AdapterId 067FFh AdapterName "Formwriter Adapter/Print Controller" NumBytes 1 NamedItem Prompt "Printer Port Assignment" choice "PRINTER 1" pos[0]=XXXX0X0Xb io 03BCH-03BFH 036CH-036FH choice "PRINTER 2" pos[0]=XXXX0X1Xb io 0378H-037FH 0368H-036BH Choice "PRINTER 3" pos[0]=XXXX1X0Xb io 0278H-027FH 0268H-026BH Choice "PRINTER 4" pos[0]=XXXX1X1Xb io 02BCH-02BFH 026CH-026FH Help "To configure this adapter you must choose the printer assignment for this adapter and for the printer port on the system board. The system will support up to three printers defined as LPT1, LPT2, and LPT3. In most cases, the Formwriter Adapter will be the only printer attached to the system unit. It should be configured as PRINTER 1 (LPT1) and the parallel port on the system unit configured as PRINTER 2 (LPT2)." NamedItem Prompt "Printer Interrupt Level" choice "Level 7" pos[0]=X1XXXXXXb int 7 5 choice "Level 5" pos[0]=X0XXXXXXb int 5 7 Help "This selects the interrupt level used by the adapter. Level 7 is the standard interrupt level for parallel printers."