Archive-Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 00:10:40 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 00:08:03 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009A02E7.C2609C20.540@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU> Subject: MX-LIST Administrivia: Monthly Post Posting statistics for list MX-LIST during March 1996 Total number of posts: 109 Total number of posters: 55 Total number of subscribers: 281 Last modified: 28-SEP-1995 13:33 (Updated digest info) Welcome to MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, an electronic mailing list established for the discussion of the Message Exchange mail software. This is a routine posting you will see from time to time on MX-List. MX-List postings are also available in a daily digest format. To subscribe to the digest, send the following command in the body of a mail message to MXserver@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU: SUBSCRIBE MX-List-Digest "Your real name here" The MX-List archives are maintained at ARCHIVES@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. To get a copy of any month's postings, send an e-mail message with the body SEND MX-List.yyyy-mm to ARCHIVES@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU, where "yyyy" is the year and "mm" is the numeric representation of the month. For example, the message SENDME MX-List.1992-04 will send the archives for April 1992. MX itself is available via anonymous ftp from in [.MX.MX041]. You can also get it via e-mail by sending the commands SEND MX and SEND FILESERV_TOOLS on separate lines in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. To remove yourself from the mailing list, send the following command to MXserver@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU: SIGNOFF MX-List MXserver supports a few other commands for your convenience. The following commands can be handled automatically by the list processor: SIGNOFF MX-List - to remove yourself from the list REVIEW MX-List - to get a list of subscribers QUERY MX-List - to get the status of your entry on the list SET MX-List DIGEST - to switch to digest mode SET MX-List NODIGEST - to switch to non-digest mode SET MX-List NOMAIL - to remain on the list but not receive mail SET MX-List MAIL - to resume receiving mail from the list SET MX-List CONCEAL - to not report your address in a REVIEW SET MX-List NOCONCEAL - to report your address in a REVIEW SET MX-List REPRO - to receive posts you make to MX-List SET MX-List NOREPRO - to not receive posts you make to MX-List LIST - to get a list of mailing lists served by WKUVX1 HELP - to receive a help file By default, subscriptions are set to MAIL, REPRO, NOCONCEAL. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about MX-List, please contact the list owner at the address below. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer goathunter@LOKI.COM The LOKI Group, Inc. P.O. Box 9609 Bowling Green, KY 42102-9609 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 06:13:40 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 06:13:21 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: KENNYK@SINGNET.COM.SG Message-ID: <009A031A.CA83D961.30@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Digests (Kenny Kon) writes: > >Anyone using digests with MX 4.2? Like to find out how the digesting >compares with Majordomo's. Currently we have MX 4.0 managing our lists and >a digest address in each of the lists that require digests. The digest >address goes to a Majordomo server. > >I would like to have it all done on MX if the digesting is an improvement >over the past digest found in the [.CONTRIB] directory. > The digesting in V4.2 still relies on what's in the [.CONTRIB] directory, though there is some additional "native" support in MX MLF. The primary change is that a list set to /DIGEST will allow subscriber entries to be marked DIGEST. You no longer need to maintain two separate lists (like the old MX-List and MX-List-Digest lists). Beyond that, it still depends on the MX-DIGEST software in [CONTRIB]. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 06:36:33 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 06:36:25 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: SYSTEM@BEAVER.BEMIDJI.MSUS.EDU Message-ID: <009A031E.0370E01D.1@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MGFTP server dying? Dave Miller writes: > >Maybe I missed it, but has the MGFTP server dying problem been fixed >yet? > No. >I'm running Richard Levite's watchdog batch job (thanks for posting that >Richard) every 15 minutes! And its still finding random failures, >although there seems to be a correlation -- it appears to fail more >often when the system is heavily loaded. > This is true, in that it does appear to have something to do with network timeouts, which could be worse when a system is heavily loaded. Someday.... Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 13:43:20 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 13:41:59 CST From: Dave Miller Reply-To: To: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: SMTP agents dying. Folks: I think this has been reported ... can't remember for sure. I'm seeing SMTP agents dropping like flies .. I just noticed it happening though. Over the weekend I moved MX to a different drive in my cluster. I can't imagine how that would change things. I also upgraded from UCX ECO 6 to 7. Confiuration: MX 4.1, OVMS/VAX 6.2, UCX 3.3 ECO 7 Are there any solutions?? dave. //----------\|/------\\ Dave Miller. || /\ -X- || Professor, Computer Science. || / \ /|/\ || || / \ / \ || SYSTEM@BEAVER.Bemidji.MSUS.EDU || / \ \ || || /________\____\ || 1500 Birchmont Dr. NE || || || || Bemidji State University \\------|| -------// Bemidji MN, 56601 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 14:42:28 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 15:36:38 EST From: JOYCE COGAR Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: ucx$inet_acp uses 100% cpu when mx 4.2 started Hi, Problem: UCX$INET_ACP takes 100% CPU when MX starts We have a remote site with an Alpha server 2100 4/275 running OpenVms/AXP 6.2 UCX Alpha Version 4.0 MX V4.2 AXP The site reports that soon after MX is started the UCX$INET_ACP process goes into a constant COM state with no I/O taking place and it eats up 100% of the cpu. The user can telnet and ftp out but no one can telnet or ftp into the site. No mail is coming in or out. If you get into UCX and try a "show service telnet", your process hangs. Is anyone else running this combination of software successfully? Is anyone running OpenVms/AXP 6.2 with MULTINET version??? and MX V4.2 AXP? Anyone have any suggestions? ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 14:54:18 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 14:52:44 CST From: Dave Miller Reply-To: To: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: SMTP agents dying. Folks ... Here is a followup on my previous message. Just to clarify, I'c configured to run several SMTP agents on the same node .. and some are dying. Here are two logs ... 31-MAR-1996 12:08:14.44: MX SMTP#3 (pid 204001C6) starting 1-APR-1996 04:27:53.18: MX SMTP#3 (pid 204001C6) exiting, status = 1000000C 31-MAR-1996 12:08:15.32: MX SMTP#4 (pid 204001C7) starting 31-MAR-1996 14:27:37.01: MX SMTP#4 (pid 204001C7) exiting, status = 1000000C This is an ACCVIO, I believe. What do I go for next? //----------\|/------\\ Dave Miller. || /\ -X- || Professor, Computer Science. || / \ /|/\ || || / \ / \ || SYSTEM@BEAVER.Bemidji.MSUS.EDU || / \ \ || || /________\____\ || 1500 Birchmont Dr. NE || || || || Bemidji State University \\------|| -------// Bemidji MN, 56601 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 14:55:15 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 16:52:54 -0400 From: Ben Armstrong Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: SMTP agent constantly ACCVIO's Back in January, Curt asked a question under the subject heading "SMTP server constantly ACCVIO's". I have similar problems, only with the SMTP agent doing the same thing. Fri, 19 Jan 1996 10:17:45 MST System Manager wrote: >I'm running OpenVMS VAX/AXP V6.2 with MX V4.1 and MultiNet V3.5A I'm running VMS 5.5 (yes, 5.5, not 5.5-1, etc.), MX 4.2 and UCX 1.3 (quite old, wouldn't be surprised if this contributes to the problem). >So I started up MX last night and everything was running just fine but >this morning I see the SMTP server has died. I tried restarting it >several times but keep getting: > >19-JAN-1996 09:44:22.98: MX SMTP Server (pid 21C0265A) starting >19-JAN-1996 09:45:08.69: MX SMTP Server (pid 21C0265A) exiting, status = 10000 >0 >C > >in the SMTP_SERVER.LOG file (ACCVIO). ACC/ID=21C0265A confirms this. Same here, except for the SMTP agent. Same status, too. >I have no idea what is causing this and simply restarting the SMTP server >doesn't seem to help, it merrily goes along for a few minutes (maybe) and >then commits suicide again. Mine dies the first time it tries to deliver a message via SMTP. >Anybody seen this or have any ideas on how to proceed? > >Sometimes the exit status will be 100000A4 as well. I've enabled debugging >but nothing in the log files seems to indicate a problem. Have never seen this other status. But same here, debugging doesn't seem to help. I did: define/sys/exec mx_smtp_debug true, I see: $ type mx_smtp_log.log 2-APR-1996 05:28:54.27 Processing queue entry number 4 on node MEDNET 2-APR-1996 05:28:54.72 Recipient: , 2-APR-1996 05:28:54.72 SMTP_SEND: looking up host name 2-APR-1996 05:28:54.83 SMTP_SEND: DNS_MXLOOK status is 00000001 $ type mx_smtp_mednet.log 2-APR-1996 05:28:51.53: MX SMTP (pid 000022BA) starting 2-APR-1996 05:28:55.39: MX SMTP (pid 000022BA) exiting, status = 1000000C Elsewhere in the archives, I read about having to define some UCX logicals. I found some that weren't defined, and went ahead and defined them (/sys/exec). I didn't restart UCX, though. Do I need to? I *did*, however, shutdown MCP, nuke all pending test messages from the queue, @mx_startup again, and retest, with the same results as before. These are the logicals: "UCX$INET_DOMAIN" = "" "UCX$INET_HOST" = "" "UCX$INET_HOSTADDR" = "" Yes, ".au". I'm doing this remotely. Clues, anyone? I'd be happy to give more info if needed. I've tried to be as complete as possible. Thanks, Ben. -- Ben Armstrong -. Medianet Development Group, `-. Dymaxion Research Limited `- Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 15:26:25 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 15:55:53 EST From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: To: CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: SMTP agents dying. > I'm seeing SMTP agents dropping like flies > Are there any solutions?? To what? People asking for help while supplying no data? Yes... Turn On Debugging! - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 16:15:41 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 00:14:41 +0200 From: "Rok Vidmar, NUK Ljubljana" Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: SMTP agents dying. > Here is a followup on my previous message. > > Just to clarify, I'c configured to run several SMTP agents on the same > node .. and some are dying. Here are two logs ... > > 31-MAR-1996 12:08:14.44: MX SMTP#3 (pid 204001C6) starting > 1-APR-1996 04:27:53.18: MX SMTP#3 (pid 204001C6) exiting, status = 1000000C > > 31-MAR-1996 12:08:15.32: MX SMTP#4 (pid 204001C7) starting > 31-MAR-1996 14:27:37.01: MX SMTP#4 (pid 204001C7) exiting, status = 1000000C > > This is an ACCVIO, I believe. What do I go for next? Look whether they stumble at the same entry. Then try to figure what's wrong wiht it (does READY it help?) and finally CANCEL it (and let the sender or receiver know you did it; you can allways pick up the .TEXT file and store it for later or send it). Regards, Rok Vidmar Internet: National and University Library Phone: +386 61 125 4218 Turjaska 1, 1000 Ljubljana Fax: +386 61 125 5007 Slovenia ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 17:09:17 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 18:08:52 EST5EDT4,M4.1.0,M10.5.0 From: Scott McNeilly Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: ucx$inet_acp uses 100% cpu when mx 4.2 started JOYCE COGAR wrote: >Hi, > Problem: UCX$INET_ACP takes 100% CPU when MX starts > > We have a remote site with an Alpha server 2100 4/275 running > > OpenVms/AXP 6.2 > UCX Alpha Version 4.0 > MX V4.2 AXP > > The site reports that soon after MX is started the UCX$INET_ACP >process goes into a constant COM state with no I/O taking place and it eats >up 100% of the cpu. The user can telnet and ftp out but no one can telnet >or ftp into the site. No mail is coming in or out. > > If you get into UCX and try a "show service telnet", >your process hangs. > > Is anyone else running this combination of software successfully? > > Is anyone running OpenVms/AXP 6.2 with MULTINET version??? >and MX V4.2 AXP? > > Anyone have any suggestions? > We have been running this combination of software since mid-January with only one problem (SMTP Server crashed with an ACCVIO last week). Otherwise, it has been handling up to 3000 incoming messages daily and a smaller number of outgoing messages without interruption. (We have an ALphaserver 2100 4/233 with this software configuration.) During periods of heavy usage we have about 90 users logged on at a given time, and an average of about 1200 users per day, but I don't think I have ever seen CPU utilization exceed 25%-30% total, nor have I seen UCX$INET_ACP as a top cpu user. Did you check to make sure that UCX SMTP is disabled? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott Mc Neilly email: Assistant Director Phone: 508-697-1236 Information Services Bridgewater State College Bridgewater, MA 02325 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 19:02:47 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 21:01:21 -0400 From: Ben Armstrong Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: SMTP agent constantly ACCVIO's On 1-APR-1996 16:52:55.50, "Ben Armstrong" wrote: >I'm running VMS 5.5 (yes, 5.5, not 5.5-1, etc.), MX 4.2 and UCX 1.3 >(quite old, wouldn't be surprised if this contributes to the problem). Rats. I just looked at the release notes for NETLIB 2.0i and they say they don't support UCX 1.x anymore. Am I SOL if I don't upgrade UCX? Will MX 4.2 work with a pre-2.0 NETLIB that still supports UCX 1.x? I'm kicking myself now for not checking this first. Oh, and btw, in case you didn't infer it from my previous note, since I am installing this remotely, (I'm in Canada, and the site is in Australia), and the Internet is my sole connection, a UCX upgrade (or even a restart) would be tricky for me, indeed. I depend on the network connection being up at all times to service the site. The people at the other end are not very VMS-aware at all. They use it because their software requires it. The rest of their computer service staff are strictly Unix-aware. In fact, I believe Digital did their original installation of UCX. They may well be able to get them to do it again, but I am in a bit of a bind ... This site had an ancient version of MX and they were having constant trouble with it. They recently moved more of their operations to e-mail, making it worse. Rather than try to fix their old implementation, and given that I had done MX upgrades before without many hitches, I had recommended an upgrade of the product. Now, after many hours of trying to get MX 4.2 to go, I hit this final snag, and need a solution, any solution, that won't break the bank. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Thanks, Ben. -- Ben Armstrong -. Medianet Development Group, `-. Dymaxion Research Limited `- Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 07:51:47 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 07:51:24 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <009A03F1.A79D51C0.16@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: SMTP agent constantly ACCVIO's Ben Armstrong writes: > >On 1-APR-1996 16:52:55.50, "Ben Armstrong" wrote: > >>I'm running VMS 5.5 (yes, 5.5, not 5.5-1, etc.), MX 4.2 and UCX 1.3 >>(quite old, wouldn't be surprised if this contributes to the problem). > >Rats. I just looked at the release notes for NETLIB 2.0i and they say >they don't support UCX 1.x anymore. Am I SOL if I don't upgrade UCX? >Will MX 4.2 work with a pre-2.0 NETLIB that still supports UCX 1.x? >I'm kicking myself now for not checking this first. > Yes, MX V4.2 will still work with a V1.x NETLIB. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 08:03:13 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 10:02:45 -0400 From: Ben Armstrong Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: goathunter@LOKI.COM CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: SMTP agent constantly ACCVIO's >From: MX%"goathunter@LOKI.COM" 2-APR-1996 09:51:40.29 >To: MX%"MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU" >CC: MX%"" >Subj: RE: SMTP agent constantly ACCVIO's >Ben Armstrong writes: >> >>On 1-APR-1996 16:52:55.50, "Ben Armstrong" wrote: >> >>>I'm running VMS 5.5 (yes, 5.5, not 5.5-1, etc.), MX 4.2 and UCX 1.3 >>>(quite old, wouldn't be surprised if this contributes to the problem). >> >>Rats. I just looked at the release notes for NETLIB 2.0i and they say >>they don't support UCX 1.x anymore. Am I SOL if I don't upgrade UCX? >>Will MX 4.2 work with a pre-2.0 NETLIB that still supports UCX 1.x? >>I'm kicking myself now for not checking this first. >> >Yes, MX V4.2 will still work with a V1.x NETLIB. > >Hunter >------ >Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. > Whew, after struggling with it some more last night, I finally got it to work with VMS 5.5, UCX 1.3, NETLIB 1.6? (I forget the sub-version ... it's the one that comes with MX 4.1) and MX 4.1. It's good, also, to know that I can upgrade to MX 4.2. Thanks! I had earlier asked about a VMSINSTAL problem, relating to the VMIDEFER stage (installing files to their directories). I finally figured it out. Doing an INSTALL> LIST shows that the problem is INSTALL can't find the installed image (MAILQUEUE) that VMSINSTAL was balking at. I discovered it has to be manually removed. The problem recurred when I fell back from my non-functional MX 4.2 installation (because NETLIB was broken) to MX 4.1, and I had to go into INSTALL again, manually remove the entry, and then re-install MX 4.1. Then the installation went through without a hitch. The MX-List archive helped me gather a few clues, but it took quite a long time to put it all together. It would be nice if such archives were ordered-subject-sorted (much in the same way you can do an ordered subject sort in Pine 3.91) to keep the "threads" together. Also, I have links to your MX-List archive via Gopher. Do you have a web page that puts it all together with an FAQ as well? Thanks again, Ben. -- Ben Armstrong -. Medianet Development Group, `-. Dymaxion Research Limited `- Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 08:35:40 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 08:36:39 CST From: Bob Christenson Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Internet Explorer/IUPOP3/MX We have a need to give users who have Internet Explorer on Windows 95 the ability to send mail via MX. Specifically, most pages have mailto: tags which users are complaining do not work. (They used to under Netscape but we have switched to Explorer.) The very limited help indicated that a POP3 server is needed. I have loaded and configured IUPOP3. I seem to be missing the Explorer to IUPOP3 configuration or settings. Can anyone point me to the right location for finding this information? Additionally, Explorer seems to assume you are using MS Exchange. We would like to use either Teamlinks or cc:Mail as the mail client. Again, the information on how to change the default Explorer configuration seems to be lacking. Again, any hints on where I may find this information would be greatly appreciated. TIA, Bob ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- | Robert A. Christenson | VOICE: 515.754.3854 | EMAIL: | | Fisher-Rosemount | FAX: 515.754.2831 | | | 205 S. Center St. | ______ _______ _______ | | R.A. Engel Technical Center | | _ \ | _ | | ____| | | Marshalltown, IA 50158 | | |_) / __| _ |__| |____ __ | ----------------------------- |___|\___\__|__| |__|__|_______|__| ---------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 08:45:53 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 09:12:22 EST From: "Brian Tillman, x8425" Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: SMTP agent constantly ACCVIO's Ben Armstrong ( wrote: >Rats. I just looked at the release notes for NETLIB 2.0i and they say >they don't support UCX 1.x anymore. Am I SOL if I don't upgrade UCX? >Will MX 4.2 work with a pre-2.0 NETLIB that still supports UCX 1.x? >I'm kicking myself now for not checking this first. If I were in your shoes, I'd use NETLIB V1.7 and MX V4.1. The former supports UCX V1.x and the latter is very stable with most of the V4.2 capability. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- Brian Tillman | Internet: Smiths Industries, Inc. | 4141 Eastern Ave., MS239 | Hey, I said this stuff myself. Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 08:57:06 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 08:56:27 CST From: Dave Miller Reply-To: To: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: UCX/MX configurations .. Folks: Just checking .. anyone running MX 4.1 or 4.2 with UCX 4.0 on VAX? I strongly suspect UCX 3.3 ECO 7 is causing my ACCVIO problem and wonder if "upgrading" UCX (it's not a true upgrade as I understand) will help the situation. dave. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 09:19:34 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 10:19:05 EST From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: To: CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Internet Explorer/IUPOP3/MX > We have a need to give users who have Internet Explorer on Windows 95 the > ability to send mail via MX. Specifically, most pages have mailto: tags > which users are complaining do not work. > The very limited help indicated that a POP3 server is needed. No. No. No. A POP3 server is only of use in *receiving* mail. It has nothing to do with *sending* mail. I am not familiar with Internet Explorer, but in products of this type there are generally two possibilities: 1) The more common one is that all mail, regardless of destination, is sent to an "SMTP Server", such as a VAX running MX. The name of this host must be configured into the the browser. (This is the common method because it relieves the browser of having to maintain mail queues for mail that could not be delivered immediately.) 2) The browser tries to send SMTP mail itself, in which case MX could not be used, except perhaps if the browser is unable to deliver the mail itself. - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 11:20:57 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 06:18:23 -0800 From: "Barry.Winter" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Subject: RE: MGFTP server dying? Message-ID: <> >>I'm running Richard Levite's watchdog batch job (thanks for posting that >>Richard) every 15 minutes! And its still finding random failures, >>although there seems to be a correlation -- it appears to fail more >>often when the system is heavily loaded. >> >This is true, in that it does appear to have something to do with >network timeouts, which could be worse when a system is heavily >loaded. One scenario where the processes' death is predictable is when I let the FTP session time-out. Every time I make a connection to the server, issue a command or two, and then let the session sit for the five minute idle timeout, the server process will die. When I try it with two connections, it dies when the last connection times out. Hope that this might be helpful in eventually resolving the problem. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 13:05:02 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 20:59:12 +0200 From: Richard Levitte - GNU on VMS hacker Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: UCX/MX configurations .. >From: Dave Miller >Just checking .. anyone running MX 4.1 or 4.2 with UCX 4.0 on VAX? I am. No problems encountered so far. -- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! Richard Levitte, GNU on VMS hacker ! tel: +46-8-26 52 47 ! ! Spannvägen 38, I ! fax: none for the moment ! ! S-161 43 Bromma ! Internet: ! ! SWEDEN ! ! +-GNUish VMS-+ You may not add me to a commercial mailing list or send me commercial advertising without my consent! See for further reference. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 15:46:54 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 02 Apr 1996 15:47:32 CST From: Bob Christenson Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Internet Explorer/IUPOP3/MX "Jonathan E. Hardis" writes: } No. No. No. } } A POP3 server is only of use in *receiving* mail. It has nothing to do } with *sending* mail. } } I am not familiar with Internet Explorer, but in products of this type } there are generally two possibilities: } } 1) The more common one is that all mail, regardless of destination, is } sent to an "SMTP Server", such as a VAX running MX. The name of this } host must be configured into the the browser. (This is the common } method because it relieves the browser of having to maintain mail } queues for mail that could not be delivered immediately.) } } 2) The browser tries to send SMTP mail itself, in which case MX could } not be used, except perhaps if the browser is unable to deliver the } mail itself. } } - Jonathan Thanks for the info. I was able to focus on the Internet Explorer setup and get the MS Exchange client setup correctly so that it does talk to the MX SMTP server on our VAX. "mailto" tags now work. I am also able to retrieve VMS mail from the VAX via IUPOP3. Thanks again. Now to get Explorer to call out Teamlinks or cc:Mail instead of Exchange ... any pointers? BOB ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- | Robert A. Christenson | VOICE: 515.754.3854 | EMAIL: | | Fisher-Rosemount | FAX: 515.754.2831 | | | 205 S. Center St. | ______ _______ _______ | | R.A. Engel Technical Center | | _ \ | _ | | ____| | | Marshalltown, IA 50158 | | |_) / __| _ |__| |____ __ | ----------------------------- |___|\___\__|__| |__|__|_______|__| ---------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 08:17:31 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 16:07:43 GMT Message-ID: <> From: (C. ERBACHER - Centrale Nantes - Tel : 40 37 16 26) Reply-To: To: Subject: Problem to mail to Harold McKee who has written the MXSUM package Hello, I am running MX042 on a DEC-Alpha with OpenVMS 6.2 and UCX033. I would use the development MXSUM found in the [.CONTRIB] directory, and writtend by Harold McKee. To have his help, I have send him a mail at the address : HMCKEE@WKUVX1.BITNET like written in the source code. But this e-mail is now unknow. I receive this error : > >Error-Code: 1 >Error-Text: Node WKUVX1 is unknown as of VERS9603 > It will be nice if anyone can forward him this mail, or better answer my question. My problem is that I have a lot of errors when compiling the modules MXSUM.MAR and MX_MOD.MAR. I have never develop in MACRO language. ----------------errors in the module MXSUM---------------- $MACRO MXSUM MOVAB FIND_SOURCE,FIND_SUB ^ %AMAC-E-STORCODLAB, stored code labels must be declared entry points in routine MXSUM_V2 at line number 569 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 RSB ^ %AMAC-E-ILLRSBCAL, illegal RSB in CALL_ENTRY routine MXSUM_V2 at line number 573 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 FINISH: $EXIT_S ;Return to VMS ^ %AMAC-I-BRANCHBET, branch between routines from routine MX_JNET -MACRO-I-ATEXPLINE, at macro expansion line 3 at line number 499 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 BRW TOP ^ %AMAC-I-BRANCHBET, branch between routines from routine MX_SMTP at line number 472 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 BOT: $EXIT_S ^ %AMAC-I-BRANCHBET, branch between routines from routine MXSUM_V2 -MACRO-I-ATEXPLINE, at macro expansion line 3 at line number 461 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 FINISH: $EXIT_S ;Return to VMS ^ %AMAC-E-UNDECJSB, undeclared local JSB target: FINISH at line number 499 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 FINISH1: ^ %AMAC-E-UNDECJSB, undeclared local JSB target: FINISH1 at line number 531 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 PROCESS: ^ %AMAC-E-UNDECJSB, undeclared local JSB target: PROCESS at line number 541 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 PROCESS1: ^ %AMAC-E-UNDECJSB, undeclared local JSB target: PROCESS1 at line number 578 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 PROCESS1: ^ %AMAC-I-UNRCHCODE, unreachable code at line number 578 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 FIRST_NODE: ^ %AMAC-E-UNDECJSB, undeclared local JSB target: FIRST_NODE at line number 629 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 PRIME_FILE: ^ %AMAC-E-UNDECJSB, undeclared local JSB target: PRIME_FILE at line number 887 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 CHK_BEFORE: ^ %AMAC-E-UNDECJSB, undeclared local JSB target: CHK_BEFORE at line number 906 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 CHK_BEFORE: ^ %AMAC-I-UNRCHCODE, unreachable code at line number 906 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 SET_COMMAND: ^ %AMAC-E-UNDECJSB, undeclared local JSB target: SET_COMMAND at line number 914 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 SET_COMMAND: ^ %AMAC-I-UNRCHCODE, unreachable code at line number 914 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 SET_SINCE: ^ %AMAC-E-UNDECJSB, undeclared local JSB target: SET_SINCE at line number 972 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 SET_SINCE: ^ %AMAC-I-UNRCHCODE, unreachable code at line number 972 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 SET_BEFORE: ^ %AMAC-E-UNDECJSB, undeclared local JSB target: SET_BEFORE at line number 998 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 SET_BEFORE: ^ %AMAC-I-UNRCHCODE, unreachable code at line number 998 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 CLEAR_NODE: ^ %AMAC-E-UNDECJSB, undeclared local JSB target: CLEAR_NODE at line number 1102 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 CLEAR_NODE: ^ %AMAC-I-UNRCHCODE, unreachable code at line number 1102 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 NO_FILES: ^ %AMAC-E-UNDECJSB, undeclared local JSB target: NO_FILES at line number 1124 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MXSUM.MAR;1 -----------------errors in the module MX_MOD---------------- $MACRO MX_MOD START_SIZE: .LONG 0 ^ %AMAC-E-DATINCODE, data in code stream at line number 1 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MX_MOD.MAR;1 O_FILE:: ^ %AMAC-E-GLOBENTRY, global entry point O_FILE must be declared at line number 5 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MX_MOD.MAR;1 GET_REC:: ^ %AMAC-E-GLOBENTRY, global entry point GET_REC must be declared at line number 17 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MX_MOD.MAR;1 GET_REC:: ^ %AMAC-I-UNRCHCODE, unreachable code at line number 17 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MX_MOD.MAR;1 CLOSE_FILE:: ^ %AMAC-E-GLOBENTRY, global entry point CLOSE_FILE must be declared at line number 25 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MX_MOD.MAR;1 CLOSE_FILE:: ^ %AMAC-I-UNRCHCODE, unreachable code at line number 25 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MX_MOD.MAR;1 FIND_SIZE:: ^ %AMAC-E-GLOBENTRY, global entry point FIND_SIZE must be declared at line number 38 in file MX_ROOT:[UTIL.ACCOUNT]MX_MOD.MAR;1 Thank you for your help, Claude ERBACHER *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Ecole Centrale de NANTES | tel. : 40 37 16 26 1 rue de la Noe | fax : 40 74 74 06 44072 NANTES cedex 03 | mail : *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 09:29:35 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 09:28:15 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: CLAUDE.ERBACHER@EC-NANTES.FR Message-ID: <009A04C8.59807495.20@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Problem to mail to Harold McKee who has written the MXSUM package (C. ERBACHER - Centrale Nantes - Tel : writes: > > I am running MX042 on a DEC-Alpha with OpenVMS 6.2 and UCX033. > > I would use the development MXSUM found in the [.CONTRIB] directory, >and writtend by Harold McKee. To have his help, I have send him a mail at >the address : HMCKEE@WKUVX1.BITNET like written in the source code. But this >e-mail is now unknow. I receive this error : WKUVX1 is no longer on BITNET, and Harold graduated from WKU about 4 years ago. > It will be nice if anyone can forward him this mail, or better answer >my question. My problem is that I have a lot of errors when compiling the >modules MXSUM.MAR and MX_MOD.MAR. > I have never develop in MACRO language. > Since I had a few minutes to spare, I went ahead and (quickly) ported this so it would compile on Alpha as well as VAX. The program is really ugly---no offense to Harold, but he was learning to program in MACRO-32 while writing MXSUM. It'd be nice to rewrite it someday, but.... The port was simple and appears to work OK. You can get a new MXSUM.ZIP file via: Or, for the URL-illiterate, on in [.MX.CONTRIB]MXSUM.ZIP. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 12:31:29 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 17:39:27 +0000 From: Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Problem to mail to Harold McKee who has written the MXSUM package You are trying to build this on a ALPHA VMS system with the MACRO-32 Compiler. These source files where written for the MACRO-32 Assembler on VAX/VMSand will require changes to build correctly using the MACRO-32 Compiler on Alpha VMS. It may be simpler to write your own summary program in a language you know. The MX Accounting files are text files and are not difficult to process. *************************************************************************** Ian Miller "The time has come",the walrus said Teletext Dept.,Softel "to speak of many things". Tel: +44 1734 842151 from "Through the looking glass" by Lewis Carrol. PSImail: 243273400398::IAN *************************************************************************** ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 03 Apr 1996 16:37:28 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: ("Dan Wing") Subject: Re: MLF and domains converted to upper-case Date: 29 Mar 1996 17:12:43 GMT Message-ID: <4jh5mh$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, writes: #So, is there a way to subscribe users to a ML specifying domains using lowercase #characters ? (as a workaround) Domain names are case-insensitive; nothing should care about the case of the domainname/hostname. -Dan Wing, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 05:16:22 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 09:40:53 MET From: Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Re: MLF and domains converted to upper-case On 4-APR-1996 05:12:26, Dan Wing, wrote : |In article <>, | writes: |#So, is there a way to subscribe users to a ML specifying domains using |lowercase |#characters ? (as a workaround) | |Domain names are case-insensitive; nothing should care about the case of |the domainname/hostname. Yes you're right. But I was trying to figure out why my mails sent to mailing list (with subscribers out of my company) never reach the recipients. Anyway, I developped a little hack to translate domains in lower-case in the related list.mailing_list file to make sure it was [not] the reason. And it's still the same they don't receive. But when I send mails one by one they do receive. So the problem is elsewhere, maybe the local gateway is not able to handle such mails... Unfortunately, I've got no control on this gateway and the guy who's responsible for it keeps telling me it comes from my mailer (MX 4.1/VAX/VMS 6.1). But, having turned the MLF and SMTP debug mode on I clearly see the mails are forwarded to the gateway that then says : SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 221 delivering mail ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the local gateway Thanks anyway. BTW, the local gateway sends to its Postmaster more than once a day messages like this : From Wed Mar 27 07:42 MET 1996 Return-Path: ----- Transcript of session follows ----- Connected to zephyr: >>> MAIL From: <<< 501 Invalid address: 554!mp... Remote protocol error ----- Message header follows ----- Received: from relay1.UUCP by, Wed, 27 Mar 96 07:29:28 +0100 Received: by (5.65c8d/92.02.29) via Fnet/EUnet-France id AA26381; Wed, 27 Mar 1996 00:16:33 +0100 (MET) What would you do and advice ? Is there any rewrite rule that I should apply ? TIA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manuel PINTOR | Tel. : (33) 62 24 51 59 TDHS manager \ VMS/UNIX system manager | FAX : (33) 61 39 73 32 for "Telecoms Operations" | E-mail : at Matra Marconi Space - Toulouse | STERIA I&S FRANCE | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A S S E Z D ' E S S A I S ! | S T O P N U C L E A R T E S T S ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 08:10:48 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 08:10:26 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: MP@ZEPHYR.MATRA-ESPACE.FR Message-ID: <009A0586.A515FDFD.6@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: Re: MLF and domains converted to upper-case writes: > >BTW, the local gateway sends to its Postmaster more than once a day messages >like this : > [...] >Connected to zephyr: >>>> MAIL From: ><<< 501 Invalid address: >554!mp... Remote protocol error > Whatever host these originate from is sending a non-RFC821-compliant address in the MAIL FROM: line. It's supposed to have the form . From what the Received: headers show, the offending system appears to be Get it fixed and should be OK. >What would you do and advice ? Is there any rewrite rule that I should apply ? A rewrite rule won't help. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 15:19:53 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 16:23:23 EST5EDT4,M4.1.0,M10.5.0 From: David Priebe Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Need help with mx sending mail... here's a log I can successfully send mail to some nodes, but not to others. I do know that the ones I can't get to with my VAX, I can get to through a dial-up internet service provider. 4-APR-1996 16:13:19.84 Processing queue entry number 10 on node RENFRW 4-APR-1996 16:13:20.06 Recipient: , 4-APR-1996 16:13:20.06 SMTP_SEND: looking up host name 4-APR-1996 16:13:20.08 SMTP_SEND: DNS_MXLOOK status is 00000001 4-APR-1996 16:13:20.19 SMTP_SEND: Attempting to start session with [] 4-APR-1996 16:14:35.19 -- failed, status=0000022C 4-APR-1996 16:14:35.19 SMTP_SEND: Failed, sts=0000022C 4-APR-1996 16:14:35.19 SMTP send failed, sts=0C27804A, sts2=0000022C 4-APR-1996 16:14:35.19 Recipient status=0C27804A for 4-APR-1996 16:14:35.59 1 rcpts need retry, next try 4-APR-1996 16:44:35.59 4-APR-1996 16:14:35.62 *** End of processing pass *** Any Ideas?? I don't seem to have a problem with incoming mail. David Priebe David Priebe, System's Analyst, Renfrew County Board of Ed - President, ValleyNET (Renfrew County) Inc. "Renfrew County's Freenet!!" ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 16:32:42 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Alan Zonderman) Reply-To: Subject: Re: ucx$inet_acp uses 100% cpu when mx 4.2 started Message-ID: Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 02:10:58 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, JOYCE COGAR wrote: >Hi, > Problem: UCX$INET_ACP takes 100% CPU when MX starts > > We have a remote site with an Alpha server 2100 4/275 running > > OpenVms/AXP 6.2 > UCX Alpha Version 4.0 > MX V4.2 AXP I have exactly the same configuration and versions, but I'm NOT having this problem. Does your UCX configuration work before starting MX? -- Alan Zonderman Laboratory of Personality & Cognition, Nat'l Institute on Aging, NIH ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 16:45:15 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 12:44:29 EST From: Brian Reed Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Accounting log, UUCP Is there a way to get an accounting log for incoming mail, like you can for outgoing mail? Mainly just to see how much mail is coming in. How do I configure it so that UUCP addresses get sent to the gateway machine for delivery (as I don't have UUCP)? I thought I had seen that any mail that MX can't do (outside host/UUCP) it would pass on to the gateway. I tried sending some mail to mx%"cbfpa!bdr" and it bounced with: Error-For: cbfpa! Error-Code: 3 Error-Text: No such local user I added the path: Domain="*!*", Path=SMTP, Route="ATT.COM" but I still got the above error. I haven't been able to find in the documents how to tell it to hand off a UUCP-style address. Thanks, Brian D. Reed Columbus Works 614-860-6218 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996 16:23:26 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 13:40:03 +0200 To: From:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Nicola du Plessis, President of the South Africa Association of University Students and the Board of Directors of the South Africa Association of University Students) Subject: ---> FREE 1 yr. Magazine Sub sent worldwide- 290+ Popular USA Titles -----> NOTE: Please first read my note which appears below the "Request for more info Form." Then, to get more info, just fill out the "Request for More Info" form completely and *FAX* or *SMAIL* it back to the company. You will get a quick reply via email within 1 business day of receipt of the info request form below. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THOSE FAXING IN THEIR REPLY: Please make sure you return *only* the below form and *no part* of this message other than the actual form below. If you do not know how to cut and paste the below form onto a fresh clean blank page for faxing, then you may re-type the below form, as long as you copy it line for line *exactly.* This is necessary in order for them to be able to process the tremendous number of replies that they get daily. Your fax goes directly onto their 4.2 gigabyte computer hard drive, not paper, and all incoming fax calls are set-up to be *auto-terminated* and/or *auto-deleted* from the incoming queue of faxes to be read, if your fax: 1. has a cover page; 2. is more than one page 3. is sent more than one time 4. does not begin with the "cut here/begin" line from the below form 5. does not end with the "cut here/end" line from the below form. 6. has any handwritten info. on it (info must must be filled out *only* with your computer keyboard or typewriter keyboard). This last provision re: no handwriting on the form applies to requests sent in via smail also. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: Their fax line is open 24 hrs. per day / 7 days per week. However, if you have trouble getting through due to the high volume of overseas faxes coming in during the early morning and late night hours, please note that the best time to get through to their fax is Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm EST (New York Time). If you have trouble getting through to their fax, or do not have a fax machine at work or at home, just drop the below form to them via smail (airmail or first class mail). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *------------cut here/begin-------------------------------------------* REQUEST FOR MORE INFO: please return *only* this section (with no cover page) via 1-page fax to: 718-967-1550 in the USA or via smail (first class mail or airmail) to: Magazine Club Inquiry Center Att. FREE Catalogue-by-email Dept. PO Box 990 Staten Island NY 10312-0990 Sorry, but incomplete forms *will not* be acknowledged. If you do not have an email address, or access to one, they will not be able to help you until you do have one. If you saw this message, then you should have one. :) ---> SORRY, BUT NO HANDWRITTEN FORMS WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED. MUST BE TYPED-OUT ON YOUR COMPUTER OR TYPEWRITER. <--- Name: Internet email address: Smail home address: City-State-Zip: Country: Work Tel. #: Work Fax #: Home Tel. #: Home Fax #: How did you hear about us (name of person who referred you or the area of the internet that you saw us mentioned in): Referral by: Nicola du Plessis. 040696-l Name of USA mags you currently get on the newsstand or in the store: Name of USA mags you currently get on the newsstand or in the store: Name of USA mags you currently get on a subscription basis, through the mail: Name of USA mags you would like price quotes on when we call you: Catalogue format desired (list "1," "2," "3" or "4"): *------------cut here/end--------------------------------------------* Catalogue Format Options: 1. 19-Part email- can be read by EVERYONE (~525 K Total). 2. For more advanced computer users: attached text file ~525K - you must know how to download an attached text file and then be able to open it with your word processor. If in doubt, don't ask for this version. This isn't for internet *newbies.* Better to order option 1 and spend a few minutes pasting them into one whole text document with your word processor, than to waste hours trying to figure how to deal with this option. 3. For more advanced Macintosh computer users: compressed attached text file, created with a Stuffit(tm) self-extracting archive (.sea), ~133K. Can be decompressed by any Macintosh computer user; no special expansion software or knowledge of Stuffit (tm) needed. You just double-click on the file icon and it automatically expands (unstuffs). This is for more advanced mac computer users only, as you still have to know how to deal with an attached file. It will cut your download time by 75%. Expands out to the same ~525K file in option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to be able to do. 4. For expert computer users: compressed attached text file, created with Stuffit(tm), ~114K. Can be decompressed by any computer user who has expansion software to decompress (expand) Stuffit(tm) (.sit) files. This is for more advanced computer users only and will cut your download time by 78%. Expands out to the same ~525K file in option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to be able to do. Hi fellow 'netters, My name is Nicola du Plessis and I recently started using a magazine subscription club in the USA that has a FREE 1 yr. magazine subscription deal with your first paid order- and I have been very pleased with them. They have over 1,500 different USA titles that they can ship to any country on a subscription basis. As for computer magazines from the USA, they more of a selection than I ever knew even existed. They have magazines for most every area of interest in their list of 1,500 titles. Within the USA, for their USA members, they are cheaper than all their competitors and even the publishers themselves. This is their price guarantee. Overseas, on the average, they are generally around one-fourth to one-half of what the newsstands overseas charge locally for USA magazines. On some titles they are as little as one-tenth of what the newsstands charge. They feel that mgazines should not be a luxury overseas. In the USA, people buy magazines and then toss them after reading them for just a few minutes or hours. They are so cheap in the USA! Well, this company would like to make it the same way for their overseas members. They are also cheaper than all their competitors in the USA and overseas, including the publishers themselves! This is their price guarantee. Around one-half their business comes from overseas, so they are very patient with new members who only speak limited English as a 2nd language. Their prices are so cheap because they deal direct with each publisher and cut-out all the middlemen. They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that they sell. Please do not email me as I am just a happy customer and a *busy* student. I don't have time to even complete my thesis in time, let alone run my part-time software business! Please fill out the above form and carefully follow the intructions above to get it to them via fax or smail. They guarantee to beat all their competitors' prices. Sometimes they are less than half of the next best deal I have been able to find and other times, just a little cheaper - but I have never found a lower rate yet. They assured me that if I ever do, they will beat it. They have been very helpful and helped me with all my address changes as I haved moved from one country to another. They have a deal where you can get a free 1 yr. sub to a new magazine from a special list of over 295 popular titles published in the USA. They will give you this free 1 yr. sub when you place your first paid order with them to a renewal or new subscription to any of the over 1,500 different popular USA titles they sell. They can arrange delivery to virtually any country and I think they have clients in around 45 or 46 countries now. Outside the USA there is a charge for FPH (foreign postage and handling) (on both paid and freebie subs) that varies from magazine to magazine. I have found their staff to be very friendly and courteous. They even helped me with an address change when I moved from one country to another. The owner thinks of his service as a "club" and his clients as "members" (even though there is no extra fee to become a member - your first purchase automatically makes you a member) and he is real picky about who he accepts as a new member. When he sets you up as a new member, he himself calls you personally on the phone to explain how he works his deal, or sometimes he has one of his assistants call. He is kind of quirky sometimes - he insists on setting up new members by phone so he can say hi to everyone (I sure wouldn't want to have his phone bills!), but you can place future orders (after your first order) via E-mail. He has some really friendly young ladies working for him, who seem to know just as much as he does about this magazine stuff. If you live overseas, he will even call you there, as long as you are interested, but I think he still makes all his overseas calls on the weekends, I guess cause the long distance rates are cheaper then. He only likes to take new members from referrals from satisfied existing members and he does virtually no advertising. When I got set-up, they had a 2-3 week waiting list for new members to be called back so that they could join up. (Once you are an existing member, they help you immediately when you call. ) I think they are able to get back to prospective new members the same day or within a few days now, as they have increased their staff. I am not sure about this.........but if you email the above form to them, that is the way to get started! They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that they sell. They then send you email that outlines how his club works and the list of free choices that you can choose from, as well as the entire list of what he sells; and then they will give you a quick (3-5 minute) friendly, no-pressure no-obligation call to explain everything to you personally and answer all your questions. Once you get in, you'll love them. I do. Sincerely, Nicola du Plessis ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 03:12:21 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Peter Burnett Reply-To: Subject: MAILSHR_PATCH Date: 07 Apr 96 00:43:06 Message-ID: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I have grabed a copy of the MAILSHR_PATCH archive from the WKU ftp server and tried to apply it..... VMS ENVIRONMENT 1) OpenVMS V5.0 2) OpenVMS V5.1 - 5.5-1 3) OpenVMS V5.5-2 4) OpenVMS V6.0 5) OpenVMS V5.5 - 6.0 with memory leak patch 6) OpenVMS V6.1 8) Display more information about this patch 9) Exit Your system has reported that you are using VMS V5.5-2. Please enter the number of your choice: [9] 3 Patch file ready. The old MAILSHR will be saved as MAILSHR.UNPATCHED. Apply the patch? [Y]Y 23:47:43> Patching MAILSHR.EXE... %RMS-F-NEF, not positioned to EOF on $PUT (sequential organization only) %DCL-W-SKPDAT, image data (records not beginning with "$") ignored 23:47:44> PATCH failed. 23:47:44> Results of PATCH saved in SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]MAILSHR_PATCH.LIS. %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]MAILSHR_PATCH.TMP;1 deleted (21 blocks) %DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]MAILSHR_PATCH.TMP2;1 deleted (3 blocks) %DELETE-I-TOTAL, 2 files deleted (24 blocks) $ $ type mailshr_patch.lis %PATCH-F-OPENOUT, error opening SYS$OUTPUT as output -RMS-E-FNF, file not found $ Not being an expert on this, anyone care to offer some suggestions as to what to do next please. System is a MV3100/10, 16MB Ram running OpenVMS 5.5-2 -- +-( DATA: 44-(0)1424-853361 )-( Peter Burnett )-( FAX: 44-(0)1424 853364 )-+ | for general queries 2:441/80.0 | | for R25 IGATE queries or Help | | for support with G2K, K2G, K2G2K & KMOV | +---( 10 Parsons Close, St. Leonards On Sea, East Sussex, UK, TN38 9QT )---+ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 03:35:44 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1996 03:36:14 -0400 From: Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Interesting Free Offer........ --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: Interesting Free Offer........ Date: 96-04-08 02:45:01 EDT From: JohnChen00 To: -----> NOTE: Please first read my note which appears below the "Request for more info Form." Then, to get more info, just fill out the "Request for More Info" form completely and *FAX* or *SMAIL* it back to the company. You will get a quick reply via email within 1 business day of receipt of the info request form below. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THOSE FAXING IN THEIR REPLY: Please make sure you return *only* the below form and *no part* of this message other than the actual form below. If you do not know how to cut and paste the below form onto a fresh clean blank page for faxing, then you may re-type the below form, as long as you copy it line for line *exactly.* This is necessary in order for them to be able to process the tremendous number of replies that they get daily. Your fax goes directly onto their 4.2 gigabyte computer hard drive, not paper, and all incoming fax calls are set-up to be *auto-terminated* and/or *auto-deleted* from the incoming queue of faxes to be read, if your fax: 1. has a cover page; 2. is more than one page 3. is sent more than one time 4. does not begin with the "cut here/begin" line from the below form 5. does not end with the "cut here/end" line from the below form. 6. has any handwritten info. on it (info must must be filled out *only* with your computer keyboard or typewriter keyboard). This last provision re: no handwriting on the form applies to requests sent in via smail also. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: Their fax line is open 24 hrs. per day / 7 days per week. However, if you have trouble getting through due to the high volume of overseas faxes coming in during the early morning and late night hours, please note that the best time to get through to their fax is Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm EST (New York Time). If you have trouble getting through to their fax, or do not have a fax machine at work or at home, just drop the below form to them via smail (airmail or first class mail). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *------------cut here/begin-------------------------------------------* REQUEST FOR MORE INFO: please return *only* this section (with no cover page) via 1-page fax to: 718-967-1550 in the USA or via smail (first class mail or airmail) to: Magazine Club Inquiry Center Att. FREE Catalogue-by-email Dept. PO Box 990 Staten Island NY 10312-0990 Sorry, but incomplete forms *will not* be acknowledged. If you do not have an email address, or access to one, they will not be able to help you until you do have one. If you saw this message, then you should have one. :) ---> SORRY, BUT NO HANDWRITTEN FORMS WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED. MUST BE TYPED-OUT ON YOUR COMPUTER OR TYPEWRITER. <--- Name: Internet email address: Smail home address: City-State-Zip: Country: Work Tel. #: Work Fax #: Home Tel. #: Home Fax #: How did you hear about us (name of person who referred you or the area of the internet that you saw us mentioned in): Referral by: John Chen. 040896-l-ifo Name of USA mags you currently get on the newsstand or in the store: Name of USA mags you currently get on the newsstand or in the store: Name of USA mags you currently get on a subscription basis, through the mail: Name of USA mags you would like price quotes on when we call you: Catalogue format desired (list "1," "2," "3" or "4"): *------------cut here/end--------------------------------------------* Catalogue Format Options: 1. 19-Part email- can be read by EVERYONE (~525 K Total). 2. For more advanced computer users: attached text file ~525K - you must know how to download an attached text file and then be able to open it with your word processor. If in doubt, don't ask for this version. This isn't for internet *newbies.* Better to order option 1 and spend a few minutes pasting them into one whole text document with your word processor, than to waste hours trying to figure how to deal with this option. 3. For more advanced Macintosh computer users: compressed attached text file, created with a Stuffit(tm) self-extracting archive (.sea), ~133K. Can be decompressed by any Macintosh computer user; no special expansion software or knowledge of Stuffit (tm) needed. You just double-click on the file icon and it automatically expands (unstuffs). This is for more advanced mac computer users only, as you still have to know how to deal with an attached file. It will cut your download time by 75%. Expands out to the same ~525K file in option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to be able to do. 4. For expert computer users: compressed attached text file, created with Stuffit(tm), ~114K. Can be decompressed by any computer user who has expansion software to decompress (expand) Stuffit(tm) (.sit) files. This is for more advanced computer users only and will cut your download time by 78%. Expands out to the same ~525K file in option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to be able to do. Hi fellow 'netters, My name is John Chen and I recently started using a magazine subscription club in the USA that has a FREE 1 yr. magazine subscription deal with your first paid order- and I have been very pleased with them. They have over 1,500 different USA titles that they can ship to any country on a subscription basis. As for computer magazines from the USA, they more of a selection than I ever knew even existed. They have magazines for most every area of interest in their list of 1,500 titles. Within the USA, for their USA members, they are cheaper than all their competitors and even the publishers themselves. This is their price guarantee. Overseas, on the average, they are generally around one-fourth to one-half of what the newsstands overseas charge locally for USA magazines. On some titles they are as little as one-tenth of what the newsstands charge. They feel that mgazines should not be a luxury overseas. In the USA, people buy magazines and then toss them after reading them for just a few minutes or hours. They are so cheap in the USA! Well, this company would like to make it the same way for their overseas members. They are also cheaper than all their competitors in the USA and overseas, including the publishers themselves! This is their price guarantee. Around one-half their business comes from overseas, so they are very patient with new members who only speak limited English as a 2nd language. Their prices are so cheap because they deal direct with each publisher and cut-out all the middlemen. They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that they sell. Please do not email me as I am just a happy customer and a *busy* student. I don't have time to even complete my thesis in time, let alone run my part-time software business! Please fill out the above form and carefully follow the intructions above to get it to them via fax or smail. They guarantee to beat all their competitors' prices. Sometimes they are less than half of the next best deal I have been able to find and other times, just a little cheaper - but I have never found a lower rate yet. They assured me that if I ever do, they will beat it. They have been very helpful and helped me with all my address changes as I haved moved from one country to another. They have a deal where you can get a free 1 yr. sub to a new magazine from a special list of over 295 popular titles published in the USA. They will give you this free 1 yr. sub when you place your first paid order with them to a renewal or new subscription to any of the over 1,500 different popular USA titles they sell. They can arrange delivery to virtually any country and I think they have clients in around 45 or 46 countries now. Outside the USA there is a charge for FPH (foreign postage and handling) (on both paid and freebie subs) that varies from magazine to magazine. I have found their staff to be very friendly and courteous. They even helped me with an address change when I moved from one country to another. The owner thinks of his service as a "club" and his clients as "members" (even though there is no extra fee to become a member - your first purchase automatically makes you a member) and he is real picky about who he accepts as a new member. When he sets you up as a new member, he himself calls you personally on the phone to explain how he works his deal, or sometimes he has one of his assistants call. He is kind of quirky sometimes - he insists on setting up new members by phone so he can say hi to everyone (I sure wouldn't want to have his phone bills!), but you can place future orders (after your first order) via E-mail. He has some really friendly young ladies working for him, who seem to know just as much as he does about this magazine stuff. If you live overseas, he will even call you there, as long as you are interested, but I think he still makes all his overseas calls on the weekends, I guess cause the long distance rates are cheaper then. He only likes to take new members from referrals from satisfied existing members and he does virtually no advertising. When I got set-up, they had a 2-3 week waiting list for new members to be called back so that they could join up. (Once you are an existing member, they help you immediately when you call. ) I think they are able to get back to prospective new members the same day or within a few days now, as they have increased their staff. I am not sure about this.........but if you email the above form to them, that is the way to get started! They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that they sell. They then send you email that outlines how his club works and the list of free choices that you can choose from, as well as the entire list of what he sells; and then they will give you a quick (3-5 minute) friendly, no-pressure no-obligation call to explain everything to you personally and answer all your questions. Once you get in, you'll love them. I do. Sincerely, John Chen ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 12:35:51 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: pjacobson@gandlf (Termenix knocks them dead so they don't get up) Subject: Missing Domain Address Date: 8 Apr 96 13:16:45 -0500 Message-ID: <1996Apr8.131645@gandlf> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hmm, I am getting a large number of returned messages from MX 4.1 on VMS 5.5-1 The error always comes back -Sent: HELO -Rcvd: 501 HELO requires domain address Something sounds hosed but I cannot find a logical or symbol for the domain address. Any help in figering out where it is? Or am I barking up the wrong tree - is this really symptomatic of a different problem? Thanks PS - oh yeah, last week the system admin rebuilt the data file that contains all the node names/id numbers for all the VAXen on the network (it had gotten corrupted - but I cannot remember what he call ed [he is on vacation of course and I am stuck with this problem]). Could that have anything to do with it?? Thank you, Paul Jacobson ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 14:42:27 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 15:39:15 EST5EDT4,M4.1.0,M10.5.0 From: Scott McNeilly Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Missing Domain Address >Hmm, I am getting a large number of returned messages from MX 4.1 on VMS 5.5-1 > >The error always comes back > > -Sent: HELO > -Rcvd: 501 HELO requires domain address > >Something sounds hosed but I cannot find a logical or symbol for the domain >address. Any help in figering out where it is? Or am I barking up the wrong >tree - is this really symptomatic of a different problem? You didn't mention what TCP/IP transport you are using. But if you are using UCX, you should check for the presence and correctness of these logicals: UCX$INET_DOMAIN UCX$HOST -------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott Mc Neilly email: Assistant Director Phone: 508-697-1236 Information Services Bridgewater State College Bridgewater, MA 02325 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 16:23:42 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 08 Apr 1996 15:20:04 CST From: "Chance W. Eppinette" Reply-To: To: mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <009A08E7.5365A148.8@ALPHA.NLU.EDU> Subject: MX process dieing Hello, I am new to the MX mail world but I have liked what I have encountered with the package so far. I am running MX 4.2 on an Alpha OpenVMS 6.1 machine. The TCP stack is Multinet v3.4A. I have configured MX for SMTP, Local, and SMTP-over-TCP. MX basically is working fine except that the MX Router process(es) die off sporadically. I am not familiar enough with it yet to trace out why and where so I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction or better yet tell me what you have found in this picture. I have seen in some of the archives where other people have had the router process die, but I have not traced those problems to mine. I have disabled the SMTP agent in Multinet. Also I have the "Address-rewriter" procedure compiled and enabled, which has also been working as far as I can tell. One other thing that might be of interest is that sometimes from a non-prived account I have gotten the following: MAIL> send To: smtp%"eppinette@alpha" %MAIL-E-ERRACTRNS, error activating transport SMTP %LIB-E-ACTIMAGE, error activating image DRA1:[MX.][ALPHA_EXE]MX_MAILSHRP.EXE;3 -SYSTEM-F-PROTINSTALL, protected images must be installed I have installed and setup all of MX through the system account and I can temporarily correct this problem by shutdowning down and restarting MX. You may notice the SMTP% prefix (instead of MX%), I enabled the logicals for incoming and outgoing recognition of SMTP so that my users would not freak out with a new mail system. I liked that option in MX. Any help is greatly appreciated. Chance Eppinette Computing Center Northeast Louisiana University Monroe, LA 71209 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 02:46:59 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 09:46:17 +0200 From: Richard Levitte - GNU on VMS hacker Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Making a read-only "lurkers" list I've tried to make a list with a read-only "sister" list for lurkers. The normal list is defined like this: Name: list Owner: "levitte@LP.SE" Reply-to: List, NOSender Description: list Errors-to: levitte@LP.SE Strip header: NOReceived, NOOther Private list: Yes Case sensitive: No Digest support: No Protection: (SYSTEM:RWED,OWNER:RWED,GROUP:RWD,WORLD:R) and the lurkers list like this: Name: list-lurkers Owner: "levitte@LP.SE" "owner-Free-VMS@LP.SE" Reply-to: NOList, NOSender Description: list lurkers Errors-to: levitte@LP.SE Strip header: NOReceived, NOOther Private list: No Case sensitive: No Digest support: No Protection: (SYSTEM:RWED,OWNER:RWED,GROUP:RD,WORLD:E) and "list-lurkers" is set up as a member of "list". The problem with this scheme is that all messages to "list" that are not sent by the owner or the system user doesn't get into "list-lurkers" since that one is write-protected, and you get this bounce message: Note: this message was generated automatically. The following error(s) occurred during local delivery of your message. Error in delivery to mailing list list-lurkers: access denied; send subscription requests to Does anyone have a good scheme for fixing this problem? I'm out of ideas for the moment being... Ah, facts: $ ucx sh ver DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS VAX Version V3.3 on a MicroVAX II running OpenVMS V6.2 $ mc mx_exe:mcp sh ver MX version id is: MX V4.2 VAX Thank you. -- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! Richard Levitte, GNU on VMS hacker ! tel: +46-8-26 52 47 ! ! Spannvägen 38, I ! fax: none for the moment ! ! S-161 43 Bromma ! Internet: ! ! SWEDEN ! ! +-GNUish VMS-+ You may not add me to a commercial mailing list or send me commercial advertising without my consent! See for further reference. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 03:17:39 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 10:04:45 GMT Message-ID: <> From: (C. ERBACHER - Centrale Nantes - Tel : 40 37 16 26) Reply-To: To: Subject: How to get a new version of the accounting file ? Hello, I am running MX042 on a DEC Alpha OpenVMS 6v1, and have make the accounting enable for both LOCAL and SMTP agents. When enable, accounting records are written to a file. And my question is about the possibility to get a new version of this accounting file ? I am looking about a command like : MCP SET LOCAL/ACCOUNTING/NEW_FILE If it is not possible, what append when the size of the accounting file become large ? The only possibility I have found to have a new accounting file is: $ MCP SHUTDOWN $ rename MX_LOCAL_DIR:MX_LOCAL_ACC.DAT MX_LOCAL_DIR:MX_LOCAL_ACC.OLD $ rename MX_SMTP_DIR:MX_SMTP_ACC.DAT MX_SMTO_DIR:MX_SMTO_ACC.OLD $ @sys$startup:MX_STARTUP Any other idea ? Thanks, Claude ERBACHER *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Ecole Centrale de NANTES | tel. : 40 37 16 26 1 rue de la Noe | fax : 40 74 74 06 44072 NANTES cedex 03 | mail : *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 04:25:20 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 04:24:49 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: EPPINETTE@ALPHA.NLU.EDU Message-ID: <009A0954.F4493053.4@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX process dieing "Chance W. Eppinette" writes: > >MX basically is working fine except >that the MX Router process(es) die off sporadically. I am not >familiar enough with it yet to trace out why and where so I was hoping >someone could point me in the right direction or better yet tell >me what you have found in this picture. You can check the log files in MX_ROUTER_DIR: to see what the exit status is. You can also enable MX Router debugging (as described in the management guide) to see MX Router process messages; this'll create additional debug log files in MX_ROUTER_DIR: $ define/system/exec mx_router_debug true >One other thing that might be of interest is that sometimes from a >non-prived account I have gotten the following: > >MAIL> send >To: smtp%"eppinette@alpha" >%MAIL-E-ERRACTRNS, error activating transport SMTP >%LIB-E-ACTIMAGE, error activating image DRA1:[MX.][ALPHA_EXE]MX_MAILSHRP.EXE;3 >-SYSTEM-F-PROTINSTALL, protected images must be installed > Are you running the MX WATCHDOG procedure? When it detects a missing agent and restarts it, it temporarily causes MX_MAILSHR and MX_MAILSHRP to be de-installed. Perhaps you're catching that window? (Note: I'm on vacation this week and shouldn't even be answering this ;-), so any further replies from me may not be answered until next week.) Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 04:26:40 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 04:26:04 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: CLAUDE.ERBACHER@EC-NANTES.FR Message-ID: <009A0955.212D5CE8.5@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: How to get a new version of the accounting file ? (C. ERBACHER - Centrale Nantes - Tel : writes: > > When enable, accounting records are written to a file. And my question >is about the possibility to get a new version of this accounting file ? I am >looking about a command like : MCP SET LOCAL/ACCOUNTING/NEW_FILE > It's: MCP> RESET/ACCOUNTING agent[,agent...] Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 06:15:28 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 13:11:31 EDT From: "Mario Meyer, Phys.-Techn. Bundesanstalt" Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <009A099E.8882D780.3@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De> Subject: RE: How to get a new version of the accounting file ? No MCP SHUTDOWN is required. You can rename the accounting files while processes are running. Then create a new empty version with the original name and after that MCP RESET /CLUSTER the processes. The following simple COM-file I use may serve as an example. Mario 8<------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $! This renames MX accounting files of last month and resubmits for next month. $! You must have empty acoounting files MX_*_acc_EMPTY.dat in the directories ! $! $ set process /privileges=all $! $ tim = F$TIME() + "-10:" ! in the month of accounting $ nam = f$cvTIME(tim,"absolute","month")+ "-" +f$cvTIME(tim,"absolute","year") $ tim = F$TIME() + "+40-" ! in the next month $ set verify $ rename MX_DnSMTP_dir:MX_DnSMTP_acc.dat MX_DnSMTP_dir:MX_DnSMTP_'nam'.dat $ copy MX_DnSMTP_dir:MX_DnSMTP_acc_EMPTY.dat MX_DnSMTP_dir:MX_DnSMTP_acc.dat $ rename MX_Local_dir:MX_Local_acc.dat MX_Local_dir:MX_Local_'nam'.dat $ copy MX_Local_dir:MX_Local_acc_EMPTY.dat MX_Local_dir:MX_Local_acc.dat $ rename MX_SMTP_dir:MX_SMTP_acc.dat MX_SMTP_dir:MX_SMTP_'nam'.dat $ copy MX_SMTP_dir:MX_SMTP_acc_EMPTY.dat MX_SMTP_dir:MX_SMTP_acc.dat $ mcp :== $MX_exe:MCP.exe $ mcp reset DECNET_SMT /cluster reset LOCAL /cluster reset SMTP /cluster exit $ set noverify $ nam = f$cvTIME(tim,"absolute","month")+ "-" +f$cvTIME(tim,"absolute","year") $ tim = "1-" + nam + " 00:00:00.00" + " -:1" $ nam = f$ELEMENT(0,";",f$ENVIRONMENT("procedure")) ! Filename without version $ submit /noprint /log /restart /after="''tim'" /name="MXacctg restart" 'nam' $ exit >8------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --,------------------------------------------------------.------------------ | Mario Meyer Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt | . , | ............. Institut Berlin Referat IB.TI | _QQ__ | : wide area : Abbestr. 2-12, D - 10587 Berlin | __( U, )__ | : networker : tel. (+49 30) 3481 442, fax. ... 490 | /// `---' \\\ | SMTP MMeyer@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De, BITNET MMeyer@PTBIB | /||\ /||\ --| X.400 S=Meyer; OU=IB-TI; O=PTB; P=PTB; A=d400; C=DE |------------------ `------------------------------------------------------' ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 21:18:29 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Chance Eppinette Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Date: Tue Apr 09 21:20:03 1996 To: mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: Again: MX processes dieing CC: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit MIME-Version: 1.0 Hello again. I am still having problems with processes dieing and it seems to be related to the "address_rewriter" procedure. Currently the smtp_server continues to die with the following debug log: MX_DEVICE:[MX.SMTP]SMTP_SERVER_ALPHA.LOG;540 9-APR-1996 19:15:46.52: MX SMTP Server (pid 00004868) starting 9-APR-1996 19:24:46.30: MX SMTP Server (pid 00004868) exiting, status = 100000 0C Is there some place that I could look for the exit status meanings? While I am in the process of writing this letter, I found this just recently in the logs for smtp#6: MX_DEVICE:[MX.SMTP]MX_SMTP_ALPHA_6.LOG;541 %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=00170FF7, PC =001AA5F8, PS=0000001B %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows Image Name Module Name Routine Name Line Number rel PC abs PC NETLIB_MULTI DNS netlib_dns_expa 12113 000005F8 001AA5F8 NETLIB_MULTI NAMEADDR name_to_addr_co 11928 00000534 001B38D4 NETLIB_MULTI NAMEADDR netlib___dns_na 11843 000001B8 001B3558 NETLIB_MULTI NETLIB_SRI netlib_name_to_ 21963 000023FC 001B1FCC NETLIB_MULTI COMPATIBILITY net_get_address 9439 00000454 001AB5A4 NETLIB_SHRXF 0 00022DA0 000B6DA0 MX_SMTP SMTP_OUT SMTP_SEND 286 00000530 00035540 MX_SMTP PROCESS PROCESS 403 00001034 000333B4 MX_SMTP MX_SMTP MX_SMTP 32 00001750 00031750 0 B8627A50 B8627A50 Is it also possible that I may need to increase some quotas for these processes? If so how would I do that? Thanks for any help again. Hopefully I will have a good Summary coming up! ############### Chance Eppinette Computing Center Northeast Louisiana University ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 23:12:11 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 23:10:36 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: CHANCE.EPPINETTE@NLU.EDU Message-ID: <009A09F2.39BEECFC.11@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Again: MX processes dieing Chance Eppinette writes: > >Hello again. >I am still having problems with processes dieing and it seems >to be related to the "address_rewriter" procedure. Currently The SMTP processes don't have anything to do with the ADDRESS_REWRITER; only the Router does. >the smtp_server continues to die with the following debug log: > >MX_DEVICE:[MX.SMTP]SMTP_SERVER_ALPHA.LOG;540 > > 9-APR-1996 19:15:46.52: MX SMTP Server (pid 00004868) starting > 9-APR-1996 19:24:46.30: MX SMTP Server (pid 00004868) exiting, status = 100000 >0C > >Is there some place that I could look for the exit status meanings? > That's an access violation. Not very helpful in this case. >While I am in the process of writing this letter, I found this just >recently in the logs for smtp#6: > >MX_DEVICE:[MX.SMTP]MX_SMTP_ALPHA_6.LOG;541 > >%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=00170FF7, PC >=001AA5F8, PS=0000001B >%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows > Image Name Module Name Routine Name Line Number rel PC abs PC > NETLIB_MULTI DNS netlib_dns_expa 12113 000005F8 001AA5F8 I don't remember what TCP/IP package you're using; if it's MultiNet V3.5B, you need to pick up the latest NETLIB, V2.0J, available via: Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 12:21:34 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Chris Wysocki) Subject: supporting mail for multiple domains Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 16:33:41 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hi, We are using MX V4.1 to handle all the mail for our primary domain name ( We will soon need to accept mail for 3 new domains. Is it possible to configure MX so that certain user ids are only allowed to receive mail under a specific domain? In particular, we don't want the user ids associated with the new domains to be able to get mail "". I know that I configure "path=local" for each of the new domains. But then, all user ids are valid for any of the domain names. I would also like to have "postmaster" for each domain be a different person so "bounce" messages for the domain get routed to the right place. Thanks in advance for any info you can provide. ...Chris Wysocki ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 12:36:23 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 13:35:16 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: To: CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Making a read-only "lurkers" list > I've tried to make a list with a read-only "sister" list for lurkers. > The normal list is defined like this: > > Name: list > Owner: "levitte@LP.SE" > Reply-to: List, NOSender > Protection: (SYSTEM:RWED,OWNER:RWED,GROUP:RWD,WORLD:R) > > and the lurkers list like this: > > Name: list-lurkers > Owner: "levitte@LP.SE" > "owner-Free-VMS@LP.SE" > Reply-to: NOList, NOSender > Protection: (SYSTEM:RWED,OWNER:RWED,GROUP:RD,WORLD:E) > > and "list-lurkers" is set up as a member of "list". > > The problem with this scheme is that all messages to "list" that are > not sent by the owner or the system user doesn't get into "list-lurkers" > since that one is write-protected First, do you really want WORLD:R on 'list' ? But to the point, can you add some (small) number of addresses to 'list- lurkers' with the /NONOTIFY and /NOMAIL attributes, just for the purpose of granting them permission to post to the list? These would either duplicate the names on 'list' or be the reply or owner address of 'list' -- whichever works. - Jonathan P.S. -- If worse comes to worse, there's always the SITE interface which can be used to gimmick up the headers. You would add a delivery address to 'list' which would cause the mail to be routed to SITE (because of a matching PATH configuration statement). SITE would edit whatever headers are necessary before passing the message on to list-lurkers@local. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 12:58:43 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 13:55:01 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: supporting mail for multiple domains > We are using MX V4.1 to handle all the mail for our primary domain > name ( We will soon need to accept mail for 3 new > domains. Is it possible to configure MX so that certain user ids are > only allowed to receive mail under a specific domain? In particular, > we don't want the user ids associated with the new domains to be > able to get mail "". Short, unofficial answer: No. That is, no, without some extra work on your part. Let's clarify what you want the end result to be. The VAX has some number of users. Is it that you want each of them to get mail, but only if it's addressed to a particular host name? In other words, you want to exclude the possibility that there will be two different recipients and How much trouble are you willing to go through to maintain this database? How about this as an outline, which you will have to experiment to get working. Define two rewrite rules: {user} -> {user}-dl {user} -> {user}-db Then, for each user, use an alias to correct back only the ones that are acceptable for delivery: define alias sam-dl sam > I would also like to have "postmaster" for each domain be a different > person so "bounce" messages for the domain get routed to the right place. Postmaster is usually defined by alias. Define it instead by rewrite rule: define rewrite_rule define rewrite_rule (This may require several variations for spelling, truncation, and capitalization.) - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 14:29:37 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 15:27:53 -0400 To: From: Chris Wysocki Reply-To: Subject: RE: supporting mail for multiple domains CC: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU At 01:58 PM 4/10/96 -0400, wrote: >> We are using MX V4.1 to handle all the mail for our primary domain >> ... >> able to get mail "". > >Short, unofficial answer: No. I was afraid of this. >Let's clarify what you want the end result to be. The VAX has some number >of users. Is it that you want each of them to get mail, but only if it's >addressed to a particular host name? In other words, you want to exclude >the possibility that there will be two different recipients > and How much trouble are you willing >to go through to maintain this database? This is exactly what we need to do. I have been trying to do it with rewrite rules for each of the "other" domains users. For example, -> and "user-id" is a Vax username that retrieves mail using POP3. One problem with this is that if mail comes in for an unknown user at it loops. So, I mapped {user} -> {user} But, then invalid usernames get a bounce message from "postmaster@" saying "no such local user -" (hal is our mail host). The sender is confused because he was trying to reach "". Is there a way to actually edit the rewrite rules as a text file (or command procedure) instead of typing them in to MCP? Right now, each time I add a new user I have to delete the catch-all rewrite rule and re-add it so the order is maintained. >> I would also like to have "postmaster" for each domain be a different >> person so "bounce" messages for the domain get routed to the right place. > >Postmaster is usually defined by alias. Define it instead by rewrite rule: > > define rewrite_rule > define rewrite_rule Will this cause bounce messages for invalid addresses at "" to be "from" instead of ...Chris ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Christopher Wysocki | | +1 201 239 7500 x232 | | Data Life Associates | 500 Bloomfield Ave | Verona, NJ 07044 USA | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 14:53:13 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 15:50:58 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: To: CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: supporting mail for multiple domains > Is there a way to actually edit the rewrite rules as a text file (or > command procedure) instead of typing them in to MCP? Right now, each time > I add a new user I have to delete the catch-all rewrite rule and re-add > it so the order is maintained. Absolutely. I only make changes (edit) to the file: MX_DEVICE:[MX]CONFIG.MCP Then, to implement the changes: $ MCP/NOFILE MCP> @CONFIG.MCP MCP> SAVE MX_DIR:MX_CONFIG.MXCFG {Unless this is the last line of CONFIG.MCP, which is a good idea.} MCP> RESET {Tell the agents to reread the configuration file.} MCP> EXIT There's a way to regenerate CONFIG.MCP given your current configuration, but your manual is better than my memory. > Will this cause bounce messages for invalid addresses at "" > to be "from" instead of While you can have different "postmasters" receive mail at your site, to my knowledge there would be no way to tailor outgoing "postmaster" messages so that the "postmaster address" correlated to the bad incoming address. - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 15:28:39 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 16:26:45 -0400 To: From: Chris Wysocki Reply-To: Subject: RE: supporting mail for multiple domains CC: At 03:53 PM 4/10/96 -0400, wrote: >> Is there a way to actually edit the rewrite rules as a text file >Absolutely. > >I only make changes (edit) to the file: MX_DEVICE:[MX]CONFIG.MCP > >Then, to implement the changes: >... Thank you! This will make my life *much* easier. >There's a way to regenerate CONFIG.MCP given your current configuration, >but your manual is better than my memory. I found the MCP command "SHOW/COMMAND ALL/OUTPUT=..." does the trick. >While you can have different "postmasters" receive mail at your site, to my >knowledge there would be no way to tailor outgoing "postmaster" messages so >that the "postmaster address" correlated to the bad incoming address. Rats. How do the ISPs who do domain hosting handle this? Is it a feature of Un*x mail? Do you know if PMDF could do it? ...Chris ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Christopher Wysocki | | +1 201 239 7500 x232 | | Data Life Associates | 500 Bloomfield Ave | Verona, NJ 07044 USA | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 17:53:31 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: "Robert H. McClanahan" Reply-To: To: Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 17:51:01 -0500 Subject: Que File Cleanup - Who *Really* Does It? Greetings, I'm running MX V4.2 on VMS V6.1 with CMU/IP V6.6-5A on a VAX 4300. I've noticed that *.*_info files seem to accumulate in the queue subdirectories. I started looking around to determine why the files were left around and turned on debugging in the FLQ_MGR to see what he was up to. FLQ_MGR is telling me that someone else owns the Queue File Lock (see log below). I know that the router takes care of queue management in the absence of FLQ_MGR, but is there something that I have to do to tell the router not to do queue management when FLQ_MGR is running (I'm assuming here that the router is the culprit that has the lock)? I'm starting the FLQ_MGR before the ROUTER (at least I think that I am). What am I missing here? I've attached some configuration info - I'll gladly provide more if this isn't enough. Thanks, RHM MX Logicals "MX_ALIAS_HELPLIB" = "MX_DIR:MX_ALIAS_HELPLIB" "MX_DEVICE" = "$1$DIA0:" "MX_DIR" = "MX_DEVICE:[MX]" "MX_DOC" = "MX_ROOT:[DOC]" "MX_EXAMPLES_DIR" = "MX_ROOT:[EXAMPLES]" "MX_EXE" = "MX_ROOT:[EXE]" "MX_FLQ_CHECK_WAIT" = "0 00:10:00" "MX_FLQ_DEBUG" = "TRUE" "MX_FLQ_DIR" = "SYS$SYSDEVICE:[MX.QUEUE]" "MX_FLQ_FULL_PURGE_WAIT" = "0 00:01:00" "MX_FLQ_MGR_WAKEUP_INTERVAL" = "0 00:02:00" "MX_FLQ_NODE_NAME" = "COYOTE" "MX_FLQ_PURGE_WAIT" = "0 00:15:00" "MX_FLQ_SHR" = "MX_EXE:MX_FLQ_SHR" "MX_FLQ_WAKEUP_INTERVAL" = "0 00:01:00" "MX_LOCAL_DIR" = "MX_ROOT:[LOCAL]" "MX_MAILSHR" = "MX_EXE:MX_MAILSHR" "MX_MAILSHRP" = "MX_EXE:MX_MAILSHRP" "MX_MCP_HELPLIB" = "MX_DIR:MX_MCP_HELPLIB" "MX_MLF_DIR" = "MX_ROOT:[MLF]" "MX_MLIST_DIR" = "MX_ROOT:[MLF.MAILING_LISTS]" "MX_MSG" = "MX_EXE:MX_MSG" "MX_NODE_NAME" = "" "MX_PROTOCOL_PREFIX" = "IN%" "MX_ROOT" = "MX_DEVICE:[MX.]" "MX_ROUTER_DEBUG" = "TRUE" "MX_ROUTER_DIR" = "MX_ROOT:[ROUTER]" "MX_SHR" = "MX_EXE:MX_SHR" "MX_SITE_DIR" = "MX_ROOT:[SITE]" "MX_SITE_DOM_EXPANSION" = "MX_EXE:DOMAIN_EXPANSION" "MX_SMTP_DIR" = "MX_ROOT:[SMTP]" "MX_SMTP_SERVER_THREADS" = "8" "MX_UUCP_DIR" = "MX_ROOT:[UUCP]" "MX_UUCP_HOST_NAME" = "" "MX_VMSMAIL_LOCALHOST" = "" MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT 001NETLIB:* 001FLQ_MGR:* 002ROUTER:*=1 003LOCAL:*=1 004SITE:*=1 004SMTP:*=1 004SMTP_SERVER:* 004UUCP:*=1 005MLF:* MX_FLQ_LOG.LOG 10-APR-1996 17:33:51.17 %FLQ_CLUP_INIT, Getting timer values from FLQ logicals... 10-APR-1996 17:33:51.17 MX_FLQ_CHECK_WAIT = 0 00:10:00.00 10-APR-1996 17:33:51.18 MX_FLQ_PURGE_WAIT = 0 00:15:00.00 10-APR-1996 17:33:51.18 MX_FLQ_FULL_PURGE_WAIT = 0 00:01:00.00 10-APR-1996 17:33:51.18 %FLQ_CLUP_INIT, Searching for INPROG entries to READY or CANCEL 10-APR-1996 17:33:51.74 %FLQ_CLUP_INIT, INPROG final FLQ_SEARCH status = 0001827A 10-APR-1996 17:33:52.28 %FLQ_CLEANUP, time to check for cleanups 10-APR-1996 17:33:52.30 %FLQ_CLEANUP, time to make a purge pass 10-APR-1996 17:33:52.31 %FLQ_CLEANUP, PURGE: final FLQ_SEARCH status = 0001827A 10-APR-1996 17:33:52.32 %FLQ_CLEANUP, EXPIRE: final FLQ_SEARCH status = 0001827A 10-APR-1996 17:33:54.51 %FLQ_CLUP_INIT, Getting timer values from FLQ logicals... 10-APR-1996 17:33:54.52 MX_FLQ_CHECK_WAIT = 0 00:10:00.00 10-APR-1996 17:33:54.53 MX_FLQ_PURGE_WAIT = 0 00:15:00.00 10-APR-1996 17:33:54.53 MX_FLQ_FULL_PURGE_WAIT = 14 00:00:00.00 10-APR-1996 17:33:55.49 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:33:55.49 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:35:53.28 %FLQ_CLEANUP, time to check for cleanups 10-APR-1996 17:36:53.89 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:36:53.89 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:36:54.02 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:36:54.02 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:36:56.61 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:36:56.61 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:36:56.80 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:36:56.80 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:37:53.36 %FLQ_CLEANUP, time to check for cleanups 10-APR-1996 17:39:21.07 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:39:21.08 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:39:21.37 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:39:21.62 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:39:23.62 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:39:23.62 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:39:23.82 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:39:23.83 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:39:53.45 %FLQ_CLEANUP, time to check for cleanups 10-APR-1996 17:41:46.86 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:41:46.86 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:41:47.25 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:41:47.25 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:41:53.58 %FLQ_CLEANUP, time to check for cleanups 10-APR-1996 17:43:53.71 %FLQ_CLEANUP, time to check for cleanups 10-APR-1996 17:43:53.72 %FLQ_CLEANUP, time to make a purge pass 10-APR-1996 17:43:53.74 %FLQ_CLEANUP, PURGE: final FLQ_SEARCH status = 0001827A 10-APR-1996 17:43:53.75 %FLQ_CLEANUP, EXPIRE: final FLQ_SEARCH status = 0001827A 10-APR-1996 17:44:42.83 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:44:42.83 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:44:42.99 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:44:42.99 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:45:05.08 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:45:05.09 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:45:05.29 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:45:05.29 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:45:11.93 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:45:11.93 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:45:12.34 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:45:12.34 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:45:14.13 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:45:14.13 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:45:14.33 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Checking lock, resnam=FLQ_LOCK_COYOTE_RQC 10-APR-1996 17:45:14.33 %FLQ_CLEANUP: Someone else is doing the cleanups. Bye. 10-APR-1996 17:45:53.90 %FLQ_CLEANUP, time to check for cleanups +--+ Robert H. McClanahan, Mgr, Tech Info Systems, <[]>< Arkansas Electric Coop Corp, PO Box 194208, Little Rock, AR 72219-4208 USA "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C.S. Lewis ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 09:47:06 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 10:46:37 EST From: Reply-To: To: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: mx local agents process quota exceeded Hi, This is my first problem report on the Mx list and hope that someone has a solution with a problem we have been experiencing with MX. We are running an Alpha Cluster running VMS6.2 and mx4.1. The Mx software has been running fine for months with no problems and all of a sudden we are seeing the following errors for the Local agents which cause the processes to die; 10-APR-1996 10:29:44.39: MX Local#2 (pid 20A00CAA) starting 10-APR-1996 10:49:24.47: MX Local#2 (pid 20A00CAA) exiting, status = 1C278034 and DEBUGBOOT-W-EXQUOATA, process quota exceeded %MX-F-MeMALLOC, error allocating memory from zone TXTZONE -LIB-F-INSVIRMEM, insufficient virtual memory Any help on the above is appreciated. Frank Rotiroti University Of Toronto Library ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 11:35:05 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 16:16:13 GMT From: Andy Harper - KCL Systems manager Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MAILSHR_PATCH >I have grabed a copy of the MAILSHR_PATCH archive from the WKU ftp >server and tried to apply it..... : : >Apply the patch? [Y]Y >23:47:43> Patching MAILSHR.EXE... >%RMS-F-NEF, not positioned to EOF on $PUT (sequential organization only) >%DCL-W-SKPDAT, image data (records not beginning with "$") ignored >23:47:44> PATCH failed. >23:47:44> Results of PATCH saved in SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]MAILSHR_PATCH.LIS. >%DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]MAILSHR_PATCH.TMP;1 deleted (21 blocks) >%DELETE-I-FILDEL, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]MAILSHR_PATCH.TMP2;1 deleted (3 blocks) >%DELETE-I-TOTAL, 2 files deleted (24 blocks) >$ >$ type mailshr_patch.lis > >%PATCH-F-OPENOUT, error opening SYS$OUTPUT as output >-RMS-E-FNF, file not found >$ > >Not being an expert on this, anyone care to offer some suggestions >as to what to do next please. Yes, the procedure is a bit buggy. Enclosed is a modified version that fixes the problems. BTW, does anyone have a version of OpenVMS 6.1 on AXP (this procedure fails because PATCH doesn't exist, but I suppose the mailshr.exe image is completely different anyway!) Regards, Andy Harper Kings College London $! ------------------ CUT HERE ----------------------- $ v='f$verify(f$trnlnm("SHARE_UNPACK_VERIFY"))' $! $! This archive created: $! Name : M $! By : Andy Harper $! Date : 11-APR-1996 16:13:08.82 $! Using: VMS_SHARE 8.5-1, (C) 1993 Andy Harper, Kings College London UK $! $! Credit is due to these people for their original ideas: $! James Gray, Michael Bednarek $! $! To unpack this archive: $! Minimum of VMS 4.4 (VAX) / OpenVMS 1.0 (Alpha) is required. $! Remove the headers of the first part, up to `cut here' line. $! Execute file as a command procedure. $! $! The following file(s) will be created after unpacking: $! 1. MAILSHR_PATCH.COM;4 $! $ set="set" $ set symbol/scope=(nolocal,noglobal) $ f="SYS$SCRATCH:."+f$getjpi("","PID")+";" $ if f$trnlnm("SHARE_UNPACK") .nes. "" then $ - f=f$parse("SHARE_UNPACK_TEMP",f) $ e="write sys$error ""%UNPACK"", " $ w="write sys$output ""%UNPACK"", " $ if .not. f$trnlnm("SHARE_UNPACK_LOG") then $ w = "!" $ if f$getsyi("CPU") .gt. 127 then $ goto start $ ve=f$getsyi("version") $ if ve-f$extract(0,1,ve) .ges. "4.4" then $ goto start $ e "-E-OLDVER, Must run at least VMS 4.4" $ v=f$verify(v) $ exit 44 $unpack:subroutine!P1=file,P2=chksum,P3=attrib,P4=size,P5=fileno,P6=filetotal $ if f$parse(P1) .nes. "" then $ goto dirok $ dn=f$parse(P1,,,"DIRECTORY") $ w "-I-CREDIR, Creating directory ''dn'" $ create/dir 'dn' $ if $status then $ goto dirok $ e "-E-CREDIRFAIL, Unable to create ''dn' File skipped" $ delete 'f'* $ exit $dirok: $ x=f$search(P1) $ if x .eqs. "" then $ goto file_absent $ e "-W-EXISTS, File ''P1' exists. Skipped" $ delete 'f'* $ exit $file_absent: $ w "-I-UNPACK, Unpacking ", P5, " of ", P6, " - ", P1, " - ", P4, " Blocks" $ n=P1 $ if P3 .nes. "" then $ n=f $ if .not. f$verify() then $ define/user sys$output nl: $ EDIT/TPU/NOSEC/NODIS/COM=SYS$INPUT/NOJOURNAL 'f'/OUT='n' PROCEDURE GetHex(s,p)LOCAL x1,x2;x1:=INDEX(t,SUBSTR(s,p,1))-1;x2:=INDEX(t, SUBSTR(s,p+1,1))-1;RETURN 16*x1+x2;ENDPROCEDURE;PROCEDURE SkipPartsep LOCAL m; LOOP m:=MARK(NONE);EXITIF m=END_OF(CURRENT_BUFFER);DELETE(m);EXITIF INDEX( ERASE_LINE,"-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+")=1;ENDLOOP;ENDPROCEDURE; PROCEDURE ProcessLine LOCAL c,s,l,b,n,p;s := ERASE_LINE;EDIT(s,TRIM);c := SUBSTR(s,1,1);s := s-c;IF c = "X" THEN SPLIT_LINE; ENDIF;MOVE_HORIZONTAL(-1); l := LENGTH(s);p := 1;LOOP EXITIF p > l;c := SUBSTR(s,p,1);p := p+1; CASE c FROM ' ' TO '`' ['\']: b:=GetHex(s,p); n:=GetHex(s,p+2); p:=p+4; COPY_TEXT( SUBSTR(CURRENT_LINE,CURRENT_OFFSET-b+1,n));['&']: b:=GetHex(s,p); n:=GetHex(s,p+2); p:=p+4; COPY_TEXT(ASCII(n)*b);['`']: COPY_TEXT(ASCII(GetHex( s,p))); p:=p+2;[INRANGE,OUTRANGE]: COPY_TEXT(c);ENDCASE;ENDLOOP;ENDPROCEDURE; PROCEDURE Decode(b)LOCAL m;POSITION(BEGINNING_OF(b));LOOP m:=MARK(NONE); EXITIF m=END_OF(b);DELETE(m);IF INDEX(CURRENT_LINE,"+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-")= 1 THEN SkipPartSep;ELSE ProcessLine;MOVE_HORIZONTAL(1);ENDIF;ENDLOOP; ENDPROCEDURE;SET(FACILITY_NAME,"UNPACK");SET(SUCCESS,OFF);SET(INFORMATIONAL, OFF);t:="0123456789ABCDEF";f:=GET_INFO(COMMAND_LINE,"file_name");o:= CREATE_BUFFER(f,f);Decode(o);WRITE_FILE(o,GET_INFO(COMMAND_LINE,"output_file")) ;QUIT; $ if p3 .eqs. "" then $ goto dl $ open/write fdl &f $ write fdl "RECORD" $ write fdl P3 $ close fdl $ w "-I-CONVRFM, Converting record format to ", P3 $ convert/fdl='f' 'f'-1 'f' $ fa=f$getdvi(f$parse(f),"ALLDEVNAM") $ Pa=f$getdvi(f$parse(P1),"ALLDEVNAM") $ if fa .eqs. Pa then $ rename &f 'f$parse(P1)' $ if fa .nes. Pa then $ copy &f 'f$parse(P1)' $dl: delete 'f'* $ checksum 'P1' $ if checksum$checksum .nes. P2 then $ - e "-E-CHKSMFAIL, Checksum of ''P1' failed." $ exit $ endsubroutine $start: $! $ create 'f' X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400D X$! MAILSHR_PATCH.COM X$! X$! This procedure patches SYS$LIBRARY:MAILSHR.EXE so e-mail addresses no longe Vr X$! require the MX%"" for Internet mail. X$! X$!--------\0808\1007 X$! NOTE: THIS PATCH HAS BEEN MODIFIED TO WORK WITH MX% INSTEAD OF IN%. X$!`09To apply this patch for PMDF (IN%), uncomment\2506line from X$!`09the patch below: X$! X$!`09!;'`09pushl`09#22254E49`09`09' ! ; ctrstr`09#`5EA/IN%"/ X$! X$!`09and comment out the MX% line below it. X$!--------\0808\1007 X$! X$! The patch is dependent upon the version of VMS. See the end of this X$! procedure for version-specific details. X$! X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400D X$! HISTORY X$! X$!`09Originally written solely as a patch file by Claude Barbe, Aug, 1990. X$! X$!`09Modified by several others for newer releases of VMS. X$! X$!`09Converted to a command procedure by Edwin J. Bates, Feb, 1996. X$! X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400D X$ X$ WS`09`09= "WRITE SYS$OUTPUT" X$ RS`09`09= "READ SYS$COMMAND /END=Finished /PROMPT=" X$ Stamp`09= WS+" F$EXTRACT(12,8,F$TIME()),""> ""," X$ Myself`09= F$ENVIRONMENT("PROCEDURE") X$ Myself`09=\0907-"''F$PARSE(\1B06,,,"TYPE")''\1B13VERSION")'" X$ Myname`09= F$PARSE(Myself,,,"NAME") X$ Listfile`09= Myself+".LIS" X$ Tempfile`09= "SYS$LOGIN:''Myname'.TMP" X$ MAILSHRdir`09= "SYS$COMMON:`5BSYSLIB`5D" X$ MAILSHRfile`09= "''\1107dir\0B08.EXE" X$ PrevDef`09= F$ENVIRONMENT("DEFAULT") X$ GOSUB Create_lists X$ X$ SET NOON X$ ON CONTROL_Y THEN GOTO Finished X$ X$!---- Display and processing of options ---- X$ X$ GOSUB Get_version X$Display_menu: X$ GOSUB Display_options X$Read_menu_choice: X$ RS "Please enter the number of your choice: `5B''Option_def'`5D " \1006 X$ If "''Option'".EQS."" THEN \1606 =\0907_def X$ Params = Option_'\0806' X$ IF "''Params'".EQS."" X$ THEN X$ WS "Invalid choice. Please enter a number from the menu above (9 to exi Vt)" X$ GOTO Read_menu_choice X$ ENDIF X$ X$ Xfer = F$ELEMENT(2,",",Params) X$ IF Xfer.NES."" THEN GOTO 'Xfer' X$ X$!----- Prepare and process the patch file ------ X$ X$ GOSUB Create_patch_file X$ TYPE /PAGE SYS$INPUT X X$ WS "Patch file ready." X$ WS "The old MAILSHR will be saved as\1908.UNPATCHED." X$ WS "" X$ RS "Apply the patch? `5BY`5D " OK X$ IF .NOT.OK .AND. OK.NES."" THEN GOTO Finished X$ X$ INSTALL := $\0C07/COMMAND X$ SET DEFAULT 'MAILSHRdir' X$ MAKECOPY="TRUE" X$ IF F$SEARCH("MAILSHR.UNPATCHED") .NES. "" X$ THEN X$ MAKECOPY = F$FILE("MAILSHR.EXE","EOF").NES.\2010UNPATCHED\2608 X$ ENDIF X$ IF MAKECOPY X$ THEN X$ Stamp "Copying MAILSHR.EXE as\0F09UNPATCHED..." X$ COPY MAILSHR.EXE\0C09UNPATCHED X$ ENDIF X$ Stamp "Patching MAILSHR.EXE..." X$! DEFINE /USER_MODE SYS$OUTPUT 'Listfile' X$ PATCH/JOURNAL='Listfile' @'Tempfile' X$ IF $STATUS X$ THEN X$ Stamp "Installing new MAILSHR.EXE..." X$ INSTALL REPLACE 'MAILSHRfile' X$ ELSE X$ Stamp "PATCH failed." X$ ENDIF X$ Stamp "Results of PATCH saved in ''Listfile'." X$ X$Finished: X$ CLOSE /NOLOG Temp X$ IF F$SEARCH(Tempfile).NES."" THEN DELETE '\1F08'*;* X$ IF F$ENVIRONMENT("DEFAULT").NES.PrevDef THEN SET \2007 '\1B07' X$ EXIT X$ X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400B X$! Create_patch_file X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400B X$ X$Create_patch_file: X$ CREATE 'Tempfile'2 X$ OPEN/APPEND Temp 'Tempfile'2 X$ WT = "WRITE Temp" X$ WT "$ CREATE ",Tempfile X$ WT "MAILSHR.EXE" X$ WT "DEF" X$ WT "MAIL$$ADD_ADDR" X$ WT F$ELEMENT(0,",",Option_'\0806') X$ WT "ADD_ADDR" X$ WT F$ELEMENT(1,",",Option_'\0806') X$ WT "EXI" X$ CLOSE /NOLOG Temp X$ @'Tempfile'2 X$ APPEND SYS$INPUT 'Tempfile' X! X! Now make sure that we have a patch area X! XALI/B PATAREA X! And now enter instruction mode X! XSE M XI XEXI X! Start implementing the ALTER_TO subroutine X! It was first developped and tested as a MACRO-32 program X! and changed into the body of this file by X! a MACRO_TO_PATCH.COM procedure developped for that purpose XDEP /PAT XPATAREA X !;\0907ALTER_TO is called with the same 2 arguments used by X !;\0907MAIL$$SEND_ADD_ADDR in calling\1F07\1A09and will call X !;\0907ADD_ADDR itself with or without a rewrite. There is no\1508 X !;\0907if SYS$FAO fails. The original address is never modified and X !;\0907will still appear unmodified in the "published" TO: field. X !; X !;\0907At this point when MAIL$$ADD_ADDR calls ALTER_TO, 4(AP)\3006s X !;\0907to a string descriptor which MAIL has already parsed to be one X !;\0907of a single recipient (we don't have to look for commas or for X !;\0907an @ sign preceding a distribution list). Because of the X !;\0907location of this patch, floating/unquoted "!"s seem unlikely. X !; X !;\0907The principle of this patch is to allow plain RFC addresses X !;\0907to be acceptable by mail. We never anticipated to fully deal X !;\0907with the full RFC822 format but simply to lrt forms such as X !;\ or user%machine\ with all atoms X !;\0907being alphanumerics and the whole address void of double quotes V X !; X !;\0907At the same time STRAIGHTFORWARD phase IV DECnet mail addresses V X !;\0907are also allowed in an RFC822 like format: USERNAME@NODENAME X !;\0907is being transformed into NODENAME::USERNAME. Note well that X !;\0907the code will NOT transform any address with an "@" into X !;\0907a more complex DECnet mail address such as AAA::BBB::USER. X !; X !;\0907The parsing is an adhoc scanning of the string looking for X !;\0907no more than one "@", checking the absence of " and for the X !;\0907A and B parts of A@B distinguish between A-Z,0-9,a-z,$,%,.,- X !;\0907and other characters (in case MAIL's parser would any slip thru) V X !; X !;\0907More exactly the algorithm is: X !; X !;\0907input string might look like A@B with A and B containing no " X !;\0907if " or not A@B, pass the string to ADD_ADDR unchanged ! Case 1 V X !;\0907else if A or B has any character not in A-Z,0-9,a-z,$,%,.,- X !;\0907\1007\0E09pass IN%"A@B"\2417 ! Case 2 X !;\0907 else X !;\0907\1007 if B has no dots (pure DECnet) pass B::A\4108 Case 3 X !;\0907\1007 else pass IN%"A@B"\2210\320D! Case 2 X !; X 'alter_to: .word 7C\1A07\2107\0E08' ! ; entry mask save R2-R6 X '\0807 movq @B`5E4(ap),r0' X '\0807 movzwl r0,r0' X '\0807 clrl r2' X 'cdblp1: cmpb #`5Ex22,(r1)' X '\0807 beql cdbcs1' X '\0807 cmpb #`5Ex40,(r1)+' X '\0807 beql cdbl1x' X '\0807 incl r2\1208\1A08\2908! ; length of A in A@B X '\0807 sobgtr r0,cdblp1' X 'cdbcs1: movab @B`5E4(ap),r2' X '\0807 jmp cdbcom\1608\1E08 ' ! ; no changes - case 1 X 'cdbl1x: decl r0\1A07\2107\0E08' ! ; count "@" X '\0807 bleq cdbcs1\1608\1E08 ' ! ; branch if at end X '\0807 tstl r2' X '\0807 beql cdbcs1\1608\1E08 ' ! ; branch if @B with no A X '\0807 clrl r3\1208\1A08\2908! ; now parse after "@" X 'cdblp2: cmpb #`5Ex22,(r1)' X '\0807 beql cdbcs1' X '\0807 cmpb #`5Ex40,(r1)+' X '\0807 beql cdbcs1' X '\0807 incl r3\1208\1A08\2908! ; length of B in A@B X '\0807 sobgtr r0,cdblp2' X !; passed test 1 - we have A@B - Now check A X '\0807 movq @B`5E4(ap),r0' X !; allocate room on stack for 2 descriptors (for A and B) X '\0807 pushl r1' X '\0807 pushl r2' X '\0807 movl sp,r5\1508 ' ! ; r5 points to desc(A) X '\0807 movl r2,r0' X '\0807 beql cdbcs1' X '\0807 jsb cdbck1' X '\0807 tstl r0' X '\0807 bneq cdbcs2' X '\0807 incl r1' X '\0807 pushl r1' X '\0807 pushl r3' X '\0807 movl sp,r6\1508 ' ! ; r6 points to desc(B) X '\0807 movl r3,r0' X '\0807 beql cdbcs1' X '\0807 jsb cdbck1' X '\0807 tstl r0' X '\0807 beql cdbps2' X !\0807\0F07\0E0E\1C10; build IN%"A@B" for case 2 X !; use the stack this way for all $FAO X !;\0907\1007 outlen\150Ainitial sp\3206<- r3 <-r2 X !;\0907\1007 ptr to outbuf initial sp-264 <- r2 minus 8 X !;\0907\1007 ......\150F\240B<- r2 to beg of ptr X !;\0907\1007 outbuf\150Ainitial sp-4 <- r3 minus 4 X !;\0907\1007 ......\150Ainitial sp-256 <- sp X 'cdbcs2: pushl #22534121\2107\2807 ' ! ; ctrstr #`5EA/!AS"/ X !;'`09pushl`09#22254E49`09`09' ! ; ctrstr`09#`5EA/IN%"/ X '`09pushl`09#2225584D`09`09' ! ; ctrstr`09#`5EA/MX%"/ X '\0807 pushl sp\1208\1A08\2908! ; make desc to ctrstr X '\0807 pushl #8\1208\1A08\2908! ; make desc to ctrstr X '\0807 movl sp,r4\1508\1D08 ' ! ; address of desc to ctrstr X '\0807 subl #4,sp\1508\1D08 ' ! ; adjusted stack X '\0807 movl sp,r3\1508\1D08 ' ! ; save stack for outlen X '\0807 movl sp,r2\1508\1D08 ' ! ; end of desc to outbuf X '\0807 subl #108,sp\1708 ' ! ; end of outbuf X '\0807 movl sp,-(r2)\1808' ! ; make outbuf X '\0807 movzwl #100,-(r2)\2108! ; make outbuf X '\0807 pushl B`5E4(AP)\1708\1F08 ' ! ; #4 P1 pass what we got X '\0807 pushl r2\1208\1A08\2908! ; #3 outbuf X '\0807 pushl r3\1208\1A08\2908! ; #2 outlen X '\0807 pushl r4\1208\1A08\2908! ; #1 ctrstr X '\0807 calls #4,@#7FFEDF50\1D08 ' ! ;\260A04,g`5Esys$fao X '\0807 blbs r0,N102$' X '\0807 jmp cdberr' X 'N102$: movw (r3),(r2)\2107\2807 ' ! ; complete ptr to final text X '\0807 jmp cdbcom' X 'cdbps2: movq @B`5E4(ap),r0' X '\0807 addl r2,r1' X '\0807 incl r1' X '\0807 movl r3,r0' X '\0807 jsb cdbck2' X '\0807 tstl r0' X '\0807 bneq cdbcs2\1608\1E08 ' ! ; X ! X !\0807\0F07\0E0E\1C10; build B::A for case 3 X 'cdbcs3: pushl #5341213A\2107\2807 ' ! ; ctrstr #`5EA/:!AS/ X '\0807 pushl #3A534121\1908\2909! ; ctrstr #`5EA/!AS:/ X '\0807 pushl sp\1208\1A08\2908! ; make desc to ctrstr X '\0807 pushl #8\1208\1A08\2908! ; make desc to ctrstr X '\0807 movl sp,r4\1508\1D08 ' ! ; address of desc to ctrstr X '\0807 subl #4,sp\1508\1D08 ' ! ; adjusted stack X '\0807 movl sp,r3\1508\1D08 ' ! ; save stack for outlen X '\0807 movl sp,r2\1508\1D08 ' ! ; end of desc to outbuf X '\0807 subl #108,sp\1708 ' ! ; end of outbuf X '\0807 movl sp,-(r2)\1808' ! ; make outbuf X '\0807 movzwl #100,-(r2)\2108! ; make outbuf X '\0807 pushl r5\1208\1A08\2908! ; #5 Second sub string A X '\0807 pushl r6\1208\1A08\2908! ; #4 first sub string B X '\0807 pushl r2\1208\1A08\2908! ; #3 outbuf X '\0807 pushl r3\1208\1A08\2908! ; #2 outlen X '\0807 pushl r4\1208\1A08\2908! ; #1 ctrstr X '\0807 calls #5,@#7FFEDF50\1D08 ' ! ;\260A05,g`5Esys$fao X '\0807 blbs r0,N103$' X '\0807 jmp cdberr' X 'N103$: movw (r3),(r2)\2107\2807 ' ! ; complete ptr to final text X '\0807 jmp cdbcom' X !; check if all alpha numerical + .-_$% returns non zero X 'cdbck1: cmpb #`5Ex41,(r1)' X '\0807 bgtr cdbck11' X '\0807 cmpb #`5Ex5A,(r1)' X '\0807 bgeq cdbck19' X 'cdbck11: cmpb #`5Ex61,(r1)' X '\0807 bgtr cdbck12' X '\0807 cmpb #`5Ex7A,(r1)' X '\0807 bgeq cdbck19' X 'cdbck12: cmpb #`5Ex30,(r1)' X '\0807 bgtr cdbck13' X '\0807 cmpb #`5Ex39,(r1)' X '\0807 bgeq cdbck19' X 'cdbck13: cmpb #`5Ex24,(r1)' X '\0807 beql cdbck19' X '\0807 cmpb #`5Ex25,(r1)' X '\0807 beql cdbck19' X '\0807 cmpb #`5Ex2D,(r1)' X '\0807 beql cdbck19' X '\0807 cmpb #`5Ex2E,(r1)' X '\0807 beql cdbck19' X '\0807 cmpb #`5Ex5F,(r1)' X '\0807 rsb' X 'cdbck19: incl r1' X '\0807 sobgtr r0,cdbck1' X '\0807 rsb' X !; check if we have at least one dot (then r0 > 0) X 'cdbck2: cmpb #`5Ex2E,(r1)' X '\0807 bneq cdbck29' X '\0807 rsb' X 'cdbck29: incl r1' X '\0807 sobgtr r0,cdbck2' X '\0807 rsb' X !; X 'cdberr: movab @B`5E4(ap),r2\2106 !; If SYS$FAO fails, use original a Vddr X 'cdbcom: MOVQ #`5EX00000001,-(SP)' X '\0807 movl B`5E8(ap),-(sp)' X '\0807 pushl r2' X '\0807 CALLS #04,L`5EADD_ADDR' X '\0807 ret\0B08\1308\2107!; this is the only RET for ALTER_TO XEXI X! Above was the new code X! Below is the patch in the existing code that X! will make use of the ALTER_TO new code XRE XMAIL$$ADD_ADDR X'MOVQ #`5EX00000001,-(SP)' X'MOVQ B`5E04(AP),-(SP)' X'CALLS #04,W`5EADD_ADDR' X'RET' XEXIT X'MOVQ B`5E04(AP),-(SP)' X'CALLS #02,ALTER_TO' X'RET' XEXIT X! And now update if we reached this point without a single error XU X!--------\0808\1006 end of patch \2416 X$ RETURN X$ X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400B X$! Display_intro X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400B X$ X$Display_intro: X$ TYPE/PAGE SYS$INPUT XModifed Nov, 1990, RPW to replace IN%" with MX%" and to make the form X user@system translate into mx%"\1F0B" instead of \3206::user X XThis patch will be of interest to any VAX/VMS system (more especially if it Xis running PMDF) since it lets TO: or CC: addresses such as to be accepted without the IN% prefix an\1B09 Xsurrounding double quotes. Yes, let's admit it, it lets VMS mail accept Un*x V Xtype addresses. In addition to its original goal, the format of this Xmodification is also original by the fact of the straight macro code that Xcan easily be modified/expanded or altered (ie IN% could become M_INTERNET:: Xin the case of most Schlumberger VMS nodes) XIf the address is "similar" (see algorithm below) to V Xit is simply rewritten as IN%"" and passed along. XAt the same time, user@machine will be accepted and rewritten as \2A07::user X XIf the IN% prefix is not the one in use on your VAX/VMS system, but XYZ% is, Xthen all you have to do is $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXECUTIVE - X MAIL$PROTOCOL_IN - X XYZ_ROOT:`5BEXE`5DXYZ_MAILSHR\1F06 ! or wherever the XYZ overlay for MAI VL X \0808\1010\2006! might be located and installed from X XSee additional impact remarks below. X XThis patch applies to SYS$LIBRARY:MAILSHR.EXE (usually SYS$COMMON:`5BSYSLIB`5D V) Xfrom VMS 5.0 to Field Test version of 5.4 as of June 1990 X X We recommend: X X $ SET DEFAULT SYS$COMMON:`5BSYSLIB`5D X $ INSTALL:= $\0B07/COMMAND X $ PATCH @ this_file.COM X $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$COMMON:`5BSYSLIB`5DMAILSHR.EXE X XClaude Barbe - Schlumberger-Doll Research - Ridgefield, CT - USA X(Internet) (a happy hacker of MAIL and PMDF for over 3yr) X X3-Jul-1990 X XNo warranty implied. This can be freely copied and altered. Use it at Xyour own risks. It is probably pure chance if it ever worked on a Xparticular system. X XAdditional remarks on the impact of this patch X X1) With this patch in place we hope to make addressing unique in the VMS world V X whether a message is sent via DECnet or via a foreign protocol (such as X the successful/affordable PMDF) without forcing any one to use prefixes X and/or quotes. Quotes are to be avoided by all means since MAIL and DEC's V X MRGATE interface have no mechanisms to imbed quoted addresses between X quotes (ie MRGATE and PMDF cannot carry the same message!) X X2) There are risks of confusion for new users who will learn that the Un*x X addressing format works on a patched VMS system and who will never bother X to know the DEC way to send mail with double colons between node and X username until they use a non patched VMS system X X3) The patch will certainly break when DECnet node names\2C07ontain dots X but this is in DECnet phase V and we still have to see a field test X for this product. By that time a better patch will be developped or X whatever foreign protocol is used (PMDF by default) will just handle X these deliveries that could have gone also more simply across DECnet X X4) The patch is far from being fully RFC822 compliant and there are risks X that some users will be confused by the lack of completeness. This X in some case will be due to the approach taken in this patch where, X instead of redoing the address pars\1406at DEC is \2606in MAIL, we X simply hacked a string filter on a "DEC approved \2106" which has already X been pruned of commas and exclamation points. Users familiar with "bang" X addresses will still have to say IN%"node!node!user@relay.somewhere" X X5) After a few extra weeks of testing on a larger scale, this patch will be X submitted to DEC as an SPR for improvement. Hopefully, then DEC will X support the de facto standard (or at least the most commonly used part X of it). In the mean time let's try to let our users access Internet X addresses in the most natural way. At last! X$ GOTO Display_menu X$ X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400B X$! Get_version X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400B X$ X$Get_version: X$ Stamp "Getting system information..." X$ SysVer := 'F$GETSYI("VERSION")' X$ Loc = F$LOCATE("`5C''SysVer',",Versionlist) X$ Option_def = 9 X$ IF Loc.LT.F$LENGTH(Versionlist) X$ THEN X$ Option = 'F$ELEMENT(1,",",\100D`5C",F$EXTRACT(Loc,10,Versionlist)))' X$ IF F$FILE(MAILSHRfile,"CDT").EQS."27-MAR-1995 19:08:55.00" .AND. - X`09 F$FILE(MAILSHRfile,"EOF").EQ.119 THEN - X`09Option_def = MEMLEAKoption X$ ENDIF X$ RETURN X$ X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400B X$! Display_options X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400B X$ X$Display_options: X$ TYPE SYS$INPUT /PAGE X`09VMS ENVIRONMENT X X$ Count = 1 X$DO_loop: X$ IF Count.GT.9 THEN GOTO DO_loop_end X$ Temp = "OPTION_''Count'" X$ IF "''`26Temp'".NES."" THEN WS "`09''Count') ",F$ELEMENT(3,",",'Temp') V X$ WS "" X$ Count =\0806+1 X$ GOTO DO_loop X$DO_loop_end: X$ WS "Your system has reported that you are using VMS ''SysVer'." X$ RETURN X$ X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400B X$! Create_lists X$!--------\0808\1010\2020\400B X$ X$Create_lists: X$ !--- Versionlist is a list of known VMS v\2306s and the patch`20 X$ ! option required for that version. X$ ! X$ Versionlist = ""+ - X`09"`5CV5.0,1"+ - X`09"`5CV5.1,2"+ - X`09"`5CV5.2,2"+ - X`09"`5CV5.3,2"+ - X`09"`5CV5.4,2"+ - X`09"`5CV5.4-1,2"+ - X`09"`5CV5.4-2,2"+ - X`09"`5CV5.4-3,2"+ - X`09"`5CV5.4-4,2"+ - X`09"`5CV5.5,2"+ - X`09"`5CV5.5-1,2"+ - X`09"`5CV5.5-2,3"+ - X`09"`5CV6.0,4"+ - X`09"`5CV6.1,6"+ - X`09"" X$ !--- A MAILSHR.EXE that has been patched for the memory leak is identified V X$ ! differently. MEMLEAKoption identifies the \1607below for the X$ ! memory-leak-patched system. X$ ! X$ MEMLEAKoption = 5 X$ X$ !--- Option definitions. \1507parameters, separated by commas, are: X$ ! X$ ! MAIL$$ADD_ADDR Used in PATCH file. X$ ! ADD_ADDR\0E06 Used in PATCH file. X$ ! Transfer label Optional. GOTO location for command processing. X$ ! Description\1111 of option. X$ ! X$ Option_1 = "000049C2,000048EF,,OpenVMS V5.0" X$ Option_2 = "000049D2,000048FF,,OpenVMS V5.1 - 5.5-1" X$ Option_3 = "000049DA,\090607,,OpenVMS V5.5-2" X$ Option_4 = "00004AE2,\09060F,,OpenVMS V6.0" X$ Option_5 = "00004B22,00004A33,,OpenVMS V5.5 - 6.0 with memory leak patch" V X$ Option_6 = "00004B9D,00004ACA,,OpenVMS V6.1" X$ Option_8 = ",,Display_info \1108 more information about this patch" X$ Option_9 = ",,Finished ,Exit" X$ RETURN $ call unpack MAILSHR_PATCH.COM;4 947668946 "" 43 1 1 $ v=f$verify(v) $ exit ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 12:30:01 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 12:31:43 +0700 To: From: Rick Stacks Reply-To: Subject: Re: Que File Cleanup - Who *Really* Does It? At 17:51 1996/4/10 -0500, Robert H. McClanahan wrote: >Greetings, > >I'm running MX V4.2 on VMS V6.1 with CMU/IP V6.6-5A on a VAX 4300. > >I've noticed that *.*_info files seem to accumulate in the queue >subdirectories. I started looking around to determine why the files were left >around and turned on debugging in the FLQ_MGR to see what he was up to. > >FLQ_MGR is telling me that someone else owns the Queue File Lock (see log >below). I know that the router takes care of queue management in the absence >of FLQ_MGR, but is there something that I have to do to tell the router not >to do queue management when FLQ_MGR is running (I'm assuming here that the >router is the culprit that has the lock)? I'm starting the FLQ_MGR before the >ROUTER (at least I think that I am). > >What am I missing here? > Bob, Ummmmm... How 'bout the logical MX_FLQ_AUTOPURGE_FIN ? Try $ define/sys/exec mx_flq_autopurge_fin true Works for me :-) later neighbor... -- Rick -- Rick Stacks | They that give up essential liberty Ark Dept of Pollution Control | to obtain a little temporary safety 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | deserve neither liberty nor safety Little Rock, AR 72219 USA | -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 voice:501-682-0671 fax:501-682-0707 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 00:18:42 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 00:18:20 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: A.HARPER@KCL.AC.UK Message-ID: <009A0B8E.04D9DC7A.13@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MAILSHR_PATCH Andy Harper - KCL Systems manager writes: > >>I have grabed a copy of the MAILSHR_PATCH archive from the WKU ftp >>server and tried to apply it..... [...] > > Yes, the procedure is a bit buggy. Enclosed is a modified version that fixes > the problems. > Thanks. I didn't have time to test the original version I was sent. I'll try to get this version on next week. > BTW, does anyone have a version of OpenVMS 6.1 on AXP (this procedure fails > because PATCH doesn't exist, but I suppose the mailshr.exe image is completely > different anyway!) > Patches for Alpha V1.5, V1.5-H1, and V6.1 are on in [.VMS.FILESERV]. Look for PATCH_MAILSHR*.ZIP. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 08:41:10 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Alan Greig) Reply-To: Subject: RE: MAILSHR_PATCH Message-ID: <> Date: 12 Apr 96 14:37:48 GMT To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Andy Harper - KCL Systems manager writes: > > BTW, does anyone have a version of OpenVMS 6.1 on AXP (this procedure fails > because PATCH doesn't exist, but I suppose the mailshr.exe image is completely > different anyway!) Yes. There is such a thing. Have a look in [] on Both the patch and a pre-patched mailshr executable are there. I patched the executable myself so I can trust the source of the executable if you trust me :-) I seem to recall that the patch procedure was sensitive to the version of DECC installed on the system (it compiles a bit of code and patches that in) so you may not be able to apply it directly yourself. We've been using this patch now for over a year without problem. -- Alan Greig Tel: (01382) 308802 University of Abertay Dundee Email: ** Never underestimate the power of human stupidity ** ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 08:49:43 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: "Robert H. McClanahan" Reply-To: X-MX-Warning: Warning -- Invalid "To" header. To: Single-user mode, Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 08:47:04 -0500 Subject: Re: Que File Cleanup - Who *Really* Does It? On 10 Apr 96 at 17:51, MX List wrote: > Greetings, > > I'm running MX V4.2 on VMS V6.1 with CMU/IP V6.6-5A on a VAX 4300. > > I've noticed that *.*_info files seem to accumulate in the queue > subdirectories. I started looking around to determine why the files were left > around and turned on debugging in the FLQ_MGR to see what he was up to. Is this list alive??? I posted a message a couple of days ago and have heard nothing. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen *any* traffic on the MX-List in a long time. Have I been unsubscribed? RHM +--+ Robert H. McClanahan, Mgr, Tech Info Systems, <[]>< Arkansas Electric Coop Corp, PO Box 194208, Little Rock, AR 72219-4208 USA "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C.S. Lewis ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 08:50:40 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 14:48:31 GMT From: Andy Harper - KCL Systems manager Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: patching mailshr on alpha Following my request for a pointer to a patch for the ALPHA MAILSHR image to allow internet style addressing, Hunter kindly pointed me at the various patch_mailshr*.zip files written by claude barbe on However, running the appropriate one for my system (an ALPHA 2100 running OpenVMS 6.1) fails as shown below: --------- Start of log ----- $ @do_PATCH_MAILSHR_ON_VMS_N_AXP_61 $ CC PATCH_FOR_AT_MAIN_02.C / OPTION = NOINLINE ! Rest will fail otherwise $ CC PATCH_FOR_AT_SUB_02.C / OPTION = NOINLINE ! Rest will fail otherwise $ SET NOVERIFY $ CC PSEUDO_ADD_ADDR.C $ SET NOVERIFY $ LINK PATCH_FOR_AT_MAIN_02.OBJ, PSEUDO_ADD_ADDR.OBJ, PATCH_FOR_AT_SUB_02.OBJ / EXEC = PATCH_FOR_AT_02.EXE $ SET NOVERIFY $ COPY/LOG SYS$LIBRARY:MAILSHR.EXE * %COPY-S-COPIED, SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]MAILSHR.EXE;1 copied to DISK$COMPCENT:[UDAA05 5.TEMP.PATCH_MAILSHR_ON_VMS_N_AXP_61]MAILSHR.EXE;3 (355 blocks) $ SET NOVERIFY $ @ BARBIE.COM MAILSHR.EXE MAILSHR.NEW PATCH_FOR_AT_02.EXE 3 5 4 $ dummy_verify = f$verify(0) BARBIE-I-INFO, Reading MAILSHR.EXE and PATCH_FOR_AT_02.EXE - Writing MAILSHR.NEW with a new ISD 3 Fixing the Fixed Header Information area... Fixing some Image Section Descriptors... Copying the beginning of MAILSHR.EXE... Merging the additional pages from PATCH_FOR_AT_02.EXE... Copying rest of input file... Converting MAILSHR.NEW into a fixed file with 512 bytes per record... BARBIE: - MAILSHR.EXE + PATCH_FOR_AT_02.EXE produced MAILSHR.NEW successfully 355 records reduced into 360 records Options are: IN% answer 1 [this is the DEFAULT] IN:: answer 2 SMTP% answer 3 MX% answer 4 Select the right option [default=1] : 4 replace %X26A48 : 23deff70 = %XD0006B6D ! We apologize for using the force again st GEM crafted code replace %X26E80 : 23de0090 = %X23de08C0 ! Note 2 replace %X4181c : 47fb0402 = %X47e00402 ! Note 3 replace %X41830 : 23620060 = %X47ff041f replace %X41844 : 47e00412 = %X47e20400 replace %X41850 : 23620040 = %X47ff041f replace %X41858 : d3400009 = %Xa77e0000 ! Note 5 replace %X4186c : 23de0830 = %X23deff70 ! Note 6 replace %X41870 : 6bfa8001 = %X6be08001 ! note 7 replace/word %X41835 : e034 = e094 ! 01 --> 04 update $ @ KEN.COM MAILSHR.NEW MAILSHR_NEW.EXE PATCH_MAILSHR_TMP.TMP NO_SHOW $ dummy_verify = f$verify(0) KEN-I-INFO, Reading MAILSHR.NEW and PATCH_MAILSHR_TMP.TMP - Writing MAILSHR_NEW. EXE with option NO_SHOW 00026A48: OLD> 23DEFF70 00026A48: NEW> D0006B6D 00026E80: OLD> 23DE0090 000026E80: NEW> 23DE08C0 PATCH_AXP_EXE_E_REPLACE - at 0004181C EXPECTED> 47FB0402 ACTUAL> 47E09419 PATCH_AXP_EXE_E_REPLACE - Expected value does not match actual contents -- QUIT forced Quitting... 336 pagelets read - 2 pagelets updated $ MAIL /NOSELF NL: "UDAA055@0" /SUBJECT="MAILSHR patch OK" %DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image MAILSHR -CLI-E-IMAGEFNF, image file not found DSA10:[COMPCENT.][UDAA055.TEMP.PATCH_MAILS HR_ON_VMS_N_AXP_61]MAILSHR_NEW.EXE; $exit: SET NOVERIFY DO_PATCH_MAILSHR_ON_VMS_N_AXP.COM failed! ----------- end of log ------- Here's the image ident of the MAILSHR image: Image Header Information for AXP image SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]MAILSHR.EXE;1 Image Name: "MAILSHR" Image Identification: "X-6" Link Date/Time: 26-APR-1994 08:36:39.48 Linker Identification: "T11-11" If anyone has a clue as to the problem, I'ld be very grateful. Thanks Andy Harper Kings College London ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 12:28:39 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 13:28:23 EST From: Reply-To: To: MX-LIST@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Memory leaks in MX patch Can someone provide an address where I can get the patches for memory leaks in MX. Thank you. Frank Rotiroti University Of Toronto Library ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 13:52:15 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 13:55:06 +0700 To: From: Rick Stacks Reply-To: Subject: Re: Que File Cleanup - Who *Really* Does It? CC: "Robert H. McClanahan" At 08:47 1996/4/12 -0500, Robert H. McClanahan wrote: > [snip] >Is this list alive??? > >I posted a message a couple of days ago and have heard nothing. Now that I >think about it, I haven't seen *any* traffic on the MX-List in a long time. >Have I been unsubscribed? > >RHM Bob, A couple of days ago (actually the same day you posted your original question) I responded to and answered your question... I guess you did not receive the message. I'm responding again and CCing you personally. Hope you receive it this time... ;-) ##### copy of original answer to original post follows ##### At 17:51 1996/4/10 -0500, Robert H. McClanahan wrote: >Greetings, > >I'm running MX V4.2 on VMS V6.1 with CMU/IP V6.6-5A on a VAX 4300. > >I've noticed that *.*_info files seem to accumulate in the queue >subdirectories. I started looking around to determine why the files were left >around and turned on debugging in the FLQ_MGR to see what he was up to. > [snip] >What am I missing here? > Bob, Ummmmm... How 'bout the logical MX_FLQ_AUTOPURGE_FIN ? Try $ define/sys/exec mx_flq_autopurge_fin true Works for me :-) later neighbor... -- Rick -- Rick Stacks | They that give up essential liberty Ark Dept of Pollution Control | to obtain a little temporary safety 8001 National Dr. / POB 8913 | deserve neither liberty nor safety Little Rock, AR 72219 USA | -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 voice:501-682-0671 fax:501-682-0707 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 16:34:00 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: "Dave Murray" To: Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:29:33 -0400 Subject: MX% header Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I am running Pegasus Mail on PCs and using MX SMTP to send mail both locally and over the 'net. My vax is acting as a post office and sending the mail to Pegasus using iupop3. All incoming mail is from MX%"user@domain.dom". My problem is when the user clicks the reply button, Pegasus is placing the entire From username in the new To box (i.e., MX%"user@domain.dom"). When this message is sent, someone (Pegasus or MX SMTP) is removing everything between the quotes (including the quotes) and the resulting address will be 'MX%@', which, obviously, is an error. Is this problem being caused by MX, or Pegasus. It looks like someone thinks that the quotes are the personal name and is doing me a 'favor' by stripping it. Thanks in advance for your help Dave Sample Error: Date sent: Fri, 12 Apr 96 17:28:20 From: MX%"" Subject: SMTP delivery error To: mx%"" Copies to: Return-Path: <> Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:28:11 EDT From: SMTP delivery agent To: Subject: SMTP delivery error X-Report-Type: Nondelivery; boundary="> Error description:" Note: this message was generated automatically. An error was detected while processing the enclosed message. A list of the affected recipients follows. This list is in a special format that allows software like LISTSERV to automatically take action on incorrect addresses; you can safely ignore the numeric codes. --> Error description: Error-For: dmurray@[] Error-Code: 2 Error-Text: %MX_SMTP-F-TRANSACTION_FAI, transaction failed -(Via []) -Transcript: -Rcvd: 220 PDSSOFTWARE.COM MX V4.2 VAX SMTP server ready at Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:28:05 EDT -Sent: HELO PDSSOFTWARE.COM -Rcvd: 250 Hello, PDSSOFTWARE.COM -Sent: MAIL FROM: -Rcvd: 250 MAIL command accepted. -Sent: RCPT TO: -Rcvd: 250 Recipient okay (at least in form) -Sent: DATA -Rcvd: 354 Start mail input; end with . -Rcvd: 554 Received too many times by this host. -Sent: QUIT -Rcvd: 221 PDSSOFTWARE.COM Service closing transmission channel Error-End: 1 error detected ------------------------------ Rejected message ------------------------------ Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:27:59 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:27:49 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:27:40 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:27:32 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:27:23 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:27:14 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:27:06 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:26:59 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:26:51 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:26:43 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:26:36 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:26:28 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:26:21 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:26:13 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:26:06 EDT Received: from PDSSOFTWARE.COM by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:26:00 EDT Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:25:52 EDT From: Message Exchange Router To: dmurray@[] Subject: Message routing error Note: this message was generated automatically. Problem occurred during message routing for the following: Address: (originally: ) Error: Invalid address. Message follows. Received: from (BABEL) by PDSSOFTWARE.COM (MX V4.2 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:25:50 EDT Comments: Authenticated sender is From: "Dave Murray" Organization: Personnel Data Systems, Inc. X-MX-Warning: Warning -- Invalid "To" header. To: MX% <---- HERE IS THE BUG Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 17:21:48 -0400 Subject: test error Reply-To: Priority: normal X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Windows (v2.30) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- David N. Murray | Phone: (610)828-4294 Sr. Software Engineer | Internet: Personnel Data Systems, Inc. | 670 Sentry Parkway | Blue Bell, PA 19422 | VMS Spoken Here ---------------------------------------------------------------------- David N. Murray | Phone: (610)828-4294 Sr. Software Engineer | Internet: Personnel Data Systems, Inc. | 670 Sentry Parkway | Blue Bell, PA 19422 | VMS Spoken Here ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 10:11:56 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 11:10:44 EST5EDT4,M4.1.0,M10.5.0 From: Scott McNeilly Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX% header "Dave Murray" wrote: >I am running Pegasus Mail on PCs and using MX SMTP to send mail >both locally and over the 'net. My vax is acting as a post office >and sending the mail to Pegasus using iupop3. All incoming mail is >from MX%"user@domain.dom". > >My problem is when the user clicks the reply button, Pegasus is >placing the entire From username in the new To box (i.e., >MX%"user@domain.dom"). When this message is sent, someone (Pegasus >or MX SMTP) is removing everything between the quotes (including the >quotes) and the resulting address will be 'MX%@', which, obviously, >is an error. We are also using Pegasus and MX SMTP to send (and receive) mail, but we are not experiencing this problem. Did you use the IGNORE_MAIL11_HEADER option when you ran MAKE.COM to build IUPOP3? If you didn't, you may want to rebuild IUPOP3 using that option. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott Mc Neilly email: Assistant Director Phone: 508-697-1236 Information Services Bridgewater State College Bridgewater, MA 02325 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:23:24 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Joey Witlouw) Reply-To: Subject: test Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 16:16:53 Message-ID: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 10:05:36 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: "Dave Murray" To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 11:01:55 -0400 Subject: RE: MX% header Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Scott Mc Neilly wrote: > We are also using Pegasus and MX SMTP to send (and receive) mail, but > we are not experiencing this problem. Did you use the > IGNORE_MAIL11_HEADER option when you ran MAKE.COM to build IUPOP3? > If you didn't, you may want to rebuild IUPOP3 using that option. > Thanks. In my version of IUPOP3, the define is PATCH_FROM_LINE, but that did the trick. Much appreciated. Dave ---------------------------------------------------------------------- David N. Murray | Phone: (610)828-4294 Sr. Software Engineer | Internet: Personnel Data Systems, Inc. | 670 Sentry Parkway | Blue Bell, PA 19422 | VMS Spoken Here ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 11:32:43 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 12:30:29 -0400 Message-ID: <> From: Reply-To: To: REVIEW MX-List ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 22:44:57 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 22:41:53 CST From: J Kmoch Reply-To: To: MX-LIST@MADGOAT.COM CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: some messages staying inprog I have about 15 messages which are INPROG - see the example below. I have been receiving some mail, so the problem is not quota, or anything else I can see. All entries that I have looked at have the same "last error" indicated. Can someone help? Thanks Entry: 52, Origin: [SMTP] Status: IN-PROGRESS, size: 380 bytes Created: 16-APR-1996 21:51:29.73, expires 16-MAY-1996 21:51:29.73 Last modified 16-APR-1996 21:51:51.20 LOCAL entry #53, status: READY, size: 190 bytes, waiting for retry until 16-AP R-1996 22:23:15.59 Created: 16-APR-1996 21:51:49.33, expires 16-MAY-1996 21:51:29.73 Last modified 16-APR-1996 21:53:15.63 Recipient #1: KMOCH, Route=WHSCDP.WHS.EDU Error count=1 Last error: %MAIL-E-OPENOUT, error opening !AS as output -- Joe Kmoch Washington High School 2525 N. Sherman Blvd (414) 449-2765 (office) Milwaukee, WI 53210 (414) 444-9250 (fax) (414) 444-9760 (gen school phone) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 05:50:26 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 05:50:31 CST From: Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: some messages staying inprog => => I have about 15 messages which are INPROG - see the example below. I have been => receiving some mail, so the problem is not quota, or anything else I can see. => All entries that I have looked at have the same "last error" indicated. => Can someone help? => => Thanks => => Entry: 52, Origin: [SMTP] => Status: IN-PROGRESS, size: 380 bytes => Created: 16-APR-1996 21:51:29.73, expires 16-MAY-1996 21:51:29.73 => Last modified 16-APR-1996 21:51:51.20 => LOCAL entry #53, status: READY, size: 190 bytes, waiting for retry until => 16-AP => R-1996 22:23:15.59 => Created: 16-APR-1996 21:51:49.33, expires 16-MAY-1996 21:51:29.73 => Last modified 16-APR-1996 21:53:15.63 => Recipient #1: KMOCH, Route=WHSCDP.WHS.EDU => Error count=1 => Last error: %MAIL-E-OPENOUT, error opening !AS as output => On our system, this implies that the user is over his disk quota. Lyle Hunter Computer Center University Wisconsin-Whitewater ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 07:59:10 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 07:58:58 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009A0FBC.32021604.9@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: some messages staying inprog writes: > >=> >=> I have about 15 messages which are INPROG - see the example below. I have been >=> receiving some mail, so the problem is not quota, or anything else I can see. >=> All entries that I have looked at have the same "last error" indicated. >=> Can someone help? [....] >=> Recipient #1: KMOCH, Route=WHSCDP.WHS.EDU >=> Error count=1 >=> Last error: %MAIL-E-OPENOUT, error opening !AS as output >=> >On our system, this implies that the user is over his disk quota. Other problems could be that there's no mail subdirectory, etc. The easiest way to track these down is to try sending regular VMS Mail to the account (bypassing MX). Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 08:51:57 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 09:51:06 EDT From: Kamrul Ahsan Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: some messages staying inprog > I have about 15 messages which are INPROG - see the example below. I have been > receiving some mail, so the problem is not quota, or anything else I can see. > All entries that I have looked at have the same "last error" indicated. > Can someone help? > ..... > Recipient #1: KMOCH, Route=WHSCDP.WHS.EDU > Error count=1 > Last error: %MAIL-E-OPENOUT, error opening !AS as output > > ON our machine this means that the user's default directory does not exist or mail.mai file got corrupted. HOpe this helps /\ 0 Kamrul Ahsan /\ // \ /\ York College, CUNY /// \////// \/ \\\ New York 11451 / //// \ \\_____ Voice 718-262-2754 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Internet: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 09:23:53 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 09:52:14 EST5EDT4,M4.1.0,M10.5.0 From: Scott McNeilly Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: some messages staying inprog J Kmoch wrote: >I have about 15 messages which are INPROG - see the example below. I have been >receiving some mail, so the problem is not quota, or anything else I can see. >All entries that I have looked at have the same "last error" indicated. >Can someone help? > >Thanks > >Entry: 52, Origin: [SMTP] > Status: IN-PROGRESS, size: 380 bytes > Created: 16-APR-1996 21:51:29.73, expires 16-MAY-1996 21:51:29.73 > Last modified 16-APR-1996 21:51:51.20 > LOCAL entry #53, status: READY, size: 190 bytes, waiting for retry until >16-AP >R-1996 22:23:15.59 > Created: 16-APR-1996 21:51:49.33, expires 16-MAY-1996 21:51:29.73 > Last modified 16-APR-1996 21:53:15.63 > Recipient #1: KMOCH, Route=WHSCDP.WHS.EDU > Error count=1 > Last error: %MAIL-E-OPENOUT, error opening !AS as output > There seems to be a problem with the directory to which the mail is supposed to be delivered. It may not exist or may not be where VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA expects to find it. (Use MAIL> SHOW MAIL_DIRECTORY to find out where this is.) If that is OK, check the MAIL.MAI file. -- Joe Kmoch Washington High School 2525 N. Sherman Blvd (414) 449-2765 (office) Milwaukee, WI 53210 (414) 444-9250 (fax) (414) 444-9760 (gen school phone) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott Mc Neilly email: Assistant Director Phone: 508-697-1236 Information Services Bridgewater State College Bridgewater, MA 02325 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 21:14:00 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 21:12:37 CST From: J Kmoch Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: some messages staying inprog >On our system, this implies that the user is over his disk quota. >Lyle Hunter >Computer Center >University Wisconsin-Whitewater > > Hi, Lyle - I thought so too, but I have quota larger than the disk and I was receiving many mail messages at about the same time - not sure, then, what the real problem is... Joe -- Joe Kmoch Washington High School 2525 N. Sherman Blvd (414) 449-2765 (office) Milwaukee, WI 53210 (414) 444-9250 (fax) (414) 444-9760 (gen school phone) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 07:48:52 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Reply-To: Subject: exceeded quota in MX4.2 Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 14:41:16 +0200 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hi Folks, If we want to RESET or SHUTDOWN MX4.2 on our machine we get several of these messages : %MCP-W-SHUTRESF, command RESET failed -SYSTEM-F-EXQUOTA, exceeded quota and the processes are not influenced by the command The quota at the time of running MCP are : Process Quotas: Account name: JOUKJ CPU limit: Infinite Direct I/O limit: 100 Buffered I/O byte count quota: 30000 Buffered I/O limit: 36 Timer queue entry quota: 10 Open file quota: 200 Paging file quota: 77604 Subprocess quota: 11 Default page fault cluster: 16 AST quota: 598 Enqueue quota: 30 Shared file limit: 0 Max detached processes: 0 Max active jobs: 0 May be the problem is the old-version of VMS we are running : VMS5.1-1 and UCX1.2. Thanks in advance for all help Jouk Jansen ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 03:54:47 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Ahmed Slimi (Conference Interpreter) Reply-To: Subject: help Date: 19 Apr 1996 03:57:37 GMT Message-ID: <4l72vh$> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Hello everyone, Sorry to be off-topic, I'm new on the Net, my name is Ahmed Slimi, would anyone be kind enough to help me subscribe to a newsgroup or listserver that deals with conference interpreters issues. Please contact me by private e-mail to : Thank you for your help. Ahmed ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 06:41:18 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 13:41:00 +0200 From: Richard Levitte - GNU on VMS hacker Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: MX 4.2 with older NETLIB, is that working? Is there anyone that is running MX 4.2 with an older NETLIB, for example version 1.7? My problem is that at one site I manage, MGFTP crashes at a regular basis with NETLIB2 (whichever version of it), and I'd like to downgrade NETLIB. Thank you. -- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! Richard Levitte, GNU on VMS hacker ! tel: +46-8-26 52 47 ! ! Spannvägen 38, I ! fax: none for the moment ! ! S-161 43 Bromma ! Internet: ! ! SWEDEN ! ! +-GNUish VMS-+ You may not add me to a commercial mailing list or send me commercial advertising without my consent! See for further reference. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 08:46:26 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 09:09:21 EDT From: "Brian Tillman, x8425" Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: UCX/MX configurations .. On 2-Apr, Dave Miller ( wrote: >Folks: > >Just checking .. anyone running MX 4.1 or 4.2 with UCX 4.0 on VAX? > >I strongly suspect UCX 3.3 ECO 7 is causing my ACCVIO problem and wonder >if "upgrading" UCX (it's not a true upgrade as I understand) will help >the situation. DSNlink_NEW informed me that yesterday, Digital updated the article describing UCXECO7_033. Perhaps they updated the ECO. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- Brian Tillman | Internet: Smiths Industries, Inc. | 4141 Eastern Ave., MS239 | Hey, I said this stuff myself. Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 09:15:00 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 09:14:42 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009A1159.1B964437.24@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX 4.2 with older NETLIB, is that working? Richard Levitte - GNU on VMS hacker writes: > >Is there anyone that is running MX 4.2 with an older NETLIB, for example >version 1.7? > >My problem is that at one site I manage, MGFTP crashes at a regular basis >with NETLIB2 (whichever version of it), and I'd like to downgrade NETLIB. > That won't cause any problems. MX still uses the V1.x interface to NETLIB. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 09:43:48 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 09:42:39 EDT From: Chris Coats - System Manager Reply-To: To: MX-LIST@MADGOAT.COM CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: MX and UCX ECOs Anybody know what effect applying ECO's to UCX 3.3 will have on MX? I'm currently running MX 4.1 with netlib1.6b on an alpha running UCX 3.3 (no patches, currently) and VMS 6.2. Works great. I want to keep it that way. This is a production environment that depends heavily on email, so I *don't* want to just "throw it on" and hope it works okay. Anybody have any experiences with this? Please let me know. Thanks. /* Chris J. Coats - System Manager AL/AOEL - Medical Information Systems */ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 10:43:40 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 16:39:27 BST From: "John Hill, Cavendish Lab, Cambridge Univ. (01223-337243)" Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX and UCX ECOs >Anybody know what effect applying ECO's to UCX 3.3 will have on MX? > >I'm currently running MX 4.1 with netlib1.6b on an alpha running UCX 3.3 (no >patches, currently) and VMS 6.2. > >Works great. I want to keep it that way. > >This is a production environment that depends heavily on email, so I *don't* >want to just "throw it on" and hope it works okay. > >Anybody have any experiences with this? > >Please let me know. > >Thanks. > >/* Chris J. Coats - System Manager >AL/AOEL - Medical Information Systems > */ > We ran VMS V6.2, UCX V3.3 ECO05 with MX 4.2, NETLIB V2.0i for 3 months from last Christmas with no problems. We don't have a huge email throughput, but it IS a production environment and email is critical to our operation. Over Easter we went to UCX V4.0 PAT1 (pre-release ECO01). MX has continued to work fine. Unfortunately the upgrade broke both TFTP and NFS Server for us, and reintroduced a bug in telnet that appeared between V3.3 ECO04 and ECO05 (Control-X gets transmitted as Control-U). I've spent the past 10 days recovering :-( Cheers, John Hill +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Dr. John C. Hill University of Cambridge, + + E-mail: Cavendish Laboratory, + + Phone: +44-1223-337243 Madingley Road, + + Fax: +44-1223-353920 Cambridge, CB3 0HE, U.K. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 10:50:06 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 11:38:10 EDT From: "Brian Tillman, x8425" Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX and UCX ECOs Chris J. Coats ( [This is the address in your .sig - I think it's wrong - two dots in a row?] There was one report a couple of weeks ago of someone having trouble after applying ECO7 to UCX V3.3. You can read it in the archives:[]mx-list.1996-04 -----------------------------+-------------------------------- Brian Tillman | Internet: Smiths Industries, Inc. | 4141 Eastern Ave., MS239 | Hey, I said this stuff myself. Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 15:14:21 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 14:56:19 CST From: Norma Riddle Reply-To: To: CC: riddle@VENUS.TWU.EDU Message-ID: <009A1188.D4767B00.155@VENUS.TWU.EDU> Subject: MX interaction with Netscape Mail... Hello, all... Is there any way for users of Netscape Mail to attach a .GIF file to a mail message and send it to a user who receives mail from a VAX (VAX 6330, Multinet 3.5b, MX 4.2) in such a way that the file can be extracted from mail, downloaded to a PC or Mac, and arrive intact? Does MX have any control over this sort of message? We must decide whether to upgrade our Vax or whether to discontinue its use as a mail server altogether. The decision seems to rest on how VMS/MX can handle mail sent from Netscape, etc. Any thoughts, experiences, etc., will be greatly appreciated. TIA, Norma Norma Riddle, Programmer/Analyst III, Academic Computing Texas Woman's University, Denton, TX 76204 Phone: (817) 898-3288 email: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 17:14:09 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 18:13:05 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: To: CC: riddle@VENUS.TWU.EDU, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX interaction with Netscape Mail... > Is there any way for users of Netscape Mail to attach a .GIF file to a > mail message and send it to a user who receives mail from a VAX (VAX 6330, > Multinet 3.5b, MX 4.2) in such a way that the file can be extracted from > mail, downloaded to a PC or Mac, and arrive intact? Does MX have any > control over this sort of message? > > We must decide whether to upgrade our Vax or whether to discontinue its > use as a mail server altogether. The decision seems to rest on how VMS/MX > can handle mail sent from Netscape, etc. > > Any thoughts, experiences, etc., will be greatly appreciated. What a mixture of apples and oranges! File "attachments" or "enclosures" sent through EMail are actually text found in the body of the EMail message. (The files are encoded, but to the EMail system they appear as plain text.) MX neither knows nor cares about them. As far as MX is concerned, all EMail messages are alike, whether or not they contain file attachments. This is a bad thing if your purpose is to sent the attached file to the VAX running MX; however, this is a very good thing if your purpose is to send mail between two PCs (including Macs). So, going back to your actual question, "can a Netscape user attach a file to a mail message?" The answer depends entirely on that version of Netscape Navigator. "Can it be received by a PC or a Mac?" The answer depends entirely on what mail software is being run on the PC or Mac at issue. "How does VAX/MX handle mail sent from Netscape [Navigator]?" The same way it handles mail sent from any other mailer -- very well, thank you. Does MX (or any other program serving the same function) have anything to do with making the file attachments work? Nothing whatsoever. - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 17:19:11 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 16:51:36 EDT From: "Brian Tillman, x8425" Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX interaction with Netscape Mail... Norma Riddle ( writes: >Is there any way for users of Netscape Mail to attach a .GIF file to a >mail message and send it to a user who receives mail from a VAX (VAX 6330, >Multinet 3.5b, MX 4.2) in such a way that the file can be extracted from >mail, downloaded to a PC or Mac, and arrive intact? Does MX have any >control over this sort of message? If Netscape BASE64-encodes the binary attachment, then MX can handle it. -- Brian ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 08:34:50 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: "Dave Murray" To: Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 09:29:42 -0400 Subject: multiple smtp servers Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I have multiple SMTP servers running (4). I think this is from two of them trying to deliver me a mail message at the same time. Error-Text: Error in delivery to user DMURRAY %MAIL-E-SENDERR, error sending to user DMURRAY -MAIL-W-WRITEERR, error writing MAIL$ROOT:[DMURRAY]MAIL.MAI;1 -RMS-F-DUP, duplicate key detected (DUP not set) I actually lost the other message (I received the one that was attached to this error message, twice.) Is this common? Is there a way I can work-around this (aside from the obvious). Thanks, Dave ---------------------------------------------------------------------- David N. Murray | Phone: (610)828-4294 Sr. Software Engineer | Internet: Personnel Data Systems, Inc. | 670 Sentry Parkway | Blue Bell, PA 19422 | VMS Spoken Here ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 09:07:25 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Subject: RE: MX interaction with Netscape Mail... Message-ID: <1996Apr22.080328.22222@montagar> From: (David L. Cathey) Date: 22 Apr 96 08:03:27 CDT Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, "Jonathan E. Hardis" writes: >> Is there any way for users of Netscape Mail to attach a .GIF file to a >> mail message and send it to a user who receives mail from a VAX (VAX 6330, >> Multinet 3.5b, MX 4.2) in such a way that the file can be extracted from >> mail, downloaded to a PC or Mac, and arrive intact? Does MX have any >> control over this sort of message? >> >> We must decide whether to upgrade our Vax or whether to discontinue its >> use as a mail server altogether. The decision seems to rest on how VMS/MX >> can handle mail sent from Netscape, etc. >> >> Any thoughts, experiences, etc., will be greatly appreciated. > >What a mixture of apples and oranges! > >File "attachments" or "enclosures" sent through EMail are actually text >found in the body of the EMail message. A little winded, but I don't think it really addresses the question. 1) It does not make any difference to Netscape Mail if you are running VMS/Multinet/MX. That is the "Mail Server", and DOES NOT impact the handling of mail. 2) The "Mail Client" is more critial, since it needs to understand and correctly deal with a GIF included in Netscape Mail. This is typically done with MIME encoding of some sort. The standard VMS MAIL command can see the encoded GIF, but does not know how to decode the GIF file into a usable format. What you need is PINE (or similar program) for VMS. This is available from the OpenVMS Freeware CD, which you can get from ( This can be used INSTEAD of the normal VMS MAIL command to read the mail message and extract the attached GIF file. Maybe in the future, VMS MAIL will become MIME aware... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - David L. Cathey |Inet: Montagar Software Concepts |UUCP: ...!montagar!davidc P. O. Box 260776 |Fone: (214)-578-5036 Plano TX 75026-0772 | ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 10:13:31 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 11:00:43 EDT From: "Brian Tillman, x8425" Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: multiple smtp servers David N. Murray ( writes: >I have multiple SMTP servers running (4). I think this is from two >of them trying to deliver me a mail message at the same time. > >Error-Text: Error in delivery to user DMURRAY > %MAIL-E-SENDERR, error sending to user DMURRAY > -MAIL-W-WRITEERR, error writing MAIL$ROOT:[DMURRAY]MAIL.MAI;1 > -RMS-F-DUP, duplicate key detected (DUP not set) This is a known bug in VMS Mail in VMS V5.5-x. You need to get a patch from Digital. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- Brian Tillman | Internet: Smiths Industries, Inc. | 4141 Eastern Ave., MS239 | Hey, I said this stuff myself. Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it. -----------------------------+-------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 10:18:37 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 11:16:47 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: multiple smtp servers > I have multiple SMTP servers running (4). I think this is from two > of them trying to deliver me a mail message at the same time. It is not possible for you to have more than one SMTP server running at the same time. (This is MX process SMTP_SERVER.) It is possible, and often desirable, to have more than one SMTP _client_ running at the same time, but their job is to send mail from your computer to other computers, not to deliver mail, or to deliver it specifically to you. - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 16:39:22 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: RE: some messages staying inprog Date: 22 Apr 1996 21:22:55 GMT Message-ID: <4lgtbf$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, writes: ==> ==> I have about 15 messages which are INPROG - see the example below. I have been ==> receiving some mail, so the problem is not quota, or anything else I can see. Actually, your conclusion there doesn't follow from your premise, because of the way MAIL stores messages. Any message 3 blocks long or shorter is stored in your MAIL.MAI file; longer messages get a pointer record in MAIL.MAI and the body of the message is stored in an external file. And MAIL.MAI doesn't automatically shrink when you delete an old message. So if you've got some free space in your MAIL.MAI file, then if you're out of disk quota, it's possible to receive mail messages that are no more than 3 blocks long, but not longer mail messages. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 20:20:17 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 20:17:31 CST From: J Kmoch Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: some messages staying inprog Right you are - I did try to send myself some mail, but they were tiny messages. I thought at the time I checked my quota and noted something like 200,000 blocks available, so I stil don't have an answer - MX did apparently get those messages to me eventually. Thanks for your help! Joe On 22-APR-1996 at 17:20:28.32 carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU wrote: >In article <>, writes: >==> >==> I have about 15 messages which are INPROG - see the example below. I have been >==> receiving some mail, so the problem is not quota, or anything else I can see. > >Actually, your conclusion there doesn't follow from your premise, because of >the way MAIL stores messages. Any message 3 blocks long or shorter is stored >in your MAIL.MAI file; longer messages get a pointer record in MAIL.MAI and the >body of the message is stored in an external file. And MAIL.MAI doesn't >automatically shrink when you delete an old message. So if you've got some >free space in your MAIL.MAI file, then if you're out of disk quota, it's >possible to receive mail messages that are no more than 3 blocks long, but not >longer mail messages. >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL > >Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My >understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So >unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my >organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to >hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. > -- Joe Kmoch Washington High School 2525 N. Sherman Blvd (414) 449-2765 (office) Milwaukee, WI 53210 (414) 444-9250 (fax) (414) 444-9760 (gen school phone) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 09:26:15 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 09:26:23 CST From: "Chance W. Eppinette" Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009A1611.BBE268BE.10@ALPHA.NLU.EDU> Subject: More on Router processes dieing. Hi all, About 2 weeks ago I sent a message in concerning the Router processes dieing off randomly. I was told at some point to check the version of netlib. I installed that version correctly and have had no complaints from any other software. I started the MX software and let it run for several days with great success. So I decided to enable the Address-rewriter routine. The routine only partially worked - outgoing addresses did not get rewritten but incoming did. Before I installed the latest netlib version both incoming and outgoing rewrites worked fine but my router processes would not stay up. Well, I let the routine continue on through the night and when I came in the next morning I had mail stacked up since midnight. The router processes had died both around the same time with the following statement in the logs: 23-APR-1996 23:14:26.76: MX Router (pid 00006377) exiting, status = 1000000C 23-APR-1996 23:22:00.31: MX Router#2 (pid 00007978) exiting, status = 1000000C Nothing else was in the logs except the startup times. I guess I could have gotten around this problem if I had MX-WATCHDOG running but I didn't and now I don't understand why outgoing mail is not rewritten. Oh yes, I am running OpenVMS 6.1 and Multinet v3.4 rev A and Netlib 2.0. Thanks for any more help. Chance Eppinette Northeast Louisiana University ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 11:31:46 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 11:30:57 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009A1623.22C967EC.21@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: MX docs via WWW updated A few months ago, I announced that the MX documentation was available via the WWW. Due to some bugs in the version of DECdocument I used to create the .HTML files, some examples were missing from the texts. I now have a new version of DECdocument that corrects those bugs, so I rebuilt the MX docs in HTML format. If you're interested, they can be found on: Just FYI.... Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 16:00:48 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 15:59:55 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: EPPINETTE@ALPHA.NLU.EDU Message-ID: <009A1648.B5E4F9CC.11@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: More on Router processes dieing. "Chance W. Eppinette" writes: > >I started the MX software and let it run for several >days with great success. So I decided to enable the Address-rewriter >routine. The routine only partially worked - outgoing addresses did not >get rewritten but incoming did. Sounds like the problem is in your ADDRESS_REWRITER (naturally). Did you modify it from the provided example? Which one are you using---the BLISS one or the C one? I haven't used the C one---perhaps there's a bug in it that no one has caught before now? Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 21:05:04 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 21:11:14 -0400 From: Reply-To: Message-ID: <> To: Subject: Fantastic Free Offer I found on the net --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: Fantastic Free Offer I found on the net Date: 96-04-25 18:48:53 EDT From: Lewisarons To: Lewisarons To: -----> NOTE: Please first read my note which appears below the "Request for more info Form." Then, to get more info, just fill out the "Request for More Info" form completely and *FAX* or *SMAIL* it back to the company. You will get a quick reply via email within 1 business day of receipt of the info request form below. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THOSE FAXING IN THEIR REPLY: Please make sure you return *only* the below form and *no part* of this message other than the actual form below. If you do not know how to cut and paste the below form onto a fresh clean blank page for faxing, then you may re-type the below form, as long as you copy it line for line *exactly.* This is necessary in order for them to be able to process the tremendous number of replies that they get daily. Your fax goes directly onto their 4.2 gigabyte computer hard drive, not paper, and all incoming fax calls are set-up to be *auto-terminated* and/or *auto-deleted* from the incoming queue of faxes to be read, if your fax: 1. has a cover page; 2. is more than one page 3. is sent more than one time 4. does not begin with the "cut here/begin" line from the below form 5. does not end with the "cut here/end" line from the below form. 6. has any handwritten info. on it (info must must be filled out *only* with your computer keyboard or typewriter keyboard). This last provision re: no handwriting on the form applies to requests sent in via smail also. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: Their fax line is open 24 hrs. per day / 7 days per week. However, if you have trouble getting through due to the high volume of overseas faxes coming in during the early morning and late night hours, please note that the best time to get through to their fax is Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm EST (New York Time). If you have trouble getting through to their fax, or do not have a fax machine at work or at home, just drop the below form to them via smail (airmail or first class mail). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *------------cut here/begin-------------------------------------------* REQUEST FOR MORE INFO: please return *only* this section (with no cover page) via 1-page fax to: 718-967-1550 in the USA or via smail (first class mail or airmail) to: Magazine Club Inquiry Center Att. FREE Catalogue-by-email Dept. PO Box 990 Staten Island NY 10312-0990 Sorry, but incomplete forms *will not* be acknowledged. If you do not have an email address, or access to one, they will not be able to help you until you do have one. If you saw this message, then you should have one. :) ---> SORRY, BUT NO HANDWRITTEN FORMS WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED. MUST BE TYPED-OUT ON YOUR COMPUTER OR TYPEWRITER. <--- Name: Internet email address: Smail home address: City-State-Zip: Country: Work Tel. #: Work Fax #: Home Tel. #: Home Fax #: How did you hear about us (name of person who referred you or the area of the internet that you saw us mentioned in): Referral by: Lewis Arons. 040896-l-ifo Name of USA mags you currently get on the newsstand or in the store: Name of USA mags you currently get on the newsstand or in the store: Name of USA mags you currently get on a subscription basis, through the mail: Name of USA mags you would like price quotes on when we call you: Catalogue format desired (list "1," "2," "3" or "4"): *------------cut here/end--------------------------------------------* Catalogue Format Options: 1. 19-Part email- can be read by EVERYONE (~525 K Total). 2. For more advanced computer users: attached text file ~525K - you must know how to download an attached text file and then be able to open it with your word processor. If in doubt, don't ask for this version. This isn't for internet *newbies.* Better to order option 1 and spend a few minutes pasting them into one whole text document with your word processor, than to waste hours trying to figure how to deal with this option. 3. For more advanced Macintosh computer users: compressed attached text file, created with a Stuffit(tm) self-extracting archive (.sea), ~133K. Can be decompressed by any Macintosh computer user; no special expansion software or knowledge of Stuffit (tm) needed. You just double-click on the file icon and it automatically expands (unstuffs). This is for more advanced mac computer users only, as you still have to know how to deal with an attached file. It will cut your download time by 75%. Expands out to the same ~525K file in option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to be able to do. 4. For expert computer users: compressed attached text file, created with Stuffit(tm), ~114K. Can be decompressed by any computer user who has expansion software to decompress (expand) Stuffit(tm) (.sit) files. This is for more advanced computer users only and will cut your download time by 78%. Expands out to the same ~525K file in option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to be able to do. Hi fellow 'netters, My name is Lewis Arons and I recently started using a magazine subscription club in the USA that has a FREE 1 yr. magazine subscription deal with your first paid order- and I have been very pleased with them. They have over 1,500 different USA titles that they can ship to any country on a subscription basis. As for computer magazines from the USA, they more of a selection than I ever knew even existed. They have magazines for most every area of interest in their list of 1,500 titles. Within the USA, for their USA members, they are cheaper than all their competitors and even the publishers themselves. This is their price guarantee. Overseas, on the average, they are generally around one-fourth to one-half of what the newsstands overseas charge locally for USA magazines. On some titles they are as little as one-tenth of what the newsstands charge. They feel that mgazines should not be a luxury overseas. In the USA, people buy magazines and then toss them after reading them for just a few minutes or hours. They are so cheap in the USA! Well, this company would like to make it the same way for their overseas members. They are also cheaper than all their competitors in the USA and overseas, including the publishers themselves! This is their price guarantee. Around one-half their business comes from overseas, so they are very patient with new members who only speak limited English as a 2nd language. Their prices are so cheap because they deal direct with each publisher and cut-out all the middlemen. They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that they sell. Please do not email me as I am just a happy customer and a *busy* student. I don't have time to even complete my thesis in time, let alone run my part-time software business! Please fill out the above form and carefully follow the intructions above to get it to them via fax or smail. They guarantee to beat all their competitors' prices. Sometimes they are less than half of the next best deal I have been able to find and other times, just a little cheaper - but I have never found a lower rate yet. They assured me that if I ever do, they will beat it. They have been very helpful and helped me with all my address changes as I haved moved from one country to another. They have a deal where you can get a free 1 yr. sub to a new magazine from a special list of over 295 popular titles published in the USA. They will give you this free 1 yr. sub when you place your first paid order with them to a renewal or new subscription to any of the over 1,500 different popular USA titles they sell. They can arrange delivery to virtually any country and I think they have clients in around 45 or 46 countries now. Outside the USA there is a charge for FPH (foreign postage and handling) (on both paid and freebie subs) that varies from magazine to magazine. I have found their staff to be very friendly and courteous. They even helped me with an address change when I moved from one country to another. The owner thinks of his service as a "club" and his clients as "members" (even though there is no extra fee to become a member - your first purchase automatically makes you a member) and he is real picky about who he accepts as a new member. When he sets you up as a new member, he himself calls you personally on the phone to explain how he works his deal, or sometimes he has one of his assistants call. He is kind of quirky sometimes - he insists on setting up new members by phone so he can say hi to everyone (I sure wouldn't want to have his phone bills!), but you can place future orders (after your first order) via E-mail. He has some really friendly young ladies working for him, who seem to know just as much as he does about this magazine stuff. If you live overseas, he will even call you there, as long as you are interested, but I think he still makes all his overseas calls on the weekends, I guess cause the long distance rates are cheaper then. He only likes to take new members from referrals from satisfied existing members and he does virtually no advertising. When I got set-up, they had a 2-3 week waiting list for new members to be called back so that they could join up. (Once you are an existing member, they help you immediately when you call. ) I think they are able to get back to prospective new members the same day or within a few days now, as they have increased their staff. I am not sure about this.........but if you email the above form to them, that is the way to get started! They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that they sell. They then send you email that outlines how his club works and the list of free choices that you can choose from, as well as the entire list of what he sells; and then they will give you a quick (3-5 minute) friendly, no-pressure no-obligation call to explain everything to you personally and answer all your questions. Once you get in, you'll love them. I do. Sincerely, Lewis Arons ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 03:18:42 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 09:18:08 BST From: "John Hill, Cavendish Lab, Cambridge Univ. (01223-337243)" Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX interaction with Netscape Mail... > What you need is PINE (or similar program) for VMS. This is >available from the OpenVMS Freeware CD, which you can get from > ( I've just tried installing this on OpenVMS ALPHA V6.2, DECC V5.2 with the NETLIB interface. When I try to send a message, PINE exits with: Bug in Pine detected: "Received abort signal". If anyone has successfully installed PINE from the Freeware CD, I'd like to hear about it. Since this isn't strictly MX, please could you mail me directly, rather than to the list. Thanks, John Hill +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Dr. John C. Hill University of Cambridge, + + E-mail: Cavendish Laboratory, + + Phone: +44-1223-337243 Madingley Road, + + Fax: +44-1223-353920 Cambridge, CB3 0HE, U.K. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 11:24:41 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 11:24:18 CST From: Curtis Williams Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009A16EB.5EFDAA20.136@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: More on Router processes dieing. I am currently on vacation and will not be returning to the office until Wednesday, May 1, 1996. If the message you sent to me needs immediate attention, please send an additional mail message to or call Academic Computing at 745-4982. | ____/ | /| / Curtis Williams, OpenVMS Systems Manager | | / | / | / Western Kentucky University | | /___ | / | / Academic Computing, STH 110 | | ______/ __/ __/ Bowling Green, KY 42101 USA | | USPA C-25179 Voice: 502-745-5251 Fax: 502-745-6014 | | INTERNET: WWW: | | "Computer, you and I need to have a little talk." | | -- Miles O'Brien, Deep Space Nine | ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 11:25:20 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 11:24:52 CST From: Curtis Williams Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009A16EB.738ABE10.2@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Fantastic Free Offer I found on the net I am currently on vacation and will not be returning to the office until Wednesday, May 1, 1996. If the message you sent to me needs immediate attention, please send an additional mail message to or call Academic Computing at 745-4982. | ____/ | /| / Curtis Williams, OpenVMS Systems Manager | | / | / | / Western Kentucky University | | /___ | / | / Academic Computing, STH 110 | | ______/ __/ __/ Bowling Green, KY 42101 USA | | USPA C-25179 Voice: 502-745-5251 Fax: 502-745-6014 | | INTERNET: WWW: | | "Computer, you and I need to have a little talk." | | -- Miles O'Brien, Deep Space Nine | ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 13:54:21 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Ira B Carmel) Reply-To: Subject: Messages in the queue or not? Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 13:31:08 -0600 Message-ID: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU This may be an old question- I recently found this group... hooray! What does it mean when... MCP> que show followed immediately by MCP> que stat Gives this: Entry# Status Size Source Agent Entry# Status Size ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- 2 INPROG 862 MAIL LOCAL 3 READY 1378 (waiting until 26-APR-1996 16:50:16.40) 8 INPROG 1378 MAIL SMTP 3 READY 1378 (waiting until 26-APR-1996 16:50:16.40) %MCP-I-QENTRIES, total matching entries: 2 %MCP-I-QSTATUS, total entries: 4/2500 (0%) Highest entry used: 2500 (100%) I know things aren't very busy but I am willing to attribute this to a heisenburg kind of thing... stuff changes while I am doing the next command. BUT what if all the agents are idle or waiting? OR what if you have 0 items in the que as show by both que stat and que show, but some agents are still processing or waiting? I figured out that when someone starts a mail message an item appears and is in processing state until they send or cancel... but there may not be an entry in the que. Also... has anyone ever heard of a mail message then when it comes up to be sent causes ALL the SMTP delivery agents to die?!? I had a message number 667 (suspicious no?) that did this until I canceled it. It was a pain to find too! Anyway the system is a cluster of machines running Vax/VMS 5.5-2 with a common MX root on the boot.. this is what multinet says about us: TGV MultiNet V3.4 Rev A, VAXstation 3540, VAX/VMS V5.5-2 Any help would be appreciated. Also we have a working setup with IUpop3 that will successfully send mail messages over 3 mb in size... if anyone needs help with that. -Ira ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 14:00:05 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 13:59:44 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: IRAC@EARLHAM.EDU Message-ID: <009A1701.15FE4765.15@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Messages in the queue or not? (Ira B Carmel) writes: > >What does it mean when... > >MCP> que show >followed immediately by >MCP> que stat > >Gives this: > [...] >%MCP-I-QENTRIES, total matching entries: 2 >%MCP-I-QSTATUS, total entries: 4/2500 (0%) Highest entry used: 2500 >(100%) > It means everything is normal. There are 4 entries in the queue---the two Router entries have forward references to the SMTP entries and QUEUE SHOW only counts them as 2 entries. >OR what if you have 0 items in the que as show by both que stat and que >show, but some agents are still processing or waiting? I figured out that >when someone starts a mail message an item appears and is in processing >state until they send or cancel... but there may not be an entry in the >que. > That *should* never happen.... >Also... has anyone ever heard of a mail message then when it comes up to be >sent causes ALL the SMTP delivery agents to die?!? I had a message number >667 (suspicious no?) that did this until I canceled it. It was a pain to >find too! > Well, if it kills one, it could kill the rest as they try to process the same bogus entry. You might want to ensure that you're running the latest MX, V4.2, available via anonymous ftp from in [.MX.MX042]. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 14:38:49 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 15:38:18 EDT From: Brian Reed Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Unwanted mail messages Any thought to setting this list so that only subscribers can post messages? I've seen a number of "free magazine" articles posted, and would seem that would keep those messages out of this list. On a related subject, since one could subscribe to the list so they could send these messages, any way to limit a message (or make it require approval) to a certain size? Since most of the unwanted messages are quite large, that may be another way of screening them out. Brian D. Reed Columbus Works 614-860-6218 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 14:48:32 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 15:48:04 EDT From: Brian Reed Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Messages in the queue or not? >Entry# Status Size Source Agent Entry# Status Size >------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- > 2 INPROG 862 MAIL > LOCAL 3 READY 1378 > (waiting until 26-APR-1996 That would indicate the message couldn't be delivered at that point. Do a "show queue/full" and it should show the (last) error message--hopefully it shows why it failed. Either that, or you hit the commands fast enough to see them, as it does say INPROG (in progress, which should mean it's working on it). But, it also says "waiting until..." which seems contradictory. Hmmmm...the time after the "waiting until..."--is that the current time, or in the future? That is, it may be that time is set to the current time when it's entered in the queue, so it fires off right away. And just makes for a slightly confusing message. >OR what if you have 0 items in the que as show by both que stat and que >show, but some agents are still processing or waiting? I figured out that >when someone starts a mail message an item appears and is in processing >state until they send or cancel... but there may not be an entry in the It is "in" the queue, if you do a "show queue/all" I think. It's just not registered as one ready to act on, so it doesn't show up in the standard commands. That is, messages being created, or ready to delete, don't normally show up, since they're not in a ready state. >Also... has anyone ever heard of a mail message then when it comes up to be >sent causes ALL the SMTP delivery agents to die?!? Someone may answer, but I think it was a problem with netlib. I didn't have the problem, but remember it being discussed. Maybe you need to upgrade netlib? Brian D. Reed Columbus Works 614-860-6218 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 14:58:17 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 14:58:10 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009A1709.3F7A9EB0.1@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Unwanted mail messages Brian Reed writes: > >Any thought to setting this list so that only subscribers >can post messages? I've seen a number of "free magazine" >articles posted, and would seem that would keep those >messages out of this list. > Except that doing so would also eliminate people posting from the newsgroup, which is where those "free magazine" posts are coming from. I agree that they're very annoying, but I've never come up with a good way to keep those out. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 19:02:35 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Peter Burnett Reply-To: Subject: More on Router processes dieing. Date: 27 Apr 96 00:10:02 Message-ID: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Thursday April 25 1996, goathunter@LOKI.COM writes: >> I started the MX software and let it run for several >> days with great success. So I decided to enable the Address-rewriter >> routine. The routine only partially worked - outgoing addresses did >> not get rewritten but incoming did. g> Sounds like the problem is in your ADDRESS_REWRITER (naturally). Did g> you modify it from the provided example? Which one are you g> using-+-the BLISS one or the C one? I haven't used the C g> one-+-perhaps there's a bug in it that no one has caught before now? I have tried using both and from my limited knowledge, the 'C' varient did not seem to work on outgoing mail. The BLISS varient is far more sucessful in operation. My knowledge of VMS Programming and 'C' is not good enough to allow me to try and debug the 'C' version. If I recall correctly, the BLISS varient rewrote the RFC header but not the envelope or was it the other way round... well it was one of the two. Best Regards, Peter -- +-( DATA: 44-(0)1424-853361 )-( Peter Burnett )-( FAX: 44-(0)1424 853364 )-+ | for general queries 2:441/80.0 | | for R25 IGATE queries or Help | | for support with G2K, K2G, K2G2K & KMOV | +---( 10 Parsons Close, St. Leonards On Sea, East Sussex, UK, TN38 9QT )---+ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 11:48:43 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: carl@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) Subject: RE: Messages in the queue or not? Date: 27 Apr 1996 16:40:53 GMT Message-ID: <4ltiml$> Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, Brian Reed writes: =>Entry# Status Size Source Agent Entry# Status Size =>------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- => 2 INPROG 862 MAIL => LOCAL 3 READY 1378 => (waiting until 26-APR-1996 = =That would indicate the message couldn't be delivered at that =point. Do a "show queue/full" and it should show the (last) =error message--hopefully it shows why it failed. Either that, =or you hit the commands fast enough to see them, as it does =say INPROG (in progress, which should mean it's working on it). =But, it also says "waiting until..." which seems contradictory. Not really: The overall message delivery (entry 2 in the queue) is in progress; the attempt at local delivery (entry 3 in the queue) is waiting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL Disclaimer: Hey, I understand VAXen and VMS. That's what I get paid for. My understanding of astronomy is purely at the amateur level (or below). So unless what I'm saying is directly related to VAX/VMS, don't hold me or my organization responsible for it. If it IS related to VAX/VMS, you can try to hold me responsible for it, but my organization had nothing to do with it. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 13:47:35 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 14:09:52 -0400 From: Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Interesting Free Offer........ --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: Interesting Free Offer........ Date: 96-04-27 13:08:08 EDT From: SElli97635 To: SElli97635 To: -----> NOTE: Please first read my note which appears below the "Request for more info Form." Then, to get more info, just fill out the "Request for More Info" form completely and *FAX* or *SMAIL* it back to the company. You will get a quick reply via email within 1 business day of receipt of the info request form below. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THOSE FAXING IN THEIR REPLY: Please make sure you return *only* the below form and *no part* of this message other than the actual form below. If you do not know how to cut and paste the below form onto a fresh clean blank page for faxing, then you may re-type the below form, as long as you copy it line for line *exactly.* This is necessary in order for them to be able to process the tremendous number of replies that they get daily. Your fax goes directly onto their 4.2 gigabyte computer hard drive, not paper, and all incoming fax calls are set-up to be *auto-terminated* and/or *auto-deleted* from the incoming queue of faxes to be read, if your fax: 1. has a cover page; 2. is more than one page 3. is sent more than one time 4. does not begin with the "cut here/begin" line from the below form 5. does not end with the "cut here/end" line from the below form. 6. has any handwritten info. on it (info must must be filled out *only* with your computer keyboard or typewriter keyboard). This last provision re: no handwriting on the form applies to requests sent in via smail also. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: Their fax line is open 24 hrs. per day / 7 days per week. However, if you have trouble getting through due to the high volume of overseas faxes coming in during the early morning and late night hours, please note that the best time to get through to their fax is Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm EST (New York Time). If you have trouble getting through to their fax, or do not have a fax machine at work or at home, just drop the below form to them via smail (airmail or first class mail). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *------------cut here/begin-------------------------------------------* REQUEST FOR MORE INFO: please return *only* this section (with no cover page) via 1-page fax to: 718-967-1550 in the USA or via smail (first class mail or airmail) to: Magazine Club Inquiry Center Att. FREE Catalogue-by-email Dept. PO Box 990 Staten Island NY 10312-0990 Sorry, but incomplete forms *will not* be acknowledged. If you do not have an email address, or access to one, they will not be able to help you until you do have one. If you saw this message, then you should have one. :) ---> SORRY, BUT NO HANDWRITTEN FORMS WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED. MUST BE TYPED-OUT ON YOUR COMPUTER OR TYPEWRITER. <--- Name: Internet email address: Smail home address: City-State-Zip: Country: Work Tel. #: Work Fax #: Home Tel. #: Home Fax #: How did you hear about us (name of person who referred you or the area of the internet that you saw us mentioned in): Referral by: Sally Ann Ellison. 042796-l-ifo Name of USA mags you currently get on the newsstand or in the store: Name of USA mags you currently get on the newsstand or in the store: Name of USA mags you currently get on a subscription basis, through the mail: Name of USA mags you would like price quotes on when we call you: Catalogue format desired (list "1," "2," "3" or "4"): *------------cut here/end--------------------------------------------* Catalogue Format Options: 1. 19-Part email- can be read by EVERYONE (~525 K Total). 2. For more advanced computer users: attached text file ~525K - you must know how to download an attached text file and then be able to open it with your word processor. If in doubt, don't ask for this version. This isn't for internet *newbies.* Better to order option 1 and spend a few minutes pasting them into one whole text document with your word processor, than to waste hours trying to figure how to deal with this option. 3. For more advanced Macintosh computer users: compressed attached text file, created with a Stuffit(tm) self-extracting archive (.sea), ~133K. Can be decompressed by any Macintosh computer user; no special expansion software or knowledge of Stuffit (tm) needed. You just double-click on the file icon and it automatically expands (unstuffs). This is for more advanced mac computer users only, as you still have to know how to deal with an attached file. It will cut your download time by 75%. Expands out to the same ~525K file in option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to be able to do. 4. For expert computer users: compressed attached text file, created with Stuffit(tm), ~114K. Can be decompressed by any computer user who has expansion software to decompress (expand) Stuffit(tm) (.sit) files. This is for more advanced computer users only and will cut your download time by 78%. Expands out to the same ~525K file in option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to be able to do. Hi fellow 'netters, My name is Sally Ann Ellison and I recently started using a magazine subscription club in the USA that has a FREE 1 yr. magazine subscription deal with your first paid order- and I have been very pleased with them. They have over 1,500 different USA titles that they can ship to any country on a subscription basis. As for computer magazines from the USA, they more of a selection than I ever knew even existed. They have magazines for most every area of interest in their list of 1,500 titles. Within the USA, for their USA members, they are cheaper than all their competitors and even the publishers themselves. This is their price guarantee. Overseas, on the average, they are generally around one-fourth to one-half of what the newsstands overseas charge locally for USA magazines. On some titles they are as little as one-tenth of what the newsstands charge. They feel that mgazines should not be a luxury overseas. In the USA, people buy magazines and then toss them after reading them for just a few minutes or hours. They are so cheap in the USA! Well, this company would like to make it the same way for their overseas members. They are also cheaper than all their competitors in the USA and overseas, including the publishers themselves! This is their price guarantee. Around one-half their business comes from overseas, so they are very patient with new members who only speak limited English as a 2nd language. Their prices are so cheap because they deal direct with each publisher and cut-out all the middlemen. They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that they sell. Please do not email me as I am just a happy customer and a *busy* student. I don't have time to even complete my thesis in time, let alone run my part-time software business! Please fill out the above form and carefully follow the intructions above to get it to them via fax or smail. They guarantee to beat all their competitors' prices. Sometimes they are less than half of the next best deal I have been able to find and other times, just a little cheaper - but I have never found a lower rate yet. They assured me that if I ever do, they will beat it. They have been very helpful and helped me with all my address changes as I haved moved from one country to another. They have a deal where you can get a free 1 yr. sub to a new magazine from a special list of over 295 popular titles published in the USA. They will give you this free 1 yr. sub when you place your first paid order with them to a renewal or new subscription to any of the over 1,500 different popular USA titles they sell. They can arrange delivery to virtually any country and I think they have clients in around 45 or 46 countries now. Outside the USA there is a charge for FPH (foreign postage and handling) (on both paid and freebie subs) that varies from magazine to magazine. I have found their staff to be very friendly and courteous. They even helped me with an address change when I moved from one country to another. The owner thinks of his service as a "club" and his clients as "members" (even though there is no extra fee to become a member - your first purchase automatically makes you a member) and he is real picky about who he accepts as a new member. When he sets you up as a new member, he himself calls you personally on the phone to explain how he works his deal, or sometimes he has one of his assistants call. He is kind of quirky sometimes - he insists on setting up new members by phone so he can say hi to everyone (I sure wouldn't want to have his phone bills!), but you can place future orders (after your first order) via E-mail. He has some really friendly young ladies working for him, who seem to know just as much as he does about this magazine stuff. If you live overseas, he will even call you there, as long as you are interested, but I think he still makes all his overseas calls on the weekends, I guess cause the long distance rates are cheaper then. He only likes to take new members from referrals from satisfied existing members and he does virtually no advertising. When I got set-up, they had a 2-3 week waiting list for new members to be called back so that they could join up. (Once you are an existing member, they help you immediately when you call. ) I think they are able to get back to prospective new members the same day or within a few days now, as they have increased their staff. I am not sure about this.........but if you email the above form to them, that is the way to get started! They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that they sell. They then send you email that outlines how his club works and the list of free choices that you can choose from, as well as the entire list of what he sells; and then they will give you a quick (3-5 minute) friendly, no-pressure no-obligation call to explain everything to you personally and answer all your questions. Once you get in, you'll love them. I do. Sincerely, Sally Ann Ellison ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sun, 28 Apr 1996 13:26:38 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: (Sterling Bjorndahl) Reply-To: Subject: pine problem (was RE: MX interaction with Netscape Mail...) Date: 28 Apr 96 11:06:34 GMT Message-ID: <> To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU In article <>, "John Hill, Cavendish Lab, Cambridge Univ. (01223-337243)" writes: >> What you need is PINE (or similar program) for VMS. This is >>available from the OpenVMS Freeware CD, which you can get from >> ( > > I've just tried installing this on OpenVMS ALPHA V6.2, DECC V5.2 with the NETLIB > interface. When I try to send a message, PINE exits with: > > Bug in Pine detected: "Received abort signal". > > If anyone has successfully installed PINE from the Freeware CD, I'd like to > hear about it. Since this isn't strictly MX, please could you mail me directly, > rather than to the list. Sorry for saying "me too," especially in the wrong group, but I don't know where else to turn... Can I hear about it too please? I am encountering the same error message. Not on an alpha, but with Gnu C under VMS 5.4-2 and Netlib. I had to modify a few places to implement the "Gnu Hacks" for globaldef/globalref, but I can't figure out where this "abort signal" is coming from. PICO seems to be working OK, but PINE has this problem. Sterling ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 13:45:36 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 13:36:29 -0400 From: Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Unusual Promotion for 1st Time Users --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: FREE 1 yr MagazineSub sent worldwide-270+ Popular USA Titles Date: 96-04-29 11:30:23 EDT From: Szanzer To: How to save on all your computer magazines and 1,500 other popular USA titles! -----> NOTE: Please first read my note which appears below the "Request for more info Form." Then, to get more info, just fill out the "Request for More Info" form completely and *FAX* or *SMAIL* it back to the company. You will get a quick reply via email within 1 business day of receipt of the info request form below. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THOSE FAXING IN THEIR REPLY: Please make sure you return *only* the below form and *no part* of this message other than the actual form below. If you do not know how to cut and paste the below form onto a fresh clean blank page for faxing, then you may re-type the below form, as long as you copy it line for line *exactly.* This is necessary in order for them to be able to process the tremendous number of replies that they get daily. Your fax goes directly onto their 4.2 gigabyte computer hard drive, not paper, and all incoming fax calls are set-up to be *auto-terminated* and/or *auto-deleted* from the incoming queue of faxes to be read, if your fax: 1. has a cover page; 2. is more than one page 3. is sent more than one time 4. does not begin with the "cut here/begin" line from the below form 5. does not end with the "cut here/end" line from the below form. 6. has any handwritten info. on it (info must must be filled out *only* with your computer keyboard or typewriter keyboard). This last provision re: no handwriting on the form applies to requests sent in via smail also. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: Their fax line is open 24 hrs. per day / 7 days per week. However, if you have trouble getting through due to the high volume of overseas faxes coming in during the early morning and late night hours, please note that the best time to get through to their fax is Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm EST (New York Time). If you have trouble getting through to their fax, or do not have a fax machine at work or at home, just drop the below form to them via smail (airmail or first class mail). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *------------cut here/begin-------------------------------------------* REQUEST FOR MORE INFO: please return *only* this section (with no cover page) via 1-page fax to: 718-967-1550 in the USA or via smail (first class mail or airmail) to: Magazine Club Inquiry Center Att. FREE Catalogue-by-email Dept. PO Box 990 Staten Island NY 10312-0990 Sorry, but incomplete forms *will not* be acknowledged. If you do not have an email address, or access to one, they will not be able to help you until you do have one. If you saw this message, then you should have one. :) ---> SORRY, BUT NO HANDWRITTEN FORMS WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED. MUST BE TYPED-OUT ON YOUR COMPUTER OR TYPEWRITER. <--- Name: Internet email address: Smail home address: City-State-Zip: Country: Work Tel. #: Work Fax #: Home Tel. #: Home Fax #: How did you hear about us (name of person who referred you or the area of the internet that you saw us mentioned in): Referral by: Susan Zanzer. 042996-l-foy Name of USA mags you currently get on the newsstand or in the store: Name of USA mags you currently get on the newsstand or in the store: Name of USA mags you currently get on a subscription basis, through the mail: Name of USA mags you would like price quotes on when we call you: Catalogue format desired (list "1," "2," "3" or "4"): *------------cut here/end--------------------------------------------* Catalogue Format Options: 1. 19-Part email- can be read by EVERYONE (~525 K Total). 2. For more advanced computer users: attached text file ~525K - you must know how to download an attached text file and then be able to open it with your word processor. If in doubt, don't ask for this version. This isn't for internet *newbies.* Better to order option 1 and spend a few minutes pasting them into one whole text document with your word processor, than to waste hours trying to figure how to deal with this option. 3. For more advanced Macintosh computer users: compressed attached text file, created with a Stuffit(tm) self-extracting archive (.sea), ~133K. Can be decompressed by any Macintosh computer user; no special expansion software or knowledge of Stuffit (tm) needed. You just double-click on the file icon and it automatically expands (unstuffs). This is for more advanced mac computer users only, as you still have to know how to deal with an attached file. It will cut your download time by 75%. Expands out to the same ~525K file in option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to be able to do. 4. For expert computer users: compressed attached text file, created with Stuffit(tm), ~114K. Can be decompressed by any computer user who has expansion software to decompress (expand) Stuffit(tm) (.sit) files. This is for more advanced computer users only and will cut your download time by 78%. Expands out to the same ~525K file in option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to be able to do. Hi fellow 'netters, My name is Susan Zanzer and I recently started using a magazine subscription club in the USA that has a FREE 1 yr. magazine subscription deal with your first paid order- and I have been very pleased with them. They have over 1,500 different USA titles that they can ship to any country on a subscription basis. As for computer magazines from the USA, they more of a selection than I ever knew even existed. They have magazines for most every area of interest in their list of 1,500 titles. Within the USA, for their USA members, they are cheaper than all their competitors and even the publishers themselves. This is their price guarantee. Overseas, on the average, they are generally around one-fourth to one-half of what the newsstands overseas charge locally for USA magazines. On some titles they are as little as one-tenth of what the newsstands charge. They feel that mgazines should not be a luxury overseas. In the USA, people buy magazines and then toss them after reading them for just a few minutes or hours. They are so cheap in the USA! Well, this company would like to make it the same way for their overseas members. They are also cheaper than all their competitors in the USA and overseas, including the publishers themselves! This is their price guarantee. Around one-half their business comes from overseas, so they are very patient with new members who only speak limited English as a 2nd language. Their prices are so cheap because they deal direct with each publisher and cut-out all the middlemen. They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that they sell. Please do not email me as I am just a happy customer and a *busy* student. I don't have time to even complete my thesis in time, let alone run my part-time software business! Please fill out the above form and carefully follow the intructions above to get it to them via fax or smail. They guarantee to beat all their competitors' prices. Sometimes they are less than half of the next best deal I have been able to find and other times, just a little cheaper - but I have never found a lower rate yet. They assured me that if I ever do, they will beat it. They have been very helpful and helped me with all my address changes as I haved moved from one country to another. They have a deal where you can get a free 1 yr. sub to a new magazine from a special list of over 270 popular titles published in the USA. They will give you this free 1 yr. sub when you place your first paid order with them to a renewal or new subscription to any of the over 1,500 different popular USA titles they sell. They can arrange delivery to virtually any country and I think they have clients in around 45 or 46 countries now. Outside the USA there is a charge for FPH (foreign postage and handling) (on both paid and freebie subs) that varies from magazine to magazine. I have found their staff to be very friendly and courteous. They even helped me with an address change when I moved from one country to another. The owner thinks of his service as a "club" and his clients as "members" (even though there is no extra fee to become a member - your first purchase automatically makes you a member) and he is real picky about who he accepts as a new member. When he sets you up as a new member, he himself calls you personally on the phone to explain how he works his deal, or sometimes he has one of his assistants call. He is kind of quirky sometimes - he insists on setting up new members by phone so he can say hi to everyone (I sure wouldn't want to have his phone bills!), but you can place future orders (after your first order) via E-mail. He has some really friendly young ladies working for him, who seem to know just as much as he does about this magazine stuff. If you live overseas, he will even call you there, as long as you are interested, but I think he still makes all his overseas calls on the weekends, I guess cause the long distance rates are cheaper then. He only likes to take new members from referrals from satisfied existing members and he does virtually no advertising. When I got set-up, they had a 2-3 week waiting list for new members to be called back so that they could join up. (Once you are an existing member, they help you immediately when you call. ) I think they are able to get back to prospective new members the same day or within a few days now, as they have increased their staff. I am not sure about this.........but if you email the above form to them, that is the way to get started! They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that they sell. They then send you email that outlines how his club works and the list of free choices that you can choose from, as well as the entire list of what he sells; and then they will give you a quick (3-5 minute) friendly, no-pressure no-obligation call to explain everything to you personally and answer all your questions. Once you get in, you'll love them. I do. Sincerely, Susan Zanzer ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 13:55:36 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 13:55:14 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009A195B.F43182F7.50@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Unusual Promotion for 1st Time Users writes: > >Forwarded message: >Subj: FREE 1 yr MagazineSub sent worldwide-270+ Popular USA Titles >Date: 96-04-29 11:30:23 EDT Just FYI, there appear to be dozens (hundreds?) of people (or at least different accounts) posting these stupid messages. I added an entry for the last poster to deny them access to the list, but obviously that doesn't stop 'em from getting through. Sigh. And what makes it worse---this one was mailed directly to the list and didn't come via NEWS! Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 16:41:03 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 17:40:30 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Unusual Promotion for 1st Time Users > Just FYI, there appear to be dozens (hundreds?) of people (or at > least different accounts) posting these stupid messages. I think the addresses may be spoofed. There have been a bunch supposedly from AOL but with Interramp (PSINet) message IDs and routings. - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 23:48:53 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 21:48:32 MST From: Ray Harwood -- Data Basix Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU CC: rharwood@Basix.COM Message-ID: <009A199E.13255AC0.11@Basix.COM> Subject: Moving to another drive? Seems like I've seen this question before, but you know you never pay attention to things you KNOW you're never going to want to do?!?! :) Well, I want to move MX over to a different disk drive (one with more space!). Could it really be as simple as: (1) $ MCP SHUTDOWN (2) $ BACKUP MX_DEVICE:[mx...]*.*;* new_device:[mx...]*.*;* /log (3) $ edit SYS$STARTUP:MX_STARTUP ! change old dir-spec to new dir-spec (4) $ @SYS$STARTUP:MX_STARTUP ??? Surely there must be hidden things I'm too brain-dead to ascertain in advance... has anyone done this successfully (recently)? BTW: Huge kudos to Matt and Hunter (The MadGoat Dudes) and all who continue to support MX. I run MX on 6 different machines in 3 different domains and have people accessing it in a myriad of ways, with rarely a glitch (and the glitches are usually MY fault!). Thanks for hanging in there guys! Ray ----- Ray Harwood | Data Basix | Internet Service Provider for Voice: (520)721-1988 | PO Box 18324 | Dialup, SLIP, & UUCP Services, FAX: (520)721-7240 | Tucson, AZ 85731 | And World Wide Web Pages -- RHarwood@Basix.COM | http://Basix.COM/ | Internet with a Personal Touch ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 05:08:30 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU From: Sakari Heino Reply-To: Subject: CMUIP & SMTP Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 12:34:31 +0300 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU I have CMUIP installed to my VMS 5.5-2 VAX-machine, but I'cant get my dns work after I installed MX SMTP . Is there something with netlib library and CMU/IP name server what I should notice ? Sakari Heino ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 08:20:14 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 09:18:46 EST5EDT4,M4.1.0,M10.5.0 From: Scott McNeilly Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Moving to another drive? Ray Harwood -- Data Basix wrote: >Well, I want to move MX over to a different disk drive (one with more space!). >Could it really be as simple as: > >(1) $ MCP SHUTDOWN >(2) $ BACKUP MX_DEVICE:[mx...]*.*;* new_device:[mx...]*.*;* /log >(3) $ edit SYS$STARTUP:MX_STARTUP ! change old dir-spec to new dir-spec >(4) $ @SYS$STARTUP:MX_STARTUP > >??? > >Surely there must be hidden things I'm too brain-dead to ascertain in >advance... has anyone done this successfully (recently)? I haven't actually done this, so this is not an authoritative reply. But I would want to check [mx.exe] as well. Otherwise, I think you've got it. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott Mc Neilly email: Assistant Director Phone: 508-697-1236 Information Services Bridgewater State College Bridgewater, MA 02325 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 08:49:59 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 08:49:12 CST6CDT5,M4.1.0,M10.5.0 From: Dave Miller Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Moving to another drive? > Well, I want to move MX over to a different disk drive (one with more space!). > Could it really be as simple as: > > (1) $ MCP SHUTDOWN > (2) $ BACKUP MX_DEVICE:[mx...]*.*;* new_device:[mx...]*.*;* /log > (3) $ edit SYS$STARTUP:MX_STARTUP ! change old dir-spec to new dir-spec > (4) $ @SYS$STARTUP:MX_STARTUP Just did this .. there are two other things ... 1. Double check MX_ROOT:[000000]MX_LOGICALS for drive references. 2. If you are archiving any lists, change their file names with MODIFY. //----------\|/------\\ Dave Miller. || /\ -X- || Professor, Computer Science. || / \ /|/\ || || / \ / \ || || / \ \ || || /________\____\ || 1500 Birchmont Dr. NE || || || || Bemidji State University \\------|| -------// Bemidji MN, 56601 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 08:56:40 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 09:56:14 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: To: CC: rharwood@Basix.COM, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Moving to another drive? > I want to move MX over to a different disk drive > Could it really be as simple as: > > (1) $ MCP SHUTDOWN > (2) $ BACKUP MX_DEVICE:[mx...]*.*;* new_device:[mx...]*.*;* /log > (3) $ edit SYS$STARTUP:MX_STARTUP ! change old dir-spec to new dir-spec > (4) $ @SYS$STARTUP:MX_STARTUP No. You would also have to edit MX_DEVICE:[MX]MX_LOGICALS.DAT. Whether this additional step is sufficient, I don't know. - Jonathan P.S. -- As I was typing this, another message came in: > I haven't actually done this, so this is not an authoritative reply. But > I would want to check [mx.exe] as well. After you check it, I think you'll see that no edits in it would be required. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 09:03:20 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 10:02:58 EDT From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: To: CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: CMUIP & SMTP > I have CMUIP installed to my VMS 5.5-2 VAX-machine, > but I'cant get my dns work after I installed MX SMTP . > > Is there something with netlib library and CMU/IP name server > what I should notice ? 1) Make sure that you comment out the line in IP_STARTUP.COM: $!$! Define/System/Exec/NoLog TCP$SMTPSV CMUTEK_ROOT:[SYSEXE]SMTP_SERVER.EXE 2) No not try to replace this line with something pointing to MX. 3) Read the CMU-TEK TCP/IP FAQ section about shutting down and restarting NAMRES. - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 12:52:50 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 17:27:38 MET From: Pavol Mederly Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: Messages (incorrectly?) marked as FINISHed Dear MX-List, today I needed to SHUTDOWN and start again MX SMTP processes and there I found something wrong: I suppose that the message being sent via SMTP (TCP/IP) is lost at the moment when I use SHUTDOWN SMTP command. More precisely, it is marked as FINISHed although it has not been sent. This is the corresponding MX_SMTP_LOG.LOG file: 30-APR-1996 17:00:26.92 Processing queue entry number 223 on node CYRIL 30-APR-1996 17:00:28.74 Recipient: , 30-APR-1996 17:00:28.74 SMTP_SEND: looking up host name 30-APR-1996 17:00:28.75 SMTP_SEND: DSN_MXLOOK status is 00000001 30-APR-1996 17:00:28.86 SMTP_SEND: Attempting to start session with [] 30-APR-1996 17:00:32.78 SMTP_SEND: Connected 30-APR-1996 17:00:53.21 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: Sendmail 8.6.12/8.6.9 ready at Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:59:28 +0100 30-APR-1996 17:00:54.24 SMTP_SEND: Rcvd: 220 ESMTP spoken here 30-APR-1996 17:00:54.24 SMTP_SEND: Sent: QUIT 30-APR-1996 17:00:55.42 SMTP send failed, sts=0C27804A, sts2=0C268009 30-APR-1996 17:00:55.42 Recipient status=0C268009 for 30-APR-1996 17:00:56.49 Entry now completely processed, no retries needed. 30-APR-1996 17:00:58.07 *** End of processing pass *** I found four such messages in total. I'm running OpenVMS 6.1 on AlphaServer 2100 4/200; UCX 3.2; Netlib 2.0H; MX 4.1 and OpenVMS 5.5-2 on VAX 6420; UCX 3.1; Netlib 1.6; MX 4.1 (in cluster). I saw the problem on both machines. I don't know whether this is only my problem or it is common. That's why I send it here. Maybe it helps to make MX more perfect :-) Thanks... Pavol Mederly Comenius University Computing Centre Bratislava, Slovakia ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:05:31 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:56:13 EDT From: Brian Reed Reply-To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Host name problem? I got this bounce back, and it looks to me like MX logged in to the other system with its host name (nwstar) instead of mine (cbict3). But, I won't say I know for sure how to read this either. The line I'm talking of is "HELO". Shouldn't that be "HELO"? Or am I just reading the error wrong? I turned around and resent the message, and it didn't bounce back. I've not had a problem with MX :) so I'm hoping I'm just looking at the error wrong. In the event MX did connect up and give the wrong name, what would I look for to be the problem? MX, or the name server, or ??? The only thing I changed recently was yesterday I added as a local host, in anticipation of changing domain names. Thanks, Brian D. Reed Columbus Works 614-860-6218 Return-Path: Received: from by (MX V4.1 AXP) with SMTP; Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:39:01 EDT Received: by (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AB06561; Tue, 30 Apr 96 14:36:34 CDT Date: Tue, 30 Apr 96 14:36:34 CDT From: Mailer-Daemon@nwstar (Mail Delivery Subsystem) Subject: Returned mail: Service unavailable Message-ID: <> To: ----- Transcript of session follows ----- Connected to >>> HELO <<< 553 host name configuration error 554 ... Service unavailable ----- Unsent message follows ----- Return-Path: Received: from by (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA06559; Tue, 30 Apr 96 14:36:34 CDT Received: by (MX V4.1 AXP) id 5; Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:38:55 EDT Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:38:55 EDT From: Brian Reed Reply-To: To: Message-Id: <> ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:35:07 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:29:45 -0400 From: Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Subject: ===>> FREE 1 yr USA Magazine Sub sent worldwide-270+ Choices! --------------------- Forwarded message: Subj: ===>> FREE 1 yr USA Magazine Sub sent worldwide-270+ Choices! Date: 96-04-30 13:47:50 EDT From: Stuartmall To: -----> NOTE: Please first read my note which appears below the "Request for more info Form." Then, to get more info, just fill out the "Request for More Info" form completely and *FAX* or *SMAIL* it back to the company. You will get a quick reply via email within 1 business day of receipt of the info request form below. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THOSE FAXING IN THEIR REPLY: Please make sure you return *only* the below form and *no part* of this message other than the actual form below. If you do not know how to cut and paste the below form onto a fresh clean blank page for faxing, then you may re-type the below form, as long as you copy it line for line *exactly.* This is necessary in order for them to be able to process the tremendous number of replies that they get daily. Your fax goes directly onto their 4.2 gigabyte computer hard drive, not paper, and all incoming fax calls are set-up to be *auto-terminated* and/or *auto-deleted* from the incoming queue of faxes to be read, if your fax: 1. has a cover page; 2. is more than one page 3. is sent more than one time 4. does not begin with the "cut here/begin" line from the below form 5. does not end with the "cut here/end" line from the below form. 6. has any handwritten info. on it (info must must be filled out *only* with your computer keyboard or typewriter keyboard). This last provision re: no handwriting on the form applies to requests sent in via smail also. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: Their fax line is open 24 hrs. per day / 7 days per week. However, if you have trouble getting through due to the high volume of overseas faxes coming in during the early morning and late night hours, please note that the best time to get through to their fax is Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm EST (New York Time). If you have trouble getting through to their fax, or do not have a fax machine at work or at home, just drop the below form to them via smail (airmail or first class mail). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *------------cut here/begin-------------------------------------------* REQUEST FOR MORE INFO: please return *only* this section (with no cover page) via 1-page fax to: 718-967-1550 in the USA or via smail (first class mail or airmail) to: Magazine Club Inquiry Center Att. FREE Catalogue-by-email Dept. PO Box 990 Staten Island NY 10312-0990 Sorry, but incomplete forms *will not* be acknowledged. If you do not have an email address, or access to one, they will not be able to help you until you do have one. If you saw this message, then you should have one. :) ---> SORRY, BUT NO HANDWRITTEN FORMS WILL BE ACKNOWLEDGED. MUST BE TYPED-OUT ON YOUR COMPUTER OR TYPEWRITER. <--- Name: Internet email address: Smail home address: City-State-Zip: Country: Work Tel. #: Work Fax #: Home Tel. #: Home Fax #: How did you hear about us (name of person who referred you or the area of the internet that you saw us mentioned in): Referral by: Stuart Mallory. 043096-l-f1y Name of USA mags you currently get on the newsstand or in the store: Name of USA mags you currently get on the newsstand or in the store: Name of USA mags you currently get on a subscription basis, through the mail: Name of USA mags you would like price quotes on when we call you: Catalogue format desired (list "1," "2," "3" or "4"): *------------cut here/end--------------------------------------------* Catalogue Format Options: 1. 19-Part email- can be read by EVERYONE (~525 K Total). 2. For more advanced computer users: attached text file ~525K - you must know how to download an attached text file and then be able to open it with your word processor. If in doubt, don't ask for this version. This isn't for internet *newbies.* Better to order option 1 and spend a few minutes pasting them into one whole text document with your word processor, than to waste hours trying to figure how to deal with this option. 3. For more advanced Macintosh computer users: compressed attached text file, created with a Stuffit(tm) self-extracting archive (.sea), ~133K. Can be decompressed by any Macintosh computer user; no special expansion software or knowledge of Stuffit (tm) needed. You just double-click on the file icon and it automatically expands (unstuffs). This is for more advanced mac computer users only, as you still have to know how to deal with an attached file. It will cut your download time by 75%. Expands out to the same ~525K file in option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to be able to do. 4. For expert computer users: compressed attached text file, created with Stuffit(tm), ~114K. Can be decompressed by any computer user who has expansion software to decompress (expand) Stuffit(tm) (.sit) files. This is for more advanced computer users only and will cut your download time by 78%. Expands out to the same ~525K file in option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to be able to do. Hi fellow 'netters, My name is Stuart Mallory and I recently started using a magazine subscription club in the USA that has a FREE 1 yr. magazine subscription deal with your first paid order- and I have been very pleased with them. They have over 1,500 different USA titles that they can ship to any country on a subscription basis. As for computer magazines from the USA, they more of a selection than I ever knew even existed. They have magazines for most every area of interest in their list of 1,500 titles. Within the USA, for their USA members, they are cheaper than all their competitors and even the publishers themselves. This is their price guarantee. Overseas, on the average, they are generally around one-fourth to one-half of what the newsstands overseas charge locally for USA magazines. On some titles they are as little as one-tenth of what the newsstands charge. They feel that mgazines should not be a luxury overseas. In the USA, people buy magazines and then toss them after reading them for just a few minutes or hours. They are so cheap in the USA! Well, this company would like to make it the same way for their overseas members. They are also cheaper than all their competitors in the USA and overseas, including the publishers themselves! This is their price guarantee. Around one-half their business comes from overseas, so they are very patient with new members who only speak limited English as a 2nd language. Their prices are so cheap because they deal direct with each publisher and cut-out all the middlemen. They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that they sell. Please do not email me as I am just a happy customer and a *busy* student. I don't have time to even complete my thesis in time, let alone run my part-time software business! Please fill out the above form and carefully follow the intructions above to get it to them via fax or smail. They guarantee to beat all their competitors' prices. Sometimes they are less than half of the next best deal I have been able to find and other times, just a little cheaper - but I have never found a lower rate yet. They assured me that if I ever do, they will beat it. They have been very helpful and helped me with all my address changes as I haved moved from one country to another. They have a deal where you can get a free 1 yr. sub to a new magazine from a special list of over 270 popular titles published in the USA. They will give you this free 1 yr. sub when you place your first paid order with them to a renewal or new subscription to any of the over 1,500 different popular USA titles they sell. They can arrange delivery to virtually any country and I think they have clients in around 45 or 46 countries now. Outside the USA there is a charge for FPH (foreign postage and handling) (on both paid and freebie subs) that varies from magazine to magazine. I have found their staff to be very friendly and courteous. They even helped me with an address change when I moved from one country to another. The owner thinks of his service as a "club" and his clients as "members" (even though there is no extra fee to become a member - your first purchase automatically makes you a member) and he is real picky about who he accepts as a new member. When he sets you up as a new member, he himself calls you personally on the phone to explain how he works his deal, or sometimes he has one of his assistants call. He is kind of quirky sometimes - he insists on setting up new members by phone so he can say hi to everyone (I sure wouldn't want to have his phone bills!), but you can place future orders (after your first order) via E-mail. He has some really friendly young ladies working for him, who seem to know just as much as he does about this magazine stuff. If you live overseas, he will even call you there, as long as you are interested, but I think he still makes all his overseas calls on the weekends, I guess cause the long distance rates are cheaper then. He only likes to take new members from referrals from satisfied existing members and he does virtually no advertising. When I got set-up, they had a 2-3 week waiting list for new members to be called back so that they could join up. (Once you are an existing member, they help you immediately when you call. ) I think they are able to get back to prospective new members the same day or within a few days now, as they have increased their staff. I am not sure about this.........but if you email the above form to them, that is the way to get started! They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that they sell. They then send you email that outlines how his club works and the list of free choices that you can choose from, as well as the entire list of what he sells; and then they will give you a quick (3-5 minute) friendly, no-pressure no-obligation call to explain everything to you personally and answer all your questions. Once you get in, you'll love them. I do. Sincerely, Stuart Mallory ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:58:53 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 15:58:32 CST From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: <009A1A36.58079318.17@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: READ THIS!!! IMPORTANT INFO! Well, this last magazine offer pushed me over the edge. I've now set the MX-List mailing list so that only subscribers can post to it. !!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!! This means two things: - If you read/post from NEWS, you must now SUBSCRIBE to the mailing list in order for your posts to make it to the list. You can then set your entry to NOMAIL so you don't receive mail from the list. To do this, send the following commands in the body of a mail message to : SUBSCRIBE MX-List "Your real name here" SET MX-List NOMAIL - Even if you're on the list, you may find yourself unable to to post. If you get a bounce message telling you that you need to subscribe, then your address has probably changed case or system name or something and I'll need to fix that. If you receive such bounces, send me mail *privately* at the address below and ask me to fix it. Be sure you mention MX-List in the Subject line, please! Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Sr. OpenVMS Systems Programmer, The LOKI Group, Inc. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 18:11:46 CST Sender: owner-mx-list@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 17:12:27 -0600 To: From: (Dan Oetting) Reply-To: Subject: SPAM (===>> FREE 1 yr USA Magazine Sub sent worldwide-270+ Choices!) We are all getting pretty tired of seeing these dammed adds. It was bad enough when we got one a week but now that Kevin has discovered the open access of AOL the spam has been coming in daily. Could you please do something to stop the spamming! >--------------------- >Forwarded message: >Subj: ===>> FREE 1 yr USA Magazine Sub sent worldwide-270+ Choices! >Date: 96-04-30 13:47:50 EDT >From: Stuartmall > >To: > > > > >-----> NOTE: Please first read my note which appears below the "Request for >more info Form." Then, to get more info, just fill out the "Request for More >Info" form completely and *FAX* or *SMAIL* it back to the company. You will >get a quick reply via email within 1 business day of receipt of the info >request form below. > ... >Sincerely, > >Stuart Mallory