; Trantor PS/2 SCSI Host Adapter ; Adapter Descriptor File (ADF) ; Copyright (C) 1988-89, Trantor Systems, Ltd. ; We have an assigned id of 75ffh. adapterid 75ffh adaptername "Trantor PS/2 SCSI Host Adapter" ; We use four POS registers numbytes 4 ; Bit 5 of pos 104h places the 82c612 in synchronous ; or asynchrounous ready mode. We use the async. mode ; (bit 5 = 0). fixedresources pos [3] = xx0xxxxxb ; We provide direct card enable/disable control at the ; ADF level. ; ;nameditem ;prompt "Card Enable/Disable" ;choice "Enable card" pos [0] = xxxxxxx1b ;choice "Disable card" pos [0] = xxxxxxx0b ;help ;"Under normal conditions the Trantor PS/2 SCSI Host ;Adapter will always be enabled. However, if there is ;a conflict with another card in the computer which cannot ;be resolved it may be necessary to disable the Trantor ;adapter. Use the F5 and F6 keys to select the desired ;choice." ; The board supports four I/O address ranges. 328h is ; the default baseport. nameditem prompt "I/O Port" choice "328h - 32bh" pos [1] = 10xxxxxxb io 328h-32bh choice "32ch - 32fh" pos [1] = 11xxxxxxb io 32ch-32fh choice "320h - 323h" pos [1] = 00xxxxxxb io 320h-323h choice "324h - 327h" pos [1] = 01xxxxxxb io 324h-327h help "The Trantor PS/2 SCSI Host Adapter uses four consecutive port addresses. The port addresses used by the card must not be used by any other cards in the computer. Use the F5 and F6 keys to select the desired port range." ; We support DMA channels 1 and 3 in software. These ; channels imply arbitration levels 1 and 3, respectively. ; Channel 1 is the default. nameditem prompt "DMA Channel" choice "Channel 1" pos [3] = xxx00001b arb 1 choice "Channel 3" pos [3] = xxx00011b arb 3 help "The Trantor PS/2 SCSI Host Adapter may use the Direct Memory Access (DMA) capability of the computer in order to enhance operation. The DMA channel assigned to this adapter may not be used by any other adapter in the system. Use the F5 and F6 keys to select the desired DMA channel." ; The 8k ROM may begin at any of of four addresses in ; the low 1 Mb of memory. Alternately, the ROM may be ; disabled entirely. Address c8000 is default. nameditem prompt "ROM Address" choice "ROM Disabled" pos [1] = xx000111b choice "c8000h - c9fffh" pos [1] = xx100100b mem 0c8000h-0c9fffh choice "ca000h - cbfffh" pos [1] = xx101101b mem 0ca000h-0cbfffh choice "cc000h - cdfffh" pos [1] = xx110110b mem 0cc000h-0cdfffh choice "ce000h - cffffh" pos [1] = xx111111b mem 0ce000h-0cffffh help "A Read Only Memory (ROM) is an option on the Trantor PS/2 SCSI Host Adapter. If you have this option you must select the 8k range of memory which will be used by the ROM. You may also disable the ROM with this selection. Use the F5 and F6 keys to select the setting." ; Parity checking on the SCSI bus may be enabled or disabled. nameditem prompt "Parity Enable/Disable" choice "Parity Disabled" pos [2] = 0xxxxxxxb choice "Parity Enabled" pos [2] = 1xxxxxxxb help "Some older SCSI peripherals do not support parity. When using these peripherals with the Trantor SCSI Adapter it is necessary to disable parity checking. Use the F5 and F6 keys to enable/disable parity checking." ; The card may use interrupt channels 5, 7, 9, 12, 14 ; and 15. Normally we do not use interrupts under DOS. nameditem prompt "Interrupt Channel" choice "None" pos [2] = xx000000b choice "IRQ 5" pos [2] = xx000001b int 5 choice "IRQ 7" pos [2] = xx000010b int 7 choice "IRQ 9" pos [2] = xx000100b int 9 choice "IRQ 12" pos [2] = xx001000b int 12 choice "IRQ 14" pos [2] = xx010000b int 14 choice "IRQ 15" pos [2] = xx100000b int 15 help "The Trantor PS/2 SCSI Host Adapter supports interrupts. Channels 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, and 15 are allowed. Normally, however, the software does not make use of the interrupt capability so interrupts are left disabled. Use the F5 and F6 keys to select an interrupt channel option."