AdapterID 06061h AdapterName "3270 Local Communication Card" NumBytes 2 fixedresources pos[0]=1XXXXXXXb nameditem Prompt "Adapter Memory Location" Choice "Segment D000" pos[1]=1000XXXXb mem 0D0000h-0D1FFFh Choice "Segment D200" pos[1]=1001XXXXb mem 0D2000h-0D3FFFh Choice "Segment D400" pos[1]=1010XXXXb mem 0D4000h-0D5FFFh Choice "Segment D600" pos[1]=1011XXXXb mem 0D6000h-0D7FFFh Choice "Segment D800" pos[1]=1100XXXXb mem 0D8000h-0D9FFFh Choice "Segment DA00" pos[1]=1101XXXXb mem 0DA000h-0DBFFFh Choice "Segment DC00" pos[1]=1110XXXXb mem 0DC000h-0DDFFFh Choice "Segment DE00" pos[1]=1111XXXXb mem 0DE000h-0DFFFFh Choice "Segment C000" pos[1]=0000XXXXb mem 0C0000h-0C1FFFh Choice "Segment C200" pos[1]=0001XXXXb mem 0C2000h-0C3FFFh Choice "Segment C400" pos[1]=0010XXXXb mem 0C4000h-0C5FFFh Choice "Segment C600" pos[1]=0011XXXXb mem 0C6000h-0C7FFFh Choice "Segment C800" pos[1]=0100XXXXb mem 0C8000h-0C9FFFh Choice "Segment CA00" pos[1]=0101XXXXb mem 0CA000h-0CBFFFh Choice "Segment CC00" pos[1]=0110XXXXb mem 0CC000h-0CDFFFh Choice "Segment CE00" pos[1]=0111XXXXb mem 0CE000h-0CFFFFh Help "To configure this adapter you must choose the memory location the adapter will use for its screen buffers. There are sixteen memory locations that can be selected. We recommend using ." NamedItem Prompt "Adapter I/O Location" Choice "I/O Base 0220" pos[1]=XXXX00XXb io 0220h-0227h Choice "I/O Base 0228" pos[1]=XXXX01XXb io 0228h-022Fh Choice "I/O Base 0230" pos[1]=XXXX10XXb io 0230h-0237h Choice "I/O Base 0238" pos[1]=XXXX11XXb io 0238h-023Fh Help "To configure this adapter you must choose the I/O location the adapter will use for its control register. There are four I/O locations that can be selected. We recommend using ." NamedItem Prompt "Adapter Interrupt Request Setting" Choice "IRQ5" pos[1]=XXXXXX11b int 5 Choice "IRQ 3" pos[1]=XXXXXX10b int 3 Help "To configure this adapter you must choose the IRQ Setting the adapter will use for its Interrupt. There are three IRQ Settings that can be selected. We recommend using ."