Archive-Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 18:47:48 -0700 Date: Tue, 04 Aug 1998 11:23:53 EST-10EST From: Daiajo Tibdixious MACS <"svs::svist070"@stvincents.COM.AU> Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: adding users to a mailing list We create lists with the usual define list ..., save, reset router,mlf but this problem occurs even for lists that have been there for ages. Even with a batch of new users, some will get added, some won't. We create a file with add "user@DOMAIN" and mail it to MX%"list-request@DOMAIN" If the user is not authorized, or there is some other problem, a bounce comes, which is fine. In this case there is no bounce, no one is subscribed, and even with MX_MLF_DEBUG TRUE, there is nothing of interest in the log: 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.42 Processing queue entry number 53 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.54 Checking local name: community-request 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.54 This is a list control address. 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.57 LIST_CTRL_REQ: Message is from: 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.60 LIST_CTRL_REQ: command is: add "someuser@STVINCENTS.COM.AU" 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.61 CHECK_ACCESS: checking for access mask=00000010 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.68 CHECK_ACCESS: Found address on system_users list. 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.68 CHECK_ACCESS: -- access granted under SYSTEM class. 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.68 LIST_CTRL_REQ: command is: add "otheruser@STVINCENTS.COM.AU" 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.68 CHECK_ACCESS: checking for access mask=00000010 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.69 CHECK_ACCESS: Found address on system_users list. 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.69 CHECK_ACCESS: -- access granted under SYSTEM class. 30-JUL-1998 16:29:56.77 All done with this entry. MCP> review community just returns with nothing. I've tried adding my address as list owner, but it makes no difference. What's going on? How do I debug this? -- Server Technical Support ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 22:16:29 -0700 Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 22:16:24 -0700 From: Dan Wing Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <980803221624.208883ab@Cisco.COM> Subject: RE: adding users to a mailing list >I've tried adding my address as list owner, but it makes no difference. > >What's going on? How do I debug this? What version of MX? I'm guessing the file containing the list of subscribers is corrupted (even though you just created the list). Try deleting the file from DCL (MX_ROOT:[MLF.MAILING_LISTS]list.MAILING_LIST) and re-creating it from MCP. -Dan Wing ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 22:44:32 -0700 Date: Tue, 04 Aug 1998 15:35:22 EST-10EST From: Daiajo Tibdixious MACS <"svs::svist070"@stvincents.COM.AU> Reply-To: To:, dwing@Cisco.COM Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: adding users to a mailing list Mon, 3 Aug 1998 22:16:24 -0700 Dan Wing >What version of MX? MX V4.2 VAX >I'm guessing the file containing the list of subscribers is corrupted >(even though you just created the list). Try deleting the file from >DCL (MX_ROOT:[MLF.MAILING_LISTS]list.MAILING_LIST) and re-creating it >from MCP. That's helpful in the sense that what's going wrong is more obvious. :( There is no MX_ROOT:[MLF.MAILING_LISTS]{list}.MAILING_LIST. I deleted the list, recreated it, still no file. I tried adding users, no luck. I created an empty file from DCL, and tried adding users, no luck. Weird? Mailing lists: Name: {list} Owner: "{user1}@STVINCENTS.COM.AU" "{user2}@STVINCENTS.COM.AU" "{usr1}@STVINCENTS.COM.AU" "{usr2}@STVINCENTS.COM.AU" "{oper}@STVINCENTS.COM.AU" Reply-to: NOList, Sender Description: {description} Errors-to: POSTMASTER@STVINCENTS.COM.AU Strip header: NOReceived, NOOther Private list: No Case sensitive: No Digest support: No Protection: (SYSTEM:RWED,OWNER:RWED,GROUP:WED,WORLD:ED) I tried adding /archive, but no change. -- SVIST070 (2)9361-2730 Server Technical Support ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 23:48:28 -0700 Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 23:48:24 -0700 From: Dan Wing Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <980803234824.20847f85@Cisco.COM> Subject: RE: adding users to a mailing list >That's helpful in the sense that what's going wrong is more obvious. :( > >There is no MX_ROOT:[MLF.MAILING_LISTS]{list}.MAILING_LIST. > >I deleted the list, recreated it, still no file. >I tried adding users, no luck. You're getting a bounce when you add users, or nothing at all? >I created an empty file from DCL, and tried adding users, no luck. > >Weird? Yes. Any odd file protections on the directory that the list.MAILING_LIST file is to be created in? ACLs or anything like that? Disk full? Disk out of contiguous free space to extend directory or create file? -d ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 00:18:20 -0700 Date: Tue, 04 Aug 1998 17:09:29 EST-10EST From: Daiajo Tibdixious MACS <"svs::svist070"@stvincents.COM.AU> Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: adding users to a mailing list Mon, 3 Aug 1998 23:48:24 -0700 Dan Wing >>That's helpful in the sense that what's going wrong is more obvious. :( >>There is no MX_ROOT:[MLF.MAILING_LISTS]{list}.MAILING_LIST. >>I deleted the list, recreated it, still no file. >>I tried adding users, no luck. >You're getting a bounce when you add users, or nothing at all? Nothing at all, after making myself both owner and /errors_to >>I created an empty file from DCL, and tried adding users, no luck. >Any odd file protections on the directory that the list.MAILING_LIST >file is to be created in? ACLs or anything like that? Same ol, same o. >Disk full? Disk out of contiguous free space to extend directory or create >file? I created the file manually myself okay. Also a new rub: when I sent a "subscribe" body to {list}-request, it created the file and subscribed me! However "add {user}@DOMAIN" bodies are ignored. I finally noticed in the MLF manual, "add <{user}@DOMAIN>", tried it, and it worked! Now I'm puzzled why I've been doing it this way for ages, and its worked before. Anyway, thanks for your patience. -- SVIST070 (2)9361-2730 Server Technical Support ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 07:26:28 -0700 Sender: madison@MadGoat.Com Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 07:26:24 -0700 From: Matt Madison Reply-To: To: CC: "svs::svist070" Message-ID: <009CA301.A5DF8DDD.4@MadGoat.Com> Subject: RE: adding users to a mailing list >We create lists with the usual define list ..., save, reset router,mlf >but this problem occurs even for lists that have been there for ages. >Even with a batch of new users, some will get added, some won't. > >We create a file with >add "user@DOMAIN" Try just add user@DOMAIN without the quotation marks. It should work better. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 08:16:23 -0700 Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 10:17:21 CST6CDT5,M4.1.0,M10.5.0 From: Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: Y2K The time has come to speak of many things... I run MX 4.2 pretty much straight out of the box (I don't think I have done anything non-standard, I have two copies of router and local running as well as one of SMTP, SMTP Server and FLQ Manager). Is this (or 5.?) certified as being y2k complient? Is it likely to have problems? What are the possible trouble spots, regardless of how obscure? No insults intended to the authors of the software, but I just recieved this here form that I gotta fill out ... Robert ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 08:20:32 -0700 Sender: Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 10:20:21 -0500 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Y2K writes: > >I run MX 4.2 pretty much straight out of the box (I don't think I have >done anything non-standard, I have two copies of router and local running >as well as one of SMTP, SMTP Server and FLQ Manager). > >Is this (or 5.?) certified as being y2k complient? The message below is from the MX-List archives: Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is from the document anonymous_root:[]mx-list.1998-02 Archive-Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 17:03:11 -0600 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: Subject: Re: Year 2000?? Date: Wed, 04 Feb 1998 16:44:40 -0600 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit To: MX-List@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU Greg Zeus wrote: > > Just a wondering... I'm running MX Version 4.1 Is this version year > 2000 compliant?? If not, is there a compliant version available? > MX uses normal VMS time routines for everything, so all versions of MX are Y2K compliant. There are no two-digit years in MX, no C RTL functions called, just pure VMS system services and library routines. The only exception is the local delivery to MM, the no-longer-supported MultiNet mailer. It uses two-digit years. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 08:26:27 -0700 Sender: madison@MadGoat.Com Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 08:26:23 -0700 From: Matt Madison Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <009CA565.86990BFA.3@MadGoat.Com> Subject: RE: Y2K >I run MX 4.2 pretty much straight out of the box (I don't think I have >done anything non-standard, I have two copies of router and local running >as well as one of SMTP, SMTP Server and FLQ Manager). > >Is this (or 5.?) certified as being y2k complient? I have tested V5.0 for Y2K problems, and it checked out OK. I would expect the same for V4.2. >Is it likely to have problems? Provided you bring your VMS operating system installation into compliance by installing the appropriate patch kits from Digital, no. >What are the possible trouble spots, regardless of how obscure? If you are using the MM mail user agent that used to be part of MultiNet, be aware that it has some potential Y2K problems as it uses 2-digit dates in its internal message headers. That's the only problem area I know of, and that will be eliminated in MX V5.1 (which will drop support of MM as a user agent). -Matt -- Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 08:43:21 -0700 Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 08:45:41 -0700 To: From: Stephen Garrett Reply-To: Subject: RE: Y2K In-Reply-To: <009CA565.86990BFA.3@MadGoat.Com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" >and that will be eliminated in MX V5.1 (which will drop support of MM as >a user agent). > >-Matt Do you have a release date and functionality set for 5.1????? Steve -- Stephen Garrett GPS (360) 896-2714 ICQ# 10776767 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 09:10:25 -0700 Sender: madison@MadGoat.Com Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 09:10:19 -0700 From: Matt Madison Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009CA56B.A9CD7FC4.1@MadGoat.Com> Subject: RE: Y2K >Do you have a release date and functionality set for 5.1????? V5.1 is in field test now. A brief list of new features and changes is attached below. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA New features and changes in MX V5.1: * VMS MAIL folder delivery Local addresses of the form "username+foldername" are now recognized by MX as indicating delivery to the specified folder in the user's VMS MAIL mailbox. Users can control the folder to which they allow such deliveries. * User-specified From: header Users can now specify a special "/FROM=" control line at the beginning of outgoing messages to alter the contents of the RFC822 From: header on messages they send. For non-privileged users, this mechanism only permits the addition of "+foldername" to their normal address. Privileged users may specify any arbitrary address. * Delivery Status Notifications (DSNs) MX now supports the standard for delivery status notifications described in Internet RFCs 1891 through 1894. This feature provides: - a standardized message format for notices about message delivery - a standard way for users to request notification for the success, failure, and/or delay of the messages they send - a standard way for DSN requests to be propagated to other systems using SMTP All agents now report delivery status using this new standard, rather than the LISTSERV-speicific format used in prior releases. The SMTP and SMTP-over-DECnet servers include support for the DSN extension to the SMTP protocol, as do all of the SMTP delivery agents. VMS MAIL users can control DSN requests via a logical name. * MM support removed MX no longer supports the now-obsolete MM mail user agent that used to be part of MultiNet. * Router accounting You can now enable accounting logs in the MX Router with SET ROUTER/ACCOUNTING. * SMTP accounting The SMTP delivery agents for all transports now write accounting records on a per-recipient basis, rather than a per-connection basis. The recipient's address is now included in the log. * Honoring diskquota on local deliveries You can now have the MX local delivery agent honor users' diskquotas with SET LOCAL/DISABLE_EXQUOTA. * Message size limits MX now checks the size of each message it receives, and can be configured to reject messages that exceed a fixed size, or to reject messages that are large enough to cause the amount of free space on the disk where the message queue resides to fall below a specified threshold. MXCONFIG.COM is used to control these settings. * SMTP Message Size Declaration The SMTP and SMTP-over-DECnet servers now support the message size declaration extension (RFC 1870), as do all of the SMTP delivery agents. * Stronger anti-relay settings for the SMTP server The DEFINE INSIDE_NETWORK_ADDRESS command has been added to MCP, to let you specify the networks and/or hosts that are part of your local domain, to strengthen the checks made by the SMTP server when relay is disabled. * Realtime Blackhole List support The SMTP server now supports the use of the Internet Realtime Blackhole List (RBL), sponsored by the MAPS project ( to combat unwanted junk e-mail. * Heuristic junk mail filters The heuristic filtering capability that was provided in the SPAMFILTER add-on for MX is now integrated into the SMTP server. New commands have been added to REJMAN to control the settings for these heuristics. * Other minor improvements - Some of the junk mail rejection messages sent to OPCOM have been improved to include more information. - Running MLF on multiple nodes in a cluster, with automatic failover, is now supported. - All detached processes created by MX now use LOGINOUT and command procedures, so you can read their log files while they are running. Agents exiting with access violations are automatically restarted by their command procedures. - More robust parsing of RFC822 addresses in the VMS MAIL interface. - The installation procedure now skips installation of the contributed software, examples, or documentation savesets when an "images-only" installation is requested in a mixed-architecture cluster. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 12:08:40 -0700 Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 15:09:00 -0400 To: From: Betsy Ramsey Reply-To: Subject: Mailing list entry stuck in queue MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Message-ID: <> I'm running MX v4.2 on OpenVMS Alpha. I have an MLF mailing list with more than 5000 subscribers. There was a large mailing in progress to this list yesterday. Last night we had a controller problem on the disk that has the MX executables and queue directories. We brought down the system, powercycled the controller, and rebooted. Now, while I can see the entry for this list in the queue, MX is not delivering it. I turned on MLF debugging and did an MCP RESET, but I got no debug log. Here is what things look like right now: $ MCP QUEUE SHOW /DATE Entry# Status Size Source Agent Entry# Status Size ------ ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- 25 INPROG ******* LOCAL Created: 11-AUG-1998 11:48:09.69 Modified: 11-AUG-1998 11:51:37.57 SMTP 101 INPROG ******* $ MCP STAT PID Node Process name Status Agent type -------- ------ --------------- ----------- ------------ 20400174 SERV1 MX Router Idle Router agent 20400175 SERV1 MX Router#2 Idle Router agent 20400176 SERV1 MX Local Idle Local delivery agent 2040017F SERV1 MX MLF Idle Mailing list/file server 20400177 SERV1 MX SMTP Idle SMTP delivery agent 20400178 SERV1 MX SMTP#2 Idle SMTP delivery agent 20400179 SERV1 MX SMTP#3 Idle SMTP delivery agent 2040017A SERV1 MX SMTP#4 Idle SMTP delivery agent 2040017B SERV1 MX SMTP#5 Idle SMTP delivery agent 2040017C SERV1 MX SMTP#6 Idle SMTP delivery agent 2040017D SERV1 MX SMTP#7 Idle SMTP delivery agent 2040017E SERV1 MX SMTP Server Idle SMTP server (over TCP/IP) 20400173 SERV1 MX FLQ Manager Idle MX FLQ manager What can I check to see why this is happening? What can I do to fix it? Thanks! --Betsy Ramsey ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 13:36:43 -0700 Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 14:36:43 -0500 To: From: Tom Dolan Reply-To: Subject: Auto Article Responder for MX MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MX People, Some of you may find this routine useful..... Tom Dolan How To set up an Auto Article Responder in MX: The idea for the Auto Article Responder is to have an email newsletter with synopsis of articles - then allow the actual articles to be retrieved via email or the web. Email retreival is accomplished by simply replying to the newsletter leaving the title of the articles desired in place (delete the article titles not wanted.) Then the Auto Article Responder looks at every line of the body of the request - if the text on a line by itself is a filename that exists in the ARTICLE_DIR directory, it extracts a subject text from the first line of the article file and then emails the article file back to the address requesting the file putting the extracted subject in the subject line of the reply. This procedure will also email an error message if no valid filenames are found in the request. Steps to making Auto Article Responder in MX: 1.Create and edit ERROR.TXT sent when no articles are found. 2.Define rewrite rule to redirect any email sent to ARTICLE@host.domain go to ARTICLE@ARTICLE 3.Define the ARTICLE path so that the message will be forwarded to MX_EXE:SITE_DELIVER.COM and the ARTICLE sub-routine will be executed. 4.Reset the mailing list processor and router to recognize the new rules. 5.Edit MX_EXE:SITE_DELIVER.COM a. add code at the top of MX_EXE:SITE_DELIVER.COM to make any messages addressed to the ARTICLE path be processed by the ARTICLE sub-routine to be inserted further down in MX_EXE:SITE_DELIVER.COM b. add the ARTICLE sub-routine code in an appropriate place in MX_EXE:SITE_DELIVER.COM 6.Edit the ARTICLE sub-routine ARTICLE_DIR variable to point to the directory where your article files will reside. Create and edit ERROR.TXT - here is an example: No Article Files were found to send you. Please make sure your request contains valid article filenames and that the filenames are listed on a single line of text by themselves (or with a leading greater-than sign > ). This message sent automatically by: Error@host.domain Define Rewrite and Path and reset the mailing list processor and router in MCP: 1.DEFINE REWRITE_RULE 2.DEFINE PATH "ARTICLE" SITE/ROUTE="ARTICLE" 3.RESET MLF, ROUTER Make MX_DEVICE:[MX.EXE]SITE_DELIVER.COM look something like: $! P1 - The ROUTE name (corresponds to /ROUTE on DEFINE PATH) $! P2 - Name of RFC-822 formatted file $! P3 - Name of RFC-822 addresses to receive file $! P4 - RFC-822-compliant sender's address $ $! Separate processing for different routes $! $ IF P1 .EQS. "FAX" THEN GOTO FAX_Start $ IF P1 .EQS. "ARTICLE" THEN GOTO ARTICLE_Start $ EXIT 4 $ $!------------------------------------------------------------------ --- $ .... $ $!------------------------------------------------------------------ --- $! $! SITE_DELIVER.COM for ARTICLE $! This procedure looks at every line of an email message - if the $! text on a line is a filename that exists in the ARTICLE directory, $! it extracts subject text from the first line of the file and then $! emails that file in reply. It also emails an error message if no $! valid filenames are found. $! $! List of variables and filenames used in procedure: $! $! ARTICLE_START: ARTICLE_FOUND $! LOOK_FOR_ARTICLE: ARTICLE_OFILE $! ARTICLE_READ_LOOP: ARTICLE_P2STUFF $! ARTICLE_ENDIT: ARTICLE_FILENAME $! ARTICLE_FILE_NOT_FOUND: ARTICLE_SUBJECT $! ARTICLE_OPEN_ERROR: ERROR.TXT $! ARTICLE_END_LOOP: ARTICLE_TEMP.TXT $! ARTICLE_CLOSE: ARTICLE_SHOWOFF.TXT $! $! $ ARTICLE_START: $ SET NOON $! $! Set this variable to your article file directory $! $ ARTICLE_DIR = "MX_EXE:" $ ARTICLE_FOUND = 0 $! $! uncomment the following for debugging $! open/write ARTICLE_ofile mx_exe:ARTICLE_SHOWOFF.txt $! WRITE ARTICLE_OFILE P3 $! WRITE ARTICLE_OFILE P4 $! $! create email address to send article(s) to $! $ P4 = P4 - "<" $ P4 = P4 - ">" $ P4 = "MX%" + """" + """" + """" + P4 + """" + """" $! $! Look through each line of (P2) for a valid article filename $! and email each article file to (P4). Exit at end of file. $! $! outside loop looks through each line of (P2) $! $ LOOK_FOR_ARTICLE: $ OPEN/READ ARTICLE_P2STUFF 'P2' $ ARTICLE_READ_LOOP: $ READ/END_OF_FILE=ARTICLE_ENDIT ARTICLE_P2STUFF ARTICLE_FILENAME $ ARTICLE_FILENAME = ARTICLE_FILENAME - ">" $ ARTICLE_FILENAME = ARTICLE_FILENAME - ">" $ ARTICLE_FILENAME = ARTICLE_DIR + ARTICLE_FILENAME $ IF F$SEARCH(ARTICLE_FILENAME) .EQS. "" THEN GOTO ARTICLE_FILE_NOT_FOUND $! $! If valid file is found then extract subject from first line $! $ OPEN/READ/ERROR=ARTICLE_OPEN_ERROR ARTICLE_STUFF 'ARTICLE_FILENAME' $ READ ARTICLE_STUFF ARTICLE_SUBJECT $ ARTICLE_SUBJECT = """" + ARTICLE_SUBJECT + """" $ CLOSE ARTICLE_STUFF $! $! If valid file is found then Email file to (P4) $! $ MAIL/PERSONAL_NAME=""/SUBJECT='ARTICLE_SUBJECT' 'ARTICLE_FILENAME' 'P4' $ ARTICLE_FOUND = ARTICLE_FOUND + 1 $ GOTO ARTICLE_END_LOOP $! $! Come here if file not found or an file open error etc. $! $ ARTICLE_OPEN_ERROR: $ GOTO ARTICLE_END_LOOP $ ARTICLE_FILE_NOT_FOUND: $ ARTICLE_END_LOOP: $! $! Loop back until end of file $! $ GOTO ARTICLE_READ_LOOP $! $! Come here at end of file $! $ ARTICLE_ENDIT: $! $! email error message if no files found $! $! uncomment the following for debugging $! WRITE ARTICLE_OFILE ARTICLE_FOUND $ IF ARTICLE_FOUND .NES. 0 THEN GOTO ARTICLE_CLOSE $ COPY mx_exe:error.txt ARTICLE_temp.txt $ COPY ARTICLE_TEMP.TXT,'P2' ARTICLE_TEMP.TXT $ MAIL/PERSONAL_NAME=""/SUBJECT="No Articles Found" ARTICLE_TEMP.TXT 'P4' $ DEL ARTICLE_TEMP.TXT;* $! $! clean up and close $! $ ARTICLE_CLOSE: $ CLOSE ARTICLE_P2STUFF $ close ARTICLE_ofile $ EXIT 1 $!------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom Dolan 242 Bible Building Systems Manager ACU Box 29454 College of Biblical Studies Abilene, TX 79699 Abilene Christian University 915.674.3706 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 00:31:03 -0700 Sender: Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 07:33:39 GMT From: System Manager Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: MX 4.1 -> MX4.2 hello, I'm about to upgrade from MX4.1 VAX to MX4.2 VAX are there any known problem (aka undocumented features :)) that I must be warned about (warned of ? [english isn't my 1st language...]). I'm heavilly using site delivery. regards, Pierre. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 05:21:54 -0700 Sender: Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 07:21:44 -0500 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009CAA13.7CEBF24F.14@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: MX 4.1 -> MX4.2 System Manager writes: > >hello, > >I'm about to upgrade from MX4.1 VAX to MX4.2 VAX > >are there any known problem (aka undocumented features :)) >that I must be warned about (warned of ? [english isn't >my 1st language...]). > >I'm heavilly using site delivery. > The transition should be smooth. I don't remember any potential gotchas, though you should pick up the images in [.MX.MX042.PATCH] on FTP.MADGOAT.COM and install them after you upgrade. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 11:50:53 -0700 Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 13:44:59 -0500 To: From: Tom Dolan Reply-To: Subject: Instructions for Auto Article Responder MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MX People, I've included instructions on how to set up and use the MX Auto Article Responder in a web page: Tom Dolan 242 Bible Building Systems Manager ACU Box 29454 College of Biblical Studies Abilene, TX 79699 Abilene Christian University 915.674.3706 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 11:24:08 -0700 Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 19:25:34 GMT0 From: Mark Iline Reply-To: To: MX-LIST@MADGOAT.COM Message-ID: <> Subject: Long lines in Mail messages We're currently experiencing problems with long lines being truncated in mail messages. [OpenVMS Alpha 7.1, MX 4.2 (not necessarilly the latest patches)] Having referred to the archives, particularly "The definitive answer RE: MX and long lines and VMS Mail", it's not clear to me quite what will work with what. Can MX store long-line messages in VMS MAIL files ? [Versions ?] What can retrieve them ? [We're also using IUPOP3]. Mark Mark Iline Sys Mgr Dept Mech Eng University College London UK MAG (UK) NC Internet Bod ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 11:36:06 -0700 Sender: Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 13:35:51 -0500 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Long lines in Mail messages Mark Iline writes: > >We're currently experiencing problems with long lines being truncated in >mail messages. > >[OpenVMS Alpha 7.1, MX 4.2 (not necessarilly the latest patches)] > >Having referred to the archives, particularly "The definitive answer RE: MX >and long lines and VMS Mail", it's not clear to me quite what will work >with what. > >Can MX store long-line messages in VMS MAIL files ? [Versions ?] > Yes, MX V4.2, with the patch, will never truncate lines; they're stored just fine in VMS MAIL files. >What can retrieve them ? [We're also using IUPOP3]. > There's the rub. IUPOP3 probably will only return lines of a certain length, depending on the VMS version. We went through some hoops for TCPware's POP3 server to get the maximum out of VMS (instead of just the documented maximum), but even then there are limits to what callable MAIL will retrieve. Attached below is a writeup I did when I was researching the issue for our POP3 server. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >So, just because the documentation says 255, do we know that it enforces >this? Perhaps it will allow a much larger value and hence all we need do >is allow for a larger buffer when reading the records? I saw the 510-byte read too (2*nam$c_maxrss), but thought it checked the length when verifying the item list. Obviously, it doesn't. I've now figured out my confusion on this issue. Callable MAIL *does* reject records longer than 255 if you use MAIL$_SEND_RECORD with MAIL$SEND_ADD_BODYPART. Specify a length longer than 255 and it'll signal "Invalid item size." HOWEVER, when you mail a file using MAIL$_SEND_FILENAME, the records are *not* truncated--they are, in fact, copied as is, apparently regardless of whether the message is stored inside MAIL.MAI or in an external MAIL$xxxxxx.MAI file. On reading messages, the length specified is *not* verified, so you *can* read longer records. The callable mail routines use 2*NAM$C_MAXRSS, which is 510, so you get that amount back when you do a READ/EDIT on a message. Try reading a message with a line longer than some 2048 and you'll get the "Record too big" error: 2049 byte record too large for MAIL buffer However, the message is intact in the external MAIL$xxx.MAI file created for it. You just can't get it via callable MAIL. Sorry for the confusion. >But, on ALPHA (6.2), the limit is 2048 characters. So, we need to make >POP3 platform specific. I also think that we can probably use longer >strings for the TO, FROM, etc fields (but we'll have to ressearch that). Yes, from VMS V5.4 and up, it uses the same length for these fields (2*NAM$C_MAXRSS). I haven't checked higher Alpha versions to see if those limits are raised, but it does look like they *might* be able to be longer. OK, I just verified (on Alpha V7.0) that you can give a subject line length up to 510; 511 is signalled "invalid item size". So you can specifiy longer TO, FROM, etc., fields than 255. As for the different results on different versions, I haven't done much with that yet. I did try on HERMES---I sent a file containing one 2048 character line using MAIL$_SEND_FILENAME. MAIL wouldn't display the message text, but EXTRACT did extract the whole message---all 2048 characters. Which is still different behavior from what I saw on Alpha V7.0, where it was truncated to 510 characters on the EXTRACT, which is what someone else saw. Apparently someone made that code more consistent in VMS V7.x. [...] There is one exception: if the first line is longer than 510 or 2048, depending on the version of VMS, there's absolutely no way to have callable MAIL return that record. For Internet mail, this isn't a problem, because the first line is a From: line or Received: or whatever. If a message is sent via regular MAIL and the first line is longer than that callable MAIL max, the POP3 server returns a message to the user telling him that the message contains a record too long to be retrieved and that the message has been moved to the user's VMS MAIL folder MAIL (as with a foreign message). [End] ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 11:43:37 -0700 Return-Path: Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 13:41:26 -0500 To: From: Rick Westerman Reply-To: Subject: Re: Long lines in Mail messages MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Make sure you have the most recent version of IUPOP. The older versions (depending on which one) would truncate lines. Especially in MIME encoded messages. As for MX, I am running 4.2 AXP and am not having problems. -- Rick Rick Westerman System Manager of the Ag Campus Lab. for Computational Biology (ACLCB) & Sys. Mgr. Phone: (765) 494-0505 of the Biochemistry department BCHM bldg. FAX: (765) 494-7897 Purdue Univ. W. Lafayette, IN 47907 href="" ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 12:59:59 -0700 Message-ID: From: Duc Pham Reply-To: To: Subject: Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 12:59:40 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Unsubscribe Duc Pham Network and System Support Analyst School District #68 ( Nanaimo-Ladysmith ) Tel. ( 250 ) 741-5296 ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 13:52:53 -0700 Message-ID: <0e9101bdc7c5$465fa540$> From: "Brian Tillman" Reply-To: To: Subject: Re: Long lines in Mail messages Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 16:51:13 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hunter Goatley (goathunter@PROCESS.COM) writes: >There's the rub. IUPOP3 probably will only return lines of a certain >length, depending on the VMS version. We went through some hoops for >TCPware's POP3 server to get the maximum out of VMS (instead of just >the documented maximum), but even then there are limits to what >callable MAIL will retrieve. IUPOP3 V2.0-4 will handle lines as long as VMS Mail can handle. It's configurable at startup whether of not to allow long lines with the logical name IUPOP3_ENABLE_LONG_LINES. Brian Tillman Internet: tillman_brian at Smiths Industries, Inc. tillman at 4141 Eastern Ave., MS239 Addresses modified to prevent Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 SPAM. Replace "at" with "@" This opinion doesn't represent that of my company ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 13:56:59 -0700 Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 16:56:37 -0400 From: "Jonathan E. Hardis" Reply-To: To: CC:, Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Mailing list entry stuck in queue > There was a large mailing in progress to this list yesterday. Last > night we had a controller problem on the disk that has the MX > executables and queue directories. We brought down the system, > powercycled the controller, and rebooted. > > Now, while I can see the entry for this list in the queue, MX is not > delivering it. $ MCP QUEUE READY 25 Some people will get the message twice, but that's the lesser of the evils. - Jonathan ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 08:17:04 -0700 Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 10:46:40 EST5EDT4,M4.1.0,M10.5.0 From: Bill Southerly Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Solutions for large volume lists? Date sent: 15-AUG-1998 10:41:12 List managers, I have managed a list on teaching for the last 6 years. Our university uses the MX software (the last free version at the moment) to run the list, and for the most part it has worked fine. The list consists of approximately 1300 subscribers and generates anywhere from 20-50 messages a day. The large volume of mail has created a situation where I am starting to lose more and more subscribers. Since it is an unmoderated list and what is of interest to one subscriber is not to another, I am looking for ideas on how to make the mail generated by the list available in forms other than the single mail format and the digest format. In other words, how can I take the mail and present it in a manner such that those who don't like the large volume of mail can still access it without feeling overwhelmed. For example, is there some way to take the mail sent to the group and route it to a web site where others could go "read" it (like a newsreader setup). This would eliminate anyone feeling overwhelmed with too much mail but still give them the option to access the ideas? Any other solutions?? Since I just manage the list, while one of our academic computing staff handles all of the technical side of the list, what would be most helpful to me is either directing me to some possible examples of creative solutions that I could examine and/or anyone willing to interact with our university's system person about what would be needed on the technical side to make it work. Thanks for any ideas or willingess to help. We have a small staff that is overworked so it often difficult to find the time to create many of our own solutions, so any help is particularly appreciated. Best wishes, Bill ********************************************************************** * BILL SOUTHERLY INTERNET: E2PYSOU@FRE.FSU.UMD.EDU * * DEPT. OF PSYCHOLOGY BSOUTHERLY@FRE.FSU.UMD.EDU * * FROSTBURG STATE UNIVERSITY * * FROSTBURG, MARYLAND USA 21532 PHONE: (301) 687-4778 * ********************************************************************** ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 11:52:40 -0700 Sender: Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 13:52:29 -0500 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: E2PYSOU@FRE.FSU.UMD.EDU Message-ID: <009CABDC.6843C44C.3@ALPHA.WKU.EDU> Subject: RE: Solutions for large volume lists? Bill Southerly writes: > >For example, is there some way to take the >mail sent to the group and route it to a web site where others could go >"read" it (like a newsreader setup). This would eliminate anyone feeling >overwhelmed with too much mail but still give them the option to >access the ideas? > One way you can do that is with John Brittnacher's Web MXARCHIVE. You can find it, and info on it, using this URL: It's pretty nice. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 07:26:29 -0700 Message-ID: <> From: "Porter, Linda" Reply-To: To: "''" Subject: problem with duplicate mailings Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 09:25:29 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Hi, I'm running MX 4.2 and have an intermittent problem. We have one list with over 4800 subscribers. It is a private, owner-only posting list. Frequently, although the log files do not show a reset and the system remains running, recipients will get two copies of the posting many hours apart. I am not sure if all the recipients on the list get two copies of the email, but it's possible. Has anyone seen this before? Thanks, ============= Linda Porter Code ES94 Data Systems Branch NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville AL 35812 (256)544-7588 (256)544-7128 (fax) > -----Original Message----- > From: Hunter Goatley [] > Sent: Saturday, August 15, 1998 1:52 PM > To: > Cc: E2PYSOU@FRE.FSU.UMD.EDU > Subject: RE: Solutions for large volume lists? > > Bill Southerly writes: > > > >For example, is there some way to take the > >mail sent to the group and route it to a web site where others could go > >"read" it (like a newsreader setup). This would eliminate anyone > feeling > >overwhelmed with too much mail but still give them the option to > >access the ideas? > > > One way you can do that is with John Brittnacher's Web MXARCHIVE. > You can find it, and info on it, using this URL: > > > > It's pretty nice. > > Hunter > ------ > Hunter Goatley, Process Software, > ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 07:29:36 -0700 Sender: Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 09:29:17 -0500 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: problem with duplicate mailings "Porter, Linda" writes: > >Hi, > I'm running MX 4.2 and have an intermittent problem. We have one list >with over 4800 subscribers. It is a private, owner-only posting list. >Frequently, although the log files do not show a reset and the system >remains running, recipients will get two copies of the posting many hours >apart. I am not sure if all the recipients on the list get two copies of >the email, but it's possible. Has anyone seen this before? > Most likely, one of your subscriber's systems is bouncing the messages back to the list for one reason or another. I dealt with just this same problem on the Info-ZIP list last week. The easiest way to track the problem is to check out the Received: headers in the second message and use that to try to tie the message to one of your subscribers, then remove that subscriber from the list. If you have MX set up to strip the Received: headers, just disable the stripping for that one list: MCP> MODIFY LIST xxxx/STRIP=NORECEIVED Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 22:48:42 -0700 From: Reply-To: Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 07:46:54 MET_DST To: MX-List@MADGOAT.COM Message-ID: <> Subject: spam problem I am just testing the mx software version 5.0. The norelay_allowed and the add rejection facility work fine. However, I have the following problem: A spammer was using my domain name for several times with a user that does not exist in my domain (e.g.: So, if the spammer uses this from-address, then according to the mx_mgmt_guide [see: 7.4 Disabling the SMTP Relay Function. 2) If the address does not resolve to a LOCAL path, the host name in the address is compared against the MX host name. If both names are the same, or both hosts share the same parent domain, the address is considered local] relaying is not stopped. How is it possible to stop such a misuse of my smtp_server? Andreas Neubauer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Info Manager Institute of Industrial Mathematics University of Linz A-4040 Linz Austria E-Mail: WWW: Fax: +43-(0)732-2468-855 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 23:27:11 -0700 Message-ID: <006b01bdcc03$7a2a1b70$150110ac@pcmv.pdv.intern> Reply-To: From: "Martin Vorlaender" To: , "Andreas Neubauer" Subject: Re: spam problem Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 08:26:30 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Andreas, >A spammer was using my domain name for several times with a user that does not >exist in my domain (e.g.: So, if the >spammer uses this from-address, then according to the mx_mgmt_guide >[see: 7.4 Disabling the SMTP Relay Function. 2) If the address does not resolve >to a LOCAL path, the host name in the address is compared against the MX host >name. If both names are the same, or both hosts share the same parent domain, the >address is considered local] > >relaying is not stopped. How is it possible to stop such a misuse of my >smtp_server? I just recently discovered the same problem (though not "the hard way", but by testing my SMTP server via I asked on the MX support list, and received prompt help: Matt Madison wrote... >Pick up ECO #9 from > > > >That update includes stronger anti-relay support. The accompanying >README file describes the logical names you need to define to enable the >additional checks. cu, Martin -- | Martin Vorlaender VMS & WNT programmer OpenVMS -- | work: Where do you want | to BE today? | home: ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 12:52:28 -0700 Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 15:52:43 EDT From: Brian Reed Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: ETRN support Is there any support coming for ETRN (holding the mail till a system requests it be sent)? If not, is there a way of doing this external to MX? Thanks. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 08:12:22 -0700 Message-ID: <> From: "Porter, Linda" Reply-To: To: "''" Subject: Nope, I can't determine from mail header why 2 mailings are sent Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 10:12:03 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Below, I have included two mail headers from a duplicate mailing. I log onto the VMS system as user lindaporter and send the mail message from there. Except for the time received in the top two tagged entries, (and the id numbers of the mailings), the headers are identical. This is a private list and only the owners can post to it, so there is no information on a bounced message from someone else. Sorry to bore you with these details, but I'm getting lots of mail from users who think they've subscribed twice! Thanks for the help!! -l ============= Linda Porter Code ES94 Data Systems Branch NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville AL 35812 (256)544-7588 (256)544-7128 (fax) FIRST MAIL HEADER: Received: from X500MSFC.MSFC.NASA.GOV ([]) by with SMTP (Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service Version 5.5.2232.9) id QZRQBTQT; Mon, 17 Aug 1998 14:15:18 -0500 Return-Path: Received: from by; Mon, 17 Aug 1998 14:15:56 -0500 X-ListName: Science at Marshall Headline List Warnings-To: <> Errors-To: Sender: Received: by (MX V4.2 AXP) id 65; Mon, 17 Aug 1998 14:15:39 CDT Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 14:15:38 CDT From: Linda Porter Reply-To: Linda Porter To: Message-ID: <> Subject: NASA Feature Science Story, August 17: How hot is the Crab? ============================================================================ ============ SECOND MAIL HEADER: Received: from X500MSFC.MSFC.NASA.GOV ([]) by with SMTP (Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service Version 5.5.2232.9) id QZRQB4NM; Tue, 18 Aug 1998 00:38:43 -0500 Return-Path: Received: from by; Tue, 18 Aug 1998 00:39:22 -0500 X-ListName: Science at Marshall Headline List Warnings-To: <> Errors-To: Sender: Received: by (MX V4.2 AXP) id 65; Mon, 17 Aug 1998 14:15:39 CDT Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 14:15:38 CDT From: Linda Porter Reply-To: Linda Porter To: Message-ID: <> Subject: NASA Feature Science Story, August 17: How hot is the Crab? ============= Linda Porter Code ES94 Data Systems Branch NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville AL 35812 (256)544-7588 (256)544-7128 (fax) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 08:22:36 -0700 Sender: madison@MadGoat.Com Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 08:22:30 -0700 From: Matt Madison Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009CB2C0.CCEDDCC6.12@MadGoat.Com> Subject: RE: ETRN support >Is there any support coming for ETRN (holding the mail >till a system requests it be sent)? If not, is there >a way of doing this external to MX? Unfortunately, there is no simple way to implement ETRN, or any per-host "wait until you get a signal that the host is up" type of functionality right now with MX. I've been thinking about it, and may have a solution. I'm not sure yet whether I can get it into V5.1, though. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 08:27:16 -0700 Sender: madison@MadGoat.Com Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 08:27:10 -0700 From: Matt Madison Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <009CB2C1.73628651.25@MadGoat.Com> Subject: RE: Nope, I can't determine from mail header why 2 mailings are sent >Below, I have included two mail headers from a duplicate mailing. I log >onto the VMS system as user lindaporter and send the mail message from >there. Except for the time received in the top two tagged entries, (and the >id numbers of the mailings), the headers are identical. This is a private >list and only the owners can post to it, so there is no information on a >bounced message from someone else. Sorry to bore you with these details, >but I'm getting lots of mail from users who think they've subscribed twice! >Thanks for the help!! From the headers, it looks like the message was sent twice to X500MSFC.MSFC.NASA.GOV; once on Monday afternoon, then again Monday night/Tuesday morning. What might have happened is that on the first attempt, the message got through, but due to some kind of problem (network connectivity, perhaps), the entire SMTP transaction did not complete and MX requeued the message to try again. Turning on debug logging in the MX SMTP agent, or looking at the receive log on X500MSFC (if it has one) might help you pinpoint the source of the problem. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 13:50:34 -0700 Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 22:19:51 MET-1MET DST From: "Michael Lemke, Sternwarte Bamberg, Phone: +49-951-9522216" Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: Q-encoded strings RFC experts out there: The company I am currently working for sends out e-mail addresses with Q-encoded personal names. The result looks something like "Lemke, Michael =?iso-8859-1?Q?=28KOU=29"?= This causes the UCX POP server to choke. Question: Does the above satisfy current RFCs? In other words, is UCX at fault or the sender? Or is MX (4.1) messing it up? If I do my own simple minded parsing I would think the string should look more like "Lemke, Michael =?iso-8859-1?Q?=28KOU=29?=" i.e., have the double quote at the end. But I haven't studied the RFCs (yet). I have talked to the developer of the company software but he isn't sure himself. Thanks for any insight you can give, Michael -- Michael Lemke Sternwarte Bamberg, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany ( or ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 14:04:34 -0700 Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 15:05:16 -1300 From: Jim Savoy Reply-To: To: MX-LIST@MADGOAT.COM CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: MX MLF error message Hello everyone, I recently installed MX 5.0 (OpenVMS cluster of alpha-based machines) and activated the anti-spam features. Since doing that, mailing list owners have been getting this error message: ******************************************************************* This message was relayed to a server which does not have the ability to return notifications about delivery. Host to which this message was relayed: ******************************************************************* whenever a list contains someone with their e-mail forwarded to (which is where the mailing list is installed). For instance, if there is a list called, and one of the subscribers is, but jones has his e-mail forwarded to, the list owner will get the above error message. I should point out that will indeed get the mail message from the list, It's just the list *owners* that are getting spooked. I'm not sure if I can suppress this message, and assume it was introduced when I activated the /NORELAY_ALLOWED qualifier of the SET SMTP command. I am not enough of a mail expert to troubleshoot the origin of this message. Any ideas? Thanks! - jim savoy - - university of lethbridge - - - ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 02:45:35 -0700 Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 10:44:27 BST From: Andy Harper Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Q-encoded strings >RFC experts out there: The company I am currently working for sends out >e-mail addresses with Q-encoded personal names. The result looks >something like > > "Lemke, Michael =?iso-8859-1?Q?=28KOU=29"?= > > >This causes the UCX POP server to choke. Question: Does the above >satisfy current RFCs? In other words, is UCX at fault or the sender? >Or is MX (4.1) messing it up? > >If I do my own simple minded parsing I would think the string should >look more like > > "Lemke, Michael =?iso-8859-1?Q?=28KOU=29?=" > >i.e., have the double quote at the end. But I haven't studied the RFCs >(yet). According to RFC 822, it seems that the above is not illegal. The only special characters (IE which MUST be used inside quotes - see section 3.3) are: ( ) < > @ , ; : \ " . [ ] Since this does not include = or ?, your address line looks to be valid although It's not clear whether a quoted string should be followed by a space (to separate "words"). I don;t think so but I can't see a definitive explanation of this. Regards, Andy Harper Kings College London ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 06:53:59 -0700 Sender: Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 13:56:18 GMT From: System Manager Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Q-encoded strings "Lemke, Michael =?iso-8859-1?Q?=28KOU=29"?= is definitely incorrect. it could be RFC822-correct with a white space before ?= but it would be meaningless. "Lemke, Michael =?iso-8859-1?Q?=28KOU=29?=" is correct for RFC822. _but_ as the quoted part is inside "", the reader will do nothing with it. according to RFC1522, a quoted part _replace_ a word in the phrase before the address. so, your address should be: "Lemke, Michael" =?iso-8859-1?Q?=28KOU=29?= or =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lemke, Michael =28KOU=29?= but the first is easier to read for someone without a RFC1522 compliant mail reader. Pierre. ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 07:29:31 -0700 Sender: madison@MadGoat.Com Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 07:29:24 -0700 From: "Veli \" K" Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <009CB382.8BEB8E2C.3@MadGoat.Com> Subject: RE: MX MLF error message > I recently installed MX 5.0 (OpenVMS cluster of alpha-based >machines) and activated the anti-spam features. Since doing that, >mailing list owners have been getting this error message: > >******************************************************************* >This message was relayed to a server which does not have >the ability to return notifications about delivery. >Host to which this message was relayed: >******************************************************************* > >whenever a list contains someone with their e-mail forwarded >to (which is where the mailing list is installed). From what host are they getting those messages? Could you send me a copy of one, with all the headers? MX is not sending you that message, and I'd like to track down who is. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 07:36:13 -0700 Sender: madison@MadGoat.Com Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 07:36:07 -0700 From: "Veli \" K" Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <009CB383.7C9E1E70.41@MadGoat.Com> Subject: RE: Q-encoded strings >RFC experts out there: The company I am currently working for sends out >e-mail addresses with Q-encoded personal names. The result looks >something like > > "Lemke, Michael =?iso-8859-1?Q?=28KOU=29"?= Definitely not right. RFC2047 specifically states: >> + An 'encoded-word' MUST NOT appear within a 'quoted-string'. Regardless of where that quotation mark appears -- inside or outside of the quoted string -- the encoding is incorrect. [...] >I have talked to the developer of the company software but he isn't sure >himself. The rules are pretty clearly spelled out in RFC2047. Have him check it out. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 07:49:53 -0700 Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 10:49:37 -0400 From: Scott McNeilly Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: INPROG indefinitely This entry has been in-progress for five days. No error messages. It just doesn't go anywhere. Any idea why? Or, more importantly, how to get it moving? The message came through MLF and is addressed to a frequently used mailing list. (There are 604 names on the list. Only the first is shown below.) MCP> queue show 24 /full Entry: 26, Origin: [Local] Status: IN-PROGRESS, size: 260324 bytes Created: 21-AUG-1998 14:30:02.83, expires 20-SEP-1998 14:30:02.83 Last modified 24-AUG-1998 23:28:06.70 SMTP entry #24, status: IN-PROGRESS, size: 260324 bytes Created: 21-AUG-1998 14:30:05.29, expires 20-SEP-1998 14:30:02.83 Last modified 24-AUG-1998 23:28:06.64 Recipient #1: , Route=BRIDGEW.EDU TIA. -------------------------------------------------------------- Scott Mc Neilly email: Assistant Director Phone: 508-697-1236 Information Services FAX: 508-697-1774 Bridgewater State College Bridgewater, MA 02325 --------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 07:51:36 -0700 Sender: madison@MadGoat.Com Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 07:51:31 -0700 From: Matt Madison Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <009CB385.A2F6287C.66@MadGoat.Com> Subject: RE: INPROG indefinitely >This entry has been in-progress for five days. No error messages. It just >doesn't go anywhere. Any idea why? Or, more importantly, how to get >it moving? The message came through MLF and is addressed to a frequently >used mailing list. (There are 604 names on the list. Only the first is shown >below.) Entries can get this way if there is a system or process failure in the middle of their delivery. To get it going again, use MCP> QUEUE READY 24 -Matt -- Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 08:47:45 -0700 Message-ID: <> From: "Porter, Linda" Reply-To: To: "''" Subject: MLF keeps terminating Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 10:47:36 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Ever since (at least) yesterday, MLF has been crashing after only a few seconds of run time. When I remove the queue entry to mail to the 5K user-long list; and restart, MLF runs in IDLE mode happily. Setting the debug option for MLF doesn't show anything weird, just a sudden stop (no nice "exit" command) after processing entry 4551 or 4552 on the mailing list (I tried this twice and looked at the log file) What have I done? (help!) Thanks, ============= Linda Porter Code ES94 Data Systems Branch NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville AL 35812 (256)544-7588 (256)544-7128 (fax) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 08:58:00 -0700 Message-ID: <> From: "Porter, Linda" Reply-To: To: "''" Subject: more info: MLF terminating Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 10:57:52 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain sorry, should have added I'm running MX 4.2 on OpenVMS alpha 7.1. -----Original Message----- From: Porter, Linda Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 1998 10:48 AM To: '' Subject: MLF keeps terminating Ever since (at least) yesterday, MLF has been crashing after only a few seconds of run time. When I remove the queue entry to mail to the 5K user-long list; and restart, MLF runs in IDLE mode happily. Setting the debug option for MLF doesn't show anything weird, just a sudden stop (no nice "exit" command) after processing entry 4551 or 4552 on the mailing list (I tried this twice and looked at the log file) What have I done? (help!) Thanks, ============= Linda Porter Code ES94 Data Systems Branch NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville AL 35812 (256)544-7588 (256)544-7128 (fax) ============= Linda Porter Code ES94 Data Systems Branch NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville AL 35812 (256)544-7588 (256)544-7128 (fax) ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 12:26:44 -0700 Message-ID: <> From: "Porter, Linda" Reply-To: To: "''" Subject: and yet more info on MLF terminating Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 14:26:06 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain I finally noticed there are two MLF log files, one registers MLF transactions, and the other registers the server stopping and starting. When MLF abrubtly exits, it exits with status (from the MX_MLF_SSLAB.LOG file): 25-AUG-1998 11:51:03.14: MX MLF (pid 0000024E) starting 25-AUG-1998 11:51:53.04: MX MLF (pid 0000024E) exiting, status = 1C278034 (It only ran 10 seconds; it was processing info for the 5000+ mailing list). When it fails, the debug MLF log file (MX_MLF_LOG.LOG) has processed just over 4500 entries (in my three tries, it failed on the 4540th, 4538th and 4534th entries, respectively.). The MLF processor can still automatically handle new entries and signoff users, but it can't handle this mailing list. Have I maybe hit a quota limit somewhere? (not on the drive, there's plenty of space there!) Thanks again, Linda ============= Linda Porter Code ES94 Data Systems Branch NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville AL 35812 (256)544-7588 (256)544-7128 (fax) -----Original Messages----- sorry, should have added I'm running MX 4.2 on OpenVMS alpha 7.1. From: Porter, Linda Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 1998 10:48 AM To: '' Subject: MLF keeps terminating Ever since (at least) yesterday, MLF has been crashing after only a few seconds of run time. When I remove the queue entry to mail to the 5K user-long list; and restart, MLF runs in IDLE mode happily. Setting the debug option for MLF doesn't show anything weird, just a sudden stop (no nice "exit" command) after processing entry 4551 or 4552 on the mailing list (I tried this twice and looked at the log file) What have I done? (help!) Thanks, -l ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 12:42:01 -0700 Sender: Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 14:41:51 -0500 From: Hunter Goatley Reply-To: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: and yet more info on MLF terminating "Porter, Linda" writes: > >25-AUG-1998 11:51:03.14: MX MLF (pid 0000024E) starting >25-AUG-1998 11:51:53.04: MX MLF (pid 0000024E) exiting, status = 1C278034 > Which is: $ set message mx_msg $ write sys$output f$message(%x1C278034) %MX-F-MEMALLOC, error allocating memory from zone !AS $ >When it fails, the debug MLF log file (MX_MLF_LOG.LOG) has processed just >over 4500 entries (in my three tries, it failed on the 4540th, 4538th and >4534th entries, respectively.). The MLF processor can still automatically >handle new entries and signoff users, but it can't handle this mailing list. > >Have I maybe hit a quota limit somewhere? (not on the drive, there's plenty >of space there!) > Yes, you have. You might try defining the following logical to see if it helps: $ define/system/exec mx_mlf_pgflquo xxxxx I think that's in V4.2. If not, edit MX_EXE:MX_START.COM and specify a large page file quota for MLF. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, Process Software, ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 05:27:47 -0700 Sender: Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 15:26:01 -1300 From: "Najman Kahana. Ext:77313" Reply-To: To: MX-LIST@MADGOAT.COM CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: help: host relay on MX 5 Hello I just upgraded our relay to MX and I am running into an "interesting" problem. Our domain MX address is "", which is routed to 3 cluster computers. Our MX router, which sits on the DMZ of a firewall (May all hackers have all the problems I have with the firewall !!), acts as the mail router. It knows our true internal addresses and computer names. Under MX 4 I had a PATH record: "*" smtp /route="" This would send all incoming mail to our cluster for re-routing and distribution. After upgrading, I see the folowing|: All mail to "" is sent correctly All mail to "" is qued to the SMTP server, where it's "routed" correctly, but then gets an error message that the host is unknown. If I change the route to a "real" computer, it is found and delivered. It almost seems as if there are 2 mechanisms at work, and that the path translator doesn't know how to handle DNS MX records. We are using multinet V 4.0-B Any suggestions gratefully accepted. Thank you Najman Kahana =================================== multinet nsloo HADASSAH.ORG.IL preference = 100, mail exchanger = Leo.HADASSAH.ORG.IL HADASSAH.ORG.IL preference = 50, mail exchanger = Virgo.HADASSAH.ORG.IL +--------+------------------+------------------------------+---------------+ ! NAJMAN KAHANA ! Hadassah University Hospital ! thanks, ! ! ! Jerusalem, Israel ! we have our ! ! ! (visit our capital soon) ! own viruses ! +--------+------------------+------------------------------+---------------+ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 06:41:29 -0700 Sender: madison@MadGoat.Com Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 06:41:22 -0700 From: Matt Madison Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <009CB445.0094A958.2@MadGoat.Com> Subject: RE: help: host relay on MX 5 [...] > Under MX 4 I had a PATH record: > "*" smtp /route="" > >This would send all incoming mail to our cluster for re-routing and >distribution. After upgrading, I see the folowing|: > All mail to "" is sent correctly > All mail to "" is qued to the SMTP server, where >it's "routed" correctly, but then gets an error message that the host is >unknown. >If I change the route to a "real" computer, it is found and delivered. > >It almost seems as if there are 2 mechanisms at work, and that the path >translator doesn't know how to handle DNS MX records. Right. If you specify /ROUTE= on a PATH definition, DNS MX record lookups are bypassed for the host name specified on that qualifier. That's the way it's designed to work -- so you can use an explicit route to override the "routing" that DNS MX records provide. -Matt -- Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 12:30:46 -0700 Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 21:30:12 MET-1MET DST From: "Michael Lemke, Sternwarte Bamberg, Phone: +49-951-9522216" Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: Q-encoded strings In a message of Tue, 25 Aug 1998 07:36:07 -0700 Received on Tue, 25 Aug 1998 16:49:54 MET-1MET DST Veli \ K wrote to: Message Exchange Discussion List >>RFC experts out there: The company I am currently working for sends out >>e-mail addresses with Q-encoded personal names. The result looks >>something like >> >> "Lemke, Michael =?iso-8859-1?Q?=28KOU=29"?= > >Definitely not right. RFC2047 specifically states: > Thanks everybody for the quick replies. Everyone seems to agree that the string is wrong. I'll let the developer know. Thanks again, Michael -- Michael Lemke Sternwarte Bamberg, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany ( or ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 22:53:39 -0700 Sender: Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 08:52:00 -1300 From: "Najman Kahana. Ext:77313" Reply-To: To: CC: Message-ID: <> Subject: RE: help: host relay on MX 5 >Subj: RE: help: host relay on MX 5 > ok, thanks. BUT, I still have to route incoming mail, and I prefer to do it to an MX record, since then I can have "fallback" computers by giving different ratings to the 3 cluster computers involved. Can I do it ? Thanks Najman >[...] >> Under MX 4 I had a PATH record: >> "*" smtp /route="" >> >>This would send all incoming mail to our cluster for re-routing and >>distribution. After upgrading, I see the folowing|: >> All mail to "" is sent correctly >> All mail to "" is qued to the SMTP server, where >>it's "routed" correctly, but then gets an error message that the host is >>unknown. >>If I change the route to a "real" computer, it is found and delivered. >> >>It almost seems as if there are 2 mechanisms at work, and that the path >>translator doesn't know how to handle DNS MX records. > >Right. If you specify /ROUTE= on a PATH definition, DNS MX record lookups >are bypassed for the host name specified on that qualifier. That's the >way it's designed to work -- so you can use an explicit route to override >the "routing" that DNS MX records provide. > >-Matt > >-- >Matthew Madison | MadGoat Software | PO Box 556, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 USA > > +--------+------------------+------------------------------+---------------+ ! NAJMAN KAHANA ! Hadassah University Hospital ! thanks, ! ! ! Jerusalem, Israel ! we have our ! ! ! (visit our capital soon) ! own viruses ! +--------+------------------+------------------------------+---------------+ ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 09:15:17 -0700 From: Clive McDowell Reply-To: Sender: C.McDowell@Queens-Belfast.AC.UK To: Subject: UCX POP (again) Message-ID: Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 17:13:29 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII We're trying to get UCX (version 4.1 ECO 9) POP working on VMS 7.1 with MX. We've tried installing the SMTP shareable images as advised in previous postings but we are now getting the same error message as we used to get if this wasn't done. Is this because of changes in UCX? If so, is there a solution? Regards, Clive McDowell Computing Services The Queen's University of Belfast ================================================================================ Archive-Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 05:44:16 -0700 Message-ID: <0d5601bdd281$6a23ff00$> From: "Brian Tillman" Reply-To: To: Subject: Re: UCX POP (again) Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 08:43:10 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Clive McDowell writes: >We're trying to get UCX (version 4.1 ECO 9) POP working on VMS 7.1 >with MX. Your best bet is to use IUPOP3 V2.0-5 (or the new -5beta) from It's the POP server that UCX's POP server is based on anyway, only it works much better. Brian Tillman Internet: tillman_brian at Smiths Industries, Inc. tillman at 4141 Eastern Ave., MS239 Addresses modified to prevent Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 SPAM. Replace "at" with "@" This opinion doesn't represent that of my company