; FILE: @7012.ADF Rev 1.2 ; Adapter Description File for the Ungermann-Bass NIUps and NIUps/TR ; For adapter cards with LO Byte PROM part nos. of 27693-01, 27694-01, ; 27705-01, 27706-01 and newer. ; update Date Name change ; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ; 3 032191 Uri SIF2 Support for MEM Seg. C0 and D0 ; 4 052291 AJC Added comments to alert older model adapter users ; not to use the C0,C4,D0,D4 windows. These windows are ; only supported with SIF revision 3 or later. AdapterID 07012h AdapterName "Net/One NIUps and NIUps/TR LAN Adapter - 26 May 1989" NumBytes 4 FixedResources Pos[2]=xx00xxxxb NamedItem Prompt "NIUps Enable/Disable" Choice "NIUps Enabled" Pos[0]=xxxxxxx1b Choice "NIUps Disabled" Pos[0]=xxxxxxx0b Help "This enables and disables the NIUps adapter. Under normal circumstances, select 'NIUps Enabled'." NamedItem Prompt "Shared RAM Address Range" Choice "C0000-C7FFF(32K) SEE HELP-F1" Pos[0]=x00xxxxxb Pos[1]=xxxx0000b Mem 0C0000h-0C7FFFh Choice "C8000-CFFFF(32K)" Pos[0]=x00xxxxxb Pos[1]=xxxx0010b Mem 0C8000h-0CFFFFh Choice "D0000-D7FFF(32K) SEE HELP-F1" Pos[0]=x00xxxxxb Pos[1]=xxxx0100b Mem 0D0000h-0D7FFFh Choice "D8000-DFFFF(32K)" Pos[0]=x00xxxxxb Pos[1]=xxxx0110b Mem 0D8000h-0DFFFFh Choice "C0000-C3FFF(16K) SEE HELP-F1" Pos[0]=x00xxxxxb Pos[1]=xxxx0000b Mem 0C0000h-0C3FFFh Choice "C4000-C7FFF(16K) SEE HELP-F1" Pos[0]=x00xxxxxb Pos[1]=xxxx0001b Mem 0C4000h-0C7FFFh Choice "C8000-CBFFF(16K)" Pos[0]=x10xxxxxb Pos[1]=xxxx0010b Mem 0C8000h-0CBFFFh Choice "CC000-CFFFF(16K)" Pos[0]=x10xxxxxb Pos[1]=xxxx0011b Mem 0CC000h-0CFFFFh Choice "D0000-D3FFF(16K) SEE HELP-F1" Pos[0]=x00xxxxxb Pos[1]=xxxx0100b Mem 0D0000h-0D3FFFh Choice "D4000-D7FFF(16K) SEE HELP-F1" Pos[0]=x00xxxxxb Pos[1]=xxxx0101b Mem 0D4000h-0D7FFFh Choice "D8000-DBFFF(16K)" Pos[0]=x10xxxxxb Pos[1]=xxxx0110b Mem 0D8000h-0DBFFFh Choice "DC000-DFFFF(16K)" Pos[0]=x10xxxxxb Pos[1]=xxxx0111b Mem 0DC000h-0DFFFFh Help "Older models of the NIUps are restricted to memory windows beginning with address C8 or D8. If you use C0, C4, D0 or D4 you must have the Enhanced NIUps/EOTP adapter. The Enhanced NIUps/EOTP adapter has two media connectors (RJ-45 for EOTP, and DB-15 for AUI) while older model adapters have just one. Standard Net/One software requires selection of one of the 32K choices. Recommended choice is C8000-CFFFF(32K)" NamedItem Prompt "I/O Port Address Range" Choice "I/O ports 350-357" Pos[3]=xxxx0000b IO 350h-357h Choice "I/O ports 358-35F" Pos[3]=xxxx0010b IO 358h-35Fh Choice "I/O ports 360-367" Pos[3]=xxxx0100b IO 360h-367h Choice "I/O ports 368-36F" Pos[3]=xxxx0110b IO 368h-36Fh Help "Choose the I/O address range the NIUps adapter will use for its eight I/O ports. There are four ranges that can be selected. Under normal circumstances use I/O ports 360-367 " NamedItem Prompt "Interrupt Level" Choice "IRQ3" Pos[0]=0xxxxxxxb INT 3 Choice "IRQ12" Pos[0]=1xxxxxxxb INT 12 Help "This selects the interrupt level the NIUps will use. Under normal circumstances use IRQ3" NamedItem Prompt "IPL Mode" Choice "Local IPL (via LOADNIU)" Pos[0]=xxx00xxxb Choice "Optional Remote IPL with query" Pos[0]=xxx01xxxb Pos[3]=xx00xxxxb Choice "Automatic Remote IPL: no query" Pos[0]=xxx01xxxb Pos[3]=xx01xxxxb Help "Select whether the NIUps should boot (IPL) locally via the 'LOADNIU' program, or remotely via a boot request on the network to be serviced by a Net/One Boot Server. If Remote IPL is chosen then select either IPL with query (where the user may ch oose Local or Remote IPL at boot time), or Automatic IPL with no query (where Remote IPL occurs without user intervention). Under normal circumstances, 'Local IPL (via LOADNIU)' is suggested." NamedItem Prompt "Remote IPL Memory Address Range" Choice "N/A (Local IPL)" Pos[0]=xxx00xxxb Choice "C0000-C1FFF" Pos[1]=x000xxxxb Mem 0C0000h-0C1FFFh Choice "C4000-C5FFF" Pos[1]=x001xxxxb Mem 0C4000h-0C5FFFh Choice "C8000-C9FFF" Pos[1]=x010xxxxb Mem 0C8000h-0C9FFFh Choice "CC000-CDFFF" Pos[1]=x011xxxxb Mem 0CC000h-0CDFFFh Choice "D0000-D1FFF" Pos[1]=x100xxxxb Mem 0D0000h-0D1FFFh Choice "D4000-D5FFF" Pos[1]=x101xxxxb Mem 0D4000h-0D5FFFh Choice "D8000-D9FFF" Pos[1]=x110xxxxb Mem 0D8000h-0D9FFFh Choice "DC000-DDFFF" Pos[1]=x111xxxxb Mem 0DC000h-0DDFFFh Help "If Remote IPL was chosen, then also choose the range of memory addresses the NIUps will use for its 8K Remote IPL window. If Local IPL was chosen then select 'N/A (Local IPL)'. For Remote IPL, 'CC000-CDFFF' is suggested. If 3270 Emulation is selected with Remote IPL then the IPL window will be fixed at CC000-CDFFF, with the 3270 window at CE000-CFFFF." NamedItem Prompt "3270 Emulation" Choice "Disabled" Pos[0]=xxxxx0xxb Choice "Enabled" Pos[0]=xxxxx1xxb ; Pos[1]=x011xxxxb ; Mem 0CE000h-0CFFFFh ; IO 2D0h-2DFh ; INT 9 Help "This controls whether or not NIUps 3270 Emulation is enabled. If 3270 Emulation is not desired then choose 'Disabled'. If 3270 Emulation is desired, then choose 'Enabled'. If 3270 Emulation is selected the 8k 3270 window will be at CE000-CFFFF and the 3270 I/O ports will be 2D0h-2DFh. Also, if 3270 Emulation is selected with Remote IPL the IPL window will be fixed at CC000-CDFFF, with the 3270 window at CE000-CFFFF. Under normal circumstances (with no 3270 Emulation), select 'Disabled'." NamedItem Prompt "IRMA Emulation" Choice "Disabled" Pos[0]=xxxxxx0xb Choice "Enabled: I/O ports 220-22F" Pos[0]=xxxxxx1xb Pos[2]=xxxx1000b IO 220h-22Fh Help "This controls whether or not NIUps IRMA Emulation is enabled. If IRMA Emulation is not desired then choose 'Disabled'. If IRMA Emulation is desired, then choose 'Enabled' (the IRMA I/O ports will be 220h-22Fh). Under normal circumstances (with no IRMA Emulation), select 'Disabled'."