B600.1@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De> Subject: RE: MX and 2 gateways - how? > Unnecessary complication in my view: > > Domain="host1", Path=SMTP, Route="host1.Berlin.PTB.De" > Domain="host1.Berlin.PTB.De" Path=SMTP, Route="host1.Berlin.PTB.De" > > does the same without the DNS diddling. This is true for Domain="*", Path=SMTP . One of my MX mailers has default Path=DECnet_SMTP due to network configuration and for failover. (Sometimes it's hard to teach users to write complete names.) M. Meyer --,------------------------------------------------------.------------------ | Mario Meyer Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt | . , | ............. Institut Berlin Referat IB.TI | _QQ__ | : wide area : Abbestr. 2-12, D - 10587 Berlin | __( U, )__ | : networker : tel. (+49 30) 3481 442, fax. ... 490 | /// `---' \\\ | SMTP MMeyer@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De, BITNET MMeyer@PTBIB | /||\ /||\ --| X.400 S=Meyer; OU=IB-TI; O=PTB; P=PTB; A=d400; C=DE |------------------ `------------------------------------------------------' ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 09:54:24 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 09:54:05 CDT From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098F744.21D9C6F0.1@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Nicknames Problem $ instead of . - SOLVED. writes: > > Which means "vanilla" MX is doing it which in turn means there *is* a >problem, as no character which is legal in user part of address should be >converted to "$". > Hunter? > MX does change "$"s to "." to prevent UNIX systems (shells) from processing the dollar sign and evaluating the remainder as a UNIX command. It's a kludge, but one that has been discussed here before. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. Systems Analyst, The LOKI Group, Inc. goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 26 Apr 1995 18:22:42 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 00:47:49 +0100 From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Nicknames Problem $ instead of . - SOLVED. > > Which means "vanilla" MX is doing it which in turn means there *is* a > >problem, as no character which is legal in user part of address should be > >converted to "$". > > Hunter? > > > MX does change "$"s to "." to prevent UNIX systems (shells) from processing > the dollar sign and evaluating the remainder as a UNIX command. > > It's a kludge, but one that has been discussed here before. Hunter, MX *does* in fact change "." to "$" --- to prevent ordinary users (and a lot of postmasters too) to understand what's going on?-) Regards, Rok Vidmar Internet: National and University Library Phone: +386 61 125 4218 Turjaska 1, 61000 Ljubljana Fax: +386 61 125 5007 Slovenia ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 12:29:24 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Hugh Fraser) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: MX MLF dying with an arithmetic trap Message-ID: Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 15:24:51 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In the last couple of day, MLF has started dying with an arithmetic trap at line 277 in routine PROCESS called from line 33 in routine MX_MLF. It's dying on a message delivered to perhaps 25 subscribers. The version of MX is 4.1, and this has been running successfully for several months delivering these daily production reports. While the system itself hasn't been touched for quite some time (no VMS upgrades... it's still 5.4-3) or changes to MX made, it's entirely possible that the number of subscribers to the list has increased. Suggestions? ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 12:49:33 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 19:45:16 EDT From: Marian Bieniecki Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: eudora? Hello, Where to find how to use Eudora and MX together? M.B. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marian Bieniecki Solid State Physics Dpt, Univ of Lodz, Lodz, Pomorska 149/153, Poland tel. (4842)784176, (4842)785622 fax. (4842)790030 Email: Bitnet: mbieniec@plunlo51.bitnet ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have known Roman Tomaszewski for over a year. Now he is a student of mathematics at our University (the 4-th semester). All his free time he spends for various computer activities. I can say he is very familiar with the major part of popular software in DOS, MS-Windows and Unix environment, and recently also he has started with VMS. In my opinion he can learn very quickly and he can do his jobs independly. He is taking part in establishing WWW service on our computers and I find him as a important member of team. I think he deserves your attention. M.B. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 13:52:00 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: MX MLF dying with an arithmetic trap Date: 27 Apr 1995 18:36:37 GMT Message-ID: <3noo7l$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article , (Hugh Fraser) writes: =In the last couple of day, MLF has started dying with an arithmetic trap =at line 277 in routine PROCESS called from line 33 in routine MX_MLF. =It's dying on a message delivered to perhaps 25 subscribers. The version =of MX is 4.1, and this has been running successfully for several months =delivering these daily production reports. While the system itself hasn't =been touched for quite some time (no VMS upgrades... it's still 5.4-3) or =changes to MX made, it's entirely possible that the number of subscribers =to the list has increased. You might want to review the list to see if an invalid address has somehow been added to it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 15:31:58 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 15:30:57 CDT From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <0098F83C.5B1A8AFA.46@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX MLF dying with an arithmetic trap (Hugh Fraser) writes: > >In the last couple of day, MLF has started dying with an arithmetic trap >at line 277 in routine PROCESS called from line 33 in routine MX_MLF. >It's dying on a message delivered to perhaps 25 subscribers. The version That's a bug in MX MLF. MX is doing a divide by 0 in the case where a .MLF_INFO file is empty or not found. I'd check for that condition and kill that entry in the queue. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. Systems Analyst, The LOKI Group, Inc. goathunter@ALPHA.WKU.EDU (or goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 16:08:07 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 17:05:12 EDT From: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: eudora? Eudora is available at: in directory /quest/windows/eudora/1.4 IUPOP3 is available at: in directory /pub/VMS/iupop3 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 16:19:29 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: "scots::scots::mrgate::a1::softels00001" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 27 Apr 95 17:14:24 EDT X-MX-Warning: Warning -- Invalid "To" header. To: us4rmc::"" Subject: RE: eudora? From: NAME: Ian Miller - Softel Systems FUNC: TEL: To: NAME: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU <"MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU"@US4RMC@ISVNET@MRGATE@SCOTS@NBS> Eudora uses POP3 to read the mail so you will need a POP3 for your VMS system. See Incoming mail is delivered to VMS user accounts on your VMS system then read by Eudora using POP3. To send mail Eudora uses SMTP over TCP/IP so you have a TCP/IP package on your PC (lots of those) talking to MX SMTP SERVER via your TCP/IP package on your VMS system. Ensure that the return address for the messages is the VMS system. No other special thoughts occur to me at this time. Ian Miller, Softel ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 16:28:32 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: MX MLF dying with an arithmetic trap To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 22:23:05 +0100 (BST) From: Jon Morgan Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Content-Type: text Carl J Lydick said that: > In article , (Hugh Fraser) writes:[159q > =In the last couple of day, MLF has started dying with an arithmetic trap > =at line 277 in routine PROCESS called from line 33 in routine MX_MLF. > =It's dying on a message delivered to perhaps 25 subscribers. The version > =of MX is 4.1, and this has been running successfully for several months > =delivering these daily production reports. While the system itself hasn't > =been touched for quite some time (no VMS upgrades... it's still 5.4-3) or > =changes to MX made, it's entirely possible that the number of subscribers > =to the list has increased. > > You might want to review the list to see if an invalid address has somehow been > added to it. I've got a list with exactly the same problem and it looks like invalid addresses, although the logs show absolutely nothing. What happened on our system (VAX/VMS V5.3-1, MX 4.0-1) was that because some machines were slow in responding to MX, MX thought that it wasn't talking to them (anthropomorphic or what!), hence our system disk filled up and *bang!*, the whole system crashed. As Hugh Fraser says above, there is absolutely no change to the system, just the same old lists, etc. The way I survive this is to molly-coddle (thats look after to you who don't understand 'quaint' English ;) MX through this period of time and hope that the messages get through. It normally means that I've got to start and restart MX or MX MLF every so often, but thats alright as I have the time to do it. I'd rather not put a batch job to monitor for this because I wouldn't notice this happening as much! If anyone has ANY ideas about a way to look after MX so that it doesn't keep on crashing like this - at one point logins were unavailable all over the weekend - then please, PLEASE tell me!. This was a disaster as I was not around (due to my SO's birthday) to do anything. Hope someone has any ideas. -jono. PS - I also get these error messages. I don't know if they are connected with MLF dieing, but if someone can tell me the meaning of the first one, I'd be grateful. MX_DEVICE:[MX.LOCAL]MX_LOCAL_HICOM.LOG;3 25-APR-1995 15:05:18.14: MX Local (pid 00000194) starting 25-APR-1995 15:07:53.90: MX Local (pid 00000194) exiting, status = 1C08804C (That's %NONAME-F-NOMSG, Message number 1C08804C) MX_DEVICE:[MX.LOCAL]MX_LOCAL_HICOM_2.LOG;1 25-APR-1995 15:11:59.37: MX Local#2 (pid 0000015A) starting 25-APR-1995 15:48:06.19: MX Local#2 (pid 0000015A) exiting, status = 10018294 (That's %RMS-F-FNF, file not found) Ideas!? -- Jon Morgan Department of Maths and Computer Science University of Leicester ____________________ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 01:41:44 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 23:09:10 PDT From: Michael Belveal Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: mdbelveal@MARK86.NSWSES.NAVY.MIL Message-ID: <0098F87C.5E4DA640.7@MARK86.NSWSES.NAVY.MIL> Subject: SIGNOFF SIGNOFF MX-LIST ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 04:20:23 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: "S.T.Hayes" Subject: Local delivery problems To: Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 28 Apr 95 10:16:10 BST Message-ID: <> I have installed MX 4.1 on a number of machines, and it has been running well for ages... We run a very simple SMTP only setup over UCX 3.1 ECO 6. VMS 5.5-2. Yesterday, I got a report that mail was not being delivered on one of the machines with which I'm involved. The local agent was failing to deliver files, with a message about 'no such file' being recorded against the queue entry. Stopping and restarted MX seemed to fix the problem, for the moment. I have now checked the MX_ROOT:[LOCAL] directory, and found 3705 files, of the form LCL_*_*_0000005D.TMP;1, all null! I'm about to delete them. Anything else I need to do? How can I ensure this does not happen again? ! Stephen Hayes, Edinburgh University Computing Service. ! S.T.Hayes @, Tel: (+44) (0)131-650 4990. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 06:48:30 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 05:45:54 MDT From: Mark Tarka Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: SIGNOFF In article <0098F87C.5E4DA640.7@MARK86.NSWSES.NAVY.MIL>, Michael Belveal writes: [NB Quote symbol is ">>> " for the current message.] >>> SIGNOFF MX-LIST As of 7/94 you'd send that to: If anyone knows better, I could use an update. Mark ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 11:01:11 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Hugh Fraser) Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Re: MX MLF dying with an arithmetic trap Message-ID: Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 14:00:34 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Thanks to everybody for the prompt help. There was a 0-byte INFO file. Once removed, MLF works fine. The cause of the 0-byte file is still unknown. None of the addresses on the list look bogus, but since they're probably the cause of the problem I'll enable MLF debugging for a while to attempt to catch the culprit. Thanks again. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 15:51:31 CDT Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: Re: Local delivery problems Date: 28 Apr 1995 20:22:29 GMT Message-ID: <3nriq5$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, "S.T.Hayes" writes: = I have now checked the MX_ROOT:[LOCAL] directory, and found 3705 =files, of the form LCL_*_*_0000005D.TMP;1, all null! I'm about to =delete them. = = Anything else I need to do? Delete the corresponding queue entries. =How can I ensure this does not happen again? Well, for one think, make sure that the account under which MX is running has plenty of disk quota on MX_ROOT:. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it.