AdapterId 06179h AdapterName "COMTROL HOSTESS 550/MC Eight Port Serial Adapter" Numbytes 2 NamedItem Prompt "Address Range" choice "IBM Emulation, 8 Serial Ports" pos[0]=10100XXXb pos[2]=XXXXXXXXb io 02F0h-02FFh 3220h-322Fh 4220h-422Fh 5220h-522Fh choice "IBM Emulation, 7 Serial Ports" pos[0]=10110XXXb pos[2]=XXXXXXXXb io 02F8h-02FFh 3220h-322Fh 4220h-422Fh 5220h-522Fh choice "Base 280h-2BFh" pos[0]=XXX11XXXb pos[2]=00010101b io 0280h-02BFh choice "Base 2C0h-2FFh" pos[0]=XXX11XXXb pos[2]=00010111b io 02C0h-02FFh choice "Base 300h-33Fh" pos[0]=XXX11XXXb pos[2]=00011001b io 0300h-033Fh choice "Base 500h-53Fh" pos[0]=XXX11XXXb pos[2]=00101001b io 0500h-053Fh choice "Base 540h-57Fh" pos[0]=XXX11XXXb pos[2]=00101011b io 0540h-057Fh choice "Base 580h-5BFh" pos[0]=XXX11XXXb pos[2]=00101101b io 0580h-05BFh choice "Base 640h-67Fh" pos[0]=XXX11XXXb pos[2]=00110011b io 0640h-067Fh choice "Base 680h-6BFh" pos[0]=XXX11XXXb pos[2]=00110101b io 0680h-06BFh choice "Base 700h-73Fh" pos[0]=XXX11XXXb pos[2]=00111001b io 0700h-073Fh Help "This table provides the more commonly used choices for the HOSTESS/MC adapter board. The 'IBM Emulation, 8 Serial Ports' selection selects the following base addresses for ports 1-8: 2F8h, 3220h, 3228h, 4220h, 4228h, 5220h, 5228h & 2F0h. The 'IBM Emulation, 7 Serial Ports' selection selects the following base addresses for ports 1-8: 2F8h, 3220h, 3228h, 4220h, 4228h, 5220h & 5228h. When using this selection, select Mask Enable OFF and Interrupt IRQ3 in the following sections. If the list does not include the selection for your application, you may contact the Comtrol Division of Control Systems at 1-800-333-1033 for additional information. The assignment need only be changed if it is in conflict with another assignment. Conflicting assignments are marked with an asterisk, and must be changed. Use the F5=Previous and the F6=Next keys to change assignments." NamedItem Prompt "Interrupt" choice "IRQ3" pos[0]=X01XXXXXb int 3 choice "IRQ4" pos[0]=X10XXXXXb int 4 choice "IRQ5" pos[0]=X11XXXXXb int 5 choice "IRQ9" pos[0]=X00XXXXXb int 9 Help "This table provides the choice of one of four interrupt levels. IRQ3 must be selected if the 'IBM Emulation, 8 Serial Ports' or 'IBM Emulation, 7 Serial Ports' selection is made." NamedItem Prompt "Mask Enable" choice "Off" pos[0]=1XXXXXXXb choice "On" pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb Help "This selection provides the same functions as the mask enable switch on the PC-bus HOSTESS board. OFF must be selected if the 'IBM Emulation, 8 Serial Ports' or 'IBM Emulation, 7 Serial Ports' selection is made or HOSTBUFFER DOS driver is used."