AdapterId 0817h AdapterName "Relays - I/O BOARD" NumBytes 1 nameditem Prompt "Adapter I/O Location" Choice "Segment 1800" pos[1]=XXXXXXXXb io 1808h-187fh Choice "Segment 3F80" pos[1]=XXXXX001b io 3F80h-3f8fh Choice "Segment 5F80" pos[1]=XXXXX010b io 5f80h-5f8fh Choice "Segment 7F80" pos[1]=XXXXX011b io 7f80h-7f8fh Choice "Segment 9F80" pos[1]=XXXXX100b io 9f80h-9f8fh Choice "Segment BF80" pos[1]=XXXXX101b io 0bf80h-0bf8fh Choice "Segment DF80" pos[1]=XXXXX110b io 0df80h-0df8fh Choice "Segment FF80" pos[1]=XXXXX111b io 0ff80h-0ff8fh Help "To configure this adapter you must choose the IO location the adapter will use for the TPUART and the IO REGisters. Under normal circumstances, select ."