AdapterId 06226h AdapterName "Asante Technologies EtherPaC Ethernet Adapter" NumBytes 2 NamedItem Prompt "I/O Address" Choice "300H" pos[0]=XXXX100Xb io 0300h-031Fh Choice "320H" pos[0]=XXXX101Xb io 0320h-032Fh Choice "340H" pos[0]=XXXX110Xb io 0340h-034Fh Choice "360H" pos[0]=XXXX111Xb io 0360h-036Fh Choice "120H" pos[0]=XXXX001Xb io 0120h-012Fh Choice "140H" pos[0]=XXXX010Xb io 0140h-014Fh Choice "160H" pos[0]=XXXX011Xb io 0160h-016Fh Help "This adapter must utilize I/O space to operate. I/O selections 300H-360H provide compatibility with standard Novell NE2000 compatible network drivers. I/O selections 120H-160H provide additional compatibility for network drivers which support extended I/O ranges." NamedItem Prompt "Interrupt Selection" Choice "IRQ3" pos[1]=XXXXX010b int 3 Choice "IRQ4" pos[1]=XXXXX011b int 4 Choice "IRQ5" pos[1]=XXXXX100b int 5 Choice "IRQ7" pos[1]=XXXXX101b int 7 Choice "IRQ9" pos[1]=XXXXX001b int 9 Choice "IRQ10" pos[1]=XXXXX110b int 10 Choice "IRQ11" pos[1]=XXXXX111b int 11 Help "This adapter must have exclusive use of a hardware interrupt line. Interrupt selections IRQ3, IRQ4, IRQ5, and IRQ9 provide compatibility with standard NE2000 network drivers. Selections IRQ7, IRQ10, and IRQ11 provide additional capability for network drivers which support extended interrupt selection." NamedItem Prompt "Boot ROM Address" Choice "ROM Disabled" pos[0]=0000XXXXb Choice "Segment C800" pos[0]=0100XXXXb mem 0C8000h-0C9FFFh Choice "Segment CA00" pos[0]=0101XXXXb mem 0CA000h-0CBFFFh Choice "Segment CC00" pos[0]=0110XXXXb mem 0CC000h-0CDFFFh Choice "Segment CE00" pos[0]=0111XXXXb mem 0CE000h-0CFFFFh Choice "Segment D000" pos[0]=1000XXXXb mem 0D0000h-0D1FFFh Choice "Segment D200" pos[0]=1001XXXXb mem 0D2000h-0D3FFFh Choice "Segment D400" pos[0]=1010XXXXb mem 0D4000h-0D5FFFh Choice "Segment D600" pos[0]=1011XXXXb mem 0D6000h-0D7FFFh Choice "Segment D800" pos[0]=1100XXXXb mem 0D8000h-0D9FFFh Choice "Segment DA00" pos[0]=1101XXXXb mem 0DA000h-0DBFFFh Choice "Segment DC00" pos[0]=1110XXXXb mem 0DC000h-0DDFFFh Choice "Segment DE00" pos[0]=1111XXXXb mem 0DE000h-0DFFFFh Help "The Boot ROM address should be configured if using a Novell Remote Boot ROM or the CheckPoint Boot ROM." NamedItem Prompt "Boot ROM Size" Choice "64K " pos[1]=X100XXXXb Choice "32K " pos[1]=X110XXXXb Choice "16K " pos[1]=X111XXXXb Choice "8K - Novell" pos[1]=X011XXXXb Help "The Boot ROM size must be configured for the type of boot ROM utilized. The standard Novell Remote Reset ROM is 8K. See the CheckPoint manual for information on its size." NamedItem Prompt "Media Type" Choice "Twisted Pair / Thin Coax" pos[1]=XXXX1XXXb Choice "AUI" pos[1]=XXXX0XXXb Help "The LAN media connection type must be selected. The 'Twisted Pair / Thin Coax' selection enables the on-board transceiver. The 'AUI' selection disables the on-board transceiver and allows connection to an external transceiver via the AUI connector (15-pin 'D')."