Archive-Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 01:05:57 -0800 Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 03:05:01 -0600 From: Larry Olin Horn Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: V5.0 - MLF and FLQ now fail with status 1C278014 Because we have suddenly become a spam-relay site, I have just as suddently upgraded from MX V4.2 to V5.0 this evening, on a 3-node homogenous V5.5-2h4 cluster. Node #1 is a 4050, 128MB; nodes #2 and #3 are 4500's, 256MB. All these processes start correctly on all three nodes: Router, Local, SMTP, SMTP Server, Site, DNSMTP However, MLF and FLQ only start on node #3; on the other two nodes, the processes end right after starting (with no error in the log file), with status 1C278014 I VMSinstalled from node #1, then (later) rebooted all three sequentially, yet this has not changed the result. Probably because I've been up way too long, I'm overlooking something obvious, but I would appreciate any comments that might point me in the right direction. Meanwhile, it's time for me to crash -- I'll check later today for responses. Thanks, Larry Olin Horn ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 05:38:43 -0800 Sender: Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 07:38:33 -0600 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: HORNLO@OKRA.MILLSAPS.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: V5.0 - MLF and FLQ now fail with status 1C278014 Larry Olin Horn writes: > >However, MLF and FLQ only start on node #3; on the other two nodes, the >processes end right after starting (with no error in the log file), with >status > > 1C278014 > Which is: $ set message mx_msg $ write sys$output f$message(%X1C278014) %MX-F-AGENTALRDY, agent !AS already running $ There can only be one MLF and one FLQ Mgr process in your "MX cluster." Those two don't allow multiple instances of themselves to run. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 06:10:33 -0800 Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 08:56:49 -0500 To: From: Harry Laufman Reply-To: Subject: Insufficient storage space with large(?) list? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Hello, MX 4.1, VMS 5.4-3, VAX 4000-300. Two of my largest mailing lists (400-500 subscribers) have begun (used to be OK - they haven't grown either) generating the following message: >--> Error description: > >Error-For: hahn.1@OSU.EDU >Error-Code: 2 >Error-Text: %MX_SMTP-W-INSUFF_STORAGE, action not taken: insufficient system storage > -Retry count exceeded > -(Via OSU.EDU) for each address, ie. the above repeated several hundred times, once for each non-local address. The non local addresses are always OSU.EDU addresses. OSU.EDU says its our machine. Local subscribers do not generate an error message. The disk where the mail queues and MX live are less than 50% full. The MX MLF (the listserver part of the package) process has the following characteristics: 3-MAR-1998 08:02:36.62 User: SYSTEM Process ID: 000000AC Node: AGVAXT Process name: "MX MLF" Terminal: User Identifier: [SYSTEM] Base priority: 4 Default file spec: Not available Process Quotas: Account name: CPU limit: Infinite Direct I/O limit: 50 Buffered I/O byte count quota: 19808 Buffered I/O limit: 50 Timer queue entry quota: 50 Open file quota: 38 Paging file quota: 10183 Subprocess quota: 8 Default page fault cluster: 64 AST quota: 99 Enqueue quota: 296 Shared file limit: 0 Max detached processes: 0 Max active jobs: 0 Accounting information: Buffered I/O count: 7631 Peak working set size: 3000 Direct I/O count: 111042 Peak virtual size: 5824 Page faults: 16457 Mounted volumes: 0 Images activated: 0 Elapsed CPU time: 0 00:02:30.73 Connect time: 3 17:07:35.41 Process privileges: CMKRNL may change mode to kernel CMEXEC may change mode to exec SYSNAM may insert in system logical name table GRPNAM may insert in group logical name table ALLSPOOL may allocate spooled device DETACH may create detached processes DIAGNOSE may diagnose devices LOG_IO may do logical i/o GROUP may affect other processes in same group ACNT may suppress accounting messages PRMCEB may create permanent common event clusters PRMMBX may create permanent mailbox PSWAPM may change process swap mode ALTPRI may set any priority value SETPRV may set any privilege bit TMPMBX may create temporary mailbox WORLD may affect other processes in the world MOUNT may execute mount acp function OPER may perform operator functions EXQUOTA may exceed disk quota NETMBX may create network device VOLPRO may override volume protection PHY_IO may do physical i/o BUGCHK may make bug check log entries PRMGBL may create permanent global sections SYSGBL may create system wide global sections PFNMAP may map to specific physical pages SHMEM may create/delete objects in shared memory SYSPRV may access objects via system protection BYPASS may bypass all object access controls SYSLCK may lock system wide resources SHARE may assign channels to non-shared devices GRPPRV may access group objects via system protection READALL may read anything as the owner SECURITY may perform security functions System rights: SYS$NODE_AGVAXT There is 1 process in this job: MX MLF (*) Can you see anything obvious? Symptomatically, I didn't used to have this problem. The problem lists in question have exited for a while without trouble. The pieces of mail themselves are not big, perhaps a page or two of ASCII text. One theory was that our disks are fragmented. But I'm not seeing any clues. Here are the disk stats for the disk where MX and about half the user accounts live: Dump of file R1GLCB$DIA2:[000000]INDEXF.SYS;1 on 3-MAR-1998 10:46:04.81 File ID (1,1,0) End of file block 28054 / Allocated 28056 File Header Header area Identification area offset: 40 Map area offset: 100 Access control area offset: 255 Reserved area offset: 255 Extension segment number: 0 Structure level and version: 2, 1 File identification: (1,1,0) Extension file identification: (0,0,0) VAX-11 RMS attributes Record type: Fixed File organization: Sequential Record attributes: Record size: 512 Highest block: 28056 End of file block: 28055 End of file byte: 0 Bucket size: 0 Fixed control area size: 0 Maximum record size: 512 Default extension size: 0 Global buffer count: 0 Directory version limit: 0 File characteristics: Contiguous best try Map area words in use: 31 Access mode: 0 File owner UIC: [SYSTEM] File protection: S:RWED, O:RWED, G:RE, W: Back link file identification: (4,4,0) Journal control flags: Active recovery units: None Highest block written: 28056 Identification area File name: INDEXF.SYS;1 Revision number: 215 Creation date: 3-NOV-1990 22:57:50.86 Revision date: 2-MAR-1998 14:02:59.01 Expiration date: Backup date: 5-MAY-1992 20:26:10.52 Map area Retrieval pointers Count: 6 LBN: 0 Count: 3 LBN: 450 Count: 3 LBN: 393294 Count: 21030 LBN: 372264 Count: 1002 LBN: 258048 Count: 1002 LBN: 263622 Count: 1002 LBN: 733458 Count: 1002 LBN: 317979 Count: 1002 LBN: 355332 Count: 1002 LBN: 465720 Count: 1002 LBN: 524796 Dump of file R1GLCB$DIA2:[000000]INDEXF.SYS;1 on 3-MAR-1998 10:46:04.81 File ID (1,1,0) End of file block 28054 / Allocated 28056 Checksum: 23469 Thanks, Harry -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harry Laufman Manager, Computer Operations OSU College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences E-Mail: 101 Vivian Hall Voice: 614-292-6554 Columbus, Ohio 43210 FAX : 614-688-4009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 06:22:00 -0800 Sender: Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 08:21:45 -0600 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Insufficient storage space with large(?) list? Harry Laufman writes: > >>Error-For: hahn.1@OSU.EDU >>Error-Code: 2 >>Error-Text: %MX_SMTP-W-INSUFF_STORAGE, action not taken: insufficient >system storage >> -Retry count exceeded >> -(Via OSU.EDU) > >for each address, ie. the above repeated several hundred times, once for each >non-local address. The non local addresses are always OSU.EDU addresses. >OSU.EDU says its our machine. Local subscribers do not generate an error >message. > OSU.EDU is wrong. This message is coming from their side---their SMTP server is returning a 452: 452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage They're the ones returning a 452. Note that some systems will return a 452 when that's not really what they mean---but it's definitely the remote system that's returning that error code. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 11:35:58 -0800 Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 13:34:41 -0600 From: Larry Olin Horn Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: V5.0 - MLF and FLQ now fail with status 1C278014 > There can only be one MLF and one FLQ Mgr process in your "MX > cluster." Those two don't allow multiple instances of themselves to > run. Under V4.2, a copy of each ran on all cluster nodes. I guess the V5.0 installation defaulted to all nodes ("*") because that's how it was previously installed. I didn't see any mention of this change in the release notes, and the "Management Guide" for V5.0 says on page 6-1 "Running the [FLQ] manager on multiple nodes can provide failover backup in case of a node crash, etc." So, if node #3 goes down, will MLF (I know Router can assume the functions of FLQ, so that's not as important) automatically start up on another, or will it have to be manually started? > $ set message mx_msg > $ write sys$output f$message(%X1C278014) > %MX-F-AGENTALRDY, agent !AS already running > $ Duh. I checked other message files and forgot the MX message file. What I get for being up 24+ hours. Thanks, Larry Olin Horn, Millsaps College ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 11:54:49 -0800 Sender: Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 13:54:33 -0600 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: V5.0 - MLF and FLQ now fail with status 1C278014 Larry Olin Horn writes: > >> There can only be one MLF and one FLQ Mgr process in your "MX >> cluster." Those two don't allow multiple instances of themselves to >> run. > >Under V4.2, a copy of each ran on all cluster nodes. I guess the V5.0 >installation defaulted to all nodes ("*") because that's how it was >previously installed. > They shouldn't have been able to run on more than one node. I didn't think that code had changed from V4.2 to V5.0. >I didn't see any mention of this change in the release notes, and the >"Management Guide" for V5.0 says on page 6-1 > > "Running the [FLQ] manager on multiple nodes can provide failover > backup in case of a node crash, etc." > Ooops! That's not true, though I may have intended for that to be true when I create the FLQ manager. >So, if node #3 goes down, will MLF (I know Router can assume the >functions of FLQ, so that's not as important) automatically start up on >another, or will it have to be manually started? > It'll have to manually started. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 12:29:04 -0800 From: "Patrick Cox" To: Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 16:28:14 AST Subject: Accepts in rejman Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Are rejection rules in the database supposed to be in a particular order? If I reject *, must any accept for that site occur after this rejection? Since I converted my own antispam list to go into rejman all of my accepts came first, and someone is getting rejected even though they are not supposed to be. The message is not being rejected by SPAMFILTER, as I would get a mail message about it. Patrick M. Cox Information Technology Section (Truro) Resources Corporate Services Unit (DAM,DNR,Fish,Env) 893-6233 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 14:16:18 -0800 Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 14:16:06 -0800 From: Dan Wing Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <980304141606.20304c68@Cisco.COM> Subject: RE: Accepts in rejman >Are rejection rules in the database supposed to be in a particular >order? Rejection rules are processed in the order they appear with SHOW REJECTIONS. The first match causes that rule to 'fire', and no other rules are processed. -Dan Wing ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 08:10:59 -0800 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: Subject: Re: MX 5.0 Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 09:50:26 -0600 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Joan Figuerola wrote: > > Where can I get the MX 5.0 version, > Thanks in advance It can be found on in [.MX.MX050]: Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 16:06:25 -0800 Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 19:06:04 -0500 (EST) From: Don Badrak Reply-To: To: CC: Donald E Badrak II Subject: apostrophe in email address Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII MX List, I thought I've seen this before, and I thought MX 4.2 handled it fine, but apparently it isn't. What is the proper set of characters and quotation blizzard to use when sending a mail message to a user with an apostrophe (O'Neil, for example) in it? Here are some headers of a message I sent to a user like this: $ MAIL MAIL> send To: mx%"boris.j.d'" --- Received: by (MX V4.2 AXP) id 22; Fri, 06 Mar 1998 14:10:34 EST Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 14:10:34 EST X-MX-Warning: Warning -- Invalid "To" header. To: X@boris.j.d' It didn't appear to have a problem trying to send it, but it really botched up the address, and the user didn't get it. I've looked through the docs, and couldn't find anything on an embedded apostrophe. Can anyone assist? Thanks. Don -- Don Badrak 301.457.1125 work MWThF Geography Division 301.457.2157 work Tu U.S. Bureau of the Census 301.457.4710 fax Upper Marlboro MD, USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 16:40:35 -0800 Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 16:40:27 -0800 From: Dan Wing Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <980306164027.2031d94a@Cisco.COM> Subject: RE: apostrophe in email address >$ MAIL >MAIL> send >To: mx%"boris.j.d'" I'm pretty sure that the "'" character requires the local part to be quoted, so his address is: "boris.j.d'boring" with MX you would specify this on your VMSmail To: line: MX%"'boris.j.d\'boring'" Note the "\" required to quote the "'" character. I would strongly discourage such special characters in email addresses, as many mailers don't deal with it well -- the quoting of the "'" that you have to do with MX's Mailshr interface is a good example, although at least MX can be told what to do by using the "\" escape character (which is defined in RFC821 as a quote character). -dan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 08:05:05 -0800 Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 11:05:24 -0500 From: "Brian Tillman, x8425" Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Wish list item for MX I'm using V2.0 of IUPOP3 with MX. IUPOP3 has an option to support the RFC headers at the bottom, which is great, because that's where I have MX put them. The problem is, IUPOP3 expects the header delineator to be UCX's delineator, i.e.: "============== RFC 822 Headers ===============" (without the quotes, of course). Is there any chance an option could be added to MX to specify that its header delineator conform to this string? I wouldn't have to change the IUPOP3 source every time, then. (By the way - I'm making an analogous request of the IUPOP3 maintainers, asking them to provide a compile time option to use an MX-compliant delineator.) -- Brian Tillman Internet: tillman_brian at Smiths Industries, Inc. tillman at 4141 Eastern Ave., MS239 Addresses modified to prevent Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 SPAM. Replace "at" with "@" This opinion doesn't represent that of my company ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 04:05:15 -0800 Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 07:05:09 -0500 (EST) From: Don Badrak Reply-To: To: CC: Don Badrak Subject: RE: apostrophe in email address In-Reply-To: <980306164027.2031d94a@Cisco.COM> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Dan, On Fri, 6 Mar 1998, Dan Wing wrote: > >$ MAIL > >MAIL> send > >To: mx%"boris.j.d'" > > I'm pretty sure that the "'" character requires the local part to > be quoted, so his address is: > > "boris.j.d'boring" > > with MX you would specify this on your VMSmail To: line: > > MX%"'boris.j.d\'boring'" > > Note the "\" required to quote the "'" character. I tried this, and instead of giving me a quoted apostrophe, it gave me a quoted quotation mark: "boris.j.d"boring" Any other suggestions? > I would strongly discourage such special characters in email > addresses, as many mailers don't deal with it well -- the quoting > of the "'" that you have to do with MX's Mailshr interface is a good > example, although at least MX can be told what to do by using the > "\" escape character (which is defined in RFC821 as a quote > character). So would I. However, the group that came up with these address doesn't listen to me (they're ccMail based, and don't consider SMTP addresses). According to RFC822 (section 3.3), it's a valid character and doesn't require quoting (like the specials do). I could persuade my organization to not use them, but that won't stop someone else from using them. Arg. Thanks. -- Don Badrak 301.457.1125 work MWThF Geography Division 301.457.2157 work Tu U.S. Bureau of the Census 301.457.4710 fax Upper Marlboro MD, USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 04:59:09 -0800 Sender: Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 06:59:01 -0600 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: dbadrak@Census.GOV Message-ID: <009C2F7A.781D9A5C.1@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: apostrophe in email address Don Badrak writes: > >> with MX you would specify this on your VMSmail To: line: >> >> MX%"'boris.j.d\'boring'" >> >> Note the "\" required to quote the "'" character. > >I tried this, and instead of giving me a quoted apostrophe, it gave me a >quoted quotation mark: > > "boris.j.d"boring" > >Any other suggestions? > Yes, use: MX%"boris.j.d\'" MX will automatically turn that into: "boris.j.d'boring" Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 06:13:56 -0800 Sender: madison@MadGoat.Com Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 06:13:52 -0800 From: Matt Madison Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009C2F74.292D85E3.1@MadGoat.Com> Subject: RE: Wish list item for MX >I'm using V2.0 of IUPOP3 with MX. IUPOP3 has an option to support the RFC >headers at the bottom, which is great, because that's where I have MX put them. >The problem is, IUPOP3 expects the header delineator to be UCX's delineator, >i.e.: > >"============== RFC 822 Headers ===============" > >(without the quotes, of course). Is there any chance an option could be added >to MX to specify that its header delineator conform to this string? I wouldn't >have to change the IUPOP3 source every time, then. Hmm. Well, I'll consider it, at least. Even if we did change MX, though, that wouldn't really help for any messages that were delivered prior to the change, though. >(By the way - I'm making an analogous request of the IUPOP3 maintainers, asking >them to provide a compile time option to use an MX-compliant delineator.) This would probably be more effective. There's no reason that it couldn't handle both delineators at the same time. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 06:20:24 -0800 Sender: madison@MadGoat.Com Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 06:20:20 -0800 From: Matt Madison Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009C2F75.10799D5B.1@MadGoat.Com> Subject: RE: apostrophe in email address >> MX%"'boris.j.d\'boring'" >> >> Note the "\" required to quote the "'" character. > >I tried this, and instead of giving me a quoted apostrophe, it gave me a >quoted quotation mark: > > "boris.j.d"boring" > >Any other suggestions? Actually, I'm not sure that versions of MX prior to V5.0 would have handled the address properly at all, based on a similar problem that was reported a couple of weeks ago. My only suggestion would be to have Boris send a message to your account on the system running MX, then trying a reply. If that works, jot down the VMS MAIL From: address that showed up on the message he sent you. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 07:15:01 -0800 Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 10:14:54 -0500 (EST) From: Don Badrak Reply-To: To: CC: Don Badrak Subject: RE: apostrophe in email address In-Reply-To: <009C2F75.10799D5B.1@MadGoat.Com> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Tue, 10 Mar 1998, Matt Madison wrote: > >> MX%"'boris.j.d\'boring'" > >> > >> Note the "\" required to quote the "'" character. > > > >I tried this, and instead of giving me a quoted apostrophe, it gave me a > >quoted quotation mark: > > > > "boris.j.d"boring" > > > >Any other suggestions? > > Actually, I'm not sure that versions of MX prior to V5.0 would have handled > the address properly at all, based on a similar problem that was reported > a couple of weeks ago. > > My only suggestion would be to have Boris send a message to your account on > the system running MX, then trying a reply. If that works, jot down the VMS > MAIL From: address that showed up on the message he sent you. Tried that. It comes out like you would expect it to, as: From: mx%"boris.j.d'" A reply to that yields this (I cc'd an account on a Unix machine): X-MX-Warning: Warning -- Invalid "To" header. To: X@boris.j.d' I also tried what Hunter suggested: MX%"boris.j.d\'" with the same result as above (To: X@boris...). I'm using MX 4.2 on an Alpha. I'd like to have some way without having to force an address to be translated somewhere else to fix this. Going to MX 5.0 is a possibility, but just not right now (time, mostly). Thanks. Don ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 07:43:46 -0800 Sender: Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 09:42:52 -0600 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: DBADRAK@CENSUS.GOV Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: apostrophe in email address Don Badrak writes: > >A reply to that yields this (I cc'd an account on a Unix machine): > > X-MX-Warning: Warning -- Invalid "To" header. > To: X@boris.j.d' > >I also tried what Hunter suggested: > > MX%"boris.j.d\'" > >with the same result as above (To: X@boris...). > Hmmm.... That doesn' make much sense. Can you try enabling MX Router debug (and maybe MX SMTP debug) to see what they think the address is. >I'm using MX 4.2 on an Alpha. I'd like to have some way without having to >force an address to be translated somewhere else to fix this. Going to MX >5.0 is a possibility, but just not right now (time, mostly). > Of course, as Matt said, this may not have worked right pre-V5.0.... OK. I just checked it on a V4.2 system. MX does not parse my suggestion right under V4.2. Sorry about misleading you. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 01:30:47 -0800 Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 10:30:08 MET-1MET DST From: Dominique HOUVIEZ Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Truncation Hello, I am using MX 4.2 AXP with Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha Version V4.0 on a DEC 3000 - M800 running OpenVMS V6.2. From time to time, I receive messages that are truncated when I read them with the Motif version of VMS mail (vue$library:vue$mail). However, when I read it in a Decterm Window, it's almost correct : no truncation but bad looking. I think that it is related with the record or buffer size but would please someone give me an explanation and maybe a solution. Is that problem solved in MX 5.0, if MX is the problem? Thanks in advance. Following the two cases (sorry, it's french) : _______________________________________________________________________________ La "sinistre recherche de la vérité" sur les gênes d'Yves Montand préoccupe les éditorialistes. L'EST REPUBLICAIN se déclare choqué par cette "profanation légale". Considérant "cet acte comme une ignominie, dans une société où la dignité de chaque homme s cérémonie judiciaire aux fins d'expertise comme une atteinte au droit de reposer en paix". D'après ce quotidien d'Orléans, "le vrai respect pour la mémoire de l'acteur aurait consisté, pour ceux qui se disputent autour du cercueil, à s'entendre". "De quel ien du Père Lachaise. LE PARISIEN indique que la jeune femme de 22 ans, Aurore Drossart qui "assure être la fille d'Yves Montand devait être présente ainsi que sa mère et leur avocat". Pour L'YONNE REPUBLICAINE, cette "jeune femme a le droit pour elle et t de la mort et des amours clandestines". Même si la science fait d'Aurore la fille de Montand, "toute sa vie, elle se rappellera de cette exhumation du cadavre d'un homme qui n'avait jamais voulu qu'elle l'appelle Papa". ________________________________________________________________________________ La "sinistre recherche de la vérité" sur les gênes d'Yves Montand préoccupe les éditorialistes. L'EST REPUBLICAIN se déclare choqué par cette "profanation légal e". Considérant "cet acte comme une ignominie, dans une société où la dignité de chaque homme s'étend aussi à sa dépouille", le journal de Nancy y trouve un "si nistre procédé". LE REPUBLICAIN LORRAIN s'avoue lui aussi rempli de "malaise et d'indignation sur le plan de l'éthique". LA REPUBLIQUE DU CENTRE "ne peut s'empê cher de voir dans cette macabre cérémonie judiciaire aux fins d'expertise comme une atteinte au droit de reposer en paix". D'après ce quotidien d'Orléans, "le vrai respect pour la mémoire de l 'acteur aurait consisté, pour ceux qui se disputent autour du cercueil, à s'ente ndre". "De quel droit" interpelle LA VOIX DU NORD. "Huis-clos pour un dernier rô le" titre FRANCE-SOIR sur huit colonnes à la une. Précisant qu'"après quelques p rélèvements osseux et dentaires, la dépouille mortelle devait retourner en paix dans la nuit" du cimetière paris ien du Père Lachaise. LE PARISIEN indique que la jeune femme de 22 ans, Aurore D rossart qui "assure être la fille d'Yves Montand devait être présente ainsi que sa mère et leur avocat". Pour L'YONNE REPUBLICAINE, cette "jeune femme a le droi t pour elle et il est légitime qu'elle puisse connaître ses vraies origines. Mai s devait-on passer outre la volonté de l'acteur qui, de son vivant, avait refusé les tests de paternité ?" Le débat est à la fois moral et juridique. Il porte s ur les tabous sociaux "du respec t de la mort et des amours clandestines". Même si la science fait d'Aurore la fi lle de Montand, "toute sa vie, elle se rappellera de cette exhumation du cadavre d'un homme qui n'avait jamais voulu qu'elle l'appelle Papa". ________________________________________________________________________________ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dominique HOUVIEZ |E-mail: Centre de Ressources Informatiques | Universite Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3| B.P. 149 |Tel: +33(0)320 416 121 F59653 VILLENEUVE d'ASCQ Cedex |Fax: +33(0)320 416 001 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 04:25:49 -0800 Sender: henrym@CVOBKU.CVO.MP.USBR.GOV Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 04:25:39 -0800 From: "Henry W. Miller" Reply-To: To: CC: henrym@SACTO.MP.USBR.GOV Message-ID: <009C31C0.8A929E56.7@CVOBKU.CVO.MP.USBR.GOV> Subject: RE: Truncation MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable > From: 13-MAR-1998 01:37:26.93 > To: > CC: > Subj: Truncation >=20 On Fri, 13 Mar 1998 10:30:08 MET-1MET DST, Dominique HOUVIEZ said: Dominique HOUVIEZ writes: > Hello, >=20 > I am using MX 4.2 AXP with Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha Vers= ion V4.0 > on a DEC 3000 - M800 running OpenVMS V6.2. >=20 > From time to time, I receive messages that are truncated when I read them= with > the Motif version of VMS mail (vue=24library:vue=24mail). However, when I= read it in > a Decterm Window, it's almost correct : no truncation but bad looking. I = think > that it is related with the record or buffer size but would please someon= e give > me an explanation and maybe a solution. Is that problem solved in MX 5.0,= if MX > is the problem? >=20 > Thanks in advance. >=20 > Following the two cases (sorry, it's french) : My French is rusty, but that's not the point here. I think that=20 the sender is sending their mail paragraphs as one long line, without=20 line breaks except when a new paragraph begins. If that is indeed the case, it's not really an MX issue; it s a VMS Mail issue. To put it bluntly, tell the sender to learn how to configure=20 their mailer to insert line breaks at the appropriate points. -HWM > _________________________________________________________________________= ______ > La =22sinistre recherche de la v=E9rit=E9=22 sur les g=EAnes d'Yves Monta= nd pr=E9occupe les > =E9ditorialistes. L'EST REPUBLICAIN se d=E9clare choqu=E9 par cette =22pr= ofanation=20 > l=E9gale=22. Consid=E9rant =22cet acte comme une ignominie, dans une soci= =E9t=E9 o=F9 la > dignit=E9 de chaque homme s > c=E9r=E9monie judiciaire aux fins d'expertise comme une atteinte au droit= de reposer > en paix=22. D'apr=E8s ce quotidien d'Orl=E9ans, =22le vrai respect pour l= a m=E9moire de > l'acteur aurait consist=E9, pour ceux qui se disputent autour du cercueil= , =E0 > s'entendre=22. =22De quel > ien du P=E8re Lachaise. LE PARISIEN indique que la jeune femme de 22 ans,= Aurore > Drossart qui =22assure =EAtre la fille d'Yves Montand devait =EAtre pr=E9= sente ainsi que=20 > sa m=E8re et leur avocat=22. Pour L'YONNE REPUBLICAINE, cette =22jeune fe= mme a le droit > pour elle et > t de la mort et des amours clandestines=22. M=EAme si la science fait d'A= urore la=20 > fille de Montand, =22toute sa vie, elle se rappellera de cette exhumation= du=20 > cadavre d'un homme qui n'avait jamais voulu qu'elle l'appelle Papa=22.=20 > _________________________________________________________________________= _______ >=20 > La =22sinistre recherche de la v=E9rit=E9=22 sur les g=EAnes d'Yves Monta= nd pr=E9occupe les > =E9ditorialistes. L'EST REPUBLICAIN se d=E9clare choqu=E9 par cette =22pr= ofanation l=E9gal > e=22. Consid=E9rant =22cet acte comme une ignominie, dans une soci=E9t=E9= o=F9 la dignit=E9 de > chaque homme s'=E9tend aussi =E0 sa d=E9pouille=22, le journal de Nancy y= trouve un =22si > nistre proc=E9d=E9=22. LE REPUBLICAIN LORRAIN s'avoue lui aussi rempli de= =22malaise et > d'indignation sur le plan de l'=E9thique=22. LA REPUBLIQUE DU CENTRE =22n= e peut s'emp=EA > cher de voir dans cette macabre > c=E9r=E9monie judiciaire aux fins d'expertise comme une atteinte au droit= de reposer > en paix=22. D'apr=E8s ce quotidien d'Orl=E9ans, =22le vrai respect pour l= a m=E9moire de l > 'acteur aurait consist=E9, pour ceux qui se disputent autour du cercueil,= =E0 s'ente > ndre=22. =22De quel droit=22 interpelle LA VOIX DU NORD. =22Huis-clos pou= r un dernier r=F4 > le=22 titre FRANCE-SOIR sur huit colonnes =E0 la une. Pr=E9cisant qu'=22a= pr=E8s quelques p > r=E9l=E8vements osseux et dentaires, la d=E9pouille mortelle devait retou= rner en paix > dans la nuit=22 du cimeti=E8re paris > ien du P=E8re Lachaise. LE PARISIEN indique que la jeune femme de 22 ans,= Aurore D > rossart qui =22assure =EAtre la fille d'Yves Montand devait =EAtre pr=E9s= ente ainsi que > sa m=E8re et leur avocat=22. Pour L'YONNE REPUBLICAINE, cette =22jeune fe= mme a le droi > t pour elle et il est l=E9gitime qu'elle puisse conna=EEtre ses vraies or= igines. Mai > s devait-on passer outre la volont=E9 de l'acteur qui, de son vivant, ava= it refus=E9 > les tests de paternit=E9 ?=22 Le d=E9bat est =E0 la fois moral et juridiq= ue. Il porte s > ur les tabous sociaux =22du respec > t de la mort et des amours clandestines=22. M=EAme si la science fait d'A= urore la fi > lle de Montand, =22toute sa vie, elle se rappellera de cette exhumation d= u cadavre > d'un homme qui n'avait jamais voulu qu'elle l'appelle Papa=22. > _________________________________________________________________________= _______ >=20 > -=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D= =7C=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D > Dominique HOUVIEZ =7CE-mail: houviez=40univ-lille3= .fr > Centre de Ressources Informatiques =7C > Universite Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3=7C > B.P. 149 =7CTel: +33(0)320 416 12= 1 > F59653 VILLENEUVE d'ASCQ Cedex =7CFax: +33(0)320 416 00= 1 > -=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D= =7C=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D >=20 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 14:49:53 -0800 Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 16:53:42 -0600 From: "Erick J. Retta Carrizales" Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 To: References: <009C31C0.8A929E56.7@CVOBKU.CVO.MP.USBR.GOV> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit signoff ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 10:37:10 -0800 Sender: rharwood@Basix.COM Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 11:36:54 MST From: Ray Harwood -- Data Basix Reply-To: To: MX-LIST@MADGOAT.COM CC: rharwood@Basix.COM Message-ID: <009C3458.48D9E2F4.46@Basix.COM> Subject: Expanding alias capacity in ADDRESS_REWRITER I had a problem with MX 4.2 ROUTER crashing with an ACCVIO, and by accessing the Web site, I fixed the problem... temporarily. We've been using the ADDRESS_REWRITER program to route mail, and it seems as we add to the MX_ALIAS_ADDRESSES.TXT file, we're now to over 1000 lines (many of them are comments, as we document who made the change, the date, and the reason). Does anyone have a quick fix to expand the capacity to store the alias pairs? Since ROUTER was giving the ACCVIO, I was thinking we needed to make a change in MX_ROUTER... but now I'm thinking the change actually needs to be made in ADDRESS_REWRITER (a much easier change, since I've got the Bliss code and it's only one module to compile). (Two less important questions: Will this still be a problem with MX 5.0? Would the fix still be the same under MX 5.0?) TIA, Ray ----- Ray Harwood | Data Basix | Voice: (520)885-1512 | PO Box 18324 | FAX: (520)721-7240 | Tucson, AZ 85731 | RHarwood@Basix.COM | http://Basix.COM/ | ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 14:43:06 -0800 Sender: Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 16:42:53 -0600 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009C3483.071A3744.1@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Expanding alias capacity in ADDRESS_REWRITER Ray Harwood -- Data Basix writes: > >Does anyone have a quick fix to expand the capacity to store the alias pairs? Hmmm.... This shouldn't be a problem---it's just using the LIB$ tree routines to store the aliases. WKU has close to 1000 pairs, if not more. Are you sure it's ADDRESS_REWRITER causing the ACCVIO? Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 15:33:35 -0800 Sender: rharwood@Basix.COM Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 16:33:25 MST From: Ray Harwood -- Data Basix Reply-To: To: CC: rharwood@Basix.COM Message-ID: <009C3481.B49D7C34.34@Basix.COM> Subject: RE: Expanding alias capacity in ADDRESS_REWRITER > >Does anyone have a quick fix to expand the capacity to store the alias pairs? > > Hmmm.... This shouldn't be a problem---it's just using the LIB$ tree > routines to store the aliases. WKU has close to 1000 pairs, if not > more. Are you sure it's ADDRESS_REWRITER causing the ACCVIO? Pretty sure... my Tech Support Specialist added "just one more alias" early Friday afternoon, and then we noticed mail was hung and discovered the ROUTER problem. After researching the Web site, I dropped back one version of MX_ALIAS_ADDRESSES.TXT (the only DIF was the addition of 2 aliases), restarted MX, and the ROUTERs stayed up all weekend. We have subsequently made some changes to the file, but not ADDed any entries. I poked around "HELP/MESSAGE ACCVIO", and it warns against exceeding the virtual storage space of the account. I'm thinking perhaps LIB$INSERT_TREE could generate an ACCVIO if there was no more virtual space to add that one last record. The MX processes are running with my account limits, and a PGFLQUO of 270000 should be sufficient for more than 1000 pairs, I'd think. (The SYSGEN limits for virtual address space shouldn't be a problem, though I don't have those numbers right here in front of me.) I'm open to any clues as to what else to examine or try. In the meantime, we're cleaning up some old entries! ;) Thanks! Ray ----- Ray Harwood | Data Basix | Voice: (520)885-1512 | PO Box 18324 | FAX: (520)721-7240 | Tucson, AZ 85731 | RHarwood@Basix.COM | http://Basix.COM/ | ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 07:16:55 -0800 Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 09:17:12 -0600 From: "Chance W. Eppinette" Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Subject: MX and Disk quotas Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, I am running MX V4.2 AXP on VMS 6.1 with MultiNet V3.4 Rev A. I have been noticing on the system that many users with disk quotas have been exceeding this quota. After looking into what space they are using, I find that most of this space is far email. Some of these users don't delete messages or maybe they haven't logged into their accounts in awhile. What would allow the system to override disk quotas when it comes to placing mail in the user's mail file? This may not be an MX problem, but I thought I would ask here first. Thanks, Chance Eppinette -- +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ | | | Chance W. Eppinette Northeast Louisiana University | | Network Manager Computing Center | | Monroe, LA 71209 | | email: | | phone: (318) 342-5021 fax: (318) 342-5018 | | office: Admin 1-155A "G R A Y V I P E R" | | | +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 08:33:09 -0800 Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 16:35:09 BST From: Andy Harper Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX and Disk quotas >I am running MX V4.2 AXP on VMS 6.1 with MultiNet V3.4 Rev A. > >I have been noticing on the system that many users with disk quotas >have been exceeding this quota. After looking into what space they >are using, I find that most of this space is far email. Some >of these users don't delete messages or maybe they haven't logged >into their accounts in awhile. What would allow the system to >override disk quotas when it comes to placing mail in the user's >mail file? This may not be an MX problem, but I thought I would ask >here first. No problem. Look in the file in mx_root:[exe] and find the line that starts up the mx local process. One of the qualifiers is 'exquota' which allows mx local to deliver regardless of remaining free space. Remove the 'exquota' privilege for the this line. Then shut the local processes and @sys$startup:mx_startup:mx_startup local Andy Harper Kings College London ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 08:43:32 -0800 Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 10:42:27 -1300 From: Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: MX and Disk quotas => I have been noticing on the system that many users with disk quotas => have been exceeding this quota. After looking into what space they => are using, I find that most of this space is far email. Some => of these users don't delete messages or maybe they haven't logged => into their accounts in awhile. What would allow the system to => override disk quotas when it comes to placing mail in the user's => mail file? This may not be an MX problem, but I thought I would ask => here first. Look in MX_START.COM and you will find this line: $ needprv = "SYSLCK,SYSPRV,EXQUOTA" It gives MX the ability to exceed quotas. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 10:33:58 -0800 Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 12:34:11 -0600 From: "Chance W. Eppinette" Reply-To: MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Subject: SUMMARY: MX and Disk quotas Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, I would like to thank Andy Harper & for such quick responses to my question about quotas. There is a qualifier in MX_START.COM that allows exceeding of quotas on the system. $ needprv = "SYSLCK,SYSPRV,EXQUOTA" I modified the line to be $ needprv = "SYSLCK,SYSPRV" and restarted the local MX processes. Again Thanks, Chance Eppinette -- +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ | | | Chance W. Eppinette Northeast Louisiana University | | Network Manager Computing Center | | Monroe, LA 71209 | | email: | | phone: (318) 342-5021 fax: (318) 342-5018 | | office: Admin 1-155A "G R A Y V I P E R" | | | +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 08:35:29 -0800 Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 17:35:06 +0100 From: Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Allowing external users to use disabled-relay SMTP server I want to permit visitors to use my SMTP server (with relay disabled) with the e-mail they have in their institution, without allowing their whole domain. It seems that the disabled-relay rejection is always processed first (before the REJMAN acception rules). So, if I don't declare the visitor domain as a local domain, his messages are rejected due to disabled relay, independently of the REJMAN rules. The only solution I encountered to allow somebody@outside.domain is: MCP> def local_domain "outside.domain" and: 1) REJMAN> add rej/accept "somebody@outside.domain" * 2) REJMAN> add rej/accept "*@outside.domain" "*@*.my.domain" 3) REJMAN> add rej "*@outside.domain" In fact it is more complicated: as I have various local domains, I need various 2-type rules. Is there a more simple solution ? ******************************************************************************* Jacques LEYRAT ! Tel: 02 31 56 62 12 Centre de Ressources Informatiques (C.R.I.U.C) ! Universite de Caen ! Fax: 02 31 44 58 54 14032 Caen Cedex ! FRANCE !e-mail: ******************************************************************************* ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 06:06:03 -0800 Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 09:03:54 -1300 From: Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: %MX-W-HOSTLOCK I just upgraded from MX V4.2 to V5.0 over the weekend and I am seeing a LARGE number of messages in my queue waiting with the status: %MX-W-HOSTLOCK, target host is temporarily locked against connection attempts Is there anything I can to do stop this or at least shorten the length of this temporary lockout? I am using MX as an intellegent mail router for a dumb, single treaded mail gateway that can be sending out or receiving mail BUT NOT BOTH at the same time. Thanks! Mike Jacobi ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 07:33:05 -0800 Sender: madison@MadGoat.Com Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 07:33:00 -0800 From: Matt Madison Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <009C39B6.5EDB26DB.1@MadGoat.Com> Subject: RE: %MX-W-HOSTLOCK >I just upgraded from MX V4.2 to V5.0 over the weekend and I am seeing a LARGE >number of messages in my queue waiting with the status: > >%MX-W-HOSTLOCK, target host is temporarily locked against connection attempts > >Is there anything I can to do stop this or at least shorten the length of this >temporary lockout? I am using MX as an intellegent mail router for a dumb, >single treaded mail gateway that can be sending out or receiving mail BUT NOT >BOTH at the same time. You can prevent the lockout for that system by defining a logical name: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MX_SMTP_LOCK_EXCLUSIONS "hostname",- "" where "hostname" is its host name (probably the fully-qualified domain name; basically, whatever host name the SMTP agent is using when it tries to connect to that host), and "" is its numeric IP address. If the system has multiple names or address, you should add them to the list (each name or address as a separate translation string). Once that's done, you should blow away the corresponding .HOST_LOCK and .ADDRESS_LOCK files from MX_SMTP_LOCK_DIR:. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 08:02:40 -0800 Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 11:00:33 -1300 From: Reply-To: To: madison@MadGoat.COM CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: %MX-W-HOSTLOCK > >You can prevent the lockout for that system by defining a logical name: > > $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MX_SMTP_LOCK_EXCLUSIONS "hostname",- > "" > I have just done this and my problem is still occuring. Here is some info from the system: $ sho log/ful mx_smtp* (LNM$PROCESS_TABLE) [kernel] [no protection information] (LNM$JOB_80F251C0) [kernel] [shareable] [Quota=(3792,4096)] [Protection=(RWCD,RWCD,,)] [Owner=[SYSTEM]] (LNM$GROUP_000001) [kernel] [shareable,group] [Protection=(RWCD,R,R,)] [Owner=[1,*]] (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) [kernel] [shareable,system] [Protection=(RWC,RWC,R,R)] [Owner=[SYSTEM]] "MX_SMTP_DIR" [exec] = "MX_ROOT:[SMTP]" "MX_SMTP_LOCK_EXCLUSIONS" [exec] = "" "MX_SMTP_SERVER_THREADS" [exec] = "8" (DECW$LOGICAL_NAMES) [exec] [shareable] [Protection=(RWCD,RWCD,R,R)] [Owner=[SYSTEM]] MCP> Show path Domain-to-path mappings: Domain="MAILGATE.NAVSSES.NAVY.MIL", Path=SMTP, Route="[]" Domain="CLUSTER.NAVSSES.NAVY.MIL", Path=Local Domain="", Path=Local Domain="", Path=Local Domain="SSES96.NAVSSES.NAVY.MIL", Path=SMTP, Route="[]" Domain="", Path=Local Domain="ROBIN.NAVSSES.NAVY.MIL", Path=Local Domain="[]", Path=SMTP, Route="[]" Domain="[]", Path=SMTP, Route="[]" Domain="[]", Path=Local Domain="[]", Path=Local Domain="[]", Path=Local Domain="MAILGATE", Path=SMTP, Route="[]" Domain="CLUSTER", Path=Local Domain="condor", Path=Local Domain="humbrd", Path=Local Domain="SSES96", Path=SMTP, Route="[]" Domain="eagle", Path=Local Domain="ROBIN", Path=Local Domain="*.BITNET", Path=SMTP, Route="CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU" Domain="*.UUCP", Path=UUCP Domain="*", Path=SMTP dir mx_root:[smtp.lock] Directory MX_ROOT:[SMTP.LOCK] $157$187$16$18$.HOST_LOCK;1 1 23-MAR-1998 10:53:03.16 20$7$120$1.ADDRESS_LOCK;1 1 23-MAR-1998 10:58:58.49 Total of 2 files, 2 blocks. Any Ideas? mike ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 09:07:18 -0800 Message-ID: <> From: "Kurt A. Schumacher" Reply-To: To: "MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU" CC: "" Subject: Message Exchange products for NT? Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 19:05:15 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello We are looking for a Win NT based message exchange software to implement a basic mail router in a FireWall-1 DMZ. The whole job to do is simply RELAYING SMTP from and to different MS Exchange servers on the internal network. My preference is MX V5, but the customer is a pure NT shop. The customer told us Bill's Exchange cant do it nicely, and is to expensive in licensing AND total cost of ownership, too. Hope anybody out there has a good idea. Regards, Kurt PS. Sorry for the not (yet?) very MX related question! +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Kurt A. Schumacher Web: | | KCS Engineering & Consulting E-Mail: | | Auenstrasse 61 Voice: +41 1 881 37 80 | | CH-8302 Kloten FAX: +41 1 881 37 88 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 09:28:09 -0800 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" To: From: Betsy Ramsey Reply-To: Subject: Re: Message Exchange products for NT? Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 12:29:45 -0500 At 01:05 PM 3/31/98 -0500, "Kurt A. Schumacher" wrote: >We are looking for a Win NT based message exchange >software to implement a basic mail router in a FireWall-1 >DMZ. The whole job to do is simply RELAYING SMTP >from and to different MS Exchange servers on the internal >network. We've just started using a product called NTMail It's more designed as a POP/IMAP message store and mailing list server than as a full-fledged backbone mail hub, but it's well integrated into Windows NT (runs as a service, is multi-threaded, can authenticate against the NT user database (or not, your choice), is configured via Control Panel applets, has Performance Monitor stats) and seems (in my limited experience) to perform pretty well. How I wish that Innosoft would get PMDF ported to NT... -- Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and not those of my employer. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 09:37:07 -0800 Message-ID: <13909109FC93D111853100A0C99AF44CD5A1@GUMBY> From: "Robert H. McClanahan" Reply-To: To: "''" Subject: RE: Message Exchange products for NT? Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 11:39:19 -0600 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain > Hello > > We are looking for a Win NT based message exchange > software to implement a basic mail router in a FireWall-1 > DMZ. The whole job to do is simply RELAYING SMTP > from and to different MS Exchange servers on the internal > network. > > My preference is MX V5, but the customer is a pure > NT shop. The customer told us Bill's Exchange cant do > it nicely, and is to expensive in licensing AND total cost of > ownership, too. We have used Post.Office as an NT mail router. It can be found at I have also experimented with Mercury/32, the mail routing companion to David Harris' Pegasus Mail. It's similar in concept to MX, but runs in an NT environment. Another nice thing is that it's free. Only difficulty is that the SMTP client requires a smart host to relay outbound mail. That requirement is supposed to be eliminated in a soon-to-be-released version. It's worth a look. It can be found at RHM +--+ Robert H. McClanahan, Mgr, Tech Info Systems, <[]>< Arkansas Electric Coop Corp, PO Box 194208, Little Rock, AR 72219-4208 USA "The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God." C.S. Lewis ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 13:47:41 -0800 Sender: Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 16:51:07 EST From: Scott McNeilly Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: SMTP Server Dies Hi, I recently installed MX 5.0 on a VAX and it has been running for several days with no problem. Today I installed it on an Alphaserver 4000 running OpenVMS 7.1. When I try to start MX 5.0, the SMTP server and agents die immediately. The following shows up in the SMTP server log: 31-MAR-1998 16:06:50.79: MX SMTP Server (pid 0000036D) starting %LIB-E-ACTIMAGE, error activating image FRED$DRA3:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][SYSLIB]NETLIB_SHR.EXE; -RMS-E-FNF, file not found %TRACE-E-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows image module routine line rel PC abs PC 0 FFFFFFFF80458DD4 FFFFFFFF80458DD4 NETLIB_SHRXFR 0 0000000000021EA8 00000000001A9EA8 SMTP_SERVER SMTP_SERVER SMTP_SERVER 530 000000000000074C 000000000003074C 0 FFFFFFFF855810D8 FFFFFFFF855810D8 What did I do wrong? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Scott Mc Neilly email: Assistant Director Phone: 508-697-1236 Information Services FAX: 508-697-1774 Bridgewater State College Bridgewater, MA 02325 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 14:10:47 -0800 Sender: Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 16:10:23 -0600 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: SMCNEILLY@FRED.BRIDGEW.EDU Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: SMTP Server Dies Scott McNeilly writes: > >I recently installed MX 5.0 on a VAX and it has been running for several >days with no problem. Today I installed it on an Alphaserver 4000 >running OpenVMS 7.1. When I try to start MX 5.0, the SMTP server and >agents die immediately. The following shows up in the SMTP server log: > >31-MAR-1998 16:06:50.79: MX SMTP Server (pid 0000036D) starting >%LIB-E-ACTIMAGE, error activating image >FRED$DRA3:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][SYSLIB]NETLIB_SHR.EXE; >-RMS-E-FNF, file not found SYS$STARTUP:NETLIB_STARTUP.COM didn't run. Be sure that the file MX_DIR:MX_STARTUP_INFO.DAT has this line in it: 001NETLIB:* And/or explicitly do: $ @sys$startup:netlib_startup $ @sys$startup:mx_startup in your system startup. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software,